
1.It takes us less time to go to Beijing because the______________ of trains has increased a lot.
A.price B.speed C.space D.service
2.Our business won't improve______________ we offer better service to our customers.
A.because B.unless C.after D.since
3.I think July is_____________ of year in our town.
A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.the hottest
4.The boy enjoys playing tricks____________ his friends so he has few friends.
A.for B.of C.in D.on
5.Most of the college students____________ their parents for food and clothing in China.
A.depend on B.walk on C.spend on D.decide on
6.The two boys have some troubles the hill. We'd better help them.
A.climb B.climbing C.to climb D.climbs
7.There__________ a lot of trees here, but now it has become a desert.
A.is B.have C.used to be D.used to being
8.—What's the __________of yesterday's basketball game
—Class Five 108 points to Class Seven 96.
A.speed B.plan C.score D.record
9.It ____________me about two months to learn how to drive a car.
A.spent B.paid C.used D.took
10.These pictures show the good wishes people will have.
A.who B.that C.when D.what
11.A new robot ______________by a middle school student last term.
A.invented B.was invented C.invents D.is invented
12.Scott was swimming in the pool when all of______________ sudden he heard shouts for help.
A.a B.an C.the D./
13.It's a wise ____________to wear the blue tie. It matches your shirt well.
A.agreement B.support C.choice D.condition
14.I want to leave but your car gets ____________the way of mine.
A.in B.on C.by D.out of
15.I am so busy that I haven't spoken to_________ all day.
A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody
16.We should be kind to others. Having_________ friend is much better than _________enemy, after all.
A.a; an B.the; the C.a; the D.the; an
17.When you're__________, you should listen to music that can make you excited and happy.
A.shy B.afraid C.down D.nervous
18.—Nick is an excellent student.
—I agree with you. Our teachers always__________ him.
A.reflect B.recall C.pardon D.praise
19.Everyone likes him because he _________like a gentleman.
A.leaves B.cries C.behaves D.grows
20.I don't think this program on TV is worth _________.
A.to hear B.to watch C.hearing D.watching
21.The headmaster warns us_____________ the school rules, or we'll be punished.
A.to break B.not to break C.breaking D.don't break
22.It has been about two months _____________she last heard from her mother.
A.for B.since C.unless D.until
23._________broke into my house last night and now the house is in a mess.
A.Somebody B.Nobody C.Anybody D.Everybody
24.Mrs. Hayes is always punishing her son. I don't think it's a good way to____________ a child.
A.support B.educate C.expect D.lift
25.Could you please tell me shirt that is
A.who B.whom C.who's D.whose
One day an angel came
across three peas. She said she could help each of them 26. a dream.
The first pea wanted
to fly in the sky, and the second one's 27. was to swim in the sea. The third one said it
had been 28. going to a place where it could bring
happiness to others. The angel 29. them
where they wanted to go. The first pea fell onto the 30. after a long flight and was eaten by a hen.
The second one sank into the sea and had to stay in the dark alone all its
life. The third one flew into a flower pot whose 31. was a poor little girl.
Having been ill for a
long time, she was very 32. and
couldn't go outside.
One day, when the girl
was walking as usual in the house, she 33. a small pea plant in the flower pot. 34. the plant only had two tiny leaves, it seemed to be cheerful. When a light 35. came, it danced and seemed to be encouraging
the girl to cheer up." I will grow up like this plant and I will be better
soon," she said in a confident voice. From then on, the girl stayed beside
the little pea plant, watched it and talked with it. Day by day the plant grew
taller and taller, and 36. the little girl became better and better.
Finally, the pea plant flowered and the girl returned
to her 37. .
Then the angel came.
The pea plant waved its leaves to her and said, "Look! My 38. has come true and I feel I'm the 39. pea in the world!" The angel smiled, "Only
the dream that can 40. others
will bring happiness in return!"
26.A.explain B.design C.have D.achieve
27.A.wish B.plan C.game D.prize
28.A.catching sight of B.coming up with
C.taking part in D.looking forward to
29.A.sent B.brought C.showed D.imagined
30.A.mountain B.ground C.river D.building
31.A.owner B.volunteer C.maker D.player
32.A.sad B.weak C.fat D.serious
33.A.looked B.noticed C.knocked D.grew
34.A.When B.Since C.Though D.If
35.A.wind B.rain C.storm D.cloud
36.A.one after another B.one by one C.hand in hand D.little by little
37.A.activities B.health C.studies D.job
38.A.joke B.decision C.dream D.suggestion
39.A.best B.proudest C.bravest D.happiest
40.A.support B.protect C.help D.understand
The Great Sphinx of Giza(吉萨狮身人面像)
Most scientists agree the Great Sphinx of Giza was built around 2,500 B.
