河南省周口市鹿邑县涡北镇姚庄学校2023-2024四年级上册月考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频及听力原文)

2023-2024 学年度第一学期第三次学情分析四年级英语(人教版)
( )1. A. window B. help C.rice
( )2. A. wall B.what C.green
( )3. A. toy B.her C.ball
( )4. A. key B.bedroom C. vegetable
( )5. A. dinner B.strong C.bed
二、听录音,选出你听到的句子。(5 分)
( )1.A.Where is Amy B.Where is Amy's cat
( )2. A. Open the door, please. B.Who's she
( )3. A. What colour is it B. It's black and white
( )4.A. No, they aren't. B. They're my pens.
( )5.A.I’d like some bread. B.I’d like some soup
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
四、听录音,选出你听到的问题的答语。(10 分)
( )1. A. It's brown. B.He is Zhang Peng
( )2. They're in the door. B. It's near the window.
( )3. They're on the table B. Let's go and see.
( )4. A. Let me clean the window .B.Many desks and chairs.
( )5. A. Id like some beef. B. Yes , they are.
五、下列单词同一类的打(√),不是同一类的打( x)。(10 分)
( )1. sofa bed table
( )2. beef room chicken
( )3. tall strong maths
( )4. storybook candy notebook
( )5. glasses living room study
六、选词填空。(10 分)
1.He glasses.( have/has)
2. for dinner ( What/ What's)
3. They on the fridge. ( is/are)
4. Where are the book/books)
5. No. they (isn't/aren't)
得分七、单项选择。(20 分)
( )1. Is she in the -Yes,she is.
A. Study B.Colour C. friend
( )2.--What would you like -Pd like some
A.noodles B. key C. toy
( )3.--What's his --His name is Lu Tong
A.dinner B.name C.like
( )4. is it It's near the window.
A. What B.Who C.Where
( )5. Amy has shoes.
A. Brown B.glasses C. phone
( )6.Are they on the table -Yes,
A. they aren't B.it is C. they are
( )7 --Fish and rice.
A. What's for dinner B. What are they C.Where is it
( )8.-Where are the keys --They're in the
A.white B.hair C.door
( )9.- near the phone Yes, they are.
A.Is it B. Are they C.where
( )10. shoes are black and red.
A. He B.His C.she
八、把下列句子翻译成汉语。(10 分)
1. She's in the kitchen.
They're in the door.
3. Dinner's ready!
4. Some vegetables ,please.
It's a fat panda.
A.Go to the study. Read a book.
B. Put your English book in your desk.
C. Put your maths book under your schoolbag.
D.Go to the living room.Watch TV
E.Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.
十、阅读短文,判断正(√)误( x)。(10 分)
I'm Lulu. I'm ten. This is my home. Welcome! Look! My bedroom is near the kitchen. My study is near the bathroom. Look at the living room. It has a brown sofa and a yellow table. The chairs are near the table. The fridge is near the window. Look at the kitchen. It has a big light and a small fan.
( )1. Lulu's home is small.
( )2. Lulu's study is near the bathroom.
( )3. Lulu's bedroom is near the kitchen
( )4. The fridge is in the kitchen.
( )5. It has a big light in the living room.
五、1--5 √ x x x x
七、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B
十、x √ √ x x



