【2023秋八上英语期末满分复习考题预测】06 完形填空30篇(原卷版+解析版)

专题06 完形填空30篇
An old man was fishing on the bank of a river. A child came to see him fishing. The old man was really good 1 fishing and it didn’t take long for him to 2 a full basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish. But the child 3 her head. The old man was 4 and asked. “Why don’t you want the fish ”
The child answered. “I want the fishing rod (杆) in your hands. ”
The old man asked. “Why do you want the rod ”
“It doesn’t take long to eat all the fish in a basket. But if I have the fishing rod, I can go 5 by myself and I won’t be afraid of not having any more fish to eat. ”
I think you will 6 say that the child is very smart. Wrong! If she doesn’t know 7 to fish, she can not have fish to eat, even though she has the fishing rod. It’s 8 to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the 9 important, not the fishing rod.
Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life, they will 10 fear the wind and rain. They are just like the child, who thought that if she had a fishing rod, she would have fish to eat.
1.A.in B.at C.with D.for
2.A.catch B.bring C.take D.carry
3.A.nodded B.shook C.carried D.lifted
4.A.excited B.worried C.surprised D.interested
5.A.fish B.fishes C.fished D.fishing
6.A.certainly B.mainly C.finally D.exactly
7.A.what B.how C.when D.where
8.A.homeless B.harmless C.careless D.useless
9.A.more B.most C.least D.less
10.A.not longer B.not long C.no longer D.no long
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C
in在……里;at在某方面;with和;for为了。根据句中“a full basket of fish”可知,此句是说老人擅长钓鱼,be good at“擅长”。故选B。
catch抓住;bring带来;take拿走;carry携带。根据后句“and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish”可知,此句是说他抓住了满满一篮子鱼,故选A。
excited感觉兴奋的;worried担心的;surprised吃惊的;interested感兴趣的。根据后句“Why don’t you want the fish ”可知,此句是说老人吃惊的问,故选C。
fish钓鱼,动词原形;fishes钓鱼,为fish的第三人称单数形式;fished钓鱼,为fish的过去式;fishing钓鱼,为fish的现在分词形式。根据句中“I won’t be afraid of not having any more fish to eat”可知,此句是说如果有鱼竿,可以自己去钓鱼,go fishing“去钓鱼”,故选D。
certainly当然;mainly主要地;finally最后;exactly准确地。根据句中“that the child is very smart”可知,此句是说你肯定会说这个孩子很聪明,故选A。
what什么;how怎样;when什么时候;where哪里。根据句中“she can not have fish to eat, even though she has the fishing rod”可知,此句是说如果她不知道如何钓鱼,故选B。
homeless无家可归的;harmless无害的;careless粗心的;useless无用的。根据前文中的“Wrong”和句中“only have a fishing rod”可知,此句是说只有鱼竿是没有用的,故选D。
more更多的;most最多的;least最少的;less更少的。根据“not the fishing rod”可知,此句是说钓鱼最重要的是技巧,故选B。
not longer表达错误;not long不长;no longer不再;no long表达错误。根据前半句“Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life”可知,此句是说他们就不再害怕风雨,故选C。
Many kids are interested in space. Last month, a space agency (机构) told people that they were 11 “a planet protection (保护) officer”, Some people laughed at the funny job, but a 9-year-old boy took the information 12 . He wrote to the agency, saying that he wanted the job.
“Dear sirs, my name is Sam Lee. I think I am the 13 person for the job,” he wrote. What are Sam’s 14 for getting the job “For one,” he wrote, “my sister says I act like an alien (外星人).” Sam also said he watched almost all the 15 movies he could find. His last words may 16 people’s hearts: “I am young, so I can learn to think like an alien.” Sam soon got a 17 from Bill Black. “We know what you said. It is great that you are interested in the job. Many people may not know the astronauts brought back some things from other 18 . This job is to stop the earth from germs (细菌) on these things.” Bill ended with some warm words to ask Sam to study hard and do well in school. “We 19 to see you at the agency one day.” He wrote.
“Some of the kids are 20 space scientists,” Bill told a newspaper, “We expect what we say can help them keep on their space dream.”
11.A.making up B.looking for C.caring about D.talking about
12.A.easily B.quietly C.seriously D.clearly
13.A.right B.simple C.main D.real
14.A.reasons B.mind C.plans D.hobbies
15.A.action B.scary C.comedy D.space
16.A.touch B.hang C.cover D.lose
17.A.job B.test C.reply D.ticket
18.A.sea B.countries C.planets D.culture
19.A.agree B.accept C.plan D.hope
20.A.famous B.future C.dangerous D.normal
11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.B
making up编造;looking for寻找;caring about关心;talking about谈论。根据“they were… ‘a planet protection (保护) officer’”及“He wrote to the agency, saying that he wanted the job”可知,是寻找一名“星球保护官员”,故选B。
easily容易地;quietly安静地;seriously严肃地;clearly清楚地。take sth seriously“认真对待”,固定搭配,故选C。
right合适的;simple简单的;main主要的;real真实的。根据“he wanted the job”可知,想要这份工作,所以认为自己是合适人选,故选A。
reasons理由;minds头脑;plans计划;hobbies爱好。根据“my sister says I act like an alien”可知,询问得到这份工作的理由,故选A。
action行动;scary可怕的;comedy喜剧;space太空。根据“I am young, so I can learn to think like an alien”可知,看了一些有关太空的电影,故选D。
touch触动;hang悬挂;cover覆盖;lose失去。根据“people’s hearts”可知,触动人们的心灵,故选A。
job工作;test测试;reply回复;ticket票。根据“Dear, sir, my name is Sam Lee. I think I am the… person for the job”可知,这是对于他信件的回复,故选C。
sea大海;countries国家;planets星球;culture文化。根据“astronauts brought back some things from other ”可知,宇航员是从星球带回一些东西,故选C。
agree同意;accept接受;plan计划;hope希望。根据“to see you at the agency one day”可知,此处表达希望,故选D。
famous著名的;future未来的;dangerous危险的;normal正常的。根据“We expect what we say can help them keep on their space dream”可知,孩子属于未来的。故选B。
It was a sunny afternoon. Sam and his sister Lily were helping Mom 21 the room.
“Hey, Sam,” said Mom. “Would you please take these paper-towel tubes (纸巾内管) out ” Sam looked at the tubes and something came to him. He asked, “Could I use them to make a 22 ” “Great idea!” said Mom. “Do we have any other good recycling materials (可回收材料) ” asked Sam. “Come on. Let’s go and see what else we can 23 in our house,” said Mom.
Then, they walked around. “This box would be good,” Sam said. “But you 24 it with many books.” “I am going to put those books on the shelves (书架). Can you give me a hand Then you can have the box,” said Mom, “Sure, no problem!” said Sam. “Now I only need several more things.” Sam 25 carried all his materials. He sat on the floor, 26 and gluing (粘贴) all afternoon.
“I like your robot,” said Lily. “Thanks. But his 27 can’t work now, and I can’t make it,” said Sam. “Hmm,” said Lily. She got an idea. She 28 . With an old hat she ran right back. “Remember this hat ” asked Lily. “I wore it when I was a baby. Now it’s too 29 for me. What about making its head ” “Thanks, it’s good!” said Sam. “What do you think, Mr. Robot ”
“I love it and you are really 30 in making things out of recycling materials,” said Mr. Robot in a funny voice.
21.A.clean B.dig C.build D.print
22.A.hat B.book C.robot D.plane
23.A.run B.listen C.buy D.find
24.A.filled B.covered C.sent D.chose
25.A.sadly B.seriously C.angrily D.happily
26.A.jumping B.cutting C.shaking D.cooking
27.A.head B.arm C.hand D.leg
28.A.dressed up B.ran away C.turned down D.found out
29.A.big B.small C.wet D.new
30.A.surprised B.afraid C.talented D.strict
21.A 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.C
clean打扫;dig挖;build建造;print打印。根据“Sam and his sister Lily were helping Mom...the room.”可知,是打扫房间,故选A。
hat帽子;book书;robot机器人;plane飞机。根据后文“I like your robot”可知,是做机器人,故选C。
run跑;listen听;buy买;find找到。根据“Let’s go and see what else we can...in our house”可知,看看房子里能找到什么可用的材料,故选D。
filled填满;covered覆盖;sent发送;chose选择。根据“But you...it with many books.”可知,此处是fill...with...短语,意为“填满”,故选A。
sadly悲伤地;seriously严肃地;angrily生气地;happily开心地。根据“Sam...carried all his materials.”可知,萨姆愉快地拿着他所有的材料。故选D。
jumping跳;cutting切;shaking摇动;cooking做饭。根据“He sat on the floor, ...and gluing (粘贴) all afternoon.”可知,整个下午都在剪和粘东西,故选B。
head头;arm胳膊;hand手;leg腿。根据“What about making its head ”可知,是机器人的头,故选A。
dressed up装扮;ran away逃离;turned down拒绝;found ou查明。根据“With an old hat she ran right back.”可知,又跑回来,所以刚才跑开了,故选B。
big大的;small晓得;wet湿的;new新的。根据“I wore it when I was a baby. Now it’s too...for me.”可知,小时候戴的,所以现在小了,故选B。
surprised惊讶的;afraid害怕的;talented有天赋的;strict严格的。根据“I love it and you are really...in making things out of recycling materials”可知,在用可回收材料制作东西方面真的很有天赋,故选C。
Not long ago, I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more knowledge (知识). So I went to the library and 31 happily with several books. But after a few days, I felt impatient (不耐烦的). The idea of finishing all of them seemed 32 , because I always found it hard to calm down (平静下来) to read a whole book. I didn’t know 33 to do with it. Then suddenly one day I thought of “Why not make reading for fun ” It gave me 34 again. 35 is a journey (旅行) of the mind. Every time we read a book, we felt like we were talking 36 the writer. I tried to go into his or her world, 37 I could feel all of his or her happiness and sadness. Now books have become a part of my life.
See Attitude (态度) can make a great 38 . Someone once said, “When we meet the problems in our life, we can 39 our attitude towards them.” So, don’t complain (抱怨) about study or work because it helps 40 . Try to see things from a different way. Believe me, this will change the situation (改变状况) and help you a lot.
31.A.talked about B.gave back C.brought back D.came back
32.A.easy B.difficult C.different D.important
33.A.how B.what C.when D.which
34.A.time B.knowledge C.hope D.mind
35.A.Dancing B.Watching C.Writing D.Reading
36.A.about B.with C.for D.at
37.A.but B.though C.so D.because
38.A.difference B.result C.decision D.information
39.A.take B.choose C.share D.speak
40.A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing
31.D 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.D
talked about谈论;gave back返回;brought back带回;came back回来。此处与“went to”对应,先去再回来,故选D。
easy容易的;difficult困难的;different不同的;important重要的。根据“because I always found it hard to calm down (平静下来) to read a whole book.”可知我总是觉得很难平静下来读一整本书,因此看书对我很难。故选B。
how怎样;what什么;when何时;which哪一个。how to deal with, what to do with“如何处理”,注意搭配。故选B。
time时间;knowledge知识;hope希望;mind头脑。根据前文可知遇到麻烦,根据“I thought of...”可知想到主意,因此重燃希望。故选C。
Dancing跳舞;Watching观看;Writing写;Reading阅读。前文提到“reading for fun”可知是说阅读,故选D。
about关于;with和;for为了;at在。talk with sb.“与某人交流”,符合题意。故选B。
difference差异;result结果;decision决定;information信息。根据“see things from a different way”可知从不同的角度看待事物,因为态度不一样会带来差异。故选A。
take带走;choose选择;share分享;speak讲。根据“see things from a different way”可知从不同的角度看待事物,因此要选择对待它们的态度。故选B。
everything所有事;anything任何事;something某事;nothing没有事。根据“don’t complain (抱怨) about study or work”可知抱怨学习或工作没有任何帮助。故选D。
Resolution is a word with more than one meaning. However, when talking about a New Year, a resolution is a 41 people make to themselves to be better. The person decides to take something 42 for the next 12 months.