C. But John Anthony West says that it's much older. If he's right,"Everything anybody has learned about ancient civilizations(文明)would
have to be completely revised,"he told a
West,a writer and film-maker,first
got interested in ancient history after studying the work of a French
researcher. The researcher said Egyptian civilization could have developed as
early as 30,000 years ago,rather
than 4,500 years ago,as most
experts believed.
West joined a scientist to do research together. Their research suggested
that the Sphinx had been worn down over the years by water,rather
than by sand and wind.
Wait a minute?Water?How could that be?The Sphinx is in the Sahara Desert, which has been dry for 12, 000
years! However, before that time, it was very green. If it's true that water
wore down the Sphinx, West thinks that it must have been built centuries
Whether West is right or wrong, it's important to challenge accepted
ideas. That's how science progresses.
West gave some advice to kids: If you are interested in a topic, read
everything you can on it. Do your own research. Don't always believe everything
your teachers tell you. Ask lots of questions, and find your own answers.
41.What does the underlined word"revised" in Paragraph 1 mean
A.Connected. B.Created. C.Changed. D.Controlled.
42.Most scientists believed Egyptian civilization developed _______.
A.4, 500 years ago B.6, 000 years ago
C.12, 000 years ago D.30, 000 years ago
43.From West's research, we can know the Sphinx was worn down by _______.
A.sand B.water C.wind D.heat
44.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The place where West did his research.
B.The period when the Sphinx was built.
C.The reason why West holds his opinion.
D.The technology which was used to build the Sphinx.
45.Which of the following may the writer agree with?
A.Science progresses through giving different opinions.
B.Egyptian civilization should be earlier than we thought.
C.One should do some research before giving their opinions.
D.Kids should ask lots of questions and believe what their teachers say.
In your school, are you allowed to choose the subjects you want to learn If you don't like a subject, can you choose not to take it Of course, the answer is "No"in China.
In America there is a school trying something new. At a high school in Florida, students will be able to choose their own classes. We all know that some students are better at some subjects than others. Some students plan to go on to college, while others will not. At this school students are able to find subjects they are interested in, and possibly even find the field(领域) they would like to go into after school. They are allowed to choose a subject like biology, math, a foreign language, or study skills like computer or car repair.
Some people think this is a good idea, because it helps students think about what they want to do in the future, and the school helps to give them the knowledge and skills they need to get there. They say that giving the students the chance to choose their own classes makes high school more interesting. Others disagree. They think it will make it difficult for students to discover different possibilities(潜力). They point out that fourteen-year-old teenagers are too young to know what they will want to do in the future. How do you think Would you like to be able to choose your own classes Would you like to decide what you learn in school Many useful changes have been made in education, but seeing the differences in each student is also important. What are they interested in How can we help each student become a better student
46.Students at a high school in Florida are allowed to____.
A.learn how to make a computer or a car
B.go on to college without taking big exams
C.find a part-time job they would like to do
D.choose subjects that they are interested in
47.Some people think allowing students to choose their own classes helps them____.
A.prepare for their future B.show how smart they are
C.know their duties in life D.know differences between them
48.Some people don't agree students should choose their own classes because they think children____.
A.care little about their own future
B.are too nervous to make a right decision
C.shouldn't be a repair worker in the future
D.aren't old enough to know what they want to do in the future
49.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.All the high schools in Florida give the students the chance to choose their own classes.
B.The school in Florida helps students by giving the knowledge and skills they will need.
C.Some people think allowing students to choose their classes can help them find their own possibilities.
D.In the writer's opinion, it's not important to see the differences in each student in school education.
50.What is the best title for the passage
A.Chinese Education B.To Change Our Education
C.A New Way of Education D.To Improve Learning Skills
The Ameca Robot is Getting Better The Ameca robot is once again making headlines. In a video released by Engineered Arts, the humanoid robot is shown engaging in conversation. For each question posed by the human participant, the robot briefly pauses before delivering a response that mixes words with proper facial expressions. Besides, this Ameca demo uses GPT3 for conversation and translation. ____ Anyone can put on a show at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and this year even robots were getting in on the act. One of Fringe's big shows even used a small robot to come up with jokes from audience suggestions, which were then performed by humans. The results could be very funny, but sometimes they weren't funny at all. That was part of the point, explained Piot Mirowski, the show's co-maker. "We do not use humans to show off Al, we use AI to show its limitations ( (局限性), to show human creativity on the stage." said Mirowski. Artificial Intelligence and Education On October 21st, at the New Oriental Family Education Summit Forum, Yu Minhong stated that AI is not very beneficial (有益的) for children in terms of education. Robin Lee retorted (反驳): "I think this is a misunderstanding." Yu Minhong said, anyway, if a boy writes a particularly beautiful love letter to a girl, don't believe it was written by the boy himself, it may be written by artificial intelligence. Robin Lee replied, "It depends on his ability to write key words."
