Unit 3 Teenage problems- Grammar课时练习 (2课时含答案)

Unit 3 Teenage problems- Grammar
1. Sometimes you need someone to share your (令人担忧的事).
2. I asked Mr Wang some questions in the last e-mail, but I haven't got his (答复) yet.
3. When no other (方法)works, it's worth a try.
4. It's difficult for the local government to (解决)the pollution problems.
5. There was nothing but (安静)in the room.
1. Mary can't decide when she should work. Mary can't decide .
2. Millie doesn’t know how she can go home. Millie doesn’t know
3. Do you know what to do if there is a fire in the building
Do you know if there is a fire in the building
4. I have been invited to the party but I don't know whether I should go or not.
I have been invited to the party but I don't know or not.
1. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you ”she asked.
→She asked .
A. if I have already got well, hadn't you B. whether I had already got well
C. have I already got well D. had I already got well
2. He asked,“How are you getting along ”→He asked .
A. how am I getting along B. how are you getting along
C. how I was getting along D. how was I getting along
3. He asked me with me.
A. what the matter is B. what the matter was
C. what's the matter D. what was the matter
4. He said,“Don't do that again.”→He me th at again.
A. said to me;not to do B. said to me;don't do
C. told me;don't do D. told me;not to do
1. —Can you describe
——Yes. I was walking when a bike knocked me down from behind.
A. why did the accident happen B. when did the accident happen
C. how the accident happened D. where the accident happened
2. You do not win respect by showing you are, but what you're able to do.
A. where B. who C. how D. when
3.——Mom,I wonder we can travel abroad.
—Maybe after the exam, baby.
A. that B. what C. how D. when
4. —I don’t care . In this camp, there’s only one hairstyle-short! Understand
—Yes, madam!
A. what you are used to liking B. what you used to be like
C. what are you used to liking D. what did you use to be like
5. —Sir, it's true that being happy is an ability. So can you tell me
—Yes. Just as President Xi says,“Happiness is achieved through hard work.”
A. how we can find happiness
B. who can help achieve happiness
C. why happiness is so important to us
6. —Alice, could you tell me London
——Sure. Last Sunday.
A. when Mr Smith left B. when Mr Smith will leave
B. when did Mr Smith leave D. when will Mr Smith leave
1. 我想知道这件衬衫多少钱。I want to know .
2. 我猜不出未来的生活会是什么样子。
I can’t imagine .
3. 对于这个问题你能建议我们应该向谁请求帮助吗
Can you suggest with this problem
4. 在电影开始前你最好买些爆米花或软饮料。
You buy some popcorn before the film begins.
In order to reduce the stress on the students, Nanjing No. 1 High School has 1 a“mark bank”. The bank lets students“borrow”marks 2 they can pass exams, and then repay them in later tests.
Here’s 3 it works:The“mark bank”allows students to 4 marks if they fail the exam. But, just like real banks, it requires“clients(客户)”to pay back the loan(贷款) on time, with interest(利息). So students have to pay for the loan by getting extra marks in future exams. Some teachers also allow the students to repay the bank 5 doing lab experiments or giving public speeches. Students who don’t pay back their loans are blacklisted(列入黑名单) by the bank, just like in real life.
“I was sick before the mid-term exams and missed several geography classes,”one student said.“I failed the exam, so I am glad the ‘mark bank’gave me a 6 to pass the exam.”
7 many people think the“mark bank”is a great idea, not 8 supports the idea. Education expert Xion g Bingqi, for example, believes 9 the“mark bank”is not proper, but thinks that it takes stress off the students. Others think that such an idea just causes students to be 10 in their studies.
1. A. built B. created C. developed
2. A. so that B. if C. when
3. A. why B. what C. how
4. A. borrow B. lend C. buy
5. A. in B. by C. on
6. A. place B. time C. chance
7. A. Though B. But C. Because
8. A. someone B. everyone C. anyone
9. A. that B. which C. whether
10. A. busier B. smarter C. lazier
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Grammar
一 词组翻译
1.需要有人和我一起分担忧愁 2. 尽最大努力
3.得低分 4. 表达自己 .
