2023-2024浙江温州市瓯海高铁新城实验中学八年级上册Module 7-Module 9英语检测卷(含答案)

笔试部分(共 85 分)
完形填空 (本题有 15 小题,每小题1分,共15分)
Once, a rabbit built a beautiful house where he lived very happily. He built it so___16___that when a heavy rain arrived, his house stood still. However, the rain flooded* almost the whole forest, and many animals___17___their homes.
Soon, one after another, the homeless animals came to his___18___. They asked if they could___19___that winter with him in his home. He let each visitor in. He enjoyed___20___his house with others.
In spring, all the animals___21___to their own newly-built homes. One day, the rabbit was playing happily outside. He didn’t find that a lynx* was___22___him nearby. One of the animals who had lived in the rabbit’s home saw this and warned him just___23___. And he shouted to the___24___to come back to his home.
The lynx destroyed* that home, but the rabbit succeeded in escaping*and ran to___25___in the home of another friend. For a whole day, the lynx___26___the rabbit and searched it from house to house. But the rabbit could always___27___safe. He was helped all the time by his friends___28___they were all given help by him in winter.
The rabbit felt very___29___. That was not only because he had escaped the___30___lynx, but also because he had made so many friends in the forest.
( )16. A. well B.late C.fast D.early
( )17.A. forgot B. minded C. missed D.lost
( )18. A. ground B.flat C.house D. party
( )19.A. spend B.cost C.complete D. finish
( )20.A. connecting B.sharing C.describing D.comparing
( )21.A.climbed B.landed C. pointed D. returned
( )22.A. hitting B.biting C.watching D. hurting
( )23.A. on time B. in time C. in pain D.in peace
( )24. A. rabbit B.dog C.cat D.bird
( )25.A. practise B. fall C.improve D.hide
( )26. A. passed B.showed C.followed D.placed
( )27. A. match B. stay C.raise D.develop
( )28.A. because B.if C.but D.so
( )29. A. confident B. tired C.sad D.glad
( )30.A. careless B.polite C.dangerous D.pale
三、阅读理解 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 2分,共30分)
Dear Mark. I went to Kings Canyon last weekend with my grandparents. We drove there early on Saturday morning and the car was from my sister. It’s a comfortable car with seven seats. We stayed there until Sunday evening. On the morning of the first day, I drove around Kings Canyon with my grandparents. We saw a forest of redwood trees. We also saw Mount Whitney, one of the tallest mountains in America. In the afternoon, we climbed a mountain and put up our tent. It was fun cooking, eating and sleeping outdoors. We got up at seven o’clock the next morning and made breakfast. After breakfast, a group of deer* walked by our tent. I took some photos of them. At about 10:30 am, we started to go down the mountain. We walked slowly and stopped a lot along the way to see the beautiful views*. We started to head back home at about 6:00 pm. When we got home, it was already 9:30 pm. We were tired but happy. It was a great weekend. You should go to Kings Canyon sometime! Hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Claire
( )31. Claire went to Kings Canyon_______.
A. with her sister B. on Friday evening
C.on Saturday morning D.by bus
( )32. What did Claire do on Saturday morning
A.She drove around Kings Canyon. B.She climbed a mountain.
C. She put up a tent. D. She met a group of deer.
( )33. How long did it take Claire to get home from Kings Canyon
A.About 1.5 hours. B.About 2 hours.
C.About 3 hours. D.About 3.5 hours.
( )34.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Claire walked down the mountain to get some exercise.
B.Claire started to go down the mountain on Sunday afternoon.
C.Claire took photos of redwood trees on Saturday morning.
D. Claire enjoyed herself a lot during the trip.
( )35. We may see the material in the column of “________”.
A.Sports Time B. Trips Around the World
C.Popular Science D. Animal World
One day a farmer took his horse to the town for sale. On his way he saw an old woman. She looked tired, so the farmer took her on his horse. Before the woman said goodbye, she gave the farmer a ring. She told him that the ring had magic power* and could accomplish his dream. But he could make only one wish.
