【2023秋八上英语期末满分复习考题预测】01 单项选择100题(原卷版+解析版)

专题01 单项选择100题
1.Mary has ________ umbrella. And ________ umbrella is very beautiful.
A.an; the B.a; the C.an; an D.a; /
2.Luckily for me, I have ________ understanding mother and she works in ________ university.
A.a; a B.an; an C.a; an D.an; a
3.Sometimes we have to have classes on _________ Internet at home.
A.a B.an C.the D./
考查冠词。a一个,用于以辅音音素开头的单词;an一个,用于以元音音素开头的单词;the表特指。短语on the internet“在网上”,故选C。
4.—What do you think of Peter
—He works hard and he will be ________ useful man in the future.
A.a B./ C.the D.an
考查冠词。a一(表泛指,用于辅音音素前);an一(表泛指,用于元音音素前);the这/那(表特指)。根据“he will be...useful man in the future”可知,此处泛指一个有用的人,空后是以辅音音素发音开头的单词useful,空处应是a。故选A。
5.—What do you think of ________ movie My People My Homeland
—It is ________ enjoyable movie, I love it.
A.an, the B.the, an C.the, a D./, an
考查冠词辨析。an泛指一个,用于以元音音素开头的单词前,a泛指一个,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;the表示特指。根据“My People My Homeland”,可知此处表示特指这部电影,所以用定冠词“the”,第二个空的意思泛指是“一部令人愉快的电影”,且“enjoyable”是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用an,故选B。
6.—Have you watched the Chinese film Return to Dust
—Sure. It’s ________ excellent film with ________ sad ending.
A.an; a B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an
7.Kitty is such _________ honest student that I can always believe what she says.
A.a B.an C.the D./
考查冠词用法。a不定冠词,表泛指,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词,表特指,/零冠词。此处是such a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+that从句,其中honest以元音音素开头,其前应加an。故选B。
8.—I think English is ________ unimportant subject.
—I don’t think so. It is ________ useful tool when we talk with foreigners.
A.a, an B.an, a C.a, a D.an, an
9.My family usually have ________ dinner at half past six.
A.a B.an C.the D./
考查冠词。have dinner意为“吃晚饭”,一日三餐前面不加冠词。故选D。
10.I would like to be ________ scientist in the future. They are so great.
A.a B.an C.the D.不填
1.China’s Shenzhou 14 astronauts returned to Earth ________ December 4th, 2022.
A.at B.on C./ D.in
2.If we don’t do anything now, the environment will be ________ great danger.
A.in B.on C.with D.to
考查介词辨析。in处于;on在……上;with和;to达。根据“great danger”可知,这里表示“处于危险之中”,in great danger意为“处于极大危险之中”,故选A。
3.Mike dislikes his sister because she disagrees ________ him ________ everything.
A.with; on B.with; in C.to; on D.to; in
考查动词用法。disagree with sb. on sth.“在某事上不同意某人观点”固定用法。故选A。
4.—How soon will you be ready, Robot
—________ ten minutes.
A.At B.On C.For D.In
考查时间介词辨析。At后接具体的时刻;On后接具体一天;For后接一段时间;In后接某年某月某季节。根据How soon可知,询问多久以后,答语用in+一段时间,故选D。
5.—When will our guests arrive at the airport
—____________ the evening of this Saturday.
A.At B.Of C.In D.On
【解析】句意:——我们的客人什么时候到达机场?——这个星期六的晚上。根据时间"the evening of this Saturday"可知这是"这个星期六的晚上",是具体到了某一天的晚上,用介词on;at+时间点;of…的;in+年、月、季节等;on+具体到某一天;故答案选D。
6.Our class will play ________ Class Two this Monday.
A.at B.against C.from D.of
考查介词辨析。at在;against对抗;from从;of关于。根据“Our class will play...Class Two this Monday.”可知,是两个班对抗比赛,故选B。
7.—Look! The door is so small!
—Ha-ha, it’s for cats. People can’t go ________ it.
A.across B.in C.through D.over
考查介词辨析。across穿过,指从物体表面穿过;in在……里面;through穿过,指从物体内部穿过;over穿过,强调从上方越过。根据“The door is so small!”可知,门太小了,人们不能穿过门,从物体的空间穿过,用through。故选C。
8.Many resolutions have to do ________ self-improvement.
A.of B.for C.in D.with
考查介词辨析。of……的;for为了;in在……里;with带有,用。have to do with表示“与……有关”,固定短语。故选D。
9.The answer ________ the question is so easy.
A.of B.to C.in D.with
考查介词辨析。of……的;to到;in在里面;with和。the answer to“……的答案”,固定用法。故选B。
10.Most teenagers can’t live ________ phones. They think phones play an important role in their life.
A.with B.without C.for D.of
1.Everybody can hear you ________ you speak in a louder voice.
A.unless B.if C.so that D.although
考查连词辨析。unless除非;if如果;so that以便于;although虽然。“you speak in a louder voice”是“Everyone can hear you”的肯定条件,用if引导条件状语从句。故选B。
2.I want to buy something special for my grandmother, ________ her birthday is coming.
A.because B.but C.so D.when
考查连词辨析。because因为;but但是;so所以;when当……时。根据“I want to buy something special for my grandmother”可知,前后两句是前果后因的关系,故选A。
3.________ it was very cold, ________ my uncle still went swimming in Longxi River this morning.
