
英 语
第一节 (共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)
Children learn English through lots of fun and creative activities. Camp counselors(夏令营负责人) are native English speakers from the US and the UK! Day Camp Monday–Friday: 8 am – 4:30 pm July 12–16 July 19–23 July 26–30 Price per week: $300 Healthy snacks and a delicious lunch! No more than 20 students per week Overnight Camp Sunday–Friday: 7 am – 5:30 pm July 11–16 July 18–23 July 25–30 Price per week: $500 Stay in comfortable rooms with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks included. No more than 15 students per week Buy one ticket, get the second ticket 10% off(减价)! Click www:// for more information.
21. What can you do at the day camp
A. Have fun activities at 7:30 pm.
B. Eat healthy snacks.
C. Have a delicious dinner.
22. How much should your parents pay if you and your sister go to the overnight camp
A. $900. B. $950. C. $1,000.
23. Where can you find the material
A. A book. B. A magazine. C. A website.
In 2019, Wu Zhengan lost his left arm at work. He looked for a new job many times after that, but it was difficult because he had only one hand. At that time, Wu and his family had no hope.
One day in March 2020, Wu found some information about a bionic(仿生的) hand called OHand in an online video. Without thinking, he decided to try the product(产品). He said the decision changed his life.
With the help of the bionic hand, Wu can not only perform simple everyday tasks such as getting dressed, carrying water and opening doors, but also ride a bike and use a computer. At last, he was able to find a new job.
OHand has signal sensors(信号传感器) to get the user’s thoughts. The bionic hand can do 27 groups of movements(动作). This can help disabled(残疾的) people do daily activities. Ni Hualiang, the man who made OHand, says he hopes people can live a better life and find a job with his products. He says some foreign products are too expensive. Their products are as good as those in Europe(欧洲) and America. But they are much cheaper. Ni and his teammates are trying hard to help more people in the future.
24. What happened to Wu Zhengan in 2019
A. He left home to work. B. He lost his arm. C. He got a new job.
25. How did Wu Zhengan probably feel after learning about OHand
A. Worried. B. Hopeless. C. Interested.
26. What can Wu Zhengan do with the help of the bionic hand
A. Ride a bike and use the computer.
B. Cook meals and clean the house.
C. Play the piano and read books.
27. Why does Ni Hualiang make the products like OHand
A. To help more people like Wu Zhengan.
B. To make excellent products for foreign people.
C. To compete(竞争) with European and American products.
You know all about snowboarding, skiing, and surfing. Those sports are very popular. But if you don’t live near any snow or near the beach. What can you do
There is one thing that you can try. It is called sandboarding. Sandboarding is a lot like snowboarding, but you don’t do it in snow. You do it in the sand(沙). When you ski or snowboard, you can go down a mountain. When you go sandboarding, you surf(冲浪) down a dune — a mountain that is made of sand.
To try this sport, all you need is a sandboard. A sandboard is very similar to a snowboard or a surfboard. It is long, hard, and flat(平的). We have to say that sandboarding isn’t as popular as snowboarding. For this reason, sandboards are harder to find.
Sandboarding is a small sport that is getting more and more popular in some hot countries. Right now there isn’t an international sandboarding championship(比赛). But countries like Australia, Dubai and Egypt all have sandboarding classes for people who want to learn. In western America, there is a place called Sand Master Park. It has classes and shows for sandboarding.
Sandboarding may never be as popular as skiing or snowboarding. However, it has one very big advantage(优点). You can only go snowboarding in the winter. After the snow is gone, you can’t keep doing your hobby. But you can go sandboarding all year round.
28. What does the underlined word “dune” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. 山脉. B. 沙丘. C.雪地.
29. Why are sandboards difficult to find
A. Because they are expensive.
B. Because they are difficult to make.
C. Because sandboarding is not popular.
30. Which of the following is TRUE about sandboarding according to the passage
A. It’s easier to learn than snowboarding.
B. You can do it at any time of year.
C. It is getting as popular as snowboarding now.
31. What is the best title(标题) for the passage
A. Surfing in the Sand
B. Ways to go sandboarding
C. Advantages of sandboarding
第二节 (共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)
This is the year 2060. I have just turned 50. 32. __________________. I have serious health problems because I don’t have enough water to drink.
I remember when I was five years old, everything was very different. I could take a shower for half an hour. 33. __________________. Now, we have to shave(剃) our heads to save the water.
I remember there were “Save Water” warnings(警告) in many places, but nobody cared about them. 34. __________________. However, all the rivers and lakes are either dry or polluted now. Water is much more expensive than gold. In the past, doctors advised(建议) people to drink eight glasses of water a day. 35. __________________. Most of people are in poor health and die young.
When my son asked me about my childhood, I told him how pleasant it was to fish in the rivers and how healthy people were. My son asked, “36. __________________” I felt sorry because I turned a blind eye(对...视而不见) to all the warnings in the past.
I wish this letter could make people living in the 2020s truly understand the importance of saving water.
A. Why is there no clean water now B. At that time, women had beautiful hair. C. But I look like an 80-year-old person. D. But now, I can only have half a glass of water every day. E. People believed they would not run out of(用完) water.
