
初三年级 英语科目
命题人:初三英语备课组 审题人:初三英语备课组
学生注意:本练习共 4 道大题, 66 道小题,满分100分,时量100分钟。
第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
1. How does the girl learn English
A. By listening to songs. B. By reading books. C. By watching movies.
2. What can the woman do in the self-study class
A. Discuss questions. B. Talk aloud. C. Play music.
3. Who is the man’s new app for
A. The kids. B. The old. C. The blind.
4. What is Ben like today
A. He’s humorous. B. He’s active. C. He’s quiet.
5. Where is Tom’s dictionary
A. Beside the computer. B. In the schoolbag. C. In the desk.
听下面6段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有两到三个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。
6. How is Anna going to the museum
A. By subway. B. By taxi. C. By bus.
7. What will Anna go past on the way to the stop
A. A coffee shop. B. A bookshop. C. A clothes shop.
8. How long did Eric stay in New York
A. For five days. B. For seven days. C. For a month.
9. Why did Eric buy nothing there
A. Because things there were expensive.
B. Because he was too busy to go shopping.
C. Because many things were made in China.
10. When did the girl leave her bag on the chair
A. Ten minutes ago. B. A quarter ago. C. Half an hour ago.
11. What will the man do right away
A. Call the police. B. Take a photo. C. Check with the station.
12. What did the woman use to drink
A. Water. B. Tea. C. Coffee.
13. When did the woman visit Hangzhou
A. Last week. B. Last month. C. Last year.
14. What does the woman think of tea
A. Cheap. B. Healthy. C. Fresh.
15. Which festival is coming
A. The Dragon Boat Festival. B. The Lantern Festival. C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.
16. Where is the woman going this afternoon
A. To the bookstore. B. To the supermarket. C. To the restaurant.
17. What will the boy do first
A. Make a phone call. B. Go shopping. C. Cook lunch himself.
18. When did David get the mobile phone
A. Two years ago. B. Three years ago. C. Four years ago.
19. What did David use his mobile phone to do at school
A. He used it to take photos.
B. He used it to listen to music.
C. He used it to search for information.
20. What change has happened to David without the mobile phone
A. He has become more outgoing.
B. He has talked with his teacher more often.
C. His study has improved a lot.
Baseball Cap Color: Yellow, White, Orange Price: $1.8 Material: 100% cotton Delivery (交货) Time: About 7 days after receiving payment Beach Umbrella Color: Yellow, Orange Material: Plastic Price: $ 6 Feature: Anti-UV(紫外线) Delivery Time: 30 Days after receiving payment 3D Phone Case Suit for: iPhone SE Price: $ 2.01 Material: Silicone(硅胶) Feature: Anti-fall Delivery Time: 30 days after receiving payment
If you are crazy about sports especially baseball, what will interest you most
3D Phone Case. B. Beach Umbrella. C. Baseball Cap.
Your aunt wants to buy a beach umbrella and two 3D phone cases, then how much will she pay
$10.02 B. $8.01 C. $16.18
Which of the following is True according to the ad
The beach umbrella can’t protect you from the sun.
You can receive the phone case in 7 days after you paid.
The three products are made from different materials.
In 2019, Cai Lei, former vice-president of JD Group, was diagnosed (诊断) with ALS (渐冻症) and would have only two to five years to live. ALS is usually caused by the gradual death of motor neurons (神经元). It makes normally easy movements like drinking water, eating, going to the bathroom, and speaking impossible. Finally, patients will completely depend on machines and others’ help to survive (生存). So far, only two medicines are available to treat ALS, but they can at most extend (延长) patients’ life for several months without improving their living quality.
To develop effective medicine is the only way to save ALS patients. However, effort may be fruitless because such an illness makes the task really challenging. It usually takes 10 to 15 years to complete the research cycle for a new drug. Besides, the cost is $1 to $3 billion. Let’s take Alzheimer’s (阿尔兹海默症) disease for example. Between 2000 and 2017, the total cost in new drugs for this more common disease was over $600 billion, and 99.6% of the research on drugs failed.
Cai decided to take matters into his own hands. He started his own medical technology company, built his own research team, and volunteered to try more than 30 new medicines which all failed. However, he has decided that even if all efforts prove fruitless, he will continue. To shoot the last bullet, he has decided to give away his brain and spinal cord for scientific research. He will not die for nothing.
