
期末组合练(语法 阅读 完形) 牛津深圳版 八年级英语上学期
1.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)Which of the following sentences is CORRECT
A.The mall is too crowded that I finished shopping as quickly as possible.
B.No one knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like.
C.Who studies more hardly, Mark or Billy
D.Mike has been to the library and I think he'll be back in an hour.
2.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)Which of the following sentences is NOT CORRECT
A.Joe is away on vacation and he has gone to Italy.
B.My classmate keeps asking what is the matter.
C.Which is more easily to learn, fishing or swimming
D.The ancient people couldn’t understand that the earth travels around the sun.
3.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—Could you tell me ________ you have enjoyed the party
—Certainly. I’ve never been to ________ one before.
A.if, a more exciting
B.whether, the most excited
C.that, a more exciting
D.how, the most exciting
4.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—Did anyone find out _______
—No. It was taken to the police station.
A.whose bike was it B.whose bike it was
C.whose bike it is D.whose bike is it
5.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—I’m thinking whether the dog _________.
—It ________ after returning from camping.
A.needs washing, is smelt badly
B.needs to wash, smells badly
C.needs washing, smells bad
D.needs to be washed, is smelt bad
6.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—Our new sports car ________ well.
—Yes. But there’s still a lot _________.
A.are sold; to improve
B.sells; to improve
C.is selling; to be improved
D.sell; to be improving
7.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—You should return the book to Mike. It ________ him.
A.belongs to B.is belonged
C.is belonging to D.is being belonged to
8.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)Great changes ________ in the city, and a lot of factories _________.
A.have been taken place; have been set up
B.have taken place; have been set up
C.have taken place; have set up
D.were taken place; were set up
9.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)— Who ________ the book The Call of the Wild ________
— Jack London, one of the greatest American novelists.
A.was; written by B.was; written from
C.did; write D.did; written by
10.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—More and more subway stations are ________ in Shenzhen these days.
—Good! There will ________ fewer traffic jams in the future.
A.building; be B.being built; have
C.built; have D.being built; be
11.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—The professor is raising his voice to make himself ________.
—Yes. The students are too noisy.
A.hear B.to hear C.be heard D.heard
12.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—The river water keeps rising and the rice fields are in danger.
—Action ________ now!
A.should take B.has taken
C.must be taken D.need taking
13.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—I was told that Oliver Twist _________ to the orphanage.
—Right. Poor little boy.
A.had been sent B.was sending
C.has sent D.will be sent
14.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—When ________ this kind of watch ________
—Last year.
A.did, invent B.was, invented
C.is, invented D.would, invent
15.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—What about the preparation for the party next week
—Well, all problems ________ soon.
A.are going to be discussed B.will discuss
C.are going to discuss D.have been discussed
16.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)—The Olympic Games ________every four years.
—So is the World Cup.
A.are held B.were held
C.are holding D.will hold
17.(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)It is _________ interrupt others while they are speaking.
A.bad manner B.bad manners
C.bad manners to D.bad manner to
In Lhasa, the capital of Tibet(西藏) China, stands a great palace —Potala Palace. The palace built by Songtsen Gampo to honor Princess Wencheng makes both the Han people and the Tibetans think of a beautiful story that happened 1,300 years ago.
The story began with a 16-year-old girl, who was beautiful and full of imaginations of the faraway lands. She was Princess Wencheng—one of the daughters of the most powerful emperor (皇帝) of the Tang at that time. Many heads from neighboring countries, including Songtsen Gampo from the Tubo Kingdom wanted to marry(娶) her, but got no answer. Gampo was a hero. He joined the whole Tibet together and developed a written system of the Tibetan language. For the peace with Tang, he once again sent his man to Tang to ask for marriage and succeeded.
Travelling thousands of miles from Chang’an to Lhasa was very difficult. Princess Wencheng and her men had to cross the deserts full of wild winds and stormy weather. They spent one year on the road. However, she had great courage with no regret.
As they reached Lhasa, Tibetans warmly welcomed the Chinese princess to her new home—Potala Palace, a palace with Tang’s style. Songtsen Gampo even began to learn Chinese language. He did all these to make less the homesickness of his wife. And with her knowledge from books and her careful watching, Princess Wencheng made suggestions to her husband but never tried to make him do anything.
Princess Wencheng lived in Lhasa for 40 years. In memory of her contribution (贡献) to the peace of the nation, the locals built a temple in the late seventh century, a historical place that has been kept for 1,300 years.
18.Why did Songtsen Gampo build Potala Palace
A.To develop Tibetan people’s culture. B.To make Han people live a happy life.
C.To let people think of a beautiful story. D.To show respect for Princess Wencheng.
19.Who was Songtsen Gampo
A.The ruler of Tubo Palace. B.A hero of peace from Tibet.
C.A worker of Potala Palace. D.The emperor of Tang Dynasty.
20.Which is the topic sentence of Paragraph 3
A.The first sentence. B.The second sentence.
C.The third sentence. D.The last sentence.
21.How was their married life
A.Peaceful. B.Quiet. C.Funny. D.Hard.
22.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Potala Palace. B.Songtsen Gampo.
C.A Historic Story. D.Princess Wencheng.
If you have to describe (描述) yourself to someone else, what will you say It can be difficult to see yourself from the outside, but knowing who you are, or being self-aware, can help you understand feelings and make friendships closer.
Self-awareness means having a good understanding of our own character. If you’re self-aware, you may know that you love playing an instrument because you do well in it, and music makes you happy, or that you like watching TV better on your own because it helps you relax.
Knowing what you like and dislike, what you are good or bad at allows you to make better decisions about friendships, schoolwork and build confidence. The WHO (World Health Organization) says self-awareness is one of ten important life skills that help young people live healthier and happier lives. Being self-aware doesn’t mean only thinking of yourself. By understanding your own feelings, you will better understand other people too.
How do you learn to be self-aware It is a good way to ask questions. Ask yourself questions that start with “What” instead of “Why”. For example, if you don’t understand why you keep arguing with a friend, ask yourself what you disagree on instead of why you’re arguing.
Learning to be more self-aware is a skill. You learn it as you grow. So be bold and try out new things, like playing a new sport or listening to different kinds of music. Don’t be afraid to dislike something —discovering what you don’t like is a key part of learning more about yourself.
23.Which of the following statements shows you are self-aware
A.Knowing your personality well.
B.Knowing you prefer watching TV.
C.Knowing how to play an instrument.
D.Knowing how to make friendships closer.
24.Why does WHO believe self-awareness an important skill
A.It helps to make better decisions.
