
VI.单项选择 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
19.(1分)China successfully landed a spacecraft ____________ Mars in May,2021.(  )
A.in B.on C.at D.for
20.(1分)Amy hid under _______ desk in a hurry when the earthquake happened.(  )
A.she B.her C.hers D.herself
21.(1分)Many of the older buildings in our city now look beautiful because workers have ________ made them look as good as new.(  )
A.carelessly B.hardly
C.nervously D.carefully
22.(1分)Jogging is _______ than many sports to start,just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running shoes.(  )
A.cheap B.cheaper
C.cheapest D.the cheapest
23.(1分)Alice often ____________ the fun of doing DIY with us.She is so creative!(  )
A.shares B.provides C.makes D.gives
24.(1分)What an amazing robot!It cook more than 5,000 dishes.(  )
A.shall B.need C.must D.can
25.(1分)The documentary A Plastic Ocean is so impressive that I ___________it several times so far.
A.watched B.watch
C.have watched D.will watch
26.(1分)Lingling met her favourite presenter while she _______ the radio station.(  )
A.visits B.will visit
C.is visiting D.was visiting
27.(1分)Read the book Cute Pets,_________you will know how to take care of your cat.(  )
A.or B.so C.and D.but
28.(1分)Rainbows ___________ when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.(  )
A.produce B.produced
C.are produced D.were produced
VII.完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
29.(10分)What does the word ecology mean?It was (1)    by Ernst Haeckel,a German biologist.He joined two Greek words:oikos,meaning "house",meaning "the study of".Together they mean "the study of the house".The "house" Haeckel had in mind is our (2)   ,Earth.Earth is home for all living things—humans,animals,plants
To study a house is to learn how its residents(居民)use it.An ecologist is a scientist who studies the (3)    between organisms (生物)and their environment.The environment is an organism's surroundings.It may (4)    water,gases,rocks
Ecologists also study the balance of using the environment while protecting it.
An ecologist once asked a boy (5)    he thought it meant to protect the environment.
The boy said, "You go into the forest and look for somebody who wants to cut down a tree.You take away his axe.You tell him about how (6)    trees are.You say they are good for natural beauty,saving soil,and giving shelter to birds and other animals. "
" Good answer," said the ecologist, "(7)    it may not be easy to find a woodcutter to talk to.Also,remember that sometimes it's (8)   to cut down a tree.If we cut down too many trees,the forest will disappear.If we don't cut down any trees,we won't get any resources from the forest.We have to find the right (9)   . "
"I get it," the boy said. "We need the forest's (10)   for wood and paper or we might not have desks or notebooks for school."
"Exactly—and school is a good place to learn about ecology," added the ecologist. "Then you will know how to protect the natural environment."
(1) A.proved B.invented C.marked D.accepted
(2) A.planet B.building C.project D.surface
(3) A.feeling B.relationships C.distance D.competitions
(4) A.pollute B.control C.include D.reduce
(5) A.who B.whose C.why D.what
(6) A.wild B.common C.wealthy D.important
(7) A.but B.and C.so D.or
(8) A.comfortable B.tiring C.impossible D.necessary
(9) A.mystery B.temperature C.balance D.symbol
(10) A.soil B.resources C.landscape D.wildlife
Ⅷ.阅读理解 阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
30.(6分)Ask people what they know about the Dead Sea and most will tell you that it's impossible to sink(下沉)when you are swimming in it.But not everyone knows why.Kids News researched the Dead Sea and found some interesting facts.
The Dead Sea is an inland lake 75 kilometers long by 15 kilometers wide in the Middle East between the West Bank and Jordan.The Jordan River is the main source of the Dead Sea water.It is about 430 meters below sea level,the lowest point on the surface of the Earth.The water level has been dropping even lower for the past 60 or 80 years.It drops about 1 meter each year.
It's a popular place for people to have a holiday,partly because it's in the desert,which means lots of hot
It's called the Dead Sea because it is full of salt.The Dead Sea water is perhaps 10 times as salty as open ocean seawater and nothing much can live in it.Exactly how salty it is changes through the depth(深度) of the lake and with how much water is flowing in(流入) from the Jordan River and how much water is evaporating (蒸发).
