Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks Section B & Self Check素养提升练习(含解析)

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.
Section B & Self Check
1.(2023四川自贡中考)Let’s help the little kid f    up the broken wheels of the bike.
2.(2023四川成都中考)In Beijing, people’s act of k    makes me feel warm even in the place far from home.
3.(2023四川宜宾中考)It is reported that a blind man has made a living by repairing b    bikes for 30 years.
4.(2023广东珠海期中)Aron    (/t e nd /)his mind after he talked to his parents.
5.(2023广东珠海期中)How would you explain colors to
    (/bla nd/) people
6.(2023浙江宁波北仑区精准联盟期中)We    (理解) his idea that day and at last we were successful.
7.(2023广东东莞中学松山湖学校期中)He lives    (独自) but he doesn’t feel lonely at all.
8.【人与自我·抗挫能力】(2023广东东莞中学松山湖学校期中)We may meet many    (困难)in our life.
9.(2022广东汕头市龙湖实验中学期中)We have trouble    (想象) living without arms or legs.
10.(2022四川成都简阳简城学区期中)Lily became d   after the car accident. She lost one of her legs.
give away; set up; take after; give out; stay up
11.The old man is generous and he is going to      all his money to charities.
12.The teacher asked me to      the papers to the students. I was glad to help him.
13.Don’t      too late. If you don’t go to bed early, you may feel sleepy the next day.
14.Lily      her mother, but she is a little taller than her mother.
15.They      a small company last year.
16.【人与社会·志愿服务】(2023湖北荆州中考)—Jimmy, the bikes you gave away to the poor kids help them a lot. What gave you the idea
—I guess I   my father. He always volunteers to help people.
A.take after   B.look after
C.talk back   D.turn down
17.【人与社会·文学作品】(2023湖南郴州中考)—Are you going to read the book Journey to the West
—Yes. Our teacher expects us     such traditional Chinese books.
A.read   B.reading   C.to read
18.—I’m sorry I left my exercise book at home this morning.
—It doesn’t matter. Don’t forget     it here tomorrow.
A.taking   B.bringing
C.to take   D.to bring
19.(2023江西南昌县期中)—Shall we     the things we don’t use to the people in need
—Good idea.(E8202001)
A.set up   B.put off
C.give away   D.get off
20.(2022江苏无锡中考) UNICEF, part of the United Nations,     in Europe in 1946 after World War Ⅱ.
A.set up   B.was set up
C.took up   D.was taken up
21.It is dangerous to use a cellphone up in a plane. So remember to
    before you get on the plane.
A.find it out   B.turn it off
C.put it down   D.give it up
22.(2022辽宁抚顺顺城区期末)My eating habits     Jack’s. We both like noodles for lunch.
A.are similar to
B.are good with
C.are different from
D.are up to
23.(2023黑龙江绥化中考)—The old man lives    , so he may feel    .
— We should visit him twice a month.(E8202001)
24.(2022甘肃武威市区学校期中联考)His words made     possible for me     in the city.
A.it;to work
B.it;to working
C.that;to work
D.that;to working
25.(2023福建三明三元区中考一模)He has     understanding the English article about ChatGPT as he doesn’t have a wide vocabulary.
A.luck   B.difficulty  C.effort
We will be       the future and all the cool things.
My sister and I        our mother in many ways.
Getting good grades will     it     for you to get into a good high school.
The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games
               to the world.
At first, Kate’s group                 the water rocket.
A: Hello, Amy! I didn’t see you yesterday afternoon. 31 
B: We went to the old people’s home.
A: Wow! Sounds nice. How were you feeling
B: Kind of tired. 32 
A: A volunteer I did that last summer. 33 
B: Mm...We did lots of things such as reading newspapers to them, cleaning the room or just talking to them.
A: Oh, you must have had a good time.
B: Yeah, very happy. 34 
A: Listening to the old is important, too. A lot of old people are lonely.
B: You’re right. 35 
A: I do agree. We can learn new things and have fun at the same time. (E8202003)
A.Where did your class go
B.Helping others is a great thing.
C.But I was glad to be a volunteer.
D.How did you help the old people
E.The old people also told us stories about the past.
31.    32.    33.    34.    35.   