B.It helps the young build confidence.
C.It stops you only thinking of yourself.
D.It helps improve young people’s lives.
25.What is the 4th paragraph mainly about
A.The way of being self-aware.
B.The result of being self-aware.
C.The reason of being self-aware.
D.The problem of being self-aware.
26.What does the underlined word “bold” in the last paragraph mean
A.Worried. B.Brave. C.Active. D.Smart.
27.Where can we probably read the passage
A.In an advertisement. B.In a history book.
C.In a health magazine. D.In a news report.
China’s railway miracles have been on since last century.
During the Qing Dynasty, building a railway without foreign help was believed to be impossible. But Zhan Tianyou, the chief engineer of the Jingzhang Railway, overcame all kinds of difficulties and succeeded in finishing the task. The 200-kilometer-long Jingzhang railway was completed (完成) in 1909. As China’s first independently-designed railway, it plays an important role in Chinese railway history.
110 years later, the world’s first intelligent, high-speed railway line, connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou, came into operation. The railway line is 174 kilometers long with 10 stations. Running at a high speed of 350 km/h, the railway line has greatly reduced the travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, from over three hours to only 47 minutes. Some trains on the Beijing—Zhangjiakou line are smart because they provide 5G signals and wireless charging (无线充电) for passengers. These trains can start, open and close doors, and deal with emergencies by themselves.
All the ten stations provide e-ticket services. Passengers who have bought tickets online can use their ID cards instead of waiting in line for paper tickets.
In addition, the Badaling Great Wall station, the deepest underground railway station, is another great example of the country’s miracles in railway building.
28.Why is Jingzhang railway important in Chinese railway history
A.It was built in Qing Dynasty.
B.It was built by Zhan Tianyou.
C.It was completed by Chinese ourselves.
D.It was completed with the help of foreigners.
29.How much time does the Beijing—Zhangjiakou high-speed railway line save
A.More than 2 hours. B.About 47 minutes.
C.More than 3 hours. D.About over 3 hours.
30.What is the Beijing—Zhangjiakou high-speed railway line like
A.Smart and long. B.Fast and intelligent.
C.Fast and wireless. D.Intelligent and wireless.
31.What do all the ten stations bring about
A.Paper tickets. B.Their ID cards.
C.E-ticket services. D.Online passengers.
32.What is the passage mainly about
A.The speed of Chinese railway. B.The history of Chinese railway.
C.The changes of Chinese railway. D.The miracles of Chinese railway.
(2021上·广东深圳·八年级期末)Yutian Community Library, the city’s first 24-hour residential community library, in Nanyuan Subdistrict in Futian District opened Thursday, Shenzhen Evening News reported.
Located at the crossing of Shangbu Road and Dongyuan Road, near the Science Museum Station, the library aims to become a new cultural hub in the city and a model community library.
It has an adult reading zone, children’s reading zone, e-reading zone, activity zone, exhibition zone and baby care room. Workers and self-circulation service are available 24 hours.
Liu Tao, the curator (馆长)of Futian Library, said that a modern library is no longer just a space to place books. Instead, it must provide books and organize activities based on its visitors.
Liu said that he thus applied the people-oriented(以人为本的) concept in designing the library. The Yutian Community Library has two functions: connecting residents within the community and sharing cultures with readers living outside the community.
The library will organize activities including “curator of the day” to invite citizens to participate(参与) in the library’s daily management, book sharing activities and picture book house event.
Libraries in Nanyuan Subdistrict saw 77, 216 visitors last year and held 92 activities with a total of 23, 926 participants. Liu hopes that each reader can find their favorite reading category(种类) in the library.
33.You can borrow some books at midnight in ________.
A.Futian Library B.Yutian Community Library
C.Shenzhen library D.the Science Museum
34.According to Liu Tao, a modern library ________.
A.only provides books for readers
B.can connect people and share cultures
C.should be managed by the readers
D.must help readers find their favorite books
35.We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.Yutian Community Library has two function zones
B.babies are not allowed in Yutian Community Library
C.citizens have the chance to try managing Yutian Community Library
D.more than 70, 000 people have visited Yutian Community Library so far
36.The purpose of the passage is ________.
A.to advise people to read more books
B.to explain the different functions of the library
C.to show different opinions about the public library
D.to introduce the first 24-hour community library
37.You can read the passage in the ________ section(版块) of the newspaper.
A.Local News B.Science C.School life D.Nature
(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the world’s great cities are located on rivers, and almost every country has at least one river flowing through it that plays an important part in the lives of its people.
Since the beginning of history, people have used rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi. The lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. To the people of India, the Ganges is great; ships can travel along it for a thousand miles. Other great rivers are the Congo in Africa and the Mekong in Southeast Asia. The greatest of all for navigation, however, is the Amazon in Brazil(巴西). It is so wide and so deep that large ships can go about two thousand miles upon it.
Besides transportation, rivers give food, water to drink, and chances for fun for the people who live along their banks. In order to increase the supply of water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam across a river and let a lake form behind the dam. Then people can use the water not only to grow crops but also to make electricity for their homes and industries.
However, large cities and industries located upon rivers often make problems. As the cities grow in size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes polluted with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the importance. However, of doing more to keep their rivers clean if they want to enjoy the benefits(利益)of this natural resource.
38.Which is NOT TRUE
A.The Nile is in India.
B.Almost every country has at least one important river.
C.Many cities are located on rivers.
D.Rivers play an important part in the lives of people.
39.People can use the water from a dam for ________.
A.keeping the rivers clean
B.making electricity
C.growing crops
D.both B and C
40.The water in the river is polluted because _________.
A.people use too much water for growing crops
B.people wash clothes in the river
C.people pour chemicals and other materials
D.people build a dam across a river
41.The best title of the passage is ________.
A.Rivers in Cities
B.The Importance of Rivers
C.Rivers and Transportation
D.Natural Resources
(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)Ming Wang, a young office worker, inherited a large sum of money after his parents died, he didn’t have to decided to live a simple life like everyone else. He gave half of his money to charity to help poor children live a happy life. Today, he still wears cheap shoes, but he is very pleased.
Up to now, Ming has funded some children from poor countries all over the world. The money has been used for children’s study, food, medicine and clothing. Ming receives a report each year on the children’s progress. They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.
Ming remembered that when he first heard about these children, he immediately decided to help them. “It was nothing special,” he said, I felt very happy. And I saw that the money was used for a good cause. It brought me happiness. I want to do everything I can to go on helping those children.”