第三节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
How long can you keep doing one thing For Xu Zhaoying in You’an Village, Guilin, the answer is over forty years. At an age of 86, she keeps climbing the hills behind her house to care for the graves of the heroes(英雄的坟墓) of the Red Army. To some people, living near graves can be scary, but Xu doesn’t think so. It can bring her some comfort(慰藉).
Xu started to do this all because of her father. In the Battle of the Xiangjiang River, hundreds of soldiers(士兵) lost their lives. Xu’s father built graves for them. “My father took us to visit their graves every year,” Xu said. “At an early age, I learned from my father that the soldiers were fighting for us. In my eyes, they were uncles and brothers.”
After her father died, Xu and her mother built a house around the graves to make sure they could care for the heroes. From then on, Xu never left the house.
Now, Xu lives by herself in the village. Her son asked her to move downtown with him to enjoy a better life, but the “mother of the graves” said no. “I’ll never leave the heroes behind. As long as I can move, I will stay with them,” Xu said.
37. How many years has Xu spent caring for the graves of the heroes
38. Who built the graves
39. What did Xu think of the soldiers
40. Why doesn’t Xu move downtown to live with her son
第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
New Kid in School
Jayden watched the kids on the school playground. Some were running and playing games, while others were kicking a dirty old football. It was his third day at his new school, and he 41 someone would ask him to play. But no one did.
Jayden missed his old 42 “Why did we have to move ” he said to himself quietly. “I don’t have any friends here. Back home, I had Shawn and Jorge and Nora.”
When he reached his house, there was 43 there. Then he found a note(字条). It read, “Barry and I are across the street at our neighbor’s e on over.”
In the neighbor’s backyard, Jayden saw his mother and a woman drinking tea and chatting. His three-year-old brother Barry was playing with a little girl in a sandbox.
“Hi!” his mother called. “How was school today ”
“Okay,” Jayden said, 44 it wasn’t.
“This is our neighbor, Mrs. Ori, and her little girl Ava.”
Just then Ava 45 out for the toy car at Barry’s feet.
“Uh-on,” Jayden thought.
The car was Barry’s favourite toy, and if anybody else touched it, he would cry. But that didn’t 46 . To his surprise, Barry watched Ava push(推) the car through the sand. Then he 47 a toy truck and did the same.
That night, Jayden did some thinking. “Maybe I was wrong. I have been 48 people to make friends with me. Maybe I should try to make friends with them.” he said to himself.
The next day, Jayden took a football to school. He went to Tyler, one of the players, on the playground.
“Hi,” Jayden smiled. “I got this new ball for my birthday. Do you want to 49 it ”
“Sure!” Tyler answered. “Do you want to be on my side ”
Out loud, Jayden said, “I would love to.” To himself, he said, “Whoever thought I could 50 something from my three-year-old brother!”
41. A. found B. cared C. wished
42. A. friends B. neighbors C. city
43. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody
44. A. and B. although C. because
45. A. went B. reached C. looked
46. A. happen B. work C. show
47. A. picked up B. came out C. made up
48. A. looking for B. talking with C. waiting for
49. A. choose B. try C. show
50. A. learn B. win C. keep
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
What is your dream What are you 51. _______ (go) to do to achieve(实现) it Cassie Gee, 52. _______ 11-year-old girl, has a big dream at such a young age. She wants to be a great artist 53. _______ (help) people in need with her paintings.
Cassie lives in Australia. She showed a great 54. _______ (talented) for painting at an early age. When she was 3 years old, she was an outgoing and lively child. She always ran and jumped around the rooms. To make her quiet, her mother gave her some paint and brushes. Then her mother 55. _______ (feel) surprised because Cassie painted quite well. She shared Cassie’s paintings 56. _______ the Internet. Many people liked her paintings and some even wanted to buy 57. _______ (they).
Later Cassie decided to paint for charity(慈善). To paint better, she learns from an art teacher and spends lots of time 58. _______ (paint) every day.
Now Cassie’s paintings are wonderful and 59. _______ (success) online. So far, Cassie has sold about 200 paintings and she will paint 60. _______ (many) pictures. Cassie’s parents and art teacher think she can be an excellent artist when she grows up.
61. 你未来的生活会是什么样的呢 它就像是一张画布,等待着我们用想象力和创造力来丰富它。假如你是李华,你校的英语俱乐部即将举办My Life in the Future 为主题的征文活动,请你根据以下内容提示,写一篇英语文章投稿,谈谈你的未来生活。
I’d like to share my life in the future.
Ⅰ.听力技能 略
第一节 短文理解
21—23 BBC 24—27 BCAA
28—31 BCBA
第二节 语篇补全
32—36 CBEDA
第三节 阅读表达
37. Over forty years.
38. Xu’s father.
39. They were uncles and brothers.
40. Because she doesn’t want to leave the heroes behind.
Ⅲ. 语言运用
第一节 词语填空
41—45 CABBB 46—50 AACBA
51. going
52. an
53. to help
54. talent
55. felt
56. on
57. them
58. painting
59. successful
60. more
Ⅳ. 书面表达 略