24. What might happen to people with ALS
A. They would lose the ability to think normally.
B. They all would die within months after the diagnosis.
C. They would need others’ help to live in the end.
25. What does the underlined word“treat”mean in paragraph 1
A. 治疗 B. 看待 C. 招待
26. Why is Alzheimer’s disease mentioned in paragraph 2
A. To compare Alzheimer’s disease with ALS.
B. To explain the difficulty in finding a kind of medicine for ALS.
C. To introduce the way to develop a kind of medicine for Alzheimer’s disease.
27. What can we learn from Cai Lei in this passage
A. No pains, no gains. B. Never give up. C. Never too old to learn.
Video calls are common, but have you imagined being able to touch the person on the other end of the line Scientists are making this a reality.
Scientists have invented a soft skin stretch device (SSD) (皮肤拉伸装置). It can recreate the sense of touch. Haptic (触觉的) technology imitates (模仿) the experience of touch by feeling some areas of the skin, which is similar to what is felt in the real world through force, vibration and motion.
Haptic technology is already being widely used, but the old one has problems. It became less sensitive (敏感的) when used continuously. Besides, it also had great difficulty recreating the sense of touch with objects in the unreal environment or located far away. Fortunately, the new haptic technology can solve the problems. It is built into the fingertips of the wearable haptic glove. It’s soft, stretchable (可拉伸的) and imitates the sense of touch.
The SSD works like this: imagine you are at home and call your friend who is in Australia. You wear a haptic glove with the SSD and your friend also wears the same glove. If your friend picks up an object, it will press against your friend’s fingers. And the glove with a 3D force sensor will measure these activities. The force signals can be sent to your glove, so your device will get the same 3D force. It makes you experience the same sense of touch as your friend does.
The SSD could be used in medical practice. Two doctors in separate places could work together during an operation – one touches the patient’s organs (器官) with the SSD while the other doctor feels the same sensation and completes the actual operation.
What does the underlined word“this”in the first paragraph refer to
Being able to make video calls more common in life.
Being able to touch the person on the other end of the line.
Being able to make video calls come into reality.
Which of the following is NOT true about the new haptic technology
It becomes less sensitive.
It is soft and stretchable.
It can recreate the sense of touch easily.
How does the writer develop paragraph 4
By listing numbers.
By raising a question.
By giving an example.
According to the last paragraph, where could the haptic devices be used
At school. B. In the hospital. C. At the cinema.
Sometimes we may forget something easily. Don’t worry. If you want to have a good memory, please follow me. 32
Review it regularly(有规律地).
My first advice is that if you want to remember something well, you have to review it regularly. After you learned the text, you need to review it right away, then two days later, then a week later, then two weeks later. 33
Mark the important parts.
My second advice is to mark the important parts of your book. 34 On the one hand, it will help you concentrate on (专注于) the most important parts. It is always easier to remember only the key points. On the other hand, this will make reviewing easier. When you open your book, the colored parts will show you the most important parts at once. In this way, you needn’t read every word again.
Another piece of advice is to review at a proper time. One good time for memorizing information is in the evening. Review what you have learnt before going to bed. And the information you reviewed will be kept in your mind deeply. The other good time is in the morning because you have just rested and your brain is fresh and clear. 36
Remember all the advice above, and your memory will be better and better.
A. Review at a proper time. B. This will help you in two ways. C. Here are some suggestions to help improve your memory. D. So it’s easy to memorize the important information in the morning. E. After a month, you will find that you can remember the text easily.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to take the train on the world’s highest railway – the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Sit back and get ready for the trip of a lifetime.
We’re leaving Qinghai Station. The scenery along the way is some of the widest in China. Keep your eyes open, and you might see Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) from the window.
Before we begin our journey, let’s learn about this amazing railway. It’s truly one of the greatest engineering wonders of the 21st century. When it was completed on July 1, 2006, the Tibet Railway set nine world records, including the world’s highest railway at 5072 meters above sea levels, the world’s highest tunnel at 4905 meters, and the longest tunnel ever built on permafrost (永久冻土).
As we travel higher, the air gets thinner and thinner. Soon there will only be 50 to 60 percent of the oxygen which we are used to breathing. But don’t be afraid. Each rail car has two separate oxygen systems.
Here are a few more things to think about as our train leaves the station. The designers solved three main challenges when building this great railway. First, the high altitude (海拔) made the task difficult because there was no enough oxygen. Second, much of the railway runs across permafrost, a type of ground that keeps changing as the weather warms and cools. Finally, the railway goes through some of the most sensitive ecology in China. Great care was necessary to make sure of the smallest possible influence on nature.
