Unit 1 Know yourself-Integrated skills课时练习 (2课时含答案)

Unit 1 Know yourself- Integrated skills
1. There are fewer and fewer __________(固定的)telephones now.
2. Many people like to keep dogs as pets because dogs are ___________(忠诚的) to their owners.
3. In __________(西方的) countries, there are twelve star signs.
4. Click on the icon, a picture will __________________ (出现) on the screen.
5. Each animal sign __________________ (代表,象征) a lunar year.
6. It’s you who __________________ (使成形,塑造) your life and your nature.
7. Some people in the West believe that your star sign ____________(决定)your personality.
8. In the Chinese lunar ___________(日历), the Dragon Boat Festival is in the Fifth month of a year.
1. Look! Those pictures on the wall are in a__________(fix) order.
2. I had my finger cut when I__________(divide) the watermelon into pieces.
3. Can you tell me your__________(think) and opinions
4. Now,China has become a__________(power) country in the world.
5. I believe our personalities__________(form) by nature and the environment.
( )1. -It has been raining for days. When will it stop
-It is__________that the rainy season will be longer than last year.
A.says B.saying C.said D. to say
( )2. -What beautiful flowers! How much do they cost -Fifty yuan__________.
A.in all B. at all C.after all D. above all
( )3.-Mr Black always makes his class__________and keeps his students interested in class. -What a successful teacher he is!
A. boring B.lovely C.slowly D.lively
( )4.-A research suggests that walking helps people live longer.
- I quite agree, but it__________on when and how they walk.
A. remains B.separates C.returns D.depends
( )5.-I love the Internet. I've come to know many friends on the Net. . -__________.Few of them would become your real friends.
A. I can't agree more B. I'm pleased to know that
C. That's for sure D. That's not the case
People with the same blood type may ____________________.
__________people born in the Year of the Horse are ____________________.
Animal signs____________________and____________________every 12 years.
Walking in the snow____________________.
No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on 1. S__________22,1998. It was started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities 2. a__________the world have had a No Car Day.
The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001.Other cities,3.i__________Taipei,Shanghai and Wuhan, also support the day.
In Beijing, more and more people are joining in this 4. a__________.It asks the drivers to leave their cars at 5.h__________for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work. It also calls on Beijingers not to use cars on June 5(World Environment Day).The slogan(口号)for the day is,“If we drive for one less day, we can have one 6. m__________nice day.”
So far, over 200,000 drivers have shown their 7. s__________.“We can't control the weather, but we can choose not to 8. d__________,” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman. Beijing is 9. t__________to have 238 blue sky days this year.In the first three months of this year,Beijing only had 52 blue sky days.This was11 days less than the number for the same period last year. Much of the dust comes from the desert, but cars cause most of the air 10. p__________.We must do more for No Car Day.
The ancient people of Babylon and Egypt studied the stars in the sky and_1_the zodiac(黄道十二宫图)2 years ago. At first it 3_ count time.Later,many people used the stars to describe a person's 4 and to foretell(预言)what would happen in the future.
A person's zodiacal sign 5 his or her birth 6. Some believe this sign can tell us about a person's character. For example, some think that a person_7 under the sign of Cancer(between June 22 and July 22) is kind and_8 .
In many 9 in Asia,people believe the Chinese horoscope(占星术) can describe characters and foretell future events. In the Chinese horoscope,there are10 animals. A person's animal sign is connected to his or her birth 11_. Each animal has a different type of character. People born in the Year of the Rat are friendly and careful. Those born in the Year of the Monkey are smart and12 at making money.
In Asia, a person's blood type is also used to describe his/her character.People13 the blood type A are calm and serious, but they may be selfish. People with the blood type B are independent but may be lazy. People with the blood type AB_14_honest,and people with the blood type O are talkative(健谈的).
Not everybody believes that the star sign or the blood type can describe his/her character. But reading the horoscope can still be a lot of_15 .
( )1.A.create B.created C.learned D.learn
( )2. A. thousand of B.thousand C.thousands of D.thousands
( )3.A.is used to B.was used for C. used to D. was used to
( )4.A. name B.character C.age D. was connected to
( )5.A.is connected to B. connects to C.connected to D.hobby
( )6.A.place B.year C. date D.time
( )7.A.was born B. were born C.is born D.born
( )8.A.selfish B. home-loving C.silly D.disloyal
( )9. A. countries B.villages C.towns D.schools
( )10.A.ten B.eleven C.twelve D.thirteen
( )11.A.week B.day C.month D.year
( )12.A.bad B.good C.common D.little
( )13.A.with B. within C.has D.have
( )14.A.are B.is C.was D.were
( )15.A.funny B.fun C.funs D.interest
Unit 1 Know yourself- Integrated skills
一 根据中文或首字母提示写出单词。
1. As a nurse, you shouldn't be i_________with patients.
2. To my surprise,Linda didn't__________(出现)on time.
3. It's a tradition for a Chinese family to buy a new__________(挂历)when the new year is drawing near.
4. Our government is trying to__________(塑造)a new type of society for us Chinese people.
5. -What do you think can__________(代表)our country best? -I think the sign of a dragon can.
二 动词填空。
1. --- Who do you think _________ (speak) at tomorrow’s meeting --- I think Mr. Li will.
2. Peter is confident, and he is never afraid of __________ (speak) to a large group of people.
3. When I got to the station, my friends ___________ (wait) for me.  
4. It’s silly of you ______ (not forgive) others for their mistakes.  
5. --- Have you taken your medicine today --- Yes. I_______ (take) it after breakfast.
6.I_______ (ride) to school for three years when I was in junior high, but now I take the bus.
三 选择训练。
( ) 1.—Mum, my little sister is crying all the time.
—Mary, be____! She feels sick. You should take good care of her.
A. patient B. lazy C. polite D. fair
( ) 2. A year has four seasons and it _____ twelve different star signs.
A. divided into B. is dividing into C. divides into D. is divided into
( ) 3 —Don’t forget to give my best wishes to your uncle. — _______.
A. No, I don’t B. No, I won’t C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would
( ) 4 Do you know what your personality
A. decide B. decides C. deciding D. decision
( ) 5. about me is not true, I think.
A. What the animals sign say B. What the animal sign says
C. What does the animals sign say D. What does the animals sign says
( ) 6 of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.
A. All B. Every C. Everyone D. Each
四 完成句子
1. 我们是否需要更多的食物,这要视到场人数而定。
Whether we need more food how many people turn up.
2. 她不但歌唱得好,舞也跳得美。 She well, beautifully.
3. 本文分为三个部分。This article three parts.
4. 如果你对生肖感兴趣,仅仅当做娱乐读读他们。
If you animal signs, read about them just .
5. 是你塑造你的生活和未来。It you who .
Unit 1 Know yourself- Integrated skills
一、1. similar 2. depends 3. divided 4. fixed 5. recycle 6. powerful 7. lively 8. dishonest
二、1. fixed 2. is divided into 3. disappear 4.Powerful 5.decides
四、1.have similar personalities 2.It is said that; very lively 3.appear in a fixed order;a cycle 4. is very interesting
五、1.September 2. life 3. learning 4.became 5.Rich 6.students 7. teacher 8. good 9. take 10. others
六、1~5.DACBA 6~10.BCDAB 11~15.CDADB
Unit 1 Know yourself- Integrated skills
1.sign 2. appears 3. calendar 4. shape 5.represent
1. will speak 2. speaking 3. was waiting 4. not to forgive 5. took 6. rode
1. depends on 2. not only sings well but also dances 3. is divided into 4. are interested in for fun 5. is you shape your future



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