Later the farmer sold his horse and started to walk home. Then he met an old friend and went to his friend’s house. After drinking some wine* the farmer told his friend about the ring. The friend asked him to drink more wine. The farmer drank too much and then slept. The friend took the ring away and put another one in its place. After the farmer woke up and left, the man took out the ring and said, “Make the house full of gold.”
Then lots of gold fell down like heavy rain and killed the man. When the farmer got home, he thought he should wait until his children grew older to decide what wish was the best. So he kept it and forgot about it after years.
( )36.The farmer went to the town to_________.
A.buy a horse B sell his horse
C.buy a ring D.visit his friend
( )37.What does the underlined word “accomplish”mean in English
A. Forgetting something important. B.Solving something difficult.
C.Changing something. D.Making something come true.
( )38. The farmer slept because_________.
A. he was very tired B.he talked too much with his friend
C. he was not happy D.he drank too much wine
( )39. What is the right order for the following activities
The farmer’s friend was killed by the gold.
b. The farmer drank some wine with his friend.
c. The farmer met an old woman and helped her.
d. The farmer’s friend took the magic ring away.
A.cbda B.cdab C.bcda D.bdac
( )40. What is the best title for the passage
A. An Old Horse B. A Wish for Gold
C.A Poor Farmer D.A Magic Ring
Peter and Jenny were walking home from school along the street. Suddenly, they heard a big noise. “Come on! That sounds like an accident. Let’s see what happened,” Peter said.
They ran to the place where the noise came from. As soon as they got there, they saw what happened. A small car hit a truck. The accident happened in a quiet street with only four houses around. Peter and Jenny were the first ones to arrive at the scene*. No other people came. They found that both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt. “___▲___” said Jenny, “Run back down the road to Mrs Green’s house. Ask her to call the police and the ambulance*. Hurry! I’ll stay here.” Peter ran as fast as he could. There was nothing Jenny could do but wait. She knew when people were hurt in an accident, they couldn’t be moved easily. Especially for people who knew nothing about first aid*, they should follow this rule strictly.
Soon the police car and the ambulance arrived. The policemen got the doors open and the two drivers out. They weren’t badly hurt, but they were both taken to the hospital for further check. The policemen thanked Peter and Jenny for what they did. “You were very good children. You acted so quickly when you saw the accident. Thank you for all your help.”
( )41. What were Peter and Jenny doing when the accident happened
A. They were calling Mrs Green. B. They were on their way home.
C. They were shopping in the street. D. They were staying at home.
( )42. Which of the following can be put in “___▲___” in the second paragraph
A. There’s nothing we can do about it! B. I’m really sorry to see that!
C. Peter, take your time! D. Peter, we need to do something!
( )43. What can we get from the passage
A. Both the car driver and the truck driver were badly hurt in the accident.
B. Peter and Jenny helped get the drivers out before the police came.
C. Jenny called the police quickly after the accident happened.
D Jenny had a cool head after she saw the accident.
( )44. What is the passage mainly about
A.A terrible car accident.
B. How a terrible accident happened.
C.How two children helped two drivers in an accident.
D.Correct ways to save people in an accident.
( )45. Why didn’t Jenny do first aid on the drivers (请用约 40 词回答)
词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题1分,共15分)
birth follow dry throw hole
46. Daniel’s coat has some small_________on it so he wants to buy a new one.
47. Nancy thinks this summer is much__________than that in the past.
48. Some schools in my home town closed down because the_________rate went down.
49.Kate took some pieces of paper out of her bag and_________them into the dustbin.
50. Mr Black_____________his son in secret when I saw him.
B)根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。
That day, my friend Mel and I stood at the foot of the 11,240-foot Mount Hood at the age of 16.
We started at 3 am. It was cold but we had 51.__________(暖和的) clothes. Along the way, we met two other climbers and moved on together.
After 5 hours, we reached Devil’s Kitchen, a point at about 10,000 feet. Then the wind got 52.__________(更强烈的) and the other climbers turned back, but Mel and I kept climbing. We thought we 53. __________(准备)well for the climb.