The water of the Dead Sea is full of salt,which makes it much denser(密度更大) and heavier than freshwater.If you swim in it(漂浮) very easily.
(1)Which of the following is RIGHT?    
A.Few things can live in the Dead Sea.
B.Few people go to the Dead Sea for a holiday.
C.The Dead Sea is famous mainly for the hot weather.
D.The Jordan River is about 430 meters below the sea level.
(2)What does the underlined word "source" mean in Chinese?    
(3)What is the best title for the passage?    
A.The water level of the Dead Sea is lower now.
B.Hot weather makes the Dead Sea much saltier.
C.The Dead Sea becomes saltier with less freshwater.
D.Why can't people sink when they swim in the Dead Sea?
31.(6分)Half a century has passed,but Shao Guohua never forgot the film ticket his teacher gave him that warmed his heart when he was a boy.Shao entered primary school in Zigong,Sichuan Province,sports and watching movies were the students' favorite.
Once,the school organized a trip to the movies for the students,and many of Shao's classmates signed up for it.But the boy had no money to buy the 0.05﹣yuan ticket.When his classmates lined up to enter the movie theater
He can't remember what movie it was,but Shao never stopped being thankful to his teacher."Ms.Mo made forty or fifty yuan a month back then,so a 0.05﹣yuan ticket may not be a big deal for her.But for me,"said 63﹣year﹣old Shao.
After graduating from primary school,Shao left his hometown along with his parents.In the following years,he tried to find his former teachers and classmates
"The reunion(重聚)was emotional,"said Shao,who is over sixty himself now."The 89﹣year﹣old Mo did not hear well anymore and she couldn't recognize me at first sight,but she was still as kind as she used to be."Shao left 1,"Dear Ms.Mo,wish you good health.Your student
(1)Why didn't Shao Guohua enter the movie theater at first?    
A.Because he didn't like the film.
B.Because his classmates didn't like him.
C.Because he had no money to buy the ticket.
D.Because he was too late to buy a ticket.
(2)When did Shao see Ms.Mo again?    
A.50 years after he graduated from primary school.
B.Soon after he left his hometown.
C.After he graduated from university.
D.The writer doesn't tell us.
(3)What's the similar meaning of the underlined word"emotional"in English in the last paragraph?    
NOTICE 1 June 11,2021 CALL FOR CREATIVE WRITINGS! This is to inform all the students that our school is going to publish its yearly magazine next month.All those who wish to have a go can mail their articles to xysmagazine @ .Students' works will be accepted latest by June 30,2021 till 11:59 pm.You can take any topic of your choice.For more information,get in touch with your own class teachers who decide what to be put in the magazine. Asma/Ashish Head Girl/Head Boy NOTICE 2 June 11,2021 INTER﹣SCHOOL SINGING COMPETITION! Our school is going to hold an Inter﹣school Singing Competition on June 29,2021,Tuesday at 2 pm in the school hall.More than 20 schools from all over the city will take part in it.Interested students may call us at 66882021 latest by June 18,2021. Alice/Albert Head Girl/Head Boy
NOTICE3 June 11,2021 FOUND! This is to inform all the students that a backpack has been found in the school playground.There are a few textbooks and some money in it.The backpack is medium﹣sized and red in colour.It was found on June 9,at around 6 pm in a corner near the main gate.The owner of the bag shall see me in the School Office with your ID card.Thank you. Amar/Amrita Head Girl/Head Boy
(1)What does NOTICE 1 tell its readers?    
A.The magazine will come out at the end of June.
B.The school is going to publish its first magazine.
C.The teachers choose what to be put in the magazine.
D.The students have a chance to become world famous writers.
(2)Who should you turn to if you want to take part in the singing competition?    
(3)Why does NOTICE 3 describe the backpack?    
A.To show its difference.
B.To tell the value of it.
C.To interest the students.
D.To help find the owner.
(4)How can you get back the backpack?    
A.To call 66882021.
B.To go to the School Office.
C.To visit xysmagazine@.
D.To search the school playground.
