
Many of my friends find it hard to learn English words. So they always ask me about my1______ to remembering English words well. Here are some of my ways to learn new words. First, I learn how to 2____the words clearly by listening to tapes. I read them3_____and keep practicing them over and over again. A good pronunciation is helpful for spelling. Second, 1 try to make a 4____with each new word because it helps me to understand the meaning of the words and the ways to use 5.____Also, I sometimes make a short sentence with each letter(字母) of a word when l try 6______remember the spelling of some difficult words.7_____ example, l use “ Big elephants can always understand small elephants” to memorize the word “because". Third, I make word cards.l put them on the walls of my house so 8_____I can pick up the new words and review them at any time. Fourth, I enjoy learning words by 9_____
English songs. When repeating the songs, l am actually practicing the words of them as10_____.
There are many stories about the Spring Festival in Chinese culture. Most agree with the story that Nian, the name of a beast(野兽)which in modern Chinese means
“year”, killed people the night before the beginning of a new year. Many people were 2______.
People were3____ of it and had to hide in the evening when Nian came out. One day, an old man came to help 4_____. To Nian he said, “I hear that you are very strong, but are you strong 5_____ to beat other beasts on earth instead of people who are weak " So, it killed many of the beasts from time to time.
After that, the old man left. He turned out to be a god. Now that Nian had gone, people began to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had 6____people that they should put up red paper on their windows and doors and set off fireworks(鞭炮)at the end of each year to scare away Nian 7____red is the color the beast feared most.
8____then on, using red color paper and setting off fireworks remained(保留) as a 9_____ of the festival. Now, people often do these on the10_____of the new year.
It was a very foggy day in London.The fog(雾) was so thick that it was impossible to see the road clearly.
Buses, cars and taxis were not1______to run and were standing by the side of the road.
Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there 2____time. He tried to walk 3____found he was quite lost.
Suddenly he saw a stranger who was walking along the road unhurriedly.
“Excuse me," Mr. Smith asked the stranger 4_____.“ Could you tell me the
5____of the Houses of Parliament I lost my way in the fog.”The stranger told him he would take him there.
Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk there. The fog was getting 6_____every minute but the stranger had no 7_______in finding the way.
He went along one street, walked through another,8______by a square and at last after about half an hour's walk they9 at the Houses of Parliament.
Mr.Smith couldn't understand 10______the stranger found his way. “It is wonderful," he said. “How do you find the way in this fog ”
“It is no trouble at all to me,” said the stranger. “1 am blind. ”
When I was a little kid, l used to eat fruit without spitting(吐)the seeds. Then my dad told me that if l ate the seeds of the fruit ,1_____ would grow into a small tree inside my body.Soon 2____tree would become bigger and bigger, and leaves would come out of my ears. I was 3_____and didn't eat the seeds anymore.
It happened that one day I swallowed(吞下)a seed carelessly when I was4____an orange. I was so scared that I didn't 5to drink any water, because l knew the seed 6_____ water to grow. I ran to my dad and asked him to take me to a doctor. At that time he told me that we should wait 7_____the leaves were able to be seen outside the body and then he would find a garden worker to deal 8_____them! So I waited patiently for weeks. However, after some time, 9_____happened. Dad said that the seed l swallowed might be a bad seed.
Now as I grow older, 1 find that what my dad said was a funny 10 _____,and he just wanted to stop me from eating the seeds.
Paper cutting can be seen in many pa arts of China during the Spring Festival.People 1_____pictures on the windows, doors or desks to celebrate the festival.
It's difficult to tell when it appeared. The ancient people cut the paper into animals or people. According to 2_____books, in the Tang Dynasty,paper cuts were used on women's heads for beauty. In the Song Dynasty, they were widely used to make the gifts look special.3_______, people put them on walls, mirrors or lanterns. Some people made a living by it.
Paper cutting is all made 4______ hand. It can be one piece of paper or many pieces. Simple pictures can be cut with 5_____. For difficult ones, people first put the patterns (图案) on the paper and then use different kinds of knives to make 6_____. No mistake can be made during the7_____, or the work would fail.
Paper cutting covers nearly all themes -flowers,animals, characters in classic novels, and so on.
Now fewer and fewer people would like to 8____this skill, but there are still many regard it as 9_____job. At present, there are factories and groups for paper cutting in China. Fairs are held(举行)and books of this kind are published(出版).Paper cutting has10______into a kind of art.
secret (2) pronounce / read (3) aloud (4) sentence
(5) them (6) to(7) For (8) that (9) singing (10) well
(1) folk (2) dead / killed (3) scared / afraid (4) them (5) enough (6) warned / told (7) because (8) From (9) tradition (10) eve
able (2) on / in (3) but (4) politely (5) direction (6) thicker (7) difficulty (8) passed (9) arrived (10) how
they (2) the (3) afraid / scared (4) eating / having (5) dare (6) required / needed (7) until (8) with (9) nothing (10) joke
(1) put (2) historical (3) Later (4) by (5) scissors (6) them (7) process (8) learn (9) a (10) turned / changed



上一篇:华东师大版数学八年级下册第17章 函数及其图象 素养综合检测(含解析)
