
Work as an English teacher in countryside schools As a tool of communication, English is spoken by many people. However, the students from poor areas often don’t have enough money to learn English. Your role as a volunteer teacher means a lot to them. Welcome to join us. Skills No teaching experience is required. Of course, you need to speak English well. To communicate with the children better, we expect volunteers can speak a little local language. Requirements Volunteers are required to have patience, loving hearts and interest for teaching English. During teaching, volunteers are expected to wear proper clothes. Remember no shorts. Tasks Volunteers will teach students from Grade One to Grade Three. Classes are held from Monday to Friday, 8: 00 a.m. to 11: 00 a.m. each day. Working Place This project lies in Zhengzhou, Henan. Volunteers will find themselves in a city that offers great natural views. Time: One to eight weeks Meal: Local meals, three times a day Place: Host family or hotels If you are willing to come, please call Mrs. Johnson at 0371-64236765 , or send an email to xiaolihelp@.
1. Which language are volunteers expected to speak besides English
A. German. B. French. C. Russian. D. Local language.
2. What are the volunteers not allowed to wear during teaching
A. Shorts. B. Skirts. C. T-shorts. D. Glasses.
3. How many hours does the volunteer work each week
A. 8. B. 10. C. 15. D. 21.
4. What kind of people should volunteers be
a. funny b. patient c. brave d. clever e. caring
A. a, b B. b, c C. c, d D. b, e
5. Where is the text most probably from
A. A wanted ad. B. A travel Guide. C. A science report. D. A health magazine.
【答案】1 D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
细节理解题。根据“To communicate with the children better, we expect volunteers can speak a little local language.”可知,教师需要会一些本地话,方便和学生交流。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“During teaching, volunteers are expected to wear proper clothes. Remember no shorts.”可知,教师授课时着装要恰当,不能穿短裤。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Classes are held from Monday to Friday, 8: 00 a.m. to 11: 00 a.m. each day.”可知,课程在周一到周五的早八点到十一点,每天三小时,共十五小时。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Volunteers are required to have patience, loving hearts and interest for teaching English.”可知,教师要有耐心,且要关心学生。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“Work as an English teacher in countryside schools”可知,本文是一篇教师志愿者招聘广告。故选A。
A man made his living by collecting coconuts (椰子) in the countryside. One day, he went to a small village that he had never been before. Towards the end of the day, his wagon (马车) was filled with coconuts. He decided to head home because it was getting dark.
He saw an old man along the roadside and stopped to ask for the way to his home. “Could you please tell me how long it will take to get to Carson from this village ” The old man said, “If you go slowly, it will take only a short while for you to get home. But if you go quickly, it will take a long time.” The man didn’t believe the old man’s suggestion was friendly. He gave the man an angry look and hit his horse to make it hurry. The horse began to run quickly. But soon, coconuts began to fall from the wagon. Each time, the man got off to collect the fallen coconuts and put them back into his wagon.
The faster he went, the more coconuts fell from his wagon, and the more time he had to take to pick them up.
So he went home very late at last. However, if he had travelled slowly, maybe none of the coconuts would have fallen , and the man would have arrived home much earlier. And so, as the old man said, go slowly and it will take only a short while.