33.(10分)A new kind of sea sponge (海绵)found in Norfolk,England
The unique purple sponge,which had never been seen in other parts of the world,was first discovered by divers(潜水者),it had been without a name for almost ten years.In January this year,the Marine Conservation Society (MCS)
Now the sponge has a name to be proud of:parpal dumplin,as suggested by nine﹣year﹣old Sylvie from Langham Village School.Sylvie said she came up with the name because "the sponge is purple and it looks like a dumpling".Parpal dumplin is "purple dumpling" spoken in a Norfolk accent(口音).The judges all agreed that Sylvie's suggestion should be the sponge's name because "the spelling gives the sponge a strong connection to Norfolk".
Sponges were once thought to be plants but they are actually simple sea animals.They feed on tiny things in sea water and help to keep the water clean in the process.Sponges have a very "lazy" lifestyle,with no means of moving themselves around.They are found on the seabed,rocks or even shells.They come in all kinds of different colours
Parpal dumplin was first discovered in a place called the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds as part of a project called Seasearch.When diver Dawn Watson showed sponge expert Claire Goodwin what she found,Goodwin was sure that it was a kind of sponge unknown to science.Watson's discovery is a special sponge,which takes the shape of whatever it covers.Parpal dumplin will now become its common name
(1)What does the underlined word "unique" probably mean?    
A.strange and ugly.
B.special and unusual.
C.soft and beautiful.
D.meaningful and important.
(2)Why was the name parpal dumplin chosen?    
A.Because it sounds interesting.
B.Because Sylvie won the competition.
C.Because the sponge really looks like a purple dumpling.
D.Because its spelling is related to the place where it was found.
(3)What can we learn about sponges from Paragraph 4?    
A.They help clean up sea water.
B.They are of the same size.
C.They don't like moving around.
D.They are actually sea plants.
(4)Which is true about parpal dumplin?    
A.It has many colors.
B.It was found 20 years ago.
C.It has only one shape.
D.It was scientifically unknown before.
(5)What do we know from the last sentence?    
A.Parpal dumplin is a common sponge.
B.Parpal dumplin is the sponge's official name.
C.There's still a lot to be learned about parpal dumplin.
D.Researchers suggested an official name for the sponge.
34.(10分)Technology will make life easier in a smart city(智能城市)in the future.When you go to a shopping mall,you can enjoy free Wi﹣Fi there.When you want to take a taxi,all of these things can be seen in a smart city.
The idea of a smart city was first suggested by tech company IBM in 2010.Generally,a smart city is a city that uses digital technology,such as 5 G network and the"internet of things",and make our lives more convenient.
Cities like Boston,Amsterdam and Copenhagen are already using smart technology to improve public services.In the US cities of Boston and Baltimore,smart dust bins can sense(感知),traffic is monitored and changed according to real﹣time data(数据).There are fewer traffic jams.
What's more,telehealth(远程医疗)is used with the help of 5 G.Telehealth means caring for patients from far away when the provider and the patient are not in the same place.One form of this is video meeting with a doctor in real time
Of course,it will take time to build the smart cities of the future.But since we've already seen successful examples,it won't be long until more cities join in.Tech Republic believes that by 2050,about 60 percent of people worldwide will live in smart cities.
(1)Tech company IBM first came up with the idea of a smart city in     .
(2)Telehealth can offer an     way to see a doctor for old people.
(3)How many percent of people worldwide will live in smart cities by 2050?    
X.词语运用 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词。
35.(10分)It was in the early morning,I got dressed(1)   ( quick) before I went out.It was still autumn but (2)    ( cold) than usual.It snowed for two days.I forgot to check the weather report today,so I went (3)    in a jacket.
It was still dark,cold and(4)    ( wind).I knew I made a mistake.I shook a little bit.Suddenly,a car stopped and my neighbor got out of it.We greeted each (5)    and talked about the bad weather.To my (6)    ,he took off his coat and handed it to me.He smiled and said." It's too cold.Put it (7)    ." Looking at the warm coat in my hands,I was (8)   ( touch) and thanked him.After that,he drove away.When I looked up at the sky,I noticed the sky was beautiful.I(9)   ( feel) warm and I didn't shake any more.
The world is full(10)    kindness.Love is always there.
