
1.Good ideas sometimes start with a silly question. (real)
2.They are (real)busy now.
3.I’m thankful for all your help. (true)
4.I’m sorry to hear that. (real)
5.Tom felt sorry to be late for the Christmas party. (real)
6.Uniforms should be (wide) available in street stores and on the Internet.
7.Tom is (bad) hurt when he fell off his bike.
8.— I’ve prepared hand-made chocolate for Lucy as a birthday present. But what if she doesn’t like it
— Don’t worry. When your gift is full of love, your friend will (certain) be happy to receive it.
9.Her ideas are (complete) different from ours when we talk about whether wild animals should be kept in the zoo.
10.When I walked into the bedroom, I could tell something was wrong. (serious)
11.What a wonderful it was! Many young people were crazy about it. (足球赛)
12.I had a long (谈话) with your teacher.
13.My favorite season is (夏天).
14.Summer is the hottest (季节) of the year.
15.Jane has just been to the (购物中心)with Kangkang.
16.During the holidays, thousands of tourists went to Dehong. (春节)
17.Through labor classes, students can learn different (生活技能).
18.As we know, (肢体语言) is the message behind our voice, which can show our thoughts and feelings.
19.In today’s world, almost everyone knows is harmful to people’s health. (噪音污染)
20.My grandfather always tells me some . I like them very much.(民间故事)
21.A water park is a great place to have fun . (在周末)
22.I go to school . (步行).
23. (感谢) your massage.
24.Please write the sentence (用英语).
25.Please call me when you are (在困境中).
26.Tony’s mother often goes to Shanghai (出差).
27.It takes me an hour to get home from work. (至少)
28. (在任何情况下都不)should we seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and resources.
29.When Manchester City terrorist attack happened on May 22nd, people were so afraid that they ran (四面八方).
30.Don’t be angry with the little boy who broke your cup. Anyway, he didn’t do it . (故意地)
31.Liu Mei often works as a volunteer to the sick people in the hospital. (使振作起来)
32.Please (写下) the address.
33.Never (放弃).
34.You should your parents. (照顾)
35.Our class will (参加) the activity.
36.I want to (拿走) the book which you showed me yesterday.
37.We must (依靠) what we have now to plan our future.
38.You should (更多关注) your study instead of playing computer game.
39.In order to help the homeless animals, the environmental protection groups need to a lot of ways. (提出,想出)
40.If all of us can , there must be something we can do to improve the environment. (齐心协力)
41.During the Spring Festival, Chinese people usually put paper cuttings on windows as symbols of wishes for . (好运)
42.Tomorrow we will meet at the school (大门).
43.I have an (鸡蛋) and some milk this morning.
44.Can you point out your country on this world (地图)
45.I often watch some on the Internet.(老电影)
46.I will choose something special for my mother as her . (生日礼物)
47.Jack is a (慢速读者). Now he is trying to find ways to solve the problem.
48.We should learn some basic since we must depend on ourselves some day. (生活技能)
49.The Kunming 2021 UN Biodiversity Conference(联合国生物多样性会议) was a (巨大成功).
【详解】句意:——我准备了手工巧克力给露西作为生日礼物。但是如果她不喜欢怎么办?——不要担心,当你的礼物充满爱的时候,你的朋友一定会很开心的接受的。空格处用副词修饰后面的形容词短语“be happy to”,certainly“一定,无疑”。故填certainly。
【详解】句意:当我们谈论是否应该在动物园里饲养野生动物时,她的想法与我们完全不同。根据“Her ideas are...different from ours”可知,此处应填一个副词修饰形容词different,表示完全不同,“complete”的副词形式为“completely”,表示“完全地”,副词。故填completely。
11.soccer game
【详解】句意:多么精彩的足球比赛啊!许多年轻人为之疯狂。soccer game“足球赛”,可数名词,结合a可知应用单数名词,故填soccer game。
15.shopping center
【详解】句意:简刚刚和康康去了购物中心。空格在定冠词后,填名词;shopping center“购物中心”。故填shopping center。
