Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading基础知识专练(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版九年级上册

Unit 3 Teenage problems- Reading
1. We students should .
2. You should go to bed early. It’s not good .
3. The loud noise almost _____________________last night.
4. Can you on my problems
5. Tom is not good at his Maths, so he always it.
6. The girl ___________________being a famous musician.
7. My parents _____________________me all the time.
二 选择题
1. The article gives students some _____ about how to stay safe online.
A. suggestions B. activities
C. decisions D. advantages
2. Watching The Legend of Luo Xiaohei is a good _____ to relax when you’re tired.
A. rule B. choice
C. question D. skill
3. —I saw David in the teachers’ office this morning. Do you know _____ he was there
—He went there to hand in his homework.
A. how B. whether
C. when D. why
4. A lot of museums in China are worth _____. If you have time, you can choose to go.
A. visited B. visiting
C. to visit D. visit
5. —How’s it going, Tina
—Great. My company has ____ me a good job.
A. offered B. provided
C. introduced D. discovered
6. Amazing China(《厉害了,我的国》)wins high praise from the public. I think the documentary is well worth ____.
A. Watch B. to watch
C. watching D. watched
7. —Michael, could you please help me ____ this math problem
—OK. Let me have a try.
A. look up B. look after
C. work out D. put away
8. —What’s your father like
—He is always strict ____ us ____ our study.
A. in; with B. with; in
C. in; in D. with; with
9. In order to send the donations to the hospital as soon as possible, the drivers ____ stopped to eat or rest during the journey.
A. nearly B. hardly
C. badly D. mostly
10. I really don’t know ____ the problem.
A. how deal with B. how to deal with
C. what to deal with D. what do with
1. Wearing seat belts ________ (require) by law.
2. I believe you have made a good ________ (decide).
3. It is my ________ (feel) that things are not so simple.
4. I felt ________ (relax) lying in the sun. What a good time!
5. Daniel often does exercise after a busy day, so he is always ________ (energy).
go see play value develop
1.Your advice is __________ to us.Thanks a lot.
2.It's important for us ____________ our hobbies.
3.I'm looking forward to __________ you again.
4.My parents don't allow me _________ out at night.
5.I spent half an hour _________ basketball yesterday.
He is _______ _______ drawing.
I don't know how to _______ _______ ________ ________\this problem.
________ ________ the weather report,it will be sunny tomorrow.
It was raining hard.Peter had ________ ________ ________ to stay at home.
Students should not ________ ________ because they need enough sleep.
1.Why did Henry go there on his own?I wanted to know.(合并为一句)
I wanted to know ________ Henry ________ there on his own.
2.Amy knows what to do with this kind of problem.(改为同义句)
Amy knows _____ ____ should do with this kind of problem.
3.I just couldn't understand his words.(改为同义句)
I just couldn't understand ______ ___ _______.
4.What about stopping for a drink with me,Tom?(改为同义句)
_____ ____ stop for a drink with me,Tom
5.Shall we go to the new zoo this weekend?(改为同义句)
______ ____ to the new zoo this weekend.
Exams are a fact of school life for most people. Almost everyone worries about them and feels 1.________ (stress), although they have prepared well.
A little stress caused by the exams is 2.________ (use) as it can sharpen your mind and motivate (激发) you to do well. But too much stress can stop you 3._______ (work) to the best of your abilities, so it’s important not to let it get out of control. Here are some ideas to help you.
The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress 4.________ (be) knowing what you need to know, planning and preparing for your revision (复习), and giving yourself enough time to do it.
If you can, find a copy of the syllabus for each subject. This tells you what you need 5.________ (know) and gives you the topics for revision.Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your workspace. Include the topics you need to cover for each subject.
About 12 weeks before your 6.________ (one) exam, record the dates and times for each of your exams in your planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.
During your exam period you 7._________ (want) your brain to work at its very best, so build in relaxation time before bed, avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep. If panic (惊慌) starts to creep in, try to replace your negative thoughts with more positive(积极的) ones, such as “It’s going to be OK”.
If you have difficulty 8._________ (answer) a question, leave it and move on to the next one—don’t spend time tying yourself in mental (思想上的) knots over each question.
You are not alone while dealing with the stress. Call the psychological (心理的) hotline to share your 9.________ (worry) and get help from others going through the same experience. Remember that there 10.________ (be) life after exams. Things may feel stressful right now, but it won’t last forever. And then the rest of your life will still be there.
