
九年级质量调研英语试题 2023.12
Ⅰ. 听句子, 选择正确答语。 (5分)
1. A. I think so. B. I'd love to. C. I like sports.
2. A. On weekend. B. Once a week. C. After school.
3. A. At 7:00 pm. B. It was great. C. It lasted two hours.
4. A. It's traditional. B. That's from China. C. Sorry,I don't know.
5. A. How noisy it is! B. Electronic music. C. Action movies.
Ⅱ. 听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分)
6. A.60 yuan. B.80 yuan. C.140 yuan.
7. A. In London. B. In Beijing. C. In Shanghai.
8. A. No smoking! B. No photos! C. Be quiet!
9. A. He called Linda. B. He read a book. C. He lent Linda a book.
10. A. Because she can't write Chinese words.
B. Because she can't remember the words.
C. Because she can't speak it.
Ⅲ. 听描述, 选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。 (5分)
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Ⅳ. 听较长对话,选择正确答案。(5分)
听第一段对话, 作答第16~17小题。
九年级英语试题 第1页(共 10页)
16. What was Grandma’s life like in the past
A. Difficult. B. Boring. C. Simple.
17. Where does Grandma dance with her friends now
A. In a school. B. In the fields. C. In the community club.
听第二段对话, 作答第 18~20小题。
18. Who's answering the phone
A. Lucy. B. Lucy's mother. C. Lucy's sister.
19. What will the students do this weekend
A. Do some shopping. B. Have a party. C. Go on a picnic.
20. Where will the students meet
A. Near the shop. B. In Jack's house. C. At the school gate.
V. 听短文,选择正确答案。 (5分)
21. How many ways of learning English does the writer talk about
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
22. What should you write down when watching films
A. Useful words. B. New words. C. Important expressions.
23. Why should we read lyrics
A. To learn how to write songs.
B. To practice how to sing the song.
C. To understand what the song is about.
24. Which is the most important tool in English learning
A. A dictionary. B. A grammar book. C. A recorder.
25. What is the best way to memorize new words
A. To read them aloud.
B. To practice with a partner.
C. To study them again and again.
Ⅵ. 单项选择(共 15 分)
从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。
26. My favorite is winter because I can make a snowman.
A. season B. custom C. game D. festival
27. He is such honest boy that we all trust him.
A. a B. an C. the D./
28.-How do you relax in your free time, Mike
doing sports and listening to music.
A. In B. With C. For D. By
29. His hobby is singing dancing. It's drawing.
A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and D. not only; but also
九年级英语试题 第2页(共 10页)
30.—How was the party, Jane
—It was organized. We didn't enjoy ourselves.
A. widely B. mostly C. wisely D. badly
31. Mary didn't use to her life with her parents, but now she gets used to communication with them.
A. share; have B. sharing; have
C. share; having D. sharing; having
32. Oh, no!I forgot a stamp on the letter.
-Don't worry. You can go to the post office and find it back.
A. stick B. sticking C. to stick D. to sticking
33.-Is that girl in red your sister
No, she be my sister. My sister went to Jilin yesterday.
A. should B. can C. can't D. shouldn't
34. Don't . Listen to what your father says.
A. talk back B. hang out C. put up D. think back
35. Wearing a pair of sunglasses makes Kevin very cool.
—Yes, that's true.
A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked
36. I happened to see Jack and Mary this morning. They at that time in the street.
A. walk B. walked C. are walking D. were walking
37. The little dog jumped up excitedly because he by his owner just now.
A. kissed B. had kissed C. was kissed D. is kissed
38. My father is a wise man. He is the person has greatly influenced me.
A. what B. whom C. which D. who
39. fa st the technology has progressed over the years!
A. What B. How C. What a D. What an
40. You look tired. I wonder last night.
—I didn't go to bed until eleven for preparing a report.
A. when you go to bed B. when you went to bed
C. when do you go to bed D. when did you go to bed
Ⅶ. 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。(5分)
Liu Ning: Hi, Wang Yu. What did you do during the National Day
Wang Yu: My family and I visited several parks in the city. Though it was crowded, we had a great time. 41
Liu Ning: I went to Hebei Museum.
Wang Yu: 42
Liu Ning: Yes. I saw the Changxin Palace Lamp.
