九年级英语下册(牛津译林版)Unit 2 Great people 单元话题短文首字母填空练习(含解析)

Unit 2 Great people
Zhong Nanshan: model of doctors
Born in October, 1936, Zhong Nanshan is one of the greatest doctors in China.
For years as a leading Chinese expert in respiratory (呼吸的) diseases, Zhong was well known among his co-workers, but the outbreak of SARS has turned him i 1 a household name across the country. In 2002, SARS b 2 out in Guangdong Province. Later, it spread across China and o 3 parts of the world. Patients coughed a lot and got fevers. Hundreds of them died of the disease. Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated the patients. So everyone was afraid of it. But Zhong was b 4 enough to fight the disease. He spent days and nights l 5 for the cause of the disease. And with his way of treating the disease, more and more patients got b 6 .
In the late 2019, the COVID-19 hit Wuhan. It spread q 7 . Then t 8 of Chinese people were infected. Zhong, again, became the public face of China’s effort to control the virus and was named as the head to lead the investigation(调查)into the virus. He led his team to Wuhan by h 9 . He advised people to wear masks, often wash hands, stay at home and not to go to crowded places.
Zhong likes s 10 very much. When he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still works in the front line. “I am just a doctor,” he said. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.
Grace Cogan was born with a serious disease. Doctors told her parents she might not live.
H 11 , she survived. During these 14 years, she had 22 operations and a lot of doctors’ appointments(约见). It was reading that calmed her in doctors’ waiting rooms or during long drives to the hospitals.
“I always have a book with me. I cannot live w 12 books.” she said.
When Grace was little, her mother r 13 Little House on the Prairie to her. Her dad offered her more difficult historical books. Grace had s 14 eye problems, but she started reading on her own, with her nose usually almost touching the book. That’s where she sees most clearly. Maybe b 15 of those early books, or maybe because of where she lives a farmhouse that’s been home to five generations(一代) of her father’s family, Grace came to love history.
She asked her parents to take her to different historical places. She read historical novels. She even wrote a book, The Historical House, to explore(探索) the h 16 of the farmhouse.
Because of her d 17 , Grace can’t go to a public school. But her l 18 for history meant she came in fifth in America for the National History Day Competition in summer 2015.
At the news, Grace’s grandmother, Ryan, was not really s 19 . “That girl does not give up. We knew she would do something great, ”said Ryan.
Besides reading, Grace also plays the p 20 and loves musical theatre and performing. She would like to work in theatre someday. If she can’t, she wants to be a writer, probably writing about history. Grace’s bravery has inspired(激励) others.
Fu Ting lost her right arm in an accident when she was 3. At the a 21 of 13, she went to a sports school in Xiangtan, Hunan Province. She began swimming t 22 there. Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events d 23 her years as an athlete, and won 18 gold medals.
After retiring in 2004, Fu Ting decided to e 24 a university to study law. Through hard work, she graduated and worked as a lawyer. In 2017, Fu Ting set up a service group, p 25 free legal(法律的) help for the disabled. At the s 26 time, she also joined a volunteer group, sharing her life stories in primary and secondary schools, giving legal speeches in communities, in order to encourage more people to help those disabled people in n 27 .
“In the face of the disabled, we should first ‘respect’ and t 28 ‘help’,” Fu Ting said. “I’m h 29 to help them with my own experience and knowledge. And I hope they can help make o 30 country better. I believe I will keep on doing that.”
Zu Chongzhi was one of the greatest mathematicians(数学家) in ancient China. He was b 31 during the Northern and Southern dynasties. From a young age, he was taught natural science, astronomy, math and so on. The little boy showed an i 32 in all of these subjects, especially in math.
He was best known for his calculation(计算) of pi (π). A 33 to the record, he did all the work using nothing but wooden sticks. It took him lots of time to work out the value—b 34 3.1415926 and 3. 1415927. At that time no one was able to do better than him. And now the achievement is s 35 praised by people around the world. Some mathematicians s 36 calling pi “ Zu Lv” in order to remember him.
