
6-10 CCDDD
11-15 DBADD
16-70 CEADB
21-25 CABDC 26-30 ADBDD 31-35 BACBA
36. fond 37. them 38 . Wonderul 39.used 40. However 4l. helps
42. better 43. culture 44.countries 45. through
46.as 47 for 48.are f 49. the 50. and
四、51. What ware you doing at nine last night
52.What kind of concert did you go to
53.you didnt use to like roch
54.Would you like to go with me
55.let's make it 9:00 at my house.
五、I enjoy reading in my free time,I spend at least twelve hours every week.I read different kinds of books,such as story books,picture books,science books and so on. For me,books are like friends. I can learn a lot from good books just like good friends.I like e-books better than paper books.Paper books usually cost more than e-books.Also ,paper books are heavy to take.I can read e-books at any place and at any time .
Reading is an interesting thing to do and I hope you can share your ideas about reading with me.
Li Ping2023年秋期八年级学情调研英语测试卷
Do you like to make delicious food yourself The 3rd Chinese Food Cooking
Competition(比赛)is coming! Cone to join in and make your favorite Chinese food!
What You Need to Know
●If you are a college(大学)student between the ages of 18 and 25,you can join in the
●You have to make a short video(视频)of one to three minutes.The video needs to
have both Chinese and English subtitles(字幕)and show the way to make the food
●Please send(发送)your video to cfcc @ and make sure there is your name,
telephone number, and school name in your e-mail.
●Send your video before April 30,2023.
Prizes(奖励)for the Winners
There is one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes in this competition.The first prize winner will get $500,the second prize winner vill get $300 and the third prize winner will get $100
Join in the competition and have fun!
( )l.Who can join in the competition
A.High school student Lily, 15.
B.High school student Mary,18.
C.College student Eric,23.
D.College student Kevin,26.
( )2.What do we know about the short video for the competition
A.It needs to have English subtitles only.
B.It should be at least three minutes long.
C.It should tell a story behind the food.
D.It needs to show the way of making the food.
( )3.What information(信息)should you provide in your e-mail
①name ②telephone number
③school name ④school ID number
A.①②③ B.②③④
C.①③④ D.①②③④
( )4.If Mia wins the first prize,she will get
A.$100 B.$200 C.$300 D.$500
( )5.Where can we find the material
A.In a newspaper. B.In a storybook.
C.In a calendar. D.In a scrapbook.
I'm a16-year-old boy.I love playing chess(国际象棋).My parents didn't ask me
to start. It was my idea. It was during the summer holidays when I vas 12 and I had
nothing to keep me busy.I was really bored,so I bought a chess set (一副国际象棋),
and soon I fell in love with it.
It.took me a long time to learn the rules. There were some instructions on the box,but I had to read books and watch some videos on the Internet,too.Going to a chess club
(俱乐部)was an easy way to get help,but I enjoyed learning by myself.
Soon after,I played my first game with one of my friends. I wanted to do well,but I lost! However,I didn't feel bad or get angry with my friend.Instead,I got to know how difficult the game is and I decided to work hard to become a great chess player!
Now,four years later, that is still: my dream.I'm in the school chess club and I
practice three times a week.Also,I'm always reading books on chess at home,and
playing against my computer!
Next week,there will be a big game and many young chess players will join in it.
It'II be my first big game and I'm really looking forward to showing everyone what I
can do.
( )6.The writer started playing chess to
A.win much money
B.meet new people
C.have something to do
D.make his parents happy
( )7.How did the writer lean the rules of chess
①He read books.
②He went to a chess club.
③He read the instructions.
④He watched videos on the Internet.
( )8.How did the writer feel after he played his first game of chess
A.He was unhappy to lose.
B.He was angry with his friend.
C.He was glad that he played well
D.He was sure that he wanted to learn more.
( )9. What does the underlined word“that” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A.Going to a big game.
B.Joining the school chess club.
C.Playing against the computer.
D. Becoming a great chess player.
( )10.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.A boy's hobby.
B.The history of chess.
C.A famous chess player.
D. The best free time activity.
Fu Hao was a famous woman in Chinese history. She lived over 3,000 years ago. She was the first woman general(将军)in China. Today,more and more people get to
know her name and her story thanks to the hard work of a woman archeologist(考古学家)and her team.And the archeologist made her name too as a general in Chinese
archeology. Who is she She is Zheng Zhenxiang.
Zheng was born in 1929. She was able to get a good:education(教育)when she
was young as her family took education seriously.In 1950,she went to study at Peking
University.At university,she became interested in the history of the Shang and Zhou
Dynasties(朝代)and decided to study it. Because of her love for archeology,in 1959,
she left Beijing and moved to Anyang, the home f Yinxu, the capital(都城)of the
Shang Dynasty. There,she spentthe best years of her life on archeology.
The archeological work was difficult, but Zheng was delicated to her work. She
visited every place of Yinxu. She alvays took a shovel(铲) for her work. She worked so
hard that she used many shovels.
Zheng worked in Anyang until 2002.Now,she lives in Beijing,but her love for
archeology doesn't stop.She keeps studying every day and cares a lot about Chinese
( )11.Why does the writer talk about Fu Hao in Paragraph 1
A.To share what he knows about Fu Hao
B.To show people his love for Chinese history
C.To teIl people how great the Shang culture was.