6. The man stopped to ask the old man for ________.
A. some water B. some coconuts C. the directions D. helpful advice
7. Which of the following best describes the old man
A. Wise. B. Brave. C. Crazy. D. Unfriendly.
8. Why was the man angry
A. He had lost many coconuts.
B. The horse was going too slowly.
C. He thought the old man gave him a wrong direction.
D. He thought the old man’s suggestion was unhelpful.
9. What caused the man to go home late at last
A. He walked the wrong road.
B. The horse was too tired to walk.
C. The wagon was too heavy for the horse to carry.
D. He spent so much time picking up the fallen coconuts.
10. What’s the best title for the text
A. The Faster, the Better B. How to Collect Coconuts
C. Hurry Slows You Down D. How to Listen Carefully
【答案】6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C
细节理解题。根据“He saw an old man along the roadside and stopped to ask for the way to his home.”可知他是找老人问路的。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“If you go slowly, it will take only a short while for you to get home. But if you go quickly, it will take a long time.”以及“And so, as the old man said, go slowly and it will take only a short while.”可知老人是明智的。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“The man didn’t believe the old man’s suggestion was friendly. He gave the man an angry look…”可知年轻人很生气,是因为他不相信老人的建议是有帮助的。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“The faster he went, the more coconuts fell from his wagon, and the more time he had to take to pick them up.”可知是因为他花了很多时间去捡掉在地上的椰子。故选D。
What colors will you choose to paint your house How are your thoughts influenced by the colors you see What’s the relationship between our thoughts and colors Recently, the scientists did A study. It has found the secret behind our thoughts and colors.
Colors are often divided into “warm ”(reds and oranges)and “cool ”(blues and greens ). From the study, the scientists found that when the walls in the room are painted in warm colors, we actually feel that the temperature there is higher. However, when they are painted in cool colors, we feel the temperature there is lower. This makes warm colors a good choice for rooms in a cool climate. Cool colors are a good choice in rooms that are warm.
Putting a light color on the wall makes that wall seem a little further away than it actually is. While darker colors on walls makes them seem even closer than their true positions. So you can use colors to “change” the shapes of rooms.
The study has also showed the special “powers” of colors. First, the color green has something to do with creative thinking. So greens are a good choice for home offices, art rooms, and so on. Therefore we always see green color in offices. Next, they found that people in front of red backgrounds are more attractive. So reds are great for bedroom wall. What’s more, using yellow in a house can be wrong. But yellow may be accepted in kitchens because warm colors can help encourage people to eat more.
All in all, colors do have influences on our thoughts. And maybe we can find more in the future.
11. In paragraph 1 the writer raises three questions to ________.
A. bring up the subject for discussion B. introduce some colors to readers
C. know about readers’ favorite color D. help readers choose the right color
12. What kind of room is a good choice for people in a hot climate
A. A red room. B. A blue room. C. An orange room. D. a pink room.
13. The underlined word them in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. colors B. walls C. rooms D. scientists
14. Which of the following is true according to the passage
A. The color green is a good choice in kitchens.
B. People had better use the color red in offices.
C. People using the color blue are more creative.
D. People can use colors to “change” the shapes of rooms.
15. Which of the following is the structure of the text
A. B. C. D.
【答案】11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C
细节理解题。根据“Cool colors are a good choice in rooms that are warm.”可知在温暖的气候下,冷色调是更好的选择,再根据“…cool(blues and greens)”可知蓝色是冷色调,故选B。
词义猜测题。根据“While darker colors on walls makes them seem even closer than their true positions.”可知深色使墙壁看起来比真实位置更近,所以“them”是指代前面的“walls”。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“So you can use colors to ‘change’ the shapes of rooms.”可知大家可以用颜色来“改变”房间的形状。故选D。
In the southeast of the Tengger Desert in Ningxia, there is a new library. ___16___ It opened on June 8th this year in the Shapotou desert tourist area in Zhongwei City. The chocolate-colored building looks like a box with half of it in the desert. It brings knowledge to book lovers, tourists and architects (建筑师) .
___17___ According to Liu Huiling, a manager in the library, the name “Lost Treasure Box” was taken as the library lies at a place where many important historical events took place. “With rich ‘memories (回忆)’, it has a lot to be discovered and told,” Liu said.
___18___ People can enjoy reading them. The library is part of a desert culture and tourism project, which is supported by the local government. Lying between the Tengger Desert and the Yellow River, Zhongwei City has been making great efforts in recent years to develop its culture. “This is the first modern library ever built in the desert in China. It started serving the public 24 hours a day. ___19___ ” said Liu.
The library also shows the harmony (和谐) between the desert and human activities after years of anti-desertification (抗沙漠化) efforts.
Yang Fang is a visitor from Fujian Province. ___20___ “With stars overhead at night, my daughter can enjoy sounds of the wind in the desert while reading,” she said.