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Reading
1. If you want to keep your things in order, making a ___________ (清单) may help.
2. My love for computer games has become the ___________ (原因) of my bad grades.
3. The new film has won high praise from the public. I think the film is well w watching.
4. China’s fight against COVID-19 gives the world ___________ (有价值的) experience.
5. When reading the new book, we can’t stop ___________ (想象) what our country will be like in 50 years.
二 翻译下列短语
1. 把某人逼疯 2. 熬夜
3. 按时上交作业 4. 允许某人做某事
5. 对……感觉不好 6. 梦想
7. 收到某人的来信 8. 给某人提供建议
9. 陷入困境 10. 对某人要求严格
1. 孙先生虽然一个人生活,但他从未感到孤独。
Mr Sun lives , but he never .
2. 对我们来说,晚餐吃得太多是不健康的。
It’s for supper.
3. 你们别无选择,只能做作业。
You your homework.
4. Andy几乎没有任何业余时间游泳。
Andy spare time swimming.
5. 我认为这首歌值得听。
I think this song .
6. 爸爸从不允许Millie在外面待太晚。
Dad Millie .
7. 得到你的支持对我们来说非常重要。
It’s very us to get .
8. 我希望这条建议对你有用。
I hope this you.
Today, I felt unhappy with my head full of problems, so I decided to take a walk even 1 I didn’t know where I would go. The most amazing thing happened 2 I was walking along the street.
I saw an old man, over seventy years old, 3 on a chair. He was a seller of second-hand shoes. He seemed so helpless and 4 was buying his shoes. Then, a little girl came towards him. I heard the girl say 5 a polite voice, “Grandfather, may I clean your shoes ” That old man agreed and 6 her a shoe. The girl said, “I do this because I want to earn some money to buy my brother a new school 7 .”
I heard this and tears came to my eyes. To my 8 , the old man said, “Oh, little girl, just stop doing e with me and I 9 one for you.” To see what would happen, I followed. They walked to 10 and there the old man really got her a uniform, which must have 11 him a lot. The girl was excited and said, “Thank you so 12 for doing this. May God bless you.” Then she left, leaving the old man smiling.
As the old man decided 13 , I stopped him and whispered in his ear, “You are really a great hero! Thank you for your kindness!” My own 14 had disappeared. It had been driven away by the light of this 15 act. I began to realize that a little act can brighten up someone’s day.
( ) 1. A. though B. thought C. through D. but
( ) 2. A. before B. until C. after D. when
( ) 3. A. to sit B. lying C. sitting D. to lay
( ) 4. A. everybody B. nobody C. something D. nothing
( ) 5. A. with B. at C. for D. in
( ) 6. A. passed B. sold C. bought D. met
( ) 7. A. bag B. cap C. shoe D. uniform
( ) 8. A. joy B. surprise C. sadness D. excitement
( ) 9. A. bought B. have bought C. are buying D. will buy
( ) 10. A. a school B. a hospital C. an office D. a shop
( ) 11. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. taken
( ) 12. A. little B. much C. few D. many
( ) 13. A. leaving B. leave C. to leave D. left
( ) 14. A. happiness B. sadness C. kindness D. help
( ) 15. A. moving B. bad C. angry D. unfair
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Reading
1. hand in homework on time 2. to stay up late 3. drove me mad 4. offer me some advice
5. feels bad about 6. dreams of 7. are strict with
二 1-5ABDBA 6-10CCBBB
三、1. is required 2. decision 3. feeling 4. relaxed 5. energetic
四、1. valuable 2.to develop 3.seeing 4.to go 5.playing
五、1. crazy about 2. work out 3.According to 4.no choice but 5. stay up
六、1.why, went 2.what she 3.what he said 4.Why not 5.Let's go
七、1.stressed 2.useful 3.working 4.are 5.to know 6.first 7.want 8.answering 9.worries 10.is
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Reading
一、1.list 2.cause 3.orth 4.valuable 5.imagining
二 翻译下列短语
1. drive sb. mad 2. stay up late 3. hand in homework on time 4. allow sb. to do sth. 5. feel bad about 6. dream of 7. hear from sb. 8. offer sb. some advice 9. get into trouble 10. be strict with sb.
1. alone, feels lonely 2. not healthy for us to eat too much 3. have no choice but to do 4. hardly has any, for/to go 5. is worth listening to 6. never allows, to stay out too late 7. important for, your support 8. piece of advice is useful to
1-5 ADCBD 6-10 ADBDD 11-15 ABCBA



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