仁爱版英语九年级下册Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship. Topic 1同步练习(含解析)

Unit 6 Topic 1同步练习
My name is John, and I’m from England. When I was young, I was so interested in Chinese culture like Beijing Opera. I often dreamed to go to China one day. When I was learning theater at university, I was provided with a chance to study abroad. There was a program to study Asian theater arts either in China or in India. I decided to go to China and learn Beijing Opera in a Chinese theater school. The school offered me a place to practice. It was good because I could practice whenever I wanted. Also I had a private lesson—the teacher would give me one-to-one class for three hours. That was the best part of my study in China.
Beijing Opera is also called Peking Opera. It is the highest expression of the Chinese culture. It’s full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings and wonderful fighting. This kind of opera is very popular with Chinese people. There are four main roles in Beijing Opera. A Wusheng is a soldier or fighter. A Xiaosheng is a young man. A Laosheng is an old man. Dan is a woman. Stories in Beijing Opera are very interesting. Some of them are from history books, but most of them are from the literature, especially famous novels. The stories usually end with happiness.
I got a lot from my study in China. It has greatly influenced me and helped me develop into a more skillful actor. This Chinese art gives me plenty of tools, so I can use them when I perform other shows in Europe. I have set up an art center to teach Beijing Opera. Now there are more fans of Beijing Opera in my country.
1.Where is John from
A.China. B.India. C.England. D.France.
2.What did the Chinese theater school offer him
A.Three meals. B.Some money.
C.A good teacher. D.A place to practice.
3.Which of the following is the role of Dan
A. B. C. D.
4.What does John do now in Europe
A.Set up a school. B.Be an artist.
C.Sing at an art center. D.Teach Beijing Opera.
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.There are only four roles in Beijing Opera.
B.The stories in Beijing Opera usually have happy ends.
C.John made lots of money by teaching Peking Opera.
D.Beijing Opera is the most popular theater in the world.
TV has already entered thousands of households, and TV is a window. Primary school students like watching TV. It can make them understand the important events at home and abroad, open their eyes, and grow knowledge. Besides, they have been very nervous at school. After school, relaxation is very necessary. And watching TV is a very good way. When some programs are educational, they have both fun and increased knowledge. TV gives primary school students the growth and development of brains. We asked 1,000 pupils from different schools. The following are the results of the survey about what kind of TV programs pupils prefer.
In modern society, it is impossible and it is not necessary to stop children from watching TV. But parents can guide them to choose good programs, to choose proper time, and even to see the suitable programs together. You can discuss with them after reading, and turn entertainment to train your child’s mind, enrich your child’s emotions (情感).
Ways to guide children:
※ We should go into the world of students, find out their preferences and teach them what to watch.
※ Educate pupils to develop good viewing habits and teach them how to enjoy them.
※ Teach students to reflect by watching, and to extend (扩展) the meaning of educational TV programs.
6.How many pupils like action movies
A.750. B.50. C.450. D.600.
7.What kind of program is the most popular
A.Comedy. B.Cartoon. C.Children program. D.Soap opera.
8.What’s the writer’s opinion about primary school students watching TV
A.The writer thinks it’s necessary to stop pupils watching TV.
B.The writer thinks watching TV is a waste of time.
C.The writer thinks it can make pupils only understand the important events.
D.The writer thinks adults should guide children to watch proper TV programs.
9.How many ways does the writer give to guide the children to watch TV
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
10.Which is true according to the passage above
A.If the programs are educational, pupils can’t have fun.
B.More primary school students prefer competition programs.
C.If possible, parents should watch proper programs with children together.
D.Adults can educate pupils to develop good learning habits by watching TV.
The Ant Bully Actors: Julia Roberts (Voice), Nicolas Cage (Voice) Language: English Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes Price: Weekdays: $ 30 $15 (Children under 7) Weekends: $40 $20 (Children under 7)
I really enjoyed this movie. It’s a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there.
I would recommend (推荐) this movie to everyone. Whether you go with family or friends, I honestly think this movie has something you will really enjoy!
I’ve seen several movies of this kind, but this one is the best. It is so well made—some of the scenes are so beautiful.