A. Because of it, the library has won lots of praise.
B. She brought her 8-year-old daughter to the library.
C. The library is also called “Lost Treasure Box” on a beach.
D. The three-storey (楼层) library has caught many people’s eye.
E. There is a collection of about 40, 000 books, newspapers and magazines in the library.
【答案】16. C 17. D 18. E 19. A 20. B
根据“In the southeast of the Tengger Desert in Ningxia, there is a new library.”可知,空格处应该介绍它的名字,选项C“这个图书馆在沙漠中,叫做‘丢失的宝箱’。”符合语境,故选 C。
根据“According to Liu Huiling, a manager in the library, the name ‘Lost Treasure Box’ was taken as the library lies at a place where many important historical events took place. ‘With rich ‘memories (回忆), it has a lot to be discovered and told,’ Liu said.”可知,这个图书馆有很多值得发掘和讲述的东西,空格处应该表示这个图书馆很特别,很吸引人,选项D“这座三层楼的图书馆吸引了许多人的眼球。”符合语境,故选D。
根据“People can enjoy reading them.”可知,空格处应该介绍了图书馆的收藏,选项E“图书馆收藏了大约40000本书、报纸和杂志。”符合语境,故选 E。
根据“It started serving the public 24 hours a day.”可知,空格处应该说明人们对这个图书馆24小时营业的看法,选项A“因此,图书馆赢得了许多赞誉。”符合语境,故选A。
根据“Yang Fang is a visitor from Fujian Province.”和“‘With stars overhead at night, my daughter can enjoy sounds of the wind in the desert while reading,’ she said.”可知,空格处应该表示杨芳带女儿来这个图书馆看书,选项B“她把8岁的女儿带到了图书馆。”符合语境,故选B。
先通读短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
In Keisha’s eyes, Alice was perfect. Alice had everything that she didn’t. Alice changed her hairstyle every day and always wore beautiful clothes. But Keisha never changed her short hair and ___21___ wore some old clothes from her sister. Alice had new glittery (华丽的) notebooksKeisha’s notebooks were ___22___ black and white. Keisha complained (抱怨) to her mother. “You don’t need glitter to make you smart,” her mom said. Keisha thought Alice’s mother treated her ___23___ a grown-up. Alice had a house key and she always opened the door ___24___. But when Keisha came home, she had to ring for her mother to ___25___ the door. And every time, her mom gave her a big hug (拥抱). “That’s for babies,” Keisha always thought, running away quicklyOne Tuesday at school, Keisha got her usual A for the ___26___ test. Alice turned around and said, “I think you’re the ___27___ girl in our class.”
“Thank you,” answered Keisha, surprised by the ___28___“I’m not so good at math,” Alice said. “I’ve been afraid to ask, ___29___...can you help me ”
“Sure,” Keisha saidAfter lunch, Keisha and Alice worked on math problems together. Alice discovered that Keisha was not just ____30____ at math, but also got good marks on every spelling test“How do you do that ” Alice wondered“I work with my mom,” Keisha ____31____. “I study the words by myself first, then my mom tests me...till I remember every one.”
“Oh,” said Alice, “my mom works late and doesn’t really have ____32____ to help me. Can we do it together ”
“Sure,” Keisha nodded. “That would be fun.”
On her way home that day, Keisha thought of all the ways her mom had ____33____ her. When she got home, Mom met Keisha at the door and gave her the ____34____ hug. This time, Keisha didn’t ____35____. She smiled.
