Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years 素养综合检测(含解析)

Unit 10·素养综合检测
1.(2023四川成都武侯区期末)Jim chose to cheat in the exam instead of being     honest student.
A./   B.a   C.an
2.(2023河北石家庄藁城区期末)—Bob hasn’t been back to his hometown   he left. Where is he now
—Sorry. I don’t know.
A.unless   B.until
C.since   D.when
3.(2023安徽芜湖无为期末)—How do you like the school trip
—I like everything about it,    the weather. It’s neither too hot nor too cold.
A.especially   B.mostly
C.simply   D.completely
4.【跨学科·语文】(2023湖北孝感中考)—What do you think of the novel, Journey to the West
— It’s so exciting that I     it for three times.
A.read   B.will read
C.have read   D.was reading
5.(2023四川成都武侯区期末)—    have you had your smartphone
—For about 5 years. It still works well now.
A.How long   B.How often
C.How soon
My mother told me we would have a yard sale this weekend. Yesterday I  6  lots of old things from my bedroom. I had to  7  five things I no longer use. At first, I was quite  8 . I found  9  toys that I didn’t play anymore but I still wanted to keep them. I  10  the toy car since my sixth birthday, and I played with it almost every day  11  I was ten. I didn’t want to lose my toy bear,  12 . It was one of my favorite toys. It came from my grandmother. I have had it  13  five years. I wanted to keep them  14  they brought back many sweet memories. “Maybe some kids need the toys more than you. They don’t fit you anymore. But they can bring  15  to the kids,” my mother said. In the end, I gave away the toys to kids in need happily.
6.A.found out   B.checked out
C.worked out   D.cleared out
7.A.buy   B.sell   C.throw   D.take
8.A.sad    B.happy   C.nervous   D.bored
9.A.much   B.a little
C.a bit of   D.many
10.A.own   B.owned
C.have owned   D.was owning
11.A.until    B.after
C.as soon as   D.unless
12.A.too    B.either   C.also   D.neither
13.A.since   B.at   C.for   D.on
14.A.so   B.and   C.but   D.because
15.A.time   B.illness   C.joy   D.sadness
Curt McArdle, a British man, lived in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for about five years, teaching English in Hohhot. When he is free, he likes making videos(录影) about his trips to villages near Hohhot.He shared more than 10 such videos on YouTube.
  McArdle saw the big changes in those villages during his trips over the years. The broken roads in the villages become much better now. He added that Hohhot had opened two metro(地铁) lines in the last few years.
  “Now you can easily spend a day in a village.You can go to a restaurant to buy some food. I used to fill my bag with all kinds of foods before traveling to the villages.You can go to a small village in the middle of nowhere and pay for everything with WeChat or Alipay. There is always 4G, so I can use the map on my phone to get back to the city,” said McArdle.In some villages, people told him that they could sell local products(当地特产) easily thanks to a growing number of visitors brought in with the help of convenient transport(交通).
  McArdle thinks it’s China’s efforts at poverty alleviation(扶贫) that make these changes happen. He hopes to go on making videos to show the real China to the world and do something to help develop the country.
16.What does Curt McArdle like doing in his free time
A.He likes staying at home and watching videos.
B.He likes learning Chinese by watching videos.
C.He likes making videos about his trips to villages.
17.Which question can the third paragraph answer
A.Why didn’t McArdle use maps in China
B.How can people pay in the villages now
C.When did McArdle come to the villages near Hohhot for the first time
18.Why can people in the villages make more money now
A.Because the local products are better than other products.
B.Because people can sell more products through 4G.
C.Because the transport makes it easier for more visitors to come.
19.What can we know from the passage
A.McArdle shared over 50 videos about his trips to villages on YouTube.
B.McArdle wishes to play a role in helping develop China.
C.McArdle could buy food easily with WeChat when he first came to Hohhot.
20.【新考法·文章主旨题】What’s the main idea of the passage
A.A British man records changes in the Chinese countryside.
B.A British man takes trips to different villages in China.
C.China’s efforts at poverty alleviation.
A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat(对待)it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.
  As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.
  One day, she returned to her hometown, found her original(原来的)house, and went in. Among hundreds of old things, the little old woman found her doll. It looked as good as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter. Her granddaughter loved it.
  Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, tears(眼泪)of joy would roll down her cheeks(脸颊). She was so glad to see now it was in the hands of her granddaughter.
(  )21.The little girl had a doll and she loved it so much.
(  )22.The little girl’s friends laughed at her because she looked so thin and ugly.
(  )23.When the old woman found her doll, she threw it away.
(  )24.Her granddaughter loved the doll.
(  )25.Whenever she saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, she would feel very excited and joyful.
  My hometown is a small town located in the southern part of Shandong Province.  26  Last month, I came back to my hometown with my family to visit some old friends and explore the changes that have occurred over the years.
As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of our childhood.  27 The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers. We visited our elementary school and community center.