A.Although; / B.Although; but C.But; although D.Because; but
4.She didn’t win the singing competition ________ she tried her best.
A.although B.if C.so D.because
考查连词辨析。although尽管;if如果;so因此;because因为。根据“She didn’t win the singing competition…she tried her best”可知,尽管她很努力,但是没有赢得歌唱比赛,故此处应该用although引导让步状语从句。故选A。
5._________ he is seventy years old, he still keeps taking exercise every morning.
A.If B.Because C.Unless D.Although
6.—Ben, let’s go to the movies.
—I’d love to, but I can’t go out ________ my mother comes home.
A.until B.but C.and D.so
考查连词辨析。until直到;but但是;and和;so因此。根据“I can’t go out…my mother comes home”可知,此处是not…until…“直到……才……”。故选A。
7.—Ling ling, you'll feel sleepy tomorrow _______ you go to bed early.
—OK, Mom. I’ll go to bed at once.
A.if B.unless C.though D.because
考查连词辨析。A. if如果,引导条件状语从句;B. unless如果不、除非,相当于if not,引导条件状语从句;C. though虽然、尽管,引导让步状语从句;D. because因为,引导原因状语从句。通过分析主从句之间的逻辑关系可知应该选择引导条件状语从句的从属连词if或unless,再根据句子所表达的含义“如果不早点睡,明天就会感到困”可知unless符合语意,排除if;故答案选B。
8.I always feel nervous ________ I talk in front of my class.
A.when B.since C.after D.before
考查连词辨析。when当……时;since自从;after在……之后;before在……之前。根据“I always feel nervous…I talk in front of my class.”可知,在全班同学面前讲话时很紧张,用when引导时间状语从句。故选A。
9.Father is too tired today. Don’t call him ________ it is necessary.
A.unless B.until C.when D.though
考查连词辨析。unless除非;until直到……为止;when当……时;though虽然,尽管。根据上文“Father is too tired today.”可知,此处使用unless引导的条件状语从句,即:除非很有必要,否则不要给他打电话。故选A。
10.She can’t go to school today ________ she is ill.
A.until B.before C.because D.although
考查连词辨析。until直到;before之前;because因为;although虽然。根据“she is ill”可知因为生病,所以不能去学校。故选C。
1.—I can’t finish the project by ________. Can you help me
—Of course.
A.myself B.ourselves C.itself D.themselves
考查反身代词。myself我自己;ourselves我们自己;itself它自己;themselves他们自己。根据“I can’t finish the project by…”可知,主语是I,所以是“我”自己不能完成项目。故选A。
2.This is Miss Green. She teaches ________ English.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
考查代词辨析。we我们,主格;us我们,宾格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词。teach sb sth“教某人某物”,空处作teach的宾语,所以用宾格代词us,故选B。
3.Our school is much better than ________.
A.them B.theirs C.their D.they
考查代词辨析。them他们,宾格;theirs他们的,名词性物主代词;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;they他们,主格。这里用名词性物主代词theirs代替their school“他们的学校”,在句中作宾语。故选B。
4.—Did the children enjoy ________ at the party
—Yes, they did.
A.themselves B.ourselves C.yourselves D.himself
考查反身代词。themselves他们自己;ourselves我们自己;yourselves你们自己;himself他自己。enjoy oneself“玩得开心”;由“the children”可知此处指“他们自己”,故选A。
5.If we keep worries to ________, things will get worse.
A.we B.us C.ours D.ourselves
考查代词辨析。we我们,主格;us我们,宾格;ours我们的,名词性物主代词;ourselves我们自己,反身代词。根据“we keep worries to...”可知是把烦恼留给自己,此处用反身代词。故选D。
6.—How is Tom in his new school
—He is doing very well. There is ________ to worry about.
A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
考查代词辨析。something某物,某事;nothing没有什么;everything每件事,一切;anything任何事物,任何事情。根据“He is doing very well.”可知,他过得很好,因此没有什么可担心的,应用复合不定代词nothing表示“没有什么”。故选B。
7.I don’t like this book. Can you give me ________ to read
A.other B.the other C.another D.others
考查代词辨析。other其他的,后跟名词复数;the other (两者中的另一个);another泛指的另一个;others其他人。根据“I don’t like this book.”可知,要另一本书来读,是泛指的另一本,所以用another,故选C。
8.There is _________ in today’s homework, so you should do it by yourself.
A.nothing difficult B.difficult something
C.something difficult D.difficult nothing
考查形容词与不定代词位置。nothing difficult没什么难的;something difficult一些难的。形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词需后置。根据“so you should do it by yourself.”可知,是没什么难的。故选A。
9.________ should study or work hard for the better future.
A.Someone B.Anyone C.Everyone D.No one
考查复合代词辨析。Someone某人;Anyone任何人;Everyone每个人;No one没有人。根据“... should study or work hard for the better future.”可知,此处指“每个人”都应该为美好的未来而努力学习和工作。故选C。
10.—How many people in your company were trapped in the burning building
—Luckily, _________.