XI.基础写作 A)连词成句 将所给词语连成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出。
38.(1分)day,to,play soccer,every,we
39.(1分)my friend,birthday,will,a,give,I,gift
41.(15分)做家务是学生应尽的义务。假设你是李雷,是建华中学一名九年级学生,请以"My Experience of Doing Housework"为题写一篇英语小短文
My Experience of Doing Housework
VI.单项选择 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
19.(1分)China successfully landed a spacecraft ____________ Mars in May,2021.(  )
A.in B.on C.at D.for
20.(1分)Amy hid under _______ desk in a hurry when the earthquake happened.(  )
A.she B.her C.hers D.herself
21.(1分)Many of the older buildings in our city now look beautiful because workers have ________ made them look as good as new.(  )
A.carelessly B.hardly
C.nervously D.carefully
22.(1分)Jogging is _______ than many sports to start,just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running shoes.(  )
A.cheap B.cheaper
C.cheapest D.the cheapest
23.(1分)Alice often ____________ the fun of doing DIY with us.She is so creative!(  )
A.shares B.provides C.makes D.gives
24.(1分)What an amazing robot!It cook more than 5,000 dishes.(  )
A.shall B.need C.must D.can
25.(1分)The documentary A Plastic Ocean is so impressive that I ___________it several times so far.
A.watched B.watch
C.have watched D.will watch
【解答】结合so far,句子使用现在完成时,主语是I
26.(1分)Lingling met her favourite presenter while she _______ the radio station.(  )
A.visits B.will visit
C.is visiting D.was visiting
【解答】visits 一般现在时;will visit 一般将来时;was visiting 过去进行时,可知句子是含有while引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句,可知主句用了一般过去时,因此while引导的状语从句应用过去进行时。
27.(1分)Read the book Cute Pets,_________you will know how to take care of your cat.(  )
A.or B.so C.and D.but
28.(1分)Rainbows ___________ when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.(  )
A.produce B.produced
C.are produced D.were produced
【解答】根据句意判断,所以"Rainbows ;本题描述的是现在的一种客观状态。
VII.完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
29.(10分)What does the word ecology mean?It was (1) B  by Ernst Haeckel,a German biologist.He joined two Greek words:oikos,meaning "house",meaning "the study of".Together they mean "the study of the house".The "house" Haeckel had in mind is our (2) A ,Earth.Earth is home for all living things—humans,animals,plants
To study a house is to learn how its residents(居民)use it.An ecologist is a scientist who studies the (3) B  between organisms (生物)and their environment.The environment is an organism's surroundings.It may (4) C  water,gases,rocks
Ecologists also study the balance of using the environment while protecting it.
An ecologist once asked a boy (5) D  he thought it meant to protect the environment.
The boy said, "You go into the forest and look for somebody who wants to cut down a tree.You take away his axe.You tell him about how (6) D  trees are.You say they are good for natural beauty,saving soil,and giving shelter to birds and other animals. "
" Good answer," said the ecologist, "(7) A  it may not be easy to find a woodcutter to talk to.Also,remember that sometimes it's (8) D to cut down a tree.If we cut down too many trees,the forest will disappear.If we don't cut down any trees,we won't get any resources from the forest.We have to find the right (9) C . "
"I get it," the boy said. "We need the forest's (10) B for wood and paper or we might not have desks or notebooks for school."
"Exactly—and school is a good place to learn about ecology," added the ecologist. "Then you will know how to protect the natural environment."
