
一、基础知识(共15分)Ⅰ.句意填词 根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分)
1. English is my favorite    .
2. I don't like the     of the sofa.I like green.
3.—What's her telephone number?
—Sorry,I don't    .
4. Bob's friends are thinking     the food for his birthday dinner.
5. Sally is my    .She is my mother's sister.
二、Ⅱ.单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分)
6. Tom's uncle has ____________store.____________ store is very big.(  )
A. a;A B. a;The C. an;An
7. Children's Day is ____________June 1st and Teacher's Day is ____________September.(  )
A. on;in B. in;on C. on;on
8. At about 9:20 p.m.I finish ____________my homework.(  )
A. do B. doing C. to do
9. Playing sports can help us to be ____________.(  )
A. same B. difficult C. healthy
10. He has ____________daughters,and Alice is his ____________ daughter.(  )
A. two;two B. second;two
C. two;second
11. Mike and Grace lost their school ID cards.Can you help ____________?(  )
A. her B. them C. him
12. Ping﹣pong is a great ____________.Lots of people love it.(  )
A. number B. sport C. color
13. I____________science today.It's difficult ____________ interesting.(  )
A. have;so B. has;but C. have;but
14. Zhang Yining is a ____________ player and she plays ping﹣po ng very ____________.(  )
A. good;well B. well;good C. good;good
15.—We will have an English party next week.
一____________(  )
A. Have a good time. B. You're welcome.
C. That's all right.
二、交际运用(共 15 分)Ⅲ.完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)(5分)
16.A.What time do you usually get up on weekdays?
B.Class begins at eight o'clock
C.I usually have some bread and a glass of milk.
D.I get home at five thirty.
E.When do you play games?
F.When do you get home?
B:Well,I live near my school,so I get up at 6:45.I never go to school late.
A:Do you have breakfast at home?
A:When do you go to school?
B:(3)   ,so I go to school at 7:45.
B:I leave school at 5:15 and (5)   
A:What do you usually do in the evening?
B:I do my homework.
二、Ⅳ.补全对话 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)(10 分)
17.A:Excuse me.Can I ask you some questions?
A:(1)    do you usually get to school?
B:Usually at 7:30.
A:(2)    do you study(学习) at school?
B:I study seven subjects at school.
A:(3)   ?
B:I like math best.
A:(4)   ?
B:Because math is interesting and the math teacher is friendly.
A:Do you like music?
B:Yes,I do.
A:(5)   ?
B:Yes,I can sing many English songs.
A:Thank you.
B:You're welcome.
三、阅读(共 50分)V.短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)(10分)
A.busy B.from C.in D.store E.after F.test G.play H.healthy I.but J.prices K.sell L.sale
My winter vacation(寒假) is always colorful.It .is (1)   February to March.I have a lot of homework every day,so I'm very (2)   .
I help my parents do many things,too.Sometimes (3)    volleyball with my classmates.Sometimes I help my grandparents buy some food in the (4)   .My grand﹣ father likes chicken for lunch,(5)    my grandmother doesn't like it.She likes vegetables for lunch because she thinks they are (6)   .Every week,there is a big book (7)    in the library.The books there are at very good (8)   .I like to go there with my friends(9)    lunch and buy some interesting books.I read about books on my vacation.I study every day because in the new term,we have a (10)   .What a great vacation!
二、Ⅵ.阅读理解。(40 分)
Found A black dog is near my school. Call Flora at 302—3905.
Found Is this your computer game? I found it in the school library. Please call Felix Miller at 605—9873.
Lost I can't find my brown watch. My telephone number is 506—7892. Thanks. Warren Jones
(1)Flora found a    dog.
(2)Flora's telephone number is    .
(3)Felix found a computer game    .
A.in his schoolbag
B.at his home
C.in the classroom
D.in the school library
(4)Warren lost his    .
A.computer game
(5)Which of the following is WRONG(下面哪项叙述是不正确的)?    
A.The lost dog is near Flora's school.
B.You can c﹣mail Felix to find your computer game.
C.Warren's last name is Jones.
D.Warren's telephone number is 506—7892.
20.(1)    Here are two nice photos of my family.
(2)    Ben's favorite sport is basketball.He likes it because it's relaxing.
