
第二部分 笔试部分 二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
9.(15分)Lucy was a single mother.She lived with her little son.She lost her (1)    two years ago and they had a very hard life.Being (2)    was terrible.Her heart was broken every time her son asked," Can I have some more (3)    please,mom?"
One day,when her son asked the same question again,she decided to prepare a big meal for him(4)    the only 6 dollars in her hand.She went to the supermarket, (5)    some food and cooked at home.Lucy was a shy mother, (6)    she was strong﹣minded. "It's time to make a change," she thought.She once loved writing.To make some money,she (7)    to write for magazines day and night.
Things went (8)    .The local food bank started to provide Lucy with some free vegetables every month.Her son (9)    had enough food to eat.Once he told Lucy that the dishes she made were (10)    .Then,an idea came to Lucy's mind:Why not (11)   my recipes on the Internet?" She did.Many people liked her recipes and she became (12)    .
Soon after that,some reporters interviewed her and asked her to write a book on (13)    .When Lucy got the money for the (14)    she wrote,she was very happy.Now Lucy has a well﹣paid job and a beautiful home,but she'll (15)   the days when she worked hard for a good life forever.
(1)A.experience B.spirit C.joy D.job
(2)A.sick B.glad C.poor D.tired
(3)A.education B.space C.advice D.food
(4)A.with B.at C.on D.for
(5)A.tasted B.bought C.kept D.found
(6)A.but B.so C.if D.because
(7)A.disliked B.forgot C.refused D.began
(8)A.earlier B.faster C.better D.harder
(9)A.hardly B.finally C.yet D.never
(10)A.delicious B.cheap C.terrible D.traditional
(11)A.try B.improve C.sell D.share
(12)A.dangerous B.outgoing C.famous D.serious
(13)A.volunteering B.cooking C.teaching D.shopping
(14)A.joke B.name C.sign D.book
(15)A.remember B.discuss C.understand D.celebrate
三、阅读理解。阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Children learn English through lots of fun and creative activities.Camp counselors (夏令营负责人) are native English speakers from the US and the UK! Day Camp Monday﹣Friday:8 am – 4:30 pm July 12﹣16 July 19﹣23 July 26﹣30 Price per week: $300 Healthy snacks and a delicious lunch! No more than 20 students per week Overnight Camp Sunday﹣Friday:7 am – 5:30 July 11﹣16 July 18﹣23 July 25﹣30 Price per week: $500 Stay in comfortable rooms with breakfast,lunch,dinner and snacks included. No more than 15 students per week Buy one ticket,get the second ticket 10% off (减价)! Click here and contact us if you are interested.
(1)What can you do at the day camp?    
A.Have fun activities at 7:30 pm.
B.Eat healthy snacks.
C.Have a delicious dinner.
D.Stay in a comfortable room.
(2)How much should your parents pay if you and your sister go to the overnight camp?    
A. $450.
B. $900.
C. $950.
D. $1000.
(3)Where can you find the material?    
A.A book
B.A magazine
C.A website
D.A notice
11.(8分)Date:April 2,2021 Day:Friday Weather:Sunny
Today was a special day for me.
I went to school by bus in the early morning.An old man was sitting next to me.He held a bunch of flowers in his hands.They were so lovely that I couldn't stop looking at them.When he got off the bus,he placed the flowers in my hand.I was excited to receive them.
I got off the bus when it arrived at the next station.I walked to school happily.Suddenly,I saw a little boy sitting by the roadside,crying.I went over and asked him why he was crying.He said sadly,but I don't have any money to buy anything for my mom." I thought for a while and said, "I don't have any money either
When I finished my classes,I found the little boy waiting for me in front of the school's main gate.He seemed so happy.He stood in front of me and said, "I gave a flower to my mother and she was very excited.Thank you.By the way,I met an old woman who had just gone to visit her husband in a cemetery(公墓).Her eyes were full of tears and she was so nice.So I gave her two flowers to cheer her up."
I smiled.Yes,that is how love works.
(1)The passage may be    .
A.a letter
B.a diary
C.a play
D.a poem
(2)The flowers from the old man went to     people at last.
(3)We know     in the passage.
A.The old man didn't like the flowers,so he gave them to the writer.
B.The writer was mean and greedy.
C.The little boy was kind and polite but he had a poor family.
D.The old woman was moved by the little boy.