Many people use the start of a New Year as a time to try 43 new or make changes. This use of resolution 44 in the late 1700s. These earlier resolutions were usually about religion (宗教). However, these days, New Year’s resolutions are usually about living more healthily, being more 45 and finding greater happiness in life.
Some people may make a New Year’s resolution only to improve their life. Others may feel they are certainly 46 to change everything. These people may use the New Year as a time to make themselves 47 . Some people may 48 their resolutions and plans to remember them easily.
49 the beginning of a New Year, you can have a new start. This means you can simply wash away all the mistakes you made in the past year. But try to learn from these mistakes. If not, you may find yourself making the same mistakes again. Sometimes the resolutions may be too 50 to keep. Please remember changes can’t be easy, but they can help us to have a better future!
41.A.reason B.promise C.show D.rule
42.A.quietly B.necessarily C.quickly D.seriously
43.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
44.A.ended B.served C.started D.kept
45.A.dangerous B.traditional C.difficult D.successful
46.A.upset B.ready C.careful D.hungry
47.A.worse B.lazier C.better D.busier
48.A.cut out B.turn on C.bring out D.write down
49.A.On B.At C.For D.By
50.A.hard B.easy C.happy D.different
41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.B 50.A
reason原因;promise承诺;show表演;rule规则。根据“people make to themselves to be better”可知,决心是人们向自己做出的承诺;make a promise“许下承诺”。故选B。
quietly安静地;necessarily必要地;quickly迅速地;seriously认真地。take sth. seriously“认真对待……”,固定短语。故选D。
something某事物;anything任何事物;nothing没有什么;everything一切。根据“the start of a New Year as a time to try...new”可知,新年的开始是尝试新事物的一个时机。故选A。
ended结束;served服务;started开始;kept保持。根据下文“These earlier resolutions were usually about religion (宗教).”可知,此处指决心的使用是在18世纪末开始的。故选C。
dangerous危险的;traditional传统的;difficult困难的;successful成功的。根据“living more healthily”和“finding greater happiness in life”可知,此处指变得更加成功。故选D。
upset沮丧的;ready准备好的;careful仔细的;hungry饥饿的。根据“Some people may make a New Year’s resolution only to improve their life.”可知,有些人制定新年计划只是为了改善他们的生活,而一些人则是准备改变一切;be ready to do“准备好做……”。故选B。
worse更糟糕;lazier更懒惰的;better更好;busier更忙碌的。根据上文“a resolution is a...people make to themselves to be better”可知,此处指把新年作为一个让自己变得更好的契机。故选C。
cut out切断;turn on打开;bring out使显现出来;write down写下。根据“to remember them easily”可知,此处指写下决定和计划。故选D。
On在……上面;At在;For为了;By通过。at the beginning of“在……的开始”,固定短语。故选B。
It was a winter morning in the city of London, England. The weather was very 51 and a lot of people were sick (生病的). 52 there were many people in the doctor’s waiting room.
Among them was an old woman. The woman lived in the countryside. She came to the city to visit her daughter. She was waiting to see the doctor because there was 53 wrong with her back.
The old woman wanted to see the doctor as soon as possible. So she arrived 54 . She was at the front of the queue (队伍) and sat closest to the doctor’s door.
After a while, an American came 55 the waiting room. He walked quickly to the doctor’s room. The old woman 56 he was a queue jumper. She was very 57 . She stood up and took his arm. Slowly she said, “We’re all before you. You must wait for your 58 . Do you understand ”
The American answered, “No, madam. You don’t understand. You’re all after me. I’m the 59 !”
Everyone 60 the woman’s mistake.
51.A.hot B.cold C.warm D.fine
52.A.So B.But C.Because D.If
53.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something
54.A.usually B.carefully C.early D.late
55.A.off B.from C.out D.into
56.A.thought B.knew C.saw D.heard
57.A.happy B.scared C.angry D.surprised
58.A.exam B.turn C.reply D.service
59.A.doctor B.police C.actor D.farmer
60.A.cared about B.played a part in C.laughed at D.looked forward to
51.B 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.D 56.A 57.C 58.B 59.A 60.C
hot热的;cold冷的;warm温暖的;fine好的。根据“It was a winter morning in the city of London, England”可知,冬季天气很冷,故选B。
So因此;But但是;Because因为;If如果。根据“a lot of people were sick”可知,因为很多人生病,所以医生的候诊室里有很多人。故选A。
nothing什么都没有;anything任何事情;everything每件事;something一些事情。根据“She was waiting to see the doctor because...”可知,她的背部出了问题。there is something wrong with sth“某处出现问题”,固定搭配,故选D。
usually通常;carefully小心地;early早地;late晚的。根据“The old woman wanted to see the doctor as soon as possible”可知,老妇人想尽快去看医生,所以她到的很早。故选C。
off远离;from来自;out外边;into里面。根据“He walked quickly to the doctor’s room”可知,这位美国人走进候诊室。come into“进入”,故选D。
thought思考;knew知道;saw看见;heard听见。根据“We’re all before you”可知,老妇人以为他是插队的。故选A。
happy高兴的;scared害怕的;angry生气的;surprised吃惊的。根据“The old woman thought he was a queue jumper”可知,老妇人很生气,故选C。
exam考试;turn轮流;reply回复;service服务。根据“We’re all before you. You must wait for your...”可知,这位美国人必须等着排队,轮到他才能进医生诊室,故选B。
doctor医生;police警察;actor演员;farmer农民。根据“You’re all after me.可知,这位美国人是医生,故选A。
cared about关心;played a part in扮演……的角色;laughed at嘲笑;looked forward to期待。根据“ Everyone...the woman’s mistake”可知,每个人都嘲笑这个女人的错误。故选C。
Long long time ago, there were three small fish living in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to 61 each other day after day. When they grew up, they hoped to swim farther. They were able to swim farther and farther later.
Unluckily, a big wave (浪) 62 the three fish to a shallow (浅的) water one early morning. It took a small boat there, too. It was hard 63 the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was in front of them and stopped 64 . The largest fish found out the water was so shallow that they were very 65 . He said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish 66 with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was enough room (空间) for them, 67 they didn’t need to worry at all. He swam around as 68 as he did in the sea before.
The largest fish tried over and over again, and he finally went back to the 69 by jumping over the lowest part (最低处) of the boat. The second largest fish also did so following his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didn’t follow them and still swam happily in the shallow water.
Two hours later, the 70 rose up (升起), and the shallow water was dry soon. The youngest fish died because there wasn’t any water there.
61.A.look over B.look at C.look after D.look up
62.A.brought B.put C.added D.took
63.A.to B.with C.for D.as
64.A.them B.us C.it D.her
65.A.easy B.enjoyable C.dangerous D.happy
66.A.agreed B.disagreed C.refused D.talked
67.A.because B.so C.when D.but
68.A.slowly B.healthily C.happily D.luckily
69.A.lake B.river C.sea D.mountain
70.A.air B.stars C.moon D.sun
61.C 62.D 63.C 64.A 65.C 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.C 70.D
look over审查;look at看;look after照顾;look up查找。根据“their parents died”可知,他们没有了父母不得不互相照顾,故选C。
brought带来;put放;added添加;took带。根据“a big wave (浪)...the three fish to a shallow (浅的) water”可知,巨浪把小鱼带到了浅水区,此处应用take的过去式,故选D。
to朝;with和;for为了,对于;as作为。根据“It was hard...the fish to go back to the sea”可知,此处是句型“It is adj for sb to do sth”,此处形容词修饰物,应用介词for,故选C。
them它们;us我们;it它;her她。根据“the boat was in front of them”可知,小船在小鱼们的前面,所以挡住了它们,此处指代“小鱼们”,应用them,故选A。
easy容易的;enjoyable愉快的;dangerous危险的;happy开心的。根据“the water was so shallow”及常识可知,水太浅了,鱼儿容易死,所以对它们来说是危险的,故选C。
agreed同意;disagreed不同意;refused拒绝;talked谈论。根据“but the youngest one did not.”可知,第二大的鱼同意了哥哥的建议,故选A。
slowly慢慢地;healthily健康地;happily开心地;luckily幸运地。根据“as he did in the sea before”可知,最小的鱼开心地游来游去,故选C。
lake湖;river河流;sea大海;mountain山脉。根据“there were three small fish living in the sea.”可知,最大的鱼回到了海里,故选C。
air空气;stars星星;moon月亮;sun太阳。根据“one early morning”以及“rose up (升起)”可知,此处说的是“太阳”升起了,故选D。
Hello, I am Wang Yaping. I am a(n) 71 . Let me tell you something about my daily life in space.
Without gravity (重力), everyone floats (漂浮) around in the 72 . It is dangerous to float away somewhere when we 73 . So when we go to bed, we have to protect our bodies in sleeping bags. In the morning, the first thing I do is to say hello to my beautiful 74 friend—the Earth. We can eat meals just like you do at home. But all the food is 75 . Food without water is hard to eat, so we sometimes put it into water before eating. And 76 is not easy. We need to be very careful when we drink water.
We often 77 for long hours. Sometimes we work in the spaceship. Sometimes work out of the spaceship. That is to say, we work in the real space. So we often have to get up 78 and go to bed late. But life in space is never 79 . In our free time, we can enjoy ourselves by reading and listening to music. We usually take photos of the 80 . It is our home. How do you think my life in space
71.A.teacher B.astronaut C.professor D.engineer
72.A.classroom B.factory C.library D.spaceship
73.A.study B.sleep C.sit D.speak
74.A.blue B.yellow C.green D.black
75.A.big B.wet C.dry D.small
76.A.breathing B.drinking C.eating D.flying
77.A.play B.sing C.teach D.work
78.A.early B.late C.easily D.slowly
79.A.dangerous B.busy C.boring D.important
80.A.Sun B.Moon C.stars D.Earth
71.B 72.D 73.B 74.A 75.C 76.B 77.D 78.A 79.C 80.D
teacher老师;astronaut宇航员;professor专家;engineer工程师。根据第一段最后一句“Let me tell you something about my daily life in space.”说明她的工作环境在太空。故选B。
study学习;sleep睡觉;sit坐;speak讲话。根据后文“So when we go to bed, we have to protect our bodies in sleeping bags. ”可知是说睡觉的时候。故选B。
big大的;wet湿的;dry干的;small小的。根据后文“Food without water is hard to eat”可知这些食物是没有水的。故选C。
breathing呼吸;drinking喝水;eating吃饭;flying飞翔。根据后文“We need to be very careful when we drink water.”可知前一句讲的是喝水。故选B。
play玩;sing唱歌;teach教学;work工作。根据后文“Sometimes we work in the spaceship. Sometimes work out of the spaceship.”可知在谈工作时间。故选D。
early早;late晚;easily容易的;slowly慢的。根据后半句“go to bed late”可知是睡得晚,对应起得早。故选A。
dangerous危险的;busy忙碌的;boring无聊的;important重要的。根据后文“ In our free time, we can enjoy ourselves by reading and listening to music.”可知她们在太空中可以阅读、听音乐等,生活并不无聊。故选C。
Sun太阳;Moon月亮;stars星星;Earth地球。根据后文“ It is our home.”可知,地球是我们的家园。故选D。
Actually, many students think they are too common. They think they are not the best or the 81 . But in fact, these students don’t know how special they are. When they see some outstanding players or popular movie stars, they usually say to themselves, “Am I outstanding What am I going to be when I 82 ”
Growing up means understanding what we can do and what we can offer to the world. When we are young, we can’t see that. But when we get 83 , we may know that just by being 84 , we do offer something to other people. 85 we aren’t the prettiest, but that doesn’t mean we are “not special”.