21A. already B. hardly C. always D. even
22A. surprising B. boring C. amazing D. difficult
23A. to B. for C. with D. like
24A. herself B. itself C. himself D. myself
25A. clean B. open C. push D. lock
26A. writing B. spelling C. math D. science
27A. smartest B. happiest C. most beautiful D. most popular
28A. feeling B. question C. result D. praise
29A. so B. but C. or D. if
30A. good B. helpful C. careful D. relaxed
31A. guessed B. suggested C. imagined D. explained
32A. space B. luck C. time D. money
33A. missed B. helped C. supported D. believed
34A. different B. funny C. crazy D. usual
35A. run away B. fall over C. wake up D. start out
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. A
already已经;hardly几乎不;always总是;even甚至。结合选项和“But Keisha never changed her short hair and...wore some old clothes from her sister.”可知,空格处应填always,表示她总是穿姐姐的旧衣服,故选C。
surprising惊讶的;boring无趣的;amazing令人大为惊奇的;difficult困难的。根据下文“Keisha complained (抱怨) to her mother.”可知,Keisha向妈妈抱怨她的笔记本,所以此处表示她认为黑色和白色的笔记本很无趣,boring符合语境,故选B。
to到;for为了;with和;like像。结合选项和“Keisha thought Alice’s mother treated her...a grown-up.”可知,空格处应填like,表示Alice的妈妈像对待成年人一样对待她,故选D。
herself她自己;itself它自己;himself他自己;myself我自己。结合选项和“Alice had a house key and she always opened the door”可知,空格处应选herself,指代Alice本身,故选A。
clean打扫;open打开;push推;lock锁。结合选项和“But when Keisha came home, she had to ring for her mother to...the door.”可知,此处表示Keisha没有家里的钥匙,她必须让妈妈给她开门,因此open符合语境,故选B。
writing写作;spelling拼写;math数学;science科学。根据下文“I’m not so good at math”可知,此处指数学考试,故选C。
smartest最聪明的;happiest最幸福的;most beautiful最漂亮的;most popular最受欢迎的。根据上文“Keisha got her usual A for the...test.”可知,由于Keisha考试总是得A,所以Alice觉得她是班上最聪明的女孩,smartest符合语境,故选A。
feeling感觉;question问题;result结果;praise称赞。根据上文“I think you’re the...girl in our class.”可知,Alice称赞Keisha是最聪明的女孩,她对此感到惊讶,所以praise符合语境,故选D。
so因此;but但是;or或;if如果。结合选项和“I’ve been afraid to ask...can you help me ”可知,Alice一直不敢向Keisha求助,但是她还是开了口,所以空格处应填but,表示转折,故选B。
good好的;helpful有帮助的;careful仔细的;relaxed放松的。结合选项和“Keisha was not just...at math”可知,本题考查短语be good at“擅长”,故选A。
guessed猜测;suggested建议;imagined想象;explained解释。结合选项和“I study the words by myself first, then my mom tests me...till I remember every one.”可知,Keisha在向Alice解释她学习好的原因,explained符合语境,故选D。
space空间;luck幸运;time时间;money金钱。根据“my mom works late”可知,此处表示没时间帮助Alice学习,故选C。
missed想念;helped帮助;supported支持;believed相信。根据上文“my mom works late and doesn’t really have...to help me.”可知,Alice表示她妈妈没时间帮助她,所以这让Keisha想起了她的妈妈帮助她的方式,helped符合语境,故选B。
different不同的;funny有趣的;crazy疯狂的;usual往常的。结合选项和上文“every time, her mom gave her a big hug (拥抱)”可知,Keisha每天回来妈妈都会给她一个拥抱,所以空格处填usual,表示妈妈给了她一个和往常一样的拥抱,故选D。
run away跑开;fall over跌倒;wake up醒来;start out从……开始。根据上文“Keisha always thought, running away quickly.”可知,之前妈妈拥抱Keisha,她会跑开,此处表示这次Keisha没有跑开,故选A。
although, interest, I, real, one, possible, communicate, throughout, require, picture
I started learning French when I was 10 years old. But my whole experience with the language was in the classroom. All of that changed however, during ___36___ last summer of high school. As a 17-year-old girl, I flew to Quebec, a province of Canada by myself for the ___37___ time! I would learn French at a local schoolOn the first day of school, all of us students were given a test to determine (测定) our language level. We were ___38___ to speak only French all summer. I made every effort to ___39___ in a second language by making new friends, seeing movies and even ordering food from restaurants in French. ___40___ I couldn’t understand most of it at the very beginning, the whole experience was exciting and refreshing (令人耳目一新的)On weekends, my classmates and I took trips to different places ___41___ the province. On one trip, we went whale watching on the St.Lawrence River. Even though it was raining, we could see huge whales swimming around our boat. The most ___42___ part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City. I walked along the stone streets, took ___43___ of the European-style buildings, and learned some stories thereNothing is ___44___ as long as you work hard. Finally, at the end of the summer, I was able to speak French pretty well. Being fully immersed (沉浸) in a French-speaking environment was ____45____ a valuable learning experience. And it could be the main reason for my improvement in French.