36.【人与自然·环保意识】(2023湖北孝感中考,31,★☆☆)—Look at the sign. What does it mean
—It means we should     the rubbish     the proper rubbish bins.
A.put...into   B.throw...around
C.mix...into   D.try...on
37.(2022新疆中考,33,★☆☆)Cindy felt    in her new school, so she joined some clubs to make new friends.
A.lonely   B.sleepy
C.cold   D.hungry
38.(2023四川达州中考,27,★★☆)The teachers used to    key points on the blackboard, but now they are getting used to     them through PPTs.
39.(2023四川乐山中考,31,★★☆)—Who’s the little girl in the photo
—It’s me. The photo     when I was five years old.
A.took  B.was taken  C.is taken
40.(2023重庆西南大学附中期中,24,★★☆)As soon as you    an idea, never    writing it down.
A.think of;turn off
B.pick up;cut off
C.come up with;put off
D.to take out;cleaning up
41.(2023北京一零一中学期中,20,★★☆)The students were really
   when they heard the good news.
A.upset   B.excited
C.angry   D.nervous
42.(2023湖北武汉武昌区八校期中,35,★★☆)The farmer   some chickens in the mountains,but most of them died last month.
A.rose    B.returned
C.reported   D.raised
43.【人与自然·宇宙探索】(2023福建中考,31,★★☆)It’s reported that China plans     astronauts to the moon before 2030.
A.send  B.sending  C.to send
The Southern Media Company We are looking for a few volunteers to work with us, which may lead to part-time or full-time work. Working hours are flexible and successful candidates(应聘者)will be working on social media and getting phone calls with organizations and groups. Candidates can be a man or a woman, but he or she must speak excellent English.
The Strawberry Music Festival Our company is looking for volunteers for our music festival on Jan 6-7. The festival takes place in Chimelong Paradise in Guangzhou. There will be over 30 bands and DJs playing all forms of music. We need a team of volunteers to raise money for charity. If the festival interests you, please come to our open recruitment session(招聘会).
The French Red Cross Foundation We would like an outgoing volunteer for our team at our Paris Head Office. We need a well-organized person with good computer skills. You will support our team by sending thank-you letters, answering the telephone, and helping with all kinds of event organizations for 2 days a week.
The Royal Voluntary Service This is a national charity to help elder people keep active and independent in their communities(社区).We are growing our new Dementia Support Service in Hillingdon.We need help from you!You are supposed to have good communication skills.
44.What are people who do well in English suitable for
A.The Southern Media Company.
B.The Strawberry Music Festival.
C.The British Red Cross Foundation.
D.The Royal Voluntary Service.
45.Jessica lives in Paris and she is good at computer skills.Which is a good choice for her
A.The Southern Media Company.
B.The Strawberry Music Festival.
C.The French Red Cross Foundation.
D.The Royal Voluntary Service.
46.Which of the following is TRUE
A.All the volunteers need to work full-time.
B.These four ads all need volunteers to work in China.
C.The Strawberry Music Festival will take place on September 6-7.
D.The Royal Voluntary Service wants people who are good at communicating.