5.想象不出来 6.青少年辅导员
7. 帮助我解决问题 8.得到答复
9.得到父母的同意 10. 以句号结尾
二 单项选择
6. (2023江苏东台第二联盟第一次阶段练习)A1ot of things always him. He has no choice but for his wife's advice.
A.worry; ask B.worry about; to ask C.worry about; ask D.worry; to ask
7. (2023江苏南京中考)--Do you know , Alfred
--At 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.
A.when the end-of-term concert began
B.when did the end-of-term concert begin
C.when the end-of-term concert will begin
D.when will the end-of-term concert begin
8. (2023天津中考)--Could you tell me "the Father of Hybrid Rice"
--Because he helped many countries grow more rice.
A.when was Yuan Longping called
B.why is Yuan Longping called
C.when Yuan Longping was called
D.why Yuan Longping is called
9. (2023江苏常熟实验中学月考)Why not your teacher for advice when you don't know the problems
A.ask; what to do with B.to ask; how to deal with
C.ask; what to deal with D.to ask; how to do with
How's it going I have some problems at school. I find it difficult 10. (study) in the evening and I can't concentrate on (专心于)11. (something) at the moment. I spend most of my time 12. (listen) to records or watching TV instead of doing my homework. The other students in my class are much 13. (good) than me. I have the following problems as well. I can't always take down the important things my teacher has said,because I write too 14. (slow). She tells me that I'm falling behind my classmates in my studies. I'm not good at writing and I usually hand in my homework late because I won't do it until the last minute. So I often have to find different excuses 15. (let) my teacher know why I haven't done the homework. I'm sure I 16.
(not get) through my final exam in January. I'm now so far behind the other students that I don't know how I can catch up with 17. (they). Last week, when my teacher 18. (help) me with my homework, she found so many 19. (mistake), which made me more upset.
Could you please give me some good suggestions
1. __________pron. 谁(宾格)
2. __________n. 安静,寂静;沉默
3. __________n. 担心;令人担忧的事
4. __________n. 方法
5. __________vt. 解决;解答
6. __________n. 字典
7. __________n. 答复,回答
1. silent—_________(名词)
2. careless—___________(反义词)—__________(名词)
3. improve—__________(名词)
1. ________ 和某人分担忧虑
2. _________向某人寻求帮助
3. __________表达我自己
4. __________得到某人的答复
1. Can you explain ___________ I always feel tired in class
2. I wonder __________ sleep we need every day.
3. I am not sure __________ method I should use to solve the problem.
4. Can you tell me ___________ we can buy a good dictionary
5. I want to know ___________ I can improve my English quickly.
6. I do not know ___________ we should ask for help.
7. I cannot imagine __________ life would be like without hobbies.
8. __________ eat less and exercise more
9. __________ let your parents know you need them
10. _________ choosing your hobby according to the time you have
11. __________ write a letter to Mr Sigmund Friend.
12. ____________ have a meeting about this?
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Grammar
1. Sometimes you need someone to share your worries (令人担忧的事).
2. I asked Mr Wang some questions in the last e-mail, but I haven't got his reply (答复) yet.
3. When no other method (方法)works, it's worth a try.
4. It's difficult for the local government to solve (解决)the pollution problems.
5. There was nothing but silence (安静)in the room.
二 1. when to work 2. how to go 3. what we should do 4. whether to go
三、1~4 BCDD
四、1~6 C BDB BA
五、1. how much this shirt is/what price this shirt is of
2. what life in the future will be like
3. whom we should ask for help
4. had better;or soft drinks
1~5 A A C A B 6~10 C A B A C
Unit 3 Teenage problems- Grammar
1、1. need someone to share my worries with
2. try/do one's best 3. get low marks 4. express oneself5. can't imagine 6. youth workers 7. help me solve my problem 8. get a reply 9. get one's parents' agreement10. end with a full stop
6. (2023江苏东台第二联盟第一次阶段练习)A1ot of things always D him. He has no choice but for his wife's advice.
