Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world(Section B 2a-2e)基础分层练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world 同步练习
Section B 2a-2e 第1课时
1. The baby was ________ (wake) when I came in.
2. His father looked very old because of his ________ (ill).
3. We should do something to protect these ________(danger) wild animals.
4. The panda ________(keep) are taking care of those pandas.5. When the child saw his teacher, he ran over to him with ________(excite).
awake excite bamboo protect ill
1.The news caused great     among her friends.
2.Jane stayed     all night worrying about the exam.
3.The old man still died after a brave fight against his     .
4.The     forests are getting smaller, so pandas are losing their home.
5.All the parents try their best to provide their children with enough     .
Giant pandas are like the superstars of the animal world. If a panda is born,  1  a panda gets sick, the whole world will know it.
Why Because they are cute. But the bigger  2  is that there are not many left. In the 1980s, the number  3  to just 1,114.
But here’s some good news. The number of pandas is becoming larger and larger.  4  the IUCN, the latest research shows there are about 1,864 pandas in the wild in China.
 5  has China done it Let’s take a look.
Eating well
Pandas sometimes eat small animals and fish, but bamboo  6  99 percent of their food. And these guys are big eaters! A panda needs 10 to 18 kg of  7  a day.
In 1958, China set up the first panda reserve (保护区). Now there are 67 of them. People have planted lots of bamboo there  8  pandas can have enough fresh food.
Remember to be gentle
Baby pandas are only 15 cm long—that is as long as a pencil! They can’t see  9  when they are born, and only open their  10  six to eight weeks after birth. So researchers need to  11  them well in labs. When pandas grow big enough, researchers  12  them to the wild. But researchers try not to trouble other pandas’ lives. When they get close to wild pandas, they dress up  13  pandas.
Saying hello to the world
China has also welcomed international organizations(组织) wishing to  14  pandas. The most famous visit was in 1980 by the World Wildlife Fund(WWF). Its logo is the panda, so it makes the panda  15  worldwide.
China also sends pandas to other countries as special “ambassadors(大使)”. The money that foreign zoos pay also helps with our work to save pandas.
( )1.A.and B.but C.or D.so
( )2.A.reason B.excuse C.matter D.choice
( )3.A.passed B.dropped C.stayed D.left
( )4.A.Thanks to B.Because of C.As for D.According to
( )5.A.How B.Why C.When D.Where
( )6.A.takes in B.takes up C.takes after D.takes off
( )7.A.animals B.fish C.bamboo D.vegetables
( )8.A.though B.so that C.because D.unless
( )9.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything
( )10.A.eyes B.mouths C.hands D.arms
( )11.A.look for B.look at C.look after D.look down
( )12.A.show B.return C.wish D.want
( )13.A.for B.with C.about D.like
( )14.A.study B.work C.keep D.feed
( )15.A.excellent B.brave C.popular D.lively
Strange in appearance, baobab trees can grow to be quite large. They are mainly found in the grasslands of Africa. They are famous for growing in difficult conditions. Some of them have large space inside. One baobab tree is large enough to hold 15 people inside at the same time.
Baobab trees are important to many African people. The fruits and other parts of the tree can provide people with food and medicine. The shelter(遮蔽处) of the trees is sometimes used for meetings. The trees are also home to many small animals and plants.
A group of scientists began studying baobab trees in 2005. They were trying to figure out how old the trees were. In the end, they found out something sadder: many of the oldest and largest baobab trees had died. They thought that the problem might be caused by climate(气候) change. Though baobab trees seem to grow well when it is very dry, the heat in recent years seems to have been too much for the big trees.  Now the only good news is that the younger baobabs do not seem to be affected(影响) as much as the older.
( )1.Baobab trees can be mainly found in     .
A.Australia B.America
C.Africa D.Asia
( )2.Scientists began studying baobab trees to find out     .
A.how old the trees were
B.why some of the trees died off
C.how large the trees could grow to be
D.how climate change affected the trees
( )3.Which of the following is NOT true about baobab trees
A.They can live well in dry areas.
B.They are usually empty inside.
C.They look different from most trees.
