Module4 Unit1 I haven't done much exercise since易错题专练(2课时含答案)

Module 4 Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since…
how long; catch a cold; fast food;take one’s temperature; take the medicine
1. After      three times a day after meals, I felt much better.
2. Don’t eat too much      every day. It’s bad for our health.
3. —     can I watch TV today, Mum
—You can watch CCTV News for only half an hour.
4. —Have you     , Tom
—Yes, it is already 39℃. I must see the doctor at once.
5. Today it’s very cold. Put some warm clothes or you’ll     .
二 单项选择
( )1.—What's ______ with you
—I've got a stomachache.
A.the matter B.a matter C.your matter
( )2.—How long ______ you ______ in China
—For about two years.
A.have;come B.have;been C.did;come
( )3.—You've never seen dinosaur eggs,have you
—______.How I wish to visit the dinosaur world!
A.Yes,I have B.No,I haven't ,xxC.Certainly,I have
( )4.—______has Linda studied English
—Since she was one.
A.How often B.How long ,xx,kC.How far
( )5.Stop ______ so much noise!Father is working at the desk. make B.Making C.hearing
( )6.She reached the top of the hill and stopped______ on a big rock by the side of the path.
A.having a rest B.resting rest
( )7.They spend too much time ______ the report.
A.writing write *xx*C.on writing
( )8. Reading in the sun is   your eyes.
A. harmful to   B. harm for C. harmful for D. harm to
( )9. I can’t hear you clearly because there is   noise here.
A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too
( )10. —How long have you studied here —   about 5 years   my family moved to the city.
A. Since; for B. For; since
C. For; for D. Since; since
( )11. Please stop   and tell me what’s wrong.
A. cry    B. to cry   C. cried    D. crying
( )12. —Have they had breakfast
—   . Look! How hungry they are!
A. I don’t think so B. I’m afraid so
C. I think so D. I hope so
Everyone __1__ tired sometimes. When you are tired, you should follow the doctor's advice. First, you should go to bed early __2__ a few nights. You shouldn't __3__ at night or study __4__. Having a good rest __5__ good for your health. Second, you should __6__ every day. Third, you should eat fruit and other __7__,and it's important __8__ a balanced diet. Don't __9__ stressed out, or it makes you sick. You should __10__ some music. You shouldn't study when you are tired. If you take the advice above, you'll be a healthy person.
(  )1.A.gets B.get D.getting
(  )2.A.since B.for
(  )3.A.go away B.go there C.go out D.go over
(  )4.A.late B.lately C.until D.hard
(  ) B.are D.was
(  )6.A.exercises B.exercise C.takes exercise D.exercising
(  )7.A.healthing food B.healthy food food healthing
(  ) eat B.eating D.ate
(  ) B.give C.need D.get
(  )10.A.hear B.hear of C.listen D.listen to
四 阅读理解
Mr. Scott is a pediatrician (儿科医生). Almost all the people in the town know him. He is working there for a long time. He is always kind to the children and often plays games with them. The children aren’t afraid of him and they think he’s a good doctor.
One afternoon he is busy. A lot of people have a cold. Now a woman with a baby in her arms comes in. The doctor doesn’t know her but he sits down to look over the baby carefully. The baby looks very nervous (紧张). Seeing this, Mr. Scott points to the baby’s ear, and says, “Is this your nose, my little friend ”
The baby turns to his mother at once and says, “I think we should find a good doctor!”
( )1. Most people in the town know Mr. Scott because _____.
A. he’s there for a long time B. he works in the hospital
C. he often plays games with the children D. he is a famous doctor
( )2. Mr. Scott has no time to have a rest because _____.
A. he is waiting for the strange boy B. he is a careful doctor
C. there are many sick people that afternoon D. he want to make more money
( )3. The boy hopes to see a good doctor because _____.
A. he doesn’t think Mr. Scott is a good doctor
B. he doesn’t like Mr. Scott’s joke (笑话)
C. he thinks he is all right
D. he is afraid of Mr. Scott
( )4. What does “Is this your nose, my little friend ” mean
A. Mr. Scott doesn’t know the baby's nose.
B. Mr. Scott wants the baby to relax.
C. Mr. Scott wants to know where the baby's nose is.
D. Mr. Scott wants to play games with the baby.
( )5. Mr. Scott is_____.A.bad B. not clever C. kind D. not good at his work
1. Jack has      (been / fallen) ill for two weeks.
2. Don’t      (spend / take) too much time on computer games, Tim.
3. Watching TV too much is harmful      (to / of) your eyes.
4. Please stop      (laughing / to laugh), everyone. It’s time for class.
5. My father often does many kinds of sports, such as      (playing / to play) football and swimming.
How __________________?