Think 86 your friends. Write down some things that you like about them. Think about why you are friends. Although they aren’t the smartest or the prettiest or the most talented, they are great 87 their own ways, but in the end, you are best friends, so they feel just the 88 as you!
In fact, it is great to be the best at something, 89 if you are not the best, It’s OK. If you just live your life and try hard, you are still pretty amazing. And you can 90 your dream come true.
81.A.cleverest B.biggest C.fattest D.smallest
82.A.give up B.grow up C.stay up D.wake up
83.A.older B.younger C.stronger D.longer
84.A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves D.yourselves
85.A.Usually B.Finally C.Immediately D.Probably
86.A.over B.aloud C.about D.to
87.A.on B.with C.for D.in
88.A.same B.different C.confidence D.sense
89.A.or B.but C.so D.and
90.A.make B.carry C.take D.realize
81.A 82.B 83.A 84.C 85.D 86.C 87.D 88.A 89.B 90.A
cleverest最聪明的;biggest最大的;fattest最胖的;smallest最小的。根据“they are not the best or…”可知,此处和best并列,应是指不是最聪明的,故选A。
give up放弃;grow up长大;stay up熬夜;wake up醒来。根据“What am I going to be”可知,是指长大后,故选B。
older(年龄)更大;younger更年轻;stronger更强壮;longer更长。根据“When we are young, we can’t see that.”可知,这里指当年纪大一些,故选A。
myself我自己;yourself你自己;ourselves我们自己;yourselves你们自己。根据“we may know that just by being…”可知,这里指只要做自己,所以用与主语we对应的反身代词ourselves,故选C。
Usually通常;Finally最后;Immediately立刻;Probably可能。根据“but that doesn’t mean we are ‘not special’”可知,这里指也许我们不是最漂亮的,故选D。
over在……上面;aloud大声地;about关于;to到。根据“Write down some things that you like about them.”可知,是指想想你的朋友,think about意为“考虑,想想”,故选C。
on在……上面;with和;for为了;in在……方面。in their own ways意为“在他们自己方面”,故选D。
same相同的;different不同的;confidence信心;sense感觉。the same as意为“与……一样”,故选A。
make使;carry搬运;take拿走;realize实现。根据“…your dream come true”可知,这里指使你的梦想实现,故选A。
根据短文内容,从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
At 8:00, the sun was shining up in the sky. Jeannie painted “Lemunaid: five cents a glass!” and put the sign up at the gate of her yard.
Her neighbour, Mr. Brown, was walking by. He stopped, 91 to the sign and said, “You didn’t spell lemonade right. It should be spelled L-e-m-o-n-a-d-e.”
“Thank you,” said Jeannie. “I’ll 92 the word so I know how to spell it in the future.”
All 93 , people stopped to tell Jeannie about her spelling mistake. And right 94 leaving, they all bought a glass of lemonade.
A few hours later, Mr. Brown came back. This time, he had something 95 him. “Guess what ” he asked.
“I am 96 , Mr. Brown. Just let me know, please,” asked Jeannie.
“Look. A sign with the right spelling of Lemonade. I saw that you have been too busy to make a new sign by 97 . So, I made one for you,” he told Jeannie.
“Thank you, Mr. Brown. Yes, it’s true that lemonade is spelled wrong. But my sign is just right,” said Jeannie.
“ 98 ” said Mr. Brown.
“Everyone stops to tell me about the 99 .” said Jeannie. “And then, they always buy lemonade.” Jeannie held up a bottle full of money and 100 .
91.A.came B.went C.pointed D.got
92.A.make up B.write down C.cut down D.prepare for
93.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night
94.A.after B.before C.as D.until
95.A.on B.to C.like D.with
96.A.busy B.hungry C.free D.angry
97.A.myself B.yourselves C.yourself D.ourselves
98.A.Why B.What C.When D.Where
99.A.part B.joke C.mistake D.activity
100.A.cried B.shouted C.thought D.smiled
C 92.B 93.A 94.B 95.D 96.A 97.C 98.A 99.C 100.D
came来;went去;pointed指出;got得到。根据“He stopped,…to the sign and said,”可知,他应是停下来指着招牌。故选C。
make up化妆,编造;write down写下;cut down削减;prepare for为……做准备。根据“‘I’ll…the word so I know how to spell it in the future.’”可知,珍妮说以后她就知道怎么拼写了,因此她应是会把这个词写下来。故选B。
morning早上;afternoon下午;evening晚上;night夜晚。根据“At 8:00, the sun was shining up in the sky. Jeannie painted ‘Lemunaid: five cents a glass!’ and put the sign up at the gate of her yard.”可知,珍妮在早上八点,在自家大门口画上了“柠檬:每杯五美分!”的招牌,因此应是整个早上,人们都停下来告诉珍妮她的拼写错误。故选A。
after在……之后;before在……之前;as当……的时候;until直到。根据“And right…leaving, they all bought a glass of lemonade.”可知,买柠檬水应是在离开之前。故选B。
on在……上;to到;like像;with带,和。根据“This time, he had something…him.”可知,此处是一个常用动词短语have sth with sb“随身携带某物”。故选D。
busy忙碌的;hungry饥饿的;free自由的;angry生气的。根据“And right before leaving, they all bought a glass of lemonade.”可知,就在离开之前,他们都买了一杯柠檬水,因此珍妮应是很忙。故选A。
myself 我自己;yourselves你们自己;yourself你自己;ourselves我们自己。根据“I saw that you have been too busy to make a new sign by…”可知,此处是一个常用短语by yourself“亲自”。故选C。
Why为什么;What什么;When何时;Where哪里。根据“‘Thank you, Mr. Brown. Yes, it’s true that lemonade is spelled wrong. But my sign is just right,’ said Jeannie.”可知,珍妮告诉布朗先生柠檬水的拼写错了,但她的招牌是正确的,因此布朗先生应是询问为什么,疑问词Why询问原因。故选A。
part部分;joke笑话;mistake错误;activity活动。根据“All morning, people stopped to tell Jeannie about her spelling mistake.”可知,此处指的是每个人都停下来告诉珍妮这个错误。故选C。
cried哭泣;shouted喊叫;thought思考;smiled微笑。根据“Jeannie held up a bottle full of money and…”可知,珍妮拿起的是一个装满钱的瓶子,因此她应是开心的。故选D。
Everybody may get unhappy. That’s 101 people eat a lot of junk food or spend lots of money on clothes. They think that these things will make them feel happy! In fact, it is easy to 102 happiness, if you just learn to be a giver.
First of all, giving money and food to the poor (贫穷的) people is a good thing to do. It may bring more happiness 103 anything else. Think about this, a boy has nothing, and you give 104 some food or just a candy, then you’ll see a big smile (微笑) on his face. If you give your 105 to those people in need, you will feel happy after you help them. Maybe you’ll find this is the 106 time of your life. Finally, spending time with your family is also necessary though you are so busy that you don’t have 107 time to meet them very week.
The happiest people don’t think of what they can get 108 others. However, the unhappiest people are always asking for something and never 109 others. So my dear friends, start the habit of being a Big Giver, and then you will know one of the 110 to live a happy life.
101.A.because B.why C.how D.what
102.A.get B.make C.give D.see
103.A.then B.than C.that D.there
104.A.he B.him C.his D.it
105.A.foot B.head C.arm D.hand
106.A.happy B.happier C.happiest D.happily
107.A.very B.many C.enough D.simple
108.A.to B.from C.for D.about
109.A.care about B.wait for C.look for D.know about
110.A.kind B.way C.friend D.role
101.B 102.A 103.B 104.B 105.D 106.C 107.C 108.B 109.A 110.B
because因为;why为什么;how怎么样;what什么。根据上文中“Everybody may get unhappy... They think that these things will make them feel happy!”可知,每个人都可能不开心,所以会吃很多垃圾食品,或者花很多钱买衣服,此处使用why,解释吃垃圾食品、花钱买衣服的原因。故选B。
get得到;make制作;give给;see看见。根据“it is easy to…happiness, if you just learn to be a giver”可知,很容易得到幸福。故选A。
then然后;than比;that那个;there那里。根据“more happiness”可知,此处是一种比较,than符合题意。故选B。
he他,主格;him他,宾格;his他的,形容词性物主代词;it它。根据“a boy has nothing, and you give…some food”可知,此处表示“给这个男孩一些食物”,且此空位于动词give之后,应该用宾格him。故选B。
foot脚;head头;arm胳膊;hand手。give one’s hand to sb“向某人伸出援手”。故选D。
happy高兴的,形容词;happier更高兴的,比较级;happiest最高兴的,最高级;happily高兴地,副词。根据“the…time of your life”可知,此处应该填入形容词的最高级。故选C。
very非常;many许多;enough足够的;simple简单的。根据“you don’t have…time to meet them very week”可知,应该是都没有足够的时间和家人见面。故选C。
care about关心;wait for等待;look for寻找;know about了解。根据“the unhappiest people are always asking for something and never…others.”可知,最不快乐的人从来不关心别人。故选A。
kind体贴的;way方式;friend朋友;role角色。根据“you will know one of the…to live a happy life”可知,慷慨给予是幸福生活的一种方式。故选B。
I did not pass the boys’ basketball tryouts (预选赛) in the seventh grade. Making the team was very important to me, 111 my name was not on the list (名单).
On my way (to) 112 , I was both angry and upset. “I can’t believe I didn’t make the team,” I said loudly. “How did Alex make the team He can’t keep up with a tortoise (乌龟)! Why is Jimmy a 113 choice (选择) than me He just stands around moving his arms!”
“Adam!” my mom said, cutting me off. “Why don’t you just stop and think Maybe you need a little more 114 .”
Suddenly, I knew she was right. It was 115 mistake but my own. I decided to work hard for the team over the next year.
I practiced hard every day and 116 lessons every week.
When summer came, I 117 lots of basketball camps. Through camp after camp, my abilities grew, and I knew I was ready 118 tryouts in the fall.
The day finally came. As everyone crowded around the lists, I played it cool and waited for my chance to read the names. I 119 looked down the list. Not only did I make it on the list, but my name was the very first!
So you see, nothing is 120 if you keep on working hard!