A.no B.none C.no one D.nothing
【解析】句意:——你们公司有多少人被困在着火的大楼里? ——幸运的是,没有。
考查代词辨析。no表示“没有”,限定词,它可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词;none是指三者或以上群体中的一个都不,常用来回答how many/much引导的特殊疑问句;no one指没有人,常用来回答who引导的特殊疑问句;nothing什么也没有。根据问句“How many…”和“Luckily,”可知,幸运的是,一个也没有受困,此处是指数量,应用none来回答。故选B。
1.Messi showed the world his ________ in playing football in the World Cup Qatar 2022.
A.advice B.reason C.talent D.promise
考查名词辨析。advice建议;reason原因;talent天赋;promise承诺。根据“Messi showed the world his ... in playing football in the World Cup Qatar 2022.”可知,梅西在卡塔尔世界杯展示了他的足球天赋。故选C。
2.The hat is not the right ________ for me. I’d like a smaller one.
A.page B.style C.colour D.size
考查名词词义辨析。page页;style风格;colour颜色;size尺寸。根据“I’d like a smaller one.”可知,上句应表达尺寸不合适。故选D。
3.—How much ________ do you want
—Two spoons.
A.honey B.paper C.advice D.news
考查词义辨析。honey蜂蜜;paper纸;advice建议;news新闻。根据“Two spoons.”可知应该是问想要多少蜂蜜,故选A。
4.Jason likes the _______ of the cake. It is a heart.
A.color B.size C.smell D.shape
考查名词辨析。color颜色;size尺寸;smell气味,嗅觉;shape形状。根据“It is a heart.”可知,此处表示喜欢蛋糕的形状。故选D。
5.Mrs. White is a fantastic teacher because she is creative and has much teaching ________.
A.experience B.hobbies C.activities D.medicine
考查名词辨析。experience经验;hobbies爱好;activities活动;medicine药物。根据“Mrs. White is a fantastic teacher”可知,怀特太太具有丰富的经验。故选A。
6.The little girl wanted to buy a ________ for lunch, but her mother didn’t agree.
A.popcorn B.sandwich C.gravy D.corn
考查名词辨析。popcorn爆米花;sandwich三明治;gravy肉汁;corn玉米。根据“buy a...for lunch”可知是买三明治当午餐。故选B。
7.With the ________ of her teacher, she took part in the competition and won the first place.
A.standard B.support C.discussion D.choice
考查名词辨析。standard标准,水平;support支持;discussion讨论,论述;choice选择。根据“With the...of her teacher, she took part in the competition and won the first place.”可知,是在老师的帮助和支持下,她参加了比赛并获了奖,故选B。
8.—I don’t know what to do. Can you give me some ________
A.suggestion B.money C.advice D.information
考查名词辨析。suggestion建议;money钱;advice建议;information信息。根据“Can you give me some”可知是给我一些建议,应用suggestion或advice,由some可知,suggestion应用复数,故排除A选项;advice为不可数名词,符合题干要求。故选C。
9.Let’s pour some ________ into the blender to make a banana milk shake.
A.banana B.milk C.noodle D.orange
考查名词辨析。banana香蕉;milk牛奶;noodle面条;orange橙子。根据“make a banana milk shake.”可知,做香蕉奶昔需要牛奶和香蕉,又根据“pour”可知,是表示“倒某种液体”。故选B。
10.Mulan is one of the most important symbols of Chinese ________.
A.meaning B.experience C.culture D.education
考查名词辨析。meaning意思;experience经历,经验;culture文化;education教育。根据“Mulan is one of the most important symbols of Chinese...”可知,花木兰是中国文化最重要的象征之一。故选C。
1.Lily wants to be a doctor when she _________.
A.gives up B.grow up C.grows up D.stands up
考查动词短语及主谓一致。give up放弃;grow up长大;stand up起立。根据“Lily wants to be a doctor when she”可知,是长大后想成为一名医生,应用grow up;主语是第三人称单数,动词应用三单形式。故选C。
2.The year 2023 has come. I am going to ________ a new hobby and improve myself.
A.turn up B.put up C.dress up D.take up
考查动词短语。turn up出现;put up张贴;dress up打扮;take up开始从事。根据“I am going to ... a new hobby and improve myself.”可知,此处指要开始从事一项业余爱好。故选D。
3.Please ________ the lights when you leave the room. Be a greener person.
A.turn off B.turn on C.get off D.get on
考查动词短语。turn off关上;turn on打开;get off 下车;get on上车。根据“Be a greener person.”可知,为了环保,离开房间时要关灯,故选A。
4.—Could you please help me ________ who broke the windows
—Sure, I’ll start it.
A.look at B.look out C.find out D.bring out
考查动词短语辨析。look at看;look out小心;find out弄清楚;bring out使显露。根据“who broke the windows”可知,要弄清楚谁打破了窗户,故选C。
5.Jack, can you _________ with us at the City Park this Sunday
A.go out B.come out C.hang out D.get out
考查动词短语词义辨析。go out外出;come out出版;hang out闲逛;get out逃离。根据语境可知,对方想约杰克星期天去闲逛,故选C。
6.To my surprise, the teacher asked the students to ________ a story about a trip to the moon.