九年级英语试题 第3页(共 10页)
Wang Yu:Wow! You're so lucky. I hear the Changxin Palace Lamp is known as the first lamp in China.
Liu Ning: 43 It is an ancient object from the Western Han Dynasty.
Wang Yu: 44
Liu Ning: It's made of bronze. It drew the attention of the whole world the moment it was unearthed (出土) in 1968.
Wang Yu: It is said that the lamp showed the ancient people's ideas of protecting the environment.
Liu Ning: Yes. And the idea of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic flame lantern(火种灯) comes from it.
Wang Yu: That sounds amazing. 45
Liu Ning: Me, too.
A. That's right.
B. What about you
C. What is it made of
D. I've never been there before.
E. Did you see anything interesting there
F. I'm proud of the wisdom of our ancestors.
四、 阅读(共45分)
VIII. 完形填空(15分)
The holiday would come soon, but before that, there were final exams. All the students were working hard for some time and 46 their lessons for the exams. If they didn't 47 ,they would have to retake them in September. There were usually a few who 48 , but Jane didn't want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year, but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister Barbara was 49 about her. She went to bed too late. The night before the first exam, Barbara advised her to have a(n) 50 night and take a sleeping pill(药片) . Barbara promised to 51 her up in the morning.
As J ane was falling asleep, her 52 kept jumping from subject to subject. At last,with the help of the 53 , she went to sleep. In no time at all, she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the examination paper, 54 she couldn't answer any of the questions. Everyone around her was writing pages and pages. Though she thought hard,she couldn't find 55 to write with. She kept looking at her 56 . The minute and second hands seemed to fly. There was only an hour to go. She started one question, wrote two sentences, 57 and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so nervous that she started 58 . All of a sudden, her whole body began to 59 . It shook so much that she woke up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible 60 . A minute later, Barbara called her name.
九年级英语试题第 4页(共 10页)
46. A. writing B. reviewing C. solving D. attending
47. A. prepare B. take C. miss D. pass
48. A finished B. dropped C. failed D. lost
49. A. mad B. worried C. serious D. angry
50. A. early B. usual C. quiet D. dark
51. A. set B. put C. pick D. wake
52. A. eyes B. body C. mind D. hands
53. A. sister B. medicine C. words D. study
54. A. but B. so C. or D. till
55. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
56. A. classmates B. table C. watch D. pen
57. A. thought over B. put off C. cut down D. put up
58. A. crying B. cheering C. checking D. copying
59. A. exercise B. shake C. relax D. fall
60. A. life B. journey C. experience D. dream
IX. 阅读理解(30分)
Sleep is important to teenagers because it plays a key role in their physical and mental(精神的) development. So how many hours of sleep does a teenager need The science research has showed us the answer.
Age group Age range Recommended(建议的) hours of sleep every 24 hours
School-age 6-12 years 9-12 hours
Teen 13-18 years 8-10 hours
Adult 18 years and older 7 hours or more
A recent report shows that many teenagers in America are not getting the recommended amount of sleep. Here are the results.
九年级英语试题 第5页(共 10页)
Why is it hard for teens to get good sleep There are many reasons. One of them is late bedtime and early school start times. And the use of electronic devices(电子设备) like the smartphone and computer is another reason.
Research has found that 89% or more of teens kept at least one device in their bedroom at night. Screen time late into the evening can cause sleep problems. Using these devices can keep teens excited and unable to fall asleep. And being in the light from smartphones also makes people feel less sleepy. So teens should develop good sleeping habits to get better sleep. Here are some tips.
* Get eight hours of sleep a night on weekdays and weekends.
* Put away electronic devices at least a half-hour before bed.
* Keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet.
61. How many hours should a 14-year-old student sleep each night
A.7 hour or more B.8-10 hours
C. less than 12 hours D.9-12 hours
62. According to the results of that report, do not get enough sleep.
A.40% of middle schoolers B.60% of middle school students
C.70% of high school girls D.89% of high school students
63. The writer listed reasons about why teens can't get good sleep.
A. four B. three C. two D. one
64. From the reading material we can know that .
A. many teens fail to get enough sleep in America
B. a cool and dark bedroom may cause us sleeplessness
C. teens are not allowed to use electronic devices on weekdays
D. early school start times help teens develop a good sleeping habit
65. In which part of a magazine can we read the material
A. Great Invention B. Cover People
C. Sports Event D. Science Guide
How far will you go when strangers ask you for help For Mr. Cheng, an old security guard at Hangzhou Dianzi University, the answer is 17 years and 100,000 yuan.
