Unit 6 An old man tired to move the mountains Section B & Self Check素养提升练习(含解析)

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.
Section B & Self Check
1.【人与自我·自我管理】(2022四川广安中考)We should face any difficulty with a     (勇敢的) heart.
2.(2023山东青岛城阳区期末)Most of the    (妻子)in our area are stay-at-home moms.
3.(2023浙江杭州市文理中学期中)—Who teaches you music
—N   . We just learn it by ourselves.
4.(2023山东青岛五十九中期中)I have read the    (全部的,完整的) works of Lu Xun.
5.(2022四川德阳期末)Could you please speak louder I can’t hear your v    clearly.
6.【新素材·天宫课堂】(2023辽宁营口中考)    useful knowledge the astronaut in Tiangong Classroom has taught us!
A.How   B.What
C.How a   D.What a
7.(2022辽宁沈阳铁西区大青实验学校期末)In China, ancient books
    bamboo before paper was invented.
A.were made up of
B.were made from
C.made of
D.were made of
8.(2023吉林长春榆树期中)The boy isn’t     to dress himself.
A.enough old   B.old enough
C.old   D.so old
9.(2023重庆潼南区期末)—I feel     tired   I can’t climb to the top of the mountain.
—It’s a pity that you can’t see the cloud sea.
A.such;that   B.so;that
C.too;to   D.not;but
10.(2023湖北武汉洪山区期末)I woke up early yesterday to find it was a beautiful morning. And the sun    through the window.
A.shines   B.has shone
C.will shine   D.was shining
The children                 classics after they were told these wonderful stories.
Don’t throw litter around.     it    .
The roads in Chongqing are     magical     many visitors often get lost.
        beautiful poem Going up the Hill is!
The 62-year-old lady was brave         save a young man in the lake.
A:What do you think about the story of Yu Gong
B:I think it’s really interesting. 16 
C:Really I think it’s a little bit silly. 17 
B:But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! Yu Gong kept trying and didn’t give up.
C:Well, I still don’t agree with you. 18 
B:But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains
C:Well, there are many other ways. For example, he could build a road. 19 
A:You have different opinions about the story, and neither of you are wrong. 20 
A.Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.
B.I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem.
C.That’s better and faster than moving a mountain!
D.There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.
E.It doesn’t seem very possible to move a mountain.
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.   
21.(2023吉林白城大安期末,6,★★☆)—I lost the game today.
—Cheer up!    wants to lose, but only a few can win.
A.Somebody   B.Everybody
C.Nobody   D.Anybody
22.(2023黑龙江绥化中考,8,★★☆)—Our school volleyball team won first prize last Friday.
—Wow,     great news!
A.what an  B.what  C.what a
23.(2023重庆忠县期末,26,★★☆)According to Snow White, the prince knew that     the girl’s foot could fit the shoe,it was not the right girl.
A.if   B.unless
C.when   D.as soon as
24.(2022黑龙江绥化中考,16,★★☆)—The big stone is   heavy
   I can’t carry it alone.
—Don’t worry. I will help you.
A.such;that  B.so;that  C.too;to
25.(2022湖南岳阳中考,26,★★☆) The Monkey King is not a normal monkey; he can     himself     different animals and objects.
A.turn...off   B.turn...up
  从下面方框中选出10个单词,并用其正确形式填空, 使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。
break; China; English; farm; health;
later; not; run; think; to; train; with
  There is a 26 story about an old farmer who had an old horse for farming.One day the horse 27 away into the hills and when all the other neighbors took pity on the old man over his bad luck,the farmer replied, “Bad luck Good luck Who knows ”
  A week 28 , the horse returned  29  a lot of wild horses from the hills.This time the neighbors congratulated(祝贺) the farmer on his good luck.His reply was still, “Bad luck Good luck Who knows ”
Then when the 30 son was going 31  one of the wild horses,he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone 32  this was very bad luck,but 33  the farmer,whose only reaction was “Bad luck Good luck Who knows ”
