
专题02 完形填空--2023-2024学年 北京课改版 七年级英语上学期期末备考
I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is 1 . Then at 9:00 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun. Lunch is 2 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite 3 . Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. My classes 4 at 1:50, but after that I have 5 art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!
How about you When are your classes What is your favorite subject
1.A.easy B.fun C.interesting D.difficult
2.A.in B.on C.from D.at
3.A.club B.subject C.team D.group
4.A.finish B.finishes C.start D.starts
5.A.an B.two C.many D.some
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
Friends Cheer Each Other Up
Tony is badly ill in bed and has to stay at home for a few days. He feels very lonely(孤独的)because other children can’t come near and play 6 him.
There isn’t much to do at home. He just looks out of the window every day. At the moment, 7 sees a penguin(企鹅)eating a sandwich. The penguin says “good afternoon” to him and lies away quickly.
Tony is surprised(惊奇的). He wants to 8 out what is going on outside. Suddenly, he sees a monkey playing with a balloon(气球)outside his window. For the next days, Tony is 9 to see more and more strange(奇怪的)animals. He has a good time when he watches them.
Soon, he gets well 10 goes back to school. He tells his fiends about all the strange things outside his window. While he is talking to his friends, he sees something in his friend’s 11 . Tony asks what it is and his friend shows it to him.
Inside the bag are many 12 that look like animals. His friends wear them to cheer Tony up when he is ill!
From that day on, Tony always does 13 best to make sure his friends never feel sad or lonely.
6.A.for B.with C.about D.at
7.A.they B.it C.we D.he
8.A.find B.go C.get D.take
9.A.happy B.cool C.sure D.free
10.A.so B.or C.but D.and
11.A.jacket B.pencil box C.schoolbag D.hat
12.A.models B.clothes C.cards D.books
13.A.your B.their C.his D.her
A Letter from Henry Dear Annie, Thank you for your letter. I'm happy you like your school. I 14 our school in China, too. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We 15 four classes in the morning and two classes in the 16 . We have many interesting things to do after class. On Monday afternoon, we play sports. We 17 basketball or ping pong. It's relaxing(放松的)! On Tuesday afternoon, some of us have a singing class, and on Thursday afternoon, some have a 18 class. It's a little difficult(困难的). But I can draw 19 pictures. On Wednesday afternoon, our English class finishes(结束,完成) at 4: 00. My Chinese friends want to talk with me in 20 . They think I look like an English teacher. I like Friday best because I can learn Beijing Opera on 21 afternoon. It is great! On Saturdays and Sundays, I don’t go to school. Very often I go to the park and have a good time with my family there. Best wishes! Yours, Henry
14.A.see B.like C.take D.think
15.A.give B.get C.have D.want
16.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night
17.A.play B.have C.watch D.ride
18.A.writing B.singing C.reading D.drawing
19.A.nice B.big C.small D.old
20.A.Chinese B.Japanese C.French D.English
21.A.Tuesday B.Wednesday C.Friday D.Sunday
It was the beginning of the new school year. My classmate Ella and I were taking our first 22 lesson. The teacher asked us to paint a white vase of yellow sunflowers against a blue background. We sat in front of the classroom, hoping to 23 her strokes(笔画) easily.
First, we needed to paint our background blue. It was my first time to paint, but I felt it was 24 to follow the teacher. I even thought I was born a painter and started thinking about where to put up my GREAT work.
However, soon I got some 25 . When I started painting the vase, I drew a wrong line. I tried to cover the mistake with blue paint, but it was still clear to see. Things went downhill fast when it came to painting leaves. They looked like fat, green caterpillars(毛毛虫). And because I didn’t 26 my paintbrush well, my yellow sunflowers looked greenish! Tears filled my eyes.
Ella noticed that and sweetly said my sunflowers were very beautiful. When I said that 27 were much better, she looked surprised. “No, they’re not. I messed up in at least five places. ”After a few seconds, she asked, “Want to give your painting to me and keep mine ”
Up until that moment, I still disliked my painting. But I felt it was 28 to give it to others. It wasn’t a very beautiful painting, but it was mine— the first one I painted. So I said no.