One night in September 2005, a man and his kid got out of a taxi and came to Cheng. The father said that his kid was a freshman(大一新生) at the university and that 6,000 yu an they had was stolen. He asked if Cheng could help them by paying the taxi driver.“Of course,”Cheng replied. It was 68 yuan.
Several days later, he heard some stories about the kid he had helped. The kid had worked
九年级英语试题 第6页 (共 10页)
hard to get into the university. He was poor, and his parents had borrowed 6,000 yuan for his college education. However, since the money was gone, the kid would probably drop out.
Cheng decided to help again. He wasn't rich, but he paid 6,000 yuan for the kid's education and didn't tell it to anyone. Cheng also took out a few hundred yuan every month and sponsored(资助) the kid through college. In the following years, he also sponsored another five students, but these stories about him were never known by others until recently.
The greatest thing about people like Cheng isn't what they do or how much they have; it's how much they want to help and how far they want to go although they don't have much to give.
66. Which is the right order of the following facts
① Cheng helped the father and his son pay the taxi driver.
② The parents borrowed money for their son's college education.
③ Cheng sponsored the kid through his college study.
A. ②①③ B. ①③② C. ②③① D. ③①②
67. Why did the father and his kid come to Cheng for help
A. Because they got lost. B. Because the kid had an accident.
C. Because they had no money. D. Because they had a fight with the driver.
68. What does the underlined phrase“drop out”in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. miss the chance B. leave school
C. refuse the help D. stop working
69. Which of the following words can best describe people like Cheng
A. Friendly and independent. B. Kind and creative.
C. Old but responsible. D. Poor but warm-hearted.
70. What could be the best title of the passage
A. A lucky kid B. A quiet sponsor
C. A touching experience D. A sweet memory
China's Double Nint h Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar every year. It is a traditional folk holiday focusing on good health and long life.Let's take a look at some key words related to the festival.
Nine is an important number in Chinese culture because its pronunciation means“long”in Chinese. According to the B ook of Changes(《易经》) , the number six is considered yin while nine is yang. The ninth day of the ninth lunar month in the Chinese calendar has two nines, so the day is given the Chinese name“Chong yang”.
九年级英语试题 第7页(共 10页)
71. The number six is a symbol of good health and long life according to the Book of Changes.
72. The Chinese name“Chongyang”means two nines in China.
73. In ancient times, wearing the cornel could help people keep away from illness.
74. The Chinese government set the Double Nint h Festival as a day for the elders in 1989.
75. The writer mainly talks about the changes of the Double Ninth Festival.
English is one of the most difficult languages to master. Even though you might not sound like a native speaker, you should still congratulate yourself on how far you've come.Remember that practice makes perfect. So keep working at it and your skill level will certainly improve.
* Create an English environment for yourself. 76 The more you read and hear the language, the better you'll understand how and when to use common words and phrases and how the language is pronounced.
* 77 No matter where you are and who you are speaking to. When you speak in your native language, ask yourself,“How would I say that in English
* 78 Even if you're having trouble pronouncing words or remembering phrases, don't keep your head down. Speak in a natural way; keep your back and head straight. If you're in a relaxed setting, put your hands behind your head and put your feet up. Train your body into feeling in control.
九年级英语试题 第8页(共 10页)
* Find a language friend who speaks good English and wants to learn your language.79~Increase your confidence by knowing you have something valuable to teach, as well as something to learn.
* 80 Instead of saying“I'm not good at this,”say“Every day I'm getting better.”
A. Take turns teaching each other.
B. Use body language while you speak English.
C. Speak confidently about your English ability.
D. Practice speaking English every chance you get.
E. Read books, watch television shows, movies and plays in English.
To many in the Gulf (海湾), Ghanim Al Muftah is a well-known face. Ghanim was born in May 2002 in Qatar,without the lower half of his body because of a serious illness.Even though the young boy was only given 15 years to live by his doctors, his parents didn't give up on him.