(3)    Today is November 26th.It's Jenny's birthday.Her mother wants to buy a big cake for her.She is very happy.
(4)    School trip is a great activity in our school.I like it because it's exciting.
(5)    Alice's favorite day is Monday because she has art on that day.
A.Alice is a Chinese student.Her favorite subject is art.
B.Do you want to be a basketball star like Lin Shuhao?Please call Mr.Jones at'376﹣8746.Mr.Jones can help you.
C.What's your favorite activity?Is it school trip,book sale or school day?Can you tell me why you like it?
D.Welcome to Cake House.These cakes are at great sale.This big cake is only $2.
E.You have a big family.You look very happy in the photos.
21.My brother is a waiter in a big restaurant.One day,there are many people in the restaurant.A man and a woman are having dinner.My brother is taking an order at another table.He finds that the man is slowly sliding(下滑) down his chair,and that the woman is eating dinner across from him.
The man is under the table at last.The woman keeps calm(冷静).It seems(好像) that she doesn't see it.My brother comes to the table.And he says to the woman,"Excuse me,Madam,but I think your husband is under the table. "The woman calmly looks up and answers," He is looking for the bed."
(1)The man and the woman are eating lunch in a big restaurant.    
(2)The man sits across from the woman.    
(3)The woman doesn't find her husband under the table.    
(4)My brother is eating at another table.    
(5)The man may drink too much.    
22.There are many fun things in our school.(1)    In October,there is a sports festival.(2)   In the middle of this month,we have an English speech con test during the English festival.October the nineteenth is the day for a school trip;(3)   On the last day of this month,there is a music festival.(4)   It is really wonderful.(5)   Students often display(展示) their pictures on that day.
A.We go to Beijing with the teachers.
B.This month is October.
C.Next month,there is an art festival.
D.On that day we can enjoy beautiful songs,dances and piano music.
E.We have basketball games and volleyball games during(在……之间) the festival.
Name Favorite subject Why When Teacher
Liu Ying Math Interesting Monday to Friday morning 8:00—9:00 Mr.Wang
Zhang Tingting P.E. Fun Tuesday afternoon 3:00—4:00 Mr.Li
Name Favorite subject Why When Teacher
Liu Ying Math Interesting Monday to Friday morning 8:00—9:00 Mr.Wang
Zhang Tingting P.E. Fun Tuesday afternoon 3:00—4:00 Mr.Li
(1)Liu Ying have math from Monday to Friday    .
(2)    is Gao Hongmin's favorite subject.
(3)Zhang Tingting thinks P.E.is    .
(4)Mr.Li is a(n)    teacher.
(5)Xu Jie has English classes     hour(s) a week.
24.Linda has three dollars.She wants to buy a birthday gift for her father.She comes to a store.She looks at the things and thinks,"I want to buy him something nice."
"Can I help you?"says Mr.Smith,the shopkeeper(店主)."Yes,please!I want to buy a gift for my dad's birthday,"answers Linda."But I don't know what to buy."Mr.Smith gives her a nice shirt and says,"Do you like this shirt?It's twenty dollars.""Yes,but I on﹣ly have three dollars,"says Linda.Then she sees a nice white tie(领带).She knows her fa﹣ther would like it.She wants to buy it,but the price must be very high.﹣
"How much is it?"she asks.Mr.Smith looks at her,and then he says,"That's only three dollars.""Oh,fine!"Linda is very happy."I'll take it."
(1)Where is Linda?
(2)How much is the shirt?
(3)How much money does Linda have?
(4)What does Linda buy for her father's birthday?
(5)What does Mr.Smith do?
25.Next to our school,there is a store.It's small,(1)    clean and tidy.There are many school things in it.Do you and your friends (2)    rulers,pens or pencils?Please come to the store.They sell all the things (3)    a very good price.Big note﹣ books are just three yuan each.And (4)    notebooks are only one yuan.The pens are just on sale for three yuan.Oh,they have some beautiful cartoon pencil sharpeners.They are only three yuan.If you need (5)    things,just go there and see for yourself!
26.请以"My School Day"为题写一篇小短文来描述你的学校生活。要求:内容完整,层次清楚,语言通顺,词数70左右,书写要规范。
My School Day



