
2023 北京重点校初一(上)期末英语汇编
(2023·北京·石景山·初一上期末)One windy day in March, Mary was on her way to 1 when she
looked in a shop window. She saw a lot of lovely red 2 “Oh”, she said,“How lovely!If only Mamma
could have one!”
Mary’s mother was very poor (贫穷). She had worked hard to make a living for herself and Mary. But now she
was 3 . The doctor asked her to stay in bed. Mary looked after her. She cooked her food. She usually
cooked soup. They could not buy fruit. She would sing to her at night.
When school was over, Mary started home. On the way she saw a man in front of her drop his wallet (丢了钱
包). She ran quickly forward and picked it up. “There must be a lot of 4 in it, ” thought Mary. “I wish I
could keep it. Then I could buy Mamma a red apple and many other things. ”
She knew this would be 5 , so she hurried after the man. She said to him,“Please, Sir, you dropped
your 6 . ”
“Thank you, ” said the man taking the wallet. Then seeing how poorly she was dressed, he said,“Why didn’t
you 7 the wallet ”
“Because that would be stealing (偷窃), ” said Mary.
He smiled 8 and said,“You are a good little girl to return my wallet. I would like to give you a little
present.” He 9 her a dollar and then said “goodbye”.
Mary was so surprised. She thanked the man and ran to the 10 and bought a big red apple and
went home happily.
1.A.home B.supermarket C.park D.school
2.A.bananas B.apples C.oranges D.pears
3.A.ill B.fine C.happy D.sad
4.A.paper B.pens C.money D.books
5.A.right B.real C.wrong D.safe
6.A.wallet B.hat C.watch D.key
7.A.thank B.lend C.find D.keep
8.A.sadly B.kindly C.loudly D.coldly
9.A.handed B.borrowed C.showed D.threw
10.A.library B.hospital C.shop D.bank
(2023·北京·昌平·初一上期末) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四
We just finish our New Year’s Party. Now it is time to give gifts. One by one, our teacher calls each name, and
then he 11 the gifts. Soon, many classmates get their gifts, like candies, books and toys.
I stand with my best friends, Carrie and Megan. Carrie’s gift is a box of chocolates and Megan’s is a 12
of 365 stories. They like their gifts a lot. I try not to show my interest in the gifts. But when another classmate takes
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away the last good-looking package (包裹), I begin to get 13 .
Our teacher finally 14 my name and gives me an old and small box.
What a package! Who will give something like this “Who’s it from ” asks Carrie.
I turn over the box and find, “To Betty from Sarah.” My heart(心)drops down to my feet when I see the
Everyone knows Sarah is very shy and always wears old clothes. She is not good at schoolwork and
sometimes our teacher asks me to 15 her.
My mother often tells me that I should always be thankful when getting something from others. So I am
16 to act like I will get the best gift in the world.
“Maybe it’s an eraser, ” says Carrie. “I think it’s just a card,” says Megan.
But when I open the box, I am so surprised. It is a new hair pin. It is black with a small red 17 on it.
It’s really beautiful. It looks like the one I lost last week. There’s also a little flower on it.
What a 18 girl Sarah is!
That day, I get more than the gift. I learn that a nice gift can come from an old and small package.
11.A.takes in B.gets off C.makes of D.hands out
12.A.map B.bag C.book D.game
13.A.happy B.lucky C.angry D.worried
14.A.calls B.writes C.spells D.answers
15.A.tell B.help C.meet D.give
16.A.ready B.sorry C.tired D.clever
17.A.star B.ball C.flower D.animal
18.A.shy B.nice C.funny D.free
(2023·北京·东城·北京二中·初一上期末)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、
C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
A taxi company in Japan made a special rule. It is called “silent on taxi drivers”. After one 19 on
the taxi, the driver can only give him the welcome greetings and ask the destination, and will not make more small
talks. Now different people have different 20 about the rule.
Many people think it is very helpful! That’s because it is very 21 for them not to let out their
personal information. As they know, their personal information may be let out easily while 22 .
Sometimes, they are too tired to talk. And many people are very shy, 23 they don’t like to talk with the
driver on the way. But some people don’t like the rule! For them, small talks with taxi drivers during the trip can be
relaxing. Some people would like to 24 their stories to the drivers. Also, they think that talking with taxi
drivers is a good way to 25 about the city, like the food, the places of interest.
They can get some useful information from the 26 . Many people like small talks because they will
feel bored without talking.