Some weeks later, the army came into the village and made every 34 man join the army. When they saw the farmer’s son with his  35 leg,they let him off. Now was that good luck Who knows
26.   27.   28.   29.   30.   
31.   32.   33.   34.   35.   
  Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who lived in a small village near the edge of a large forest. One day, while he was walking in the forest, Max met a group of elephants. They were peaceful animals, and Max was fascinated by their size and grace.
After some time, Max became close friends with the elephants. He would often visit them and bring them fruits and leaves to eat. The elephants, in turn, would protect Max from any danger that might happen in the forest.
One day, Max’s village was attacked by some wild dogs. The elephants immediately came to the village, using their large bodies and powerful trunks to fight with the dogs. (A)在他们的帮助下,马克斯和村民们得以安全离开。
(B)From that day on, Max knew that he could always count on the elephants for protection. And the elephants knew that they had found a true friend in Max, who would always stand by their side through thick and thin.
36.Where did Max live
37.What would Max often do after they became close friends
38.How did the elephants protect Max and the villagers
From that day on, Max knew that he could always    on the elephants to     them.
Ⅰ.1.brave 2.wives 3.Nobody 4.whole 5.voice
Ⅱ.6.B 考查感叹词的用法。句意:天宫教室的宇航员教给我们多么有用的知识!useful knowledge是名词短语,knowledge是不可数名词,故用What引导。故选B。
7.D 句意:在中国,在纸发明之前,古代的书是由竹子做成的。be made of由……制成,能看出原材料。根据“bamboo”可知,此处表达的是“古代的书由竹子做成”,能看出原材料,用be made of,故选D。
8.B 考查enough的用法。句意:这个男孩年龄不够大,不能自己穿衣服。enough作副词修饰形容词通常放在后面。故选B。
9.B 句意:——我感到非常累,因此我不能爬到山顶了。——你看不到云海真遗憾。so...that意思是“如此……以至于”,其中so后面接形容词或副词,that后面接从句,故选B。
10.D 考查动词时态。句意:昨天我早早醒来时发现是一个美丽的清晨。阳光正照进窗子。根据语境可知空格处应使用过去进行时,谓语由was/were+现在分词构成。故选D。
Ⅲ.11.fell in love with 12.Pick;up 13.so;that
14.What a 15.enough to
Ⅳ.16.A 17.E 18.B 19.C 20.D
Ⅴ.21.C 考查复合不定代词辨析。句意:——我今天输了比赛。——振作起来!没有人想输,但只有少数人能赢。根据“but only a few can win”可知,此处意思是“没有人想输”。故选C。
22.B 考查感叹句。句子是感叹句,中心词是不可数名词news,用感叹句结构“What+形容词+不可数名词!”。故选B。
23.B 考查连词辨析。此处表示“王子知道除非女孩的脚适合鞋子,否则她就不是合适的女孩”。根据“the girl’s foot could fit the shoe”及“it was not the right girl”可知,空格处应该用unless引导条件状语从句。故选B。
24.B 句意:——这块大石头太重了,我一个人搬不动。——别担心。我会帮助你的。such...that...“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句,such修饰名词;so...that...“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句,so修饰形容词或副词;too...to...“太……而不能……”,to后跟动词原形。根据“I can’t carry it alone”可排除C选项;heavy是形容词,应用so...that。故选B。
25.C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:美猴王不是一只普通的猴子,他可以把自己变成不同的动物和物体。turn...off “关掉”;turn...up “(声音)调大”;turn...into“把……变成……”。根据“himself”及“animals and objects”可知,应选短语“turn...into”。故选C。
Ⅵ.[语篇解读] 这篇短文讲述了一个老农夫和他的马的故事。
26.Chinese 句意:有一个关于一个养了一匹老马种田的老农夫的中国故事。此处要用形容词来修饰名词story,设空处前的冠词是a,Chinese表示“中国的”,符合题意。故填Chinese。
27.ran 此处讲述过去发生的事,用一般过去时,run away意思是“逃跑”。故填ran。
28.later 句意:一周后,这匹马从山里带回了很多野马。副词later意思是“以后”,故填later。
29.with 句意:一周后,这匹马从山里带回了很多野马。介词with表示“带着”,故填with。
30.farmer’s 句意:然后当这个农夫的儿子去驯服其中一匹野马时,他从马背上摔了下来,摔断了腿。由farmer和son可知,此处需用名词所有格,故填farmer’s。
31.to train 句意:然后当这个农夫的儿子去驯服其中一匹野马时,他从马背上摔了下来,摔断了腿。be going to do sth.表示“将要做某事”,train意思是“驯服”。故填to train。
32.thought 此处表示“每个人都认为这是坏运气”。陈述过去发生的事,用一般过去时,think意思是“认为”。故填thought。
33.not 此处表示“每个人都认为这是坏运气,除了农夫”。根据语境可知,农夫并不认为这是坏运气,用not表示否定。故填not。
34.healthy 句意:几周后,军队进入村庄让所有健康的男人去参军。healthy表示“健康的”,形容词修饰名词man。故填healthy。
35.broken 句意:他们看到农夫的儿子断了腿,就让他走了。broken意思是“折断的”,形容词修饰名词leg。故填broken。
Ⅶ.[语篇解读] 这是一篇记叙文。短文讲述了马克斯和大象和平共处、互帮互助的故事。
36.He lived in a small village near the edge of a large forest.
37.He would often visit them and bring them fruits and leaves to eat.
38.They used their large bodies and powerful trunks to fight with the dogs.
39.With their help, Max and the villagers were able to go away safely.



上一篇:Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks Section B & Self Check素养提升练习(含解析)

下一篇:Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years Section A素养提升练习(含解析)