Unit 8 Detective stories Comic strip&Welcome to the unit 词汇语法专练(含解析共2课时)牛津译林版九年级上册

Unit 3 Teenage problems- Comic strip& Welcome to the unit
1. 上个月他爸爸因谋杀被通缉,然后被捕。
His father murder last month, and then was _______________.
2. 昨天晚上7点左右有人最后一次在网吧看见他玩游戏。
He was computer games in the net bar at about 7 a.m. last night.
3. 迄今为止,我们还没有足够的证据来证明他是有罪的。
, we haven’t got enough evidence .
4. 我们对他为什么会自杀感兴趣。 We are .
5. 那个销售员说他看见一个人在街上跑,白衬衫上还有血。
The salesman said that he________a man___________on the street __________________.
6. 你知道那人是否认识那个受害人吗?
Do you know _______________________________
二 根据汉语提示完成单词的拼写
1. We wanted to know whether the victim was killed (某处)else.
2. When I saw him, he was breathing (沉重地).
3. I’m not sure if he has any (敌人).
4. He has ____________(猜) what happened.
5. My father ____________(推断) that price will go up again.
1. She said that she ______________(put) on a new coat the next day.
2. He was last seen ____________(leave) the restaurant at 8:00.
3. The poor man has been (die) for two days.
4. The cruel man was ___________(charge) with killing a girl.
5. My watch has gone (miss). Have you seen it anywhere
A 42-year-old man was under arrest in Jilin province last month.
Eighteen years ago the man had a w 1 job in his hometown in Hunan province. He worked in a company which h 2 weddings for young people. He had many friends. The group of young people often sang, danced and drank t 3 .
One day after they drank a lot, they had a quarrel b 4 of a young girl. Then they put up a good fight. The man attacked a 5 young man with a knife. The young man died and he ran away quickly. It seemed that he disappeared from the w 6 . The police couldn’t catch him. The victim’s family were very sad.
In fact, the man changed his n 7 and hid in the northeast. At first he didn’t dare to go out. But several years l 8 , he wasn’t so scared any more. He found a new job and had a family. He lived a comfortable life. He even a 9 a game show on TV. In the programme, he was so talented and experienced that he attracted many people’s a 10 . Thanks to this appearance on TV, he was found by the people in his hometown. They called the police. He was put into prison for murder.
Just as the Chinese saying goes, “The day has eyes, the night has ears.”
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Comic strip& Welcome to the unit
1. To tell you the t__________, I don’t like it at all.
2. My father is a d . He is interested in all kinds of cases.
3. Don’t keep l____________to people, and they will not trust you any more.
4. The man crashed into the tree and his head was b________ .
5. The room is so u________. You can see toys and books all over the floor.
二 选择单词或短语完成句子。