A.make up B.get up C.look up D.put up
考查动词短语。make up编造;get up起床;look up查阅,查找;put up张贴。结合语境和空后“a story about a trip to the moon”可知,此处应该是编一个关于月球旅行的故事,用“make up”符合语境。故选A。
7.Jenny wants to be a writer, so she is going to ________ writing stories.
A.keep on B.put on C.try to D.get up
考查动词短语。keep on继续;put on穿上;try to尝试;get up起床。根据“Jenny wants to be a writer, so she is going to...writing stories.”可知,珍妮想成为作家,故应是继续写故事,keep on doing sth.“继续做某事”,固定搭配。故选A。
8.Please __________ the light. It's a little dark in the room.
A.turn off B.turn up C.turn into D.turn on
考查动词短语。A. turn off关掉;B. turn up调高;C. turn into变成;D. turn on打开。根据下文It's a little dark in the room.可知上文是打开。根据题意,故选D。
9.—It seems that you don’t ______ your daughter’s grades.
—Of course. I do. But as long as she does her best, I will be happy.
A.care about B.bring out C.find out D.make up
考查动词短语辨析。care about关心;bring out使显现;find out发现;make up编造。根据“your daughter’s grades”可知,此处是指关心女儿的成绩。故选A。
10.—They _______ many pictures of wild animals on the walls. Do you know why
— Yes. Because they hope more people can know them and protect them.
A.put away B.put on C.put in D.put up
考查动词短语辨析。put away收起来;put on穿上;put in在……花费;put up张贴。根据“many pictures of wild animals on the walls”和“Because they hope more people can know them and protect them.”可知,此处是指把很多野生动物的照片张贴在墙上,让更多的人了解和保护野生动物。故选D。
1.Liu Hong invited Anna to her home, and she ________ some nice food and drinks for her.
A.prepared B.poured C.printed D.predicted
考查动词辨析。prepared准备;poured倒;printed打印;predicted预测。根据“Liu Hong invited Anna to her home, and she ... some nice food and drinks for her.”可知,刘红给安娜准备了一些美味的食物和饮料;prepare sth. for sb.“为某人准备……”。故选A。
2.Our teacher ________ us to study hard though we are having online courses.
A.lets B.hopes C.makes D.expects
考查动词辨析。lets让;hopes希望;makes使,让;expects期望。根据“Our teacher ... us to study hard”可知,此处指老师期望我们努力学习;expect sb. to do sth.“期望某人做某事”。故选D。
3.Tina can’t go bike riding with us this weekend. She ________ an English exam.
A.took B.takes C.is going to take D.taking
考查时态。根据“this weekend”可知此处表示将来的动作,时态用一般将来时be going to do。故选C。
4.— Who told you to clean the classroom
— Our Chinese teacher ________. He said the classroom was too dirty.
A.told B.did C.do D.does
5.He ________ the football game on November, 24, 2022.
A.will lost B.loses C.lost D.is losing
考查一般过去时。根据时间状语“November, 24, 2022”可知,lose“输”这个动作发生在过去,应用动词的过去式形式lost。故选C。
6.We will have a party if Tom ________ our team.
A.will join B.joins C.joined D.is joining
考查一般现在时。will join将来时;joins一般现在时;joined一般过去时;is joining现在进行时。“if”引导的条件状语遵循主将从现,由于Tom是三单,所以动词是三单joins。故选B。
7.My aunt _________ in Chongqing in three days.
A.arrives B.arrived C.will arrive D.arrive
考查动词的时态。根据in three days“三天之后”可知句子讲述的是将来发生的动作,用一般将来时“will do”的结构。根据“将到达”用will arrive。故选C。
8.There ________ a sports meet in our school. All the teachers are busy with it.
A.is going to have B.will have C.are going to be D.will be
考查there be句式和一般将来时。根据“There...a sports meet in our school.”可知,此处是there be句式,所以排除选项A和B;空后的名词单数“a sports meet”作主语,此时be going to中的be动词应用is,排除选项C。will be符合语境。故选D。
9.Don’t worry about Tom. When he ________ in Beijing, he will call you.
A.arrived B.arrives C.will arrive D.has arrived
10.You ________. Don’t talk on the phone
A.will drive B.are driving C.drives D.drove
考查动词时态。根据“Don’t talk on the phone”可知,正在开车的时候不要打电话,句子用现在进行时,故选B。
1.After I made my bed, it looked much ________.
A.good B.tidy C.better D.best
考查比较级。good好的;tidy整洁的;better更好;best最好。根据“After I made my bed, it looked much…”可知,此处暗含铺床前和后的比较,表示床看起来好多了,因此用比较级better。故选C。
2.— I can’t speak English ________ my friend.
— Don’t be sad. My English is ________ worse.
A.so well as; very B.as well as; much C.as good as; much D.as good as; very
考查原级及比较级修饰语。根据答语“Don’t be sad.”可知,第一个空所在句表示的是我的英语说得不如我的朋友好,为同级比较,句型为“not so (as) + 副词原型 + as”意为“不如……”,其中副词修饰动词speak,所以可以排除C项和D项;根据第二个空后的“worse”可知,第二个空应填比较级修饰语,much“很多”符合。故选B。
3.The actor played the role ________ than any other actor.
