2023-2024江苏省重点中学高一上学期12月质量检测英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When did the girl arrive at school
A. At 9: 00 a.m. B. At 9: 15 a.m. C. At 9: 30 a.m.
2. Where are the speakers probably
A. In a lighting store. B. In a classroom. C. At the crossing.
3. What is the conversation mainly a boy it
A. The weather. B. A sports game. C. Fans’ behaviour.
4. What does the woman think of the jacket
A. It’s out of fashion. B. It’s of good quality. C. It needs mending.
5. Who might the man be
A. A special guest. B. An experienced chef. C. A restaurant owner.
6. Why does the woman have to go home early today
A. She has to learn to drive.
B. She has to pick up the man.
C. She has to go over the lesson.
7. How long will the woman stay at Laura’s party
A. About an hour. B. About two hours. C. About one and a half hours.
8. Where is the woman now
A. In London. B. In Manchester. C. In Birmingham.
9. What will the man do next
A. Contact the technician. B. Book the ticket. C. Pick the woman up.
10. Why is the woman going out
A. To go to work. B. To go to the dentist’s. C. To do some shopping.
11. Where will the parcel most probably be left
A. In the garage. B. Outside the door. C. At their neighbor’s.
12. What is the man expecting
A. Some food. B. A phone. C. A lap top
13. Where did the woman use to work
A. In China. B. In America. C. In England.
14. What’s the biggest difference between Chinese and American companies in the man’s opinion
A. Attitude towards risk.
B. Attitude towards authority.
C. Attitude towards friendship.
15. How can the woman fit in according to the man
A. By reading a book.
B. By using her own sense.
C. By being in different to her boss.
16. How does the woman feel about Geert Hofstede’s theory
A. Surprised. B. Puzzled. C. Convinced.
17. What are the students upset about
A. Studying online. B. Paying extra fees. C. Delaying courses.
18. What can the students probably do on the new online playform
A. Download books.
B. Do the experiments.
C. Communicate with professors.
19. When was the regular deadline for switching classes
A. One week from the start of class.
B. Two weeks from the start of class
C. Three weeks from the start of class.
20. Who will probably have to study on the weekends next semester
A. English students. B. Chemistry students. C. Computer science students.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
New Rules for Delayed or Canceled Flights
DOT Proposes New Rules
On Aug. 3, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a briefing regarding airline consumer protections related to flight cancellation and travel delays.
While there are already DOT rules regarding airline refunds in case of a canceled or significantly delayed flight, the definition of “significant delay” was not clearly defined, and its meaning is left to the interpretation of the airline, The vagueness of old rules often did not benefit travelers.
How New Rules Help Passengers
DOT’s new proposal seeks to outline a more precise definition of what constitutes a significant change in flight schedule
●Domestic flights: A change in departure or arrival time of three hours or more
●International flights: An arrival or departure delay of six hours or more
●Airport changes: A change in departure or arrival airport
●Experience: A significant downgrade in comforts or conditions onboard the flight
Laying down these guidelines would allow DOT to enforce the fair practices regarding consumer refunds when flights are changed.
Taking public health concerns into consideration, the rules propose that passengers who cannot fly due to specific pandemic-related reasons should be protected. The new rules would require ticket agents and airlines to provide passengers with travel credits.
Limitation on Airline Responsibility
There are limitations to the airline’s responsibility, just as the DOT’s current refund rules state. An airline is not required to give are fund due to a passenger’s personal issue or unsatisfactory travel experience. The airline is also not responsible for hotel room costs or other incidentals associated with passengers needing to wait for a new flight or alternative mode of transportation.