(1) A.proved B.invented C.marked D.accepted
(2) A.planet B.building C.project D.surface
(3) A.feeling B.relationships C.distance D.competitions
(4) A.pollute B.control C.include D.reduce
(5) A.who B.whose C.why D.what
(6) A.wild B.common C.wealthy D.important
(7) A.but B.and C.so D.or
(8) A.comfortable B.tiring C.impossible D.necessary
(9) A.mystery B.temperature C.balance D.symbol
(10) A.soil B.resources C.landscape D.wildlife
【解答】(1)B 动词辨析。proved证明;marked标记。根据"He joined two Greek words..."可知。句意:它是由德国生物学家恩斯特 海克尔发明的。
(2)A 名词辨析。planet行星;project项目。根据空后的"Earth"可知。句意:海克尔心目中的"房子"是我们的行星。故选A。
(3)B 名词辨析。feeling感觉;distance距离。根据"between organisms and their environment."以及常识可知。句意:生态学家是研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学家。
(4)C 动词辨析。pollute污染;include包括。根据"The environment is an organism's surroundings."可知,可能包括水、岩石和温度、气体。故选C。
(5)D 疑问词辨析。who谁;why为什么。此处为生态学家问男孩认为是什么。句意:一位生态学家曾经问一个男孩。故选D。
(6)D 形容词辨析。wild野外的;wealthy富有的。根据"You say they are good for natural beauty,and giving shelter to birds and other animals."可知。句意:你告诉他树有多重要。
(7)A 连词辨析。but但是;so所以。根据"Good answer"以及"it may not be easy to find a woodcutter to talk to"可知,应用连词but。故选A。
(8)D 形容词辨析。comfortable舒服的;impossible不可能的。根据"If we don't cut down any trees,有时候砍树也是必要的,请记住。故选D。
(9)C 名词辨析。mystery秘密;balance平衡。根据"If we cut down too many trees,we won't get any resources from the forest."可知。句意:我们必须找到正确的平衡。
(10)B 名词辨析。soil土壤;landscape风景。根据"If we don't cut down any trees,我们需要森林的资源,否则我们可能没有课桌或笔记本供学校使用。
Ⅷ.阅读理解 阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
30.(6分)Ask people what they know about the Dead Sea and most will tell you that it's impossible to sink(下沉)when you are swimming in it.But not everyone knows why.Kids News researched the Dead Sea and found some interesting facts.
The Dead Sea is an inland lake 75 kilometers long by 15 kilometers wide in the Middle East between the West Bank and Jordan.The Jordan River is the main source of the Dead Sea water.It is about 430 meters below sea level,the lowest point on the surface of the Earth.The water level has been dropping even lower for the past 60 or 80 years.It drops about 1 meter each year.
It's a popular place for people to have a holiday,partly because it's in the desert,which means lots of hot
It's called the Dead Sea because it is full of salt.The Dead Sea water is perhaps 10 times as salty as open ocean seawater and nothing much can live in it.Exactly how salty it is changes through the depth(深度) of the lake and with how much water is flowing in(流入) from the Jordan River and how much water is evaporating (蒸发).
The water of the Dead Sea is full of salt,which makes it much denser(密度更大) and heavier than freshwater.If you swim in it(漂浮) very easily.
(1)Which of the following is RIGHT?  A 
A.Few things can live in the Dead Sea.
B.Few people go to the Dead Sea for a holiday.
C.The Dead Sea is famous mainly for the hot weather.
D.The Jordan River is about 430 meters below the sea level.
(2)What does the underlined word "source" mean in Chinese?  C 
(3)What is the best title for the passage?  D 
A.The water level of the Dead Sea is lower now.
B.Hot weather makes the Dead Sea much saltier.
C.The Dead Sea becomes saltier with less freshwater.
D.Why can't people sink when they swim in the Dead Sea?
【解答】(1)A.细节判断题。根据"The Sea is 10 as as ocean and much live it.死海的盐分可能是公海海水的10倍。"可知死海里没有什么东西能生存。
(2)C.词义猜测题。根据前后句"The River the source of the Sea ,应说约旦河是死海的主要水源 意为来源。
(3)D.标题归纳题。根据"Ask what know the Sea most tell that impossible sink(下沉)when are in ,大多数人会告诉你。"可知文章说的是为什么在死海游泳的人不会沉下去。
31.(6分)Half a century has passed,but Shao Guohua never forgot the film ticket his teacher gave him that warmed his heart when he was a boy.Shao entered primary school in Zigong,Sichuan Province,sports and watching movies were the students' favorite.
Once,the school organized a trip to the movies for the students,and many of Shao's classmates signed up for it.But the boy had no money to buy the 0.05﹣yuan ticket.When his classmates lined up to enter the movie theater
He can't remember what movie it was,but Shao never stopped being thankful to his teacher."Ms.Mo made forty or fifty yuan a month back then,so a 0.05﹣yuan ticket may not be a big deal for her.But for me,"said 63﹣year﹣old Shao.