That was two years ago, and since then I’ve taken a few more classes and gotten better. But my sunflower painting is still up there in the most eye-catching place in my bedroom. Each time I look at it, I 29 . I really like it.
22.A.dancing B.painting C.singing D.writing
23.A.copy B.teach C.change D.touch
24.A.easy B.hard C.funny D.boring
25.A.help B.hope C.plans D.problems
26.A.pass B.make C.clean D.study
27.A.mine B.his C.hers D.theirs
28.A.nice B.wrong C.exciting D.dangerous
29.A.cry B.jump C.hurt D.smile
阅读下面的对话,掌握其大意,然后从对话后每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Miss White: Good morning, I am your 30 teacher, Cindy White.
Zhang Ting: Good morning, Miss White.
Miss White: What’s your 31 , please
Zhang Ting: I’m Zhang Ting.
Miss White: How to 32 it
Zhang Ting: Z-H-A-N-G, Zhang. T-I-N-G, Ting.
Miss White: Oh, I 33 . Zhang Ting, 34 are you from
Zhang Ting: I’m from China. And you
Miss White: I’m from 35 . Who is the girl
Zhang Ting: 36 is my good friend Jenny. And she is from the UK, too.
Miss White: Oh, we’re from the same (相同的) 37 . Is she a new student here (这里)
Zhang Ting: Yes, she is.
Miss White: Nice to meet you, Jenny!
Jenny: Nice to meet you, too!
30.A.good B.nice C.new D.high
31.A.class B.school C.name D.teacher
32.A.say B.meet C.spell D.stop
33.A.go B.know C.be D.am
34.A.where B.how C.what D.why
35.A.the United States B.China C.the United Kingdom D.Canada
36.A.She B.He C.You D.They
37.A.song B.bed C.time D.country
I am a Chinese middle school student. I am 38 . I am in Class Three, Grade Three. I go to school by 39 every day.
I live in Beijing. There are four people in my 40 . They are my father, my mother, my 41 and I. My father is a manager and my mother is a 42 at a hospital. My sister and I are 43 school.
There are some 44 in my city. And there are many trees in front of 45 buildings. There is a garden 46 my home. There are many flowers in it. I like them very much. There is a playground near my home. I often 47 football on it.
38.A.fifteen B.fifty C.eighty D.ninety
39.A.foot B.plane C.bus D.train
40.A.city B.book C.family D.school
41.A.brother B.sister C.cousin D.friend
42.A.nurse B.bus driver C.actor D.policewoman
43.A.with B.on C.at D.of
44.A.hotels B.halls C.libraries D.buildings
45.A.their B.this C.these D.that
46.A.in B.on C.at D.behind
47.A.play B.meet C.do D.ride
Rose sits behind Kate in the classroom and they are good friends. But one day, Rose couldn’t find her school ID card at lunch time. She asked her classmates and looked for it everywhere. But she couldn’t 48 it. Later, one girl said that she saw Kate take a card from Rose’s desk. Hearing this, Rose got very 49 .
When she met Kate in the afternoon, Rose shouted, “You have stolen (偷) my card!” Hearing this, Kate began to cry, “No, no, I didn’t steal it. I only took it by mistake (错误).” But Rose didn’t think so and she began to 50 bad words to Kate.
Just then a teacher came up and asked what happened. Kate told the whole 51 . She said one of her old friends came to see her in the morning. She was so excited that she took the card on the desk and ran out. Then they went for lunch happily. “I used the 52 , but I had thought it was mine. I didn’t know it was Rose’s until she looked for it. I was too afraid to tell her about it. So I wanted to put the card back with some money secretly (悄悄地). I am sorry, Rose.” Kate said.
“It was just a misunderstanding (误会)!” said the teacher. Tears came into Rose’s eyes. Then she said, “I was very sorry, Kate! I hope we are still good 53 ” Kate smiled when she heard the words. Hand in hand, they walked toward the classroom building.
