
Ⅰ.情景反应 根据所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。 (5分)
1. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s March 16th. C. It’s Saturday.
2. A. At the bus stop. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Three days ago.
3. A. Eat mooncakes. B. Make noodles. C. Eat zongzi.
4. A. Yes, open it. B. You are welcome. C. Certainly not.
5. A. My pleasure. B. I agree with you. C. That’s right.
Ⅱ.对话问答 根据所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。 (5分)
6. A. A pair of shoes. B. A pair of trousers. C. A pair of gloves.
7. A. To the theatre. B. To the bank. C. To the cinema.
8. A. Pink. B. Blue. C. White.
9. A. She should bring a present for the party.
B. She should go to the party with her friend.
C. She should get to the birthday party on time.
10. A. On the train. B. In a library. C. In a store.
Ⅲ.图片理解 看图听描述,选择与听到的描述内容相符合的选项。下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关。(5分)
11. __________ 12. __________ 13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________
IV.对话理解 听较长对话,选择正确答案。(5分)
16. When does the conversation take place
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
17. What is the man looking for
A. Planes. B. Stars. C. Kites.
18. Who does the woman want to buy the skirt for
A. Her daughter. B. Her sister. C. Her cousin.
19. How much is the skirt
A. 105. B. 115. C. 150.
20. What is the skirt made of
A. Silk. B. Cotton. C. Paper.
V.短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,完成信息的匹配。(5分)
21. Peter’s schoolbag A. Red
22. Eric’s schoolbag B. Black
23. Mary’s pens C. White
24. Mike’s dictionary D. Yellow
25. The teacher’s baseballs E. Blue
26. Li Lei is talking about the Earth Day.
27. Many people like farmers and students take part in it.
28. Since 1970, it has become famous around the world.
29. Last year, people in the town planted 2,000 new trees.
30. People also cleaned up the park and the river.
二、语言知识运用(共 35分)
Ⅶ.单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。 (10分)
31. —What do you think of _________ trip to Changbai Mountain
—Wonderful! We all had _________ good time.
A. the; a B. a; the C. a; a
32.—How do you volunteer to help the poor children
— _________ raising money for them online.
A. By B. With C. For
33. This is the book _________ I bought yesterday.
A. who B. that C. whom
34.—Hi, Lucy! _________ this pair of gloves yours
—No, but the scissors on the desk _________ mine.
A. Is; is B. Is; are C. Are; is
35. Jim _________ goes to the movies when he is free. He isn’t interested in it.
A. always B. especially C. seldom
36.—Food safety is very important to us.
—I think so. More rules about it _________ in the future.
A. should be made B. were made C. have made
37. She took the front seat _________ she could see the words on the blackboard more clearly.
A. if B. though C. so that
38. The T shirt _________ be John’s. It’s too small for him.
A. must B. can’t C. mustn’t
39. Gina used to _________ to work, but now she is used to _________ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit.
A. drive; walk B. drive; walking C. driving; walking
40.—Could you please tell me _________
—I decide to go there by train.
A. who you will go to Beijing with B. when you will go to Beijing
C. how you will go to Beijing
Ⅷ.完成对话从方框中选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。 (5分)
A. Thank you all the same. B. Thank you very much.
C. Which bus should I take D. How long does it take me to get there
E. How can I get there F. How far is it
A: Excuse me, I want to go to the library. 41
B: Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Go up the road to the end and you’ll find it.
A: 42
B: It’s about 1,000 meters away from here.
A: Oh, that’s quite a long way.
B: Yes. You’d better take a bus.
A: 43
B: You can take the No.5 bus. It’ll take you there.
A: 44
B: It takes about fifteen minutes.
A: 45
B: Not at all.
Ⅸ.补全对话 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容、使其完整、通顺、正确,每空词数不限。(5分)
A: Jenny, 46
B: It’s an old photo of our classmates.
A: Can I have a look at it
B: Of course. Here you are.