A.worry; ask B.worry about; to ask C.worry about; ask D.worry; to ask
解析:worry使担心,worry about sb.担心某人。第空指许多事情总使他担心,用worry,排除选项B和C; have no choice but to do sth.意为“别无选择,只能做某事”,排除选项A。故选D。
7. (2023江苏南京中考)--Do you know C , Alfred
--At 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.
A.when the end-of-term concert began
B.when did the end-of-term concert begin
C.when the end-of-term concert will begin
D.when will the end-of-term concert begin
8. (2023天津中考)--Could you tell me D "the Father of Hybrid Rice"
--Because he helped many countries grow more rice.
A.when was Yuan Longping called
B.why is Yuan Longping called
C.when Yuan Longping was called
D.why Yuan Longping is called
9. (2023江苏常熟实验中学月考)Why not A your teacher for advice when you don't know the problems
A.ask; what to do with B.to ask; how to deal with
C.ask; what to deal with D.to ask; how to do with
解析:Why not do sth. 意为“为什么不做某事呢?”;“怎样解决这些问题”可以用how to deal with the problems或者what to do with the problems。故选A。
How's it going I have some problems at school. I find it difficult 10. (study) in the evening and I can't concentrate on (专心于)11. (something) at the moment. I spend most of my time 12. (listen) to records or watching TV instead of doing my homework. The other students in my class are much 13. (good) than me. I have the following problems as well. I can't always take down the important things my teacher has said,because I write too 14. (slow). She tells me that I'm falling behind my classmates in my studies. I'm not good at writing and I usually hand in my homework late because I won't do it until the last minute. So I often have to find different excuses 15. (let) my teacher know why I haven't done the homework. I'm sure I 16. (not get) through my final exam in January. I'm now so far behind the other students that I don't know how I can catch up with 17. (they). Last week, when my teacher 18. (help) me with my homework, she found so many 19. (mistake), which made me more upset.
Could you please give me some good suggestions
10. to study
find it+形容词+to do sth.意为“觉得做某事是。…的”,动词不定式作真正的宾语,故填to study
11. anything
12. listening
spend+时间+doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事”,故填listening。
13. better
14. slowly
15. to let
用动词不定式表目的,故填to let。
16. won't get
根据“in January'”可知,此空应用一般将来时表示将要发生的事情,前面介绍了“我”完不成作业,成绩落后于其他学生,所以此处表示不能通过期末考试,故填won't get。
17. them
18. helped
根据“Last week”可知,句子用一般过去时动词用过去式,故填helped。
19. mistakes
第二部分:重点词句默写通关(答 案)
1. whom pron. 谁(宾格)
2. silence n. 安静,寂静;沉默
3. worry n. 担心;令人担忧的事
4. method n. 方法
5. solve vt. 解决;解答
6. dictionary n. 字典
7. reply n. 答复,回答
1. silent—silence(名词)    
2. careless—careful(反义词)—carelessness(名词)
3. improve—improvement(名词)
1. share_one's_worries_with_sb.
2. go_to_sb. _for_help=ask_sb. _for_help
3. express_myself 表达我自己
4. get_one's_replies 得到某人的答复
1. Can you explain why I always feel tired in class
2. I wonder how_much sleep we need every day.
3. I am not sure which method I should use to solve the problem.
4. Can you tell me where we can buy a good dictionary
5. I want to know how I can improve my English quickly.
6. I do not know whom we should ask for help.
7. I cannot imagine what life would be like without hobbies.
8. Why_not eat less and exercise more
9. Why_don't_you let your parents know you need them
10. What/How_about choosing your hobby according to the time you have
11. Let's write a letter to Mr Sigmund Friend.
12. Shall_we have a meeting about this?



上一篇:Unit 3 Teenage problems Comic strip& Welcome to课时练习9(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版九年级上册

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