48.A.buy B.find C.catch D.win
49.A.angry B.sad C.worried D.sorry
50.A.write B.read C.say D.try
51.A.news B.story C.play D.world
52.A.card B.room C.desk D.money
53.A.students B.actors C.children D.friends
My name is Wang Jun. I’m thirteen. I’m a middle school student. I am in Class Four, Grade Seven. My English teacher 54 Mr. Liu. He is an old man. I 55 a pencil-box. There is a pen, a ruler and two 56 in it. I have a bike too. Mary is in 57 class. She is a girl. We’re good friends. She is not 58 today. I think she is at home. Look! Here is an eraser. But it’s not mine. I think it’s 59 .
54.A.am B.is C.are
55.A.have B.think C.know
56.A.box B.pencils C.desks
57.A.I B.me C.my
58.A.in B.at home C.at school
59.A.Bob B.Bob’s C.Bobs’
阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
I am a little helper in the school library. Usually the library is 60 from nine to four. But on Tuesday and Thursday, it opens very early at 7:50. I have to get there by 7:40 to 61 the librarian (图书管理员).
Usually, I do some cleaning with the librarian first. We 62 the floor and then the table. After that, we put the 63 and chairs in place. Students always give back books after school. The next morning, we have to put those books back. It takes lots of 64 . I have to know where 65 kinds of books should go.
After we put all the books back, we turn on (打开) the computer to work. The students can come in and borrow books. We’re always very 66 , but we are happy that students 67 a lot.
60.A.cold B.closed C.open D.over
61.A.thank B.help C.call D.know
62.A.clean B.shop C.run D.drink
63.A.teachers B.vegetables C.students D.tables
64.A.money B.luck C.dreams D.time
65.A.same B.different C.difficult D.delicious
66.A.sad B.easy C.busy D.free
67.A.read B.play C.eat D.speak
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A
easy简单的;fun有趣的;interesting有趣的;difficult困难的。根据“The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is…”可知,前后两句转折,因此此处应为作者感觉很难。故选D。
in在……里面;on在……上面;from从;at在。根据“Lunch is…12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese.”可知,午餐时间是从12点到1点,from...to...“从……到……”。故选C。
club俱乐部;subject学科;team队;group组。根据“Lunch is…12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese.”可知,语文是作者最喜欢的学科。故选B。
finish结束,动词原形;finishes完成,动词三单;start开始,动词原形;starts开始,动词三单。根据“ My classes…at 1:50, but after that I have…art lesson for two hours.”可知,课在1点50结束。主语“My classes”为人称复数。故选A。
an不定冠词,表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单次前;two两个;many许多,修饰可数名词复数;some一些,可修饰可数可数名词复数与不可数名词。根据“ My classes…at 1:50, but after that I have…art lesson for two hours.”可知,宾语“are lesson”为单数,且art为元音因素开头的单词。故选A。
6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.C
for为了;with带有,附有;about关于;at在。play with sb.“与某人一起玩”,符合语境,故选B。
they他们;it它;we我们;he他。根据上句“He just looks out of the window every day.”主语是he,这里应该是他看见一只企鹅。故选D。
