期末复习 Unit 8 Growing healthy,growing 短语句型翻译练习(含答案)2023-2024牛津上海版英语七年级上册

短语搭配句型表达之背诵默写 + 应用检测
1. 吃足够的蔬菜有助于健康成长和强壮。
2. 我喜欢度过周末和我的朋友们在一起。
3. 你可以在阅览室里看杂志。
4. 我们今晚一起看DVD吧。
5. 你看过那部叫做“计算机战争”的卡通片吗?非常有趣。
6. 昨天我们在大厅开会。
7. 外面很热。我们去游泳消暑吧。
8. 我喜欢在体育课上和同学们一起打羽毛球。
9. 今天我不想读太多书。我心情不好。
10. 我去参加了一个健康夏令营,学习如何成为一个健康的孩子。
11. 请阅读这份关于如何保持健康的信息表。
12. 每天早睡早起是养成健康生活方式的重要一环。
13. 要记得定期锻炼身体,保持强壮。
14. 多吃水果和蔬菜等健康食物对身体好。
15. 每天至少喝八杯水很重要。
16. 吃太多甜食对健康不利。
17. 喝太多软饮料对身体有害。
18. 昨天的聚会上,我喝了三瓶柠檬汽水。
19. 看电视时间过长不是一个好习惯。试着减少一下吧。
20. 我定期锻炼身体,保持健康和健壮。
21. 我肚子疼,因为我吃了太多垃圾食品。
22. 吃很少蔬菜对健康不好。你应该多吃一些。
1. Eating vegetables helps you grow healthy and strong.
2. I like to spend the weekend with my friends.
3. You can read magazines in the reading room at the library.
4. Let's watch DVDs together tonight.
5. Have you seen the cartoon called 'Computer War' It's really funny.
6. We had a meeting in the hall yesterday.
7. It's hot outside. Let's go swimming to cool off.
8. I like playing badminton with my classmates during PE class.
9. I don't want to read very much today. I'm not in the mood.
10. I attended a health camp last summer to learn how to be a healthy child.
11. Please read this information sheet about how to stay healthy.
12. It's important to go to bed early and get up early to have a healthy lifestyle.
13. Remember to exercise regularly to keep your body strong.
14. It's good to eat a lot of healthy food like fruits and vegetables.
15. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
16. Eating too much sweet food is not good for your health.
17. Drinking too many soft drinks can be harmful to your body.
18. I drank three bottles of lemonade at the party yesterday.
19. Watching too much TV is not a good habit. Try to reduce it.
20. I exercise regularly to stay fit and healthy.
21. I have a stomachache because I ate too much junk food.
22. Eating few vegetables is not good for your health. You should eat more.