(4)What may the writer mainly want to tell us by sharing his special day ?    
A.He was quite lucky to get the flowers.
B.Flowers can bring happiness to everyone.
C.A heart full of love can warm another.
D.It's a good idea to choose flowers as a gift.
12.(8分)"Art is long,life is short," was from Japanese composer (作曲家),who passed away at the age of 71,on March 28.
Sakamoto showed great interest in music when he was a little boy.He began studying composition at 11 and learned music in college.He was always interested in sounds around him.When he was a high school student in Tokyo,he would ride the train and enjoy himself by listening to the sounds it made.
In 1978,he formed a music group called Yellow Magic Group.He made songs that influenced early hip﹣hop and techno.But what made Sakamoto world﹣famous was his film music.In 1983,he composed the music for the movie Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence (《圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生》)(《末代皇帝》) ,in 1987,a Grammy,and a Golden Globe.
Sakamoto always paid close attention to the real world and human society.In 2020,he gave a music performance for Wuhan people who were fighting the virus Covid﹣19.He used Chinese﹣style instruments such as gongs (锣) and cymbals (钹)
He also did some other great things.When visiting the earthquake area,he found an old piano.He repaired it and made it into a work of art by adding sensors (感应器) to the keys.The instrument then became a machine that made sounds from earthquake areas around the world.This was his way of reminding people to never forget the bad accident.
"▲.We just don't usually hear them as music."
(1)Sakamoto's experience on the train showed that    .
A.he was very interested in music
B.he could compose with noises
C.he liked to take trains to travel
D.he could be easily influenced
(2)Sakamoto became world﹣famous for    .
A.his music group
B.his film music
C.hip﹣hop and techno music
D.his actions against earthquake
(3)What did Sakamoto do for people in Wuhan during the epidemic?    
A.fight the virus Covid﹣19 by himself
B.made an old piano into a work of art by adding sensors
C.learn Chinese traditional instruments
D.produced a music performance in 2020 to cheer up people
(4)Which sentence can be put in the ▲ in the last paragraph?    
A.There are many kinds of instruments.
B.Everyone can be a musician.
C.Life is full of surprises.
D.The world is full of sounds.
13.(8分)People use languages to communicate.Any language has its ways to express people's minds.One of the ways in common is the use of idioms.An idiom is a group of words.It has a special meaning that is different from the usual meaning.For example,"under the weather" is an idiom meaning "ill".So when people say "I'm under the weather," they are saying that they're not feeling well.Another example, "There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers" tells us that homeless people sleep on the streets no matter whether it is cold or hot.
Different languages may have different ways to make idioms.For people who are learning a foreign language,idioms could cause misunderstandings and bring them endless headaches.On the other hand,if things are done right,idioms can also be a fun way of looking into a new culture and understanding how the people think and talk.
Metaphor (比喻) is often used in idioms.Let's read the following two examples:
● It makes my blood boil (煮沸) when people litter everywhere.
● The night was dark and quiet;my blood ran cold when I heard a strange noise outside at dark night.
In neither situation above,our blood can reach the point so high or so low in temperature.Yet,with the situations the two sentences created
Of course,not all idioms are this easy to understand.When we come to idioms of a foreign language,a good dictionary of idioms is always suggested.
(1)This passage tells us something about     in the English language.
(2).If your brother breaks your computer,you can say to him, "    ."
A.I'm under the weather
B.I'm there in all weathers
C.You've made my blood boil
D.My blood runs cold
(3)What is the best meaning of the underlined word?    
(4)What is the writer's advice when you come to an expression like under the weather?    
A.We should look it up in a good idiom dictionary.
B.We should try to express our minds with it.
C.We should find an interesting way to learn it.
D.We should create situations to guess its meaning.
卷 II四、词汇运用。A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。
improve twelve pay care train
(1)Meimei is looking forward to her    birthday party.
(2)Daming is a hard﹣working boy and he always does everything as    as he can.
(3)   his English,he always listens to tapes.
(4)Peter spent as much time as he could     hard on the playground.
(5)If you keep doing like these,you    for your laziness one day.
B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示用单词的正确形式完成以下短文, 每空一词 。
15.(10分)My name is Xiao Su,I'm a (1)   (南) China tiger.Last night,I dreamed that I was living in the 1850s.At that time,we were (2)    (普通的)in the wild.Every day,as I went around in the forest(3)    (安宁的).