【答案】36. my 37. first
38. required
40. Although
41. throughout
42. interesting
43. pictures
44. impossible
45. really
句意:然而,在我高中的最后一个夏天,这一切都改变了。根据“last summer of high school”可知这里指我的最后一个夏天,备选单词I“我”符合题意,名词前用形容词性物主代词。故填my。
句意:作为一个17岁的女孩,我第一次独自飞往加拿大的Quebec。one“一”符合题意,for the first time“第一次”,这里用序数词表示顺序。故填first。
句意:我们被要求一整个暑假都说法语。根据“We were...to speak only French allsummer.”可知这里we“我们”作主语,是被要求, require”要求”,be动词后跟动词的过去分词。故填required。
句意:我尽一切努力通过交新朋友、看电影、甚至在餐馆用法语点餐来用第二语言交流。根据“ I made every effort to...in a second language”可知这里作者想尽办法用法语沟通及交流。communicate“交流”符合题意,made every effort to do sth.“尽一切努力做某事”后跟动词原形。故填communicate。
句意:虽然一开始我大部分都听不懂,但整个经历令人兴奋和耳目一新。根据“the whole experience was exciting and refreshing”可知这里表示转折,although“虽然”符合题意,引导让步状语从句,首字母需大写。故填Although。
句意:周末,我和同学去全省各地旅行。根据“On one trip, we went whale watching on the St.Lawrence River.”可知作者周末去旅行,这里用throughout“遍布”表示去全省各地旅行,符合题意。故填throughout。
句意:我们旅行中最有趣的部分是参观历史悠久的Quebec。根据“The most...part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City.”可知这里作者描述去Quebec这个城市的旅行是最有趣的,用形容词修饰名词,interesting“有趣的”符合题意。故填interesting。
句意:我沿着石头街道走着,拍下了欧式建筑的照片,并在那里了解了一些故事。take pictures“拍照”,这里指我拍下了欧式建筑的照片,picture“照片”是可数名词这里用名词复数形式。故填pictures。
句意:只要你努力,没有什么是不可能的。根据“Nothingis...as long as you work hard.”可知这里作者表示只要努力,一切皆有可能,impossible“不可能的”符合题意,is后跟形容词作表语。故填impossible。
句意:完全沉浸在一个讲法语的环境中确实是一次宝贵的学习经历。根据“Being fully immersed (沉浸) in a French-speaking environment was...a valuable learning experience.”可知这里作者回顾自己完全讲法语的环境是真的很宝贵。这里用real“真的”,用副词修饰实义动词。故填really。
A: The Dragon Boat Festival is coming! We will have three days off.
B: Wonderful! ____51____
A: Yes, I plan to invite you and Nancy to a two-day trip.
B: I’m OK with the plan, but I don’t think Nancy can go with us.
A: ____52____
B: Because she’s been working as a volunteer. She must be busier during the holiday.
A: Really ____53____
B: She gives people a nucleic acid test (核酸检测).
A: I see. How long does she work a day
B: ____54____ From 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 8 p. m..
A: It seems the job is not easy.
B: You’re right. It’s even harder in the heat of summer. But Nancy thinks it is meaningful.
A: ____55____! We should learn from her.
【答案】51. Do you have any plans
52. Why do you say so/Why can’t she go with us
53. What kind of volunteer work does she do
54. For seven hours
55. What a good job she does/How great she is
根据“Yes, I plan to invite you and Nancy to a two-day trip.”可知此处询问对方有没有计划。故填Do you have any plans。
根据“Because she’s been working as a volunteer.”可知此处询问原因,询问她为什么不能去。故填Why do you say so/Why can’t she go with us。
根据“She gives people a nucleic acid test”可知此处询问她做什么志愿者工作。故填What kind of volunteer work does she do。
根据“From 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 8 p. m..”可知从上午8点到上午11点,下午4点到晚上8点,共7个小时。故填For seven hours。
根据“We should learn from her.”可知此处是夸赞Nancy。故填What a good job she does/How great she is。
五 、书面表达(20分)
56. 初中正是人生中最重要的阶段,是面临着学习与成长双重发展的最佳时期。因此初中生的成长就像一次长途旅行,在其过程中有收获,也有困惑。你们学校校园英语栏目正在以“Growing up”为主题进行征文,请你根据以下要点和要求,用英语写下你成长过程中的趣事及其感受,参加该征文活动。
Growing up
Growing up is like a long journey and I’ve experienced different facts.