After graduating from primary school,Shao left his hometown along with his parents.In the following years,he tried to find his former teachers and classmates
"The reunion(重聚)was emotional,"said Shao,who is over sixty himself now."The 89﹣year﹣old Mo did not hear well anymore and she couldn't recognize me at first sight,but she was still as kind as she used to be."Shao left 1,"Dear Ms.Mo,wish you good health.Your student
(1)Why didn't Shao Guohua enter the movie theater at first?  C 
A.Because he didn't like the film.
B.Because his classmates didn't like him.
C.Because he had no money to buy the ticket.
D.Because he was too late to buy a ticket.
(2)When did Shao see Ms.Mo again?  A 
A.50 years after he graduated from primary school.
B.Soon after he left his hometown.
C.After he graduated from university.
D.The writer doesn't tell us.
(3)What's the similar meaning of the underlined word"emotional"in English in the last paragraph?  B 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段But boy no to the ticket.When lined to the theater boy alone 。当同学们排队进入电影院时。)可知起初邵国华没有进电影院因为没钱买票。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段After from school left hometown with parents.In the years tried find former and ,but wasn't year Shao his Mo after years.(小学毕业后。在接下来的几年里,但都失败了,邵才拜访了他的老师莫训如。故选A。
(3)词义猜测题。根据最后一段"The emotional,"said Shao is sixty now."The 89﹣year﹣old did hear anymore she recognize at sight she was as as used be."("这次重聚很____。"89岁的莫女士听力不太好了,但她还是像以前一样善良。故选B。
NOTICE 1 June 11,2021 CALL FOR CREATIVE WRITINGS! This is to inform all the students that our school is going to publish its yearly magazine next month.All those who wish to have a go can mail their articles to xysmagazine @ .Students' works will be accepted latest by June 30,2021 till 11:59 pm.You can take any topic of your choice.For more information,get in touch with your own class teachers who decide what to be put in the magazine. Asma/Ashish Head Girl/Head Boy NOTICE 2 June 11,2021 INTER﹣SCHOOL SINGING COMPETITION! Our school is going to hold an Inter﹣school Singing Competition on June 29,2021,Tuesday at 2 pm in the school hall.More than 20 schools from all over the city will take part in it.Interested students may call us at 66882021 latest by June 18,2021. Alice/Albert Head Girl/Head Boy
NOTICE3 June 11,2021 FOUND! This is to inform all the students that a backpack has been found in the school playground.There are a few textbooks and some money in it.The backpack is medium﹣sized and red in colour.It was found on June 9,at around 6 pm in a corner near the main gate.The owner of the bag shall see me in the School Office with your ID card.Thank you. Amar/Amrita Head Girl/Head Boy
(1)What does NOTICE 1 tell its readers?  C 
A.The magazine will come out at the end of June.
B.The school is going to publish its first magazine.
C.The teachers choose what to be put in the magazine.
D.The students have a chance to become world famous writers.
(2)Who should you turn to if you want to take part in the singing competition?  C 
(3)Why does NOTICE 3 describe the backpack?  D 
A.To show its difference.
B.To tell the value of it.
C.To interest the students.
D.To help find the owner.
(4)How can you get back the backpack?  B 
A.To call 66882021.
B.To go to the School Office.
C.To visit xysmagazine@.
D.To search the school playground.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一则通知For information in with own teachers decide to put the ,请与你自己的班主任联系。)可知老师会决定杂志上的内容。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二则通知INTER﹣SCHOOL COMPETITION!)和Alice/Albert Girl/Head ,女学生会主席/男学生会主席)可知想参加歌唱比赛可以联系艾伯特。
(3)推理判断题。根据第三则通知This to all students a backpack been in school ,在学校操场上发现了一个双肩书包。故选D。
(4)细节理解题。根据第三则通知The of bag see in School with ID 。)可知去学校办公室可以要回双肩书包。
33.(10分)A new kind of sea sponge (海绵)found in Norfolk,England
The unique purple sponge,which had never been seen in other parts of the world,was first discovered by divers(潜水者),it had been without a name for almost ten years.In January this year,the Marine Conservation Society (MCS)
Now the sponge has a name to be proud of:parpal dumplin,as suggested by nine﹣year﹣old Sylvie from Langham Village School.Sylvie said she came up with the name because "the sponge is purple and it looks like a dumpling".Parpal dumplin is "purple dumpling" spoken in a Norfolk accent(口音).The judges all agreed that Sylvie's suggestion should be the sponge's name because "the spelling gives the sponge a strong connection to Norfolk".