A: 47
B: It was taken 20 years ago. We all looked young at that time.
A: You are right. How I wish we could go back to school!
B: 48 . I miss Mr. White, our art teacher.
A: He was the most popular teacher among girls. I guess he has retired.
B: Not yet. But he doesn’t teach art now.
A: 49
B: Guess what Math!
A: Impossible! I remember Mrs. James taught math.
B: She has retired and gone abroad with her husband. Was she your favorite teacher
A: Yes, she was. 50
B: She is fine. She will be back next month. Then let’s visit her together.
A: Good idea.
Ⅹ.完形填空 根据短文内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(5分)
Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English, but not Chinese, because Chinese is their mother language. In fact, Chinese is much more difficult to learn 51 English.
Still some students in other countries can speak Chinese very 52 . If you don’t see them, you may think they are Chinese. What makes them successful
“For me, conversation is the most helpful. I try to speak in Chinese. If you only listen to what other speak, you will be good at listening. But if you talk as 53 as you can, you will find you can speak good Chinese,” says Jenny Brown, an English girl. Now she is studying Chinese at Beijing University. She is interested in China and 54 history. She thinks that to learn a language, one must try to know something about the country.
Chinese is different from English, 55 we can use the same way in learning it. It is conversation.
51. A. as B. than C. to
52. A. well B. good C. bad
53. A. much B. little C. more
54. A. it B. she C. its
55. A. so B. but C. also
Ⅺ.短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。 (10分)
A. performance B. requires C. much D. heavy E. can F. event G. Through H. symbol I. began J. mustn’t K. Like L. believe
Have you ever watched the dragon dance How 56 do you know about the dragon dance Today we will say something about it,
Dragons are a 57 of China and the dragon dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture. In the dance, a team of people carry the dragon and perform wonderful dances. 58 the lion dance, this traditional dance has spread all over China and to the whole world.
Traditionally, dragons are made of wood, bamboo and a special kind of cloth(布). So they are always quite 59 . However, in modern times, dragons are much lighter because they are made of much lighter materials. A dragon can be of different lengths. It 60 be from 25 to 35 meters long for acrobatic(杂技的)acts, and up to 50 to 70 meters long for quite large parades(游行) because people 61 that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it will bring. A small group cannot control a very long dragon because it 62 great strength(力量)and special skills.
The dragon dance itself 63 during the Han Dynasty and it was started by the Chinese who had great respect(尊重)for the dragon. The dragon dance was already a popular 64 by the Song Dynasty. At that time, people could often see it during important festivals. In the Qing Dynasty, the Drago n Dance Team of Fuzhou was invited to give a 65 in Beijing. And the emperor spoke highly of it!
Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history Many people would think of Confucius(孔子),whose birthday was September 28. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect(尊重)him for his contribution(贡献)to the education today.
Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu, which lies in Shandong Province. He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him up. As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didn’t give up studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.
Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time only children from noble families could go to school, but Confucius believed everyone should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.
Today, people still follow Confucius’ lessons. He told us that we all have something worthy to be learned. “When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.”
He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled(困惑的). All thinking but no study makes people lazy.”
Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.” he said.
66. Today we still remember Confucius mainly because __________.
A. he lived a poor life in his childhood
B. he had wise thoughts and great views about education
C. he traveled with his students from state to state
D. he lived during the Spring and Autumn Period
67. Confucius learned music, history, poetry and sports __________ as a child.
A. by teaching himself at home B. with the help of his mother
C. by going to school D. by visiting many famous teachers
68. The underlined word “noble” in Paragraph 3 has the closest meaning to __________.
A. poor B. bright C. rich D. cute
69. The correct order of the following statements is __________.
①Confucius worked to help his mother as a child.
②Confucius educated about 3,000 students in his lifetime.
③Confucius’ father died.
④ Confucius started the first public school in Chinese history.
A.③①④② B.②③④① C.①③②④ D.④③①②
70. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. All study but no thinking makes people puzzled.