I went to see this movie with my 9-year-old daughter this Tuesday, really without knowing too much about it. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldn’t help laughing. I would recommend this movie to the whole family.
11.From the poster, we can tell that ________ is spoken in the movie.
A.Chinese B.English C.Japanese D.French
12.The poster shows that the movie lasts ________.
A.25 minutes B.60 minutes C.85 minutes D.125 minutes
13.John likes the movie because of ________.
A.the funny actors B.the wonderful music
C.the sweet voices D.the beautiful scenes
14.Mary and her daughter spent ________ dollars watching the movie.
A.30 B.40 C.45 D.60
15.According to the passage, the movie most probably tells a ________ story.
A.funny B.sad C.terrible D.tree
Perhaps you’ve already watched or heard about Readers, a TV show that has recently become 16 on CCTV. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage (舞台), as well as tell the touching stories behind them.They can read 17 , like poems, books, and letters and so on.
Many people are 18 of the show and begin to enjoy reading aloud at home. Now people 19 a special place to read across China by the show. Reading pavilions (朗读亭) are now in cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi’an.
The pavilion is quite small. 20 one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it and it records people’s voices. Everyone can read 21 they like for three minutes in the pavilion. Later the show will 22 some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.
People of all 23 have come and read in the pavilion, according to People’s Daily. “Reading should be just like singing and talking,” said Dong Qing, the host of the show. “We can actually express our deep feelings 24 reading aloud.”
Both the TV show and the pavilion are spreading reading among the public, reported China Youth Daily. Thanks to the wonderful TV shows on CCTV, the young are becoming more and more 25 Chinese traditional culture. In fact, this is also what our country is trying to do now.
16.A.true B.popular C.serious D.lively
17.A.something B.everybody C.everything D.somebody
18.A.fans B.students C.children D.actors
19.A.give B.are giving C.will give D.are given
20.A.Always B.Little C.Only D.Also
21.A.what B.how C.where D.when
22.A.ask B.pick C.get D.request
23.A.interests B.hobbies C.ages D.dreams
24.A.for B.with C.except D.through
25.A.used to B.good at C.different from D.interested in
take American new grow use with so call they many
Would you like to go back and discover what life used to be like over a hundred years ago Well, that is the subject of a TV program in the USA.It is 26 Frontier House. Three American families were chosen from 27 than 5, 500 families. They had to live in the hills of Montana for five months. The program has been watched by 28 million 28 .
The families were given 29 own land. They followed the same way of life as their ancestors (祖先) over a hundred years ago in the Wild West. They could only use the tools and technology that existed at that time. They learnt many 30 skills. They became farmers, feeding animals and 31 food to eat.
There was no television or radio, 32 in the evening, they read books and talked. They collected wood to do their cooking and to heat their water. They wore the same kind of clothes that people in the 1880s 33 to wear. When they needed supplies, they went ten miles to the shop on their horses. The journey 34 about eight hours.
All the families said that they missed their friends. They couldn’t take their mobile phones or computers 35 them. They could only write letters. But all of them said they loved their new life and they were all sorry to leave.
第二节 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。
We all know that Mr. Bean is a foolish man. He is famous for being foolish and not very good at practical things. He is always getting into t 36 .
However, it’s surprising that Mr. Bean’s inventor Rowan Atkinson is a very clever man. In fact, he plays the r 37 of Mr. Bean himself. Rowan Atkinson was born in the northeast of England and studied Engineering at Newcastle University before e 38 Oxford University.
While he was studying at Oxford University, Rowan Atkinson started writing and performing comedies. He c 39 up with the idea for Mr. Bean in the 1970s, but he did not decide on a name for the character u 40 much later. Before he thought of the name Mr. Bean, he tried other names l 41 Mr. Cauliflower.
Mr. Bean was first shown on TV in 1990 and was a big s 42 . It has won many awards and made Rowan Atkinson famous all over the world. The film Mr. Bean’s Holiday was made in 2007. At that time Rowan Atkinson said it m 43 be his last appearance in the role. In fact, it wasn’t.
