Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands同步练习(无答案)人教版英语九年级全册

Unit 10
1.使宾至如归 ____________________
2.格外努力做某事 ____________________
3.年龄相仿 _____________________
4.和某人交谈 _______________________
5.因为 _______________________
6.出错,犯错 _______________________
7.使担心,焦虑 _______________________
8.与......不同 _______________________
9.举例子 _______________________
10.切碎 _______________________
(  )1. The Greens used to live in London and now they ________ in Beijing.
A. used to live B. are used to live
C. are used to living D. are used for living
(  )2. Everybody except Mike and Linda ________ there when the meeting began.
A. are B. was C. were D. is
(  )3. The man ________ his shoes before entering the room.
A. cleaned dirt off B. cleaned dirt in
C. dropped dirt off D. dropped dirt in
(  )4. —All the workers went home yesterday ________ Mr. White. Why
—Because he was on duty.
A. except B. besides C. except for D. beside
(  )5. Listening to the ________ music always makes me ________.
A. relaxed; relaxing B. relaxed; relaxed
C. relaxing; relaxing D. relaxing; relaxed
(  )6. It's very hot here. Why not ________ your coat
A. put on B. try on C. take off D. turn off
(  )7. The book is well worth ________; I plan ________ one.
read; to buy B. reading; buying
C. reading; to buy D. to read; buying
(  )8. He can't carry the heavy box. He is a child ________.
A. at first B. after all C. at all D. start with
(  )9. —Is your friend Michael still in Australia
—I don't know. I have ________ information about him because we haven't seen each other for ________ years.
A. a little; a few B. little; a few C. a few; a little D. few; a little
(  )10. You ________ arrive at 6 am, but you arrived at seven last Sunday.
A. supposed to B. were supposed to
C. are supposed to D. were supposed
1.There are four  (season) in a year in our country.
2.You are supposed   (knock) on the door before entering a room.
3.Look at the blackboard  (care) and take notes.
4.She kissed me on both  (side) of my face.
5.In my country,when you are  (invite),you are expected to come later.
He   get to school earlier.
I will write to you   I reach Beijing.
Lucy   her party.
People in the United States will   when they meet for the first time.
They should   who was in the room.
6. 他费尽心思地帮助我。
He to help me.
________ ________ ________ cut in when others are talking.
Your father won't ________ ________ about your mistake.
He always _______ ________ me _______ his pen. This makes me unhappy.
We are supposed to let the old people sit down first _______ ________ ________.
At last, we all ________ ________ ________ ________ with the light on.
Last night he______ _______ _______ _______ _______ to send me many books.
situation, easy,piano, effort, prefer
Some people welcome new experiences and new people. They are often the first to introduce themselves and they jump into a conversation 1 .Josh is like this. For him, being friendly and outgoing is natural and fun. It doesn't take much 2 at all. Other people are quieter like Josh's friend Megan. Megan 3 to warm up slowly to new people and 4 .
Some people may think that Megan is unfriendly, but actually it just takes time to get to know her. Megan's classmates know she is a caring friend. Her closest friends know more about her including the fact that she's a talented 5 who writes her own music.
Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. 2b Dear Laura,
_________(谢谢)your message. Yes, I________________(have) a great time ______________________(在我的交换生项目) in France. I was a bit nervous __________ I arrived here, but _____________________(没有理由那样). My host family is really nice. They _______________________(尽他们最大努力)to _______________________(使我感到宾至如归) The grandmother knows that I miss Chinese food a lot. So she __________(actual) learned how to make Chinese food! She also has a _______________(teen) granddaughter about my age who is really kind. She always talks to me ___________________(用法语) to help me practice. You wouldn’t believe how __________(quick) my French has________________(improve) because of that. I’m very comfortable _______________(speak) French now. Although I still ____________________(犯很多的错误), it doesn’t worry me like it used to.
My biggest challenge is ______________(learn) how to behave at the dinner table. ____________________(正如你能想像的), things are very different from the way they are at home. For example, you’re not supposed to put your bread __________ your plate. You’re supposed to put it on the table! I __________(think) that was pretty strange at first, but now I’m used to it. _______________(另一个例子) is that you’re not supposed to eat anything ___________________(使用你的手) __________(除了) bread, not even fruit. You have to __________(切碎它) and eat it __________ a fork. Another thing is it is impolite to say that you’re full. If you don’t want any more food, you should just say, “That was delicious.” Also, you’re not supposed to put your elbows on the table. I _________________(不得不说) that I find it difficult to remember everything, but I’m__________(gradual) getting used to it. I __________ find French customs so strange anymore.I’ll write again soon and tell you more about my life ________________(在法国). Hope you’re_______________(have) a good school year.
Lin Yue
A: Jeff, 1.
B: Yes, Mum. I finished my homework a few minutes ago.
A: But what are you doing now
B: 2. . I just want to relax myself.
A: Is that also your homework?
B: Not really. But the video is wall worth watching, I suppose.
A:You do 3.
B: It’s about the Belt and Road(一带一路).
