Module1 Unit2 Are they yours同步练习(2课时含答案)

Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours
一. 根据句意及中文提示完成句子,每空一词
1. There is a large__________(机场) in our city.
2. My father bought a__________(照相机) for me.
3. We can’t wear__________(奇怪的) clothes to the school.
4. We are in a hurry. Let’s take a__________(出租车).
5. How about eating__________(香肠) this evening
二 单项选择。
1. At the moment the girl ____ in the park.
A. run B. runs C. running running
2. Quzhou is a beautiful city. Every year there are ____ tourists.
A. thousands B. thousands of
C. thousand D. thousand of
3. —They are running ____ a hurry. What are they doing
—They are running after the bus.
A. for C. in D. on
4. —____ do you join the sports club
—Because I like playing sports very much.
A. What B. Where C. How D. Why
5. I am ____ my keys. I don’t think I can find them.
A. looking at B. looking for C. looking up D. looking after
6. Who do you often ____ our homework at home
A. lose B. forget C. leave D. look
7. It’s Children’s Day today. That’s ____ the children look so happy.
A. why B. which C. what D. because
8. At weekends ____ students come to read books in the library.
A. hundred of B. two thousands C. five hundred of D. hundreds of
9. What are they ____ in the classroom
A. look for B. looking C. finding D. looking for
10. They are going to Shanghai ____ train. C. on D. with
三. 句型转换。
1. Lucy is Mrs. Black’s daughter. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________is Lucy
2. Tom always runs into the classroom hurriedly. (改为同义句)
Tom always runs into the classroom ________ _________ _______.
3. Are these your ducks (作肯定回答)________, _______ _________.
4. Jenny often helps me learn English. (改为同义句)
Jenny often ________ me ________ my English.
5. This is my English-Chinese dictionary. (改为同义句)
This English-Chinese dictionary _______ ________.
四. 补全对话,从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。
A. Can I leave my number
B. Sure. It’s my pleasure.
C. You’re welcome.
D. What kind of keys
E. Nice to meet you, too!
Stranger: Excuse me, did you see a set of keys
May: 1
Stranger: Five keys and a small FooWa ornament.
May: What a shame! I didn’t see them.
Stranger: Well, can you help me look for them That’s my first time here.
May: 2 I’d like to help you look for the missing keys.
Stranger: It’s very kind of you.
May: It’s not a big deal.
(After a few minutes, May finds the lost keys.)
May: Hey, I found them.
Stranger: Oh, thank god! I don’t know how to thank you.
May: 3
Stranger: 4 I’d like to keep you in touch(联系).
May: Sure.
Stranger: 13844332211. Frank, and I’m a physician. Nice to meet you.
May: Well, My name is May. From Joy Chain High School. 5
Stranger: I really like to see you again. But only out of work.
1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______
五. 阅读理解。
  One day, Mr. Smith is going to take a train to his hometown. When the train starts, one of his shoes falls(落下)onto the ground. The train is running faster and faster and he can’t pick it up. Then he quickly takes off the other one and throws it on the ground near the fallen shoe. A little boy on the train asks him, “Why do you do that ”. “I’ve already(已经)lost one shoe. ”Mr. Smith answers, “If a man picks them up, he may get a pair of shoes.”1. Mr. Smith is going to his hometown________.
A. by bus B. by train
C. by bike D. on foot
2. What happens to the man when the train starts
He loses________.
A. his shoes B. his watch
C. one of his shoes D. nothing
3. Mr. Smith can’t pick up the fallen shoe because________.
A. he doesn’t want to take it
B. the little boy has picked it up
C. it’s too old
D. the train has already started
4. ________throws the other shoe on the ground.
A. Mr. Smith B. The little boy
C. Nobody D. The driver
5. Which of the following is TRUE
A. The boy wants the shoes.
B. Mr. Smith doesn’t want the shoes.
C. Mr. Smith thinks a man may get a pair of shoes to wear if he throws the other one near the fallen shoe.
D. Mr. Smith throws his fallen shoe to the ground.
Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours
1. People often lose things when they’re travelling__________when they’re in a hurry.
2. That’s__________there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.
3. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many__________things.
4. There are about a hundred bikes__________a large boat.
5. Are you looking for fifteen kilos__________sausages
一、 连词成句
1. moment, what, you, the, doing, are, at
2. he, phone, looking, for, his, is, mobile
3. hurry, people, lose, things, when, they, often, are, a, in
4. are, there, about, hundred, bikes, a, the, lost, at, and, found, office
5. kitchen, the, leave, don’t, dirty, the, dishes, in
thousand boat leave why pig
1. —Nancy, please clean the floor.
— I cleaned it yesterday.
2. My father keeps twenty__________on the farm.
3. The careless(粗心的) boy always__________things at home.
4. If you want to go across the river, you have to take a__________.
5. There are more than two__________students in our school.
1. 在这个动物园里有几百只动物。
There are____________________animals in this zoo.
2. 迈克,你在找什么?
What are you___________________ , Mike
3. 她匆匆忙忙去上班了。
She went to work in___________________.
4. 我可以用你的手机吗?
Can I use your__________________
5. 此刻汤姆正在吃饭。
__________the__________, Tom is having dinner.
1. Joey says this T-shirt isn’t__________(he).
2. The duck isn’t__________(I). It’s Lucy’s.
3. Is this football__________(you), Daming 4.__________(who) are these pencils
5. This is my cat.__________(it) name is Hello.
There is a library near Tommy’s home. It’s not big but very 1 . You can see many 2 in it. Some are Chinese books. Some are English books. Tommy likes 3 and he always 4 here on weekends.
Today is Saturday. Tommy wants to go to the 5 with his sister Susan. They can read books and do 6 homework there.
