
金寨县 2022—2023 学年度第二学期期末质量监测
七 年 级 英 语 试 卷
时间: 120分钟 满分: 120分
第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分20 分)
1.短对话理解(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5分)
你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题。 请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
1. How does Simon go to school every day
2. What is Kate's telephone number
3. What is Jim doing
A. Drinking tea. B. Cooking. C. Talking on the phone.
4. What are Tina's favorite animals
A. Lions. B. Dogs. C. Koalas.
5. How many children are there in Lily's family
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
Ⅱ.长对话理解(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5分)
听下面一段对话, 回答第6至7小题。
6. What is Sam doing
A. Visiting friends. B. Visiting the zoo. C. Going to the movies.
7. What is the weather like in Canada
A. Warm. B. Cold. C. Windy.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8至 10小题。
8. How did Linda spend her last weekend
A. She went to the mountains.
B. She went to the movies.
C. She went to the zoo.
9. What did Linda have when she was hungry
A. Rice. B. Dumplings. C. Noodles.
10. What are the speakers talking about
A. Lily's last weekend. B. Lucy's last weekend. C. Linda's last weekend.
Ⅲ. 短文理解(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5分)
11. Where is the dumpling restaurant
A. Across from Center Park. B. Across from Green Street.
C. Next to Center Park.
12. How many kinds of dumplings are there in the restaurant
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
13. How does Tom usually go to the dumpling restaurant
A. Take a bus. B. Ride a bike. C. Walk.
14. What dumplings does Tom like best
A. Egg and tomato dumplings.
B. Carrot and mutton dumplings.
C. Cabbage dumplings.
15. When does the dumpling restaurant have specials
A. On Saturdays and Sundays.
B. On Tuesdays and Sundays.
C. On Thursdays and Sundays.
Ⅳ. 信息转换(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5 分)
Information card
Where did Henry go on holiday To 16. _.
How was the weather It was 17.
How were the people there They were 18. _ and Henry made lots of friends.
What does Mike do A 19. _.
What animals did Henry see in the zoo Lots of 20._and kangaroos(袋鼠) .
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分 30分)
V. 单项填空(共10小题; 每小题1 分, 满分10分)
21. --- You can take subway to the museum.
---No,I want to go there by bike.
A. /;the B. the;/ C. the; the D./;/
22. Do you want to join the swimming club the art club
---The art club.
A. and B. or C. because D. but
23. --- Is Jack good telling stories to children
--- Yes, and I think he is also good the children.
A. with; at B. at; for C. at; with D. with; with
24. --- do you usually play soccer ---In the afternoon.
A. What time B. When C. What D. Where
25. ---Oh, dear!I can't find my key to the office.
--- Don't worry. I think you may it in your car.
A. bring B. forget C. borrow D. leave
26. ---Cathy, can you answer the door I the room. ---I'm coming, Mum.
A. clean B. cleaned C. cleans D. am cleaning
27. ---Excuse me. Is there a bank near here
--- . It's just across from the restaurant.
A. Yes, it is B. Yes, there is C. No, it isn't D. No, there isn't
28. My father tall and short straight hair.
A. is; with B. has; with C. is; has D. has; is
29. ---Who cleaned the classroom yesterday
--- Jerry . She was on duty (值日) yesterday.
A. was B. does C. did D. do
30. ---Would you like something to eat --- . I'm really hungry .
A. That's all right B. Yes, please C. Sure, I'd love to D. No, thanks
Ⅵ. 完形填空(共 20 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分 20 分)
阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
“Beep, beep...”There is a car outside Anna's house. Anna 31 her schoolbag, runs out of her room, and jumps into the car.
Her 32 . Fanny and Fanny’s father Mr. Smith are in the car.
“Morning, Fanny. Morning, Mr. Smith,”Anna says 33 .
“Fanny,I made a car model last night, and ...”Anna 34 to talk to Fanny.
Anna loves to car pool(拼车) to school with her friends. It's so much fun 35 she can share (分享) her stories with them.
In the US, many students get to school 36 car pooling. Usually, about four kids share a car. 37 may take turns(轮流) to drive their kids to school, and it can save them a lot of time.
38 do kids do in the cars Some like to eat in the car. Some think it's a good time to do their homework. Some just .39 a little more before classes begin.
Also, car pooling teaches students some life 40 . For example, they can learn being on time is important.
31 A. puts B. takes C. cleans D. shows
32 A. sister B. cousin C. friend D. brother
33 A. happily B. quickly C. easily D. difficultly
34 A. practices B. learns C. joins D. starts
35 A. because B. if C. or D. but
36 A. from B. for C. with D. by
37 A. Parents B. Teachers C. Drivers D. Policemen
38 A. When B. How C. What D. Why
39 A. sleeping B. sleep C. sleeps D. slept
40 A. dreams B. lessons C. ideas D. problems
My summer vacation are often a little boring, but my summer vacation last year was 41 . My family and I 42 the plane to Vancouver(温哥华), Canada. We did lots of interesting things there.