A.carefully B.more careful C.most carefully D.more carefully
考查副词比较级。carefully认真地;more careful更认真的,形容词比较级;most carefully最认真地,副词最高级;more carefully更认真地,副词比较级。由than可知,此处用比较级,副词修饰动词,此处修饰动词played the role,这里用副词的比较级。故选D。
4.Alice is ________ than the other students in her class, so she always gets better grades.
A.much hard-working B.more hard-working
C.most hard-working D.less hard-working
考查形容词比较级。根据than可知,此处应填比较级,排除A和C选项。more hard-working更努力的;less hard-working较不努力的。根据“so she always gets better grades”可知,总是取得更好的成绩,说明比其他学生更努力,故选B。
5.The boy isn’t ________ to go to school, and he has to stay at home with his mother.
A.enough old B.old enough C.enough young D.young enough
考查形容词辨析及enough用法。old年纪大的;young年幼的。由后句“stay at home”可知,男孩没到上学的年龄,不够大,用old,enough修饰形容词时置于形容词之后。故选B。
6.Li Lei was ________ than me, so he made ________ mistakes in the work.
A.more careless, fewer B.careful, less
C.careless, less D.more careful, fewer
考查形容词比较级。more careless更粗心的,比较级;fewer更少,修饰名词复数;careful仔细的,原级;less更少,修饰不可数名词;careless粗心的,原级;more careful更仔细的,比较级。根据“than me”可知,第一空要用比较级,排除BC选项;再根据fewer修饰“mistakes”可知,工作中的错误更少,说明李雷比我更仔细,因此第一空应用more careful。故选D。
7.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of ________ cities in the world.
A.much bigger B.bigger C.the biggest D.big
考查形容词最高级。根据“one of...cities in the world”可知此处是one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数+范围表示“……中最……之一”。故选C。
8.If there is time, I’ll do my homework _______better.
A.less; more B.much; less
C.more; much D.little; much
考查形容词的用法,time时间为不可数名词,主句提到想要完成的更好,因此需要更多的时间more;同时much 修饰比较级。故选C。
9.Tom is________ of all the students in my class. I think he can answer the question easily.
A.clever B.cleverer C.cleverest D.the cleverest
考查形容词最高级。根据“all the students in my class.”可知,是三者以上的比较,用最高级,最高级前面用the。故选D。
10.The boy_________ eats vegetables and _________ does sports, so he isn’t healthy at all.
A.always; seldom B.seldom; often
C.sometimes; always D.never; seldom
此题考查副词,never从来不;seldom很少;always总是; often经常;sometimes有时; 根据常识知:不健康是因为“从不”吃蔬菜,“很少”运动。故应选D。
11.—Which is the worst clothes store in town
—Dream Clothes. It’s ________ than any other store.
A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worst
考查形容词比较级。根据句意和空格后than可知这里是比较级,形容词比较级+than+any other+单数可数名词表示“比其他……都……”,因此填比较级worse。故选B。
12.Dale does his homework ________ of all so he makes the fewest mistakes.
A.more carefully B.most carefully C.more carelessly D.most carelessly
考查副词的最高级。由于修饰前面的动词短语does her homework,应该用副词修饰动词,由空后的“of all”可知,此处要用副词最高级,又由“so he makes the fewest mistakes.”可知,应该是他做作业最认真。故选B。
13.Walking is good for health. So I ______ walk to school.
A.ever B.never C.hardly ever D.often
考查副词辨析。ever曾经;never从不;hardly ever几乎从不;often经常。根据“Walking is good for health”可知,走路对健康有好处,所以是经常走路去上学,故选D。
14.How clever Millie is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the ________ time on her homework and makes the _________ mistakes.
A.least; fewest B.least; least C.fewest; least D.fewest; fewest
考查形容词辨析。least最少的,修饰不可数名词;fewest最少的,修饰可数名词。根据“Of all the students in her class”可知,句子要用形容词的最高级;time是不可数名词,用least修饰;mistakes可数名词,用fewest修饰,故选A。
15.Of the three boys, John is ______.
A.heavy B.more heavier C.the most heavy D.the heaviest
考查形容词最高级。根据“Of the three boys”可知,三者比较用最高级,heavy是形容词,意为“胖的,重的”,heaviest是其最高级,最高级前加冠词the。故选D。
1.I tried to make the baby ________ by singing, and that worked well at last.
A.to stop to cry B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D.stop crying
考查动词不定式作宾语补足语和动词短语。to stop to cry停下来哭泣,动词不定式;to stop crying停止哭泣,动词不定式;stop to cry停下来哭泣,动词原形;stop crying停止哭泣,动词原形。根据“make the baby”可知后跟省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语;根据“by singing”可知通过唱歌是要使那个婴儿停止哭泣,应用动词短语stop crying。故选D。
2.— ________ spoons of salt did you put in the soup —Only one spoon.
A.How much B.How many C.How often D.How far
考查特殊疑问句。How much多少,后接不可数名词;How many多少,后接名词复数;How often多长时间一次,提问频率;How far多远,提问距离。根据“spoons of salt”可知,“spoons”为名词复数,应用how many提问。故选B。
3.The meat is ________ expensive and eating ________ meat is bad for your health.
A.too much; much too B.too much; many too
C.much too; too much D.much too; too many
考查短语辨析。too much太多,后接不可数名词;too many太多,后接可数名词复数;much too非常,十分,后接形容词和副词。因为expensive是形容词,所以应该用much too修饰;又因为meat是不可数名词,所以应该用too much修饰。故选C。
4.Jack arrived at the concert ________ late ________ see the beginning of the show.