His achievements went b 37 math. He worked out that a year should be 365. 24281481 days long and created the Daming Calendar. However, government officials at that time did not agree with him. He never saw his c 38 put into use. Almost ten years after his d 39 , the new calendar was finally accepted.
He was an inventor too. He once made a vehicle (车辆) t 40 carried a pointer(指针). No matter how the vehicle turned, the pointer always pointed to the south.
By drawing pictures on a cup of tea, chabaixi, an ancient Chinese tea trick showed in a recent TV drama, has become popular for its similarity to modern latte art (咖啡拉花艺术). However, ten years ago, this special skill was close to disappearing completely. Zhang Zhifeng, an inheritor (传承人) of chabaixi, found many people showed great i 41 in the scenes of chabaixi in the drama.
Chabaixi can create different pictures such as bamboos and mountains. There are many s 42 , from grinding (磨碎) tea, to pouring boiled water, stirring the mixture, and finally drawing the pictures. It is d 43 from making latte because people use clear water as the object to put into the cup instead of milk. But when the water touches the tea, it turns into a white color and disappears in 20 minutes. The important process before drawing is known as diancha. The quality of diancha m 44 whether pictures can be successfully produced later.
“Chabaixi is one of the many forms of tea-making skills in China. The importance of chabaixi is not only this skill is special in the world, but also it gives us a window into people’s l 45 in the Song Dynasty. The activities at that time in some ways are s 46 to what we have now,” Zhang said.
B 47 chabaixi was discovered by TV viewers, the skill was listed as part of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage In 2017. Zhang Zhifeng started researching the beginning of chabaixi in the 1980s and brought the skill b 48 in 2009 after years of testing and practice. Zhang thought that it was really m 49 .
“This skill is key to the tea culture of the Song Dynasty, and it would be a shame to let it d 50 . This skill must be passed on so that more people can understand its history,” Zhang said.
China finally has its first male world chess champion! Ding Liren, 30, became the 17th world chess champion on April 30. He b 51 Russian chess player Ian Nepomniachtchi in the 2023 World Chess Championship.
Ding is still a young man, but started winning early on. After first w 52 China’s national junior chess championship at the age of 5, Ding went on to top his age group many t 53 at the junior championships. He s 54 the chess world by becoming the youngest Chinese chess champion in history—in 2009, he beat several e 55 grandmasters (大师) at the Chinese Championship.
Ding has a bold (大胆的) playing style. A 56 to Emil Sutovsky, the head of the International Chess Federation, Ding makes moves “w 57 look very dangerous”. “He is walking a path where one single inaccuracy (不精确) in the calculation (计算) may lead to a l 58 not just a draw,” Sutovsky told CGTN. However, Ding doesn’t think what he does is e 59 . He says he admires his E 60 competitors’ creativity. “European players may be a little bit more adventurous in their play compared to us,” he said.
You may have seen such a photo: with a long white beard (胡须) and wearing a bamboo hat, an old fisherman stands on a boat. Huang Quande looked like this when t 61 took photos with him on the Lijiang River in Guilin, Guangxi. He became so f 62 on the Internet that many believed the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan renminbi banknote (纸币) was based on his image (形象). Sadly, Huang passed away at the age of 94 on Feb 18, 2023.
According to Jimu News, Huang shows the true s 63 of the Lijiang River. He was a positive (积极的) and kind man. In his 90s, Huang could still move his boat with seed. After he gave up fishing and became a photo m 64 in 2008, he took photos with tourists worldwide.
The image of the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan banknote is not just about one man but a cultural s 65 that makes the Guilin landscape what it is, commented (评论) Guangming Daily.
On April 30, 2022, Zhang Shuo was honored with the title of “the most beautiful worker”. And he became this year’s May 1st Labor Medal w 66 , too.
After graduating from Jiamusi Vocational College in 2015, Zhang got a job designing advertisements in Harbin. Two years later, he decided to r 67 to his hometown, Dongsheng Village in Hegang, to help his aging parents with their rice farm.
