Module 2 Experiences Unit 3 Language in use易错题精选(2课时含答案)

Module 2 Unit3 Language in use同步练习
1、 填空
1. We (watch) the movie. It’s about American children’s lives.
2. Liu Hang (finish) his homework. Now he can watch TV.
3. —Is your brother with you at home —No. He (go) out.
4. —What are you going to do tomorrow evening
—I’m going to Tom’s birthday party. He (invite) me.
5. —Why don’t you go to bed, Jenny It’s nearly ten o’clock.
—Because I (not finish) my homework.
二 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空
1. We ________(be) to England twice.
2.________ your brother________(visit) the Great Wall before
3.—Where is Miss Gao
—She ________(go) to Tianjin. She ________(come) back in two weeks.
4.—What about ________(talk) about the English exam
—Good idea!
5.Lucy is hungry now. She ________ (not eat) breakfast.
6.—________ you ________ (read)Harry Potter ?
—Yes, I have.
—When ________ you ________ (read) it
—I ________ (read) it three days ago.
7. Tony ________ (be) to England four times.
(  )1.—Look, the light is still on in Helen's office.
—Maybe she ________ her work yet.
A.doesn't finish      B.won't finish
C.hasn't finished      D.didn't finish
(  )2.I can't find my wallet anywhere. I'm sure I ________ it.
A.lost  B.will lose C.lose D.have lost
(  )3.Betty found ________ hard to finish the housework in half a day.
A.her C.this D.that
(  )4.This is the best film I have ________ seen.
A.never B.ever C.once D.always
(  )5.At last, our football team entered the final match successfully. (替换画线部分)
A.Firstly B.Luckily C.Finally D.To the end
count, be, find, send, king, see, move, mix, ask, miss
Two years ago, the company 1.________ Peter to Cairo in Egypt, so his children, Mike and Clare, 2.________ there with their parents.
They love seeing the world.They have 3.________ to many interesting places.In Egypt, they have 4.________the Pyramids, travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient 5.________ and queens.
Mike and Clare have begun to learn Arabic.But they 6.________ it hard to spell and pronounce the words.Sometimes they 7.________ German, French, Chinese and Arabic.
5、The company has 8.________ Peter to work back in the US.The children are happy about that.They 9.________ their friends in the US.They are 10.________ down the days now.完形填空
It's interesting to visit another country,but sometimes there are problems when we don't know the __1__ very well.It may be __2__ to talk with the people there.We may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are visiting.We may not know how to buy the __3__ we need.In the __4__country we might not know where to eat or what to order(点菜) in a __5__.It is not easy to decide how __6__ to tip(小费) waiters or drivers.When we need help, we might not know how to ask for help. We may be __7__ to have an experience like that. __8__ a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to __9__. We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we may be __10__ to leave there. Do you think so
(  )1.A.way B.people C.language D.words
(  )2.A.tired B.happy C.easy D.hard
(  )3.A.things C.ships D.clothes
(  )4.A.big B.small C.busy D.strange
(  ) D.park
(  )6.A.many B.much C.often D.soon
(  )7.A.useful B.amazing C.interesting D.unhappy
(  )8.A.In B.Before C.At D.For
(  ) B.say D.make
(  )10.A.worried B.afraid C.glad D.Sorry
Module 2 Unit3 Language in use同步练习
The world witnessed one of the ________ ________ achievements in 1953.
________ you ________ ________ a Western meal
He ________ also ________ lots of competitions.
I often ________ dinner ________ my ________.5.五年前, 我祖父母和父母搬到了香港。
My grandparents ________ to Hong Kong five years ago ________ my parents.
二 语法专练 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空
1. I’m having a wonderful time in Beijing. I (do) so many interesting things.
2. I (eat) Beijing duck. It is really delicious.
3. We (enjoy) the Beijing Opera. It is so traditional.
4. We (climb) the Great Wall. It is the most ancient building we ever
5. We (visit) the Palace Museum. So far it (be) one of my favourite places of interest.
(一) 阅读理解
Have you ever heard of the “dropping” It is the Dutch scouting(荷兰童子军活动) tradition. Scout coaches drop groups of children in a forest and want them to find their way back to camp. In fact, the children are not left alone. Coaches follow them secretly to make sure they are safe. The children wear bright colours and they bring a phone in case of emergency(以防遇到紧急情况). They use maps to find the way.
If this sounds a little strange to you, it is because you are not Dutch. Dutch parents teach children not to depend(依靠) too much on parents and they let children solve their own problems. This is the idea behind droppings.
However, some parents think droppings are not really all that fun. “Think that you are lost and have no idea where to go. It could be 10 hours or it could be a whole night. You just don’t know. It is late and long and you are a little afraid,” a mother said. “I don’t think it’s a nice thing to do for children.”
