
绝密★启用前 试卷类型:B
英 语
1. 全卷满分120分,答题时间为120分钟。
2. 请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。
I. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分)
1. A. The poem club. B. The art club. C. The drama club.
2. A. Before 8: 30. B. Before 9: 00. C. Before 9: 30.
3. A. Taking a walk. B. Riding a bike. C. Driving a car.
4. A. See a movie. B. Watch a magic show. C. Make some popcorn.
5. A. Exciting. B. Funny. C. Boring.
6. A. The sports magazine. B. The history magazine. C. The science magazine.
7. A. Spiders. B. Ants. C. Ghosts.
8. A. In the basket. B. Beside the telephone. C. On the kitchen table.
9. A. Silk. B. Wool. C. Cotton.
10. A. Relatives. B. Strangers. C. Classmates.
11. What does the girl have to do three times a week
A. Clean the bedroom. B. Practice the piano. C. Do the dishes.
12. When is the boy allowed to hang out with his friends
A. On Fridays. B. On Saturdays. C. On Sundays.
13. Who will the man have dinner with
A. His pen pal. B. His workmate. C. His customer.
14. Where is the man supposed to put the spoon after having the soup
A. In the bowl. B. On the plate. C. On the table.
15. What are the speakers going to talk about next
A. When to arrive. B. Where to put the shoes. C. How to eat the soup.
Ⅱ. 听填信息(共5小题,计10分)
16. This term, some students in the class have greatly _______ their English.
17. David listened to some _______ English stories every morning.
18. Lucy tried to _______ _______ _______ the foreign teachers in the English club.
19. Tony wrote to his pen pal _______ a week.
20. Mary made lots of _______ _______.
Ⅲ. 完形填空(共20小题,计20分)
Zhang Ming and Zhang Peng are twin brothers. When they were young, they were interested in traditional Chinese culture 21 Chinese clay art and Beijing Opera. In these art 22 , they could learn a lot. One day, they met an old man 23 is good at shadow puppet play(皮影戏). As soon as they saw the play, they fell in love with it. So they decided 24 from the old man.
After 5 years' study, they could perform by 25 . When they acted in the village, the villagers sat in front of a white screen and watched the plays 26 . Zhang Ming usually stood behind 27 white screen and held different kinds of characters. Zhang Peng did the voices of the different characters. Their performances 28 by a lot of the villagers. Many of the villagers hoped that they 29 keep on performing. “It's not easy,” Zhang Ming said.
“We can't get much money from it. Sometimes we even have 30 money to buy tools we need. But we want to keep this art form alive. So we will stick to it no matter how hard it is!”
21. A. like B. on C. about D. for
22. A. form B. forms C. case D. cases
23. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
24. A. learn B. learning C. learned D. to learn
25. A. they B. them C. theirs D. themselves
26. A. happy B. happily C. lucky D. luckily
27. A. a B. an C. the D. /
28. A. are liked B. were liked C. like D. liked
29. A. could B. can C. should D. shall
30. A. little B. much C. few D. many
Evelyn Glennie is one of the most famous solo (独奏的) drum players in the world. The 31 thing about Evelyn is that she is deaf. Let's listen to her talk about her 32 .
When I was about 12, I became 33 percussion instruments(打击乐器) and began to play them. At that time I lost all of my hearing. I remember when I 34 playing the tympani(定音鼓), my teacher didn't believe me. Then he said, “Well, how are you going to do this You know, music is about 35 . How are you going to hear this and that ” I asked, “Well, how do you hear it ” He pointed to his 36 and said, “I think I hear it through here.” Then I told him, “I think I can do too, 37 I also hear it through my hands, my arms, my back, my legs and so on.” I mean that I can feel the music, see it and touch it. That's 38 I can experience every kind of music from classical music(古典音乐) to pop even though I can't actually hear it.
Now I often travel around the world for concerts. When I am in different countries, I like to go to other people's concerts. I also like to find new 39 . I have a huge collection of them. They often 40 me of how excited I was when I first saw local musicians playing them.
31. A. lucky B. secret C. exciting D. surprising
32. A. story B. music C. teacher D. body
33. A. proud of B. famous for C. interested in D. nervous about
34. A. started B. stopped C. enjoyed D. hated
35. A. singing B. dancing C. listening D. watching
36. A. eye B. nose C. mouth D. ear
37. A. so B. but C. unless D. since
38. A. when B. why C. what D. where
39. A. movies B. books C. paintings D. instruments
40. A. remind B. regret C. express D. request
Ⅳ. 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)
How do people greet guests Some shake hands. Some say hello or hi. Some kiss each other on the face. The world is made up of many different cultures. Some cultures have special customs. People from these cultures greet or welcome guests in interesting ways. Do you want to learn more about them
New Zealand
The traditional Maori custom of welcoming someone is called “hongi”. People touch their noses together when they meet.