B. No one has something worthy to be learned.
C. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.
D. A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.
Mary brought home a notice from school:
School Uniform Rules
Sept. 9th, 2023
Dear parents,
Some parents have asked about the rules about dress at Popular School. Please read and buy the right uniforms for your children this winter.
For boys: white shirt brown pants blue school jacket red tie black belt(腰带) gray socks brown shoes For girls: pink shirt green skirt gray pants(only when it is 12℃or below) blue school jacket long white socks black shoes
Children can be allowed to wear blue scarves or white scarves to school. But they aren’t allowed to wear hats.
The school uniform must be clean. Girls with long hair must tie(扎)their hair with yellow ribbons(丝带).
Children can only wear sports shoes to school if they have a P. E. lesson that day. They are allowed to wear white sports shoes only.
Thank you for your attention.
John Wang(Head teacher)
71. For what season does the head teacher write this notice about the school uniform
A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.
72. Mrs. Green wants to buy a uniform for her 14-year-old son. She needs to buy _________.
A. a pink shirt B. a white shirt C. black pants D. white socks
73. It is 18℃ today. What is Grace supposed to wear to go to school
A. Grey pants. B. Gray socks. C. A green skirt. D. A black school jacket.
74. Which of the following is NOT part of the school uniform
A. Pant. B. Hats. C. Jackets. D. Socks.
75. Which is TRUE according to the notice above
A. Students have to wear white sports shoes for P. E. lessons at Popular School.
B. Some parents think Popular School’s uniforms are expensive.
C. Parents should buy right uniforms from Popular School for their kids.
D. Girls at Popular School aren’t allowed to have long hair.
American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them, People of many other countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.
You should say “thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking in front of you keeps the door open for you. When someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful.
“Thank you” is used not only between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.
“Excuse me” is another short sentence they often use. When you hear someone say it behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you.
It is impolite to interrupt(打断)others while they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others.
Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.
76. American people like to say “Excuse me” when others help them or say something kind to them.
77. You should say “Thank you” when someone says you have done your work well.
78. “Thank you” is only used between friends and parents.
79. When you hear someone say “Excuse me” behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you.
80. You should also say “Excuse me” when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others.
You may have already forgotten the days when you had to learn how to use chopsticks. Every Chinese kid struggles(斗争)with them for some time. 82 They come with their own special rules and traditions.
83 Playing with chopsticks is seen as bad manners, just as making noise with forks and knives in a Western country would be rude.
There are also some superstitions(迷信)related to chopsticks. For example, some people believe that chopsticks should not be left standing upright in a bowl. It looks like the incense(香)that Chinese use to honor the dead. 84
You should not ta p chopsticks on the edge of the bowl either, as beggars do this to ask for food. Parents may get mad if children do this as they don’t want their children to be as poor as beggars in the future.
Apart from being tableware, chopsticks can also be a great gift. 85 Newlyweds(新婚夫妇)sometimes receive chopsticks as a wedding gift. Skilled craftsmen paint beautiful images on chopsticks to make them look like fine artworks.
短文还原 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次,其中有一个选项是多余的。(5分)
A. How Chinese kids learn to use chopsticks B. People should not make noise with chopsticks. C. Learn the rules and traditions behind chopsticks. D. Doing it at the dinner table is believed to bring bad luck. E. But chopsticks are not just simple tools to pick up food. F. In Chinese, “chopsticks” reads “kuaizi”, which means to have babies soon.
86 There are some important things that a robot must have. They might help you to decide what is and what is not a robot. It will also help you to decide what you will need to build into a machine before it can be considered as a robot.
87 First of all, your robot would have to be able to sense(感觉)the environment around it. Give your robot sensors(传感器): light sensors(eyes), touch sensors(hands), chemical sensors(nose), hearing sensors(ears)and taste sensors(tongue).
88 A robot needs to be able to move around its environment. It can move on wheels, walk on legs or be driven by small engines(发动机). A robot can move either the whole body or just parts of it.
