
1-5 AACCC 6-10 CABCC 11-15 CACBA 16-20 DCAEB
21-25ADBCC 26-30 BACDA 31-35 CDABA 36-40 DAEBC
41-45 CDACA 46-50 BDAAC 51-55 CBCAD
四、语篇填空 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
第一节: 56. gave 57. solve 58. their. 59. things 60. finally
61. asked 62. was 63. has 64. felt 65. harder
第二节: 66. a 67. up 68. that 69. at 70. to
71. Can you tell me how you learn English well / ...
72. It really improves my speaking skills / It helps me improve my speaking skills / ....
73. How do you improve your reading skills / ...
74. What do you want to be in the future /when you grow up / ...
75. Thanks a lot /...
One possible version:
The progress I have ever made
How time flies! I have made great progress in my past three years. I was lazy and wasn’t interested in English. Last year, my new English teacher, Mrs. Liu, had a long conversation with me. She gave me great help and encouraged me not to give up. She taught me some good ways of learning English. So I made a decision to study hard in English. For example, I took notes in class. I watched English movies as often as possible. I spent much time learning English every day. Because of her encouragement and my hard work, now I’m glad that I have made some progress and caught up with others in my class.osuound yourself with English from time to time.
atTesin Engis
re Engsh programs on your TV,watch them.If they have subtitles (the
en in your language),see if they can be turned off.38 Most DVDs are
great because you can choose the language you want to hear.
speak Engish to yourf
seak in Engishhsfperson
whosce same your wn you may feespeaking
But donFinding friends whose native languages English is
venrAsk yourend totyouwhe.
Sudy or travel to an English-speaking counry
fos the best way to immerse yourself in the English language is to live in an
all EitYoufind yourself surrounded with the anguage verywhere
you gmay be amore dicu and expensive choice for you.
A.If you are immersed in English,it is all around you.
B.Continue to do it and it will become more natural to you.
C.However,,it is surely a very valuable(宝贵的)and helpful experience.
D.Surely you have teachers,reading materials and websites helping you with your
E.Some people even cover the bottom ()of the screen with paper so that they can't
see the words.
“Ding…ding…,”the bell rang.The English teacher came into the classroom with test
papers in his hand.All the students shouted.The teacher41with a smile on his face,"I
know there are too many tests for you these days,but the test today is very 42".After
hearing the teacher's words,all the students sat up straight and 43for the test to
begin.The teacher started to give out the test papers to each student.After he finished
handing out the test papers,he asked them to begin.
There was not a question but only a small black"X"in the middle of the paper.The
students were very 44tosee that.The teacher noticed the students'surprise.Then he
said,"would like you to write about what you see there.You must finish it all by
45"All the students thought about it hard and then wrote down their answers quietly.
At the end of the class,the teacher collected their papers and read the answers.46of
them described the blackThe next day,the teacher said,"Everybody only paid
attention to the black but nobody wrote about the white paper."The whole class
listened 47because they worried that they might fail the exam.
Then the teacher said,on'twory about the 48of this test.I just want you to
thinkbooEveryne smilThetecheradded,The white paper is likeou
hoe liand the black themidle ofthe paper isjust9probemsoudaily
life.Do you havesome more thous Then the students discussed and expressed
50sctivey Finally theydsecer and this specaes