Tibet, China
People welcome guests by presenting them with a long scarf called “hada”. They take it gently in their hands and make a bow.
You had better be clean and smell nice all the time when you are in Tuvalu. Their welcome greeting is to press their face to a person's face and then breathe deeply.
Thai people welcome guests with a “wai”. They press their hands together and say “Sawaddee” before bowing their heads.
41. When people do the hongi, they touch each other's _________.
A. nose B. face C. hand D. head
42. People in _________ welcome guests with a long scarf.
A. New Zealand B. Tibet, China C. Tuvalu D. Thailand
43. Where is the passage most probably from
A. A history book. B. A news website. C. A science report. D. A cultural magazine.
Tea and coffee are two of the most popular drinks in the world. However, people usually like one more than the other. These drinks also have very different uses.
It is said that tea was first drunk in China about 5, 000 years ago. Tea is made from leaves. These days, some people drink tea for health, using it to help with stress or losing weight. However, most people in tea drinking countries think of tea as more than just a healthy drink. In fact, tea drinking in some countries is a part of the culture. In Turkey(土耳其), tea is always there when people meet. Whether in someone's home or a company, tea is always offered as a way of welcoming. In the UK, homes and offices usually have tea time. Tea and other dishes are served at tea time in the afternoon. It is a way of relaxing with friends or co-workers.
Coffee came much later than tea, just over 1, 000 years ago. Coffee is made from beans. Something in the coffee beans makes a person feel active. Most people do not drink coffee to relax. Instead, they drink coffee to get going. Many people drink coffee in the morning to help them wake up. Others will also drink coffee during short breaks in the afternoon to keep going through the working day. Some people may visit coffee shops just to meet and talk with friends. However, many people in coffee shops drink coffee while working on their computers.
Is tea or coffee more common in your country Between the two, which do you like to drink more
44. What can we know from Paragraph 2
A. Tea drinking started in Japan. B. In Turkey, people offer tea to say goodbye.
C. Tea is regarded as a bad drink. D. People in the UK have tea to relax themselves.
45. What is coffee made from
A. Flowers. B. Grass. C. Beans. D. Leaves.
46. Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 3
A. Coffee came much earlier than tea.
B. Many people drink coffee to wake up.
C. Many people work on their computers in coffee shops.
D. Some people meet and talk with friends in coffee shops.
47. What is the best title of the passage
A. The Smells of Tea and Coffee B. The History of Tea and Coffee
C. The Different Cultures of Tea and Coffee D. The Different Ways of Making Tea and Coffee
Do you like chocolate And want to know some facts about chocolate Follow us!
Chocolate appeared in 450 B. C. , Mexico. About 4, 000 years ago, chocolate was used as medicine. Centuries later, chocolate became a kind of drink. It's said that chocolate found its way to Spain in the 16th century and from then on, chocolate was soon carried to other parts of Europe.
In the beginning, producing chocolate wasn't so easy and that made it an expensive treat. In 1828, however, the chocolate press was invented by a chemist. Thanks to the machine, much more chocolate could be produced and ordinary people could afford it.
Now there are many different kinds of tasty chocolate treats, and most of us love to eat some of them. But which kind is the best for our health
Dark chocolate is better for the heart than milk chocolate. Also dark chocolate has less fat. It can lower the risk of heart diseases. But with over 300 chemicals(化学物质) in chocolate, there is still a lot we don't know.
48. Why was chocolate expensive in the beginning
A. Because too many people liked chocolate.
B. Because the chocolate press was invented.
C. Because producing chocolate wasn't easy.
D. Because it was hard to be carried to other places.
49. What does the underlined word “ordinary” probably mean
A. Special. B. Talented. C. Friendly. D. Common.
50. What's the passage mainly about
A. Some facts about chocolate. B. Where chocolate is produced.
C. The advantages of eating chocolate D. Two different kinds of chocolate.
Taking stress out of exams
Pre-exam stress is one of the biggest problems in students' lives. 51 So here are some tips to help you lower the stress of exams.
Be organized and start early.
The best way to deal with exam stress is to have a good study plan. Decide which subjects to study every day and how much time to spend on each one. 52
Don't be afraid to ask.
When we don't understand something, we feel stressed. It's normal. 53 Ask your teacher for help. You may find it hard to believe but all teachers want their students to do well in exams.
Healthy body, healthy brain
Your body needs exercise for your brain to work better. 54 It can just make you more stressed. Do some sports, go to the gym or just go for a walk but get up and move!
Eat and sleep well.
It's important for your brain to rest so try to get eight hours' sleep every night. Eat a healthy diet and avoid drinks with caffeine that can stop you from sleeping well.