Ⅰ.1.fix 2.kindness 3.broken 4.changed 5.blind
6.understood 7.alone 8.difficulties 9.imagining
Ⅱ.11.give away 12.give out 13.stay up 14.takes
after 15.set up
Ⅲ.16.A 考查动词短语辨析。take after像;look after照顾;talk back顶撞;turn down调低。由“Jimmy, the bikes you gave away to the poor kids help them a lot.”及“He always volunteers to help people.”可知,Jimmy像他爸爸一样乐于助人,故选A。
17.C 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:——你打算阅读《西游记》这本书吗 ——是的,我们老师期望我们阅读这种传统的中文书。动词expect后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语,expect sb. to do sth.意为“盼望某人做某事”。故选C。
18.D 根据语境可知,此处表示“不要忘记明天把它带过来”,bring意为“带来”,forget to do sth.意为“忘记去做某事”。故选D。
19.C 考查动词短语辨析。根据“the things we don’t use to the people in need”可知,此处是说把不用的东西送给需要的人,give away sth. to sb.“把某物捐赠给某人”。故选C。
20.B 考查动词短语的辨析及时态和语态。句意:联合国儿童基金会,是联合国的一部分,二战后于1946年在欧洲成立。根据“part of...”和“in Europe in 1946 after World War Ⅱ”可知此处表示联合国儿童基金会成立于1946年,句子应用一般过去时。主语为UNICEF,与set up存在逻辑上的被动关系,因此应用被动语态。故选B。
21.B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在飞机上使用手机是很危险的。所以记得在上飞机前把它关掉。根据语境可知这里是“关闭手机”。turn off关掉,故选B。
22.A 考查短语辨析。根据“We both like noodles for lunch.”可知是“我”的饮食习惯和杰克的相似。be similar to意思是“和……相似”, 故选A。
23.A 考查词义辨析。alone独自,副词;lonely孤独的,有一定的感彩。第一空是修饰动词lives,应用副词alone;第二空表示感到孤独,应用lonely。故选A。
24.A 考查固定用法。句意:他的话使我有可能在这座城市工作。“make+it+adj.(+for sb.)+不定式”是固定用法,意思是“使(某人)做……是……的”,故选A。
25.B 考查名词辨析。句意:他在理解关于ChatGPT的英语文章方面有困难,因为他词汇量不多。根据后面的“as he doesn’t have a wide vocabulary”可知,他很难理解文章,用“have difficulty doing sth.”,意思是“做某事有困难”,故选B。
Ⅳ.26.excited about 27.take after 28.make;possible
29.made a great difference 30.had difficulty in making
Ⅴ.31.A 32.C  33.D 34.E 35.B
Ⅵ.36.A 考查动词短语。句意:——看看这个标志。它是什么意思 ——它的意思是我们应该把垃圾放进合适的垃圾桶。根据“the rubbish...the proper rubbish bins”可知,这里是说“把垃圾扔进合适的垃圾桶里”。故选A。
37.A 考查形容词辨析。lonely“孤独的”;sleepy“困倦的,瞌睡的”;cold“寒冷的”;hungry“饥饿的”。由“所以她加入了一些俱乐部结交新朋友”可知,辛迪在新学校感到孤独,故选A。
38.A 考查易混短语辨析。句意:老师们过去常常把重点写在黑板上,但现在他们已经习惯了通过PPT来展示重点。used to do sth.过去常常做某事,第一空应为动词原形write。get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,第二空应为动名词showing。故选A。
39.B 考查被动语态。句意:——照片里的小女孩是谁 ——是我。这张照片是我五岁时拍的。主语“The photo”与动词take之间是被动关系,结合“when I was five years old”可知,用一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。
40.C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:一旦你有了一个想法,把它写下来,千万不要拖延。根据“an idea”可知,这里说的是“想出主意”,第一空用come up with/think of;第二空是指“推迟”,用put off。故选C。
41.B 考查形容词辨析。句意:当学生们听到这个好消息时,他们真的很兴奋。根据“the good news”可知,这些学生们听到好消息是很兴奋的。故选B。
42.D 考查动词辨析。句意:那个农民在山里养了一些鸡,但大多数都在上个月死了。根据“The farmer...some chickens in the mountains”可知,此处表示那个农民在山里养了一些鸡,raise意为“饲养;养育”。故选D。
43.C 考查动词不定式的用法。句意:据报道,中国计划在2030年前将宇航员送上月球。plan to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“计划做某事”,故选C。
Ⅶ.[语篇解读] 这是四则广告,招收不同的志愿者。
44.A 细节理解题。根据第一则广告最后一句“Candidates can be a man or a woman,but he or she must speak excellent English.”可知,擅长英语的人适合第一个工作,故选A。
45.C 细节理解题。根据第三则广告中的“We would like an outgoing volunteer for our team at our Paris Head Office.We need a well-organized person with good computer skills.”可知,在巴黎并且擅长计算机的人适合第三个工作,故选C。
46.D 推理判断题。根据第四则广告最后一句“You are supposed to have good communication skills.”可知,第四则广告需要有良好的沟通能力的人,故选D。



上一篇:Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years 素养综合检测(含解析)

下一篇:Unit 6 An old man tired to move the mountains Section B & Self Check素养提升练习(含解析)