
2023 北京重点校初一(上)期末英语汇编
ALesson to Learn
My little sister Betty is only 7 years old, but she is so irritating ( 使人恼火的 ). All day long she says,
“Eddie, I wonder why people can talk but animals can’t.” Or, “I wonder why the ocean looks blue.” Of course, I
don’t know the answers, but I don’t let her know that. I just make up reasonable explanations (合理的解释), and
she accepts them as if I’m the smartest person in the world. Before I answer one of her questions, I usually tell her
that she’s pretty stupid and asks too many questions.
Well, yesterday we both got our report cards. I got B’s and C’s, and she got all A’s. On my report card, my
teacher wrote, “Eddie would be getting better grades if he asked more questions.” Of course, on my sister’s report
card, it said just the opposite (相反的).
To make things worse, my sister told every family member about how I was so stupid for not asking questions!
I just sighed and told her she was right—I wouldn’t make fun of her anymore for asking so many questions.
Yes, I learned a lesson from my little sister: Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to wonder
1.How old is Betty
2.Does Eddie let Betty know he doesn’t know the answers to her questions
3.What grade did Eddie get
4.What lesson does Eddie learn from his little sister
5.What do you think of Betty And why
Let’s Have City Walking
How can you learn about a city Maybe you can try city walking.
In city walking, there are many kinds of themes (主题) for city walkers, such as old buildings, delicious food,
famous places and so on. Along the way, they always take photos, listen to the guide and join in fun activities (活
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The idea of city walking is growing in China. Xiao Xiao has her own city walking workshop in Changsha,
Hunan. There are over 30 city walking themes like old buildings, films, food and communities (社区 ) in her
workshop. She says that people show great interest in these themes. And more than 3, 000 people join in her city
walking activities since 2019.
Zhang Xiaoxin is a newcomer to Changsha. She joins in city walking about old communities in Changsha. She
learns more about the daily lives of people in Changsha. “I can see so many kinds of chili peppers in the food
market. The young and the old are exercising at a community playground. I think Changsha is really a lively city, ”
she says. Along the walk, Zhang and her teammates also have a fun activity—take photos and match them with the
sounds of the city.
City walking is not just a way to travel but can be a part of our daily lives. “It is a new way to have fun in a
city. I think everyone should have a try, ” Xiao says. “Just start to watch everything around you whenever you walk,
from your school or working place to your home. You’ll always find something interesting. ”
6.What do city walkers always do along the way
7.How many city walking themes are there in Xiao Xiao’s workshop
8.What does Zhang Xiaoxin think of Changsha
9.What do you think of city walking Please use some information in the passage to support (支持) you.
(2023上·北京东城·初一上期末)Summer Job
Hi, I am Mike. In summer, after schools are closed, I work at an amusement(娱乐)park in a nearby town.
I love working at the park. It is really big with lots of fun rides(娱乐设施). It is built on the beach, and there
is a really long boardwalk(木板人行道). There are many shops and restaurants by the boardwalk. People get into
the park from the boardwalk.
In the park there are ways to the beach, so people can get to the beach from the park.
I work there as a ride operator(操作员)at one of the most fun roller coasters. Three other young people work
at the same ride with me. We welcome the riders, tell them how to keep safe and operate the ride.
I work there for about one month every summer and I enjoy it very much. There are some fun events(活动)
over the summer with free food, ice-cream and games for the workers. As a worker in the park, I can ride the rides
as much as I want. My family and friends love visiting me because I can get them into the park for free too. The
only bad thing about working there is that it gets too hot sometimes. But even then, I can just jump in the cool
waters of the Atlantic Ocean and have a swim.
10.Where does Mike work in summer
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11.What’s by the boardwalk
12.What do Mike and other three workers do
13.Why do Mike’s family and friends love visiting him
14.What do you think of Mike’s job Why do you think so
The Chong Yang Festival comes on the ninth day of the ninth lunar (阴历) month, so it is called the Double
Ninth Festival. The festival has a history of over 2,000 years. In Chinese tradition, nine is a yang number. The ninth
day of the ninth month has two nines so it is named as Chong Yang Festival.
There are many kinds of activities on the Double Ninth Festival. Because autumn has a clear sky and fresh air,
it is a very good time to climb a mountain. Climbing a mountain has been the tradition of the Chong Yang Festival
from the Western Han Dynasty. Also, it is good for our health. On the Double Ninth Festival, people also eat Chong
Yang cakes, enjoy chrysanthemum flowers and drink chrysanthemum wine.
Today, the Double Ninth Festival has got its new meaning—a day for showing respect (尊重) to the old. On
the day of the festival, people show their respect, care and love to old people. And they also do lots of things to help
the old. Many parks, communities and organizations (社区及团体) plan the activities for old people, such as an
autumn trip, singing songs or sending presents to them. We hope the old are happy and stay healthy by taking part
in these activities. Many young people accompany (陪伴 ) the old on outings, or make some delicious food for
15.When does the Double Ninth Festival come
16.How do people celebrate Chong Yang Festival( at least two)
17.What is the new meaning of the Double Ninth Festival
18.What does the passage mainly talk about
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Scientists have found the world’s largest sea grass meadow (草坪). They did it by using videos taken by some
unusual helpers: tiger sharks.