Sponges were once thought to be plants but they are actually simple sea animals.They feed on tiny things in sea water and help to keep the water clean in the process.Sponges have a very "lazy" lifestyle,with no means of moving themselves around.They are found on the seabed,rocks or even shells.They come in all kinds of different colours
Parpal dumplin was first discovered in a place called the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds as part of a project called Seasearch.When diver Dawn Watson showed sponge expert Claire Goodwin what she found,Goodwin was sure that it was a kind of sponge unknown to science.Watson's discovery is a special sponge,which takes the shape of whatever it covers.Parpal dumplin will now become its common name
(1)What does the underlined word "unique" probably mean?  B 
A.strange and ugly.
B.special and unusual.
C.soft and beautiful.
D.meaningful and important.
(2)Why was the name parpal dumplin chosen?  D 
A.Because it sounds interesting.
B.Because Sylvie won the competition.
C.Because the sponge really looks like a purple dumpling.
D.Because its spelling is related to the place where it was found.
(3)What can we learn about sponges from Paragraph 4?  A 
A.They help clean up sea water.
B.They are of the same size.
C.They don't like moving around.
D.They are actually sea plants.
(4)Which is true about parpal dumplin?  A 
A.It has many colors.
B.It was found 20 years ago.
C.It has only one shape.
D.It was scientifically unknown before.
(5)What do we know from the last sentence?  C 
A.Parpal dumplin is a common sponge.
B.Parpal dumplin is the sponge's official name.
C.There's still a lot to be learned about parpal dumplin.
D.Researchers suggested an official name for the sponge.
【解答】(1)B.词义猜测题。根据画线单词后句"which never seen other of world"可知,因此它是特别的。故选B。
(2)D.细节理解题。根据第三段The all that suggestion be sponge's because spelling the a strong to ,因为"这个名字的拼写让海绵和诺福克有着强烈的联系",因为这个名字的拼写和发现海绵的地方有关。
(3)A.细节理解题。根据第四段"They feed on tiny things in sea water and help to keep the water clean in the process"可知,在这个过程中帮助保持水的清洁。
(4)A.推理判断题。根据第四段"They in kinds different ,shapes sizes"它们有各种不同的颜色。可知,A选项表述正确。
(5)C.推理判断题。根据最后一段"Parpal will become common ,and be until have enough it suggest official one"Parpal dumplin现在将成为它的通用名称,并提出一个正式的科学名称为止,关于它研究人员还有许多东西要去了解。
34.(10分)Technology will make life easier in a smart city(智能城市)in the future.When you go to a shopping mall,you can enjoy free Wi﹣Fi there.When you want to take a taxi,all of these things can be seen in a smart city.
The idea of a smart city was first suggested by tech company IBM in 2010.Generally,a smart city is a city that uses digital technology,such as 5 G network and the"internet of things",and make our lives more convenient.
Cities like Boston,Amsterdam and Copenhagen are already using smart technology to improve public services.In the US cities of Boston and Baltimore,smart dust bins can sense(感知),traffic is monitored and changed according to real﹣time data(数据).There are fewer traffic jams.
What's more,telehealth(远程医疗)is used with the help of 5 G.Telehealth means caring for patients from far away when the provider and the patient are not in the same place.One form of this is video meeting with a doctor in real time
Of course,it will take time to build the smart cities of the future.But since we've already seen successful examples,it won't be long until more cities join in.Tech Republic believes that by 2050,about 60 percent of people worldwide will live in smart cities.
(1)Tech company IBM first came up with the idea of a smart city in  2010  .
(2)Telehealth can offer an  easier  way to see a doctor for old people.
(3)How many percent of people worldwide will live in smart cities by 2050?  About 60 percent of people worldwide. 