1. What’s the main aim of the DOT new rules
A. To introduce DOT. B. To advertise airlines.
C. To protect consumers. D. To benefit transport.
2. What is the function of the underlined part
A. Providing the reason. B. Making a comparison.
C. Giving an example. D. Offering the detail.
3. When can a passenger get are fund
A. When his flight is delayed for two hours.
B. When he finds the food unsatisfactory.
C. When his departure airport is changed.
D. When he misses his flight for being late.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“On Aug. 3, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a briefing regarding airline consumer protections related to flight cancellation and travel delays. (2022年8月3日,美国运输部(DOT)发布了一份关于航班取消和旅行延误相关航空公司消费者保护的简报。)”可知,交通部新规的主要目的是保护消费者。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据划线部分“While there are already DOT rules regarding airline refunds in case of a canceled or significantly delayed flight, the definition of “significant delay” was not clearly defined, and its meaning is left to the interpretation of the airline, The vagueness of old rules often did not benefit travelers. (虽然美国交通部已经有了关于航班取消或严重延误的退款规定,但“严重延误”的定义并没有明确界定,其含义留给航空公司自己解释。旧规则的模糊往往不利于旅行者。)”可知,本段是解释了为什么要提出新规定的原因。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据How New Rules Help Passengers下的“●Airport changes: A change in departure or arrival airport (机场变更:出发或到达机场的变更)”以及“Laying down these guidelines would allow DOT to enforce the fair practices regarding consumer refunds when flights are changed. (制定这些指导方针将允许运输部在航班变更时执行有关消费者退款的公平做法。)”可知,当他的出发机场改变时旅客可以领取退款。故选C项。
The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently granted Microsoft a patent for software capable of creating a chatbot, or online conversational application, based on the characteristics of a particular dead person. The chatbot would use all of the dead’s social data and create a sort of virtual version of the dead, managed by artificial intelligence.
According to the new Microsoft patent, it is possible to use images, voice memos, social media posts, instant messages and emails to create an avatar (化身) or profile of the dead’s personality. With the digital profile, engineers can “train” a chatbot to speak like the dead. More worryingly, the application could also take the form of a dead love done with a 2D or 3D “model” and use their voice while talking to the person.
The creation of such a chatbot, apart from the moral, ethical and religious aspects, opens a complicated scenario (设想) regarding the data and privacy rights of the dead.
Faheem Hussain, a clinical assistant professor at Arizona State University, told Reuters “In most countries around the world, the data of dead people is not protected. Therefore, nothing in the laws would prevent the creation of an avatar or android that looks like the dead.”
“This could be done without the dead’s permission and the data used could violate the privacy of others if, for example, it included conversations the dead had with friends, relatives and others who were involved in their lives at various levels,” he added.
In February, one channel aired a tearful reunion between a mother and her dead 7-year-old daughter, recreated through virtual reality as a digital avatar using the mother’s photos and memories. But that’s not all. Some are thinking far ahead. ETER9 is a social network from a Portuguese developer Henrique Jorge, which has the feature of paring each user with an AI “counterpart” that learns to copy the user’s online behaviour to be able to post comment and share autonomously, even after the account owner has passed away.
4. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A research paper. B. A sales brochure.
C. A product presentation. D. A scientific magazine.
5. What can we do according to the patent
A. Talk to the dead. B. Protect the dead’s privacy.
C. Live after our death. D. Post the dead’s memories.
6. What is Faheem Hussain’s attitude towards the patent
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Unclear. D. Objective.