Finally, if you have followed all this advice and you still feel stressed, then don't keep it a secret. Talk to your parents, friends or a teacher you trust and tell them how you feel. We all need help sometimes.
A. Make it interesting. B. So don't study all the time. C. Your problem will certainly be solved. D. But don't worry about it, do something about it. E. And don't wait until the last minute to study everything. F. Don't keep your stress to yourself. G. It makes you feel bad and stops you from thinking clearly.
V. 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分)
56. 雷锋精神值得永远传播。
The spirit of Lei Feng is __________ spreading forever.
57. 多么珍贵的一件大衣!
What a __________ coat!
58. 应该告知孩子们不要在教室里互相追赶。
The children should be told not to __________ each other in the classroom.
59. 即使你是对的,在上课时你也不应该向你的老师顶嘴。
Even you're right, you should not __________ to your teachers in class.
60. 如果你想知道真相,你可以亲自问他。
If you want to know the truth, you can ask him __________.
Ⅵ. 短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)(共10小题,计10分)
final from be north painting great translate test draw because
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1452 in a 61 Italian town. He is considered as one of the 62 painters of all time. He is still famous today because of the Mona Lisa and other well-known 63 . However, not many people know he was also an engineer and an inventor.
Da Vince was interested in science and art, and he was a pioneer in many areas. He 64 plans and pictures and wrote about his many ideas in his diaries. Since he died on May 2nd, 1519, people have been learning 65 his diaries. They included plans for an adding machine bridges as well as drawings of musical instruments, flying machines and machines for wars, such as guns.
Since many of da Vince's inventions were far ahead of(超前)their time, they were only 66 hundreds of years later. Because he couldn't test them, not all of his plans worked out
as well as he wished. However, some of his ideas worked well. For example, one of his bridges was 67 built 500 years later after it was drawn, Flying machines like helicopters 68 very common now.
Some think da Vinci wanted to keep his ideas secret as he wrote his diaries in code(密码). Others think it was just easier for him to write this way 69 he was left-handed. Da Vinci's diaries can only be read with a mirror because everything is written backwards (倒着地). As it took some time to 70 the diaries, they were published(出版) more than 150 years after his death.
Ⅶ. 任务型阅读:阅读下面的语篇材料,根据所读内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)
More and more people in China are now showing parts of their lives to the world by videos on their phones. Some people send videos of personal events like holidays and weddings.
Using live streaming(网络直播) is particularly popular among the people aged from 18 to 35. Even the teachers give lessons by live streaming. Besides leaving reviews(评论) on the screen, they can also communicate directly with the hosts by buying virtual(虚拟的) gifts such as flowers, toys and cars for them online. The most recent famous example was the Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui. She did one-hour live streaming which attracted more than 11 million viewers.
What's more, live streaming lets users communicate with strangers and express them-selves. A 19 year old college student called Nic Li says she spends three to four hours each week chatting and singing with viewers through one App called Ingkee. “Sometimes I feel lonely and want to talk to people,” she says. “I feel nice when viewers are paying attention to me.”
However, there are worries about the misuse(误用) of live streaming. Papi Jiang promised to correct her unsuitable and impolite language after she was warned by the officials. As there are more than 80 Apps and 300 websites for live streaming in China, the Internet regulator(监管机构) can hardly monitor the contents(内容) all the time. “We support the use of live streaming. But people should realize the two sides of it,” one of the officials said.
71. What do more and more people in China show by videos on their phones
They show _______ by videos on their phones.
72. Who are the most popular with live streaming
People aged from _______ are the most popular with live streaming.
73. How long does Nic Li spend in chatting and singing with viewers each week
She spends _______ each week.
74. Why can't the Internet regulator monitor the contents all the time
Because there are _______ for live streaming.
75. What does the passage mainly talk about
The passage mainly talks about _______.
Ⅷ. 补全对话(共5小题,计5分)
A: Excuse me, Anna. Are these pink gloves yours
B: 76. _________________. They might be Cindy's. She likes pink things.
A: They can't be hers. She wore black gloves this morning.
B: 77. _________________
A: I played with her just now and I noticed her gloves. We can't find the owners. 78. _________________
B: Oh, maybe you can take the gloves to the Lost and Found Office. The owner will go there to find them.
A: Good idea.
B: Oh, wait a minute. Look! There are two “K” embroidered (刺绣) on the gloves. Err. I see. 79. _________________. She likes pink best.
A: Probably. 80. _________________
B: She must be in the dining hall. Let's go and ask her.
. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)
假设你是校报英语专栏“Let's share and help”的小编辑。请阅读Jim的来信,并根据内容回复他。
1. 文章不少于70词,开头已经给出,但是不计入总词数;
2. 文中不得出现真实的学校和学生姓名;
3. 书写工整清晰;
4. 语言表达准确,语意通顺连贯。
Dear friend, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me to hang out with my friends. I can't choose my hobbies, either. They only care about exams and I am made to study all the time. I feel bad. What should I do Yours, Jim
Dear Jim,
I am sorry to hear about your problems and I'd like to share what I think of the rules.
I. 听选答案
1. W: Which school club do you prefer
M: The drama club, of course.
Q: Which school club does the boy prefer
2. W: The party is great, but I have to leave now. It's already eight. I am told to get home before 8: 30.
M: All right.
Q: What time does the girl have to get home
3. W: You are driving too fast. That's dangerous.
M: Sorry, I won't. Next time I will slow down, especially when I pass by a school.
Q: What is the man doing
4. W: Dad, I'm hungry. Do they sell any bread or cookies in the theatre
M: I don't think so, but they sell popcorn. Hurry up! The magic show starts in half an hour.
Q: What are the speakers probably going to do
5. W: I really enjoyed that film. It was funny.
M: Err, to be honest, I was a bit upset. I was expecting something a bit more exciting.
Q: How did the man like the movie
6. W: Marcus, is this science magazine yours
M: No, it belongs to Jade. The sports magazine next to it is mine.
Q: Which magazine belongs to Jade
7. W: I used to be afraid of ants.
M: Really I think ants are interesting but I am afraid of spiders.
Q: What is the boy afraid of
8. W: Mark, do you know where the scissors are They are not on the kitchen table.
M: Oh, I know. I used them in the living room. I put them beside the telephone.
Q: Where are the scissors
9. W: Come and have a look at the new blouse. I bought it for our daughter. It is made of cotton.
M: It looks good and it is in style. I am sure she will like it.
Q: What is the blouse made of
10. W: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bank
M: Do you see the hospital over there There is a bank behind it.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers
M: I have a lot of family rules.
W: So do I. I must clean my bedroom twice a week. I am asked to practice the piano three times a week and do the dishes every day. I have to stay at home on school nights.
M: What about weekends
W: I must finish my homework on Friday nights and then I can go to a theatre on Saturday afternoons. Are you allowed to hang out with your friends
M: Yes, but only on Sundays.
M: Betty, I will be having dinner with one of my American pen pals tomorrow evening. But I don't know much about the American table manners. Can you tell me something about them
W: Sure. Take the soup spoon for example, after eating soup you are expected to put it on the plate instead of in a bowl.
M: OK.
W: You must never blow the soup with your mouth. M: What should I pay attention to before dinner
W: You are not supposed to put your hands on the table. You should put them on your knees.
M: I see.
W: By the way, what time will you meet I think you'd better. . .
Ⅱ. 听填信息
This term some students in our class have been working hard and have greatly improved their English. David tried to listen to some easy English stories every morning. It was useful. Lucy was too shy to speak English. To deal with the problem, she joined the English club where she tried to have conversations with the foreign teachers. Tony didn't do well in writing, so he found a pen friend online. He wrote to his pen friend once a week. Mary had trouble remembering new English words. She made a lot of word cards and read the words out every day. It worked well. Now all of them have found their own ways to learn English and they are making great progress.
1~5CACBC 6~10 CABCB 11~15 BCABA
16. improved 17. easy 18. have conversations with 19. once 20. word cards
21~25ABCDD 26~30BCBAA 31~35 DACAC 36~40 DBBDA
41~43ABD 44~47 DCAC 48~50 CDA 51~55 GEDBF
56. worth 57. valuable 58. run after 59. talk back 60. in person
61. northern 62. greatest 63. paintings 64 drew 65. from
66. tested 67. finally 68. are 69. because 70. translate
71. parts of their lives to the world
72. 18 to 35 73. three to four hours 74. more than 80 Apps and 300 websites
75. two sides of live streaming 76. No, they aren't. 77. How do you know
78. What should we do/How can we deal with them/What can we do with them/. . .
79. It must be Kelly's(人名中包含字母K即可)
80. Where is she/Where could she be/Do you know where she is/ could be
One Possible Version:
Dear Jim,
I am sorry to hear about your problems and I'd like to share what I think of the rules.
Although your parents make many rules and give you much pressure, they want you to do well in school. Sometimes they worry about your safety or they simply want to make sure you can always choose wisely. So, the best way to solve the problem is to try to understand your parents and communicate with them.
Firstly, you should understand them more. Anyway, parents have more experience and some of the rules are necessary. Secondly, it is important to let them know your opinions and feelings. Remember to talk with them in a polite and friendly way. I believe they will think about your opinions and change their way in some way.
I hope my advice is of some help and value to you. Best wishes!