find找到;go去;get得到;take带走。根据后面“what is going on outside”应该是想弄清楚外面发生了什么事,find out“找出,查明”,故选A。
happy开心的;cool酷的;sure确实;free自由的,免费的。根据后面“to see more and more strange(奇怪的) animals”看见很多奇怪的动物,应该很开心。故选A。
jacket夹克衫;pencil boxs铅笔盒;schoolbag书包;hat帽子。根据下文“Inside the bag are”可知是包。故选C。
models模型;clothes衣服;cards卡片;books书。根据“look like animals”可知应该是像动物的模型。故选A。
14.B 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.D 21.C
see看见;like喜欢;take带走;think认为。根据“I'm happy you like your school”及“too”,可知,作者也喜欢自己的学校,故选B。
give给;get得到;have有;want想要。根据“four classes”,可知,上午有四节课,故选C。
morning早上;afternoon下午;evening晚上;night晚上。根据“in the morning”,可知,前面提到了上午,此处应该描述下午,故选B。
play玩;have有;watch观看;ride骑。根据“basketball or ping pong”,可知,此处表示“打篮球或打乒乓球”,英文表达为play basketball“打篮球”,play ping pong“打乒乓球”,故选A。
writing写作;singing唱歌;reading阅读;drawing画画。根据“ It's a little difficult”及“But I can draw…pictures”,可知,对其他人有点困难,但是作者擅长画画,说明此空提到的是上画画课,故选D。
nice漂亮的;big大的;small小的;old老的。根据“ It's a little difficult”及“But I can draw…pictures”,可知,对其他人来说画画有点困难,但是作者可以画出漂亮的画,故选A。
Chinese中文;Japanese日语;French法语;English英语。根据“They think I look like an English teacher”,可知,作者看起来像一名英语老师,所以朋友都想用英语跟他聊天,故选D。
Tuesday星期二;Wednesday星期三;Friday星期五;Sunday星期日。根据“I like Friday best”,可知,最喜欢星期五,说明在星期五下午可以学习京剧,故选C。
22.B 23.A 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.D
dancing跳舞;painting画画;singing唱歌;writing写作。根据下文“The teacher asked us to paint a white vase of yellow sunflowers against a blue background.”可知我们正在上美术课,学习画向日葵。故选B。
copy模仿;teach教;change改变;touch触摸。由第二段“ It was my first time to paint”可知这是我第一次学画画,因此是从模仿开始的。故选A。
easy容易的;hard艰难的;funny有趣的;boring无聊的。由下文“I even thought I was born a painter and started thinking about where to put up my GREAT work.”可知我自信心大增,甚至认为我是一个天生的画家,并且开始思考把我的巨作摆放在哪里,可知我感觉模仿老师很容易。故选A。
pass传递;make制作;clean清洗;study学习。由下文“my yellow sunflowers looked greenish! Tears filled my eyes.”我的黄色向日葵变成了绿色,可知是我没洗好画笔,因此颜色混了。故选C。
mine我的;his他的;hers她的;theirs他们的。由下文艾拉的话“No, they’re not. I messed up in at least five places. ”可知我在夸她的画很漂亮。故选C。
nice好的;wrong错误的;exciting令人兴奋的;dangerous危险的。根据下一句“It wasn’t a very beautiful painting, but it was mine— the first one I painted.”可知作者认为虽然这幅画不好看,但毕竟是我的第一幅画,因此给别人是错误的。故选B。
cry哭泣;jump跳;hurt伤害;smile微笑。根据下一句“I really like it.”可知我现在很喜欢我的画,因此每次看的时候都会笑。故选D。
30.C 31.C 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.A 37.D
class班级;school学校;name名字;teacher老师。根据“I’m Zhang Ting”可知,询问对方的名字,故选C。
say说;meet遇见;spell拼写;stop停止。根据“Z-H-A-N-G, Zhang. T-I-N-G, Ting”可知,询问如何拼写,故选C。
go去;know知道;be动词原形;am是。根据“Z-H-A-N-G, Zhang. T-I-N-G, Ting”可知,老师知道了这个学生的名字,故选B。
where在哪里;how如何;what什么;why为什么。根据“I’m from China”可知,询问来自哪里,故选A。
the United States美国;China中国;the United Kingdom英国;Canada加拿大。根据“And she is from the UK, too.”可知,老师来自英国,故选C。
38.A 39.C 40.C 41.B 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.C 46.D 47.A
