Unit 3 Could you please clean..Section B 1a-1e 同步练习(2课时无答案)

Unit 3 Could you please clean… 同步练习
Section B 1a-1e第1课时
1. ---Could I borrow your dictionary
---Sorry, I ________ (lend) it to Jim just now.
2. What do you need ________ (take) with you on holiday
3. I hate to ________ (play) football, but my brother likes it.
4. Mike invited me ________ (go) to the movies and I agreed to go with him.
5. Sally went to the supermarket and ________ (buy) some food and drinks.
2、 默写词组。
1.倒垃圾___________________ 2.铺床___________________ 3.洗餐具__________________
4.去商店 _________________5.使用你的CD播放机 _______________6.借一些钱______________
1. Minnie hates to do__________(杂务). What about you
2. Remember to bring some_____________(点心) with you.
3. Betty___________(邀请) her friends to her birthday party yesterday.
4. I left my pen at home. May I___________(使用) yours 5. As___________(青少年), we should work hard at school.
1. John invited Mary___________(go) out for dinner, but she refused.
2. —How much is your CD_________(play) —Twenty dollars.
3. He wants to buy some drinks and__________(snack).
4. Linda has to _____ (make) her bed after getting up every day.
5. Does your brother finish _________(do) the dishes
6. The girl often__________(borrow) newspapers and magazines from her uncle.
7. Several students are___________(clean) the classroom now.
8. Andy _______(take) out the rubbish and then left home.
9. Neither of them__________(do)the dishes after dinner.
10. Sally__________(_go) to the store with her mother last Sunday
Could you please_______ _______ _______ _______me
Could you_________some money__________me
3.我想去商店买一些笔记本。I want to_______ ______ ______ _______ to buy some notebooks.
Mary_______ ________ ________her house to have dinner last Saturday.
5.妈妈,请你休息一下好吗 你看上去太累了
Mom, ______ _______ _______ have a rest You look so tired.
Could you buy some     and     
Could I           money
8. 我可以邀请我的朋友们来参加聚会吗
Could I     my friends     a party
9. 我可以用你的CD播放器吗 Could I     your CD     
Unit 3 Could you please clean… 同步练习
Section B 1a-1e第2课时
________v. 给;递;走过;通过 ____________v. 借;借用 __________v. 借给;借出
_________n. 手指 ____________v. 厌恶; _______n. 杂务;乏味无聊的工作
_________conj. 与……同时;当……的时候;而;然而 ____________ n. 零食,点心,小吃
1. He can't see the words on the blackboard. ________ him the glasses,please.
2. Remember to bring some ________ with you.
3. My daughter was writing a letter ________ the other children were playing tennis outside at this time yesterday.
4.Tomorrow we will have an English ________, and now we have to prepare for it.
5. As ________, we should work hard at school.
1. 起床后,玛丽总是把床铺整理好。
Mary always _______ _______ _______ after getting up.
2. 让我们一起洗盘子吧。
Let's _______ _______ _______ together.
3. 那个小女孩经常帮助她的妈妈打扫客厅。
The little girl often helps her mother _______ _______ _______ _______.
4. 听到这个消息后,他们惊讶地看着对方。
After hearing the news,they looked at each other _______ _______.
5. 他总是向我借钱,所以这一次我决定不借给他。
He always _______ money _______ me, so this time I decide not to _______ him the money.四、阅读理解。
Many children don't like doing chores, because they think it is boring. 1______ In fact, doing chores is good for children.
First, doing chores can teach children certain skills. 2______ Cleaning and cooking may seem boring, but knowing how to do them well will make life a lot easier. If children can successfully handle (处理) chores at homes they will handle life better, too.
3______ Some chores like sweeping the floor and cleaning the room can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. Children should not study all the time. A happy life needs balance.
Last but not least, everyone in the family will be happy by sharing chores. Nowadays parents need to go to work. 4______ If children can help their parents with some simple housework, their parents will be very happy. 5______
A. Children can learn classification(分类) skills when they pick up their toys and put them away.
B. And children can also find great pleasure in helping their parents.
C. Some children think that they just need to learn their subjects well and it isn't necessary for them
to do chores.
D. When they get home, they are often tired.
E. Second, doing chores can help children keep healthy.
Tamara is sixteen years old. She has lived with her mother and her younger sister Sasha since her father left 1________ two years ago.
Tamara's mother has three part-time jobs and she is too 2________ to do anything when she gets home from work.Tamara has to do all the housework, like cooking, doing the dishes, 3________ the clothes and sweeping the floor. She 4________ to do so much work. She does not think this is fair(公平的), either. Sasha is ten years old, but she does 5________. She gets to play with her friends after school nearly every day.Tamara thinks Sasha should try to 6________ the house clean and tidy as well.
Tamara remembers very well that she had to do housework when she was ten, 7________ she does not understand why her mother does not make her sister help around the house. She is tired of doing all the 8________. She wants to hang out with her friends after school or go to the library to read or 9________ her favorite books.
Tamara wants to talk to her mother about this 10________, but she does not know where to start.
A: Hi, Karen. Tomorrow is Saturday. 1______________________________________
B: Tomorrow morning Sorry, I have no time. I have to do the housework at home.
A: 2______________________________________
B: Yes, I often do it.
A: What kind of housework do you often do
B: 3______________________________________. But I like cooking best.
A: Why do you like cooking best
B: 4______________________________________.
A: Well, what food are you good at cooking
B: I'm good at cooking beef and carrot noodles.
A: Really I like eating beef and carrot noodles a lot. 5__________________________________
B: Sure. You can come to my house next weekend and I will teach you.
A: OK. Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.
test, snack, teenager, while, pass
fold, chore, problem, nothing, keep, tired, borrow, so, hate, they



