
专项训练卷 语法填空
I'm Bill. I'm 1. English boy. Look! This 2. (be)a pencil box. It's 3. (me) pencil box.What's in the pencil box A ruler and some 4. (eraser) are in the pencil box. I like5. (they) very much. What color is my brother 6. (Bruce) pencil box It is black 7. white. 7777-0123 is my phone number. You can call me 8. the number. Look! That girl is Jenny. She is my classmate. 9. (she) pencil box is very nice and beautiful. And it has some nice 10. (key).
Kate Smith is from Canada. Now she 11. (be) a student in No. 2 Middle School in China. She 12. (have) a brother and a sister. Their names 13. (be) Jack Smith and Jenny Smith. So you know Jack and Jenny are 14. (one) names. They all like fruits. Kate 15. (like) apples. Jack likes bananas and Jenny likes 16.
(strawberry). Their mother gives 17. (they)lots of healthy food every day. They always have some salad 18.
chicken for dinner. They don't eat too much 19. dinner. They 20. (real) love their father and mother.
My name is Bob Brown. I am a 21. in No. 3 Middle School in Beijing. I have fifty students in my class. T love 22. (they) and they love me. I am 23. the U.S.A. I am 24. at English.25. I teach them English. One of my students 26. (be) from Hangzhou. 27. (he) name is Alan. Alan 28. (like) basketball very much and 29. (watch) it on TV every night. Oh, I found a basketball this morning. But it isn't 30. (I). Whose is it Do you know
Look. Here is a photo 31. my family. These 32. (be) my grandparents. This is my father. He is 33. English teacher. His name is Jack. His 34. name is Brown. This is my mother. 35. (she) name is Linda Brown. These two 36. (boy) names are Tom and Peter. 37. are my cousins. Tom and Peter are my 38. (friend),too. 39. this girl Oh,let me tell you. 40. is my sister Mary.
It is February 15th today.It’s Frank’s 41 ( twelve)birthday. There is a party for Frank in the evening.
Frank has a cousin and 42. (he) name is Bob. He wants to buy Frank some gifts.He goes to a food store. There are a lot of 43. (thing) in it. He chooses(挑选) a nice birthday cake,a big box of milk 44. and fruit. Then he goes to a video shop(音像店).Frank likes to listen to music very much and he loves to collect(收集)CDs,so Bob will give Frank 45. good one.
The birthday party begins 46. 18:10. All Frank’s family and 47. (friend) say,”Happy birthday to you, Frank!” Now it is time 48. (have) a big dinner. They eat nice food. After that,Bob 49. (help) Frank's parents clean the rooms. They 50. (real) have a good time.
Dogs can be our good friends. They can also be in 51. (dog) shows.
Well, the US just held the 14th Westminster Club Dog Show (威斯敏斯特全犬种大赛)in New York 52. 2020.This is the 53. (two) oldest sporting event (事项) in the US history. To take part in this show, a dog must be 100% one kind of breed (品种).Also, they 54. win another big dog show. 55. the day of the show, owners try their best to make (使得) their dogs look great.Then they show their dogs to the audiences and the judges(观众和裁判). Judges look at everything: how a dog acts, 56. (it) eyes,ears, nose, fur and so on. 57. (be) in dog shows like this, it costs about $ 50,000 (about 330,000 yuan) 58. $ 100, 000 (about 660,000 yuan) a year. So 59. do people do it
Some do it just 60. (teach) about dog breeds, while others want to make some money. But they must love their dogs a lot because they spend so much money and time on them.
Hi, my friends! I'm Alice Brown. Today is October the eighth. I'm very busy. I 61. (have)a yard Sale(庭院售物). And I sell some nice 62. (thing).The first thing is a schoolbag. You can buy it 63. a very good price.The second thing is 64. art book.There 65. (be) some nice pictures in it. It's 66. (use) for students to learn drawing.The 67. ( three) one is a picture. The fourth one is a sofa. This sofa is old 68. very nice. 69. much is i Oh It's only three dollars. Do you like them Come and buy something at 70. you can find what you want here.
Speaker 1: My name is Linda. I am very busy 71. Monday afternoon. I have science at 1:00. It's difficult 72.
interesting.Then at 2:00 I have music. We all like music because it's 73. (relax). I have P.E. at 3:30. Boys all like P. E.because they can 74. (play) basketball. The P.E. class 75. (finish) at 4:30. Then we go home.
Speaker 2: My name is Jenny. I am in No. 1 Middle School. My teachers and classmates are nice to me. I love 76.
(they) very much. We have four 77. (lesson) in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have some subjects such as English, math and art. I don't like math. The teacher says it's 78. (use), but I think it's difficult.
Speaker 3: Nick is my friend. He is 79. English boy. Nick likes Chinese and he can speak a little Chinese.He likes sports very much, 80. I don't like it.
Many people in Shenzhen love cars because they can help people go fast and far(又快又远).Cars have come into many 81. (family). During the weekdays cars can take you to the workplaces comfortably(舒服地).When I see cars running on the road, I really want to buy 82. too. But my idea has changed (Ex) recently. When I am walking home 83. work one day, I see the road is full(满的)of cars. After some minutes, 84. accident happens(一起车祸发生了).Two cars crash because both want to be the 85. (one). 86. is the drivers' fault(过错)that makes the road crowded(拥挤的).
Some drivers only think of how to save 87. ( they) own time but 88. (not)obey(遵守)the traffic rules. 89. many accidents happen. Now to improve(提高) the 90. (drive) quality (素质) is very important. Good drivers should not only obey the rules, but also(不仅...而且...)think much of others and the society.