【答案】One possible version:
Growing up
Growing up is like a long journey and I’ve experienced different facts.
Learning about the world is part of growing up. I learn through books about people in different times and places. At home, my parents teach me how to be a kind person. Besides, I’ve learnt how to get along with classmates and teachers at school.
However, there’re difficulties on the journey. For example, I once couldn’t achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. Luckily, my teacher advised me to make better use of time.
Though growing up is hard, we should never lose heart when meeting with difficulties. Our parents, teachers and classmates will always be there with us. And that’s the beauty of growing up.
②get along with与……相处
③achieve a balance取得平衡
Though growing up is hard, we should never lose heart when meeting with difficulties.(Though引导的让步状语从句)(河南专用)2023-2024学年上学期期末真题重
Work as an English teacher in countryside schools As a tool of communication, English is spoken by many people. However, the students from poor areas often don’t have enough money to learn English. Your role as a volunteer teacher means a lot to them. Welcome to join us. Skills No teaching experience is required. Of course, you need to speak English well. To communicate with the children better, we expect volunteers can speak a little local language. Requirements Volunteers are required to have patience, loving hearts and interest for teaching English. During teaching, volunteers are expected to wear proper clothes. Remember no shorts. Tasks Volunteers will teach students from Grade One to Grade Three. Classes are held from Monday to Friday, 8: 00 a.m. to 11: 00 a.m. each day. Working Place This project lies in Zhengzhou, Henan. Volunteers will find themselves in a city that offers great natural views. Time: One to eight weeks Meal: Local meals, three times a day Place: Host family or hotels If you are willing to come, please call Mrs. Johnson at 0371-64236765 , or send an email to xiaolihelp@.
1. Which language are volunteers expected to speak besides English
A. German. B. French. C. Russian. D. Local language.
2. What are the volunteers not allowed to wear during teaching
A. Shorts. B. Skirts. C. T-shorts. D. Glasses.
3. How many hours does the volunteer work each week
A. 8. B. 10. C. 15. D. 21.
4. What kind of people should volunteers be
a. funny b. patient c. brave d. clever e. caring
A. a, b B. b, c C. c, d D. b, e
5. Where is the text most probably from
A. A wanted ad. B. A travel Guide. C. A science report. D. A health magazine.
A man made his living by collecting coconuts (椰子) in the countryside. One day, he went to a small village that he had never been before. Towards the end of the day, his wagon (马车) was filled with coconuts. He decided to head home because it was getting dark.
He saw an old man along the roadside and stopped to ask for the way to his home. “Could you please tell me how long it will take to get to Carson from this village ” The old man said, “If you go slowly, it will take only a short while for you to get home. But if you go quickly, it will take a long time.” The man didn’t believe the old man’s suggestion was friendly. He gave the man an angry look and hit his horse to make it hurry. The horse began to run quickly. But soon, coconuts began to fall from the wagon. Each time, the man got off to collect the fallen coconuts and put them back into his wagon.
The faster he went, the more coconuts fell from his wagon, and the more time he had to take to pick them up.
So he went home very late at last. However, if he had travelled slowly, maybe none of the coconuts would have fallen , and the man would have arrived home much earlier. And so, as the old man said, go slowly and it will take only a short while.