The work should help protect (保护) the sea grass, and it’s also an interesting way to learn about the ocean (海
Sea grasses help clean the ocean’s water, and provide (提供 ) food and living places for many sea animals.
Importantly, they help in fighting global warming.
Scientists want to protect them, but they don’t have a good idea of where and how large they are. Sea grasses
can be hard to see because the water is too deep and not clear enough. As a scientist said, “If we don’t know where
it is, we can’t protect it.”
So scientists want sharks to help with the research (研究). Tiger sharks are huge, strong, fast swimmers and
also spend a lot of time in sea grass meadows. The scientists put cameras on the fins of sharks and then let them go
back to the ocean.
The cameras fell off after a few hours and floated (漂浮) to the top of the ocean. Tracking signals (追踪信号)
helped the scientists find the floating cameras and collect the videos the sharks had taken. Putting all this
information together, the scientists found the largest sea grass meadow.
The research also shows how useful large underwater animals can be in helping to learn more about life under
the sea. A scientist said, “Animals like tiger sharks are going to take us to completely new places.”
19.Who are the scientists’ unusual helpers in the passage
20.Why is it hard for the scientists to find the sea grasses
21.How did the scientists find the floating cameras
22.What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph
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Grace Walker, a 7-year-old girl, lives in a quiet neighborhood. She is a child who has lots of friends and a
happy life. But she once had a problem.
Her school holds a yearly career (职业 ) fair. On that day, adults come to school and talk to children about
many different careers. This year, they listened to a doctor, met a manager and talked to a librarian. But Grace had
no inspiration (鼓舞她的人) at all.
That evening Grace was very sad at the dinner table. Her mom asked her what was wrong. Grace began to cry
when she told her mother about her future and career. Grace has always dreamed of becoming a firefighter, helping
others and being a hero. When she told her friends about her dream, they laughed because a girl can’t be a’fireman’.
Grace’s mom smiled and hugged her.
To help Grace solve (解决 ) the problem, her mom got her computer, ran a quick search and placed the
computer in front of Grace. Then she saw the screen. There was a beautiful, smiling woman firefighter accepting a
medal (奖章) for her bravery during a car accident. In the photo, she was holding one of the little girls she had freed
from the school bus. Grace couldn’t believe it.
Grace’s mom said, “Why not send an email to the firefighter ” Grace did it happily and waited, hoping for a
reply! They were so excited when a reply flashed up a few minutes later. Finally Grace had her inspiration—it was
Constance Baker. She started to read Constance’s blog (博客) and followed her daily.
That summer, Grace had a party to celebrate her birthday. When it was time to bring out the cake, Grace was
told to close her eyes. Suddenly, she heard loud sirens (警笛) coming closer and louder by the second. When she
opened her eyes, Constance was holding the cake and the rest of the firefighters were standing around the fire truck.
This was the best birthday Grace could ever have.
At school, Grace was the talk of the hallways. She is so proud of her future dream and now truly believes
anything is possible.
23.What was Grace’s problem
24.How was the problem solved
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1.Seven years old. 2.No, he doesn’t. 3.B and C. 4.Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER
be afraid to wonder why. 5.I think Betty likes studying because she always asks some questions.
1.根据“My little sister Betty is only 7 years old”可知 Betty七岁。故填 Seven years old.
2.根据“I don’t know the answers, but I don’t let her know that.”可知 Eddie不让 Betty知道他不知道答案。故填
No, he doesn’t.
3.根据“I got B’s and C’s, and she got all A’s. ”可知 Eddie的成绩是 B和 C。故填 B and C.
4.根据“Yes, I learned a lesson from my little sister: Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to
wonder why.”可知 Eddie从妹妹身上学到了:永远不要害怕提问,也永远不要害怕想知道为什么。故填 Never
be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to wonder why.
5.开放性作答,结合文章,言之有理即可。参考答案为 I think Betty likes studying because she always asks some
6.They always take photos, listen to the guide and join in fun activities. 7.Over 30 city walking themes.
8.She thinks Changsha is really a lively city. 9.I think city walking is interesting and meaningful. Whenever I
walk, I will always find something interesting.
6.根据“ Along the way, they always take photos, listen to the guide and join in fun activities.”可知,一路上他们
总是拍照,听导游讲解,参加有趣的活动。故填 They always take photos, listen to the guide and join in fun
7.根据“There are over 30 city walking themes like old buildings, films, food and communities (社区) in her
workshop. ”可知,她的工作室里有超过 30个城市步行主题,比如旧建筑、电影、食物和社区等,所以城市
漫步主题的数量超过 30个。故填 Over 30 city walking themes.