43 our first day, we visited Stanley Park and the Vancouver Art Gallery. Later in the week, we visited some museums and then got on a special boat to 44 whales (鲸) . They were so big and 45 !I was afraid of them.
We 46 vi sited my cousins in Vancouver and we ate at 47 home. We didn't swim in the sea 48 the water was too cold, but we did many other fun things.In the end, my family and I went 49 and bought some souvenirs(纪念品) to help us remember our time in 50 . Maybe we can visit it again during my next summer vacation.
41 A. smart B. great C. noisy D. easy
42 A. drove B. made C. took D. rode
43 A. On B. In C. At D. With
44 A. bring B. grow C. hear D. watch
45 A. shy B. scary C. lazy D. cute
46 A. yet B. only C. still D. also
47 A. his B. their C. her D. our
48 A. if B. so C. because D. but
49 A. shopping B. fishing C. swimming D. boating
50 A. America B. England C. Australia D. Canada
第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45 分)
Ⅶ. 补全对话(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5分)
A: Hi, Jack. How was your last weekend
B: It was great!
A: 51
B: On Saturday morning, I played badminton. In the afternoon,I went to the beach.
A:The beach 52
B:I went there with my parents.
A: And what about Sunday
B: In the morning, I went camping by the lake.
A:Camping 53
B: It was sunny and cool. The air was clean.
A: How did you get to the lake
B: 54
A: What time did you get back home
B: We went back home at about six o'clock. 55
A. It was so exciting but I was a little tired!
B. Where did you go last weekend
C. What did you do
D. We went there by bike.
E. What's the weather like
F. Who did you go with
G. How was the weather
Ⅷ. 阅读理解(共 20 小题; 每小题2 分, 满分 40分)
阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
New York Museum The largest specializing(专业研究) museum in American history. Open: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a. m.-5:00 p. m. Saturday:9:00 a. m.-10:00 p. m. Address: 1100 Chesnut St. New York Telephone:7736-4431 The City Flower Show April 8 to April 17 Price: ¥50 for adults(成人) ¥25 for children Address: 12 Kendal Way Chesterton Telephone:553-9561
English Summer Camp How will you spend your summer English Summer Camp at university of Cambridge. Age: 13-18 For more information call: 010-45675689 Pop Music Week Bands from home and abroad will give shows in Chaoyang Park. Chinese singer Li Yuchun will also share music with fans. Price: ¥180-¥280 Time:9a. m.-9 p. m.
56. New York museum is closed(关闭) on .
A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday
57. Tom is an 8-year- old boy. He wants to visit The City Flower Show with his father. How much do they have to pay
A. 125 yuan. B. 100 yuan. C.75 yuan. D.150 yuan.
58. If you want to get more information about English Summer Camp, you can .
A. go to Canada B. write to CEE /CCIEE
C. call at 010-45675689 D. send an e-mail to University of Cambridge
We have twenty minutes’ break time after the second class in the morning. Look! Most of us are playing during the break time. Some students are on the playground(操场) . They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is stopping him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look!A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling(微笑). What are the teachers doing Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!
59. Where are the students playing basketball
A. In front of the tree. B. In front of the classroom.
C. On the playground. D. In the tree.
60. What are the teachers doing
A. Working or talking with students. B. Having a basketball game.
C. Playing with the students. D. Looking at the birds.
61. There are students in the classroom.
A. no B. some C. few D. many
62. The passage is mainly(主要) about .
A. students B. a basketball game C. break time activities D. teachers
Pam is busy. She works from Monday to Saturday every week. And she is the mom of two young children. She drinks a lot of coffee(咖啡). It helps her stay awake.
After work, Pam cooks dinner for her family. Then she helps her kids with their homework and plays games with them. When it's time for bed, she tells stories to them and sends them to bed. When she goes to bed, she often finds it difficult to sleep. She only gets about four hours of sleep each night.
In the morning, Pam is tired. She is angry with her kids. She often thinks,“I need more sleep. I want to be a kind mom. I want to feel good.”
Pam looks to the Internet(因特网) for help. She finds a good website(网站) with these sleep tips(建议): do not use coffee; take a walk; read a book;take deep breaths(深呼吸).Pam plans to try them this week.
63. Pam works for days every week.
A. four B. five C. six D. seven
64. The underlined word“awake”means“ ”in Chinese.
A. 聪明的 B. 醒着的 C. 漂亮的 D. 疲惫的
65. What does Pam do after dinner
1 Helps her kids with their homework.
2 Watches TV with her kids.
3 Plays games with her kids.
4 Tells stories to her kids.
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④
66. Why does Pam look to the Internet for help
A. Because she wants to be a good mom. B. Because her kids often make her angry.
C. Because she can't tell stories. D. Because she can't sleep well.
American people like to say“Thank you”when others help them or say something kind to them. People from many other countries do so, too. You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you salt on the table or when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is beautiful.“Thank you”is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.