"Bang!" I was shocked by a sudden gunshot.I stared at the wall of my cage and found it was just another dream.It was the 1950s.People(4)   (取名) us "man﹣eating tigers." Many of them kept hunting and(5)    (捕杀)us for our beautiful fur.And as people built more cities,more of my friends were(6)    (死)because of losing home.With helpless tears in my eyes,I fell asleep again.
"Xiao Su!Xiao Su!" I wake up to the(7)    (声音) of the zookeepers.I look around my cage and feel safe.Good or bad,none of these things ever happened to me.But I feel sad whether my kids ask me what the world is like. (8)    (没有人) knows the answer for sure.All us tigers today have been born and brought up in zoos.
(9)    (幸运地),China is paying more attention to biodiversity(生物多样性). (10)    (科学家) are trying to introduce us tigers back to the forest again.Maybe my great﹣grandchildren will be able to live freely.
五、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。
16.(10分)Jin Yong is one of the most well﹣known Chinese (1)   (write)in the twentieth century.In 1924,he was born in Haining, (2)    the north of Zhejiang Province.In 1944,he studied in a college in Chongqing.He joined the newspaper (3)   (call)Ta Kung Pao in Shanghai in 1946.In 1955,he got a chance to begin writing his first Wuxia novel.It was so excellent one (4)   he got plenty of fans.
Between 1955 and 1972,he wrote fifteen works.He (5)   (try) everything to improve his writing.In 2008,Jin Yong won the 2008 World Chinese Lifetime Achievement Award.He felt very pleased(6)   (get) the prize.
His books are (7)   (wide) popular in Chinese world.They describe a world called Jianghu.He wants to show his fans(8)   wonderful society.If you are free,I advise you to read some of his works.You are sure to fall in love (9)    them at once.Unluckily,he passed away in 2018. (10)    a great pity!But he will live in our hearts forever.
六、 任务型阅读。根据所给短文内容,在句子中填入正确的单词,每空一词。
17.(5分)The game of curling(冰壶) is over five hundred years old.But curling first appeared in the 1998 Winter Games with both men's and women's championships(锦标赛).At the games,and two teams take turns pushing 19.1﹣kilogram stones towards several concentric(同心的) rings or circles.Their aim is to get their stones closest to the enter of the rings.One game is made up of 10 "ends".During each end,is the loser.
The Game of Curling
The(1)    of the game of curling More than five hundred years
The(2)    of the players More than five hundred years To get their stones closest to the center of the rings than others
The weight of the stone in the game (3)   kilograms
What team members need to do To(4)    the stone's direction and the stone's speed
The winner at the end of the game The team with the (5)    points
How By bus
When Last week
What Cut rice,catch fishes,pull sugarcane(砍甘蔗)
The impression of Baliwan Fresher air,cleaner water.....
Feelings Relax Enjoy the nature Experience the hard work of farmers Teamwork ....
Advice ....
Dear Li Hua,
Li Ming
第二部分 笔试部分 二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
9.(15分)Lucy was a single mother.She lived with her little son.She lost her (1) D  two years ago and they had a very hard life.Being (2) C  was terrible.Her heart was broken every time her son asked," Can I have some more (3) D  please,mom?"
One day,when her son asked the same question again,she decided to prepare a big meal for him(4) A  the only 6 dollars in her hand.She went to the supermarket, (5) B  some food and cooked at home.Lucy was a shy mother, (6) A  she was strong﹣minded. "It's time to make a change," she thought.She once loved writing.To make some money,she (7) D  to write for magazines day and night.
Things went (8) C  .The local food bank started to provide Lucy with some free vegetables every month.Her son (9) B  had enough food to eat.Once he told Lucy that the dishes she made were (10) A  .Then,an idea came to Lucy's mind:Why not (11) D my recipes on the Internet?" She did.Many people liked her recipes and she became (12) C  .
Soon after that,some reporters interviewed her and asked her to write a book on (13) B  .When Lucy got the money for the (14) D  she wrote,she was very happy.Now Lucy has a well﹣paid job and a beautiful home,but she'll (15) A the days when she worked hard for a good life forever.