A: Yes, I’ve just heard something about that on the radio. Anyway, it may be a little bit hard for you to understand.
B: A little bit hard You must be joking . In the video, the conversation between the father and the daughter explains the topic lively and clearly.
A: It does Can I watch it with you
B: . I promise you’ll find it amazing and interesting.
One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, “You speak very good English.” But the girl answered, “No, no.My English is very poor.” The foreigner was quite 1 at the answer.Thinking he had not made 2 understood or the girl had not 3 him clearly, he said, “Yes, indeed, you speak very well.” 4 the girl still kept saying, “No.” In the end the American boy could not understand and didn't know 5 to say.
What's wrong with the girl's answer She didn't 6 a compliment (恭维) in the same way as the American people do.She should answer.“Thank you” instead of “No”.She 7 understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest.In the 8 , people will feel proud and 9 when they are praised.So if someone says the 10 you have cooked are very delicious, you should say, “Thank you.”
( )1.A.excited B.surprised C.relaxed D.frightened
( )2.A.itself B.herself C.himself D.themselves
( )3.A.heard B.watched C.listened to D.looked at
( )4.A.Though B.Although C.Or D.But
( )5.A.when B.which C.what D.how
( )6.A.receive B.accept C.refuse D.disagree
( )7.A.hardly B.really C.rarely D.badly
( )8.A.east B.south C.west D.north
( )9.A.dutiful B.modest C.shameful D.confident
( )10.A.dishes B.cups C.glasses D.bowls
In the eyes of many foreigners,Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world. They're not really bad guests,but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different from that in some western countries,it appears they are not nice guests. And western guests sometimes look rude(粗鲁的)in the eyes of Chinese guests.
In China,guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese person's home,there is always fruit on the table for me,and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the west,generally the guest is not a god. Acting according to the host's way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.
My wife's mother,a very kind elderly Chinese lady,doesn't smoke. When I see some of her guests smoking in her house,as a non-smoker,I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly,but I must realize that in China,to be a good host,she must not do that. In most North America homes,if you are a guest,and the hosts are not smokers,you should not smoke in their house. At the very least,you could ask,“Is it OK if I smoke ”But,don't be surprised if they say,“No,you can't smoke.”In our culture,if you smoke in their home,you are a bad guest,but if they don't allow you to smoke in their house,they are not a rude host.
Guests in China also have special habits. Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese,so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However,giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So,if you invite international guests to your home,don't be too surprised if they don't bring you a gift.
In China,you probably won't need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host,and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. If western hosts invite you to their house,try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.
( )1. Many foreigners think that Chinese hosts are the in the world.
A. best B. worst C. most natural D. most different
( )2. When a western guest visits a Chinese family, he often .
A. buys some fruit B. feels like a god
C. wants some gifts D. takes a cup of tea
( )3. If the writer's guests want to smoke in his house,what will he probably say
A. It's OK if you smoke here. B. Let's smoke together.
C. Sorry,you can't smoke here. D. Smoking is a bad habit.
( )4. What do the underlined words“adapt to”in the fourth paragraph probably mean
A. think back to B. get used to
C. look forward to D. keep close to
( )5. What is the main idea of this passage
A. Foreigners should learn from Chinese.
B. Hosts must do things in the guest's way.
C. Western hosts are always nice to guests.
D. People should understand cultural differences.
Yang Yang is a 14-year-old girl from Changsha, Hunan Province. She has moved many people by being honest and considerate.
It was one day in April when Yang was getting ready to have lunch. But then she dropped a plate full of food by accident. She stood there quietly and was upset. The manager was nice. She comforted Yang; saying, "It doesn't matter. I'll give you another meal for free."
Everyone thought that it would end like that. But when Yang left after eating, the waiter found 75 yuan and a note on the table. The note said, "I'm sorry that the money might not be enough to make up for your loss, but that's all I have. Thank you for your kindness." The manager was touched after reading the note. The money was probably a week's worth of pocket money for the girl.
The manager shared this on social media and called for a search for this young girl. Many newspapers joined the search. Finally, Yang was found after her teacher heard the story However, Yang thought it wasn't a big deal. "I've accepted other people's help and should make up for their kindness," she said.
People's Daily commented on the story, saying that it showed good behavior of people. The manager cared about Yang's situation, while Yang was considerate and responsible.
( )6. Where did the event take place
A. In a theater. B. In a hotel.
C. In a hospital. D. In a restaurant.
( )7. How did Yang feel in the note
A. Nervous. B. Thankful.
C. Sad. D. Proud.
( )8. What happened after Yang left
A. Yang got more pocket money.
B. Yang worked for a newspaper.
C. The manager shared this story.
D. The manager returned the money to Yang.
( )9. Who found Yang was the role of the event
A. A reporter. B. A policeman.
C. Yang’s teacher. D. Yang's parents
( )10. What does the story mainly tell us
A. We should offer help to others.
B. We should be careful while eating.
C. We should save our pocket money.
D. We should show good manners to others.