111.A.because B.or C.and D.but
112.A.home B.school C.the library D.the shop
113.A.bad B.worse C.good D.better
114.A.money B.help C.food D.practice
115.A.somebody’s B.anybody’s C.nobody’s D.everybody’s
116.A.had B.has C.having D.to have
117.A.joined in B.made sure of C.looked for D.made preparations for
118.A.of B.in C.for D.about
119.A.sadly B.slowly C.differently D.comfortably
120.A.possible B.impossible C.interesting D.boring
111.D 112.A 113.D 114.D 115.C 116.A 117.A 118.C 119.B 120.B
home家;school学校;the library图书馆;the shop商店。根据“On my way...”以及“my mom said”可知是回家了。故选A。
bad坏的;worse更糟的;good好的;better更好的。根据“Why is Jimmy a...choice than me”可知作者抱怨为什么选择了吉米,可见作者想知道为什么吉姆是一个更好的选择。故选D。
money钱;help帮助;food食物;practice练习。根据“I decided to work hard for the team over the next year.”可知是需要更多的练习。故选D。
somebody’s某人的;anybody’s任何人的;nobody’s没有人的;everybody’s所有人的。根据“It was...mistake but my own”可知是我自己的错误,不是其他人的错误,用nobody。故选C。
had有,have的过去分词和过去式;has有,have 的第三人称单数现在时形式;having有,have的现在分词;to have拥有,动词不定式。根据“I practiced hard every day and...lessons”可知此处用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故选A。
joined in参加;made sure of确保;looked for寻找;made preparations for为……做准备。根据“lots of basketball camps”可知是参见了很多训练营。故选A。
of属于……的;in在里面;for给;about关于。be ready for“准备好”。故选C。
sadly悲伤地;slowly缓慢地;differently不同地;comfortably舒服地。根据“looked down the list”可知是慢慢地看名单。故选B。
possible可能的;impossible不可能的;interesting有趣的;boring无聊的。根据“if you keep on working hard”可知如果努力没有什么是不可能的。故选B。
Jenny was my grandma. She came into the world in 1918 and died in 2008. She didn’t live to be 100 years old, 121 she had a good long life. She was a 122 70 years ago. She taught in Africa for many years. Then she 123 Africa and moved to Malaysia. She taught English there for a few years. At that time, people didn’t travel by 124 , so she traveled by ship. It 125 her three months to go by ship from England to Malaysia in those days. In 1947, she traveled by plane for the first time. This new transportation made traveling a lot 126 . She didn’t stop teaching until she was seventy-five years old.
Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at 127 stories. I always heard her talk about her stories. They were very interesting, and I would like to listen to her when I was 128 . It was amazing that she could remember 129 though she was old. I think it was because she 130 stopped working and thinking. My grandmother was really a great woman.
121.A.but B.so C.or D.and
122.A.nurse B.doctor C.teacher D.singer
123.A.visited B.got to C.stayed in D.left
124.A.plane B.ship C.train D.bus
125.A.spent B.paid C.had D.took
126.A.worse B.harder C.quicker D.safer
127.A.writing B.acting C.hearing D.telling
128.A.tired B.old C.free D.thirsty
129.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.nobody
130.A.always B.never C.sometimes D.usually
121.A 122.C 123.D 124.A 125.D 126.C 127.D 128.C 129.C 130.B
but但是;so所以;or或者;and和。根据“She didn’t live to be 100 years old,…she had a good long life.”可知,前后两句是转折关系,but表转折。故选A。
nurse护士;doctor医生;teacher老师;singer歌手。根据“She taught in Africa for many years”可知,她是一名老师。故选C。
visited参观;got to到达;stayed in待在……里;left离开。根据“moved to Malaysia”可知,她离开非洲搬到马来西亚。故选D。
plane飞机;ship船;train火车;bus公交车。根据下文“she traveled by plane for the first time.”可知,这是她第一次坐飞机,因此此处指的是人们还没有乘飞机旅行。故选A。
spent花费,主语是人;paid花费,主语是人;had有;took花费,主语通常是it。根据主语“it”可知,考查的句型是“it takes/took sb. some time to do sth.”表示“花费某人多长时间做某事”。故选D。
worse更差的;harder更努力的;quicker更快的;safer更安全的。根据“In 1947, she traveled by plane for the first time.”以及常识可知,飞机使旅行变得更快。故选C。
writing写;acting表演;hearing听;telling讲。根据“I always heard her talk about her stories.”可知,我总是听她讲故事,因此推出她擅长讲故事。故选D。
tired疲惫的;old老的;free空闲的;thirsty口渴的。根据“I would like to listen to her when I was…”可知,我空闲的时候会听她讲故事。故选C。
nothing什么都没有;something一些事;everything所有事;nobody没有人。根据“It was amazing”可知,我惊讶的是她记得所有的事情。故选C。
always总是;never从不;sometimes有时;usually通常。根据“I think it was because she…stopped working and thinking.”可知,她记忆力好是因为她从未停止工作和思考。故选B。
American boys and girls love to watch TV. Some children 131 six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturdays or Sundays.
A child can learn geographical (地理学的) things from 132 . Some shows help children to learn the news from other parts of the 133 . Some programs show people places from other countries or other times in history. Children can watch a play, a concert, or a soccer 134 at home. Some programs even 135 children how to use computers or how to cook. It’s 136 to watch TV.
But as the saying goes: Every coin has two sides. One problem from American kids is that they watch 137 TV. They don’t have much 138 to do other activities.
Playing, reading and spending time with friends and families are much 139 than sitting in front of a TV. Another problem is that not all programs are 140 ones. Children also learn something bad from TV.
131.A.make B.take C.spend D.get
132.A.class B.family C.TV D.computer
133.A.family B.school C.world D.class
134.A.game B.player C.team D.club
135.A.teach B.like C.mind D.make
136.A.bad B.fun C.boring D.meaningless
137.A.a little B.little C.too much D.too many
138.A.money B.time C.information D.news
139.A.more meaningless B.better C.worse D.more boring
140.A.bad B.interesting C.good D.boring
131.C 132.C 133.C 134.A 135.A 136.B 137.C 138.B 139.B 140.C
make使,制作;take花费,it作形式主语;spend花费,人作主语;get得到。根据“six hours a day in school”可知,一天花6个小时在学校,sb spends+时间+in,表示“在……上花费时间”,故选C。
class班级;family家庭;TV电视;computer电脑。根据“Some shows…Some programs”及“watch TV”可知,是从电视中学到的,故选C。
family家庭;school学校;world世界;country国家。根据“learn the news from other parts of the”及“Some programs show people places from other countries”可知,了解来自世界其他地方的新闻,故选C。
game比赛;player运动员;team队;club俱乐部。根据“Children can watch a play, a concert, or a soccer...at home”可知,这里是说在家看足球比赛,故选A。
teach教;like喜欢;mind介意;make制造。根据“how to use computers or how to cook”可知,教给孩子们怎样使用电脑和怎样做饭,故选A。
a little一点,修饰不可数名词;little很少,修饰不可数名词;too much太多,修饰不可数名词;too many太多,修饰复数名词。根据“They don’t have much … to do other activities.”可知,看电视太多,没有时间做其他的活动,修饰TV用much。故选C。
money金钱;time时间;information信息;news新闻。根据“One problem from American kids is that they watch…TV”可知,他们看电视太多,没有时间做其他的事情,故选B。
more meaningless更无意义的;better更好的;worse更差的;more boring更无聊的。本段说的是看电视的弊端,所以此处指玩耍、阅读、与朋友和家人共度时光这些活动都比看电视好,故选B。
bad坏的;interesting有趣的;good好的;boring无聊的。根据“Children also learn something bad from TV.”可知,并不是所有的节目都是好的,故选C。
Once in a small village, there was a poor farmer. He had a friend. 141 friend was famous for the wonderful apples he grew.
One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and 142 it. The farmer was 143 with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know 144 to plant it.
He was 145 that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers (people he doesn’t know) would steal(偷)the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors (people near his home) would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. 146 he planted the tree in his wood(树林)where no one could see it. But there was no sunlight, the tree soon died.
Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in 147 a poor place. “What’s the 148 ” the farmer said angrily. “If I planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If I planted the tree in one of my field, my neighbors would come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I planted it near my house, my own children would take the fruit.” “Yes,” said the friend, “but at least 149 could enjoy the fruit. Now you not only make 150 people have the fruit, but also make a good apple tree die!”
141.A.The B.A C.An D./
142.A.discuss B.plant C.build D.send
143.A.angry B.sad C.serious D.glad
144.A.where B.when C.how D.why
145.A.careful B.common C.afraid D.happy
146.A.Clearly B.Certainly C.Finally D.Seriously
147.A.such B.so C.little D.few
148.A.promise B.preparation C.relationship D.difference
149.A.nothing B.something C.someone D.everyone
150.A.many B.no C.some D.any
141.A 142.B 143.D 144.C 145.C 146.C 147.A 148.D 149.C 150.B
discuss讨论;plant种植;build建立;send发送。根据“to plant it.”可知,要种植这个苹果树,故选B。
angry生气的;sad难过的;serious严肃的;glad开心的。根据“The farmer was … with the gift”可知,收到礼物很开心,故选D。
where在哪里;when何时;how如何;why为什么。根据“did not know…to plant it”可知,不知道如何种植,故选C。
careful仔细的;common平常的;afraid害怕的;happy开心的。根据“strangers (people he doesn’t know) would steal(偷)the fruit”可知,担心陌生人会偷走苹果,故选C。
such如此;so如此;little没有多少的;few没有多少的。such a+形容词+单数表示,表示“如此一个……”,故选A。
promise承诺;preparation准备;relationship关系;difference区别。根据“If I planted the tree near the road, …my own children would take the fruit”可知,认为自己把树栽在这么贫瘠的地方,与栽在其他的地方被别人拿走果实,没什么区别,故选D。
nothing没什么;something某物;someone某人;everyone每个人。根据“could enjoy the fruit”可知,有人可以享受到果实,故选C。
many许多;no没有;some一些;any任何。根据“he planted the tree in his wood(树林)where no one could see it. But there was no sunlight, the tree soon died.”可知,他把果树栽在没有人的地方,果树死了,所以最终并没有人享受到这个果实,故选B。
A professor stood before his class and had some things in front of him. When the class began, he picked up a large 151 jar (玻璃罐) and began to fill it with rocks. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then 152 a box of pebbles (鹅卵石) and poured (倒) them into the jar. The pebbles, of course, rolled (滚 动) into the open areas 153 the rocks. The students laughed. He asked his students again 154 the jar was full. They agreed that yes, it was.
The professor then picked up a box of 155 and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked the 156 question. The students answered “Yes” again.
“Now,” said the professor. “I want you to know that this is your 157 . The rocks are the important things—your family, your health, your children. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter—like your job, your house. The sand is everything else, the 158 things. If you put the sand or the pebbles 159 the jar in the beginning, there is no room for the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you 160 all your time and energy on the small things, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.”