Zhang Shuo started his job a 68 a food deliveryman in 2018. “I just wanted to use the farm’s off season to earn some money, and I didn’t plan on it becoming a permanent (长期的) job,” he says.
“I found the huge development space,” he says. “So I decided to stay on and do b 69 .”
Zhang is always improving his service quality. A snowstorm in late December 2018 forced deliverymen to take food to customers on foot. To p 70 the food from getting cold, Zhang put the food into his coat. Around two hours later, the customer received his food and it was s 71 warm.
Every time when Zhang finished an order, he would take away the trash o 72 his customer’s door, which brought him lots of good r 73 .
In June 2019, Zhang became the manager of the online services platform Meituan’s delivery operations in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. Since then, he began to find more ways to help young villagers get out of poverty and i 74 their income.
“I hope to recruit (招募) more excellent young people and double the size of my team in the future,” Zhang says. “I believe the platform Meituan can bring them good opportunities. We will c 75 to provide good services to both the shopkeepers and their customers.” he says, “Moreover, I hope to lead more local people to a better life.”
You may have seen this photo before: an old fisherman with a bamboo hat standing on a boat. This was how Huang Quande looked in his photos with visitors. He became famous and was a 76 the most well-known characters of the Lijiang River in Guilin. Many people b 77 the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan renminbi is based on his image (形象). Huang passed away at the age of 94 this year.
Fisherman Huang’s life s 78 the true spirit of the Lijiang River. He was a man full of kindness and energy. For example, in his nineties, Huang could s 79 row his boat. After becoming a photo model in 2008, he took photos with tourists from all over the world.
The picture is not just about one man, but c 80 as a special cultural symbol of the Lijiang River. In fact, the most beautiful landscapes in the country a 81 on the different backsides of the fifth series of renminbi. Moreover, they all carry their own cultural v 82 as well.