42.Ming learned about the children’s progress by________.
A.visiting them each year
B.getting a report every year
C.staying with them
D.talking to them in English
43.The underlined words “for a good cause” means “ ________.”
A.施舍 B.行善 C.优惠 D.赏赐
44.What can we learn from Ming’s story
A.Help others,and you will feel happy.
B.It’s necessary to do charity.
C.Live a simple life,and you can receive happiness.
D.It’s important to help children in need.
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45.You can get a 10% discount if you buy ________ at the Bookstore.
A.tourist souvenirs B.children’s toys
C.Literature guidebooks D.Christmas cards
46.If you eat at Mike’s Cafe, you can ________.
A.get a discounted meal
B.get a soft drink for 6% off
C.enjoy good views
D.receive the best service
47.If you pay 40 yuan for a full-price movie ticket on Tuesday, you can buy a second ticket for ________.
A.10 yuan B.20 yuan C.24 yuan D.free
(2022上·广东深圳·八年级统考期末)When I was on the plane to Tokyo, Japan, I was excited and nervous because I’d spend the following year studying there.
For some reasons, I really liked the 48 . But I was not very good at learning it. The grammar 49 me a lot and even drove me crazy. My only success was 50 — I got an A on every word test. The first term was the 51 time I would ever have. People used a lot of idioms in their daily lives and the teachers spoke so 52 that almost everything they said flew right over my head. I could only become 53 around my roommates, who could speak slowly to me and would not laugh at my 54 .
Speaking of meals in my school, they were more than just 55 . The choices were endless and people with special food needs were well pleased.
Years have passed, but I still 56 the days I spent as an exchange student in Japan. The 57 experience has taught me more than I could learn from books.
48.A.custom B.culture C.country D.language
49.A.gave B.helped C.troubled D.pleased
50.A.spelling B.writing C.speaking D.listening
51.A.best B.hardest C.easiest D.happiest
52.A.slowly B.clearly C.differently D.quickly
53.A.more worried B.less worried C.more excited D.less excited
54.A.words B.questions C.answers D.mistakes
55.A.special B.strange C.fine D.expensive
56.A.remember B.choose C.expect D.celebrate
57.A.exciting B.interesting C.traditional D.educational
Long ago, there was a queen who lived in a palace. She felt 58 and said to her advisor, “All the things around me are too boring. I need a different kind of 59 . Let everyone know that I will hold a competition for the most beautiful thing in the world. And the 60 will be this crown. ”
Several days later, lots of people came to the competition and showed their things. The queen was not 61 what she saw. The advisor suggested, “What you are looking for cannot be brought to you. You must look for it by yourself. What about a 62 ”
The queen was interested in the idea, so she started immediately. As she was on top of the hill near her palace, she 63 and suddenly something cried in her heart. “Why have I never found my palace so beautiful ”
The queen spent one year 64 . She saw beauty on the farm, in the forest and even in the stars twinkling 65 on her journey. But what was the most beautiful thing She thought it over. Suddenly, she understood beauty was everywhere. She should learn to 66 the world. She left the pieces of her crown at different places that she had seen. As time went by, the queen’s crown got smaller and smaller until 67 was left.
58.A.respected B.bored C.excited D.nervous
59.A.beauty B.treasure C.challenge D.celebration
60.A.price B.promise C.prize D.present
61.A.happy with B.aware of C.popular with D.worried about
62.A.competition B.journey C.picnic D.discussion
63.A.looked down B.looked over C.looked out D.looked up
64.A.practicing B.travelling C.celebrating D.attacking
65.A.at noon B.at night C.in water D.in public
66.A.understand B.win C.enjoy D.improve
67.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
(2021上·广东深圳·八年级校考期末)I learned how to accept life as it is from my father. 68 he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was 69 and ill. My father was once a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness 70 all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is 71 .
One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started talking about life, and I told them about one of my beliefs. I said that we must very often give up 72 we grow — our youth, our beauty, our friends — but it always seems that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father 73 , “Son, I gave up everything! What have I gained ” I couldn’t 74 anything to say. 75 , he answered his own question, “I gained the love of my family.” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and 76 . I was also touched by his words.
After that, when I began to feel angry at someone, I would remember his words and became 77 . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be able to give up my small anger. In this way, I learned the power of acceptance.
68.A.Afterwards B.Therefore C.However D.Meanwhile
69.A.tired B.weak C.poor D.slow
70.A.took B.threw C.sent D.put
71.A.impossible B.difficult C.stressed D.hopeless
72.A.as B.since C.before D.till
73.A.stood up B.turned away C.spoke up D.got through
74.A.think of B.come up C.pick up D.care about
75.A.Naturally B.Certainly C.Surprisingly D.Hardly
76.A.sorrow B.thankfulness C.worry D.confidence
77.A.quiet B.upset C.confused D.calm
(2023上·广东深圳·八年级统考期末)It was a windy afternoon and I was walking in the park. The 78 was blowing hard and I knew it was about to rain. Even so, I didn’t want to go home because I had a terrible 79 with my mom 10 minutes ago.
I sat down near a 80 . There were many children playing with their parents nearby. I felt a little 81 . “Shall we play together ” A little girl came towards me. I agreed and she handed me a ball with a sweet smile.
When it began to rain, all the children at the lakeside went home with their parents.
“Where are your parents ” I asked the girl.
“My mom is selling snacks outside the park. She 82 takes care of me, ” the girl explained. “I usually play alone here. I am old enough to stay here and 83 my mom.”
“But it’s raining, ” I said. “It’s no problem. Mom won’t leave me alone. She is coming soon,” the girl replied, “she is my mom, and 84 can change that.” A 5-year-old girl taught me to love and believe in my mom. Should I listen to her and say 85 to my mom
In the end, I ran home 86 . Opening the door, my mom was close to tears: “Where have you been I worriedly looked for you everywhere!” But I knew she wasn’t 87 anymore.
78.A.sunny B.wind C.cloud
79.A.pity B.surprise C.argument
80.A.school B.lake C.shop
81.A.afraid B.excited C.lonely
82.A.always B.seldom C.never
83.A.play with B.wait for C.look for
84.A.nothing B.anything C.everything
85.A.hello B.sorry C.goodbye
86.A.quickly B.excitedly C.suddenly
87.A.tired B.happy C.angry
Guo Wei is a plane maintenance (维修) engineer born in the 1990s. She is doing her dream job in Shenzhen 88 .