16.Spring Festival
【详解】句意:春节期间,成千上万的游客前往德宏。根据汉语提示可知,“春节”的表达为Spring Festival。故填Spring Festival。
17.life skills
【详解】句意:通过劳动课,学生能学到不同的生活技能。根据语境和句意可知,此处考查“生活技能”且空前different可知,应用复数形式life skills。故填life skills。
18.body language
【详解】句意:正如我们所知,肢体语言是我们声音背后的信息,它可以表达我们的想法和感受。body language“肢体语言”,故填body language。
19.noise pollution
【详解】句意:在当今世界,几乎每个人都知道噪音污染对人们的健康有害。根据语境和汉语提示可知,noise pollution表示“噪音污染”,名词短语,作宾语从句的。故填noise pollution。
20.folk stories
【详解】句意:我爷爷总是给我讲一些民间故事。我非常喜欢它们。folk story“民间故事”;story为可数名词,由修饰词“some”可知用复数形式。故填folk stories。
21.on the weekend##at the weekend
【详解】句意:水上公园是周末娱乐的好地方。at/on the weekend“在周末”,是固定短语。故填at/on the weekend。
22. on foot
【详解】句意:我步行去上学。步行:on foot,介词短语作状语。故填on;foot。
23. Thanks for
【详解】句意:谢谢你的按摩。根据中文提示,可知单词为:thank“感谢”,其固定用法:Thanks for sth.“为某事表示感谢”符合语境,故填Thanks;for。
24. in English
【详解】句意:请用英语写这个句子。根据中文提示可知,in English“用英语”,故填in;English。
25. in trouble
【详解】句意:遇到麻烦时请打电话给我。根据所给的汉语可知,“在困境中”译成:be in trouble,空前面有are。故填in;trouble。
26. on business
【详解】句意:Tony的妈妈经常去上海出差。on business“出差”,固定短语。故填on;business。
27.at least
【详解】句意:我下班回家至少要一个小时。根据中文提示可知,应填at least“至少”,介词短语。故填at least。
28.Under/In no circumstances/ In no case
根据should we seek可知,此处是部分倒装,因此是否定意思的介词短语位于句首,under no circumstance“在任何情况下都不”,in no circumstance“无论如何也不”,in no case“绝不”,位于句首,开头字母大写。故填Under/In no circumstances/ In no case。
29.in all directions
【详解】句意:5月22日,曼彻斯特市发生恐怖袭击时,人们惊慌失措,四散奔逃。in all directions四面八方,固定短语,故填in all directions。
30.on purpose
根据中英文对照,此处缺少“故意地”,其英语表达是on purpose,在句中作状语,故填on purpose。
31.cheer up
【详解】句意:刘梅经常做志愿者,为医院里生病的人加油打气。cheer up“使振作起来”,是固定短语,空前有不定式符号to,此时动词cheer用原形。故填cheer up。
32. write down
【详解】句意:请写下地址。根据中文可知,应填write down“写下”;再根据该句是祈使句可知,此处要用动词原形。故填write;down。
33. give up
【详解】句意:不要放弃。give up“放弃”,且根据句式可知,是祈使句,祈使句省略主语you,直接以动词原形开头,故填give;up。
34. look after
【详解】句意:你应该照顾你的父母。照顾:look after;情态动词should后加动词原形。故填look;after。
35. take part in
【详解】句意:我们班将参加这个活动。由句意可知,需填短语“参加”,英文表达为“take part in”;又因空前有助动词“will”,空后加动词原形。故填take;part;in。
36.take away
【详解】句意:我想拿走昨天你给我看过的那本书。take away“拿开,拿走”,动词短语,不定式to后面接动词原形。故填take away。
37. depend on
【详解】句意:我们必须依靠我们现在所拥有的来计划我们的未来。depend on“依靠”;must后跟动词原形。故填depend;on。
38.pay more attention to
【详解】句意:你应该多注意你的学习,而不是玩电脑游戏。pay more attention to意为“更多关注”,且空格前为情态动词“should”,故动词pay应用原形。故填pay more attention to。
39.come up with##think up
【详解】句意:为了帮助无家可归的动物,环保组织需要想出很多办法。 根据“a lot of ways”可知,此处是想出许多办法,短语come up with/think up“想出,提出”,need to do sth.“需要去做某事”,故填come up with/think up。
40.pull together
【详解】句意:如果我们所有人都能齐心协力,我们一定能做些什么来改善环境。根据句中情态动词can可知要填动词原形。pull together“齐心协力”,故填pull together。
41.good luck
【详解】句意:春节期间,中国人通常在窗户上贴剪纸,象征着吉祥如意。根据“During the Spring Festival, Chinese people usually put paper cuttings on windows as symbols of wishes for...”可知此处是指为了好运,即for good luck。故填good luck。
【详解】句意:明天我们在学校门口见面。由句意及语境可推测,本题考查介词短语at the school gate“在学校门口”,此处作地点状语。故填gate。
45.old movies##old films
【详解】句意:我经常在网上看一些老电影。根据中文“老电影”可知,用形容词old修饰名词film或者movie,film和movie为可数名词,而根据“some”一词可知,film和movie应该用复数形式films和movies。故填old movies/old films。
46.birthday gift
【详解】句意:我会为我的母亲选择一些特别的东西作为她生日礼物。根据括号中文提示,名词短语birthday gift表示“生日礼物”。故填birthday gift。
47.slow reader
【详解】句意:Jack是一个慢速读者。现在他正在尝试来找到方法解决这个问题。根据所给汉语提示可知,空格处表达的是“慢速读者”,reader“读者”,名词,修饰名词要用形容词slow“慢速的”,故填slow reader。
48.life skills##living skills
【详解】句意:我们应该学习一些基本的生活技能,因为总有一天我们必须依靠自己。根据汉语提示可知,应填life skill/living skill;再根据“some basic”可知,名词要用复数形式。故填life skills/living skills。
49.great success##big success##huge success
【详解】句意:昆明2021年联合国生物多样性大会是一次巨大成功。根据括号中文提示,巨大的:great/big/huge;成功:success。故填great success/big success/huge success。



上一篇:外研版(三起)英语三年级上册期末模拟练习(试题)(含答案解析听力原文 无听力音频)