For example, on the back of the 5-yuan banknote (钞票) is Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province. For thousands of years, many emperors would go there and pray (祈祷)for p 83 and good luck. The renminbi pictures have helped make the classic Chinese landscapes even more p 84 . Many love to find out where the pictures were taken. Pan Jinyu from Chongqing went on a “banknote tour” of China when he was 21 years old, enjoying all the sights w 85 are on renminbi banknotes from 1 yuan to 100. “I want to finish this meaningful journey and feel the beauty of our country.” Pan said.
1.(i)nto 2.(b)roke 3.(o)ther 4.(b)rave 5.(l)ooking 6.(b)etter 7.(q)uickly 8.(t)housands 9.(h)imself 10.(s)ports
1.句意:多年来,作为中国呼吸系统疾病的顶尖专家,钟在他的同事中广为人知,但SARS的爆发使他在全国家喻户晓。turn sb. into...“把某人变成”。故填(i)nto。
2.句意:2002年,SARS在广东省爆发。break out“爆发”,根据“In 2002”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(b)roke。
3.句意:后来,它传播到中国和世界其他地区。根据“it spread across China and...parts of the world”可知是世界上其他地方,other“其他的”。故填(o)ther。
4.句意:但钟勇敢地与病魔作斗争。根据“fight the disease”可知和疾病作斗争,可见他很勇敢,brave“勇敢的”。故填(b)rave。
5.句意:他夜以继日地寻找病因。根据“spent days and nights...for the cause of the disease”可知他花费大量时间去寻找疾病的原因,look for“寻找”,spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。故填(l)ooking。
6.句意:随着他的治疗方法,越来越多的病人病情好转。根据“And with his way of treating the disease, more and more patients got”可知他的治疗方法让很多病人好转,此处用比较级better。故填(b)etter。
7.句意:它传播得很快。根据“It spread...”可知新冠肺炎传播得很快,修饰动词用副词quickly“快速地”。故填(q)uickly。
8.句意:然后成千上万的中国人被感染。thousands of“数千的”。故填(t)housands。
9.句意:他带领他的团队独自前往武汉。根据“He led his team to Wuhan by”可知是独自去武汉,此处用反身代词himself“他自己”。故填(h)imself。
10.句意:钟非常喜欢运动。根据“he could still play basketball”可知他喜欢运动,sports“运动”。故填(s)ports。
11.(H)owever 12.(w)ithout 13.(r)ead 14.(s)erious 15.(b)ecause 16.(h)istory 17.(d)isease 18.(l)ove 19.(s)urprised 20.(p)iano
【分析】本文主要讲述了天生有严重疾病的Grace Cogan从不放弃,通过阅读来改变自己的生活的励志故事。
11.句意:然而,她活了下来。根据“Doctors told her parents she might not live.”及“she survived”可知,句子形成转折关系,用however表示转折。故填(H)owever。
12.句意:没有书我就活不下去。根据“I always have a book with me.”可知,指没有书就不能活下去,介词without“没有”符合。故填(w)ithout。
13.句意:当Grace还小的时候,她妈妈给她读了《草原上的小屋》。根据“her mother r... Little House on the Prairie to her.”可知,她的妈妈给她读书,read“读”,由“was”可知,时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填(r)ead。
14.句意:Grace有严重的眼睛问题,但她开始自己看书,她的鼻子通常几乎碰到书。根据“but she started reading on her own, with her nose usually almost touching the book.”可知,她有严重的眼睛问题,serious“严重的”,形容词作定语。故填(s)erious。
15.句意:也许是因为那些早期的书籍,也许是因为她住在一个农舍里,这个农舍是她父亲家族五代人的家,Grace开始爱上了历史。根据“those early books”可知,此处是because of“因为”。故填(b)ecause。
16.句意:她甚至写了一本书《历史的房子》,来探索农舍的历史。根据“She even wrote a book, The Historical House”可知,是指探索农舍的历史,名词history“历史”符合。故填(h)istory。