(1)A.experience B.spirit C.joy D.job
(2)A.sick B.glad C.poor D.tired
(3)A.education B.space C.advice D.food
(4)A.with B.at C.on D.for
(5)A.tasted B.bought C.kept D.found
(6)A.but B.so C.if D.because
(7)A.disliked B.forgot C.refused D.began
(8)A.earlier B.faster C.better D.harder
(9)A.hardly B.finally C.yet D.never
(10)A.delicious B.cheap C.terrible D.traditional
(11)A.try B.improve C.sell D.share
(12)A.dangerous B.outgoing C.famous D.serious
(13)A.volunteering B.cooking C.teaching D.shopping
(14)A.joke B.name C.sign D.book
(15)A.remember B.discuss C.understand D.celebrate
【解答】(1)名词辨析。experience经验;spirit精神;job工作 had a hard 。)可知两年前她失去了工作 one's ,意为"失业"。
(3)名词辨析。education教育;advice建议;由下文One ,when son the question ,she to a big for ,当儿子再次问同样的问题时,儿子问的问题是关于食物的。
(4)介词辨析。with用;on在...上面;根据the 6 dollars her ,是用这6美元为儿子做一顿大餐。故选A。
(5)动词辨析。tasted品尝;kept保持;根据上文She to supermarket(她去了超市)可知是买了一些食物并在家做饭。
(7)动词辨析。disliked不喜欢;refused拒绝;结合She loved 。)可知此处是她开始写稿子赚钱 do ,意为"开始做某事"。
(8)形容词辨析。earlier更早的;better更好的;根据下文The food started provide with free every 。)可知情况变得更好了。
(9)副词辨析。hardly几乎不;yet也;根据The food started provide with free every 。)可知是终于可以得到充足的食物。
(10)形容词辨析。delicious美味的;terrible可怕的;由下文Then idea to mind...(这时,她做的菜很好吃。
(11)动词辨析。try尝试;sell卖;结合Many liked recipes she (12)___.(许多人喜欢她的食谱。故选D。
(12)形容词辨析。dangerous危险的;famous著名的,严肃的 people her ,此处表示她出名了。
(14)名词辨析。joke笑话;sign标志;根据上文When got money(当露西拿到钱的时候)可知是当露西拿到她写书的钱时。故选D。
(15)动词辨析。remember记住;understand理解;根据Now has a job a beautiful ,她会永远记得她为美好生活而努力的日子。
三、阅读理解。阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Children learn English through lots of fun and creative activities.Camp counselors (夏令营负责人) are native English speakers from the US and the UK! Day Camp Monday﹣Friday:8 am – 4:30 pm July 12﹣16 July 19﹣23 July 26﹣30 Price per week: $300 Healthy snacks and a delicious lunch! No more than 20 students per week Overnight Camp Sunday﹣Friday:7 am – 5:30 July 11﹣16 July 18﹣23 July 25﹣30 Price per week: $500 Stay in comfortable rooms with breakfast,lunch,dinner and snacks included. No more than 15 students per week Buy one ticket,get the second ticket 10% off (减价)! Click here and contact us if you are interested.
(1)What can you do at the day camp?  B 
A.Have fun activities at 7:30 pm.
B.Eat healthy snacks.
C.Have a delicious dinner.
D.Stay in a comfortable room.
(2)How much should your parents pay if you and your sister go to the overnight camp?  C 
A. $450.
B. $900.
C. $950.
D. $1000.
(3)Where can you find the material?  D 
A.A book
B.A magazine
C.A website
D.A notice
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Healthy and a lunch!)可知。故选B。
(2)数字计算题。根据"Price week: 。" Buy ticket the ticket off(减价)),第二张票减价10%。可知C符合题意。
11.(8分)Date:April 2,2021 Day:Friday Weather:Sunny
Today was a special day for me.
I went to school by bus in the early morning.An old man was sitting next to me.He held a bunch of flowers in his hands.They were so lovely that I couldn't stop looking at them.When he got off the bus,he placed the flowers in my hand.I was excited to receive them.
I got off the bus when it arrived at the next station.I walked to school happily.Suddenly,I saw a little boy sitting by the roadside,crying.I went over and asked him why he was crying.He said sadly,but I don't have any money to buy anything for my mom." I thought for a while and said, "I don't have any money either
When I finished my classes,I found the little boy waiting for me in front of the school's main gate.He seemed so happy.He stood in front of me and said, "I gave a flower to my mother and she was very excited.Thank you.By the way,I met an old woman who had just gone to visit her husband in a cemetery(公墓).Her eyes were full of tears and she was so nice.So I gave her two flowers to cheer her up."