Ghanim was often very sad when he was at school. No one liked to play with him. His mother comforted him that his classmates were just afraid of hurting him, not scared of him. She also encouraged the boy to communicate more with his classmates and let them know more about his illness. His mother's words cheered him up and made him become more optimistic(乐观的) .
Now,21-year-old Ghanim is an example to the world and especially to those fighting with physical disabilities. He used his weakness to develop a strong will(意志) . A surprising fact about Ghanim is that he loves sports and actively takes part in football, skateboarding, ice hockey and even scuba(潜水).
Ghanim is also one of the youngest businessmen in Qatar. His ice cream business provides jobs for the people in the city. At the same time, with his family's support, Ghanim has also set up an organization to give away free wheelchairs to those disabled people in need.
The young boy lives up to the meaning of his name. “Ghanim Al Muftah”means“the winner”in Arabic. He is an example of strength and courage who teaches the world that no difficulty is big enough to prevent someone from living the life of their expectations.
根据文章内容, 回答下列问题。(10分)
81. What caused Ghanim to lose his legs
82. How long might Ghanim live according to his doctor
83. Why did Ghanim's mother comfort him when he was at school
84. What does the fact that Ghanim actively takes part in sports prove(证明)
85. Who did the organization give away free wheelchairs to
九年级英语试题 第9页(共 10页)
X. 短文填空(10分)
When I was young, there lived a great writer in my heart ——it was me. Every time I read a book, I know 86 (exact) what the writer wanted to tell. Later I went to school.My writing was the 87 (pretty) in my class. I dreamed of becoming a real writer.
Then I began to write my first book. It took 88 (I) a long time to finish it. Ispent almost all my free time 89 (read) different books. I carefully wrote every word in my book to avoid making 90 (mistake) because I knew lots of people would read it. After finishing it, I sent the book to a publisher(出版商) , but it was refused. I felt sad. However, soon I walked out of the 91 (sad) and decided to try again. I knew practicing would make every story improve. 92 last, there was no book coming back but“Yes, please!”
Then my first book came out and then more and more books were published (出版) .I 93 (invite) to give speeches in many different cities. 94 writing is sometimes hard, it's what I love doing. I believe your dreams will certainly come true no matter 95 you face in the process of realizing your dreams. Keep on fighting!
(A)学校英文读书俱乐部拟招聘一位志愿者。假设你是俱乐部的负责人,你的联系方式是ERC@, 请你为俱乐部写一则招聘广告。 (5分)
要求:表述通顺; 简洁得体;不少于 40 词。
(B) 书法、剪纸、绘画、戏曲、汉服等,这些中国传统艺术有着几千年的积累,透着五千年中华文明古国深厚的文化底蕴。请你根据自己的见闻或经历,从众多中国传统艺术中选择一种,以“Traditional Chinese Art and Me”为题,向来自美国的外教老师 Ms.Smith 讲述一段你与中国传统艺术之间的故事,并写出你的感受。(15分)
要求:1.可以适当增加细节, 使行文连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。
九年级英语试题 第10页(共 10页)九年级质量调研英语试题参考答案
6-10 CABBC
11-15 BCEFD
21-25 BACAC
31-35 CCCAA
36-40 DCDBB
41-45 BEACF
46-50 BDCBA
51-55 DCBAB
56-60 CAABD
61-65 BBCAD
71-75 FTFTF
76-80 EDBAC
81.A serious illness.
82.(For)15 years.
83.Because no one liked to play with him.
84.Ghanim has a strong will./Ghanim used his weakness to develop a strong will.
85.The/Those disabled people in need,.(设有disabled或者in need扣1分。)
87.prettiest 88.me
93.was invited
94.Though /Although 95.what
Volunteer Wanted
◆Do you enjoy reading
Can you speak English
*Are you willing to help others
We need help at our English Reading Club.It's meaningful and fun!
Send your e-mail to ERC@ and tell us more about yourself if you want to
join us!
Volunteer Wanted
Our English Reading Club needs your help.Do you enjoy reading Can you speak
English Are you willing to help others If you're interested in being a member of us,
please e-mail to ERC@.I'm sure you'll have a meaningful and fun experience.



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