Stijn experienced his first dropping when he was 11 years old. ▲ It was the main reason that his parents sent him to camp. It was almost 2 am when Stijn arrived at camp. The next morning, Stijn said he no longer missed his computer. He said that some day, when he had children, he wanted them to experience a dropping. “It shows you, even in very hard times, must keep walking, keep going,” he said.
( )1. At the beginning of the passage, the writer leads in the topic(引出主题) by .
A. asking a question B. telling a story
C. showing a map
D. giving an example
( )2. Parents hope children can learn from droppings.
A. how to work together as a team
B. what to do in the face of danger
C. how to solve their problems by them-selves
D. how to find their way when they get lost
( )3. Paragraph 3 is mainly about .
A. why droppings are so popular
B. what some parents think of droppings
C. why some children don’t like dropp-ings
D. how children can keep safe during a dropping
( )4. Which of the following can be put in“ ▲ ”
A. His parents were worried about his studies.
B. His parents wanted him to experience the dropping.
C. He wanted to go to the camp with his friends.
D. He spent most of his free time in front of his computer.
( )5. What can we know about Stijn
A. He wanted to say “sorry” to his pa-rents.
B. He thought the dropping was very helpful.
C. He planned to play computer games at camp.
D. He would not experience the dropp-ing again.
I’d like to share one of my stories with you. Have you 1 (曾经) joined in a contest(竞赛) before Well, I have. When I was about eight years old, my 2 (班级) had a writing contest. The topic(话题) was “Why I’m 3 (骄傲的) to be French.” At that time, I was 4 (相当) good at writing. To win the contest, I 5 (写) a lot about how I felt to be French. For example, how beautiful 6 (法国) was, how free we were and so on. When it was time to announce(宣布) the winner of the contest, I was very 7 (开心的) to hear my name called. I didn’t care about what the 8 (奖品) was, but I was happy to have won.
After getting home, I told my parents about the 9 (竞赛). Hearing what I said, they just kept laughing. “What’s so 10 (好笑的) ” I asked. “You’re not French, dear. You’re British,” Dad said. I can still remember how frustrated(沮丧的) I was at that moment.
Jermaine turned seven on May 8. He was saving up money for 1 special trip to Disneyland. 2 the hurricane(飓风) Dorian changed his plan.3 Jermaine heard the bad news, he felt sorry for those evacuees(被疏散者). So he bought lots of hot dogs and drinks for them. “They had to move to other 4 (place) because of the hurricane. I wanted 5 (they) to have something to eat so they could enjoy the ride to the place that they were going to stay at,” Jermaine said. With the help of his father, Jermaine 6 (help) over 100 evacuees.
Although Jermaine spent all his money, he still hoped 7 (make) it to Disneyland one day.
Jermaine knew little that 8 his birthday, Disney was going to surprise him with a dream trip to Disneyland, the 9 (happy) place in the world. From this experience, Jermaine 10 (learn) something already: When you give, you are likely to get back.
假如你是李华,你校校报的英语专栏正在开展以“My Special Trip”为主题的英语征文活动,请你根据要点提示,写一篇短文参赛。80词左右。
旅游地 法国巴黎
时间 暑假
特别的经历 住在寄宿家庭(host family);学习法语;参观埃菲尔铁塔等
My Special Trip
Module 2 Unit3 Language in use同步练习
1、1 have watched 2. has finished 3. has gone 4. has invited 5. haven’t finished
1.have been  2.Has; visited 3.has gone; will come 4.entering
5.hasn't eaten  6.Have; read; did; read; read 7.has been 
1.sent  2.moved  3.been  4.seen 5.kings   6.find  7.mix 8.asked 9.miss  10.counting
Module 2 Unit3 Language in use同步练习
1.greatest climbing  2.Have; ever had 3.has; entered  4.cook; for; parents
5.moved; with
二 【语法专练】
1. have done 2. have eaten 3. have enjoyed
4. have climbed, have, seen 5. have visited, has been
(一)1—5. ACBDB
(二)1. ever 2. class 3. proud 4. pretty/quite 5. wrote
6. France 7. glad/happy 8. prize 9. competition
10. funny
(三)1. a 2. But 3. When 4. places 5. them 6. helped
7. to make 8. on 9. happiest 10. has learnt/has learned
(四)One possible version:
My Special Trip
I love travelling and I visited Paris during the summer holiday. It’s one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen.
For me, the trip to Paris was really special. To experience life in France, I stayed with a host family instead of in a hotel. At first, I found it hard to understand them. My host family were very friendly and they offered to teach me French. They also invited me to visit the Eiffel Tower and I took lots of photos there.
What a wonderful trip it was!I’m looking forward to visiting it again. (98 words)



