
专题09 短文填空--2023-2024学年 北京课改版 七年级英语上学期期末备考
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
Hello, this is my new friend, Alice Brown. She 1 an American girl. She lives in Zhengzhou with her family now. Her father is a doctor. He works 2 a hospital. We study in 3 same school, 4 in different grades. Every morning she goes to school with me. Alice always helps me with 5 English. I really like the friend.
Hi! I’m Lucy. I am a student in Class 5, Grade 1. I have 6 big schoolbag. It’s blue 7 red. There is a nice pencil box 8 it. It is white. 9 are four pencils and one pen in the pencil box. My eraser 10 yellow. My ruler is orange and very long. I like them very much. I study very hard.
My name is Wang Hai. I live 11 Beijing. I have a good friend and his name is Victor. He is from America. We are in 12 same class. He is 14 years old. He can speak Chinese 13 (good). He has a sister and a brother. He 14 history and P. E., but he doesn’t like math. Please l 15 at the pictures on the desk. In the 16 (one) picture, Victor is having dinner with his family. In the n 17 picture, he is playing baseball at school. In the last picture, you can s 18 he is swimming. He often plays sports with 19 (同学们) after school. He is a good boy, and he 20 (have) a happy family.
David is ten years old. He has many 21 [frendz]. Jim is his best friend. And the two boys go to 22 same school.
Jim’s birthday is on February 23 (five). It’s coming. He says to David, “My birthday party is 24 6 o’clock to 9 o’clock on Saturday evening. Can you come to my party, David ” David answers, “Sure.”. On Friday afternoon, David’s 25 [ m ] says to him, “Now, David. You will have the party this evening. Don’t ask for food at the party 26 this is not good. Let others give it to you. ”
“Thanks for your ideas, Mom. They must be 27 (use)”, David answers. He buys a pair of sports shoes for Jim as a birthday gift(礼物). Jim likes to 28 (play) sports very much. For him, sports are 29 [r l ks ]. At the party, Jim’s mother doesn’t see David, so she doesn’t give him any food to eat. Poor David only plays with a model plane and doesn’t 30 anything(任何东西). Then he takes his plate(盘子)to others and says, “Does anyone want a clean plate ”
Jane and Sally are my new classmates. They 31 very nice. Jane comes from Canada. Sally 32 come from Canada. She is from America. They speak English. Many students in our class like English 33 lot, but I like it a little. So my English is not very good. Jane and Sally often help me 34 it. They like Chinese very much, 35 their Chinese is not good. So I help them. We are happy that we can help each other.
Dear Mike,
How are you these days I have a good time at my school. Life (生活) here is very 36 , but interesting. I get up at 6: 40 a.m. every day. Han Li is one of my friends. 37 is a nice girl. I go to school with her at about 7:20 a.m. My first class begins (开始) at 8:00 a.m. I 38 five classes in the morning and four in the afternoon. My favorite 39 is Wednesday. I have P.E., music and art classes 40 Wednesday. PE. is my favorite subject. I like to play volleyball 41 ping-pong with my classmates. I like music, 42 . I think music is very relaxing. My school 43 at 5:40 p.m. After school, I play volleyball for thirty minutes. I really like my life at school.
My name is Billy. I come 44 Zhengzhou. I’m a student. I’m in Class One, Grade Seven. I have 45 happy family. I live with my parents. My father works in a restaurant. He 46 a cook. He does well. People like to eat his food. He often cooks for his family. My mother teaches in a school. She is a Chinese teacher.
She is a good teacher, 47 her students love her. My Chinese is not good. My mother often helps me 48 Chinese. We are all happy.