(4) Technology will make life easier in a smart city in the future. 
(5) 当然,建设未来的智能城市需要时间。 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段第一句The of a city first by company in ,科技公司IBM首次提出了智能城市的想法,科技公司IBM在2010年首次提出了智能城市的想法。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段中It also give people those in countryside easier to a doctor.(它还将为老年人或农村居民提供更方便的看病方式,远程医疗可以为老年人提供更方便的看病方式。
(3)细节理解题。根据文章最后一句Tech believes 2050 60 of worldwide live smart ,到2050年。)可知,全世界大约60%的人将生活在智能城市
(5)英译汉题。根据英文"Of ,it take to the cities the ,of course当然,build smart cities建立智能城市,故填:当然。
X.词语运用 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词。
35.(10分)It was in the early morning,I got dressed(1) quickly ( quick) before I went out.It was still autumn but (2) colder  ( cold) than usual.It snowed for two days.I forgot to check the weather report today,so I went (3) out  in a jacket.
It was still dark,cold and(4) windy  ( wind).I knew I made a mistake.I shook a little bit.Suddenly,a car stopped and my neighbor got out of it.We greeted each (5) other  and talked about the bad weather.To my (6) surprise  ,he took off his coat and handed it to me.He smiled and said." It's too cold.Put it (7) on  ." Looking at the warm coat in my hands,I was (8) touched ( touch) and thanked him.After that,he drove away.When I looked up at the sky,I noticed the sky was beautiful.I(9) felt ( feel) warm and I didn't shake any more.
The world is full(10) of  kindness.Love is always there.
【解答】(1)考查副词。句意:这是在清晨。根据句意结合提示词可知,用作修饰谓语动词got ,故答案为quickly。
(3)考查介词。句意:我今天忘记看天气预报了。根据上文It in early ,I got I went ,在我出去之前我很快穿好衣服,此处应是动词短语go out"出去"。
(5)考查代词。句意:我们互相问候并谈论了恶劣的天气,此处为固定短语each other"彼此"。
(7)考查介词。句意:太冷了。根据上文he off coat handed to 。)可知,故答案为on。
(9)考查动词时态。句意:我感到暖和。根据下文and I shake more.(我感到暖和。)可知,结合提示词,在句中作系动词,故答案为felt。
(10)考查介词。句意:世界充满了善良,此处应为固定短语be full of"充满…"。
XI.基础写作 A)连词成句 将所给词语连成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出。
 He won the third place .
【解答】根据所给词和标点可知,本题为陈述句。he是主语,the third place作won的宾语。
故填:He won the third place
 Are you going to be a doctor  ?
【解答】根据所给的词和标点可知,本题为主系表结构,且为一般将来时,系动词为be。一般疑问句语序为Are you...?
故填:Are you going to be a doctor
38.(1分)day,to,play soccer,every,we
 We used to play soccer every day .
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为肯定句。组合句意为"我们过去每天都踢足球",意为"过去常常做某事" soccer踢足球。
故填:We used to play soccer every day
39.(1分)my friend,birthday,will,a,give,I,gift
 I will give a birthday gift to my friend .
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为肯定句。组合句意为"我将给我的朋友一份生日礼物",谓语动词用一般将来时结构will give,介词短语to my 。
故填:I will give a birthday gift to my friend。
 Where did you get that colorful volleyball  ?
故答案为:Where did you get that colorful volleyball。
41.(15分)做家务是学生应尽的义务。假设你是李雷,是建华中学一名九年级学生,请以"My Experience of Doing Housework"为题写一篇英语小短文
My Experience of Doing Housework
I had nothing to do,so I decided to clean my bedroom.我无事可做,所以我决定打扫我的卧室。so表示因果关系
However,after I finished,I felt that I was old enough to take care of myself.然而,当我做完后,我觉得我已经长大了,可以照顾自己了。宾语从句
My Experience of Doing Housework
My name Li .I'd to one my of housework home.
One Saturday parents not home.I nothing do I decided clean bedroom used depend on parents it not for to it .(做什么) ,after I ,I felt I was enough take of .【高分句型二】(感受)
Now,I'm to up bedroom Saturday makes feel to and in a and environment.



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