A.so; that B.so; to C.enough; to D.too; to
考查too...to...引导结果状语从句。so...that太……以致于;so...to不是常见表达;enough to足够……去做某事(形容词/副词应位于enough的前面);too...to太……而不能。根据“Jack arrived at the concert...late...see the beginning of the show.”可知,此处表示到的时候太晚了,所以没能看到演出的开始。too...to符合语境。故选D。
5.—Would you like to go to the movie with me this evening
—__________, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.
A.Never mind B.I don’t think so
C.I’d love to D.It’s not a big deal
考查交际用语。Never mind不要紧,没关系;I don’t think so我不这样认为; I’d love to我想去;It’s not a big deal没什么大不了的。根据“but I promised to go swimming with Eric”可知,此处应用“I’d love to”表示婉拒。故选C。
6.My parents allow me ________ computer games on the weekend.
A.to playing B.playing C.play D.to play
考查非谓语动词。allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,为固定短语,故选D。
7.— do you go for a trip with your family
—Once a week.
A.How soon B.How far
C.How often D.How long
考查特殊疑问词。How soon多久以后;How far多远;How often多久一次;How long多长时间。根据答语“Once a week.”可知,此处询问频度,应用How often提问。故选C。
8.The man ________ some sugar ________ the coffee so that it can taste sweet.
A.put, at B.added, to C.pour, of D.filled, with
考查动词短语。put放置;add sth to...把……添加到……;pour倾倒;fill with用……装满。根据“ some sugar...the coffee so that it can taste sweet.”可知,该句是指“在咖啡里加了一些糖”。故选B。
9.I look forward to ________ you all.
A.hear of B.hearing of C.hear from D.hearing from
考查非谓语动词以及动词短语。hear of听说;hear from收到某人的来信。look forward to doing sth.“期待做某事”,动名词作宾语;根据“look forward to...you”可知是期待收到来信。故选D。
10.Lily’s homework is ________ much for her ________ finish in one hour.
A.very; to B.too; to C.so; to D.so; that
【解析】句意:莉莉的家庭作业太多了, 一个小时之内完成不了。
考查副词。根据“Lily’s homework is...much for her...finish in one hour.”可知,此处是too...to...“太……不能……”句型。故选B。
11.________ your physical health, you need to exercise for at least half an hour every day.
A.Improve B.Improving C.To improve D.To improving
考查非谓语动词。根据“…your physical health, you need to exercise for at least half an hour every day.”可知,此处表示目的,是为了改善你的身体健康,所以应用动词不定式表示每天锻炼至少半小时的目的,在句中作状语。故选C。
12.— ________ butter do we need
— One spoon.
A.How far B.How often C.How many D.How much
考查疑问词词组辨析。How far多远;How often多久一次;How many多少,修饰可数名词复数;How much多少,修饰不可数名词。根据“One spoon.”可知,是询问数量,且butter是不可数名词,所以空处用how much,故选D。
13.— ________ are you going to be an engineer
— I’m going to study harder.
A.How B.Why C.When D.Where
考查特殊疑问词。How询问方式;Why询问原因;When询问时间;Where询问地点。根据答语“I’m going to study harder.”我将更努力地学习,表达的是方式,故选A。
14.—Is James crazy He’s practicing long jump on such a windy day!
—Don’t have a cow, guy! He’s testing _________ he could jump with the wind at his back.
A.how far B.how often C.how long D.how soon
【解析】句意: ——詹姆斯疯了吗?他在这么大风的天练跳远!——别大惊小怪的,伙计!他在测试在顺风的情况下他能跳多远。
考查短语辨析。how far多远;how often多久一次;how long多长;how soon多久。根据“He’s testing...he could jump with the wind at his back.”可知,此处表示能跳多远,侧重距离,故选A。
15.—Who is the most popular teacher in your school
—Miss Zhang. She is always ready ________ others a hand. Everybody loves her.
A.giving B.to give C.gives D.give
考查固定搭配。be ready to do sth.“愿意做某事”,所以填动词不定式to give。故选B。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题01 单项选择100题
1.Mary has ________ umbrella. And ________ umbrella is very beautiful.
A.an; the B.a; the C.an; an D.a; /
2.Luckily for me, I have ________ understanding mother and she works in ________ university.
A.a; a B.an; an C.a; an D.an; a
3.Sometimes we have to have classes on _________ Internet at home.
A.a B.an C.the D./
4.—What do you think of Peter
—He works hard and he will be ________ useful man in the future.
A.a B./ C.the D.an
5.—What do you think of ________ movie My People My Homeland
—It is ________ enjoyable movie, I love it.
A.an, the B.the, an C.the, a D./, an
6.—Have you watched the Chinese film Return to Dust
—Sure. It’s ________ excellent film with ________ sad ending.
A.an; a B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an
7.Kitty is such _________ honest student that I can always believe what she says.
A.a B.an C.the D./
8.—I think English is ________ unimportant subject.
—I don’t think so. It is ________ useful tool when we talk with foreigners.
A.a, an B.an, a C.a, a D.an, an
9.My family usually have ________ dinner at half past six.