18.句意:但她对历史的热爱让她在2015年夏天的国家历史日比赛中获得了美国第五名。根据“But her l... for history”可知,此处是指对历史的热爱,名词love“爱”符合。故填(l)ove。
19.句意:听到这个消息,Grace的祖母Ryan并不感到惊讶。根据“That girl does not give up. We knew she would do something great”可知,祖母对Grace在比赛中获奖这一消息并不感到吃惊,修饰人用-ed的形容词surprised“吃惊的”,作表语。故填(s)urprised。
20.句意:除了阅读,Grace还弹钢琴,喜欢音乐剧和表演。根据“loves musical theatre and performing”及首字母可知,此处是指弹钢琴,play the piano“弹钢琴”。故填(p)iano。
21.(a)ge 22.(t)raining 23.(d)uring 24.(e)nter 25.(p)roviding 26.(s)ame 27.(n)eed 28.(t)hen 29.(h)appy 30.(o)ur
21.句意:13岁时,她去了湖南省湘潭市的一所体校。at the age of+年龄“……岁”。故填(a)ge。
22.句意:她开始在那里接受游泳训练。根据“Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events...her years as an athlete, and won 18 gold medals”并结合所给首字母可知,扶婷是接受了游泳训练,“游泳训练”swimming training。故填(t)raining。
23.句意:作为运动员,扶婷参加了2004年雅典残奥会和其他比赛,获得了18枚金牌。根据“Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events...her years as an athlete”并结合所给首字母可知,在她作为运动员的这些年间,她参加了很多比赛,“在……期间”during。故填(d)uring。
24.句意:2004年退役后,扶婷决定进入大学学习法律。根据“After retiring in 2004, Fu Ting decided to...a university to study law”可知,扶婷是退役之后决定进入大学学习法律,“进入”enter,根据decide to do sth.“决定做某事”可知,空格处应用动词原形。故填(e)nter。
25.句意:2017年,扶婷成立了一个服务团,为残疾人提供免费的法律帮助。根据“In 2017, Fu Ting set up a service group,...free legal(法律的) help for the disabled”并结合所给首字母可知,服务团是为残疾人提供免费法律援助的,provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某物”,由于句子已有谓语动词,故空格处应用非谓语,此处为主动提供,故应用providing。故填(p)roviding。
26.句意:与此同时,她还加入了一个志愿者小组,在中小学分享自己的生活故事,在社区做法律演讲,以鼓励更多的人帮助那些有需要的残疾人。at the same time“同时”。故填(s)ame。
27.句意:与此同时,她还加入了一个志愿者小组,在中小学分享自己的生活故事,在社区做法律演讲,以鼓励更多的人帮助那些有需要的残疾人。根据“in order to encourage more people to help those disabled people in”可知,是帮助有需要的残疾人,in need“需要”。故填(n)eed。
28.句意:“面对残疾人,我们应该先‘尊重’,再‘帮助’。”扶婷说。根据“we should first ‘respect’ and...‘help’”可知,是先尊重,再帮助,and then“然后”。故填(t)hen。
29.句意:我很开心用自己的经验和知识来帮助他们。根据“to help them with my own experience and knowledge”并结合所给首字母可知,能用自己的经验和知识帮助残疾人,应该是很开心的,“开心的”happy。故填(h)appy。
30.句意:我希望他们能帮助我们的国家变得更好。根据“And I hope they can help make...country better”可知,是让我们的国家变得更好,空格处应用形容词性物主代词,“我们的”our。故填(o)ur。
31.(b)orn 32.(i)nterest 33.(A)ccording 34.(b)etween 35.(s)till 36.(s)uggest 37.(b)eyond 38.(c)alendar 39.(d)eath 40.(t)hat
31.句意:他出生在南北朝时期。横线后是时代,所以应是介绍出生的时代,考查短语“be born”出生。故填(b)orn。
32.句意:小男孩在所有科目上都展示兴趣,尤其是数学上。考查短语“show an interest in”在……上展示兴趣。故填(i)terest。
33.句意:根据记载,他除了用木棍什么都没用做了所有的工作。根据语境可知,应是根据记载,所以是短语“according to the record”。故填(A)ccording。
36.句意:为了记住祖冲之,一些数学家建议称π为“祖率”。根据语境可知,应是建议做某事“suggest doing”,由于是描述事实,所以是一般现在时,由于主语是复数,所以是动词原形suggest。故填(s)uggest。
