Unit 8 At Christmas 同步练习(无答案)

Unit 8 At Christmas
1. Who always _________ kites in the park ( )
A.flies B.fly C.flying
2.His mother always ______ him at the school gate. ( )
A.waits to B.waits for C.wait with
3.——Merry Christmas! ( )
A.Thank you. B.No. C.Merry Christmas!
4.Tom always _________a big lunch ________ _ Christmas. ( )
A.have; at B.has; at C.has; with
5.Children in the US go ________ and ________ Father Christmas at Christmas. ( )
A.shopping; seeing B.shop; seeing C.shopping; see
6.—What’s wrong with (he)
—He can’t find (he) book.
7.Mike (not like) (eat) turkeys.
8. Yang Ling (buy) pretty (thing) today
9.—I like (sandwich). Do you want (some)
—Yes, I’d like (eat) one.
10.There (be) some juice on the table.
11.We usually buy a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.
do you usually on Christmas Eve
12.The twins put a stocking on their beds.
the twins a stocking
13.People eat turkeys at Christmas.
do people at Christmas
14.Jim puts his nice toys under the bed.
does Jim his nice toys
15.Tom's friends can dance.
Tom's friends
16.goes, sometimes, Sam, see, to, his, grandparents (.)
17.wake, We, our, and, early, up, open, presents (.)
18.early, in, the, up, presents, end, wake, our, we (.)
19.fun, Christmas, have, a lot of, we, at, always (.)
20.Day, lunch, Christmas, big, people, a, on, have (.)
A: 21 Let’s go to buy some Christmas gifts for our parents.
B: 22
A: I want to buy some tea for my father and a scarf for my mother. 23
B: I want to buy a Christmas card. 24
A: 25
B: Yes. I think my parents will like it very much.
A.That’s very special(特别的).
B.What do you want to buy
C.I’m going to write my wishes(祝福) on it.
D.How about you
E.What does she do at weekends
F.Christmas is coming.
21.( ) 22.( ) 23.( ) 24.( ) 25.( )
Here are two pictures. Who are they in the pictures
Mr. White and his son Bill are in the first picture. Now they are in Bill’s room. We can see some English books on the desk. And on the bed there is (有) a watch. It’s Bill’s. His notebooks are on the bed, too.
What about the next picture You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bill’s mother and she’s in her daughter Ann’s room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the white wall (墙). Next to the bed is a desk. A clock is on the desk. What is that under the bed Is it a yellow hat No, it’s Ann’s pet dog.
26.In the two pictures, we can see ________ people. ( )
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
27.Whose (谁的) notebooks are on the bed ( )
A.Bill’s. B.Mrs. White’s. C.Mr. White’s. D.Ann’s.
28.Who is Mr. White ( )
A.He is Ann’s brother. B.He is Bill’s father. C.He is Ann’s teacher. D.He is Bill’s teacher.
29.What can we see in Ann’s room ( )
A.A hat. B.A ball. C.A boy. D.A clock.
30.What color is Ann’s dog ( )
A.Black. B.White. C.Yellow. D.Brown.
要求:1. 语气通顺,单词正确,书写规范。2. 不少于5句哦!



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