We also went to the local park, including a playground, picnic areas, and a walking trail.  28 
We were surprised to see the great changes have taken place over the years. 29  However, the town still maintained its charm and character.
I’m very happy to return to my hometown and see how it has changed over the years.  30 
A.It’s really a nice place to live in.
B.The streets were lined with trees and flowers.
C.It is known for its beautiful natural scenery and friendly community.
D.Many new buildings had been built including shopping centers and restaurants.
E.We spent hours playing games and enjoying the fresh air with our friends and family.
26.    27.    28.    29.    30.   
  I have returned to my hometown Georgia after I’ve been away for 8 years. So many things have changed around here. When I left Georgia in 2015, there was a small lake in the northwest of the town. Now they have filled in the lake and built a large amusement park there. They have also built a new library across from my middle school.
The basketball stadium in the southeast of Georgia has also changed completely. Now they have added the new stand where probably 2,000 people could sit. It looks really amazing.
The biggest changes have taken place in the town center. They have built a square and a large mall where people can shop, watch movies, drink tea or coffee and so on.
My street looks just the same as it has always been, but a post office has appeared on the next street. There is also a large green area in front of the post office, but it’s not the same as before.
Another change is the new restaurants that have opened in Georgia. A Sichuan restaurant and an Italian restaurant have opened in the town center, and a Japanese restaurant is near my home, which is where I am going tonight!
31.When did the writer leave Georgia
32.Is there a large amusement park in the northwest of the town
33.How many people could sit in the new stand
34.Where is the basketball stadium
35.Where is the writer going tonight
Do you want to         these toy bears
I        like playing computer games.
What do you         the most important thing
        the research, 80 percent of women do housework at home.
           , the Indian films are boring.
Ⅶ.书面表达 (共20分)
我们的家乡正悄然发生着变化,家乡变得越来越好、越来越美丽,然而这些变化离不开每一个人的辛劳与付出。作为一名中学生,你为家乡做了什么呢 请结合以下内容,写一篇英语短文。
Word Bank
garbage n.
sort v.
importance n.
Ⅰ.1.C 考查冠词辨析。句意:吉姆没有做一个诚实的学生,而是选择在考试中作弊。这里是泛指,且honest以元音音素开头,用an。故选C。
2.C 考查连词辨析。句意:——鲍勃自从离开后就没回过家乡。他现在在哪里 ——对不起。我不知道。根据题干可知,主句是现在完成时,since常与现在完成时连用,故选C。
3.A 考查副词辨析。句意:——你觉得这次学校旅行怎么样 ——我什么都喜欢,尤其是天气。它不太热也不太冷。根据“I like everything about it”和“the weather”可知,此处表示“什么都喜欢,特别是天气”。especially意思是“特别”,故选A。
4.C 考查动词时态。句意:——你觉得《西游记》这部小说怎么样 ——它太令人兴奋了,我已经读了三遍了。根据“It’s so exciting”及“for three times”可知,表示已经看过三次,应用现在完成时,此处主语为I,助动词用have,故选C。
5.A 考查特殊疑问词组辨析。句意:——你拥有你的智能手机多久了 ——大约5年了。它现在仍然运行良好。根据答语中的“For about 5 years.”可知,问句的特殊疑问词组是How long,故选A。
Ⅱ.[语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了作者家要举办庭院拍卖会,作者不愿舍弃以前的一些玩具,最后把玩具给了其他的小孩子。
6.D 考查动词短语辨析。根据“lots of old things from my bedroom”可知,这里说的是“昨天我从卧室里清理出许多旧东西”,故选D。
7.B 考查动词辨析。 根据“five things I no longer use”可知,这里说的是“我必须卖掉不再使用的五件东西”,故选B。
8.A 考查形容词辨析。根据后文“I found...toys that I didn’t play anymore but I still wanted to keep them.”可知,很多东西不舍得卖掉,所以刚开始,“我”非常难过,故选A。
9.D 根据设空处后的toys可知,toys是可数名词复数,选项中只有many修饰可数名词复数,故选D。
10.C 考查动词时态。根据“since my sixth birthday”可知,since常与现在完成时连用,故选C。
11.A 考查连词辨析。根据“I played with it almost every day...I was ten”可知,“我”几乎每天都玩这个玩具,直到10岁的时候,故选A。
12.B 考查副词辨析。句意:我也不想失去玩具熊。根据“I didn’t...”可知,这是否定句, either常用于否定句句末,表示“也”,故选B。
13.C 考查介词辨析。句意:我拥有这个玩具已经五年了。 five years表示时间段,for后跟时间段,故选C。
14.D 考查连词辨析。根据“they brought back many sweet memories”可知,这是“我”想保留它们的原因,故选D。
15.C 考查名词辨析。根据后文“I gave away the toys to kids in need happily”可知,它们能带给孩子们快乐,故选C。
Ⅲ. A
[语篇解读] 本文主要讲述了一位来自英国的视频博主记录了中国农村的发展变化,并希望继续通过视频博客向世界展示真实的中国。