From an early age, Guo was crazy about the blue sky and 89 flying in the sky one day. After learning that Shenzhen Airlines had many women maintenance workers, she decided to give herself a 90 . Then, she came to Shenzhen in 2016 after graduating from the Civil Aviation University of China (中国民航大学). 91 , she has worked in Shenzhen Airlines as a maintenance worker. Recently, she has 92 the first prize of the 2021 Shenzhen vocational (职业的) skills competition. Soon, more and more people knew her and she became 93 .
Now, she has the 94 to take her group members to complete maintenance work and big plane maintenance projects. Guo’s 95 job is to check and make sure that planes are operating properly and safely. Airplane maintenance is a very strict engineering project including thousands of parts, which must be done 96 . Every part of the work connects with the lives and safety of the 97 , so no mistakes are allowed. Although the job is tiring, Guo loves this job deeply and puts all her heart into it.
88.A.comfortably B.possibly C.successfully D.hardly
89.A.got used to B.looked forward to C.depended on D.put on
90.A.method B.competition C.chance D.plane
91.A.Since then B.In the past C.From now on D.Just now
92.A.chose B.lost C.created D.won
93.A.shy B.foolish C.practical D.popular
94.A.ability B.trouble C.memory D.opinion
95.A.expensive B.main C.cultural D.similar
96.A.easily B.quietly C.correctly D.confidently
97.A.managers B.passengers C.engineers D.visitors
In 2018, I was chosen as an exchange student. This was my first time going to another country on my own. I was 98 , while a little nervous.
To save money, I rented a flat near the school. I still 99 the feeling when I first got to that room. It was completely 100 . There was no bed, no desk, no chair, even without electricity and Internet. After a 23-hour flight, I sat hopelessly on the floor. At that moment, I couldn’t 101 but crying. I wanted to go back home. 102 , my warm-hearted neighbor and landlord did me a favor. They gave me a ride to the supermarket, 103 I could buy some food. My neighbor allowed me to take a bath in his room and taught me how to 104 electricity and the Internet.
At first, I wasn’t good at English. I explained my difficulties to the professors. They were very friendly and gave me a lot of useful advice. With their help, I gradually enjoyed the classes. Finally, I got “A”s in every 105 . Besides, I made a really good friend named Hannah. Since she is learning 106 , we usually studies together. I helped her learn Chinese words and she helped me with some English reading.
When I write these stories now, I miss all of them so much. They made me feel like I was at home and never felt lonely. I really hope I could have the 107 to see them again in my life. My exchange experience would certainly be one of my most unforgettable memories.
98.A.puzzled B.excited C.disappointed D.worried
99.A.realize B.keep C.remember D.understand
100.A.old B.new C.full D.empty
101.A.control B.help C.hold D.wait
102.A.Thankfully B.Actually C.Usually D.Naturally
103.A.even though B.in addition C.except that D.so that
104.A.get connected to B.get close to C.get compared to D.get used to
105.A.class B.subject C.question D.text
106.A.English B.Greek C.Chinese D.French
107.A.flight B.challenge C.chance D.choice
Each time I see a balloon, my mind flies back to a memory of my childhood. I was a six-year-old girl then. It was a 108 Sunday and my father had just died. I asked my mum if we could write a 109 to dad.
Mum stopped and answered, “Yes.”
“ 110 Does the mailman go to heaven (天堂) ” I asked.
“No, 111 I have an idea.” Mum drove to a party shop and returned with a red 112 . I asked her what the balloon was for.
“Wait, honey! You’ll see.” Mum said. She told me to write my letter. I got my favorite pen, and 113 my six-year-old heart in the form of blue ink. I wrote about my day, what I learnt at school and what stories I read.
Then I gave the letter to mum. She read it over, and a smile crossed 114 face.
She made a hole in the corner of the letter where she tied the balloon string (细绳). We went outside and she gave me the balloon. It was still raining.
“OK. On the count of 115 , let it go. One, two, three.”
The balloon, 116 my letter, flew upward against the rain. We watched until it disappeared in the sky.
Later I realized, like the balloon, that Dad had 117 let his sickness get him down. He was strong. I wanted to be a balloon.
108.A.sunny B.rainy C.windy
109.A.card B.diary C.letter
110.A.What B.How C.Why
111.A.but B.and C.so
112.A.balloon B.wallet C.basket
113.A.took out B.found out C.poured out
114.A.my B.her C.its
115.A.five B.four C.three
116.A.carrying B.following C.hiding
117.A.already B.never C.ever
(2020上·广东深圳·八年级统考期末)A group of boys gathered around a tree. “What a tall tree!” they said to each other. “It would be 118 to climb to the top!”
The group of boys then decided to play a game to see who could climb to the top of the tree first. Their 119 were sitting not far away, looking on at their children as they played.
One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the 120 child in the group. Nobody thought he would win the competition.
Then the game started. All of the boys tried their best to 121 as high as they could. Although they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, he reached the top of the tree fastest in the end.
His mother was 122 to see this. She asked him, “David, how did you manage to reach the top of the tree so 123 ”
“It was easy,” David said. “The other children kept 124 as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they got scared and were afraid of falling down. I, however, 125 looked up. When I saw how close I was, I kept going 126 until I reached the top.”
It is true in life that if we just keep going forward without looking back, we are more likely to reach our goals toward 127 .
118.A.dangerous B.impossible C.stupid D.exciting
119.A.friends B.mothers C.teachers D.classmates
120.A.fastest B.bravest C.shortest D.smartest
121.A.climb B.jump C.throw D.fly
122.A.angry B.sad C.proud D.worried
123.A.quickly B.suddenly C.confidently D.nervous
124.A.having a talk B.seeing their mothers C.looking down D.enjoying the scenery
125.A.only B.sometimes C.seldom D.never
126.A.further and further B.slower and slower C.worse and worse D.higher and higher
127.A.happiness B.success C.peace D.health
(2023下·广东深圳·八年级统考期末)When I walked together with my disabled father, he would rest his hand on my arm. As a result, people would look at us, and I would feel embarrassed (尴尬的) about the unwanted 128 .
It was 129 for both of us to keep our steps at the same speed. But when we 130 , he always said, “You set the speed. I will try my best to follow you.”
Our usual walk was to or from the 131 .That was how he got to work. He 132 missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. When the ground was covered by snow or ice, it was 133 for him to walk, even with help. At such times, my sisters or I would 134 him through the streets on a child’s sleigh(雪橇)to the subway station.
When I think of it now, I am 135 how much courage it must need for a grown man to make himself suffer such indignity(有失尊严). And I also wonder how he did it—without any 136 feelings or complaint.