D.They can grow up to 15 meters high.
( )4.In which part of the newspaper can we read the passage
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Pandas are one of 1     loveliest animals in the world. They mainly live in the forests and mountains of 2    (southwest) part of China. They eat lots of bamboo every day. It’s a pity that the area of bamboo forest is becoming smaller and smaller, so pandas have 3     and less land to live on. Pandas don’t have many 4    (baby), and baby pandas often die. They are 5     danger. We must try our best 6    (improve) the serious situation.
Our government is working hard to save pandas. There 7    (be) more than thirty nature reserves to protect pandas. And the reserves will be 8    (big) and the bamboo will grow better. Then the pandas will have enough food to eat and places to live in.
9    (protect) the pandas will cost a lot. 10    , all of us still need to help animals live in peace. We should think of some other good ways to save them.
Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world 同步练习
Section B 2a-2e 第2课时
1.They work as panda     (饲养员) in the zoo.
2.Do you usually cook vegetables with much     (食用油)
3.Can you imagine how     (巨大的) those museums are
4.Doctors are doing     (研究) to find out what causes the illness.
5.We must take action to protect endangered     (野生的) animals.
( )1.The old man can't see clearly because of the illness,so he sometimes ________ others.
A.walks into B.walks on C.falls into D.falls on
( ) 2. We're all ________ the math exam.
A. preparing at B. ready at C. preparing for D. get ready for
( ) 3. China has ________ biggest population in the world. It's bigger than ________ population of Japan.
A.a; the B.a; a C.the; / D.the; the
( ) 4. The player ran so fast that he ________ while running.
A.fall over B.fell over C.fell off D.fall off
( )5.Her uncle comes back to China from America to visit her grandparents ________.
A.each two years B.every two years
C.each two year D.every two year
A:Dad, we were told to collect some information about Fuzhou Subway.1.________
B:Sure. It's reported that Subway Line 1 will have its test run at the end of this year.
A:Great! 2.________
B:It has a total length of 29.2 kilometers.
A:How many stations are there
B:3._______ 24 stations. And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south.
A:Then how about the ticket price
B:Well, it still remains unknown .I hope the ticket 4. ________
A:I hope not.5.________________taking the subway to school.
up to at birth take in in the face of even though
1. The little girl weighed about 2.5 kilos___________.
2. In this city___________ two thirds of the population can speak Chinese and English.
3. He became brave________________ danger.
4. Jack will not tell others the secret ______________he knows it.
5. It was hard for some sick people with COVID 19_____________ air by themselves.
请以My favorite animal为题目写一篇小短文。
Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world 同步练习
Section B 2a-2e 第1课时
一、1. awake 2. illness 3. endangered 4. keepers 5. excitement
二 1.run over with excitement 
2.walk into their friends and fall over 
3.300 or so/about 300 
4.die from illness 
5.spend more than 12 hours a day eating bamboo 
6.cut down the forests 7.other endangered wild animals 
8.the importance of protecting these wild animals 
9.try hard to help save the pandas 
10.better understand the habits of pandas
三、1.excitement 2.awake 3.illness 4.bamboo 5.protection
四、1—5.CABDA 6—10.BCBDA 11—15.CBDAC
六、1.the 2.southwestern 3.less 4.babies 5.in
6.to improve 7.are 8.bigger 9.Protecting 10.However
Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world 同步练习
Section B 2a-2e 第2课时
I 1.keepers 2.oil 3.huge 4.research 5.wild
Ⅱ. 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B
I. 1.Would you please tell me something about it?
2.How long is it
3.It covers
4.won’t be expensive
5.I’m looking forward to
II.1.at birth 2.up to 3.in the face of 4.even though 5.to take in
III. 1. Last month his grandfather died from a traffic accident.
2.These days his aunt is taking care of his grandma in the hospital.
3. I ran out of the room and fell over the cat in the hallway.4. To protect animals, people should try not to cut down trees.
5. As he was thinking and not looking, he walked into a wall.



上一篇:Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world(Section B 3a self check)基础知识精练(2课时无答案)

下一篇:Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world(Section A 3a-3c)同步课时精练(2课时含答案)