
I.Listen and choose(听录音,选出对应的图片)(5分)
( )1.
( )2.
( )3.
( )4.
( )5.
II.Listen and number(听录音,按听到的句子顺序用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序)(5分)
( )He usually gets up at six o'clock.
( )Look! He is doing morning exercises now.
( )Tom is my good friend.
( )He often watches TV on the weekend.
( )He does morning exercises at seven o'clock.
III.Listen and choose(听句子,选答语)(10分)
( )1.A.I often play basketball. B.The weather is hot.
( )2.A.He is 11. B.His birthday is on June 4th.
( )3.A.Yes,she is. B.Yes,they are.
( )4.A.It's Zhang Peng's. B.It's Wu Binbin.
( )5.A.I can fly a kite. B.I like spring best.Read and choose. (选出画线部分发音不同的选项)
1. A. plate B. clock C. clean
2. A. green B. grape C. brother
3. A. kite B. like C. pick
4. A. China B. school C. lunch
5. A. three B. that C. thin
6. —When is the singing contest
—It’s ______ April.
7. May is the ______ month of a year.
8 Mother’s Day is in May. Children’s Day is in ______.
9. —What is your favourite season
—I like ______ best because I like playing in the snow.
10. —What is he doing now
—He is ______ an English class.
11. The library is on the ____________ (two / second) floor.
12. My birthday is ______ (in / on) September.
13. The ______ (leaves / leaf) fall in autumn.
14. The schoolbag isn’t Mike’s. It’s ______ (my / mine).
15. Be quiet! The students are ______ (read / reading) books.
16. —When is the art show ( )
—It’s __________ May 1st.
A. in B. on C. at
17. Let’s ______ a birthday card for Mum. ( )
A. make B. wash C. turn
18. There are twelve months in a year. December is the ______ month. ( )
A. second B. twelfth C. twentieth
19. —Are those letters ______ ( )—No, ______ aren’t.
A. yours; them B. your; they C. yours; they
20. —______ sport do you like best ( )
A. Why B. When C. Which
21. Oliver is in his bedroom. He ______ to music. ( )
A. is listen B. listening C. is listening
22. Look! The rabbits are eating ______ now. ( )
A fish B. carrots C. bamboo
23. —I need to buy some clothes. Let’s ______. ( )
A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go on a picnic
24. —I like winter best. ( )
—I ______ like winter, because I can make a snowman.
A. not B. also C. too
25. —Can I read books here ( )
A. Of course B. Be quiet C. Take turns
Read and choose. (补全对话)
A: Hi, Binbin! My birthday party is coming!
B: ___26___
A: It’s on March 21st. Will you come
B: OK, I will. Is Jack’s birthday in March, too
A: ___27___ Jack’s birthday is in August. But Mike’s birthday is in March.
B: ___28___
A: I often play games with my friends at the party
B: Cool.
A: ___29___
B: I’m reading a book.
A: Can we play football tomorrow(明天) B: ___30___
A. No, it isn’t.
B. Yes, of course.
C. What are you doing now
D. When is your birthday party
E. What do you often do at your birthday party
Read and judge. (判断正误,对写T,错写F)
I’m Mary. I’m an 11-year-old girl. I get up at 6:00 every day, then(然后) I do morning exercises. I eat my breakfast at 7:00. On Monday, I have six classes. English is the first class, and it starts at 8:00. Miss White is my English teacher. She likes spring best, because there are lots of flowers. But I like summer best, because I like summer vacation. I have a dog. His name is Fido. He is cute. Now he is sleeping in the bedroom.
31. Mary gets up at 7:00 every day. ( )
32. Mary does morning exercises after breakfast. ( )
33. Miss White likes spring best. ( )
34. Fido is Mary’s dog. ( )
35. Fido is sleeping in the kitchen. ( )
Read and choose. (根据短文,选择正确答案)
Saturday July 27th Sunny
Today is my 11th birthday. It’s in summer vacation. The weather is sunny and hot. Summer is my favourite season, because I can go swimming with my father. My father’s birthday is in July, too. It’s on the same(相同的) day as my birthday! We can have a big birthday party! My mother cooks a big dinner for us. Usually we go swimming after our birthday party. But today we go to the library and read some books. Now, my father is listening to music. We have a lot of fun today!
36. The writer(作者) is ______ years old. ( )
A eleven B. thirteen C. fourteen
37. The writer likes ______ best. ( )
A. spring B. summer C. winter
38. When is Father’s birthday ( )
A. It’s on July 17th. B. It’s on July 27th. C. We don’t know.
39. The writer’s mother ______ for them. ( )A. cooks a big dinner B. cleans the room C. reads some books now.
40. The writer’s father is ______ now. ( )
A. swimming B. having dinner C. listening to music
41. Write. (围绕所给信息写短文)
假如你是Chen Jie,你的英国笔友Lucy想通过你认识更多的中国朋友。下表是你的好朋友Alice的一些信息,请你写一封邮件,把她介绍给Lucy。
名字 Alice
年龄 10
生日 June 1st
宠物 Mimi (a cat)
最喜欢的季节 summer
正在做的事 watch TV
周末经常做的事 listen to music
1. 邮件内容应包含至少四条表格内的信息,可以适当发挥;
2. 卷面整洁,语句通顺,注意大小写和标点符号的正确使用;
3. 词数40左右(不少于5句话,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Lucy,
I have a good friend. _________________________________________________________________________
You can meet Alice when you come to China.
Chen Jie




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