D. To start the story of Zheng Zhenxiang in this way.
( )12.From Paragraph 2, we can know that Zheng Zhenxiang
A.moved to Anyang in 1950
B. went to university at about 21 years old
C.studied archeology because of her parents
D.didn't get a good education when she was young
( )13.What do the underlined words" was dedicated to” in Paragraph 3 probably
mean in Chinese
A.致力于 B.受困于
C.重燃信心 D.茫然失落
( )14.Which of the following words best describes Zheng Zhenxiang
B. Lucky.
( )15.What's the best title for the passage
A.Archeology in China
B.The first woman general
C.The long history of China
D.A great woman archeologist
We know many musical instruments well,such as pianos,violins and drums. 16
The erhu is a traditional(传统的)Chinese instrument.It is the most popular of the
huqin family, and it has a long history.
The modern erhu came into being in the Tang Dynasty. 17 In the Song Dnasty,
musicians began to use the erhu to perform different kinds of music, and it became quitea popular instrument. Some kinds of folk music became popular dring the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 18 It became an important instrument in different folk music.Now it is used in both traditional and modern music, such as in pop,rock and jazz. It has even become a solo(独奏的) instrument. 19
Many people played the erhu,but the playing skills were passed down orally(口头地).People can find few books about the erhu. 20 The earliest pictures of this
instrument were found in Yulin Caves and Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves in Gansu
Province.People found five erhu pictures on the paintings on the walls
A.Because of that, the art of the erhu also developed(发展)quickly.
B.To study the history of the erhu, people usually turn to ancient paintings(古代绘画).
C.What about the erhu
D.One of the most fanous music played on the erhu is Erquan Yingyue.
E.An ethnic minority group(少数民族)first played it.
I looked for an apartment when I first came to London. But it was really21.1
didn't like the 22 of sharing with other students. I saw a lot of student apartments
and they were sometimes 23 and often not tidy(整齐的).24,living by myself
wasn't possible. That's because it 25 too much,and I didn't have enough money.
Luckily,I got to 26 the Home share service from a friend.Old people will 27 their homes with young people for free.In return(作为回报),young people need to 28
to do something for the old. For example,they can help with jobs(工作) around the
29.These are usually cleaning and cooking. But the most important thing is to talk to the old people 30 they are very lonely(孤独的).
Now Marjorie shares her home with 31.She is 79 and she lives by herself.I like to
32 and we eat together at least four times a week.That gives us a chance to be together and 33.She likes the food I make and often tells me stories.
Marjorie asks me to do quite a lot of cleaning but that's not a(n) 34 for me
Homeshare is great for both of us.It gives me aplace to 35 and both of is a new friend.
( )21.A.dangerous B. important C.difficult D.exciting
( )22.A.idea B. dream C.trip D.gift
( )23.A.silent B.dirty C.large D.hot
( )24.A.Instead B.Finally C.Still D.However
( )25.A.lost B.carried C.cost D.served
( )26.A.know B. plan C.keep D.hold
( )27.A.clean B.build C.sell D.share
( )28.A.hope B.agree C.forget D.celebrate
( )29.A.school B.hospital C.office D.house
( )30.A.whether B.until C.but D.because
( )31.A.him B.me C. us D.them
( )32. A.cook B. sing C.draw D.read
( )33.A.win B.act C. talk D.think
( )34.A.hobby B. problem C:risk D.answer
( )35.A.stay B. grow C.dance D.work
help, fond,country,they, culture, used, well,through,however, wonderful
Chinese movies are getting popular around the world.Many young people in
Malawi are 36 of watching Chinese movies now.In the past,people there had no
chance to watch Chinese movies.Now people can watch 37 in video show halls, homes and through the Internet.
Ndalama is 38 and he has been doing a videodisc business(影碟生意)for over
15 years. He says Chinese movies are 38 and his customers(顾客)have been watching
Chinese movies for a long time.Many of them 39 to have difficuties(困难)in
following the movies because they didn't understand Chinese.“40,now we can see
many Chinese movies witfh subtitles. This 41 many of my customers.With subtitles
they can understand the movies 42,”Ndalama said.
Because of Chinese movies,now many young people in Malawi fall in love with
Chinese 43.“It's always fun to watch Chinese movies. At first it was hard to fully
understand them because the two 44 have different culture. But now,I know a lot of
things about China 45 the movies. For example,I know about Kung Fu,the Great
Wall,food like the dumpling and many other interesting things about China,” Khama
__________ 37._________ 38. _________ 39. ___________ 40.________
__________ 42._________ 43.___________ 44.____________45.________
Most people enjoy listening to music.They listen to different kinds of music such
46 pop,rock, jazz and classical music.Listening to music is not only fun, but it is also
good 47 you.At work,listening to music helps you relax your mind.When you 48
traveling on the bus, you can enjoy your favorite songs to make the trip more interesting.What's more, lots of people like to play musical instruments like49 piano,violin and guitar. Playing music with your friends is fun 50 brings you closer.
A:Hello,Lily! (51)__________________________________________ I knocked on your door, but nobody answered.
B:At nine last night I was at a concert with my brother.
B:A rock concert.
A:Rock concert But I remember (53)______________________________.
B:You're right.I didn't like rock in the past, but now I like it. What didyou call me for
A:I want to go to a movie this Saturday.(54)________________________________
B:Yes,I'd love to.When and where shall we meet
B: OK.See you then!
A: See you!
Dear Li Ping,
How's everything going
I know you like reading in your free time. How long do you spend reading every
week What kind of books do you read Which do you prefer,paper books or e-books Please tell me your answers and reasons.
Dear Jack,
I'm happy to hear from you. Everything is going very well
Li Ping




下一篇:04速度的计算和公式的应用、运动图像-上海市2023年中考物理二模试题汇编【高频考点】 (含解析)