Module 3 Journey to space Unit3 Language in use课后补充作业(2课时含答案)

Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use
Ⅰ. 首字母填空
1.We can use s_______ energy to do many things today.
2.He found it i_______ to make her change her mind.
3.H________, they haven’t found the missing boy.
4.N________ of the students except Jim is in the know of the exam.
5.I have very happy n______ to share with you.
II 根据语境及括号内所给词语的提示,用适当的时态填空,每空一词(含缩略形式)。
1. When I left home, Mum ________ ________(watch) a film and I guess she ________ already ________(finish) watching it.
2. Jane doesn’t like climbing mountains, and so far she ________ ________ ________(never / climb) a mountain.
3. —________ Linda ________(get) back home yet
—Yes. She ________ ________ ________(just / arrive) home.
4. —How much money ________ I ________(give) you this morning
—Ten dollars. But I ________ ________(spend) it yet.
5. So far Jack ________ ________(learn) ten English words but he ________ ________(forget) them already.
Ⅲ. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。
find, everything, astronaut, one, possible, planet, universe, spaceship, but, happy
People are always interested in space. Many years ago, they looked up at the stars. Today people use modern machines to look at these (1)________. People really want to explore (探索) the (2)________. Well, when did people go into space for the first time The story began not so very long ago, but the first (3)________ were not people. They were animals.
Scientists wanted to make travelling to space as safe as (4)________ for people. So they decided to experiment (做实验) with animals. Mice, dogs and monkeys were some of the animals that first went into space. Many of them died (5)________ they helped to make space travel safer for people. We shouldn’t forget those animals.
Albert II was the (6)________ monkey to go into space in 1949. Sadly he died after his (7)________ landed back on the earth. For Ham the monkey, luckily the result (结果) was different. His story ended (8)________ when he returned to the earth in very good health.
Scientists wanted to (9)________ the answer to the important question: could an animal like Ham do the same things in space as he could do on the earth The answer came when scientists sent Ham into space in 1961. Yes, he did (10)________ well. And Ham lived for another 16 years.
Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use
1. 我爸爸现在不在家,因为他去上海了。 (have gone to)
2. 记得早点回来。 (come back)
3. 我去过长城三次。 (have been to)
4. 他是第一个使用这台机器的人。 (the first ... to)
5. 我希望有一天我们能在月球上生活。 (one day)
二 单选题
1.I find ______ hard to hear the English lyrics clearly.
A. that B. this C. one D. it
2.—Does your sister go to school by ________ bike every day
— No, she sometimes goes ________ a ropeway to cross the river.
A. a; by B. the; by C. /; on D. the; on
3.It is impossible _________ how large the universe is.
A. to imagine B. imagining C. imagine D. imagined
4.The movie ________ we saw last night was fantastic.
A. that B. what C. whose D. who
5.So far many astronauts ________ the moon.
A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit
6.The Beijing 2023 Olympic Winter Games will open ________ February 4th.
A. on B. at C. in D. from
7.It is ________ to learn a foreign language in such a short time. It takes much time.
A. easy B. important C. impossible D. convenient
8.________ New Year’s Eve, people are always busy ________ different kinds of food ________ the dinner.
A. At; get; ready to B. At; getting; ready for C. On; getting; ready for D. On; to get; ready for
9.— Do your family often exercise at weekends
— ________ of us does. My parents are busy with work while I am busy with study.
A. None B. All C. Both D. Neither
10.—______ —I have been there three times.
A. Where have you been B. How many times have you visited Chicago
C. Who has been to Chicago D. How often do you go to Chicago
The world got a glimpse (一瞥) of one of the greatest mysteries of our universe (宇宙) on April 10. That's when the first image of a black hole was shown to the public. The picture was created by a network of eight radio telescopes(射电望远镜).
“We have seen what we thought was unseeable ,"says Shep Doeleman. He led the effort to create the image.
The black hole is at the center of galaxy (星系) named Messier 87,some 55 million light-years from the earth, and is 6.5 billion times the mass of the sun.