All three challenges were met, making our trip possible. All aboard! The train to Tibet is leaving in fifteen minutes.
37.What might you see from the window during the trip
38.How many world records did the Tibet Railway set when it was completed
39.Why did the high altitude make the task difficult
40.Do you expect the journey mentioned in the passage Why or why not
My grandfather often said “I won’t” to show his dislike of dishonesty (不诚实). When he was young, he worked as a furniture (家具) maker. One day, a neighbor invited him to make some furniture. When he arrived, he 41 the wood provided was a little wet, so he said, “I won’t start right away.” He chose to let the wood dry for a month. He knew working with wet wood could 42 problems later on.
Around the same time, another furniture maker was also asked for a 43 job by a different family. Unlike my grandfather, he began working right away. As a result, the neighbor started doubting my grandfather, thinking he was trying to make more money by 44 the work. However, my grandfather waited 45 . He wanted the best quality for the furniture he was making.
A month later, the other furniture maker 46 his money and went back home. My grandfather began to make strong and beautiful furniture when the wood was 47 dry. A few months passed and the furniture made by that maker began to break. The neighbor then regretted 48 my grandfather and said sorry to him. People came to understand his honesty and skill, spreading his fame far and wide.
Influenced by my grandfather, my father also follows the value of “I won’t” . He always provides the freshest food, which makes his restaurant very 49 in town. Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father, he said “No!” and stopped the business. Now, my brother and I keep in mind what our grandfather and father taught us. Through ups and downs in life, we’ve come to deeply understand our family 50 behind this saying---to be truthful and honest.
41.A.remained B. noticed C. required
42.A.educate B. pack C. cause
43.A.similar B. different C. daily
44.A.putting on B. putting off C. putting away
45.A.patiently B. impolitely C. accidentally
46.A.mailed B. received C. mentioned
47.A.widely B. correctly C. completely
48.A.doubting B. shouting C. warning
49.A.unusual B. inconvenient C. awful
50.A.purpose B. mystery C. value
语法填空 根据提示在句子空白处填入1个适当的单词或单词的正确形式。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Are you an “I person” or an “E person” Now, this question 51._________ (discuss) widely online. This is part of a popular personality (个性) test called MBTI. All of the results have four letters, and there are 16 results in total. “I” means “introverted” (内向的) and “E” means “extroverted” (外向的).
52._________ someone is typically quiet, many online discussions suggest that an “I” person can still act outgoing at times. For example, when an introverted person is with a group of introverted friends, they might become much 53.__________ (outgoing) like an “E” person. According to experts, this idea of changing personalities is called “masking”. That is hiding your true personality in different 54.___________(situation).
Using the MBTI result to describe someone’s personality seems interesting. However, two years ago I 55._________ (go) too far. My sister was excitedly making a day-to-day travel plan when I remembered from 56._________ article that “P people” don’t like to make or stick to plans, so I said to her, “You don’t seem like a ‘P person’.” “Why ” she asked back. “Do I need to follow 57.__________ my personality test tells me to do ” It was then I realized I had taken the result too 58.___________ (serious).
The MBTI personality test may show something you don’t know about yourself and can even be a fun ice-breaker question when 59._________ (meet) new friends. Knowing someone’s MBTI result doesn’t mean you really know this person. And those four letters of yours don’t decide who you are and your test results are just 60.________ fun.
据说骑自行车正在变得更流行。Many people like riding bikes in their lives. The following are some teenagers’ ideas about cycling (骑自行车).
Lily thinks having a night cycling activity in a big city is really very good for us. When we’re riding around the city, we broaden our horizons. Many cycling lovers travel by bike. 62. Traveling by bike gives them a chance to see the world in a different way.
Tom thinks in another way. “You don’t need to pay different kinds of vehicle taxes (交通税). It helps you save money.” he points out. 63. If people ride bikes in big cities, their time will be saved greatly.
Carla believes that cycling is beneficial to the environment. 64. It can prevent the environment from being polluted. You should just start from yourself and do something to reduce air pollution and keep the air clean. Then try to ride a bike to school or to work.
Nowadays, 65. 我们如此忙碌以至于几乎没有时间运动。Cycling can give us the chance to better our mind and body.
66 . 在青少年的成长过程中,自律起着重要的作用。为了加强初中生的自我约束能力,Teen英文杂志社正在开展“争做自律好学生”为主题的征文比赛。请你以“How to Be a Self-disciplined Student”为题,结合表格信息,写一篇英文短文投稿,并谈谈自律带给你的好处。
How to Be a Self-disciplined Student at home use the mobile phone less ; ...
at school listen to teachers attentively in class ; ...
in society ... ; ...
Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. We must be strict with ourselves in our growth.听力原文
1. M: Your English has improved a lot, Mary. How did you make it By listening to English songs
W: No. I followed my sister’s advice and read a lot of English books.
2. M: I am not allowed to talk in the self-study class. How about you
W: Well, we can discuss questions, but we can’t talk aloud or play music.
3. W: I hear you are developing a new app.
M: Yeah, I have developed an app for kids to play games and an app for the old. Now I'm thinking of developing a new one for the blind.
4. W: It's so good to see you again, Dave. We haven’t changed much.
M: Yes. You are still humorous and I'm still active. But look at Ben. Why is he so quiet today
5. W: May I borrow your dictionary, Tom I left mine in the desk at school.
M: Sure. It's in my schoolbag. Oh, no. It's beside the computer. You can have a look.
W: Eric, how can I get to the History Museum in the shortest time I'm in a hurry.
M: Well, there’s no subway to the museum and it's hard to find a taxi. You can take the bus,Anna.
W: Is the nearest bus stop far from here
M: Just go along the street and then turn right at the first crossing. After you go past a coffee shop, you’ll see the stop.
W: OK. Thank you!
W: Hi, Eric. Did you go on a trip to New York with your family last month
M: Yes. We stayed there for a week. And we had a good time there.
W: It's said that New York is a great place for shopping. Is that true
M: Yes. But I didn’t buy anything, because many things were American brands but they were made in China.
W: Really We should really be proud of our country.
W: Excuse me, I need help. Someone took my bag away by mistake.
M: Could you tell me what happened
W: OK. Fifteen minutes ago, I left my bag on the chair and went to get some water. But it was lost when I came back.
M: Tell me more information about your bag, please.
W: It's brown and not very big. There's a picture of a monkey on it. My ID card, dictionary and wallet are in it.
M: OK. We’ll check with the train station at once. We’ll call you as soon as we find it.
W: Hmm, nice tea. How do you like it
M: It tastes OK, but I like coffee more. I remember you didn’t drink tea.
W: Right. I used to drink water only.
M: Why do you like tea so much now
W: Last year, I enjoyed a tea art performance during my visit to Hangzhou. It was so enjoyable.Then I began to like tea.
M: I see. It's not only because of drinking tea itself, but also because of the tea culture.
W: Yes. Tea is healthier than coffee. You can also try drinking it instead of coffee.
M: OK, I will.
M: Mom, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Can I invite some of my foreign friends to our home
W: Of course.
M: Great! We can teach them to make rice dumplings on that day. They’re quite interested in them.
W: That sounds interesting. I will go to the supermarket to buy something we need this afternoon.
M: Can I go with you, Mom I want to help you.
W: OK. By the way, what other food shall we cook for them
M: I'm not sure. I’ll call and ask them right now.
Hello, everyone! My name is David. Three years ago, my uncle bought me a mobile phone for my 13th birthday. It was not a famous brand but it was made in China. The phone helped me a lot. I used it to search for information at school and study online at home. However, from the beginning of this term, we were not allowed to take mobile phones to school. If someone breaks the rule, he will be punished. At first, I couldn’t accept the rule, because I thought it was boring. I didn’t get used to the life without a mobile phone at school. But now, I find it is helpful. I listen to teachers more carefully than before and my study has improved a lot.2023年下学期九年级12月阶段性练习
初三年级 英语科目 答案
1-5 BACCA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 CACBA 16-20 BABCC
21-23 CAC 24-27 CABB 28-31 BACB
32-36 CEBAD
Tibetan antelopes.(若抄错单词扣1分)
/ We/I might see Tibetan antelopes from the window.
38. Nine./9.
39. Because there was no enough oxygen.
40. Yes/No. 第二问言之有理即可。
41-45 BCABA 46-50 BCAAC
51.is discussed 52. Although/Though 53.more outgoing 54.situations 55.went
56.an 57. what 58.seriously 59.meeting 60.for
It is said that cycling /riding bikes is getting /becoming more popular .
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
骑自行车旅行 给他们一个 用不同的方式看世界的 机会。/ 给他们一个机
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
1 1
它能阻止/防止/预防环境 (被)污染。
1 1
we are so busy that we hardly/seldom have time to exercise/ do exercise / play
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
sports/ do sports.
(so...that... 句型0.5分, we 未小写扣0.5)



