Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world(Section B 3a self check)基础知识精练(2课时无答案)

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world 同步练习
Section B 3a Self check 第1课时
I 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
6.The      (high) mountain in the world is about 8,844 meters high.
7.The      (weigh) of the lady is a secret.
8.Which question is the      (easy),the first,the second or the third one
9.Of the three parks,this one is the      (far) from my home.
10.There are many      (tour) in Beijing every day.
1. The baby isn’t sleeping. He is still __________(wake).
2. The boy didn’t go to school because he had a serious________ (ill).
3. The girl said that she would solve the problems ____________(success).
4. Please tell me the total ___________ (weigh) of the vegetables and fruit.
5. The scientist had some amazing____________(achieve).
include, keeper, tour, southwest, widely, achieve, oil, succeed, thick, Asia, protection, illness
As far as I know, China, with 9,600,000 square kilometers, has the largest population in 1.____. The eastern part faces the Pacific Ocean. It has many endangered animals. The list 2.___ the huge whales living deep in the sea, the “ships of the desert”—camels and so on. China is also pandas’ birthplace. According to panda 3.____ research, an adult panda can weigh 100 kilos or so and eat about 10 kilos of bamboo a day. To 4.____ the wild animals, our government has built many nature reserves.
The excitement of touring attracts many foreign 5.____to visit China every year. Feel free to have a tour, and you’ll find many famous places, such as the Great Wall, the longest man-made wall in the world. It’s more than 6,000 kilometers long and 6.____ enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. It’s very steep and amazing. Be careful not to fall over on the Great Wall.
The Himalayas are amazing. They run along the 7._____ part. Qomolangma is the highest in the world, which is up to 8,844.43 meters high. 8._______ snow covers the top all year round. Many climbers want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties, even though it’s hard to take in air near the top in the freezing weather conditions. Some have 9._______ and achieved their dreams. Climbing Qomolangma is a great 10._______ for them.
Edinburgh is the capital(首府) of Scotland. Every August, lots of tourists come to the city to enjoy Edinburgh International Festival.
During Edinburgh International Festival, there are lots of cultural activities in the city. For about four weeks, artists and performers come here to show their talents. There are shows for children, young people and adults. People can enjoy themselves in dance shows, music concerts, photography and art exhibitions(展览) and more. The first shows start at 9 a.m. and the last ones finish at around 2 a.m. the next morning. Some shows at the festival are expensive. But many shows are very cheap, and lots of shows are free. If people can’t decide what to see, they usually go to Royal Mile Street first. It is Edinburgh’s main street for tourists to enjoy shows. There are always singers, actors and musicians to give free shows.
Besides(除……之外) tourists from all over the world, the festival also attracts many actors. For some actors, Edinburgh International Festival can be a good start of their career(职业生涯). For example, actor Rowan Atkinson (well-known for playing Mr. Bean) began his career here.
1.How long does Edinburgh International Festival last ________________________
2. When can we enjoy shows during the festival __________________
3. What does the underlined word “attracts” mean in Chinese
4. Why does the writer write this passage
书面表达:以Animals Need Protecting为题,写一篇小短文。
Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world 同步练习
Section B 3a Self check 第2课时
II 根据句意和首字母写出所缺单词。
1.Mary stayed in hospital for a week because of i________.
2.The river is very w________. I don’t think you can swim across it.
3.We call animals that live in nature as w________ animals.
4.The area is about 10 s________ kilometers in size.
5.An a_______elephant is about 350 cm tall.
Qomolangma is higher than                in the world.
China has              in the world.
Which is           salt lake in the world
The Himalayas         the     part of China.
This story is                     that one.
16.—How can I get on well with my classmates
—Try to be friendly to them.That will make it much    . A.easily B.more easily C.easy D.easier
17.—Which city is your favorite —Hangzhou.It’s the      place that I want to visit.
A.worse B.worst C.better D.best
18.Which sport do you like     ,swimming,running or shooting
A.well B.better C.best D.good
19.The actress is already 50,but she looks     than she really is.
A.young B.more young C.more younger D.much younger
20.—Which city has    population,Shanghai,Hong Kong or Qingdao —Shanghai,I think.
A.the smallest B.the least C.the most D.the largest
Pandas are ____21____ danger. There ____22____ (be)only about 1, 600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and research centers are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many ____23____ (baby), and baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. Each panda ____24____ (need) to eat a lot of bamboo every day. The bamboo forests are getting much ____25____ (small), ____26____ pandas are losing their home.
In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is ____27____ (set) up nature parks and developing other plans. The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas. Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) wants to protect all kinds of animals. And it chose ____28____ panda to be ____29____ (it) symbol. We do not want to lose tigers, elephants or any other animals, so the WWF is working hard _____30_____ (save) them all.VI.书面表达。
1. 他们看到了很多动物,很兴奋……
2. Tony最喜欢的动物是老虎。老虎以肉和其他小动物为食、擅长游泳……
3. 老虎是濒危动物。人们掠夺它们的土地。它们没有干净的水喝……
4. 作为一名中学生,我们应该怎么做呢?(至少提出两条建议)



上一篇:山西省吕梁市孝义市2024届高三上学期12月月考 物理(原卷版+解析版)

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