151.A.heavy B.full C.empty D.light
152.A.got up B.woke up C.picked up D.looked up
153.A.above B.behind C.in front of D.between
154.A.until B.if C.when D.because
155.A.sand B.pebbles C.water D.rocks
156.A.same B.difficult C.easy D.different
157.A.job B.life C.money D.house
158.A.big B.small C.interesting D.boring
159.A.up B.on C.into D.down
160.A.take B.pay C.cost D.spend
151.C 152.C 153.D 154.B 155.A 156.A 157.B 158.B 159.C 160.D
heavy重的;full满的;empty空的;light轻的。根据“began to fill it with rocks”可知,玻璃罐是空的。故选C。
got up起床;woke up醒来;picked up拿起;looked up查阅。根据“a box of pebbles (鹅卵石) and poured (倒) them into the jar”可知,教授应是“拿起”一盒鹅卵石。故选C。
above在……上面;behind在……后面;in front of在……前面;between在……之间。此处指石头与石头之间的空隙,强调两两之间,应用介词between。故选D。
until直到;if是否;when当……时;because因为。根据上文“He then asked the students if the jar was full.”和“again”可知,此处指教授问学生们罐子是否满了。故选B。
sand沙子;pebbles鹅卵石;water水;rocks岩石。根据“Of course, the sand filled up everything else.”可知,此处指一盒沙子。故选A。
same相同的;difficult困难的;easy容易的;different不同的。根据“The students answered ‘Yes’ again.”可知,教授又问了同样的问题。故选A。
job工作;life生活;money钱;house房屋。根据下文“The pebbles are the other things in life that matter”可知,此处表示罐子代表你们的“生活”。故选B。
big大的;small小的;interesting有趣的;boring无聊的。根据下文“on the small things”可知,沙子指生活中的小事情。故选B。
up向上;on在……上面;into到……里面;down向下。根据“If you put the sand or the pebbles ... the jar in the beginning”可知,此处指首先把沙子或鹅卵石放进罐子;put ... into“把……放进……”。故选C。
take拿走;pay付款;cost花费,物作主语;spend花费,人作主语。根据“If you ... all your time and energy on the small things”可知,此处指花费时间,用spend,spend time on sth.“花费时间在……上”。故选D。
Nadya Alborz is an 11-year-old girl and she loves baking (烘焙). “On a free day, I always bake what I want,” says Nadya. “It’s fun and I can be 161 .”
When she was younger, she didn’t like cartoons, but she 162 to watch lots of cooking shows. One day, she told her parents, “I plan to be a cook 163 the future. ’”
“I was worried at first because I don’t like a dirty 164 , ” said Nadya’s mom. “But when I saw the talent in her, I 165 to help her.” Nadya’s family even bought some children’s cookbooks to help her learn.
Believe it or not, the little girl just became the 166 of the “Kids Baking Championship” (儿童烘焙大赛) in 2022. 167 , she doesn’t like eating cakes at all. She just enjoys baking for family and friends because she likes watching people enjoy her cakes without having to eat them 168 . Her little brother is always the first person to 169 her cakes. He really helped her 170 the competition.
Winning the show gave her many sweet memories because she was happy to meet people with the same hobby.
161.A.loud B.creative C.boring D.hard
162.A.love B.loves C.loved D.will love
163.A.in B.on C.at D.after
164.A.factory B.school C.kitchen D.library
165.A.traveled B.refused C.waited D.decided
166.A.winner B.heart C.prize D.result
167.A.Because B.However C.Although D.And
168.A.himself B.herself C.themselves D.itself
169.A.taste B.grow C.send D.build
170.A.wait for B.care for C.ask for D.prepare for
161.B 162.C 163.A 164.C 165.D 166.A 167.B 168.B 169.A 170.D
loud大声的;creative有创造力的;boring无聊的;hard困难的。根据“I always bake what I want”可知,她总是烘焙她想要的面包,说明是富有创造力的。故选B。
love爱,动词原形;loves动词的三单形式;loved动词的过去式/过去分词;will love将来时态。根据“was”和“didn’t”可知,时态为一般过去时。故选C。
in在……里面;on在……上面;at在;after在……之后。in the future“在未来”,为固定短语。故选A。
traveled旅行;refused拒绝;waited等待;decided决定。根据“Nadya’s family even bought some children’s cookbooks to help her learn.”可知,纳迪亚的妈妈决定帮助她,decide to do sth“决定做某事”。故选D。
Because因为;However然而;Although虽然;And和。根据前文“she loves baking”和“she doesn’t like eating cakes at all.”可知,是转折关系。故选B。
himself他自己;herself她自己;themselves他/她/它们自己;itself它自己。根据“she doesn’t like eating cakes at all.”
专题06 完形填空30篇
An old man was fishing on the bank of a river. A child came to see him fishing. The old man was really good 1 fishing and it didn’t take long for him to 2 a full basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish. But the child 3 her head. The old man was 4 and asked. “Why don’t you want the fish ”
The child answered. “I want the fishing rod (杆) in your hands. ”
The old man asked. “Why do you want the rod ”
“It doesn’t take long to eat all the fish in a basket. But if I have the fishing rod, I can go 5 by myself and I won’t be afraid of not having any more fish to eat. ”
I think you will 6 say that the child is very smart. Wrong! If she doesn’t know 7 to fish, she can not have fish to eat, even though she has the fishing rod. It’s 8 to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the 9 important, not the fishing rod.
Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life, they will 10 fear the wind and rain. They are just like the child, who thought that if she had a fishing rod, she would have fish to eat.
1.A.in B.at C.with D.for
2.A.catch B.bring C.take D.carry
3.A.nodded B.shook C.carried D.lifted
4.A.excited B.worried C.surprised D.interested
5.A.fish B.fishes C.fished D.fishing
6.A.certainly B.mainly C.finally D.exactly
7.A.what B.how C.when D.where
8.A.homeless B.harmless C.careless D.useless
9.A.more B.most C.least D.less
10.A.not longer B.not long C.no longer D.no long
Many kids are interested in space. Last month, a space agency (机构) told people that they were 11 “a planet protection (保护) officer”, Some people laughed at the funny job, but a 9-year-old boy took the information 12 . He wrote to the agency, saying that he wanted the job.
“Dear sirs, my name is Sam Lee. I think I am the 13 person for the job,” he wrote. What are Sam’s 14 for getting the job “For one,” he wrote, “my sister says I act like an alien (外星人).” Sam also said he watched almost all the 15 movies he could find. His last words may 16 people’s hearts: “I am young, so I can learn to think like an alien.” Sam soon got a 17 from Bill Black. “We know what you said. It is great that you are interested in the job. Many people may not know the astronauts brought back some things from other 18 . This job is to stop the earth from germs (细菌) on these things.” Bill ended with some warm words to ask Sam to study hard and do well in school. “We 19 to see you at the agency one day.” He wrote.
“Some of the kids are 20 space scientists,” Bill told a newspaper, “We expect what we say can help them keep on their space dream.”
11.A.making up B.looking for C.caring about D.talking about
12.A.easily B.quietly C.seriously D.clearly
13.A.right B.simple C.main D.real
14.A.reasons B.mind C.plans D.hobbies
15.A.action B.scary C.comedy D.space
16.A.touch B.hang C.cover D.lose
17.A.job B.test C.reply D.ticket
18.A.sea B.countries C.planets D.culture
19.A.agree B.accept C.plan D.hope
20.A.famous B.future C.dangerous D.normal
It was a sunny afternoon. Sam and his sister Lily were helping Mom 21 the room.
“Hey, Sam,” said Mom. “Would you please take these paper-towel tubes (纸巾内管) out ” Sam looked at the tubes and something came to him. He asked, “Could I use them to make a 22 ” “Great idea!” said Mom. “Do we have any other good recycling materials (可回收材料) ” asked Sam. “Come on. Let’s go and see what else we can 23 in our house,” said Mom.
Then, they walked around. “This box would be good,” Sam said. “But you 24 it with many books.” “I am going to put those books on the shelves (书架). Can you give me a hand Then you can have the box,” said Mom, “Sure, no problem!” said Sam. “Now I only need several more things.” Sam 25 carried all his materials. He sat on the floor, 26 and gluing (粘贴) all afternoon.
“I like your robot,” said Lily. “Thanks. But his 27 can’t work now, and I can’t make it,” said Sam. “Hmm,” said Lily. She got an idea. She 28 . With an old hat she ran right back. “Remember this hat ” asked Lily. “I wore it when I was a baby. Now it’s too 29 for me. What about making its head ” “Thanks, it’s good!” said Sam. “What do you think, Mr. Robot ”
“I love it and you are really 30 in making things out of recycling materials,” said Mr. Robot in a funny voice.
21.A.clean B.dig C.build D.print
22.A.hat B.book C.robot D.plane
23.A.run B.listen C.buy D.find
24.A.filled B.covered C.sent D.chose
25.A.sadly B.seriously C.angrily D.happily
26.A.jumping B.cutting C.shaking D.cooking
27.A.head B.arm C.hand D.leg
28.A.dressed up B.ran away C.turned down D.found out
29.A.big B.small C.wet D.new
30.A.surprised B.afraid C.talented D.strict
Not long ago, I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more knowledge (知识). So I went to the library and 31 happily with several books. But after a few days, I felt impatient (不耐烦的). The idea of finishing all of them seemed 32 , because I always found it hard to calm down (平静下来) to read a whole book. I didn’t know 33 to do with it. Then suddenly one day I thought of “Why not make reading for fun ” It gave me 34 again. 35 is a journey (旅行) of the mind. Every time we read a book, we felt like we were talking 36 the writer. I tried to go into his or her world, 37 I could feel all of his or her happiness and sadness. Now books have become a part of my life.
See Attitude (态度) can make a great 38 . Someone once said, “When we meet the problems in our life, we can 39 our attitude towards them.” So, don’t complain (抱怨) about study or work because it helps 40 . Try to see things from a different way. Believe me, this will change the situation (改变状况) and help you a lot.
31.A.talked about B.gave back C.brought back D.came back
32.A.easy B.difficult C.different D.important
33.A.how B.what C.when D.which
34.A.time B.knowledge C.hope D.mind
35.A.Dancing B.Watching C.Writing D.Reading
36.A.about B.with C.for D.at
37.A.but B.though C.so D.because
38.A.difference B.result C.decision D.information
39.A.take B.choose C.share D.speak
40.A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing
Resolution is a word with more than one meaning. However, when talking about a New Year, a resolution is a 41 people make to themselves to be better. The person decides to take something 42 for the next 12 months.
Many people use the start of a New Year as a time to try 43 new or make changes. This use of resolution 44 in the late 1700s. These earlier resolutions were usually about religion (宗教). However, these days, New Year’s resolutions are usually about living more healthily, being more 45 and finding greater happiness in life.
Some people may make a New Year’s resolution only to improve their life. Others may feel they are certainly 46 to change everything. These people may use the New Year as a time to make themselves 47 . Some people may 48 their resolutions and plans to remember them easily.
49 the beginning of a New Year, you can have a new start. This means you can simply wash away all the mistakes you made in the past year. But try to learn from these mistakes. If not, you may find yourself making the same mistakes again. Sometimes the resolutions may be too 50 to keep. Please remember changes can’t be easy, but they can help us to have a better future!
41.A.reason B.promise C.show D.rule
42.A.quietly B.necessarily C.quickly D.seriously
43.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
44.A.ended B.served C.started D.kept
45.A.dangerous B.traditional C.difficult D.successful
46.A.upset B.ready C.careful D.hungry
47.A.worse B.lazier C.better D.busier
48.A.cut out B.turn on C.bring out D.write down
49.A.On B.At C.For D.By
50.A.hard B.easy C.happy D.different
It was a winter morning in the city of London, England. The weather was very 51 and a lot of people were sick (生病的). 52 there were many people in the doctor’s waiting room.