19.A.gets B.takes C.jumps D.walks
20.A.plans B.wishes C.ideas D.ways
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21.A.lucky B.dangerous C.expensive D.good
22.A.working B.talking C.reading D.visiting
23.A.though B.but C.so D.because
24.A.tell B.ask C.make D.understand
25.A.think B.know C.care D.worry
26.A.guide B.map C.news D.driver
(2023·北京·西城·初一上期末)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从后面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
Three boys stood beside their mother and looked at the fast food menu (菜单).
“I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse!” Rob said.
“I’m so hungry that I could eat a whale!” Steve said.
“I’m so hungry that I could eat the Empire State Building.” Tim said.
They were telling their mother how hungry they were, but their mother looked worriedly at her wallet (钱包).
She was 27 that she wouldn’t have enough money to feed them. Her boys were always hungry. She said,
“They were like wolves. Even when they finally ate enough, it 28 lasted (持续) long.”
“Boys, I only have twenty dollars. That’s not much, but we’ll get what we can. It will have to last until we get
home for dinner.”
Rob said, “That’s it ”
Tim said, “I have a 29 . Let’s look at the menu and find the cheapest things that give us the most
“That’s a great idea.” Mom smiled. Her boys would find a way to fill their stomachs as much as they could
with the money they had.
“I can do without a 30 . There’s water in the car.” Rob said.
Steve liked that idea. Less drink and more food. “I could wait, too.”
“I’ll get one and we can drink together.” Tim said.
“Onion rings are more expensive than French fries.” Rob said, reading the menu. “If we 31 two
large fries, we can save money.”
”The hamburgers are cheaper than cheeseburgers. Cheese tastes good, but it’s 30 cents more for each!” Steve
“But I 32 cheese...well, maybe next time.” Tim said.
“I think we can get four chicken sandwiches, four hamburgers, two large fries, and one drink with the money
we have.” Steve said.
“I need my 2-for-1 apple pies!” Mom called out.
27.A.happy B.afraid C.lucky
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28.A.never B.sometimes C.often
29.A.ticket B.question C.plan
30.A.drink B.glass C.hamburger
31.A.leave B.share C.see
32.A.make B.have C.Love
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1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C
【导语】本文主要讲述了Mary 想给生病的母亲买个苹果,但她没有钱。在放学回家的路上Mary捡到钱包,
home家;supermarket超市;park公园;school学校。根据“When school was over, Mary started home”可知,
此时Mary 在上学的路上。故选 D。
bananas香蕉;apples苹果;oranges桔子;pears梨。根据“bought a big red apple and went home happily”可知,
Mary看到很多苹果。故选 B。
ill生病的;fine好的;happy快乐的;sad悲伤的。根据“The doctor asked her to stay in bed”可知,她生病了。
故选 A。
paper纸;pens钢笔;money钱;books书。根据“I wish I could keep it.Then I could buy Mamma a red apple and
many other things”可知,钱包里肯定有很多钱。故选 C。
right正确的;real真的;wrong错误的;safe安全的。根据“Because that would be stealing”可知,Mary 知道
这样做是错误的。故选 C。
wallet钱包;hat帽子;watch表;key钥匙。根据“she saw a man in front of her drop his wallet”可知,她对他
说“你丢了钱包”。故选 A。
thank谢谢;lend借;find找到;keep保留。根据“Then seeing how poorly she was dressed”可知,他知道小女
孩很穷,问她为什么不留下这个钱包。故选 D。
sadly悲伤地;kindly亲切地;loudly大声地;coldly冷漠地。根据“You are a good little girl to return my wallet”
可知,钱包的主人应该是对小女孩亲切地微笑。故选 B。
handed递给;borrowed借;showed展示;threw扔。根据“I would like to give you a little present”可知,他递
给小女孩一美元。故选 A。
library图书馆;hospital医院;shop商店;band银行。根据“bought a big red apple ”可知,小女孩跑进商店。
故选 C。
11.D 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B
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takes in吸收;gets off下车;makes of理解;hands out分发。根据后文“Soon, many classmates get their gifts, like
candies, books and toys.”(很快,许多同学得到了他们的礼物,像糖果、书和玩具。)可知,此处是指”分发
礼物”。故选 D。
12.句意:Carrie 的礼物是一盒巧克力,Megan的是一本有 365个故事的书。
map地图;bag包;book书;game游戏。根据“of 365 stories”(365个故事)可知,应是一本书。故选 C。
happy高兴的;lucky幸运的;angry生气的;worried担心的。根据前文“I try not to show my interest in the gifts.