Rowan Atkinson has made so much money t 44 works of Mr. Bean that he can take up his hobby—c 45 fast cars. He has a collection of cars, including number of Aston Martins and Formula 1 racing cars. They are very different from Mr. Bean’s old Mini!
A: Hi, Mary. The final exam has ended. We can do something relaxing for fun. Why not go to the movies together
B: 46 . I haven’t seen a movie since two months ago.
A: 47
B: Comedies. But there aren’t any wonderful comedies on recently I hear that Nezha is very hot.
A: I know this movie. It has a score of 8.8 points on Douban. My sister has watched it.
B: 48
A: She loves it. The film has a moving story and wonderful special effects. It’s worth watching.
B: Great! Let’s watch it now. 49
A: We can get the tickets on Meituan. It has the cheapest tickets.
B: 50
A: Let me check it. 29 yuan each.
B: OK. Let’s book the tickets right now.
紧张的初三学习生活即将过半,同学们都想在寒假期间通过阅读、看电影、听歌等方式放松自己。某英文网站正在开展征文活动,请以“My Favorite ________”为题,写一篇不少于 80 词的短文投稿,向他人推荐你最喜欢的一本书、一部电影或一首歌。
1. 具体介绍书、电影或歌曲;
2. 你喜欢它的理由;
3. 推荐给他人的原因。
1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.B
1.细节理解题。根据“My name is John, I’m from England.”可知,John来自英国。故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据“The school offered me a place to practice.”可知,学校给他提供了一个练习的地方。故选D。
3.细节理解题。根据“Dan is a woman.”可知,是一个女人,分析图片可知,选项D符合。故选D。
4.细节理解题。根据“I have set up an art center to teach Beijing Opera.”可知,John在教京剧。故选D。
5.推理判断题。根据“The stories usually end with happiness.”可知,京剧里的故事通常都有美好的结局。故选B。
6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C
6.推理判断题。根据图表,喜欢动作片(action movie)的学生占比45%,学生总数为1000,可知,喜欢动作片的学生总人数为450人。故选C。
8.细节理解题。根据“But to guide them to choose good programs, to choose proper time”可知,作者认为家长应该指导孩子看合适的电视节目。故选D。
9. 推理判断题。根据“Ways to guide children:”中的内容“※ We should go into the world of students, find out their preferences and teach them what to watch.※ Educate pupils to develop good viewing habits and teach them how to enjoy them.※ Teach students to reflect by watching, and to extend (扩展) the meaning of educational TV programs.”可知,作者给出了三种指导孩子看电视的方式。故选A。
10. 推理判断题。根据“But parents can guide them to choose good programs, to choose proper time, and even to see the suitable programs together. You can discuss with them after reading, and turn entertainment to train your child’s mind, enrich your child’s emotions (情感).”可知,如果有可能,家长应该陪孩子一起看适合的电视节目。故选C。
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.A
11.细节理解题。根据“Language: English”可知,电影中说的是英语。故选B。
12.细节理解题。根据“Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes”可知,电影持续一小时二十五分,即85分钟。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据“It is so well made—some of the scenes are so beautiful. —John”可知,约翰喜欢这部电影是因为它美丽的场景。故选D。
14.细节理解题。根据“Price: Weekdays: $ 30 $15 (Children under 7)”和“I went to see this movie with my 9-year-old daughter this Tuesday…—Mary”可知,周二去看的电影,Mary的女儿九岁,票价与Mary一样,30美元,故她们一共要花六十美元。故选D。