Among them was an old woman. The woman lived in the countryside. She came to the city to visit her daughter. She was waiting to see the doctor because there was 53 wrong with her back.
The old woman wanted to see the doctor as soon as possible. So she arrived 54 . She was at the front of the queue (队伍) and sat closest to the doctor’s door.
After a while, an American came 55 the waiting room. He walked quickly to the doctor’s room. The old woman 56 he was a queue jumper. She was very 57 . She stood up and took his arm. Slowly she said, “We’re all before you. You must wait for your 58 . Do you understand ”
The American answered, “No, madam. You don’t understand. You’re all after me. I’m the 59 !”
Everyone 60 the woman’s mistake.
51.A.hot B.cold C.warm D.fine
52.A.So B.But C.Because D.If
53.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something
54.A.usually B.carefully C.early D.late
55.A.off B.from C.out D.into
56.A.thought B.knew C.saw D.heard
57.A.happy B.scared C.angry D.surprised
58.A.exam B.turn C.reply D.service
59.A.doctor B.police C.actor D.farmer
60.A.cared about B.played a part in C.laughed at D.looked forward to
Long long time ago, there were three small fish living in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to 61 each other day after day. When they grew up, they hoped to swim farther. They were able to swim farther and farther later.
Unluckily, a big wave (浪) 62 the three fish to a shallow (浅的) water one early morning. It took a small boat there, too. It was hard 63 the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was in front of them and stopped 64 . The largest fish found out the water was so shallow that they were very 65 . He said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish 66 with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was enough room (空间) for them, 67 they didn’t need to worry at all. He swam around as 68 as he did in the sea before.
The largest fish tried over and over again, and he finally went back to the 69 by jumping over the lowest part (最低处) of the boat. The second largest fish also did so following his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didn’t follow them and still swam happily in the shallow water.
Two hours later, the 70 rose up (升起), and the shallow water was dry soon. The youngest fish died because there wasn’t any water there.
61.A.look over B.look at C.look after D.look up
62.A.brought B.put C.added D.took
63.A.to B.with C.for D.as
64.A.them B.us C.it D.her
65.A.easy B.enjoyable C.dangerous D.happy
66.A.agreed B.disagreed C.refused D.talked
67.A.because B.so C.when D.but
68.A.slowly B.healthily C.happily D.luckily
69.A.lake B.river C.sea D.mountain
70.A.air B.stars C.moon D.sun
Hello, I am Wang Yaping. I am a(n) 71 . Let me tell you something about my daily life in space.
Without gravity (重力), everyone floats (漂浮) around in the 72 . It is dangerous to float away somewhere when we 73 . So when we go to bed, we have to protect our bodies in sleeping bags. In the morning, the first thing I do is to say hello to my beautiful 74 friend—the Earth. We can eat meals just like you do at home. But all the food is 75 . Food without water is hard to eat, so we sometimes put it into water before eating. And 76 is not easy. We need to be very careful when we drink water.
We often 77 for long hours. Sometimes we work in the spaceship. Sometimes work out of the spaceship. That is to say, we work in the real space. So we often have to get up 78 and go to bed late. But life in space is never 79 . In our free time, we can enjoy ourselves by reading and listening to music. We usually take photos of the 80 . It is our home. How do you think my life in space
71.A.teacher B.astronaut C.professor D.engineer
72.A.classroom B.factory C.library D.spaceship
73.A.study B.sleep C.sit D.speak
74.A.blue B.yellow C.green D.black
75.A.big B.wet C.dry D.small
76.A.breathing B.drinking C.eating D.flying
77.A.play B.sing C.teach D.work
78.A.early B.late C.easily D.slowly
79.A.dangerous B.busy C.boring D.important
80.A.Sun B.Moon C.stars D.Earth
Actually, many students think they are too common. They think they are not the best or the 81 . But in fact, these students don’t know how special they are. When they see some outstanding players or popular movie stars, they usually say to themselves, “Am I outstanding What am I going to be when I 82 ”
Growing up means understanding what we can do and what we can offer to the world. When we are young, we can’t see that. But when we get 83 , we may know that just by being 84 , we do offer something to other people. 85 we aren’t the prettiest, but that doesn’t mean we are “not special”.
Think 86 your friends. Write down some things that you like about them. Think about why you are friends. Although they aren’t the smartest or the prettiest or the most talented, they are great 87 their own ways, but in the end, you are best friends, so they feel just the 88 as you!
In fact, it is great to be the best at something, 89 if you are not the best, It’s OK. If you just live your life and try hard, you are still pretty amazing. And you can 90 your dream come true.
81.A.cleverest B.biggest C.fattest D.smallest
82.A.give up B.grow up C.stay up D.wake up
83.A.older B.younger C.stronger D.longer
84.A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves D.yourselves
85.A.Usually B.Finally C.Immediately D.Probably
86.A.over B.aloud C.about D.to
87.A.on B.with C.for D.in
88.A.same B.different C.confidence D.sense
89.A.or B.but C.so D.and
90.A.make B.carry C.take D.realize
根据短文内容,从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
At 8:00, the sun was shining up in the sky. Jeannie painted “Lemunaid: five cents a glass!” and put the sign up at the gate of her yard.
Her neighbour, Mr. Brown, was walking by. He stopped, 91 to the sign and said, “You didn’t spell lemonade right. It should be spelled L-e-m-o-n-a-d-e.”
“Thank you,” said Jeannie. “I’ll 92 the word so I know how to spell it in the future.”
All 93 , people stopped to tell Jeannie about her spelling mistake. And right 94 leaving, they all bought a glass of lemonade.
A few hours later, Mr. Brown came back. This time, he had something 95 him. “Guess what ” he asked.
“I am 96 , Mr. Brown. Just let me know, please,” asked Jeannie.
“Look. A sign with the right spelling of Lemonade. I saw that you have been too busy to make a new sign by 97 . So, I made one for you,” he told Jeannie.
“Thank you, Mr. Brown. Yes, it’s true that lemonade is spelled wrong. But my sign is just right,” said Jeannie.
“ 98 ” said Mr. Brown.
“Everyone stops to tell me about the 99 .” said Jeannie. “And then, they always buy lemonade.” Jeannie held up a bottle full of money and 100 .
91.A.came B.went C.pointed D.got
92.A.make up B.write down C.cut down D.prepare for
93.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night
94.A.after B.before C.as D.until
95.A.on B.to C.like D.with
96.A.busy B.hungry C.free D.angry
97.A.myself B.yourselves C.yourself D.ourselves
98.A.Why B.What C.When D.Where
99.A.part B.joke C.mistake D.activity
100.A.cried B.shouted C.thought D.smiled
Everybody may get unhappy. That’s 101 people eat a lot of junk food or spend lots of money on clothes. They think that these things will make them feel happy! In fact, it is easy to 102 happiness, if you just learn to be a giver.
First of all, giving money and food to the poor (贫穷的) people is a good thing to do. It may bring more happiness 103 anything else. Think about this, a boy has nothing, and you give 104 some food or just a candy, then you’ll see a big smile (微笑) on his face. If you give your 105 to those people in need, you will feel happy after you help them. Maybe you’ll find this is the 106 time of your life. Finally, spending time with your family is also necessary though you are so busy that you don’t have 107 time to meet them very week.
The happiest people don’t think of what they can get 108 others. However, the unhappiest people are always asking for something and never 109 others. So my dear friends, start the habit of being a Big Giver, and then you will know one of the 110 to live a happy life.
101.A.because B.why C.how D.what
102.A.get B.make C.give D.see
103.A.then B.than C.that D.there
104.A.he B.him C.his D.it
105.A.foot B.head C.arm D.hand
106.A.happy B.happier C.happiest D.happily
107.A.very B.many C.enough D.simple
108.A.to B.from C.for D.about
109.A.care about B.wait for C.look for D.know about
110.A.kind B.way C.friend D.role
I did not pass the boys’ basketball tryouts (预选赛) in the seventh grade. Making the team was very important to me, 111 my name was not on the list (名单).
On my way (to) 112 , I was both angry and upset. “I can’t believe I didn’t make the team,” I said loudly. “How did Alex make the team He can’t keep up with a tortoise (乌龟)! Why is Jimmy a 113 choice (选择) than me He just stands around moving his arms!”
“Adam!” my mom said, cutting me off. “Why don’t you just stop and think Maybe you need a little more 114 .”
Suddenly, I knew she was right. It was 115 mistake but my own. I decided to work hard for the team over the next year.
I practiced hard every day and 116 lessons every week.
When summer came, I 117 lots of basketball camps. Through camp after camp, my abilities grew, and I knew I was ready 118 tryouts in the fall.
The day finally came. As everyone crowded around the lists, I played it cool and waited for my chance to read the names. I 119 looked down the list. Not only did I make it on the list, but my name was the very first!
So you see, nothing is 120 if you keep on working hard!
111.A.because B.or C.and D.but
112.A.home B.school C.the library D.the shop
113.A.bad B.worse C.good D.better
114.A.money B.help C.food D.practice
115.A.somebody’s B.anybody’s C.nobody’s D.everybody’s
116.A.had B.has C.having D.to have
117.A.joined in B.made sure of C.looked for D.made preparations for
118.A.of B.in C.for D.about
119.A.sadly B.slowly C.differently D.comfortably
120.A.possible B.impossible C.interesting D.boring
Jenny was my grandma. She came into the world in 1918 and died in 2008. She didn’t live to be 100 years old, 121 she had a good long life. She was a 122 70 years ago. She taught in Africa for many years. Then she 123 Africa and moved to Malaysia. She taught English there for a few years. At that time, people didn’t travel by 124 , so she traveled by ship. It 125 her three months to go by ship from England to Malaysia in those days. In 1947, she traveled by plane for the first time. This new transportation made traveling a lot 126 . She didn’t stop teaching until she was seventy-five years old.
Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at 127 stories. I always heard her talk about her stories. They were very interesting, and I would like to listen to her when I was 128 . It was amazing that she could remember 129 though she was old. I think it was because she 130 stopped working and thinking. My grandmother was really a great woman.
121.A.but B.so C.or D.and
122.A.nurse B.doctor C.teacher D.singer
123.A.visited B.got to C.stayed in D.left
124.A.plane B.ship C.train D.bus
125.A.spent B.paid C.had D.took
126.A.worse B.harder C.quicker D.safer
127.A.writing B.acting C.hearing D.telling
128.A.tired B.old C.free D.thirsty
129.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.nobody
130.A.always B.never C.sometimes D.usually
American boys and girls love to watch TV. Some children 131 six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturdays or Sundays.
A child can learn geographical (地理学的) things from 132 . Some shows help children to learn the news from other parts of the 133 . Some programs show people places from other countries or other times in history. Children can watch a play, a concert, or a soccer 134 at home. Some programs even 135 children how to use computers or how to cook. It’s 136 to watch TV.
But as the saying goes: Every coin has two sides. One problem from American kids is that they watch 137 TV. They don’t have much 138 to do other activities.
Playing, reading and spending time with friends and families are much 139 than sitting in front of a TV. Another problem is that not all programs are 140 ones. Children also learn something bad from TV.