He passed away many years ago, but now I 137 him often. I wonder if he found my embarrassment with him during our walks. I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was.
128.A.help B.attention C.importance D.information
129.A.pleasant B.necessary C.serious D.difficult
130.A.went away B.started out C.got up D.drove on
131.A.subway B.school C.market D.airport
132.A.hardly B.always C.mostly D.sometimes
133.A.joyful B.helpful C.impatient D.impossible
134.A.see B.hang C.pull D.attract
135.A.worried about B.surprised at C.interested in D.bored with
136.A.bad B.serious C.lovely D.common
137.A.believe in B.agree with C.think of D.play against
查语法辨析。A选项应将too改为so,与that搭配表示“如此……以至于”;C选项应使用harder表示努力的比较级;D选项应将has been to改为has gone to,用实义动词go的过去分词形式表示“去”;B选项无语法问题,故选B。
考查形容词的用法。C选项中“is”后应接形容词作表语,此处应该把副词比较级“more easily”改为形容词比较级“easier”。故选C。
考查宾语从句及形容词比较级。exciting令人兴奋的,修饰物;excited激动的,修饰人。根据“Certainly. I’ve never been to ... one before.”可知,问句是问是否在聚会上玩得开心,用if/whether引导宾语从句,排除C、D选项;且one指代的是party,指物,用-ing形式的形容词作定语。故选A。
考查被动语态。sth. need doing“某事需要被做”,此处用主动表被动,也可用sth. need to be done表示,排除B;smell为系动词,用主动表被动,排除AD。故选C。
考查被动语态。第一句是通常性状态,表示车卖得好,sell“卖”,应用主动表被动,且主语为“Our new sports car”,谓语用第三人称单数sells;第二句如果是“there’s a lot to improved”,improve用作及物动词,与a lot指代的名词形成动宾关系;若是“there’s a lot to be improved”,需要不定式与a lot指代的名词形成主谓关系,此时improve用作不及物动词,而不及物动词无被动语态,所以“there’s a lot to be improved”不对。故选B。
考查动词时态和语态。belong to sb“属于某人”,这是一个状态短语,不用于进行时和被动语态,排除BCD选项。故选A。
考查被动语态。take place“发生”,没有被动语态,所以排除A和D;“factories”与“set up”是动宾关系,可知空格2用被动语态,排除C。故选B。
考查被动语态。根据题干“Who…the book The Call of the Wild… ”可知主语是动作的承受者,且主语是单数,be written by意为“被……写”,故选A。
考查被动语态和there be句型。根据“There will...”和选项可知,第二空所在句是there be句型,不能和have连用,排除选项B和C;主语“subway stations”和谓语动词build是被动关系,应用被动语态,be being done是现在进行时的被动语态。故选D。
考查非谓语动词。根据“The professor is raising his voice to make himself”可知,此处是make oneself done“使某人自己被……”,空处用过去分词作宾语补足语。故选D。
【详解】句意:——有人告诉我Oliver Twist被送进了孤儿院。——对。可怜的小男孩。
考查过去完成时的被动语态。根据“I was told that Oliver Twist...to the orphanage.”可知,“Oliver Twist...to the orphanage”是宾语从句,应是表示Oliver Twist被送进孤儿院,用被动语态,且“被送进孤儿院”发生在was told“被告知”之前,所以宾语从句用过去完成时,此处用过去完成时的被动语态,谓语结构是had been done。故选A。
考查被动语态。句中主语“this kind of watch”和谓语动词invent构成动宾关系,应用被动语态。根据答语“Last year”可知,此句用一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为“was/were+过去分词”。故选B。
考查一般将来时的被动语态。句中主语“all problems”和谓语动词“discuss”构成动宾关系,应用被动语态;根据句中“soon”可知,时态为一般将来时,故此句用一般将来时的被动语态,其构成为“will be done”或“am/is/are going to be done”,故选A。
考查被动语态。主语The Olympic Games和谓语hold之间是被动关系,根据“every four years”可知句子用一般现在时的被动语态am/is/are done。故选A。
考查名词和非谓语动词。manner方式,单数名词;manners礼貌,礼仪,复数名词。根据“interrupt others while they are speaking”可知,打断别人说话是不礼貌的,manners符合题意;固定句型“It be+n.+to do sth.”,意为“做某事是……”,其中不定式to do是真正的主语。故选C。
18.D 19.B 20.D 21.A 22.D
18.细节理解题。根据“The palace built by Songtsen Gampo to honor Princess Wencheng makes both the Han people and the Tibetans think of a beautiful story that happened 1,300 years ago.”可知,这个宫殿是为了表达对文成公主的尊敬,故选D。
19.细节理解题。根据“Gampo was a hero. He joined the whole Tibet together and developed a written system of the Tibetan language. For the peace with Tang, he once again sent his man to Tang to ask for marriage and succeeded.”可知,他是一位来自西藏的和平英雄,故选B。
21.推理判断题。根据“He did all these to make less the homesickness of his wife. And with her knowledge from books and her careful watching, Princess Wencheng made suggestions to her husband but never tried to make him do anything.”可知,松赞干布做一些事情来减少文成公主的思乡之情,而文成公主凭借书本上的知识和细心的观察,给丈夫提建议,但从不强迫他做任何事,由此可知,他们婚后的生活很平静,故选A。
22.最佳标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是文成公主的故事,所以最适合本文的标题是“Princess Wencheng”,故选D。
23.A 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C
23.细节理解题。根据“Self-awareness means having a good understanding of our own character. ”可知,自我意识意味着对我们自己的性格有一个很好的理解,故选A。
24.细节理解题。根据“The WHO (World Health Organization) says self-awareness is one of ten important life skills that help young people live healthier and happier lives.”可知,它可以帮助年轻人更健康地生活,故选D。
25.主旨大意题。根据“How do you learn to be self-aware ”可知,本段主要介绍了如何培养自我意识,故选A。
26.词义猜测题。根据“try out new things, like playing a new sport or listening to different kinds of music.”以及“Don’t be afraid”可知此处建议要大胆尝试新事物,故选B。
28.C 29.A 30.B 31.C 32.D
28.推理判断题。根据“During the Qing Dynasty, building a railway without foreign help was believed to be impossible. But Zhan Tianyou, the chief engineer of the Jingzhang Railway, overcame all kinds of difficulties and succeeded in finishing the task.”可知,在清朝的时候,没有外国的帮助修建铁路被认为是不可能的,但是詹天佑克服了所有困难并成功完成了这项任务,由此可知京张铁路起到了重要作用是因为它是由我们中国人自己建造的,故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据“Running at a high speed of 350 km/h, the railway line has greatly reduced the travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, from over three hours to only 47 minutes.”可知,从3个多小时缩短到47分钟,节省了2个多小时,故选A。