But when another classmate takes away the last good-looking package (包裹)”(我尽量不表现出对礼物的兴
趣。但是当另一个同学把最后一个好看的包拿走)结合转折词 But可知,此处应是开始担心了。故选 D。
calls叫;writes写;spells拼写;answers回答。根据前文“One by one, our teacher calls each name”(我们老师
一个接一个地叫每个人的名字)可知,此处是指”终于叫到了我的名字”。故选 A。
tell告诉;help帮助;meet遇见;give 给。根据“She is not good at schoolwork” (她功课不好)可知,此处
是指”帮助”她。故选 B。
ready准备好的;sorry抱歉的;tired疲倦的;clever聪明的。根据前文“My mother often tells me that I should
always be thankful when getting something from others.”(我妈妈经常告诉我,当我从别人那里得到一些东西
时, 我应该永远心存感激。)可知,此处应是指”准备好”接受礼物,其余选项不符合语境。故选 A。
star星星;ball球;flower花;animal动物。根据后文“There’s also a little flower on it. ”(上面也有一朵小花。)
可知,此处是指”花”。故选 C。
18.句意:Sarah 是一个多好的女孩啊!
shy害羞的;nice好的;funny有趣的;free自由的。根据“It looks like the one I lost last week. ”(它看起来像
我上周丢的那个。)可知,作者丢了发卡, Sarah送给了她一个相似的,所以此处应是指 Sarah是一个好女
孩,其余选项不符合语境。故选 B。
19.A 20.C 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.D
gets得到;takes带走;jumps跳跃;walks走路。根据“After one… on the taxi, the driver can only give him the
welcome greetings”可知,此处指乘客上了车之后,司机只能寒暄几句,get on“上车”,故选 A。
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plans计划;wishes祝愿;ideas想法;ways方法。根据“Many people think it is very helpful!…But some people
don’t like the rule!”可知,人们对这个规则有不同的想法,故选 C。
lucky幸运的;dangerous危险的;expensive昂贵的;good好的。根据“not to let out their personal information”
可知,个人信息不被泄露是一件好事,故选 D。
working工作;talking谈论;reading阅读;visiting参观。根据“Sometimes, they are too tired to talk”可知,在
与别人交谈中很容易泄露个人信息,故选 B。
though尽管;but但是;so因此;because因为。“And many people are very shy”与“they don’t like to talk with the
driver on the way”是因果关系,遵守“前因后果”,故选 C。
tell讲述;ask要求;make制造;understand理解。根据“their stories to the drivers”可知,此处指讲述他们的
故事,故选 A。
think认为;know知道;care关心;worry担心。根据“about the city,”可知,此处指了解这个城市,learn about“了
解”,故选 B。
guide导游;map地图;news新闻;driver司机。根据“Also, they think that talking with taxi drivers is a good way
to …about the city”可知,从司机那得到一些有用的信息,故选 D。
27.B 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.B 32.C
happy高兴的;afraid担心的;lucky幸运的。根据“but their mother looked worriedly at her wallet (钱包)”可知,
她很担心,故选 B。
never不会;sometimes有时;often经常。 根据“ Even when they finally ate enough, it ...lasted (持续) long.”可
知,前后句意上存在让步关系,所以即使最终吃饱了,这种感觉也不会持久,故选 A。
ticket票;question问题,疑问;plan计划。 根据“Let’s look at the menu and find the cheapest things that give us
the most food”可知,这是在说计划怎么做,故选 C。
drink饮料;glass玻璃;hamburger汉堡包。 根据“There’s water in the car.”可知,空处应说的是喝的东西,
故选 A。
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leave离开;share分享;see看见。根据“we can save money”可知,要想省钱,应是共享食物,故选 B。
32.句意: 但是我喜欢芝士……。
make制作;have有;love 喜爱。根据“The hamburgers are cheaper than cheeseburgers. Cheese tastes good, but it’s
30 cents more for each!”可知,上文说了汉堡比芝士汉堡便宜,芝士汉堡贵,为了省钱,应该会选择汉堡。空
前 but表示转折,则说明自己喜欢芝士汉堡。故选 C。
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上一篇:Module1 Unit2 Are they yours同步练习(2课时含答案)