131.A.make B.take C.spend D.get
132.A.class B.family C.TV D.computer
133.A.family B.school C.world D.class
134.A.game B.player C.team D.club
135.A.teach B.like C.mind D.make
136.A.bad B.fun C.boring D.meaningless
137.A.a little B.little C.too much D.too many
138.A.money B.time C.information D.news
139.A.more meaningless B.better C.worse D.more boring
140.A.bad B.interesting C.good D.boring
Once in a small village, there was a poor farmer. He had a friend. 141 friend was famous for the wonderful apples he grew.
One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and 142 it. The farmer was 143 with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know 144 to plant it.
He was 145 that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers (people he doesn’t know) would steal(偷)the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors (people near his home) would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. 146 he planted the tree in his wood(树林)where no one could see it. But there was no sunlight, the tree soon died.
Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in 147 a poor place. “What’s the 148 ” the farmer said angrily. “If I planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If I planted the tree in one of my field, my neighbors would come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I planted it near my house, my own children would take the fruit.” “Yes,” said the friend, “but at least 149 could enjoy the fruit. Now you not only make 150 people have the fruit, but also make a good apple tree die!”
141.A.The B.A C.An D./
142.A.discuss B.plant C.build D.send
143.A.angry B.sad C.serious D.glad
144.A.where B.when C.how D.why
145.A.careful B.common C.afraid D.happy
146.A.Clearly B.Certainly C.Finally D.Seriously
147.A.such B.so C.little D.few
148.A.promise B.preparation C.relationship D.difference
149.A.nothing B.something C.someone D.everyone
150.A.many B.no C.some D.any
A professor stood before his class and had some things in front of him. When the class began, he picked up a large 151 jar (玻璃罐) and began to fill it with rocks. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then 152 a box of pebbles (鹅卵石) and poured (倒) them into the jar. The pebbles, of course, rolled (滚 动) into the open areas 153 the rocks. The students laughed. He asked his students again 154 the jar was full. They agreed that yes, it was.
The professor then picked up a box of 155 and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked the 156 question. The students answered “Yes” again.
“Now,” said the professor. “I want you to know that this is your 157 . The rocks are the important things—your family, your health, your children. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter—like your job, your house. The sand is everything else, the 158 things. If you put the sand or the pebbles 159 the jar in the beginning, there is no room for the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you 160 all your time and energy on the small things, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.”
151.A.heavy B.full C.empty D.light
152.A.got up B.woke up C.picked up D.looked up
153.A.above B.behind C.in front of D.between
154.A.until B.if C.when D.because
155.A.sand B.pebbles C.water D.rocks
156.A.same B.difficult C.easy D.different
157.A.job B.life C.money D.house
158.A.big B.small C.interesting D.boring
159.A.up B.on C.into D.down
160.A.take B.pay C.cost D.spend
Nadya Alborz is an 11-year-old girl and she loves baking (烘焙). “On a free day, I always bake what I want,” says Nadya. “It’s fun and I can be 161 .”
When she was younger, she didn’t like cartoons, but she 162 to watch lots of cooking shows. One day, she told her parents, “I plan to be a cook 163 the future. ’”
“I was worried at first because I don’t like a dirty 164 , ” said Nadya’s mom. “But when I saw the talent in her, I 165 to help her.” Nadya’s family even bought some children’s cookbooks to help her learn.
Believe it or not, the little girl just became the 166 of the “Kids Baking Championship” (儿童烘焙大赛) in 2022. 167 , she doesn’t like eating cakes at all. She just enjoys baking for family and friends because she likes watching people enjoy her cakes without having to eat them 168 . Her little brother is always the first person to 169 her cakes. He really helped her 170 the competition.
Winning the show gave her many sweet memories because she was happy to meet people with the same hobby.
161.A.loud B.creative C.boring D.hard
162.A.love B.loves C.loved D.will love
163.A.in B.on C.at D.after
164.A.factory B.school C.kitchen D.library
165.A.traveled B.refused C.waited D.decided
166.A.winner B.heart C.prize D.result
167.A.Because B.However C.Although D.And
168.A.himself B.herself C.themselves D.itself
169.A.taste B.grow C.send D.build
170.A.wait for B.care for C.ask for D.prepare for
It was a sunny weekend. I went to help Grandpa 171 gardening. Grandpa gave me the shears(大剪刀)and told me to trim(修剪)the branch. When he left, I started to trim. But I felt the shears were too 172 for me, so I changed to a small pair of scissors(剪刀).
Several hours 173 , Grandpa came back. He watched me with the scissors and said, “That way will take all day.” I knew he wanted to tell me, “No, do it this way.” I used to hear that a lot. Maybe people were trying to teach me 174 to do something faster or better. But Grandpa just looked at the branch he trimmed yesterday, then back at mine. After a minute, he laughed, “Your side looks 175 than mine.” I was surprised. “You mean my way isn’t wrong ” “No. Your way works just fine.” Grandpa said, “Let’s work together. You do it your way, and I’ll do it mine.”
Then we worked as a 176 . Grandpa even used my scissors when I couldn’t reach the branch. The way he used the scissors was a little strange, but I didn’t correct(纠正) 177 . His way might be a little different, 178 it got the job done.
As I grew up, I still learned from other people when they 179 me new ways, but I realized the point is not always to imitate(效仿). It is OK to do things just a little 180 . Being different is fine, and that’s why I have my own ways of doing things.
171.A.at B.with C.about D.in
172.A.big B.small C.expensive D.cheap
173.A.early B.again C.later D.ago
174.A.where B.when C.what D.how
175.A.better B.worse C.longer D.shorter
176.A.class B.school C.team D.family
177.A.her B.him C.us D.them
178.A.and B.or C.so D.but
179.A.showed B.handed C.shook D.promised
180.A.simple B.talented C.famous D.different
Hu Zhuomin is a young man living in Shanghai. He is able to speak eight languages such as English, Japanese, German and French. Earlier this year, he 181 lots of foreigners when the city was under lockdown (在封锁中) because of COVID-19.
Many foreigners living in Shanghai 182 a lot when the city went into lockdown. They were so afraid that they had no idea what to do. Hu was there to help them out. He knocked on their doors and answered questions 183 their mother languages. He made them feel warm, safe and welcome. The foreigners were very thankful to have 184 at that difficult time.
Hu is a 185 language learner. Many people think it is boring to learn a language, 186 he doesn’t agree. He learnt every language out of interest. To learn the languages well, he took many courses (课程) and read lots of 187 . He also spent a lot of free time 188 foreign TV programmes. He once got a job abroad (在国外) and 189 with people from different countries. In this way, he improved his speaking a lot.
Hu says he will 190 stop learning. Now, he is studying Russian. He just would like to learn more, have more fun and help more people.
181.A.asked B.helped C.noticed D.called
182.A.moved B.searched C.guessed D.worried
183.A.of B.about C.by D.in
184.A.us B.him C.you D.them
185.A.successful B.funny C.difficult D.slow
186.A.so B.or C.but D.and
187.A.photos B.books C.letters D.prices
188.A.checking B.watching C.buying D.making
189.A.worked B.played C.stood D.exercised
190.A.sometimes B.usualy C.always D.never
New Year’s Day is the first day of the year. Before that day, people often get together for dinner or have a party to 191 the New Year. They often count down(倒数)the hours, minutes and seconds before the New Year arrives. That evening is always relaxing and 192 .
New Year’s Day is the time of a new 193 , so people often make New Year’s resolutions. Those resolutions are 194 people hope to carry out(履行) in the new year. Most of the time those resolutions don’t last very long—that is, people don’t follow through 195 plans. However, the new year gives people a chance to improve themselves 196 better lives.
I’ve made two New Year’s resolutions this year. Now let me 197 them with you. The first one is that I’m going to become 198 . Now I go to the swimming club once a week. In the new year, I will go there more often in my free time. What’s more, I’ll go to bed 199 . In this way, I won’t feel tired in class the next day. My second New Year’s resolution is that I’m going to be more positive(积极乐观的). 200 it’s a little difficult to keep the resolutions, I will try my best. I believe I will do better in the new year.
191.A.stop B.welcome C.stand D.become
192.A.boring B.unlucky C.enjoyable D.personal
193.A.beginning B.ending C.wishing D.saying
194.A.messages B.predictions C.problems D.promises
195.A.our B.their C.your D.his
196.A.at B.in C.for D.on
197.A.share B.break C.move D.pick
198.A.richer B.healthier C.stricter D.shyer
199.A.slowly B.seriously C.lately D.early
200.A.Although B.If C.Before D.After
Life would be rather boring if we didn’t have dreams. One of my dad’s biggest 201 is to sail around the world on a sailing (航行) ship. He and his best friend always talk about it.
So this summer, they 202 to rent (租赁) a small boat and take us all for a one week vacation. That way, they could test out their skills. We rented a nice houseboat and began 203 trip on a nice sunny day. Everything went well the first day. There was no wind and everyone was 204 . It felt like their dream was coming true.
But the next day, 205 we sailed to the river that connected to the lake, a strong wind came up. It made the waves(海浪) 206 big. The boat started to bounce (颠簸) around. 207 was laughing or even talking.
The river got wider and wider. The waves were even stronger. The wind was blowing our boat far 208 land. My dad had trouble controlling the boat. He decided that we should 209 . We made it safe back to a place.
Dad said, “It is good to have dreams. 210 it is really good to test them out before you act on them.”
201.A.dreams B.problems C.mistakes D.discussions
202.A.stopped B.disliked C.refused D.decided
203.A.your B.my C.our D.her
204.A.happy B.poor C.similar D.dangerous
205.A.however B.when C.because D.so
206.A.hardly B.finally C.really D.nearly
207.A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Anybody D.Nobody
208.A.from B.at C.to D.through
209.A.turn on B.hang out C.go back D.put up
210.A.But B.Nor C.So D.Or
Watching short videos(视频) is becoming more and more popular among students, 211 they are easy to watch and kind of interesting. However, there are some 212 when they watch the videos.
Some short videos are not for the young. They are just 213 making people laugh and sometimes not good for young people. Another problem is that kids are spending too much time watching the videos. The 214 time they spend watching such videos, the less time they will have for their studies and home lives. What will 215 to these children in the future if they don’t study hard Can they find a good job It is said that if children watch short videos for an hour or two each day, slowly they would not 216 their schoolwork. At the same time, this can be bad for 217 eyes.
So I 218 young people can stop spending too much time on short videos and take their school and home lives 219 . They can spend some time doing sports to keep 220 or listening to music to relax after finishing schoolwork.
211.A.because B.so C.if D.or
212.A.programs B.prizes C.problems D.plans
213.A.questions B.jokes C.books D.magicians
214.A.shorter B.higher C.better D.more
215.A.give B.happen C.get D.want
216.A.care about B.tell about C.wait for D.look for
217.A.her B.his C.our D.their
218.A.wonder B.see C.hope D.feel
219.A.seriously B.clearly C.quietly D.easily
220.A.talented B.healthy C.different D.excited
“Problems and worries are normal (正常) in life,”says Laura. But I think talking to someone helps a lot. If we don’t talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel 221 .”
Laura once lost her 222 , and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn’t have any money. She just kept 223 of the problem again and again in her mind. “If I tell my parents, they’ll be angry!” But in the end, she talked to her parents and they were really 224 . Her dad said that he 225 made careless mistakes himself. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.“I will always remember to 226 my problems in the future!” Laura says.