16.C 细节理解题。根据“When he is free,he likes making videos(录影)about his trips to villages near Hohhot.”可知,当他有空的时候,他喜欢拍摄关于去附近村庄旅行的视频。故选C。
17.B 细节理解题。根据“You can go to a small village in the middle of nowhere and pay for everything with WeChat or Alipay.”可知,村庄里的人可以用微信或者支付宝付钱。故选B。
18.C 细节理解题。根据“In some villages, people told him that they could sell local products(当地特产)easily thanks to a growing number of visitors brought in with the help of convenient transport.”可知,他们收入增加是因为交通便利让游客变多。故选C。
19.B 细节理解题。根据“He hopes to go on making videos to show the real China to the world and do something to help develop the country.”可知,Curt McArdle想为中国的发展做贡献。故选B。
20.A 主旨大意题。文章讲述了Curt McArdle用视频记录了中国乡村的发展变化。故选A。
[语篇解读] 本文讲述了一个女孩从小非常喜欢一个玩具娃娃,当她变成老妇人再回到原来的房子时,找到了曾经最喜欢的那个玩具,她把玩具带回去给了孙女,每当孙女玩这个娃娃时,她都很高兴。
21.T 根据第一段“A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat(对待) it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.”可知,这个小女孩有一个洋娃娃,她非常喜欢它,和题干表述一致。故填T。
22.F 根据第一段“A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat(对待) it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.”可推断出,这个小女孩的朋友们嘲笑她不是因为她看起来又瘦又丑。故填F。
23.F 根据第三段中的“Among hundreds of old things, the little old woman found her doll. It looked as good as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter.”可推断,当老妇人发现她的洋娃娃时,她没有扔掉它。故填F。
24.T 根据第三段中的“Her granddaughter loved it.”可知,她的孙女很喜欢这个洋娃娃,题干表述正确。故填T。
25.T 根据最后一段“Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter playing with the doll,tears(眼泪) of joy would roll down her cheeks(脸颊). She was so glad to see now it was in the hands of her granddaughter.”可知,每当她看到孙女玩洋娃娃时,她都会感到非常兴奋和喜悦,题干表述正确。故填T。
Ⅳ.[语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了作者的家乡的变化。
26.C 前一句说的是家乡,选项C符合语境,意思是“它以其美丽的自然风光和友好的社区而闻名”。
27.B 根据后面的“The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers.”可知,社区一定有很多的花草树木,选项B 符合语境。
28.E 前面提到了“我们去了公园”,此处的内容与“在公园里玩”有关,选项E符合语境。
29.D 根据前面的“We were surprised to see the great changes have taken place over the years.”可知,此处说的是家乡的变化,家乡新建了很多建筑物,选项D符合语境。
30.A 最后一段是概括总结,选项A符合语境,意思是“它确实是一个宜居的好地方”。
Ⅴ.[语篇解读] 本文主要讲述了作者离开家乡8年后再次回到家乡时的所见所感。
31.In 2015. 根据第一段中“When I left Georgia in 2015,there was a small lake in the northwest of the town.” 可知,2015年作者离开佐治亚州。
32.Yes, there is. 根据第一段中“When I left Georgia in 2015,there was a small lake in the northwest of the town. Now they have filled in the lake and built a large amusement park there.”可判断出,小镇的西北部有大型游乐园。
33.About 2,000 people. 根据第二段中“Now they have added the new stand where probably 2,000 people could sit.”可知,新看台能坐大概2000人。
34.In the southeast of Georgia. 根据第二段第一句“The basketball stadium in the southeast of Georgia has also changed completely.”可知,篮球场的位置在佐治亚州东南部。
35.The Japanese restaurant. 根据最后一段中“a Japanese restaurant is near my home, which is where I am going tonight”可知,今晚作者要去这家日本餐馆。
Ⅵ.36.give away 37.no longer 38.regard as
39.According to 40.In my opinion
Ⅶ.One possible version:
These years, my hometown has changed a lot. It gets better and better. As a student, I also did something for my city.
Last week, I took part in a garbage sorting activity with my classmates. First, we had a class about how we should sort it and why we should do this. I learned a lot about sorting garbage and cleaning our city. Then we made a poster of sorting garbage and walked to the street to tell people the importance of sorting garbage and how to sort it. Through our hard work, more people learned about what they can do to help create a beautiful city.
From this activity, I learned a lot of knowledge about sorting garbage and knew how to talk with others more politely. I also got some ideas of how I can help create civilized cities. I hope my hometown can get much better in the future.



上一篇:苏科版数学八年级下册7.4 频数分布表和频数分布直方图 素养提升练习(含解析)

下一篇:Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks Section B & Self Check素养提升练习(含解析)