30.细节理解题。根据“Running at a high speed of 350 km/h, the railway line has greatly reduced the travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, from over three hours to only 47 minutes.”可知,从3个多小时缩短到47分钟,说明它很快。根据“Some trains on the Beijing—Zhangjiakou line are smart”可知,它也很智能,故选B。
31.细节理解题。根据“All the ten stations provide e-ticket services.”可知,10个车站都提供电子票务服务,故选C。
32.主旨大意题。根据“China’s railway miracles have been on since last century.”可知,本文主要介绍了中国高铁的发展和奇迹,故选D。
33.B 34.B 35.C 36.D 37.A
33.细节理解题。根据“Yutian Community Library, the city’s first 24-hour residential community library”及“Workers and self-circulation service are available 24 hours.”可知,玉田社区图书馆24小时开放,所以能在午夜去借书。故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据“connecting residents within the community and sharing cultures with readers living outside the community.”可知,刘馆长认为一个现代化的图书馆可以与人们相连接,并分享文化。故选B。
35.推理判断题。根据“The library will organize activities including ‘curator of the day’ to invite citizens to participate(参与) in the library’s daily management”可知,市民有机会尝试管理社区图书馆。故选C。
36.主旨大意题。根据“Yutian Community Library, the city’s first 24-hour residential community library, in Nanyuan Subdistrict in Futian District opened Thursday, Shenzhen Evening News reported.”及全文可知,本文的目的是为了介绍首个24小时的社区图书馆。故选D。
37.推理判断题。根据“Yutian Community Library, the city’s first 24-hour residential community library, in Nanyuan Subdistrict in Futian District opened Thursday, Shenzhen Evening News reported”及全文可知,本文介绍了首个24小时的社区图书馆相关情况,因此会在新闻版面看到。故选A。
38.A 39.D 40.C 41.B
38.细节理解题。根据“The lifeline of Egypt is the Nile.”可知,埃及的生命线是尼罗河。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“engineers sometimes build a dam across a river and let a lake form behind the dam. Then people can use the water not only to grow crops but also to make electricity for their homes and industries.”可知,工程师们有时会在河上建一座水坝。然后人们不仅可以用这些水来种植庄稼,同时也为他们的家庭和工业提供电力。故选D。
40.细节理解题。根据“the water in the rivers becomes polluted with chemicals and other materials”可知,河里的水被化学物质和其他物质污染了。故选C。
41.标题归纳题。通读全文,根据“Many of the world’s great cities are located on rivers, and almost every country has at least one river flowing through it that plays an important part in the lives of its people.”可知,世界上许多大城市都位于河流之上,这条河流在其人民的生活中发挥着重要作用。几乎每个国家都至少有一条河流流经,并且在人们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。故选B。
42.B 43.B 44.A
42.细节理解题。根据“ The money has been used for children’s study, food, medicine and clothing. Ming receives a report each year on the children’s progress. ”可知,王明每年会收到慈善机构寄来的关于孩子们进展情况的报告。故选B。
43.词义猜测题。根据“The money has been used for children’s study, food.”可知,钱是用于孩子们的学习和食物,应是用于行善。for a good cause,意为“行善”。故选 B。
44.细节理解题。根据“And I saw that the money was used for a good cause. It brought me happiness.”可知,王明看到钱被用于行善而感到快乐,因此从王明的故事里能学习到帮助别人,你将会感到快乐。故选A。.
45.C 46.A 47.B
45.推理判断题。根据第一段“10% Off Show this coupon at the Bookstore to get a 10% discount on any book you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, novels and travel guides.”可知,在书店买文学指南,可以得到10%的折扣。故选C。
46.细节理解题。根据第二段“Free Soft Drink Buy any meal for at least 6% off at Mike’s Cafe”可知,在迈克咖啡店可以享受折扣餐。故选A。
47.推理判断题。根据第三段“Half-price Movie Tickets Buy any full-price movie ticket on Tuesday or Wednesday,…”可知在星期二或星期三购买任何一张全价电影票,你只需半价就可以为朋友购买第二张电影票;如果你花40元买一张周二的全价电影票,你可以花20元买第二张。故选B。
48.D 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.B 54.D 55.C 56.A 57.B
custom习俗;culture文化;country国家;language语言。根据“learning it”及“The grammar”可知,此处指喜欢这门语言,故选D。
gave给;helped帮助;troubled困扰;pleased满意。根据“even drove me crazy”可知,让我发疯,所以很困扰我,故选C。
spelling拼写;writing写作;speaking说;listening听。根据“I got an A on every word test.”可知,每次单词测试我都得A,所以擅长拼写。故选A。
best最好的;hardest最难的;easiest最容易的;happiest最开心的。根据“It was the...term I would ever have.”和后文介绍可知,经历过的最艰难的一学期。故选B。
slowly缓慢地;clearly清晰地;differently不同地;quickly迅速地。根据“almost everything they said flew right over my head”以及前文提到的“这是作者经历过的最难的一学期”可知,老师讲得太快了,所以都不明白,故选D。
more worried更担心的;less worried不那么担心的;more excited更兴奋的;less excited不那么兴奋的。根据“who could speak slowly to me and would not laugh at my ”可知,室友慢慢地和我说话,也不会嘲笑我,所以在室友身边没有那么担心,故选B。
words话语;questions问题;answers答案;mistakes错误。根据上文“who could speak slowly to me and would not laugh at my”可知,作者在室友面前感到轻松,因为他们愿意慢慢跟作者说,不介意作者的错误,故选D。
special特别的;strange奇怪的;fine好的;expensive昂贵的。根据“The choices were endless and people with special food needs were well pleased”可知,选择是无穷无尽的,有特殊食物需求的人很满意,所以学校的饭菜很好,故选C。
remember记得;choose选择;expect期待;celebrate庆祝。根据“Years have passed, but I still…the days I spent as an exchange student in Japan.”可知,多年过去仍然记得这段日子,故选A。
exciting令人兴奋的;interesting有趣的;traditional传统的;educational有教育意义的。根据“ The…experience has taught me more than I could learn from books.”可知,这段经历对作者来说很有趣也很难忘,故选B。