15.推理判断题。根据“My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldn’t help laughing. I would recommend this movie to the whole family. —Mary”可知,玛丽和她的女儿都惊喜地发现电影是多么有趣,她们都忍不住笑了,据此可以推断,这部电影很可能讲述了一个非常有趣的故事。故选A。
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.D
true真实的;popular受欢迎的;serious严肃的;lively有活力的。根据“Perhaps you’ve already watched or heard about Readers”可知应是受欢迎的节目,故选B。
something某事;everybody每个人;everything一切;somebody某人。根据“like poems, books, and letters and so on.”可知应是什么都可以读,故选C。
fans迷,粉丝;students学生;children孩子;actors演员。根据“begin to enjoy reading aloud at home”可知应是成为粉丝,成为追随者,故选A。
give给;are giving现在进行时;will give一般将来时;are given一般现在时的被动语态。根据主语“people”和谓语“give”为逻辑上的动宾关系可知此处应用被动语态,故选D。
always总是;little小的;only仅仅;also也。根据“The pavilion is quite small”可知亭子很小,只能容纳一个人,故选C。
what在宾语从句中意为“所……的”,表内容;how表方式;where表地点;when表时间。根据“read”和“they like”可知此处作like的宾语,表喜欢的内容,故选A。
ask问;pick挑选;get获得;request要求。根据“some of the readers”和“ and invite them to read on TV”可知应是从朗读者中挑选一些优秀的人参加电视节目,故选B。
for为了;with用;except除了;through通过。根据“reading aloud”可知此处表达“方式”,故选D。
used to曾经;good at擅长于;different from不同于;interested in感兴趣于。根据“Both the TV show and the pavilion are spreading reading among the public, reported China Youth Daily.”可知节目使朗读得以广泛传播,故选D。
26.called 27.more 28.Americans 29.their 30.new 31.growing 32.so 33.used 34.took 35.with
26.句意:它被称为《边疆之家》。根据空后的“Frontier House”及备选词汇可知,此处指节目名,call“称呼;给……命名”符合;根据空前的“It is”可知,此处为一般现在时的被动语态,空处应用过去分词形式。故填called。
27.句意:从5500多个家庭中选出了三个美国家庭。根据空后的“than 5, 500 families”及备选词汇可知,此处指超过5500个家庭,more than“多于”符合。故填more。
28.句意:该节目已被2800万美国人观看。根据上文“Well, that is the subject of a TV program in the USA.”及备选词汇可知,此处指美国人,American“美国人”,可数名词,根据空前的“28 million”可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。故填Americans。
29.句意: 这些家庭获得了自己的土地。one’s own“某人自己的”,固定词组;根据主语“The families”及备选词汇可知,此处指他们自己的,所以应用人称代词they的形容词性物主代词their。故填their。
30.句意:他们学到了许多新技能。根据上文“They could only use the tools and technology that existed at that time.”和下文“They became farmers, feeding animals and…food to eat.”及备选词汇可知,此处指新技能,new“新的”符合语境。故填new。
31.句意:他们成为农民,喂养动物,种植吃的食物。根据“They became farmers”及备选词汇可知,此处指种植食物,grow“种植”符合;根据空前的“feeding animals and...food to eat”可知,and前后连接相同的词性,此处也应用v-ing形式。故填growing。
32.句意:没有电视和收音机, 所以晚上他们看书聊天。根据句意及备选词汇可知,此处表示因果关系,so“所以”符合。故填so。
33.句意:他们穿的衣服和19世纪80年代的人穿的一样。根据“They wore the same kind of clothes that ...to wear”及备选词汇可知,此处指他们穿的衣服和过去穿的一样,used to do“过去常常做”,固定词组。故填used。
34.句意:旅程花了大约八个小时。根据“The journey…about eight hours.”及备选词汇可知,此处指花费,take“花费”,动词,此处是在叙述过去发生的事,所以句子时态为一般过去时。故填took。
35.句意:他们不能随身携带手机或电脑。根据下文“They could only write letters.”可知,此处指随身携带,with“跟,和……一起”,介词,符合题意。故填with。
36.(t)rouble 37.(r)ole 38.(e)ntering 39.(c)ame 40.(u)ntil 41.(l)ike 42.(s)uccess 43.(m)ight 44.(t)hrough 45.(c)ollecting
【解析】本文主要讲述了憨豆先生的发明者Rowan Atkinson,因为憨豆先生而出名,自己也扮演憨豆这个角色,这个角色帮助他成为百万富翁。
36.句意:他总是陷入麻烦。根据“He is famous for being foolish and not very good at practical things.”可知,此处是指他陷入麻烦,get into trouble“陷入麻烦”,固定短语。故填(t)rouble。
37.句意:事实上,他自己就扮演了憨豆先生这个角色。根据“Mr. Bean himself”可知,此处是指扮演角色,role“角色”,空处用名词单数。故填(r)ole。