I smiled.Yes,that is how love works.
(1)The passage may be  B .
A.a letter
B.a diary
C.a play
D.a poem
(2)The flowers from the old man went to  D  people at last.
(3)We know  D  in the passage.
A.The old man didn't like the flowers,so he gave them to the writer.
B.The writer was mean and greedy.
C.The little boy was kind and polite but he had a poor family.
D.The old woman was moved by the little boy.
(4)What may the writer mainly want to tell us by sharing his special day ?  C 
A.He was quite lucky to get the flowers.
B.Flowers can bring happiness to everyone.
C.A heart full of love can warm another.
D.It's a good idea to choose flowers as a gift.
【解答】 (1)细节理解题题。根据文章开头Date:April 2 Day:Friday 日期:四月2。)可知。故选B。
(2)推理判断题。根据第二段根据When got the ,he the in hand.I excited receive ,他把花放在我手里。)第三段I have money ,but I some can you of said to and walked ,但我有一些花。他向我道谢。)第四段I a flower my and was excited.(我给了妈妈一朵。)和When I on way home the ,I met old who just to her in a eyes full tears she so I gave two to her ,我遇到了一个去墓地看丈夫的老妇人,她是如此的善良。)可知、小男孩及他的妈妈和老妇人8个人。
(3)推理判断题。根据第四段So I her flowers cheer up.(所以我给了她两朵花让她高兴起来,老妇人高兴起来。老妇人被小孩的所作感动了。
(4)主旨大意题。根据最后一段 I ,that how works.(我微笑着。)及全文内容可知作者和小男孩都是善良的人,想告诉我们。故选C。
12.(8分)"Art is long,life is short," was from Japanese composer (作曲家),who passed away at the age of 71,on March 28.
Sakamoto showed great interest in music when he was a little boy.He began studying composition at 11 and learned music in college.He was always interested in sounds around him.When he was a high school student in Tokyo,he would ride the train and enjoy himself by listening to the sounds it made.
In 1978,he formed a music group called Yellow Magic Group.He made songs that influenced early hip﹣hop and techno.But what made Sakamoto world﹣famous was his film music.In 1983,he composed the music for the movie Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence (《圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生》)(《末代皇帝》) ,in 1987,a Grammy,and a Golden Globe.
Sakamoto always paid close attention to the real world and human society.In 2020,he gave a music performance for Wuhan people who were fighting the virus Covid﹣19.He used Chinese﹣style instruments such as gongs (锣) and cymbals (钹)
He also did some other great things.When visiting the earthquake area,he found an old piano.He repaired it and made it into a work of art by adding sensors (感应器) to the keys.The instrument then became a machine that made sounds from earthquake areas around the world.This was his way of reminding people to never forget the bad accident.
"▲.We just don't usually hear them as music."
(1)Sakamoto's experience on the train showed that  A .
A.he was very interested in music
B.he could compose with noises
C.he liked to take trains to travel
D.he could be easily influenced
(2)Sakamoto became world﹣famous for  B .
A.his music group
B.his film music
C.hip﹣hop and techno music
D.his actions against earthquake
(3)What did Sakamoto do for people in Wuhan during the epidemic?  D 
A.fight the virus Covid﹣19 by himself
B.made an old piano into a work of art by adding sensors
C.learn Chinese traditional instruments
D.produced a music performance in 2020 to cheer up people
(4)Which sentence can be put in the ▲ in the last paragraph?  D 
A.There are many kinds of instruments.
B.Everyone can be a musician.
C.Life is full of surprises.
D.The world is full of sounds.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段中句子He always in around he a high student Tokyo would the and himself listening the it 。当他在东京上高中的时候,听火车发出的声音并且过得愉快,坂本在火车上的经历证明了他对音乐很感兴趣。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段中句子But made world﹣famous his music.(但令坂本闻名世界的是他的电影音乐,坂本因为他的电影音乐而闻名于世。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段中句子In ,he a music for people were the Covid﹣19.He Chinese﹣style such gongs and (钹) in to people and ,他为抗击新冠肺炎的武汉人民献唱、钹等中式乐器给人们带来力量和勇气,疫情期间坂本为武汉人民学习中国传统乐器。
(4)细节推断题。根据下文We don't hear as 。)可知。选项D".世界充满了声音。故选D。
13.(8分)People use languages to communicate.Any language has its ways to express people's minds.One of the ways in common is the use of idioms.An idiom is a group of words.It has a special meaning that is different from the usual meaning.For example,"under the weather" is an idiom meaning "ill".So when people say "I'm under the weather," they are saying that they're not feeling well.Another example, "There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers" tells us that homeless people sleep on the streets no matter whether it is cold or hot.