The image shows the gas, dust, and stars that move around the black hole before disappearing into it. It does not truly show the black hole, because not even light can escape its gravity. Black holes, like vacuums, suck (吸) in everything that gets too close.
根据短文内容,选择最佳 答 案。1. In paragraph 1, the underlined word “image" probably means___________.
A. truth
B. fact
C. picture
D. information
2. In paragraph 2, the underlined sentence means seeing the black hole___________.
A. was expected before
B. was unexpected before
C. is common
D. is impossible
3. The black hole lies___________ the Messier 87 galaxy.
A. in the middle of
B. in the front of
C. at the back of
D. on the top of
4. What will probably happen if a spaceship gets close to the black hole
A. It will fly around it.
B. It will be covered by the dust.
C. It will be sucked in.
D. It will be discovered.
5. What's the best title (标题) for this passage
A. The Black Hole and its Gravity
B. First Look at the Black Hole
C. The Mystery of the Universe
D. Faraway Galaxy
假如现在是2055年,你们学校组织了一次去火星的旅行。你们参观火星的不同地方,参加外星人 (alien) 举行的聚会, 与外星人沟通……大家都玩得很愉快。请根据上述材料, 以第一人称描述一下你的火星之旅, 分享你在火星上所做过的事情以及你的感受。要求表达准确, 语法正确, 逻辑合理, 80词左右。开头已给出, 不计入总词数。
It's 2055 now, and I have just finished a school journey to Mars. Now I am on the spaceship back to the earth. ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use
1. 答 案:solar
解析: 句意:我们今天可以使用太阳能做很多事。solar energy太阳能,故为solar。
2. 答 案:impossible
解析: 句意:他认为让她改变主意是不可能的。sb find it impossible to do sth“某人认为做某事是不可能的”,故为形容词impossible。
3. 答 案:However
解析: 句意:然而,他们没有找到那个丢失的男孩。此处表示转折,有逗号隔开,故用However。
4. 答 案:None
解析: 句意:除了吉姆,那些学生没有一个知道考试。except表示“除了……之外”,没有了,none of没有一个,故为None。
5. 答 案:news
解析:句意:我有非常高兴的消息和你分享。news"消息",是不可数名词,故没有复数形式,故为news。根据句意,结合词性,时态,语态,短语,句型和主谓一致,根据首字母的提示,填入正确形式的单词。例如小题2,句意:除了吉姆,那些学生没有一个知道考试。except表示"除了……之外",没有了,none of没有一个,故为None。
II 1. was watching; has; finished
2. has never climbed
3. Has; got; has just arrived 4. did; give; haven’t spent
5. has learned; has forgotten
Ⅲ. 1. planets 2. universe
3. astronauts 4. possible
5. but 6. first
7. spaceship 8. happily
9. find 10. everything
Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use
一、 1. My father isn’t at home now because he has gone to Shanghai.