51.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news
A.Life Science. B.It's Happening.
C.AI Around the World. D.AI And Education.
52.What is true about Ameca Robot
A.She can speak more than six languages
B.She can make videos without any help.
C.She uses GPT3 to act as humans.
D.She shows proper facial expressions while talking.
53.The best heading for the second piece of news would be"
A.AI Beats Humans Again.
B.AI Robots May Have Limitations
C.Humans Are Caught Up With By AI Robots.
D.Suggestions For AI Robots.
54.Which one can be inferred from the third piece of news
A.AI is bad for students' studying.
B.AI can replace humans in all areas.
C.Yu Minhong supports AI more than Robin Lee does.
D.Robin Lee thinks we should use AI as a tool.
55.It's clear that ____.
A.Articles may be written by AI nowadays.
B.Ameca Robot briefly pauses after delivering a response.
C.AI robot is more humorous than human.
D.Mirowski thought human's creativity can be replaced by AI.
wonderful be flower lie know nation scare haunt big show convenient if
Welcome to Heze. I'm so glad that I can tell you something about Heze. Heze  56.  in the southwest of Shandong Province. As far as we know, it's famous for peony, the  57.  flower of China. Xuanle Park, the  58.  amusement park in our city, lies in the north of Heze. You'll find that there are Water World, big ferris wheel (摩天轮) ,  59.  house and so on. They are all interesting, but I think the roller coaster (过山车) makes people  60.  and excited.
The  61.  in Caozhou Peony Park are the most fascinating. Unluckily, it's not the right season. But there  62.  an animal show next month. It is  63.  for you to get to Tianxiang Park. You can go there by bus at any time and the park is free. Besides, I heard that there would be an interesting talent show at Inzone Shopping Mall next week. I wonder  64.   you'd like to go there. I  65.  where you want to go first. I am sure that you will have a great time in Heze.
Complete the conversation with the proper sentences in the box.
A. No wonder you like it. B. Life was great when I was six. C. But I guess I wasn't used to them yet. D. The tests in primary school were easy! E. But now we can wear whatever we like. F. Oh, I don't mind wearing a school uniform.
A: Guess what My six-year-old brother started school this week.
B: Oh, that's good.  66.  
A: Really Why
B: Oh, school was really easy.
A:  67.  But not for me. I didn't use to like tests. I used to be very nervous about tests.
B: How come  68.  
A: Well, yes, they weren't difficult.  69.  I think I still like high school more than primary school.
B: But we used to play every day! That was so much fun.
A: That's for sure. But we used to have to wear the school uniform.
B: 70.   I don't like thinking about what to wear. But one bad thing I remember is I used to hate P.E. class. But now I love it.
A: Oh, me, too!
71. Stephen t    everyone nicely, so he is pretty popular at school.
72. People around the world are.    (积极) fighting the viruses.
73. The box is too heavy for me to l   .
74. I saw a boy    (cry)on the side of the road on my way home.
75. The sad song reminded them of their p   experiences in the past.
76.Jenny put her clothes in the suitcase yesterday evening. (改为被动语态)
Jenny's clothes        in the suitcase yesterday evening.
77.She could be running to catch a bus. (对划线部分提问)
       she be running
78.There are some children who are having fun. (改为同义句)
There are some children        .
79. I suppose he will be back in half an hour. (改为否定句)
    suppose he    be back in half an hour.
80.The teacher told us. We are going to the beach for a picnic.
The teacher told us        going to the beach for a picnic. (改写成宾语从句)
Dear father,
Father's Day is coming, I'd like to say something to you.
Li Hua
56.lies;57.national;58.biggest;59.haunted;60.scared;61.flowers;62.will be;63.convenient;64.if;65.wonder
71.Treats 72.Actively 73.Lift 74.Crying 75.Painful
76.were;put 77.Why;could 78.having;fun 79.don't;will 80.we;were