8.根据“I think Changsha is really a lively city.”可知,她认为长沙是一个活跃热情的城市。故填 She thinks
Changsha is really a lively city.
9.开放性作答,言之有理即可。参考答案为 I think city walking is interesting and meaningful. Whenever I walk,
I will always find something interesting.
10.At an amusement park in a nearby town. 11.Many shops and restaurants. 12.They work as ride
operators at the same ride. 13.Because Mike can get family and friends into the park for free too. 14.I
think Mike’s job is interesting because he can jump in the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean and have a swim.
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了Mike 夏天放假后在附近镇上的一个游乐园工作的故事。
10.根据文中“Hi, I am Mike. In summer, after schools are closed, I work at an amusement park in a nearby town.”
可知,Mike夏天放假后,在附近城镇的游乐园工作。故填 At an amusement park in a nearby town.
11.根据文中“There are many shops and restaurants by the boardwalk.”可知,木板路旁边有很多商店和餐馆。
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故填Many shops and restaurants.
12.根据文中“I work there as a ride operator at one of the most fun roller coasters. Three other young people work
at the same ride with me.”可知,Mike和其他三个年轻人在同一台游乐设施上做操作员的工作。故填 They work
as ride operators at the same ride.
13.根据“My family and friends love visiting me because I can get them into the park for free too.”可知,我的家
人和朋友喜欢来看我是因为我也可以让他们免费进入公园。故填 Because Mike can get family and friends into
the park for free too.
14.开放性作答,结合自己的想法言之有理即可。参考答案为 I think Mike’s job is interesting because he can
jump in the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean and have a swim.
15.It is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. 16.On the Double Ninth Festival, people climb a mountain,
eat Chong Yang cakes, enjoy chrysanthemum flowers and drink chrysanthemum wine. 17.A day for showing
respect to the old. 18.The passage mainly talks about the Double Ninth Festival.
15.根据第一段“The Chong Yang Festival comes on the ninth day of the ninth lunar (阴历) month, so it is called
the Double Ninth Festival.”可知,重阳节在农历九月初九,故填 It is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
16.根据第二段“Climbing a mountain has been the tradition of the Chong Yang Festival from the Western Han
Dynasty…On the Double Ninth Festival, people also eat Chong Yang cakes, enjoy chrysanthemum flowers and
drink chrysanthemum wine.”可知,在重阳节,人们登山,吃重阳饼,赏菊花,喝菊花酒,故填 On the Double
Ninth Festival, people climb a mountain, eat Chong Yang cakes, enjoy chrysanthemum flowers and drink
chrysanthemum wine.
17.根据第三段“Today, the Double Ninth Festival has got its new meaning—a day for showing respect to the old.”
可知,重阳节有了新的含义——一个敬老的日子,故填 A day for showing respect to the old.
18.通读全文可知,本文主要介绍中国的传统节日——重阳节,故填 The passage mainly talks about the Double
Ninth Festival.
19.Tiger sharks. 20.Because the water is too deep and not clear enough. 21.By tracking signals.
22.Large underwater animals are useful in helping to learn more about life under the sea.
19.根据“They did it by using videos taken by some unusual helpers: tiger sharks.”可知,虎鲨是科学家们研究海
草田的特殊帮手。故填 Tiger sharks.
20.根据“Sea grasses can be hard to see because the water is too deep and not clear enough. ”可知,发现海草田很
困难的原因是海水太深,且海水不够清晰。故填 Because the water is too deep and not clear enough.
21.根据“Tracking signals (追踪信号) helped the scientists find the floating cameras”可知,科学家通过追踪信号
找到了摄像机。故填 By tracking signals.
22.根据“The research also shows how useful large underwater animals can be in helping to learn more about life
under the sea”可知,作者想告诉我们:大型水下动物能帮助科学家了解水下生命。故填 Large underwater
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animals are useful in helping to learn more about life under the sea.
23.She had no inspiration at the yearly career fair and her friends laughed at her dream of being a fireman.
24.By sending an email to the firefighter.
23.根据“Her school holds a yearly career (职业) fair...But Grace had no inspiration (鼓舞她的人) at all.”和“Grace
has always dreamed of becoming a firefighter, helping others and being a hero. When she told her friends about her
dream, they laughed because a girl can’t be a’fireman’.”可知,格蕾丝的问题是:一年一度的招聘会上没有灵感,
而且朋友们嘲笑她想当消防员的梦想,故填 She had no inspiration at the yearly career fair and her friends
laughed at her dream of being a fireman.
24.根据“Grace’s mom said, ‘Why not send an email to the firefighter ’ Grace did it happily and waited, hoping for
a reply! They were so excited when a reply flashed up a few minutes later. Finally Grace had her inspiration—it
was Constance Baker.”可知,格蕾丝给消防员发了一封邮件后得到了回复,之后解决了问题,故填 By sending
an email to the firefighter.
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