58.B 59.A 60.C 61.A 62.B 63.A 64.B 65.B 66.C 67.D
respected受人尊敬的;bored无聊的;excited兴奋的;nervous紧张的。根据“All the things around me are too boring.”,可知女王应该感觉很无聊,故选B。
beauty美丽;treasure宝藏;challenge挑战;celebration庆祝。根据“Let everyone know that I will hold a competition for the most beautiful thing in the world.”,可知她需要一些不同的美丽的东西,故选A。
price价格;promise承诺;prize奖品;present礼物。根据“Let everyone know that I will hold a competition for the most beautiful thing in the world.”,可知王冠应该为比赛的奖品,故选C。
happy with对……开心;aware of意识到;popular with对……受欢迎;worried about担心。根据“What you are looking for cannot be brought to you. You must look for it by yourself.”,可知大臣建议女王自己去找想要的东西,所以女王对她所看到的并不开心,故选A。
competition比赛;journey旅行;picnic野餐;discussion讨论。根据“She saw beauty on the farm, in the forest and even in the stars twinkling…on her journey.”,可知大臣建议女王进行一次旅行,故选B。
looked down向下看;looked over仔细检查;looked out小心;looked up查询。根据“As she was on top of the hill near her palace,”,可知站在山顶上应该是向下看,故选A。
practicing练习;travelling旅行;celebrating庆祝;attacking攻击。根据“ She saw beauty on the farm, in the forest and even in the stars twinkling…on her journey.”,可知她花了一年时间去旅行,故选B。
at noon在中午;at night在晚上;in water在水里;in public在公共场合。根据“even in the stars twinkling”,可知闪烁是星星应该是在夜晚,故选B。
understand明白;win赢;enjoy享受;improve提高。根据“She left the pieces of her crown at different places that she had seen.”,可知她把王冠的碎片放在她见过的不同地方,因此她在享受全世界(旅行),故选C。
something一些;anything任何;everything一切;nothing没有什么。根据“As time went by, the queen’s crown got smaller and smaller until…”,可知王冠越来越小,最后什么也没留下,故选D。
68.C 69.B 70.A 71.B 72.A 73.C 74.A 75.C 76.B 77.D
tired累的;weak虚弱的;poor贫穷的;slow慢的。根据“strong and healthy”及“but…and ill”可知,空处应选一个和ill有并列意义的,同时又与“strong”意义相反的词,“weak虚弱的”符合语境,故选B。
took拿走;threw扔;sent送;put放。根据“a terrible illness”及“Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is…”可知,应是:一场可怕的疾病带走了一切,故选A。
impossible不可能的;difficult困难的;stressed有压力的;hopeless无望的。根据“but a terrible illness took all that away”及“Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day.”及下文父亲说的话“Son, I gave up everything! What have I gained ”可知,应是:父亲还能说话,是说话很困难,故选B。
as随着;since自从,因为;before在……之前;till直到。根据“we must very often give up”及“we grow”可知,此处应是:随着我们长大,我们必须经常放弃。故选A。
stood up站起来;turned away转身离开;spoke up大声说;got through完成。根据下文“Son, I gave up everything! What have I gained ”可知,是父亲说的话,所以此处“spoke up大声说”符合语境,故选C。
think of想,考虑;come up出现;pick up捡起;care about关心。根据“I couldn’t…anything to say.”及“he answered his own question”可知,作者对父亲的问话想不出要说什么,父亲自问自答了,故选A。
Naturally自然地;Certainly当然;Surprisingly令人惊讶地;Hardly几乎不。根据““Son, I gave up everything! What have I gained ” I couldn’t think of anything to say.”及“he answered his own question, “I gained the love of my family.””以及我和姐妹们的反应“I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and….I was also touched by his words.”可知,对父亲的问话,我想不出要说什么,此时父亲却给出了答案,且是“我得到了家人的爱”,所以此处“Surprisingly令人惊讶地”符合语境,故选C。
sorrow悲伤;thankfulness感激;worry担心;confidence自信。根据“along with hope and”可知,此处应填一个与“hope希望”有并列意义的词,所以排除A、C;再根据“I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes”及“I was also touched by his words.”可知,与“confidence自信”无关,应是“thankfulness感激”,故选B。
quiet安静的;upset沮丧的;confused困惑的;calm冷静的。根据“I would remember his words”及下文“If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be able to give up my small anger.”可知,作者感到愤怒时,想起父亲的话就会放弃愤怒,即:变得冷静,故选D。
78.B 79.C 80.B 81.C 82.B 83.B 84.A 85.B 86.A 87.C
sunny晴朗的;wind风;cloud云。根据“The...was blowing hard”可知,此处表达风刮得很大。故选B。
pity遗憾;surprise惊讶;argument争吵。根据“Even so, I didn’t want to go home”可知,此处是表达和妈妈发生了争吵,have arguement with sb“与某人发生争吵”。故选C。
school学校;lake湖;shop商店。根据下文“When it began to rain, all the children at the lakeside went home with their parents.”可知,空处应填lake“湖边”。故选B。
afraid害怕;excited兴奋;lonely孤单。根据“There were many children playing with their parents nearby.”可知其他孩子都有家长陪伴,所以作者感到有点孤单。故选C。
always总是;seldom很少;never从未。根据下文“I usually play alone here.”可知,我经常自己玩,可知妈妈很少照顾我。故选B。
play with和……玩;wait for等待;look for寻找。根据“stay here and...my mom”及“Mom won’t leave me alone. She is coming soon”可知,空处表示等待。故选B。
nothing没有什么;anything任何事;everything每件事。根据“‘she is my mom, and...can change that.’” 可知,她是我妈妈这件事,没有什么可以改变。故选A。
hello你好;sorry抱歉;goodbye再见。根据上文“A 5-year-old girl taught me to love and believe in my mom.”可知,此处表达作者想和妈妈说对不起。故选B。
quickly快地;excitedly兴奋地;suddenly突然地。根据上句“Should I listen to her and say sorry to my mom ”及“I ran home...”可知,此处表达我快速地跑回家。故选A。
tired劳累的;happy快乐的;angry生气的。根据上文“Opening the door, my mom was close to tears: ‘Where have you been I worriedly looked for you everywhere!’”可知,妈妈不再生气了。故选C。
88.C 89.B 90.C 91.A 92.D 93.D 94.A 95.B 96.C 97.B
comfortably舒服地;possibly可能地;successfully成功地;hardly几乎不。根据“She is doing her dream job in Shenzhen...”可知,成功地做着她梦寐以求的工作。故选C。