1. He asked me in surprise, “Why are you _________________so heavily ”
2. Last night, some robbers _________________ a bank and took away a lot of money.
3. You must try ______________________who stole my wallet.
4. I _______________________(not) my mother for a long time.
5. The little girl ____________________(speak) English when I walked past.
6. The two men must __________________ because we can see some evidence at the scene.
7. Do you know what the doctor _________________ last Sunday
8. The police are interested in any information that _____________the arrest of the murderer.
9. The World Cup __________________ every four years.
10. The young computer programmer ___________________theft in the past.
It was a hot summer day. My dad and I were 1 to go out for a ride on the boat. Just then the phone call came, which 2 that sunny and beautiful day into a cold and dark one.
When I saw my father answering the 3 , he was crying. I’d never seen my dad cry before. My heart sank. 4 possibly could happen
“Max, I'm so sorry, ’’ he said. That was when it hit me. I knew that Suzie 5 .
Max has been my dad’s best friend for years. Suzie, his 6 , had a serious illness. She knew she was 7 other kids. Although she couldn’t live a normal 8 , she was still happy.
When Suzie and I were little girls, we 9 quite a bit of time together. When Suzie was ten, she had to live in a hospital. About eight months 10 she died, we talked at least twice a week on the phone until the end. Suzie was always so 11 to talk to me and wanted to know 12 I did and everything I ate.
When Suzie and I first started calling 13 , I thought it would be more of a burden on me, but I was completely wrong. I learned so 14 from her. She gave me more than I could give her. I’ll never forget her and the 15 we had. I now know that I must never take anything for granted (认为理所当然), especially my health and the gift of life.
( ) 1. A. getting ready B. unwilling C. easy with D. prepare for
( ) 2. A. ran B. climbed C. cleaned D. changed
( ) 3. A. question B. phone C. problem D. gift
( ) 4. A. Where B. How C. What D. Which
( ) 5. A. had died B. would die C. has died D. is dead
( ) 6. A. son B. father C. brother D. daughter( ) 7. A. different from B. the same as C. similar with D. familiar to
( ) 8. A. book B. name C. life D. girl
( ) 9. A. cost B. spent C. took D. paid
( ) 10. A. after B. soon C. till D. before
( ) 11. A. excited B. exciting C. interesting D. beautiful
( ) 12. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
( ) 13. A. each others B. one other C. each other D. some another
( ) 14. A. little B. much C. lot D. less
( ) 15. A. meat B. talks C. bread D. water
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Comic strip& Welcome to the unit
1. was wanted for, arrested /under arrest 2. last seen playing 3. So far, to prove that he is guilty 4. interested in why he killed himself 5. was, running, with blood on his white shirt 6. if the man knew the victim
二 根据汉语提示完成单词的拼写
1. somewhere 2. heavily 3. enemies 4. guessed 5. supposes
1. would put 2. leaving 3. dead 4. charged 5. missing
1. well-paid 2. hosted 3. together 4. because 5. another 6. world
7. name 8. later 9. attended 10. attention
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Comic strip& Welcome to the unit
1. truth 2. detective 3. lying 4. bleeding 5. untidy
二 选择单词或短语完成句子。
1. breathing 2. broke into 3. to find out 4. haven’t heard from 5. was heard speaking 6. put up a good fight 7. was attacked 8. leads to 9. takes place 10. was guilty of
1. A 解析:get ready to do sth准备做某事,be unwilling to do sth不愿意做某事;而C和D两个短语不能跟动词不定式。根据句意可以判断出我和爸爸正准备要出去。因此A选项正确。
2. D 解析:change…into, 把……变成……。而其它三个选项则不合适。因此D选项正确。
3. B 解析:根据第一段中的the phone call came,可以判断此处是answer the phone,接电话。因此B选项正确。
4. C 解析:What happened 发生了什么事,what用作该宾语从句的主语。因此C选项正确。
5. A 解析:主句是过去时态,从句也用过去,并从下文可知,她已经死去。因此A选项正确。
6. D 解析:根据下句的she可以判断出是他的女儿。因此D选项正确。
7. A 解析:be different from和……不同; be the same as 与……相同; be similar to与……相似; be familiar with对……熟悉。显然,C和D的短语搭配不当。而根据前后的句意可以判断,她知道她和别的孩子不一样。因此A选项正确。
8. C 解析:live a…life过着……的生活,固定短语。因此C选项正确。
9. B 解析:spend度过,花费,后面跟时间。因此B选项正确。
10. D 解析:死之前的八个月, 下文中的talk可以看出。因此D选项正确。
11. A 解析:她跟我讲话,她感到很激动。因此A选项正确。
12. D 解析:根据后面的everything I ate可以判断出。因此D选项正确。
13. C 解析:each other彼此,互相。因此C选项正确。
14. B 解析:so much 那么多。我从她那学到那么多。因此B选项正确。
15. B 解析:我不会忘记我们的谈话。因此B选项正确。



上一篇:Unit 1 Know yourself-Integrated skills课时练习 (2课时含答案)

下一篇:Unit 3 Teenage problems- Reading7同步练习(含解析共2课时)牛津译林版九年级上册