Unit 6 TV programmes—2023-2024九年级英语牛津译林版寒假巧练习(含解析)

(6)Unit 6 TV programmes—2023-2024学年九年级英语牛津译林版寒假巧练习
1.—_____ you meet him yesterday
—Yes, I did.
A. Do B. Are C. Weren't D. Didn't
2.He feels rather _____ because of doing the _____ work every day.
A. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring D. boring; bored
3.The man ____ be a doctor in this hospital, but I'm not sure.
A. must B. would C. can D. might
4.—Where's Tony now
—I saw him _____ in the garden a moment ago and I told him _____.
A. play; go home B. playing; to go home
C. playing; goes home D. play; going home
5.Kitty, you'll fail the English exam _____ you study hard.
A. because B. when C. if D. unless
6.—Do you have the _____ news about Anna
—I was told she had gone abroad on June 15th, but I don't know whether she is there now.
A. latest B. funniest C. longest D. worst
7.The number of the students in our school _____1,800, and a number of them _____ boys.
A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are
8.—Dad, why must I stop _____ computer games
—For your health, my boy.
A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing
9.—Why are you lying in bed
—A _____ walk _____ me completely tired.
A. two-hours; made B. two hour's; has made C. two-hour; has made D. two-hours'; made
10.—Where's Mum, Lily
—She left a(n) _____ saying that she had gone.
A. message B. news C. excuse D. information
Tom is ten years old. He loves watching TV. But for one year, he didn't watch TV at all. What was the reason Tom's parents said they would give him $600 if he didn't watch TV for a year. Tom's parents thought he watched too much TV.
One day his mother read a story in a newspaper about a boy who didn't watch TV for a year. She showed the story to Tom. Tom liked the idea. He turned off the TV right away, and said, "It doesn't trouble me not to watch TV. I just want the money." At first, Tom's parents were very happy. Tom read books and newspapers, played outside, and played computer games, but soon he got bored.
Every evening, he asked his parents, "What are we doing tonight Sometimes his mother and father wished he would watch TV just for one evening. Tom always said, "No, it would cost me money!" Finally the year was over. Then Tom started watching his favorite TV shows all day again. Tom got the money from his parents. What did he plan to do with the $ 600 " I want to buy myself a TV set!" he said.
1. Tom didn't watch TV for one year because _____.
A. he wanted the money
B. he wanted to study harder
C. he wanted to learn from the boy
D. he thought watching too much TV was bad
2. "It doesn't trouble me not to watch TV." means "_____ ".
A. It's no use watching TV.
B. It's a waste of time watching TV.
C. It's important for me to watch TV.
D. It doesn't matter not to watch TV.
3. Why did his parents promise to give him $ 600 if he didn't watch TV for a year
A. Because they were very rich.
B. Because they wanted to play with him.
C. Because they wanted him to buy a new TV.
D. Because they didn't want him to watch too much TV.
4. What didn't Tom do instead of watching TV for one year
A. He played outside.
B. He did his homework.
C. He played computer games.
D. He read books and newspapers.
5. Tom's last words would most probably make his parents _____.
A. happy B. interested C. surprised D. excited
根据对话内容, 从下面的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话, 有两项是多余的。
Seeing blood in a horror movie might make you cover your eyes, but real blood isn't scary at all. ①_____That's why blood donors are considered lifesavers.
Blood donors are those giving blood—usually about 200 ml at a time—to blood banks or blood donation(捐赠) centers. ②_____ For example, someone may have lost blood in accidents, or have a serious illness that requires his blood to be replaced. Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand.
③_____ Medical workers ask donors several questions to make sure the blood is safe to use. Then the donors relax, often reading a magazine or talking as their blood is drawn. Afterward, the donors may receive some juice or water or maybe fruit to give them energy. The process is simple, not scary. ④_____
To give blood, a person must be at least 18 years old and must meet certain other requirements. Students of all ages, though, can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation center. ⑤_____ It is also an easy way to help a community.
A. Donating blood is not difficult. B. Then the blood can be used for people in need. C. In fact, blood is the gift of life and keeps us alive. D. Donating blood is not only one of the easiest ways to save lives. E. Most people are able to donate blood again in several months if they wish. F. When people watch the film, they feel scared. G. Donating blood is good for people.
解析:根据yesterday可知, 此题是一般过去时, 排除A和B两项。根据答语可知助动词为did, 故答案为D。
解析:句意: 他感到很无聊, 因为每天做着无聊的工作。前空在系动词后, feel bored意为"感到无聊"; 后空"无聊的工作"用boring work。
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意: 那个人可能是这个医院的医生, 但是我不确定。must必须; would将要; can会, 可以; might可能。根据语境可知, 此处表示不太确定的推测。故选D。
解析:see sb do/doing sth为固定结构, 意为"看见某人做了/正在做某事"; tell sb to do sth为固定结构, 意为"告诉某人做某事"。
解析:考查连词辨析。句意: Kitty,如果你不努力, 你的英语考试会不及格。unless引导的是一个条件状语从句。
解析:根据上下文可知问句句意: 你有没有Anna的最新消息 latest 意为"最新的", 符合句意; funniest意为"最有趣的"; longest意为 "最长的", worst意为"最差的"。故选A。
解析:"the number of+n."意为"……的数量", 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式; "a number of+n."意为"一些……", 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。
解析:短语stop to do sth."停下来去做另外一件事"; stop doing sth."停止正在做的某件事"。句意: —爸爸, 我为什么必须停止玩电脑游戏 —为了你的健康, 孩子。故选D。
解析:答语句意: 两个小时的步行已经使我非常累了。"两个小时的步行"用two-hour walk或two hours' walk; 由语境可知第二空用现在完成时。
解析:leave a message是固定短语, 意为"留言", 符合句意; news和 information是不可数名词, 不可用a/an直接修饰; an excuse意为"一个借口", 不符合句意。
解析:1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的"It doesn't trouble me not to watch TV. I just want the money."可知Tom一年不看电视是因为他想得到父母许诺的600美元。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据关键词"trouble"能推知题干表达的意思与D 项"不看电视不要紧"相符。故选D。
3.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句"Tom's parents thought he watched TV too much."可推知, 父母不想让他看那么多电视。故选D。
4.细节理解题。根据第二段的"Tom read books and newspapers, played outside, and played computer games"可知, Tom 没看电视的一年里, 他读书看报、出去玩、玩电脑游戏, 但没有提到做作业这一条。 故选B。
5.推理判断题。happy开心的; interested感兴趣的; surprised惊讶的; excited兴奋的。首先弄懂题意"Tom最后的话极有可能让他父母……"。听到Tom要用600美元买一台电视, 父母会是什么反应呢 此题可以使用排除法。开心 感兴趣 兴奋 都不可能。最可能的反应是非常惊讶。故选C。
解析:①前文讲述血液并不可怕, 此处用in fact表示承接, 表示血液不仅不可怕, 而且还是生命的礼物, 让我们能够活着。故选C。
②由语境可知, 此处介绍献血及使用血液的情况。与B选项"血液用于需要帮助的人"相对照, 故选B。
③第三段主要讲献血时的注意事项, 过程并不复杂。故选A。
④在第三段末尾, 讲人们献血补充能量之后, 并不影响身体状况, 故可以承接"如果他们愿意, 大部分人几个月后可以再次献血"。故选E。
⑤由语境可知, 献血不仅是挽救生命最容易的方式之一, 它也是帮助一个群体的简单方式。



上一篇:广西壮族自治区钦州市浦北县第三中学2023-2024八年级上学期12月月考物理试题(图片版 含答案)