Lily __________ too much time ______________ the TV last year.
We ______ heard from him ______ he __________.
My brother ____________ Japanese ____________.
5.让我替你量量体温吧。Let me __________________.
Module 4 Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since…
like; since; for; about; in front of
1. Daming gets up at 6:00 o’clock in the morning. What      you
2. I want to be a doctor      my father in the future.
3. There is a long river      my house.
4. Amy has learned French      many years.
5. Lucy has lived in China      five years ago.
二 根据句意及图片提示完成单词
1. “Have you got a     (肚子痛) ”the doctor asked.
2. The boy often has a     (牙痛), maybe because he has a sweet tooth.
3. When do you do morning    (运动) every day
4. I had a     (头痛)last night, but now I’m feeling well.
5. You have got a     (发烧). Let me take your temperature.
1. 有些欧洲语言 于拉丁语, 如法语、意大利语和西班牙语。
Some of the European languages come from Latin,            French, Italian and Spanish.
2. 我一点也不喜欢吃快餐。
I don’t like eating           at all.
3. 杰克的自行车坏了。那是他今天早上迟到的原因。Jack’s bike is broken.            he was late this morning.
4. 我们在房屋前种了一些花。
We planted many flowers                  the house.
5. 当你感冒了的时候, 你应该做什么
When you                , what should you do
从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。
A. And you should drink lots of water. B. I took my temperature an hour ago. C. How can I help you, young man D. I see. E. I cough badly and have a sore throat. F. You’ll feel better soon. G. That’s the problem.
A: Good morning, doctor.
B: Morning.  1 
A: I feel ill.  2 
B: How long have you been like this
A: For about two days.
B: Do you have a fever
A: No.  3 And it seemed all right.
B: Let me check you over. Now open your mouth, and say“Ah. . . ”I think you have a cold.
A: Is it serious
B: Don’t worry. You need to take some medicine.  4 . Have a rest.  5 . A: Thank you.
1.     2.     3.     4.     5.   
Health is important to everyone.What should we do to keep healthy?Here 1.a______some tips:First,we should eat healthy food and follow healthy eating 2.h______.We should eat more fruit and vegetables instead of 3.u______ food.There is an old saying “An apple a day 4.k______ the doctor away”.Also,5.d______ more water is good for us.And we'd better not eat too much or too little.6.S______,we should exercise more.Exercising can help us to keep fit and strong.It is also a good 7.w______ to relax.Third,we should get 8.e______ sleep.It is a healthy lifestyle to go to bed early and get up early.We'd better not stay up late.When we feel 9.s______ and tired,we should have a good rest.If we follow these tips,we will 10.h______ good health.
Will it matter if you don’t have your breakfast Some scientists in the United States did a test a short time ago. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfast and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfasts.
The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.
The results also show that having no breakfast will not help people lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch. So they will gain weight instead of losing weight.
( )1. Some scientists did the test to find out if it would matter for the people who didn’t have breakfast.
( )2. People of different ages, from 1 to 12, were asked to have a test.
(  )3. The results show that the breakfast is very important. Those who have better breakfast can work better.
( )4. Having no breakfast will help people lose weight.
( )5. People who don’t have breakfast will eat more food for lunch.
Module 4 Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since…
1. taking the medicine 2. fast food 3. How long 4. taken your temperature
5. catch a cold
1. been 2. spend 3. to 4. laughing 5. playing
1.can I help you  2.spent;in front of  3.haven't;since;left home two weeks ago 
4.has learned;for three years  5.take your temperature
Module 4 Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since…
1. about 2. like 3. in front of 4. for 5. since
1. stomachache 2. toothache 3. exercises 4. headache 5. fever
1. such as  2. fast food  3. That’s why 4. in front of  5. catch a cold
1.are  2.habits  3.unhealthy  4.keeps  5.drinking 
6.Second 7.way 8.enough 9.sleepy 10.have