38.句意:他未曾见到他的日历投入使用。根据后文“the new calendar was finally accepted”可知,是他的日历。故填(c)alendar。
41.(i)nterest 42.(s)teps 43.(d)ifferent 44.(m)atters 45.(l)ifestyle 46.(s)imilar 47.(B)ecause 48.(b)ack 49.(m)eaningful 50.(d)isappear
41.句意:茶百戏的传承人章志峰发现,很多人对剧中的茶百戏场景表现出极大的兴趣。show interest in sth“对……展现兴趣”,故填(i)nterest。
42.句意:茶百戏有很多步骤,从磨茶,到倒开水,搅拌混合物,最后画画。根据“from grinding (磨碎) tea, to pouring boiled water, stirring the mixture, and finally drawing the pictures.”可知,磨茶、倒开水、搅拌混合物、画画,这些是茶百戏的步骤,“步骤”step,many后加复数。故填(s)teps。
43.句意:这与制作拿铁不同,因为人们用清水代替牛奶放入杯子。根据“people use clear water as the object to put into the cup instead of milk”可知,用清水代替牛奶放入杯子,说明这与制作拿铁不同,be different from“与……不同”。故填(d)ifferent。
44.句意:点茶的质量关系到以后能否成功制作。根据“The quality of diancha ... whether pictures can be successfully produced later.”和首字母可知,点茶的质量关系到以后能否成功制作,matter“要紧、有重大影响”,且主语quality是三单,动词用三单形式。故填(m)atters。
45.句意:茶白戏的重要性不仅在于这项技艺在世界上很特殊,而且它为我们提供了一扇了解宋代人们生活方式的窗户。根据“it gives us a window into people’s ... in the Song Dynasty”可知,茶百戏为我们提供了一扇了解宋代人们生活方式的窗户。lifestyle“生活方式”。故填(l)ifestyle。
46.句意:当时的活动在某些方面与我们现在的活动相似。be similar to“与……相似”,固定搭配。故填(s)imilar。
47.句意:由于茶百戏被电视观众发现,这项技艺于2017年被列入中国非物质文化遗产。根据“... chabaixi was discovered by TV viewers, the skill was listed as part of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage In 2017.”和首字母可知,前后两句是因果关系,用because“因为”引导原因状语从句。故填(B)ecause。
48.句意:章志峰从20世纪80年代开始研究茶百戏的起源,经过多年的测试和实践,于2009年将茶百戏再度流行。bring sth back“使恢复、使再度流行”,固定短语。故填(b)ack。
50.句意:这项技艺是宋代茶文化的关键,如果失传,那将是一种耻辱。根据“This skill must be passed on”可知,这种技艺必须传递下去,不能让它消失。disappear“消失”,let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,此处应是动词原形。故填(d)isappear。
51.(b)eat 52.(w)on 53.(t)imes 54.(s)urprised 55.(e)lderly 56.(A)ccording 57.(w)hich 58.(l)oss 59.(e)special 60.(E)uropean
51.句意:他在2023年世界国际象棋锦标赛上击败了俄罗斯国际象棋选手伊恩·内普莫尼亚奇。根据“Ding Liren, 30, became the 17th world chess champion”可知,30岁的丁立人成为第17位国际象棋世界冠军,由此可知他打败了对手。“打败”beat,由became可知,句子是一般过去时,beat用过去式beat。故填(b)eat。
52.句意:在5岁时第一次赢得中国青少年国际象棋锦标赛冠军后,在青少年锦标赛中,他多次获得同龄组的冠军。根据“After first ... China’s national junior chess championship”及首字母可知,此处指赢得冠军,win“赢得”,由“at the age of 5”可知,句子是一般过去时,谓语动词win用过去式won。故填(w)on。
53.句意:在5岁时第一次赢得中国青少年国际象棋锦标赛冠军后,在青少年锦标赛中,他多次获得同龄组的冠军。根据“ many...”及首字母和语境可知,此处指多次获得冠军,many times“很多次”,故填(t)imes。
54.句意:2009年,他在中国象棋锦标赛上击败了几位年长的特级大师,成为历史上最年轻的中国象棋冠军,这让国际象棋界大吃一惊。根据“in 2009, he beat several ... grandmasters at the Chinese Championship”可知,丁立人打败年长的大师这件事是震惊象棋界的。surprise“使惊讶”,且句子是一般过去时,填过去式,故填(s)urprised。