Robert Hunt advises students about common 227 . He feels the same way as Laura. “It is best not to avoid our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks that you can first find someone to talk to. This person doesn’t need to be an expert (专家) like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more 228 than them, and are always there to 229 them.
In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you’re halfway to solving a problem if you talk to 230 about it.
221.A.better B.happier C.worse D.cleverer
222.A.wallet B.bike C.money D.phone
223.A.hoping B.thinking C.wishing D.expecting
224.A.seeing B.knowing C.learning D.understanding
225.A.sometimes B.always C.never D.seldom
226.A.cover B.share C.guess D.stop
227.A.questions B.answers C.ideas D.problems
228.A.friendship B.love C.truth D.experience
229.A.help B.beat C.hurt D.fail
230.A.none B.someone C.each D.no one
He was a teacher who worked at a university. 231 the age of 90, he still worked eight hours a day. His secretary ( 秘书) said, “He is old, but he forces (强迫) himself to walk ten miles from his house to the office every day. Although it takes him an hour, he 232 doing it because it gives him a feeling of success.”
A few days ago, some of his students walked out of the office in a bad mood (情绪). Then, they talked about him 233 , “He just answers ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to our questions and he always gives us so many books. Besides, he always tells us to find the answers by ourselves! He is so 234 that he never tells jokes during class.”
Later, he knew what his students talked about. He just smiled and replied, “This is the way I learned. I will always 235 my students to read when they ask me for help.” He also said, “We teachers should let students 236 try their best to solve problems by reading because it’s the easiest way for them to learn something new.”
This old man is Ezra Pound, a great teacher and a famous 237 as well. He wrote at least 70 books during his lifetime and thousands of people love his books. In his lifetime, he kept helping students who were too poor to go to school. He also told his students it’s important to 238 good hobbies like reading, exercising and so on. And you won’t be successful 239 you try your best.
Nowadays, we choose to ask others for help when we have trouble solving problems and we hardly think about 240 to work them out on our own. Ezra Pound is surely a good example for us to learn from. There is no doubt that he is the kind of person we need to remember.
231.A.In B.At C.For D.With
232.A.wishes B.minds C.enjoys D.expects
233.A.angrily B.comfortably C.happily D.quickly
234.A.serious B.normal C.famous D.creative
235.A.believe B.hope C.advise D.promise
236.A.ourselves B.themselves C.himself D.herself
237.A.scientist B.engineer C.reader D.writer
238.A.put up B.cut up C.make up D.take up
239.A.though B.if C.unless D.when
240.A.how B.what C.where D.why
Hua Xiaoying, 56, is the woman behind “Mammy Hua’s Pickles (泡菜)”.
Hua was born 241 a small village (村子) in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province. 242 her family was poor, Hua had to drop out of middle school (辍学). However, Hua 243 studying. She taught herself while she worked to help her family.
In 2015, some villagers opened a 244 in Hua’s village. Hua was a cook in the restaurant. She 245 the customers (顾客) to try her pickles for free. To her surprise, a lot of customers liked her pickles, and many people even wanted to buy 246 .
In 2016, Hua started a workshop (工坊) to make pickles. Making pickles isn’t 247 . There are more than 20 steps. Because of Hua’s hard work, now her pickles win many people’s 248 .
In 2018, Hua registered a trademark (注册商标) called “Hua Momo”. And she made about 20 different kinds of pickles. 249 , it was successful to sell at least 500 bags of pickles everyday.
Now, Hua’s workshop makes over one million yuan every year. It also helps people in her village get 250 and now they can live a better and happier life.
241.A.on B.in C.at D.of
242.A.Because B.So C.And D.But
243.A.went on B.talked about C.looked for D.shouted at
244.A.hospital B.school C.restaurant D.bookstore
245.A.gave B.welcomed C.cheated D.improved
246.A.all B.no C.any D.some
247.A.difficult B.easy C.different D.great
248.A.health B.worry C.heart D.information
249.A.Carefully B.Finally C.Heavily D.However
250.A.jobs B.cultures C.dreams D.meanings
I was riding when I found a person about a quarter of a kilometer in front of me. He was riding 251 faster than me so I decided 252 up with him. I had about a kilometer to go before my turning.
I started riding faster and faster, and I was close 253 him. After a few minutes I was only about 100 meters behind him, so I rode 254 and tried to pass him. Finally, I caught up with him and passed by. I felt so 255 , but in fact, he didn’t know we were racing.
After I passed him, I found that I was 256 focused (专注) on competing (比赛) that I missed my turning. I had to turn around and 257 the rest of my ride.
Does that happen in our life when we focus on competing with others We always like to show we are more successful in our work or study. However, we spend our time 258 after them and miss our own roads or dreams. We must make sure we can remember our dreams and make them come true.
There will always be 259 in front of us in our life. They may have a better job, a nicer car, more money and so on. We should keep our own dream and wish others well. Then our life will be full of success. 260 lose our primary dream and keep it on. Then we can walk farther and farther in our life journey.
251.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few
252.A.catch B.to catch C.catching D.caught
253.A./ B.to C.with D.from
254.A.hardly B.more hardly C.more hard D.harder
255.A.well B.good C.better D.best
256.A.such B.too C.very D.so
257.A.finished B.to finish C.finish D.finishing
258.A.to run B.running C.ran D.run
259.A.everyone B.no one C.anyone D.someone
260.A.No B.Not C.Don’t D.Doesn’t
Most people may feel very sad for a long time when they lose something important. What should you do when it happens to you Here I will share a story with you.
An old woman lost her only son. The sad woman went to a clever man and asked, “Is there any way I can throw away my 261 ”
The clever man said to her, “Go and bring 262 a seed (种子) from a home that never had sadness. I will 263 it to drive (驱赶) the sadness out of your life.” The woman went off at once to look 264 that magical seed.
First, she came to a beautiful house, knocked at (敲) the door, and asked politely, “Excuse me, I am looking for a home that 265 had sadness. Is this such a place It is very important to me.”
They told her, “You certainly didn’t come to the 266 place,” and began to describe all the sad things that happened to them.
The woman said to herself, “Who is able to 267 these people that had such sadness like me ” She stayed to make them happier 268 she went on looking for a home that never had sadness.
But wherever she went, whether (无论) in the homes of the poor or the rich, she found one sad story after 269 . She became so busy helping other people that she 270 about looking for a seed that would magically end her own sadness. She even never realized (意识到) that her helping others drove the sadness out of her life.
From this story we can learn that helping others can help us forget about our trouble and sadness.
261.A.happiness B.kindness C.sadness D.illness
262.A.me B.you C.her D.him
263.A.make B.use C.send D.lose
264.A.at B.up C.for D.after
265.A.always B.sometimes C.never D.often
266.A.wrong B.right C.clean D.dirty
267.A.catch B.need C.send D.help
268.A.before B.after C.when D.while
269.A.the other B.another C.other D.others
270.A.knew B.worried C.thought D.forgot
Gina is the only child of her parents and her parents love her very much. When she was a little child, her parents never 271 her anything. She believed that she could get everything she wanted from her parents. Also, she 272 shared things with her friends. That’s why nobody would like to play with her.
Gina was one of the 273 students in her class because she was smart and hard-working. But her good grades didn’t bring her any friend 274 Rita joined her class. No one else would like to talk to Gina 275 Rita because Rita was new here. One day, Gina told her mother Rita cried, because Rita couldn’t understand what the math teacher taught in class and made quite a few mistakes in her math homework.
“Why don’t you 276 her out ” asked her mother.
“Mummy, it has 277 to do with me.” said Gina.
“I don’t think so, dear. Rita is your friend, isn’t she And if you don’t help her, who will ” said her mother.
Seeing Rita crying again, Gina decided to help with her math. In this way, Rita began to do better 278 math. Then Rita told everyone, “Gina is 279 a great friend and she is always ready to help others.” That made Gina surprised, because it was wonderful 280 a friend. From then on, Gina was happy to help others and made some more friends.
271.A.decided B.refused C.prepared D.made
272.A.didn’t B.hard C.hardly D.doesn’t
273.A.top B.worst C.friendliest D.funniest
274.A.after B.when C.as D.until
275.A.but B.and C.with D.without
276.A.take B.work C.bring D.help
277.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything
278.A.at B.in C.for D.with
279.A.so B.what C.such D.how
280.A.to have B.had C.having D.has
Joe was an old man. The 75-year-old man lived very happily in a village and had a happy family. Joe had four grandchildren, and they visited him during their 281 .
During one vacation, Joe was 282 his home for the kids: cleaning and buying their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized he lost his favorite watch. The watch was a gift from his 283 when their first child was born. Joe loved the watch very much, especially after her death. He was very 284 about losing it.
Once his grandchildren came, they 285 him they would find the watch.
One granddaughter asked, “Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch for the last time 286 it went missing ”
“I guess when I was cleaning the barn (谷仓)!” Joe replied.
The children 287 the watch for more than two hours with Joe, but they could not find it. The kids were now also sad, but they tried to comfort (安慰) their grandfather.
One grandson went back to the barn to search again. Joe asked why he went there again But the little boy just asked the others not to follow 288 and to keep silent.
He was there for about fifteen minutes and then went back to his grandfather. He found the watch and happily gave it to Joe.
Joe was 289 and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied, “I sat there 290 making a noise, and the barn was so silent. After a few minutes, I heard the ‘tick, tick’ sound and found the watch.”
281.A.holidays B.school days C.sports days D.party time
282.A.expecting B.planning C.preparing D.celebrating
283.A.son B.daughter C.wife D.brother
284.A.glad B.upset C.comfortable D.careful
285.A.believed B.promised C.served D.advised
286.A.unless B.if C.after D.before
287.A.looked for B.looked after C.looked at D.looked back
288.A.he B.him C.his D.himself
289.A.scared B.surprised C.interested D.worried
290.A.from B.about C.with D.without
There is a big old tree in the middle of a dry land. The tree has so many branches(树枝). It 291 shadow(树荫)to lots of travelers.
One day, two travelers got to the place where the tree was. They walked for a long time in the hot sun. They were 292 hot and tired to walk any more. Luckily, they found the tree. They decided to take a rest under the tree. They slept there for a long time. When they 293 , they felt hungry and one traveler climbed up the tree to see if there was any fruit on the tree. But he was sad to see 294 to eat. He started to say some bad words about the tree. “Oh, this is just a useless tree having no fruit on it!” The other traveler said nothing about the tree but asked his friend to be quiet. However, the traveler in the tree still kept shouting at the tree.
The tree couldn’t stand the traveler 295 . He said in a sad yet strong voice, “You can’t be so 296 to me. Just look back to 297 when you got here in the hot sun! How hot and tired you were then! I gave you a cool and comfortable place to rest. You would die 298 me!”
Some of us 299 the traveler who said bad words about the tree. Sometimes kind people do much for us, 300 we forget to give thanks but only complain(抱怨). Make sure not to say bad words to the ones who have helped you.
291.A.gets B.shows C.plants D.gives
292.A.too B.very C.so D.probably
293.A.looked up B.stood up C.woke up D.grew up
294.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything
295.A.in fact B.at last C.so far D.in the beginning
296.A.nice B.sad C.angry D.unthankful
297.A.the way B.the day C.the time D.the trip
298.A.without B.with C.because of D.for
299.A.look like B.have to do with C.like D.are like
300.A.but B.however C.unluckily D.even
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