fifteen十五;fifty五十;eighty八十;ninety九十。根据上文“I am a Chinese middle school student”可知,作者十五岁。故选A。
foot脚;plane飞机;bus公共汽车;train火车。根据上文“go to school”可知,此处说的是上学的交通方式,且空格前为介词“by”,故此处指的是坐公共汽车上学。故选C。
city城市;book书;family家庭;school学校。根据下文“They are my father, my mother, my sister and I”可知,此处是在说家里有四个人。故选C。
brother哥哥;sister姐姐;cousin表弟;friend朋友。根据“My sister and I are at school”可知,此处指的是他们是我的父亲、我的母亲、我的姐姐和我。故选B。
nurse护士;bus driver公共汽车司机;actor演员;policewoman女警察。根据下文“at a hospital”可知,母亲是医院的护士。故选A。
with带有;on在……上;at在;of属于。根据下文“school”可知,空处应用at,at school意为“在上学”,符合句意,故选C。
hotels酒店;halls礼堂;libraries图书馆;buildings建筑物。根据下文“And there are many trees in front of these buildings”可知,此处指的是在我的城市有一些建筑物。故选D。
their它们的,形容词性物主代词;this这个,指示代词,后接名词单数;these这些,后接名词复数;that那个,后接名词单数。根据上文“There are some buildings in my city”可知,此处指的是在这些建筑物前面有许多树。故选C。
in在……里;on在……上;at在;behind在……后面。根据空前“There is a garden”及空后“my home”可知,空处表示“家后面有一个花园”。故选D。
play玩;meet遇见;do做;ride骑。根据上文“There is a playground near my home”可知家附近有一个操场,作者经常在上面踢足球。故选A。
48.B 49.A 50.C 51.B 52.A 53.D
buy忙碌的;find找到;catch抓住;win赢得。根据“looked for it everywhere”可知找不到学生证。故选B。
angry愤怒的;sad伤心的;worried担忧的;sorry抱歉的。根据“Later, one girl said that she saw Kate take a card from Rose’s desk”以及“Rose shouted, ‘You have stolen (偷) my card’”可知罗斯是非常生气的,故选A。
write写;read阅读;say说;try尝试。根据“bad words to Kate”可知是说坏话,故选C。
news消息;story故事;play游戏;world世界。根据“Just then a teacher came up and asked what happened.”可知凯特把整个事情都说了出来,story符合语境,故选B。
card卡片;room房间;desk桌子;money金钱。根据“I used the...but I had thought it was mine.”结合上文“one girl said that she saw Kate take a card from Rose’s desk.”可知是指卡片,故选A。
students学生;actors演员;children孩子;friends朋友。根据第一段“Rose sits behind Kate in the classroom and they are good friends.”可知罗斯希望她们还是好朋友,故选D。
54.B 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.C 59.B
have有;think认为;know知道。根据“I...a pencil-box”可知我有一个铅笔盒,故选A。
in在……里面;at home在家;at school在学校。根据“She is not...today. I think she is at home.”可知她今天不在学校,故选C。
Bob鲍勃;Bob’s鲍勃的;Bobs’表达错误。根据“But it’s not mine. I think it’s...”可知此处是指橡皮是鲍勃的,应用名词所有格,故选B。
60.C 61.B 62.A 63.D 64.D 65.B 66.C 67.A
cold寒冷的;closed关闭的;open开着的;over结束的。根据下文“it opens very early at 7:50.”可推知,图书馆通常从上午九点,开到下午四点。故选C。
thank感谢;help帮助;call打电话;know知道。根据上文“I am a little helper in the school library.”可知,是去图书馆帮助图书管理员。故选B。
clean清理;shop购物;run跑步;drink喝。根据“the floor and then the table”可知,是清理地面和桌子。故选A。
teachers老师;vegetables蔬菜;students学生;tables桌子。根据“After that, we put the ... and chairs in place.”可知,此处指把桌椅摆放在该放的位置。故选D。
money金钱;luck运气;dreams梦想;time时间。根据“The next morning, we have to put those books back.”可推知,把书放回原位需要花费很多时间。故选D。
same相同的;different不同的;difficult困难的;delicious美味的。根据“ I have to know where ... kinds of books should go.”可知,不同种类的书应摆放的位置是不同的,这一点作者必须知道。故选B。
read阅读;play玩;eat吃;speak说。根据“we are happy that students ... a lot.”可知,很高兴看到学生们读了很多书。故选A。