56.句意:国际象棋联合会主席埃米尔·苏托夫斯基表示,丁的下法“看起来非常危险”。according to“根据”,固定搭配,故填(A)ccording。
57.句意:国际象棋联合会主席埃米尔·苏托夫斯基表示,丁的下法“看起来非常危险”。“... look very dangerous”是定语从句,该空是关系代词,指代先行词moves,且在句中作主语,所以用which。故填(w)hich。
58.句意:苏托夫斯基在接受CGTN采访时表示:“他的下法是,计算中的一个错误可能会导致失利,而不仅仅是平局。” 根据“lead to a ... not just a draw”可知,导致输棋,而不仅仅是平局。loss“失败”,名词,故填(l)oss。
60.句意:他说,他钦佩欧洲竞争对手的创造力。根据“European players may be a little bit more adventurous in their play compared to us”可知,他认为欧洲球员在比赛中可能更具冒险精神,由此可知他钦佩欧洲的竞争对手,European“欧洲的”,故填(E)uropean。
61.(t)ourists/(t)ravellers/(t)ravelers 62.(f)amous 63.(s)pirit 64.(m)odel 65.(s)ymbol
61.句意:游客在广西桂林漓江上与黄全德合影时,黄全德看起来就是这样。根据下文“he took photos with tourists worldwide”可知,此处指游客们和他拍照;tourist/traveller/traveler“游客”,名词;此处要用复数表示泛指。故填(t)ourists/(t)ravellers/(t)ravelers。
62.句意:他在网上如此出名,以至于许多人认为20元人民币背面的渔夫是他的形象。根据“many believed the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan renminbi banknote (纸币) was based on his image (形象)”可知,他在网上很有名;famous“有名的”,形容词。故填(f)amous。
63.句意:据《极目新闻》报道,黄展示了真正的漓江精神。根据“According to Jimu News, Huang shows the true ... of the Lijiang River.”及首字母可知,此处指漓江精神;spirit“精神”,不可数名词。故填(s)pirit。
64.句意:2008年,他放弃钓鱼,成为一名照片模特,与世界各地的游客合影。根据“he took photos with tourists worldwide”可知,他成为了一个照片模特;model“模特”,名词;空前有“a”,故名词用单数。故填(m)odel。
65.句意:《光明日报》评论说,20元纸币背面的渔夫形象不仅仅是一个人的形象,而是一种文化象征,使桂林的风景成为现在的样子。根据“a cultural ... that makes the Guilin landscape what it is”及首字母可知,此处指渔夫形象是一种文化象征;symbol“象征”,名词;空前有“a”,故名词用单数。故填(s)ymbol。
66.(w)inner 67.(r)eturn 68.(a)s 69.(b)etter 70.(p)revent 71.(s)till 72.(o)utside 73.(r)eviews 74.(i)ncrease/(i)mprove 75.(c)ontinue
66.句意:他也成为了今年五一劳动奖章的获得者。根据“ ...Zhang Shuo was honored with the title of ‘the most beautiful worker’.”可知,张硕被授予“最美劳动者”称号,可推测此处是他成为五一奖章的获得者,空处需填名词单数,名词winner“获奖者”符合语境。故填(w)inner。
67.句意:两年后,他决定回到家乡鹤岗东胜村,帮助年迈的父母种植水稻。根据“After graduating from Jiamusi Vocational College in 2015, Zhang got a job designing advertisements in Harbin.”可知,毕业后,张在哈尔滨找到了一份广告设计工作,可推测此处是两年后,回到家乡东胜村,decide to do sth表示“决定做某事”,不定式to后需填动词原形,return to表示“回到”,动词return“回”符合语境。故填(r)eturn。
68.句意:张硕于2018年开始从事送餐员的工作。根据“Zhang Shuo started his job...a food deliveryman in 2018.”可知,2018年张硕开始他的工作,可推测此处是作为一名送餐员,空处需填介词,介词as“作为”符合语境。故填(a)s。
69.句意:所以我决定留下来,做得更好。根据“Zhang Shuo started his job...a food deliveryman in 2018.”和“I found the huge development space,...”可知,2018年张硕开始从事送餐工作,并发现送餐工作有很大的发展空间,可推测此处是决定留下来并更好地做,空处需填副词,修饰动词do,副词better“更好地”符合语境。故填(b)etter。