1.is 2.in 3.the 4.but 5.my
2.句意:他在一家医院工作。根据“Her father is a doctor.”可知,他父亲是一名医生,在一家医院里工作,介词in表示“在……里”符合。故填in。
3.句意:我们在同一所学校学习,但在不同的年级。the same“相同的”,固定短语。故填the。
4.句意:我们在同一所学校学习,但在不同的年级。根据“We study in...same school...in different grades.”可知,此处表转折,but“但是”符合语境。故填but。
6.a 7.and 8.in 9.There 10.is
6.句意:我有一个大书包。设空处后是单数名词big schoolbag,且为big辅音音素开头,所以用不定冠词a,故填a。
9.句意:铅笔盒里有四支铅笔和一支钢笔。根据“are four pencils and one pen in the pencil box”可知,此处是there be句型,句首需大写。故填There。
10.句意:我的橡皮是黄色的。My eraser是单数主语,句子是一般现在时,指的橡皮“是”黄色的,用be动词is。故填is。
11.in 12.the 13.well 14.likes 15.(l)ook 16.first 17.(n)ext 18.(s)ee 19.classmates 20.has
11.句意:我住在北京。根据“Beijing”可知,这里是住在北京,live in意为“住在”。故填in。
12.句意:我们在同一个班。根据“same class.”可知,这里指在同一个班,the same class意为“同一个班”,固定搭配。故填the。
14.句意:他喜欢历史和体育,但不喜欢数学。根据“but he doesn’t like math.”可知,这里是喜欢历史和体育,like意为“喜欢”,此处是一般现在时,主语为单数,因此谓语用三单形式likes。故填likes。
15.句意:请看桌子上的图片。根据“at the pictures on the desk.”及首字母可知,这里是请看桌子上的图片,look at意为“看”,这里是肯定祈使句,用动词原形。故填(l)ook。
17.句意:在下一张照片中,他正在学校打棒球。根据“In the…picture,”及首字母可知,这里指在下一张照片中,next意为“下一个”。故填(n)ext。
18.句意:在最后一张照片中,你可以看到他在游泳。根据“he is swimming.”及首字母可知,这里是看到他在游泳,see意为“看见”,can后跟动词原形。故填(s)ee。
21.friends 22.the 23.fifth 24.from 25.mother 26.because 27.useful 28.play 29.relaxing 30.eat/have
23.吉姆的生日是二月五号。February fifth“二月五号”,日期一般用序数词。故填fifth。
25.句意:星期五下午,大卫的母亲对他说。根据“Thanks for your ideas, Mom”和音标提示,故填mother。
28.句意:吉姆非常喜欢运动。like to do sth“喜欢做某事”,不定式作宾语。故填play。
30.句意:可怜的大卫只是在玩飞机模型,而没有吃任何东西。根据“Does anyone want a clean plate ”可知,他的盘子是干净的,他什么东西都没有吃,助动词“doesn’t”后填动词原形。故填eat/have。
31.are 32.doesn’t 33.a 34.with 35.but
32.句意:莎莉不是来自加拿大。根据前文,可知文章时态为一般现在时;根据“She is from America.”可知,她来自美国,并不来自加拿大;Sally做主语,要用“doesn’t+动词原形”构成否定句。故填doesn’t。
33.句意:我们班许多学生非常喜欢英语,但我仅有一点点喜欢。分析句子,可知空处为a lot意为“非常”,修饰动词like。故填a。
34.句意:简和莎莉经常帮我做这件事。根据固定短语help sb. with sth.表示“帮助某人某事”,可知应填介词with。故填with。
35.句意:他们非常喜欢中文,但是他们的中文不好。根据上文“They like Chinese very much”和下文“their Chinese is not good”,可知空处应填but表示“转折”。故填but。
36.busy 37.She 38.have 39.day 40.on 41.and 42.too 43.ends
36.句意:这里的生活很忙,但很有趣。根据“but interesting”可知,是指生活很忙但有趣,形容词busy“忙碌的”符合语境,作表语。故填busy。
38.句意:我上午有五节课,下午有四节课。根据“I... five classes in the morning and four in the afternoon”可知,作者每天有九节课,主语是I,时态是一般现在时,动词原形have“有”符合语境。故填have。
42.句意:我也喜欢音乐。根据“I think music is very relaxing.”可知,作者也喜欢音乐,副词too“也”符合语境。故填too。
43.句意:我的学校下午五点四十放学。根据下文“After school, I play volleyball for thirty minutes.”可知,此处是指五点四十放学,end“结束”,动词;主语“My school”是第三人称单数,时态是一般现在时,动词用三单形式。故填ends。
44.from 45.a 46.is 47.so 48.with
44.句意:我来自郑州。根据come可知,come from“来自”。故填from。
46.句意:它是一个厨师。 此处是谓语动词,时态是一般现在时,he后接is,表示“是”。故填is。
47.句意:她是一位好老师,所以她的学生都爱她。根据“her students love her”可知,她的学生喜欢她,前后是因果关系,用so引导,表示“所以”。故填so。
48.句意:我妈妈经常帮助我学中文。考查help sb with sth“在某方面帮助某人”。故填with。