Hello, everyone. My name 91. (be) Ken Clark. I am 92. English boy. But now I study in China. I am 13 93. (year) old. My birthday is 94. December 14th. I go to school 95. Monday to Friday. My favorite day is Monday 96. I can have my favorite subject. It is Chinese. I think Chinese is difficult 97. really interesting. After class, I always play 98. (sport) with my friends. Jim Jun is 99. (I) good friend. He can play soccer well. He likes 100. (sing) ,too. I enjoy my life in China.
Peter is a good father. He is good 101. his children. But he is very busy every day. He 102. (can) come home early and he can't have dinner with them. He wants to make more money. One night, after work he is very tired 103.
doesn't want to say anything. His six-year-old daughter is waiting for him."Dad, can I ask you a question "
"Yes. What's 104. " "How much money 105. you earn(挣) an hour " "Why do you ask this question " Peter 106. (ask). He is a little unhappy. "But I want to know. Please tell me," says the little girl. "If you must know, let me tell you. I earn twenty dollars 107. hour," Peter answers.
"Great. Daddy. Can I borrow twenty dollars from you " " 108. ?”Peter is very angry. "I just want to buy an hour of your time with the money. I want you 109. (come) home an hour earlier tomorrow. I would like to have 110. with you."
This is David's room. There is a T-shirt on the bed. It's white. He also 111. (have) two pairs of trousers. 112.
(it) are green. There 113. (be) a desk and a chair in his room. 114. volleyball is under the desk. David likes 115. ( sport).Volleyball is 116. (he) favorite sport. He thinks that volleyball is 117. (excite) and fun. 118. school, he plays volleyball for one hour every day. His favorite day is Saturday 119. he and his friends can play volleyball 120. three hours.
It's Monday. Ben 121. (come) to school at 8:00 in the morning. He 122. (have) science at 8: 30. He likes science because it's interesting. Ben doesn't like math 123. it's difficult.At 11:00 he has math. The math teacher teaches very 124. (good),but Ben doesn't like 125. (he). 126. (Ben) favorite teacher is his P.E. teacher, Mr. Smith. He is fun. He has P.E. 127. Monday afternoon. So Ben likes Monday. On weekdays, from Monday to Friday, Ben 128. (have) lunch at school at 11:45.After school, Ben plays soccer on 129. school playground, and then he 130. (go) home.
It's not usual (平常的) for a student to teach a class. But seventh-grader Hassan Shafi does it. Shafi comes 131. River School in California, the US. He starts a coding(编程) class for his classmates.He is the 132. (one) student at his school to do so. He teaches twenty-five 133. thirty students four days a week.
In fact, Shafi is 134. experienced(有经验的)teacher.At the age of eight, he begins teaching his friends about the art and science of coding. He thinks 135. is fun to teach. Shafi 136. (love) coding after watching Programmers(程序员)work at his 137. (father) office. He goes to many coding camps, 138. .All his friends want him to teach 139. (they). Shafi is a good teacher. Hle sets goals(制定目标)for them to learn computer languages. 140. Shafi's classmates think he is a good teacher.
Everyone knows that exercise is very useful. Doctors say it's good 141. health. It 142. (make) your heart and body strong.There are many ways 143. exercise. You can walk, run,swim, skate or play ball 144. (game). Make sure you exercise in these ways:
You have to like 145. you are doing.
Exercise enough, 146. not too much. Half 147. hour a day is great.
Try all kinds of things until you find one or two sports right for you.
Lots of people like to exercise at fitness centers (健身中心). Why 148. there is lots of sports equipment there. The equipment helps exercise your arms, legs and so on to make you 149. (health).
Exercising can be interesting. 150. (friend) can exercise together at a fitness center, or play sports together outside. How do you exercise
I have a cousin. Her name is Helen. She is a great designer (设计师). She often designs many beautiful clothes. My new green skirt is one 151. them. All my friends say it looks cool. 152. they sometimes ask Helen to design some clothes for 153. (they).
We ask her to our school today. 154. (one), she gives us a talk about fashion(时尚).Then she shows Chinese fashions to us. All the teachers and students find 155. very interesting. Everyone 156. (say) the talk is great. At last, she answers some 157. (question) from the famous TV show Fashion News. This show is all about fashion. Many people like watching it. I think it will be great 158. (see) Helen on TV.
Helen likes many colors. But 159. (she) favorite color is green. She says green is the color of spring. Today she wears a green cotton T-shirt, a red skirt and a 160. of white sports shoes.
How smart she looks!
Lucy and Lily are English girls. They are twin(双胞胎)sisters.They 161. (have) big and blue eyes. They look the same. They are in the same school 162. in different classes. So we often think Lucy is Lily or Lily is Lucy. But it's easy for 163. (they)mom to tel, the differences(辨别不同).The two girls Like the same clothes, but they like different 164. (color). For example, they both like skirts and sweaters. But Lucy's favorite color is blue, and Lily 165. (like) green. So Lily's skirt is green, and her sweater is green, 166. .But Lucy's sweater and skirt are blue. They like books. They often borrow books 167. the library of the school. They are good 168. studying. They both like sports. Lily 169. (be) good at basketball and Lucy does well in baseball. They think playing sports is interesting. 170. (do) you like them
Dear friends,
My name is John and I am 11 years old. I am American.
I live(居住)with my mother and two 171. ( sister ),Rosita and Anna. My father 172. (work) in New York, so we don't often see 173. (he). Our house is near the sea. We often go fishing and cook the fish for dinner. We usually have dinner at eight o'clock 174. the evening. My favorite food is fruit salad because I think it is 175. (health).
We have 176. TV in our house 177. I don't watch it often. I 178. (real) like playing with my sisters. Anna likes playing tennis and I like playing tennis, 179. playing soccer. And She wants 180. (be) a soccer star in the future.
Write to me soon.
Your friend,




下一篇:2023北京北京中学初三(上)期中物理(教师版)( 含解析)