70.句意:为了防止食物变冷,张把食物放进了外套里。根据“A snowstorm in late December 2018 forced deliverymen to take food to customers on foot. To...the food from getting cold, Zhang put the food into his coat.”可知,张硕在暴风雪中送餐时,把食物放进了外套里,可推测此处是防止食物变冷,不定式To后需填动词原形,动词prevent“防止”符合语境。故填(p)revent。
71.句意:大约两个小时后,顾客收到了他的食物,食物仍然很热。根据“...Zhang put the food into his coat. Around two hours later, the customer received his food and it was...warm.”可知,为了防止食物变冷,张硕把食物放在外套里,可推测此处是当顾客拿到食物时,食物还很热,空处需填副词,修饰形容词warm,副词still“仍然,还”符合语境。故填(s)till。
72.句意:每次张某完成订单时,他都会把顾客门外的垃圾拿走,这给他带来了很多好评。根据“Every time when Zhang finished an order, he would take away the trash...his customer’s door,...”可知,张硕完成送餐,会带走顾客的垃圾,可推测此处是顾客门外的垃圾,空处需填介词,介词outside“在……外面”符合语境。故填(o)utside。
73.句意:每次张某完成订单时,他都会把顾客门外的垃圾拿走,这给他带来了很多好评。根据“...he would take away the trash...his customer’s door, which brought him lots of good...”可知,张硕完成送餐,会带走顾客门外的垃圾,可推测此处是获得顾客很多好评,“a lots of+名词复数”表示“许多的……”,复数名词reviews“评价”符合语境。故填(r)eviews。
74.句意:从那时起,他开始寻找更多的方法来帮助年轻村民脱贫增收。根据“Since then, he began to find more ways to help young villagers get out of poverty and...their income.”可知,从那时起,张硕开始找方法帮年轻的村民脱贫,可推测此处是提高他们的收入,and连接并列关系,空处需填动词原形,动词increase“增加”和improve“改善,提高”均符合语境。故填(i)ncrease/(i)mprove。
75.句意:我们将继续为店主和他们的顾客提供良好的服务。根据“I hope to recruit more excellent young people and double the size of my team in the future,...”可知,希望招募更多年轻人,将张硕的团队规模扩大,可推测此处是继续为店主和顾客提供良好服务,助动词will后需填动词原形,continue to do sth表示“继续做某事”,动词continue“持续”符合语境。故填(c)ontinue。
76.(a)mong 77.(b)elieve 78.(s)howed 79.(s)till 80.(c)onsidered 81.(a)ppear/(a)re 82.(v)alue 83.(p)eace 84.(p)opular 85.(w)hich
76.句意:他一举成名,是桂林漓江最知名的人物之一。根据“the most well-known characters of”可知,此处考查“among+the+形容词最高级+名词复数+范围”的用法。故填(a)mong。
78.句意:黄渔夫的一生展示了漓江的真正精神。分析句子成分可知此处应填入谓语动词,show...spirit意思是“展示……的精神”,结合下文“He was a man full of kindness and energy.”可知,此处应使用一般过去时,动词使用过去式。故填(s)howed。
79.句意:例如,在黄老九十多岁的时候,他仍然可以划船。根据“in his nineties...row his boat.”可知,虽然他年事已高,但仍在划船,still“仍然”,副词。故填(s)till。
80.句意:这张照片不仅仅是关于一个人,而是被看作是漓江的一个特殊文化符号。短语consider as为固定搭配,意思是“把……看作”,此处应用动词过去分词,与前面的be动词构成被动语态。故填(c)onsidered。
81.句意:事实上,全国最美丽的风景都出现/在第五套人民币的不同背面。此句时态为一般现在时,主语为“the most beautiful landscapes”,是复数形式,使用动词appear“出现”或be动词are表状态均符合语境。故填(a)ppear/(a)re。
83.句意:几千年来,许多皇帝都会去那里祈求和平和好运。根据“and good luck”可知,此处应填入名词与“good luck”并列,结合首字母分析,不可数名词peace“和平”符合语境。故填(p)eace。
84.句意:人民币图片使得中国古典山水画更加流行。根据“Many love to find out where the pictures were taken...”可知,人们喜欢去人民币背面的地点旅游,人民币照片使中国经典景观更加流行;popular“流行的,受欢迎的”,形容词。故填(p)opular。
85.句意:来自重庆的潘金玉在21岁的时候进行了一次中国“钞票之旅”,游览了从1元到100元人民币的所有景点。此句为定语从句,关系代词指代先行词“the sights”,在从句中作主语,且先行词为事物,应使用先行词which。故填(w)hich。



上一篇:七年级数学上册期末复习第六章测试卷(原卷+教师用卷 )