But Tommy can’t 7 his dictionary(字典). He needs it today. It isn’t in the bookcase. It isn’t in his 8 , too. There are only some books and a pencil box 9 it. Tommy asks his father for 10 .
“I don’t see your dictionary, 11 I see a notebook(笔记本) on the sofa. Is it yours ” his father asks.
“Yes, it is my notebook,” Tommy answers. “But 12 is my dictionary ” Mum is not at home now. Tommy 13 her for help, but Mum
doesn’t know where it is.
“Oh, what’s that under the sofa ” Susan asks. “It’s your dictionary, Tommy!”
“You are very 14 . Thank you very much, Susan.”
“You’re welcome,” Susan says, “Tommy!You
must take care of(照看) your things 15 .”
( )1. A. large B. old C. bad D. clean
( )2. A. books B. computers C. teachers D. students
( )3. A. travelling B. studying C. talking D. shopping
( )4. A. comes B. celebrates C. sweeps D. runs
( )5. A. school B. zoo C. library D. park
( )6. A. our B. their C. your D. my
( )7. A. buy B. find C. choose D. lose
( )8. A. schoolbag B. coat C. wallet D. pen
( )9. A. for B. of C. in D. on
( )10. A. work B. help C. money D. food
( )11. A. or B. and C. so D. but
( )12. A. whose B. which C. where D. how
( )13. A. calls B. thanks C. knows D. joins
( )14. A. important B. happy C. lucky D. careful
( )15. A. again B. well C. back D. only
Mr Lee works in the lost and found office in a park. He goes to work at 8:00 am. When he gets to the office, he sweeps the floor first. After that he puts the things in different places. He puts the clothes on the hanger(衣架). He puts cups, bags and cameras on the desk. As for the other things like watches and mobile phones, he puts them in the box. Finally he writes the information about the things on the computer and saves it in the document.
Every day many people come to the office to look for their things. Mr Lee is careful with his job. He always asks people to give clear information about their things when they get them back. He always asks them lots of questions(问题).
Mr Lee finishes his work at 6:00 pm. He is busy but he feels very happy. He loves his job because he can help others.
( )1. Mr Lee__________ first when he gets to his office.
A. puts away things
B. turns on the computer
C. cleans the floor
D. puts his clothes on the hanger
( )2. Where does Mr Lee put the cameras
A. On the desk. B. In the box.
C. On the hanger. D. In the bag.
( )3. What do you think of Mr Lee
A. He is lucky. B. He is careful.
C. He is funny. D. He is healthy.
( )4. The underlined word “clear” means“__________” in Chinese.
A. 复杂的 B. 明显的
C. 简单的 D. 清楚的
( )5. What do we learn about Mr Lee from the passage
A. He starts his work at 8:00 am.
B. He doesn’t use the computer at work.
C. He usually puts mobile phones in the box.
D. He doesn’t like his job because he’s too busy.
boat look for one strange whose
1. —__________bag is this
—It’s Mary’s. Here is her name.
2. Mr Brown lost himself in this__________city.
3. No place in China has as many__________as Guangdong.
4. —What are you doing, Lucy
—I’m__________my English book.
5.__________of all, let me tell you some good news.B)根据汉语提示完成短文。
People in this town love to go to Sam’s Shop. There are about one 6 (百) school things in it. Some people 7 (步行) to the shop. Some people 8 (甚至) take a taxi to the shop. It looks like a very busy day today at Sam’s Shop. There are some adults(成年人) in the shop, but 9 (大部分) are boys and girls.
Sam is busy working at the counter(柜台). A girl says to Sam, “I want a box of
10 (蜡笔).” Sam says, “That is two dollars.” Another girl says to Sam, “I need a 11 (录音带).” Sam says to her, “Here is yours.” A boy 12 (站立) next to the counter and he says, “I need the 13 (紫色的) watch. It looks cool. Here is the money.” Sam says, “OK. Here you are.” Another boy is 14 (离开) the shop. There is a white 15 (橡皮) in his hand. All the children are very happy in Sam’s Shop. That makes Sam happy, too.
LostMy wallet.It’s purple.Please call Lucy at 225 8316. FoundAn eraser.Name: Nick.Phone number:130 1234 5568
FoundA watch.My name is Tom.Call me at 158 6632. LostA blue mobile phone.Call Alice at 556 9861.
Name Lost/Found Thing Phone number
Lucy Lost 1 225 8316
Tom 2 a watch 3
Nick Found 4 130 1234 5568
5 Lost a blue mobile phone 556 9861
Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours
1. 1. airport 2. camera 3. strange 4. taxi 5. sausages
二1-5 DBCDB 6-10 CADDA
三. 1. Whose daughter 2. in a hurry 3. Yes; they are 4. helps; with 5. is mine
四. 1~5. DBCAE
Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours
1. or 2. why 3. other 4. and 5. of
l. What are you doing at the moment 2. He is looking for his mobile phone
3. People often lose things when they are in a hurry
4. There are about a hundred bikes at the lost and found office
5. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen
二、1. Why 2. pigs 3. leaves 4. boat 5. thousand
三、1. hundreds of 2. looking for 3. a hurry
4. mobile phone 5. At, moment
四、1. his 2. mine 3. yours 4. Whose 5. Its
一、1—5. DABAC 6—10. BBACB 11—15. DCADB
二、1—5. CABDC
三、1. Whose 2. strange 3. boats 4. looking for 5. First
6. hundred 7. walk 8. even 9. most 10. crayons
11. tape 12. stands 13. purple 14. leaving 15. eraser
四、1. a wallet 2. Found 3. 158 6632 4. an eraser
5. Alice



上一篇:第二章 分子结构与性质 单元测试题(含解析)2023-2024高二下学期人教版(2019)选择性必修2