89 A robot needs to be able to power itself. Some robots might power itself with sunlight, some might with electricity, while others with the battery(电池). The way your robot gets its energy(能量)will depend on what your robot needs to do.
90 A robot needs some kind of “smarts”. A programmer is the person who gives the robot its “smarts”. The robot will have to have a certain way to receive the program so that it knows what it is to do.
A. Sensing. B. Movement. C. Intelligence(智能). D. Energy. E. What exactly is a robot
What makes a 91 ※It needs sensors to sense the 92 . ※It needs to 93 on wheels, walk on legs or be driven by small engines. ※It needs to power itself with sunlight, some might with 94 , while others with the battery. ※It needs some kind of “ 95 .”
Folk music is a kind of popular music. It comes from the people of any country. Folk music began centuries ago. And people write folk songs. They want to express their feelings and ideas.
The word “folk” means “people”. Folk songs tell stories about people. For example, the songs tell about their jobs and work, their friends, and their lives. They also express ideas such as love and war. The words in the songs are an important part of the music.
Folk music became very popular during the 1960s. Fans listened to folk singers performing at concerts. The singer told stories, sang, and played the guitar. Fans listened to the music and often sang along with the performer. Some of the folk singers during this time were the Kingston Trio; Peter, Paul and Mary, Pete Seeger and the Weavers.
Later, people began to play this kind of music themselves at schools, at parties, and at home alone. Today fans can still hear folk music at concerts. They can listen to folk music on the Internet.
96. When did folk music begin
97. Why do people want to write folk songs
98. Are the words(歌词)important in folk songs
99. Where did people enjoy folk music in the 1960s
100. Can people hear folk songs on the Internet
XIII.阅读是英语学习的重要途径。请你结合下面图示信息,以“How Reading Improves My English”为题,用英语写一篇短文。(15分)
How Reading Improves My English
Reading plays an important role in my English learning.______________________________________________
Ⅰ.情景反应 根据所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。
Keys1-5: ABCCA
Ⅱ.对话问答 根据所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。
Keys6-10: BCCAB
Ⅲ.图片理解 看图听描述,选择与听到的描述内容相符合的选项。下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关。
Keys11-15: ECDFA
Ⅳ.对话理解 听较长对话,选择正确答案。
Keys16-17: CB
Keys18-20: ACA
Ⅴ.短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,完成信息的匹配。
Keys21-25: BEADC
Ⅵ.短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,判断下列各句正(T) 、误(F)。
Keys26-30: TFTFT
Ⅶ.31-35: AABBC 36-40: ACBBC
Ⅷ.41-45: EFCDB
Ⅸ.46. what’s this 47. When was it taken 48. Me, too/ So do 1.
49. What does he teach(now) /Which subject does he teach (now)
50. How is she
Ⅹ.51-55: BAACB
Ⅺ.56-60: CHKDE 61-65: LBIFA
Ⅻ.(A)66-70: BDCAB (B)71-75: DBCBA
(C)76-80:FTFTT (D)81-85:CEBDF
(E)(a)86-90: EABDC
(b)91. robot 92. environment 93. move 94. electricity 95. smarts
(F)96. It began centuries ago. / Centuries ago.
97. Because they want to express their feelings and ideas.
98. Yes, they are.
99. They enjoyed it at concerts. / At concerts.
100. Yes, they can.
XIII. One possible version:
How reading improves my English
Reading plays an important role in my English learning.
Firstly, I find that my spoken English has greatly improved through reading. It gives me confidence when I talk in English. Secondly, reading helps make writing easier for me. When I do English reading, it reminds me how words are spelled correctly. So I make fewer and fewer mistakes in my English writing. Thirdly, reading develops my thinking ability. What I’ve read makes me open-minded and enables me to think more. What’s more, reading helps me develop a good habit of learning English.
In a word, reading brings me not only much joy but also great interest in English learning.



