人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body Language Reading and Thinking课时练习(含答案)

高二英语选择性必修一Unit 4课时练习(Reading and Thinking)
1.Ken gave me an (尴尬的) smile when I asked where he’d been.
2.It is very important to weigh the salt   (精确地).
3.The Smiths (占有) a large house in the town and live a happy life.
4.We ask the question in a   (略微) different way.
5.As far as I’m concerned, the idea may find (支持) with older people.
6.Keep a   (积极的)attitude and good things will happen.
7.So I have no choice but to (麻烦) you to correct my mistakes in my essay.
8.The   (严重事件)increased the contradictions between the two countries.
9.I would appreciate it if you could (批准) my application and inform me of the interview.
10.A personal   (评估) is judging oneself and knowing everything you should know about yourself.
1. Just like ________ (speak) language, body language varies _____ culture to culture.
2. In many Middle Eastern countries, men and women are not _______ (social) permitted to make eye contact.
3. We can learn a lot about ________ people are thinking by ___________ (watch) their body language.
4. In many countries, _________ (shake) one’s head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”.
5. We both use words and body language ____________ (express) our thoughts and opinions in our ____________ (interact) with other people.
6. Placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while __________ (close) your eyes means “sleep”.
7. In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down when _________ (talk) to an older person.
8. By ___________ (compare), in Bulgaria and southern Albania, the gestures have the opposite meaning.
9. In France, a person __________ (encounter) an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero.
10. Experts suggest _________ (smile) at yourself in the mirror to make yourself feel ________ (happy) and stronger.
三、 阅读理解:
For centuries, mankind and dogs have suffered from a communication failure. We can tell dogs what we want them to do and sometimes they comply(服从), but we've always struggled when it comes to understanding the true meaning of their barks and whimpers. There is exciting news now—a dog translator has been invented to help you communicate with your furry friend.
Researchers at North Carolina State University have fashioned some kind of miracle dog translator body harness(束腰带). What's special about it is that it doesn't just rely on the dog's vocalizations to interpret what they are banging on about.
Oh no—this miracle harness reads and interprets the ordinary dogs' body language as well, giving us a full two-way dog communication experience.
Researcher David Roberts says: “Dogs communicate primarily through body language, and one of our challenges is to develop sensors that tell us about their behavior by observing their posture remotely.”
Sensors on the harness monitor the dog's heart rate and body temperature and software builds up a vocabulary, letting the human know what the dog is feeling.
What would dogs say if they could talk to us The human can even communicate back through the harness thanks to vibration motors, supposedly by tapping into the dog's senses so that it can understand what you're trying to say to it.
The dog harness is designed for dogs involved in search and rescue and other front-line work, but it's got us dreaming of a beautiful future, one where humans and dogs can coexist as equals, with the dog able to fully express itself at all times.
1.Why can't people communicate with dogs
A.They have difficulty understanding dogs' barks and whimpers.
B.They have no idea about dogs' behavior in relation to their posture.
C.They don't know how to tell dogs what they want them to do.
D.They don't have a machine to translate the dogs' language.
2.What does the underlined word most probably mean in paragraph two
A.Bought. B.Researched.
C.Influenced. D.Made.
3.For what purpose is the dog harness designed
A.It is designed for dogs to understand what people are trying to say to them.
B.It is designed for dogs to communicate with people through body language.
C.It is designed to monitor the dog's heart rate and body temperature.
D.It is designed for dogs doing search and rescue and other front-line work.
4.What is the author's attitude towards the possible human-dog communication
A. Shocked. B. Excited. C. Embarrassed. D. Annoyed.
What Your Dog Is Really Thinking
Reading a pup’s body language requires experience and expert guidance. Zazie Todd, a dog trainer and founder of the blog Companion Animal Psychology, considers how to figure out the dogs’ behaviour.
If your dog licks their mouth
They’re stressed. Recently, two European studies have highlighted the meaning of this licking. One found that it was a dogs’ response to seeing an angry or aggressive human face on a computer screen. 1. If you spot this sign, try reducing your dog’s stress levels. It could be as simple as giving them more physical space.
If there are fireworks and your dog is shaking
The noises are frightening. 2. But a surprising number of people don’t realize that shaking and trembling (and hiding or seeking out people) are signs of fear. Whereas only a quarter of owners say their dog is afraid of loud noises, half report these behavioural signs.
They’re anxious. Obvious signs of an unhappy dog include hiding or trying to leave the exam room, but commonly missed signs range from a tucked tail and lowered ears to trembling. If your dog gets stressed at appointments, ask what can be done. Many vets now use food to make the experience more fun.
If your dog leans into you during a petting session
4. If you’re unsure that a dog is enjoying being petted, stop, then watch their reaction. If they choose to wander of, the session is over. Other signs of discomfort include smelling the floor, looking away and breathing heavily. However, if they lean on you or scratch at you to get more hugs, continue! 5 .
A.They like it
B.They hate it
C.This is a common reaction
D.If you’re at the vet and your dog’s tail is down
E.If your dog looks guilty when you walk in the door and see a mess
F.Preferred spots on their bodies are to either side of the chest and under the chin
G.The other determined that dogs lick their mouths - and also look away - in response to a mild threat
1.embarrassed 2.accurately 3.occupy 4.slightly 5.favour
6.positive 7.bother 8.incident  9.approve 10.assessment
1. spoken from 2. socially 3. what watching 4. shaking 5. to express interactions
6. closing 7. talking 8. comparison 9. encountering 10. smiling happier
三、 阅读理解:



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