2. Remember to come back early.
3. I have been to the Great Wall three times.
4. He is the first man to use the machine.
5. I hope we can live on the moon one day.
二 1. 答 案:D
解析:句意:我认为很难听清楚英语歌词?此处to hear the English lyrics clearly作真正宾语,it充当形式宾语,故选D。
2. 答 案:C
解析:句意:——你妹妹每天骑自行车上学吗?——不,她有时乘索道过河。考查冠词和介词辨析。a不定冠词,表示泛指,用于以辅音音素开头的单词之前;the定冠词,表示特指等;by通过;on在……上。by+交通工具,表示“乘坐……”,是固定用法,故空一不填;on a ropeway “乘索道”,固定搭配。故选C。
3. 答 案:A
解析:句意:无法想象宇宙有多大。考查句型的固定搭配。此处是“It is/was + adj. + to do sth.”表示“做某事是怎么样的”,此处应用不定式形式,故选A。
4. 答 案:A
5. 答 案:C
解析:句意:到目前为止,许多宇航员已经造访过月球。考查现在完成时。由So far 可知,此题需用现在完成时,其结构是:助动词have/has+动词的过去分词。故选C。
6. 答 案:A
解析:句意:2023 年北京冬奥会将于2月4日开幕。考查介词。on在,表示具体的、特定的某一天;at在,表示具体的时间点;in在,表示某个时间段;from从,表示“从一个时间点到另外一个时间点”的时候,需要跟另外一个介词to或till连用。“February 4th”2月4日是一个具体的日子,应使用介词on。故选A。
7. 答 案:C
解析:句意:在这么短的时间内学一门外语是不可能的。它需要花费很多时间。考查形容词词义辨析。easy容易的;important重要的;impossible不可能的;convenient方便的。根据后句“It takes much time.”可知,在短时间内学一门外语是不可能的。故选C。
8. 答 案:C
解析:句意:在除夕夜,人们总是忙着为晚餐准备各种各样的食物。考查介词和非谓语动词。at和on都是时间介词,on+具体某一天;at+具体时刻点。“在除夕夜”英文表示为on New Year’s Eve;be busy doing sth.意为“忙于做某事”,get ready for“为……做好准备”。故选C。
9. 答 案:A
解析:句意:——你的家人周末经常锻炼吗?——我们都不锻炼。我父母忙于工作,而我忙于学习。考查不定代词。none“没有人;没有一个人”,指三者及以上;all“所有,全部”,指三者及以上;both“二者都”;neither“两者都不”。根据下文“My parents are busy with work while I am busy with study”可知一家三口周末都不经常锻炼,故选A。
10. 答 案:B解析:句意:——你参观过芝加哥多少次?——我去过那里三次。Where have you been, 你去过哪里?How many times have you visited Chicago你参观过芝加哥多少次?Who has been to Chicago谁去过芝加哥?How often do you go to Chicago你多久去一次芝加哥?根据I have been there three times.可知此处询问去过那里多少次,故选B。
答 案:1-5CBACB
解析:1.短文大意:短文介绍的是射电望远镜拍摄的第一张黑洞的图片,这是人类第一次看到黑洞,气体、尘埃和恒星在黑洞周围移动,然后消失在里面。题意:第1段中带下划线的单词“image”可能意味着___________。考查词义理解。根据…was shown to the public. The picture was created by a network of eight radio telescopes.可知这是由8架射电望远镜组成的网络拍摄的照片,picture符合句意,故选C。
2.题意:在第2段中,加下划线的句子表示以前没有想到会看到黑洞。考查句意理解。划线句意思是“我们已经看到了我们认为看不见的东西”。本句是宾语从句,what后面的句子做动词see的宾语;而宾语从句同时又是一个what引导的主语从句,what we thought是主语,从句意思是“我们认为看不见的东西”;可知以前人们想象不到能看到黑洞,seeing the black hole was unexpected before符合句意,故选B。
3.题意:黑洞位于梅西耶87星系的中央。考查细节理解。根据The black hole is at the center of galaxy named Messier 87.可知黑洞位于Messier 87星系的中心,at the center of 相当于in the middle of在…中间,故选A。
4.题意:如果一艘宇宙飞船接近黑洞,可能会发生什么 考查细节推断。根据Black holes, like vacuums, suck in everything that gets too close. 黑洞就像真空一样,把一切靠得太近的东西都吸进去,可知如果飞船接近黑洞会被吸进去,故选C。
5.题意:这篇文章的最佳标题是什么 考查标题归纳。根据The world got a glimpse of one of the greatest mysteries of our universe on April 10. That's when the first image of a black hole was shown to the public.结合短文内容可知,介绍的是射电望远镜拍摄的第一张黑洞的图片,这是人类第一次看到黑洞,First Look at the Black Hole符合文意,故选B。
答 案:
An Exciting Trip
Today is the year of 2050. Our school organized a great trip to Mars a few days ago.
We went to the Mars by spaceship. On Mars we visited everywhere. We found a lot of things different from our earth, such as big stones which can speak. It’s amazing.
After that, we had a party. Many aliens took an active part in the party. Their songs were very nice.
Finally, we made phone calls with aliens. We all have a good time on Mars.
The trip was very interesting and I will never forget the trip. I hope to travel to the Mars again soon.



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