A.a B.an C.the D./
10.I would like to be ________ scientist in the future. They are so great.
A.a B.an C.the D.不填
1.China’s Shenzhou 14 astronauts returned to Earth ________ December 4th, 2022.
A.at B.on C./ D.in
2.If we don’t do anything now, the environment will be ________ great danger.
A.in B.on C.with D.to
3.Mike dislikes his sister because she disagrees ________ him ________ everything.
A.with; on B.with; in C.to; on D.to; in
4.—How soon will you be ready, Robot
—________ ten minutes.
A.At B.On C.For D.In
5.—When will our guests arrive at the airport
—____________ the evening of this Saturday.
A.At B.Of C.In D.On
6.Our class will play ________ Class Two this Monday.
A.at B.against C.from D.of
7.—Look! The door is so small!
—Ha-ha, it’s for cats. People can’t go ________ it.
A.across B.in C.through D.over
8.Many resolutions have to do ________ self-improvement.
A.of B.for C.in D.with
9.The answer ________ the question is so easy.
A.of B.to C.in D.with
10.Most teenagers can’t live ________ phones. They think phones play an important role in their life.
A.with B.without C.for D.of
1.Everybody can hear you ________ you speak in a louder voice.
A.unless B.if C.so that D.although
2.I want to buy something special for my grandmother, ________ her birthday is coming.
A.because B.but C.so D.when
3.________ it was very cold, ________ my uncle still went swimming in Longxi River this morning.
A.Although; / B.Although; but C.But; although D.Because; but
4.She didn’t win the singing competition ________ she tried her best.
A.although B.if C.so D.because
5._________ he is seventy years old, he still keeps taking exercise every morning.
A.If B.Because C.Unless D.Although
6.—Ben, let’s go to the movies.
—I’d love to, but I can’t go out ________ my mother comes home.
A.until B.but C.and D.so
7.—Ling ling, you'll feel sleepy tomorrow _______ you go to bed early.
—OK, Mom. I’ll go to bed at once.
A.if B.unless C.though D.because
8.I always feel nervous ________ I talk in front of my class.
A.when B.since C.after D.before
9.Father is too tired today. Don’t call him ________ it is necessary.
A.unless B.until C.when D.though
10.She can’t go to school today ________ she is ill.
A.until B.before C.because D.although
1.—I can’t finish the project by ________. Can you help me
—Of course.
A.myself B.ourselves C.itself D.themselves
2.This is Miss Green. She teaches ________ English.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
3.Our school is much better than ________.
A.them B.theirs C.their D.they
4.—Did the children enjoy ________ at the party
—Yes, they did.
A.themselves B.ourselves C.yourselves D.himself
5.If we keep worries to ________, things will get worse.
A.we B.us C.ours D.ourselves
6.—How is Tom in his new school
—He is doing very well. There is ________ to worry about.
A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
7.I don’t like this book. Can you give me ________ to read
A.other B.the other C.another D.others
8.There is _________ in today’s homework, so you should do it by yourself.
A.nothing difficult B.difficult something
C.something difficult D.difficult nothing
9.________ should study or work hard for the better future.
A.Someone B.Anyone C.Everyone D.No one
10.—How many people in your company were trapped in the burning building
—Luckily, _________.
A.no B.none C.no one D.nothing
1.Messi showed the world his ________ in playing football in the World Cup Qatar 2022.
A.advice B.reason C.talent D.promise
2.The hat is not the right ________ for me. I’d like a smaller one.
A.page B.style C.colour D.size
3.—How much ________ do you want
—Two spoons.
A.honey B.paper C.advice D.news
4.Jason likes the _______ of the cake. It is a heart.
A.color B.size C.smell D.shape
5.Mrs. White is a fantastic teacher because she is creative and has much teaching ________.
A.experience B.hobbies C.activities D.medicine
6.The little girl wanted to buy a ________ for lunch, but her mother didn’t agree.
A.popcorn B.sandwich C.gravy D.corn
7.With the ________ of her teacher, she took part in the competition and won the first place.
A.standard B.support C.discussion D.choice
8.—I don’t know what to do. Can you give me some ________
A.suggestion B.money C.advice D.information
9.Let’s pour some ________ into the blender to make a banana milk shake.
A.banana B.milk C.noodle D.orange
10.Mulan is one of the most important symbols of Chinese ________.
A.meaning B.experience C.culture D.education
1.Lily wants to be a doctor when she _________.
A.gives up B.grow up C.grows up D.stands up
2.The year 2023 has come. I am going to ________ a new hobby and improve myself.
A.turn up B.put up C.dress up D.take up
3.Please ________ the lights when you leave the room. Be a greener person.
A.turn off B.turn on C.get off D.get on
4.—Could you please help me ________ who broke the windows
—Sure, I’ll start it.
A.look at B.look out C.find out D.bring out
5.Jack, can you _________ with us at the City Park this Sunday
A.go out B.come out C.hang out D.get out
6.To my surprise, the teacher asked the students to ________ a story about a trip to the moon.
A.make up B.get up C.look up D.put up
7.Jenny wants to be a writer, so she is going to ________ writing stories.
A.keep on B.put on C.try to D.get up
8.Please __________ the light. It's a little dark in the room.