Different languages may have different ways to make idioms.For people who are learning a foreign language,idioms could cause misunderstandings and bring them endless headaches.On the other hand,if things are done right,idioms can also be a fun way of looking into a new culture and understanding how the people think and talk.
Metaphor (比喻) is often used in idioms.Let's read the following two examples:
● It makes my blood boil (煮沸) when people litter everywhere.
● The night was dark and quiet;my blood ran cold when I heard a strange noise outside at dark night.
In neither situation above,our blood can reach the point so high or so low in temperature.Yet,with the situations the two sentences created
Of course,not all idioms are this easy to understand.When we come to idioms of a foreign language,a good dictionary of idioms is always suggested.
(1)This passage tells us something about  D  in the English language.
(2).If your brother breaks your computer,you can say to him, "  C ."
A.I'm under the weather
B.I'm there in all weathers
C.You've made my blood boil
D.My blood runs cold
(3)What is the best meaning of the underlined word?  B 
(4)What is the writer's advice when you come to an expression like under the weather?  A 
A.We should look it up in a good idiom dictionary.
B.We should try to express our minds with it.
C.We should find an interesting way to learn it.
D.We should create situations to guess its meaning.
【解答】 (1)主旨大意题。根据第一段One the in is use idioms.(其中一个共同的方式是使用成语。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段It my boil when litter ,我热血沸腾,你可以对他说:"你让我热血沸腾。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第二段For who learning a language could cause misunderstandings and them headaches.(对于正在学习外语的人来说,并给他们带来无尽的头痛、造成。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段Of ,not idioms this to we to of a language,a dictionary idioms always ,并不是所有的成语都这么容易理解,人们总是建议我们编一本好的成语词典,作者建议我们应该查一本好的成语词典。
卷 II四、词汇运用。A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。
improve twelve pay care train
(1)Meimei is looking forward to her  twelfth birthday party.
(2)Daming is a hard﹣working boy and he always does everything as  carefully as he can.
(3) To improve his English,he always listens to tapes.
(4)Peter spent as much time as he could  training  hard on the playground.
(5)If you keep doing like these,you  will pay for your laziness one day.
(2)考查副词。句意:Daming是一个努力工作的男孩。根据Daming a hard﹣working 。此处是副词carefully修饰动词does。
(3)考查不定式。句意:为了提高他的英语水平。根据he listens tapes(他总是听磁带)可知为了提高他的英语水平。故填:To improve。
(4)考查动名词。句意:Peter尽可能多地在操场上努力训练 the 。spend...doing sth花费……做某事。
(5)考查动词。句意:如果你继续这样做。根据for laziness(为你的懒惰)可知是指为懒惰而付出代价。故填:will pay。
B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示用单词的正确形式完成以下短文, 每空一词 。
15.(10分)My name is Xiao Su,I'm a (1) South (南) China tiger.Last night,I dreamed that I was living in the 1850s.At that time,we were (2) common  (普通的)in the wild.Every day,as I went around in the forest(3) peaceful  (安宁的).
"Bang!" I was shocked by a sudden gunshot.I stared at the wall of my cage and found it was just another dream.It was the 1950s.People(4) named (取名) us "man﹣eating tigers." Many of them kept hunting and(5) killing  (捕杀)us for our beautiful fur.And as people built more cities,more of my friends were(6) dead  (死)because of losing home.With helpless tears in my eyes,I fell asleep again.
"Xiao Su!Xiao Su!" I wake up to the(7) voices  (声音) of the zookeepers.I look around my cage and feel safe.Good or bad,none of these things ever happened to me.But I feel sad whether my kids ask me what the world is like. (8) Nobody  (没有人) knows the answer for sure.All us tigers today have been born and brought up in zoos.
(9) Luckily  (幸运地),China is paying more attention to biodiversity(生物多样性). (10) Scientists  (科学家) are trying to introduce us tigers back to the forest again.Maybe my great﹣grandchildren will be able to live freely.