“Excuse me”is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that someone wants to walk past you. It's not polite to interrupt (打扰) others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say“Excuse me”first, and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽) or make noise before others.
Let's all learn to say“Thank you”and“Excuse me”.
67. When do American people say“Thank you”
A. When others help them. B. When they talk.
C. When they want to cough. D. When they say something kind to others.
68. If someone wants to walk past you, he will say“ ”.
A. Thank you B. Excuse me C. Stop here D. Don't move
69. The best title(题目) for the passage is .
A. American people's life B. Body language of Americans
C. Show thanks to others D. Polite sentences“Thank you”and“Excuse me”
People drink tea. There are many kinds of tea. There is black tea. There is green tea. There is white tea. There is yellow tea.
People drink a lot of tea in China. Some people drink it because it is good for them. It makes them healthy. Many people drink it because it tastes very good. It is delicious.
People drink a lot of green tea in Japan (日本) . People drink a lot of green tea in South Korea (韩国) , too.
In Vietnam(越南) , people like to drink coffee in the past. Now they drink tea.
People drink a lot of tea in England. Every afternoon, many English people drink tea. It's “tea time”. English people like to drink their tea with sugar (糖) in it.
Most tea comes from China. Some tea comes from India or Sri Lanka. Kenya, Japan and Indonesia also grow tea plants.
70. How many kinds of tea are mentioned(提及) in the passage
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
71. In England, people like to drink tea with in it.
B. sugar B. milk C. juice D. ice
72. The passage is mainly about .
A. tea culture(文化) in different countries
B. birthday customs(习俗) in different countries
C. the most popular drink in the world
D. the most popular food in the world
It was 12 o'clock. A man went into a restaurant for lunch.“ Hi! Can I help you ”a waiter said.“I’d like some French fries, a hamburger and a medium Coke,”said the man.“Anything else ”asked the waiter.“No,”the man answered,“that’s all.” “For here or to go ”asked the waiter.“To go, please,”said the man. The waiter put the food into a bag. Then the man went away with the bag.“Have a nice day,”the waiter said.
The man walked to the park and wanted to have lunch there. He sat down and opened the bag. There was a hamburger, some French fries and a Coke. There was also some money in the bag.“That’s the money for my lunch,’said the man. He wanted to go back to the restaurant because he didn't want to get his lunch for free. He was really a good man.
When he got back to the restaurant, he found it was busy. So he waited for half an hour there. After hearing the man's words, the waiter smiled and told the manager (经理) . The manager thought the man was good, so he said to the man,“Sorry. We made a mistake(错误).You are so good. We decide(决定) to give the special food to you as a reward.
73. Where did the man want to have his lunch (不超过5个词)
74. How long did the man wait in the restaurant (不超过 5 个词)
75. Why did the man want to go back to the restaurant (不超过10个词)
第四部分 写(共两大题,满分 25 分)
IX.单词拼写(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5分)
76. How many c (奶牛) are there on the farm near here
77. I h (听见) something strange outside just now.
78. That's really the b (最好的) time to do sports.
79. All the boys and girls are s (坐) around their teacher and singing the songs.
80. Walk along the street and you can find the subway station e (容易地) .
X. 书面表达(共1小题,满分 20 分, 含卷面分5 分)
假设你是 Jack. 请根据表格信息写一篇短文,介绍一下你的朋友 Tom及你们上周末的活动。
Tom 棕色短发,中等身高,戴眼镜,喜欢穿牛仔裤和T恤衫,最喜欢的动物是熊猫。
活动 上个周末,天气晴朗, 你们骑车去了乡下。你们钓了鱼, 摘了草莓, 拍了照, 玩得很开心……
1.要点全面, 并可根据所给内容适当发挥, 不少于 70词;
2. 书写规范,卷面整洁,注意大小写和标点符号。
金寨县 2022-2023 学年度第二学期期末质量监测七年级英语参考答案
1-5 AABAC ( 6-10ABACC 11-15AACBB
16. Australia 17. sunny 18. kind 19. guide 20. tigers
21-25 BBCBD 26-30 DBCCB
31-35 BCADA 36-40 DACBB
41-45 BCADB 46-50 DBCAD
51-55 CFGDA
56-58 DCC 59-62 CABC 63-66 CBBD
67-69ABD 70-72 CAA
73. In the park. 74. For half an hour.
75. Because he didn't want to get his lunch for free.
76. cows 77. heard 78. best 79. sitting 80. easily
Hello, everyone! I'm Jack. I have a good friend and his name is Tom. What does he look like Oh, he is of medium height with short brown hair. He always wears a pair of glasses. And he likes wearing jeans and T-shirts. He likes animals very much. His favorite animals are pandas.
It was sunny and warm last weekend. We went on a trip to the countryside by bike. In the countryside, we did many interesting things. For example, we went fishing and picked strawberries. And we also took some nice photos. We really had great fun there.