54.___________(突然), I head the ice under my foot break. In a second, I 55.________(坠落) backward. I could hear Mel calling me as rolled down the mountain. Luckily, I came to a stop on a(n) 56._________(地面) just above Devil’s Kitchen. My face was bloodied* from cuts.
For the most part, I was fine, except that there was a bad 57.__________(疼痛) in my left leg. I couldn’t move.
I 58._________(喊叫) for help and other climbers came. They called the rescue team and stayed with me. Later, I was sent to West Hospital.
The doctors said it would be a year before I could 59.__________(爬) again, but I was back 6 months later.
The accident made me 60._________(成长)that nothing could keep me from doing my favourite thing in the world.
五、语法填空 (本题有 10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
I am Li Ming. I live in a middle-sized city in the south of China. It has 61.__________population of 300,000. There 62.__________(be) one college, 20 junior high schools, three hospitals, stadiums and so on.
But my home town used to be a small village 63.__________only about 3,000 people. Since China began the reform and opening-up policy* in 1978, many factories have been built. A great number of people from other places have come 64._________(work) here. The city is developing quickly. The public transportation* is getting better. People live 65.__________(good) lives than before. The population is increasing 66. __________(quick).
Seventy years ago, my grandfather’s father first came here. It was still a very small village. At that time, the anti-Japan War was going on. Many people 67.__________(die). There were only four hundred people living here.There were not any schools or factories. All the villagers were 68.__________(farm). My great grandfather made a living by growing rice and raising fish. The life here was really hard then.
Since 1978, great changes have taken place in my home town. People are happier 69.__________happier. I am sure our life 70._________(become) more beautiful in the future.
六、书面表达(共 15分)
假如你叫李欣,你的英国笔友 Laura 发电子邮件询问上个周末你和家人的活动。请根据表格里的内容提示,写一封 60 词左右的电子邮件, 告诉 Laura 你们是怎么度过周末的。开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
Li Xin Li Xin’s parents
Saturday morning Did her homework Worked in the garden
Saturday afternoon Went swimming Saw a film
Sunday morning Visited Li Xin’s grandparents
Sunday afternoon Did some shopping
Dear Laura,
I’m glad to hear from you._____________________________________________________
Please write to me soon and tell me about your weekend.
Li Xin
小词典 ambulance n.救护车 bloody v.使流血 deer n.鹿 destroy v.摧毁 escape v.逃脱 first aid 急救 flood v.淹没 lynx n.山猫 power n.力量 reform and opening-up policy 改革开放政策 scene n.现场 transportation n.交通 view n.风景 wine n.酒
任务型阅读 (本题有 5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
下面文章中有五处(第1-5题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题, 选项中有一项是多余选项。
Every summer, drowning (溺水)accidents happen among students form time to time. The best way to stop drowning is to learn to swim. Here are some things you should know.
1.___________ Always have someone with you. No matter how old you are, swimming alone is a bad idea. You never know what may happen while you’re swimming. You may fall, get hit or meet other accidents. They can help you or call for help if anything happens.
2.___________ For example, don’t swim if you have an open wound(伤口). If you develop pain while swimming, stop and rest. And if you still don’t feel better, get out of the pool.
3._________ They are there to protect you. So look for and read the pool safety information carefully before getting into the water. And don’t jump into water before you know how deep it is.
4.__________ It takes time to improve your swimming. Start by swimming once or twice a week, and don’t think of becoming an excellent swimmer in a short time.
5.__________ Don’t be afraid of shouting for help. If you get into danger, you can ask lifeguards (救生员)or other swimmers for help.
A. Follow the pool rules and signs (指示牌) B. Don’t swim alone. C. Learn with excellent swimmers D.Be patient(耐心的). E. Swim only when you feel comfortable. F. Ask for help.
45.Because she knew the rule that she couldn’t do first aid when someone was hurt in an accident if she knew nothing about it, or it would hurt the wounded.
词汇填空: A:holes; drier; birth; threw; was following
B: warm; stronger; prepared; Suddenly; fell; ground; pain; shouted; climb; grow
语法填空: a; is; with; to work; better; quickly; died; farmers; and; will become
附加题: BEADF