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:我的名字叫小苏。south表示"南方 ,South China tiger"东南虎"。
(2)考查形容词。句意:那时。common表示"普通的 "。故填common。
(5)考查动名词。句意:他们中的许多人为了我们美丽的皮毛而不断狩猎并杀害我们,keep doing sth"不断做某事"。故填killing。
(7)考查名词。句意:"小苏!"我在动物园管理员的声音中醒来 ",根据"Xiao !Xiao !" 可知。故填voices。
(9)考查副词。句意:幸运的是。luckily表示"幸运地 ",位于句首。故填Luckily。
五、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。
16.(10分)Jin Yong is one of the most well﹣known Chinese (1) writers (write)in the twentieth century.In 1924,he was born in Haining, (2) in  the north of Zhejiang Province.In 1944,he studied in a college in Chongqing.He joined the newspaper (3) called (call)Ta Kung Pao in Shanghai in 1946.In 1955,he got a chance to begin writing his first Wuxia novel.It was so excellent one (4) that he got plenty of fans.
Between 1955 and 1972,he wrote fifteen works.He (5) tried (try) everything to improve his writing.In 2008,Jin Yong won the 2008 World Chinese Lifetime Achievement Award.He felt very pleased(6) to get (get) the prize.
His books are (7) widely (wide) popular in Chinese world.They describe a world called Jianghu.He wants to show his fans(8) a wonderful society.If you are free,I advise you to read some of his works.You are sure to fall in love (9) with  them at once.Unluckily,he passed away in 2018. (10) What  a great pity!But he will live in our hearts forever.
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:金庸是二十世纪最知名的中国作家之一 Yong可知,one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数形式"最......的......之一"。
(2)考查介词。句意:1924年。in the of Province"在浙江省北部"。
(6)考查动词不定式。句意:他为获得这个奖感到非常高兴,故用动词get的不定式形式to get。
六、 任务型阅读。根据所给短文内容,在句子中填入正确的单词,每空一词。
17.(5分)The game of curling(冰壶) is over five hundred years old.But curling first appeared in the 1998 Winter Games with both men's and women's championships(锦标赛).At the games,and two teams take turns pushing 19.1﹣kilogram stones towards several concentric(同心的) rings or circles.Their aim is to get their stones closest to the enter of the rings.One game is made up of 10 "ends".During each end,is the loser.
The Game of Curling
The(1) history  of the game of curling More than five hundred years
The(2) aim  of the players More than five hundred years To get their stones closest to the center of the rings than others
The weight of the stone in the game (3) 19.1 kilograms
What team members need to do To(4) control  the stone's direction and the stone's speed
The winner at the end of the game The team with the (5) most  points
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据The game of curling(冰壶) is over five hundred years old.(冰壶运动已有五百多年的历史了。故答案为history。
(2)细节理解题。根据Their aim is to get their stones closest to the enter of the rings.(他们的目的是让石头最靠近环的中心。故答案为aim。
(3)细节理解题。根据The game is played on ice,两队轮流将重达19.1公斤的石头推向几个同心圆。故答案为19.1。
(4)细节理解题。根据Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stone's direction and the stone's speed.(队员们把每块石头前面的冰扫干净。)可知控制石头的方向和石头的速度。
(5)细节理解题。根据The team with the fewest points at the end of the game。)可知得分最多的队。
How By bus
When Last week
What Cut rice,catch fishes,pull sugarcane(砍甘蔗)
The impression of Baliwan Fresher air,cleaner water.....
Feelings Relax Enjoy the nature Experience the hard work of farmers Teamwork ....
Advice ....
Dear Li Hua,
Li Ming
I felt very relaxed when I enjoyed the natural beauty here.当我欣赏这里的自然美景时,我感到非常放松。
I think it would be better if there were some entertainment programs here.我想如果这里有一些娱乐节目会更好。
【解答】Dear Li ,
Last week we had a trip.We went to Baliwan by bus.(时间和交通方式)We did a lot of cut rice,pulled sugarcane and so on. (做了什么)Baliwan is a good place to visit.It had fresher air and cleaner water.So there are a lot of tourists coming here every year.(对八里湾的印象) I felt very relaxed enjoyed the natural beauty here. 【高分句型一】Through this trip
Li Ming