6. The man stopped to ask the old man for ________.
A. some water B. some coconuts C. the directions D. helpful advice
7. Which of the following best describes the old man
A. Wise. B. Brave. C. Crazy. D. Unfriendly.
8. Why was the man angry
A. He had lost many coconuts.
B. The horse was going too slowly.
C. He thought the old man gave him a wrong direction.
D. He thought the old man’s suggestion was unhelpful.
9. What caused the man to go home late at last
A. He walked the wrong road.
B. The horse was too tired to walk.
C. The wagon was too heavy for the horse to carry.
D. He spent so much time picking up the fallen coconuts.
10. What’s the best title for the text
A. The Faster, the Better B. How to Collect CoconutsC. Hurry Slows You Down D. How to Listen Carefully
What colors will you choose to paint your house How are your thoughts influenced by the colors you see What’s the relationship between our thoughts and colors Recently, the scientists did A study. It has found the secret behind our thoughts and colors.
Colors are often divided into “warm ”(reds and oranges)and “cool ”(blues and greens ). From the study, the scientists found that when the walls in the room are painted in warm colors, we actually feel that the temperature there is higher. However, when they are painted in cool colors, we feel the temperature there is lower. This makes warm colors a good choice for rooms in a cool climate. Cool colors are a good choice in rooms that are warm.
Putting a light color on the wall makes that wall seem a little further away than it actually is. While darker colors on walls makes them seem even closer than their true positions. So you can use colors to “change” the shapes of rooms.
The study has also showed the special “powers” of colors. First, the color green has something to do with creative thinking. So greens are a good choice for home offices, art rooms, and so on. Therefore we always see green color in offices. Next, they found that people in front of red backgrounds are more attractive. So reds are great for bedroom wall. What’s more, using yellow in a house can be wrong. But yellow may be accepted in kitchens because warm colors can help encourage people to eat more.
All in all, colors do have influences on our thoughts. And maybe we can find more in the future.
11. In paragraph 1 the writer raises three questions to ________.
A. bring up the subject for discussion B. introduce some colors to readers
C. know about readers’ favorite color D. help readers choose the right color
12. What kind of room is a good choice for people in a hot climate
A. A red room. B. A blue room. C. An orange room. D. a pink room.
13. The underlined word them in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. colors B. walls C. rooms D. scientists
14. Which of the following is true according to the passage
A. The color green is a good choice in kitchens.
B. People had better use the color red in offices.
C. People using the color blue are more creative.
D. People can use colors to “change” the shapes of rooms.
15. Which of the following is the structure of the text
A. B. C. D.
In the southeast of the Tengger Desert in Ningxia, there is a new library. ___16___ It opened on June 8th this year in the Shapotou desert tourist area in Zhongwei City. The chocolate-colored building looks like a box with half of it in the desert. It brings knowledge to book lovers, tourists and architects (建筑师) .
___17___ According to Liu Huiling, a manager in the library, the name “Lost Treasure Box” was taken as the library lies at a place where many important historical events took place. “With rich ‘memories (回忆)’, it has a lot to be discovered and told,” Liu said.
___18___ People can enjoy reading them. The library is part of a desert culture and tourism project, which is supported by the local government. Lying between the Tengger Desert and the Yellow River, Zhongwei City has been making great efforts in recent years to develop its culture. “This is the first modern library ever built in the desert in China. It started serving the public 24 hours a day. ___19___ ” said Liu.
The library also shows the harmony (和谐) between the desert and human activities after years of anti-desertification (抗沙漠化) efforts.
Yang Fang is a visitor from Fujian Province. ___20___ “With stars overhead at night, my daughter can enjoy sounds of the wind in the desert while reading,” she said.
A. Because of it, the library has won lots of praise.
B. She brought her 8-year-old daughter to the library.
C. The library is also called “Lost Treasure Box” on a beach.
D. The three-storey (楼层) library has caught many people’s eye.
E. There is a collection of about 40, 000 books, newspapers and magazines in the library.
先通读短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
In Keisha’s eyes, Alice was perfect. Alice had everything that she didn’t. Alice changed her hairstyle every day and always wore beautiful clothes. But Keisha never changed her short hair and ___21___ wore some old clothes from her sister. Alice had new glittery (华丽的) notebooksKeisha’s notebooks were ___22___ black and white. Keisha complained (抱怨) to her mother. “You don’t need glitter to make you smart,” her mom said. Keisha thought Alice’s mother treated her ___23___ a grown-up. Alice had a house key and she always opened the door ___24___. But when Keisha came home, she had to ring for her mother to ___25___ the door. And every time, her mom gave her a big hug (拥抱). “That’s for babies,” Keisha always thought, running away quicklyOne Tuesday at school, Keisha got her usual A for the ___26___ test. Alice turned around and said, “I think you’re the ___27___ girl in our class.”