got used to习惯于;looked forward to期待;depended on依靠;put on穿上。根据“Guo was crazy about the blue sky and...flying in the sky one day”可知,期待着有一天能在天空中飞翔。故选B。
method方法;competition比赛;chance机会;plane飞机。根据“After learning that Shenzhen Airlines had many women maintenance workers, she decided to give herself a...”可知,她决定给自己一个机会去尝试做维修人员,故选C。
Since then从那时起;In the past在过去;From now on从现在起;Just now刚才。根据“..., she has worked in Shenzhen Airlines as a maintenance worker.”可知,从那时起她就一直做维修工人,since then是现在完成时的标志。故选A。
chose选择;lost丢失;created创造;won赢得。根据“Recently, she has...the first prize of the 2021 Shenzhen vocational (职业的) skills competition.”可知,她赢得了奖项。故选D。
shy害羞的;foolish愚蠢的;practical实际的;popular流行的。根据“more and more people knew her and she became...”可知,越来越多的人认识她,所以变得很受欢迎。故选D。
ability能力;trouble麻烦;memory记忆;opinion意见。根据“she has the...to take her group members to complete maintenance work and big plane maintenance projects”可知,她有能力带领小组成员完成维修工作和项目。故选A。
expensive昂贵的;main主要的;cultural文化的;similar相似的。根据“Guo’s...job is to check and make sure that planes are operating properly and safely.”可知,她的主要工作是检查并确保飞机正常安全运行。故选B。
easily容易地;quietly安静地;correctly正确地;confidently自信地。根据“Airplane maintenance is a very strict engineering project including thousands of parts, which must be done...”和“so no mistakes are allowed”可知,飞机维修是一个不容有失的工作,必须正确完成。故选C。
managers经理;passengers乘客;engineers工程师;visitors游客。根据“Every part of the work connects with the lives and safety of the...”和“so no mistakes are allowed”可知,不容出错是为了保证乘客的生命安全,故选B。
98.B 99.C 100.D 101.B 102.A 103.D 104.A 105.B 106.C 107.C
puzzled困惑的;excited激动的;disappointed失望的;worried担心的。根据“This was my first time going to another country on my own.”以及“while”转折可知,从未有过这样的经历,应是激动的,故选B。
realize意识到;keep保持;remember记得;understand理解。根据“In 2018...”及“the feeling when I first got to that room.”可知,此处是回忆过去的事情,此处指的是“仍然记得”,故选C。
old老的,旧的;new新的;full满的;empty空的。根据“There was no bed, no desk, no chair, even without electricity and Internet.”可知,房间是空的,故选D。
control控制;help帮助;hold抓住,托住;wait等待。根据“ After a 23-hour flight, I sat hopelessly on the floor.”以及“but crying”可知,长途跋涉之后看到房间这样的状况,作者忍不住哭了,此处是短语can’t help but...“忍不住做某事”,故选B。
Thankfully感谢;Actually实际上;Usually通常;Naturally自然地。根据“my warm-hearted neighbor and landlord did me a favor”可知,在绝望的时候,邻居提供了帮助,应该是很感激的,故选A。
even though尽管;in addition此外,另外;except that除了……之外;so that为了,以便。根据“They gave me a ride to the supermarket...I could buy some food.”可知,带我去超市的目的是为了我能买些食物,此处应用so that引导目的状语从句,故选D。
get connected to连接到;get close to接近,靠近;get compared to被拿来做比较;get used to习惯于。根据“taught me how to...electricity and the Internet”可知,此处指的是“教如何连接网络”,故选A。
class班级;subject科目;question问题;text课文。根据“...Finally, I got ‘A’s in every”可知,起初英语不好,但是在老师的帮助和自己的努力下学好了,因此是每个科目都得了A。故选B。
English英语;Greek希腊语;Chinese汉语;French法语。根据“I helped her learn Chinese words”可知,朋友在学习中文,故选C。
flight航班;challenge挑战;chance机会;choice选择。根据“When I write these stories now, I miss all of them so much...to see them again in my life.”可知,作者希望有机会能再次见到留学时遇到的那些朋友,故选C。
108.B 109.C 110.B 111.A 112.A 113.C 114.B 115.C 116.A 117.B
sunny晴朗的;rainy下雨的;windy多风的。根据“flew upward against the rain”可知是下雨。故选B。
card卡片;diary日记;letter信。根据“She told me to write my letter”可知是给父亲写信。故选C。
what什么;how如何;why为什么。根据“Does the mailman go to heaven”可知是询问如何往天堂寄信。故选B。
balloon气球;wallet钱包;basket篮子。根据“where she tied the balloon”可知是买了一个气球。故选A。
took out拿出;found out查明;poured out倾注。根据“my six-year-old heart”可知是把自己的心倾注了出来。故选C。
my我的;her她的;its它的。根据“She read it over, and a smile crossed...face”可知是妈妈的脸上,用her。故选B。
five五;four四;three三。根据“One, two, three”可知是数到三。故选C。
carrying携带;following跟随;hiding隐藏。根据“The ballon...my letter”可知是气球携带着信。故选A。
already已经;never从不;ever曾经。根据“He was strong”可知他很坚强,从不让疾病把他打倒。故选B。
118.D 119.B 120.C 121.A 122.C 123.A 124.C 125.A 126.D 127.B
dangerous危险的;impossible不可能的;stupid愚蠢的;exciting令人兴奋的。根据“The group of boys then decided to play a game to see who could climb to the top of the tree first.”可知,男孩们进行爬树比赛,他们觉得爬到树顶会很激动人心,故选D。
friends朋友;mothers妈妈;teachers老师;classmates同班同学。根据“looking on at their children as they played.”可知,此处指男孩们的母亲坐在不远处,故选B。
fastest最快的;bravest最勇敢的;shortest最矮的;smartest最聪明的。根据“Nobody thought he would win the competition.”可知,没有人认为他会赢得比赛,所以此空应填贬义词,故选C。
angry生气的;sad悲伤的;proud自豪的;worried担心的。根据“Although they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, he reached the top of the tree fastest in the end.”可知,大卫第一个爬到树顶,所以他妈妈会很自豪,故选C。
having a talk谈话;seeing their mothers看见他们的妈妈;looking down向下看;enjoying the scenery享受风景。根据“When they realized how high they were, they got scared and were afraid of falling down.”可知,此处指孩子们都在往下看,故选C。
only仅仅;sometimes有时;seldom很少;never从不。根据“I, however...looked up.”可知,此处与上文形成对比,表示大卫仅向上看,故选A。
further and further越来越远;slower and slower越来越慢;worse and worse越来越差;higher and higher越来越高。根据“When I saw how clo