38.句意:Rowan Atkinson出生于英格兰东北部,在进入牛津大学之前在纽卡斯尔大学学习工程学。根据“before e... Oxford University.”可知,是指进入牛津大学,enter“进入”,before是介词,后跟动名词。故填(e)ntering。
39.句意:他在20世纪70年代就提出了憨豆先生的创意,但直到很久以后才决定给这个角色取个名字。根据“the idea”可知,此处是come up with“提出”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(c)ame。
40.句意:他在20世纪70年代就提出了憨豆先生的创意,但直到很久以后才决定给这个角色取个名字。根据“he did not decide on a name for the character u...”可知,此处是not ... until“直到……才”。故填(u)ntil。
41.句意:在他想到“憨豆先生”这个名字之前,他试过其他的名字,比如“菜花先生”。根据“Mr. Cauliflower”可知,此处是在举例子,介词like“像,比如”符合语境。故填(l)ike。
42.句意:1990年,《憨豆先生》首次在电视上播出,获得了巨大的成功。根据“It has won many awards and made Rowan Atkinson famous all over the world.”可知,此处是指获得了成功,空处用名词success“成功”,a后跟单数。故填(s)uccess。
43.句意:当时Rowan Atkinson说,这可能是他最后一次出演这个角色。根据“it m... be his last appearance in the role. In fact, it wasn’t.”可知,此处是指可能是他最后一次出演这个角色,may“可能”,时态是一般过去时,用过去式might。故填(m)ight。
44.句意:Rowan Atkinson通过憨豆先生的作品赚了很多钱,以至于他可以开始他的爱好——收集跑车。根据“has made so much money t... works of Mr. Bean”可知,是指通过憨豆先生的作品赚了很多钱,介词through“通过,凭借”符合语境。故填(t)hrough。
45.句意:Rowan Atkinson通过憨豆先生的作品赚了很多钱,以至于他可以开始他的爱好——收集跑车。根据“He has a collection of cars”可知,是收集跑车,collect“收集”,空处用动名词作同位语。故填(c)ollecting。
46.That sounds good 47.What kind of movies do you like 48.What does she think of it 49.But how can we get the tickets 50.How much is a ticket
46.根据“Why not go to the movies together ”和“I haven’t seen a movie since two months ago.”可知,空处应是对上文的建议正面评价,可以说“听起来不错”。故填That sounds good。
47.根据“Comedies.”可知,空处应是询问喜欢什么类型的电影,故填What kind of movies do you like。
48.根据“She loves it.”可知,空处应是询问她觉得电影怎么样,用固定句型What do/does sb think of sth表达,故填What does she think of it。
49.根据“We can get the tickets on Meituan.”可知,空处应是询问怎么买票,故填But how can we get the tickets。
50.根据“Let me check it. 29 yuan each.”可知,空处应是询问一张票多少钱,故填How much is a ticket。
My Favorite Film
Forrest Gump is one of the most inspirational films that leave a deep impression on me.
Forrest Gump is an American film, which is adapted from the novel written by Winston Groom. Tom Hanks stars in the film. Forrest Gump, the main character, was unfortunately born with a lower IQ, but he is an open-minded person with strong determination. It is unbelievable that he has achieved great success at last. Not only is he a football star, but he is also a war-hero and later a millionaire.
The film is filled with a tender feeling and kindness. What’s more, it conveys a message that we should take a positive attitude towards life. No matter what difficulty we meet in life, we should not give up. Besides, the use of the language is striking, which also makes the film a success.
I think this movie is well worth seeing it. I’m sure you can learn a lot from the movie.
① be adapted from 改编自
② be born with 天生具有
① Forrest Gump is an American film, which is adapted from the novel written by Winston Groom. (which引导非限定性定语从句)
② No matter what difficulty we meet in life, we should not give up. (no matter what引导让步状语从句)