“Thank you,” answered Keisha, surprised by the ___28___“I’m not so good at math,” Alice said. “I’ve been afraid to ask, ___29___...can you help me ”
“Sure,” Keisha saidAfter lunch, Keisha and Alice worked on math problems together. Alice discovered that Keisha was not just ____30____ at math, but also got good marks on every spelling test“How do you do that ” Alice wondered“I work with my mom,” Keisha ____31____. “I study the words by myself first, then my mom tests me...till I remember every one.”
“Oh,” said Alice, “my mom works late and doesn’t really have ____32____ to help me. Can we do it together ”
“Sure,” Keisha nodded. “That would be fun.”
On her way home that day, Keisha thought of all the ways her mom had ____33____ her. When she got home, Mom met Keisha at the door and gave her the ____34____ hug. This time, Keisha didn’t ____35____. She smiled.
21A. already B. hardly C. always D. even
22A. surprising B. boring C. amazing D. difficult
23A. to B. for C. with D. like
24A. herself B. itself C. himself D. myself
25A. clean B. open C. push D. lock
26A. writing B. spelling C. math D. science
27A. smartest B. happiest C. most beautiful D. most popular
28A. feeling B. question C. result D. praise
29A. so B. but C. or D. if
30A. good B. helpful C. careful D. relaxed
31A. guessed B. suggested C. imagined D. explained
32A. space B. luck C. time D. money
33A. missed B. helped C. supported D. believed
34A. different B. funny C. crazy D. usual
35A. run away B. fall over C. wake up D. start out
although, interest, I, real, one, possible, communicate, throughout, require, picture
I started learning French when I was 10 years old. But my whole experience with the language was in the classroom. All of that changed however, during ___36___ last summer of high school. As a 17-year-old girl, I flew to Quebec, a province of Canada by myself for the ___37___ time! I would learn French at a local schoolOn the first day of school, all of us students were given a test to determine (测定) our language level. We were ___38___ to speak only French all summer. I made every effort to ___39___ in a second language by making new friends, seeing movies and even ordering food from restaurants in French. ___40___ I couldn’t understand most of it at the very beginning, the whole experience was exciting and refreshing (令人耳目一新的)On weekends, my classmates and I took trips to different places ___41___ the province. On one trip, we went whale watching on the St.Lawrence River. Even though it was raining, we could see huge whales swimming around our boat. The most ___42___ part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City. I walked along the stone streets, took ___43___ of the European-style buildings, and learned some stories thereNothing is ___44___ as long as you work hard. Finally, at the end of the summer, I was able to speak French pretty well. Being fully immersed (沉浸) in a French-speaking environment was ____45____ a valuable learning experience. And it could be the main reason for my improvement in French.
A: The Dragon Boat Festival is coming! We will have three days off.
B: Wonderful! ____51____
A: Yes, I plan to invite you and Nancy to a two-day trip.
B: I’m OK with the plan, but I don’t think Nancy can go with us.
A: ____52____
B: Because she’s been working as a volunteer. She must be busier during the holiday.
A: Really ____53____
B: She gives people a nucleic acid test (核酸检测).
A: I see. How long does she work a day
B: ____54____ From 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 8 p. m..
A: It seems the job is not easy.
B: You’re right. It’s even harder in the heat of summer. But Nancy thinks it is meaningful.
A: ____55____! We should learn from her.
五 、书面表达(20分)
56. 初中正是人生中最重要的阶段,是面临着学习与成长双重发展的最佳时期。因此初中生的成长就像一次长途旅行,在其过程中有收获,也有困惑。你们学校校园英语栏目正在以“Growing up”为主题进行征文,请你根据以下要点和要求,用英语写下你成长过程中的趣事及其感受,参加该征文活动。
Growing up
Growing up is like a long journey and I’ve experienced different facts.



