Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section A 2a-2d 单词短语专练(2课时含答案)

Unit 5 Why do you like pandans 同步练习
Section A 1a-2d第1课时
I. 短文填空
an, sleep, scary, year, tiger, animal, like, people, what, Australia
Welcome to our zoo. Here, you can see all kinds of 1.______. First you can see a 2.______ from Jilin. Don't be afraid of it. It's not 3.______. Next, you can see 4.______ elephant from South Africa. It's very friendly(友好的). 5.______ is that in the tree Oh, it'sa koala. It's from 6.______. The koala is very young. It's only two 7.______old. It's very cute and smart. Lots of 8.______like it. But it's best to come to see it at night, because it usually 9.______ in the day. We also have many other animals 10.______lions, giraffes and pandas. Please come to our zoo and you'll have fun here.
II 根据句意和首字母写出所缺单词。
1.I'm afraid to watch s movies at night.
2.Shenzhen is a city in the s of China.
3.There are all k of books in the library.
4.Tom is a really s student and he does well in every school subject.
5.Molly is an A girl.There are lots of kangaroos there.
sleep cat Africa real leg
11.The panda is cute.I like it.
12.The desk has four .
13.The is cute.We like it.
14.I usually at ten in the evening.
15.This is an elephant.It looks strong and different.
Don't watch TV ,Tom.
This dog can .
I like elephants because they are cute.
I have ,and it is very cute.
20.你为什么不先看熊猫? you see the pandas first
Dogs are our friends. Many people like them. Look at these two nice dogs.
The first dog’s name is Alfred. He is from Peru. He is six years old. 26 He can walk like a kangaroo(袋鼠). He lives in the Animal World.It’s only 2 kilometers from the zoo. 27 Many people want to help him and bring him a lot of money. With the money,Alfred and other animals can have a good life.28 He is from the USA. He is five years old. He is big. When he stands up on two legs,he is over 1 meter tall. Freddy is very smart and friendly. 29 He is a guide dog(导盲犬). Now Freddy works for a woman named Jenny. Jenny can’t see and her life is difficult before she meets Freddy. She can’t go out to work,exercise or buy things. 30 With the help of Freddy,Jenny can find the places easily and never get lost. When Jenny says,“Freddy,get my book!” He always does it quickly.
What a good dog!
A. The second one is Freddy.B. She is afraid to cross the street.C. He can remember places very well.D. He doesn’t have front legs,but he is happy.E. Many animals in danger need people to help them and Alfred is one of them.F. Alfred always does funny things and makes people happy and he can dance,too.
We know many kinds of animals,such as pandas,lions,elephants and bears.Do you like bears?Let me tell you about them.Bears are big animals and about 1 to 3 meters tall.Some bears eat plants.Some bears eat animals.Some very big bears can kill another animal easily.
Bears have long noses.They have claws(爪) and fur,too.Baby(幼小的) bears are called cubs.A bear can give birth to(生育) three cubs at a time.The cubs are small and have no hair.They drink their mother's milk for about two months.There are many kinds of bears.Some bears live in warm places,like sun bears.Some bears live in cold(寒冷的) places,like polar bears.Bears have different colors,too.They can be white,brown,or black.
When it is cold,bears sleep in dens(兽穴) for the winter(冬天).When they are sleeping all winter,it is called hibernation.Bears do not eat when they are hibernating.
31.Which animals doesn't the writer mention(提及)
A.Elephants. B.Bears. C.Tigers. D.Lions.
32.How are sun bears and polar bears different
A.Sun bears live in warm places and polar bears live in cold places.
B.Sun bears live in cold places and polar bears live in warm places.
C.Sun bears live in big places and polar bears live in small places.
D.Sun bears live in small places and polar bears live in big places.
33.The underlined word “hibernation” means “ ” in Chinese.
A.冬眠  B.迁移  C.储藏  D.庆祝
34.What can we know from the passage
A.Bears have short noses. B.A big bear is called a cub.
C.Bears can be red,brown,or black. D.Bears eat meat and plants.
35.What is the best title for the passage
A.Where Bears Live B.Things About Bears
C.Why Bears Sleep in Winter D.Different Bears
Unit 5 Why do you like pandans 同步练习
Section A 1a-2d第2课时
1.—Let's (go) to the movies!—I'm sorry. I must (do) my homework.
2.—Do you like pandas —Yes.I think they're kinds of (love).
3.People usually at night,but Mr.Wang in the day.(sleep)
4.—Let's see the lions.—That's (bore).Let's see the tigers.
5.The (panda) are from China. They are very popular.
II 根据句意及汉语提示写单词
1. Let's see the tigers in the ______(动物园).
2. The little boy is very______(聪明的)and we all like him.
3. His pet can walk with two______(腿).
4. Koalas always look______(懒散的).
5. Molly's mother comes from ______(澳大利亚).
III .单项选择
6.—Do you like lions, Sally
—No,I don't.I think they are ______.
A. scary B. beautiful C. smart
7.—______do you like dogs
—Because they are cute.
A. Where B. How C. Why
8.-Where ______ the lion ______ from
-South Africa.
A. are;/B. do;come C. is;/
9.I think the pandas ______ cute.
A、all kind of B. kinds of
C. are kind of
10.-Let's______ and help him.―OK. A. go B. going C. to go
Unit 5 Why do you like pandans 同步练习
Section A 1a-2d第1课时
1, animals 2, tiger 3. scary 4. an 5. What
6. Australia 7. years 8. people 9. sleeps 10. like
1.scary 2.south 3.kinds 4.smart 5.Australian
11.really 12.legs 13.cat 14.sleep 15.African
16.all day 17.walk on two legs18.kind of
19.a new pet 20.Why don’t
26-30DEACB 31-35CAADB
Unit 5 Why do you like pandans 同步练习
Section A 1a-2d第2课时
I. 1.go do 2.lovely 3.sleep sleeps 4.boring 5.pandas
1. zoo 2. smart 3. legs 4. lazy 5. Australia
6.A 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.A



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