A.turn off B.turn up C.turn into D.turn on
9.—It seems that you don’t ______ your daughter’s grades.
—Of course. I do. But as long as she does her best, I will be happy.
A.care about B.bring out C.find out D.make up
10.—They _______ many pictures of wild animals on the walls. Do you know why
— Yes. Because they hope more people can know them and protect them.
A.put away B.put on C.put in D.put up
1.Liu Hong invited Anna to her home, and she ________ some nice food and drinks for her.
A.prepared B.poured C.printed D.predicted
2.Our teacher ________ us to study hard though we are having online courses.
A.lets B.hopes C.makes D.expects
3.Tina can’t go bike riding with us this weekend. She ________ an English exam.
A.took B.takes C.is going to take D.taking
4.— Who told you to clean the classroom
— Our Chinese teacher ________. He said the classroom was too dirty.
A.told B.did C.do D.does
5.He ________ the football game on November, 24, 2022.
A.will lost B.loses C.lost D.is losing
6.We will have a party if Tom ________ our team.
A.will join B.joins C.joined D.is joining
7.My aunt _________ in Chongqing in three days.
A.arrives B.arrived C.will arrive D.arrive
8.There ________ a sports meet in our school. All the teachers are busy with it.
A.is going to have B.will have C.are going to be D.will be
9.Don’t worry about Tom. When he ________ in Beijing, he will call you.
A.arrived B.arrives C.will arrive D.has arrived
10.You ________. Don’t talk on the phone
A.will drive B.are driving C.drives D.drove
1.After I made my bed, it looked much ________.
A.good B.tidy C.better D.best
2.— I can’t speak English ________ my friend.
— Don’t be sad. My English is ________ worse.
A.so well as; very B.as well as; much C.as good as; much D.as good as; very
3.The actor played the role ________ than any other actor.
A.carefully B.more careful C.most carefully D.more carefully
4.Alice is ________ than the other students in her class, so she always gets better grades.
A.much hard-working B.more hard-working
C.most hard-working D.less hard-working
5.The boy isn’t ________ to go to school, and he has to stay at home with his mother.
A.enough old B.old enough C.enough young D.young enough
6.Li Lei was ________ than me, so he made ________ mistakes in the work.
A.more careless, fewer B.careful, less
C.careless, less D.more careful, fewer
7.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of ________ cities in the world.
A.much bigger B.bigger C.the biggest D.big
8.If there is time, I’ll do my homework _______better.
A.less; more B.much; less
C.more; much D.little; much
9.Tom is________ of all the students in my class. I think he can answer the question easily.
A.clever B.cleverer C.cleverest D.the cleverest
10.The boy_________ eats vegetables and _________ does sports, so he isn’t healthy at all.
A.always; seldom B.seldom; often
C.sometimes; always D.never; seldom
11.—Which is the worst clothes store in town
—Dream Clothes. It’s ________ than any other store.
A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worst
12.Dale does his homework ________ of all so he makes the fewest mistakes.
A.more carefully B.most carefully C.more carelessly D.most carelessly
13.Walking is good for health. So I ______ walk to school.
A.ever B.never C.hardly ever D.often
14.How clever Millie is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the ________ time on her homework and makes the _________ mistakes.
A.least; fewest B.least; least C.fewest; least D.fewest; fewest
15.Of the three boys, John is ______.
A.heavy B.more heavier C.the most heavy D.the heaviest
1.I tried to make the baby ________ by singing, and that worked well at last.
A.to stop to cry B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D.stop crying
2.— ________ spoons of salt did you put in the soup —Only one spoon.
A.How much B.How many C.How often D.How far
3.The meat is ________ expensive and eating ________ meat is bad for your health.
A.too much; much too B.too much; many too
C.much too; too much D.much too; too many
4.Jack arrived at the concert ________ late ________ see the beginning of the show.
A.so; that B.so; to C.enough; to D.too; to
5.—Would you like to go to the movie with me this evening
—__________, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.
A.Never mind B.I don’t think so
C.I’d love to D.It’s not a big deal
6.My parents allow me ________ computer games on the weekend.
A.to playing B.playing C.play D.to play
7.— do you go for a trip with your family
—Once a week.
A.How soon B.How far
C.How often D.How long
8.The man ________ some sugar ________ the coffee so that it can taste sweet.
A.put, at B.added, to C.pour, of D.filled, with
9.I look forward to ________ you all.
A.hear of B.hearing of C.hear from D.hearing from
10.Lily’s homework is ________ much for her ________ finish in one hour.
A.very; to B.too; to C.so; to D.so; that
11.________ your physical health, you need to exercise for at least half an hour every day.
A.Improve B.Improving C.To improve D.To improving
12.— ________ butter do we need
— One spoon.
A.How far B.How often C.How many D.How much
13.— ________ are you going to be an engineer
— I’m going to study harder.
A.How B.Why C.When D.Where
14.—Is James crazy He’s practicing long jump on such a windy day!
—Don’t have a cow, guy! He’s testing _________ he could jump with the wind at his back.
A.how far B.how often C.how long D.how soon
15.—Who is the most popular teacher in your school
—Miss Zhang. She is always ready ________ others a hand. Everybody loves her.
A.giving B.to give C.gives D.give
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