7. What does ETER9 do
A. It helps people with Portuguese. B. It opens a complicated seenario.
C. It airs tearful family reunions. D. It creates a real second virtual life.
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D
推理判断题。根据第一段“The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently granted Microsoft a patent for software capable of creating a chatbot, or online conversational application, based on the characteristics of a particular dead person. The chatbot would use all of the dead’s social data and create a sort of virtual version of the dead, managed by artificial intelligence.(美国专利商标局(United States Patent and Trademark Office)最近授予微软一项软件专利,该软件能够根据特定死者的特征创建聊天机器人或在线会话应用程序。聊天机器人将使用死者的所有社交数据,并创建一种虚拟的死者版本,由人工智能管理)”可知,本文主要讲述了微软获得的软件专利,基于已故人士的特征创建聊天机器人或在线会话应用程学,所以本文和科技有关,应是来自一本科学杂志。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第一段“The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently granted Microsoft a patent for software capable of creating a chatbot, or online conversational application, based on the characteristics of a particular dead person. The chatbot would use all of the dead’s social data and create a sort of virtual version of the dead, managed by artificial intelligence.(美国专利商标局(United States Patent and Trademark Office)最近授予微软一项软件专利,该软件能够根据特定死者的特征创建聊天机器人或在线会话应用程序。聊天机器人将使用死者的所有社交数据,并创建一种虚拟的死者版本,由人工智能管理)”可知,根据专利,该软件可以使用死者的社交数据创建聊天机器人和会话应用程序,因此推断这样我们就可以与死者交谈。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Faheem Hussain, a clinical assistant professor at Arizona State University, told Reuters “In most countries around the world, the data of dead people is not protected. Therefore, nothing in the laws would prevent the creation of an avatar or android that looks like the dead.”(亚利桑那州立大学临床助理教授Faheem Hussain告诉路透社:“在世界上大多数国家,死者的数据不受保护。因此,法律中没有任何规定会阻止创造一个看起来像死人的化身或机器人。”)”以及倒数第二段““This could be done without the dead’s permission and the data used could violate the privacy of others if, for example, it included conversations the dead had with friends, relatives and others who were involved in their lives at various levels,” he added.(他补充说:“这可以在未经死者允许的情况下进行,而且所使用的数据可能会侵犯他人的隐私,例如,如果这些数据包括死者与朋友、亲戚和其他在不同程度上参与他们生活的人的对话。”)”可知,Faheem Hussain认为这项专利没法律限制,可能会侵犯他人的隐私,所以他持有的态度是不支持的。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“ETER9 is a social network from a Portuguese developer Henrique Jorge, which has the feature of paring each user with an AI “counterpart” that learns to copy the user’s online behaviour to be able to post comment and share autonomously, even after the account owner has passed away.(ETER9是葡萄牙开发商恩里克·豪尔赫(Henrique Jorge)开发的一个社交网络,它的功能是将每个用户与人工智能“对等体”配对,后者学会复制用户的在线行为,即使在账户所有者去世后,也能自主发表评论和分享)”可知,ETER9学会复制用户的在线行为,即使在账户所有者去世后,也能自主发表评论和分享,因此推断它可以创造一个真实的虚拟生活。故选D项。
Studies conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts show that Americans, in general, don’t read much literature. The question is, “Why not ” There are lots of excuses people give as the reasons why they haven’t picked up a good book in months or even years Fortunately, for every one of them, there’s often a solution.
Think you just don’t have the time to pick up a classic Take a book with you everywhere and instead of picking up your cellphone, open the book or e-reader. It’s all about feeding your mind even if it’s only one bit at a time.
While it may be true that owning books was once considered a luxury, these days there are numerous sources for inexpensive literature. The Internet has opened a whole new arena for readers. Of course, the most time-honored method for getting books of pretty much every description at little or no cost is your local public library. Another great resource for inexpensive books is your local used bookstore.
If you don’t know what to read, the best way is by reading everything you can get your hands on. You’ll gradually learn which genres you enjoy reading, and you’ll begin to make connections between books. If you don’t know where to start, find someone who enjoys reading books and ask for recommendations.
Some people say, “Can’t I just watch the movie ” Yes and no. You can watch a movie instead of reading the book on which it’s based, but quite often, they have very little in common case in point: “The Wizard of Oz.” Almost everyone has seen 1939’s classic musical, but it’s a far cry from the original series of books on which it’s based. So you should know the real story first.
A book-even a classic-doesn’t have to bed it f cult to be a great read. It’s true that many famous authors wrote books that are tough to get through for common people. However, lots of them also wrote things that are much more accessible. In fact, many books written for young audiences are great places to start your reading experience. A. A. Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” are books beloved by kids and adults alike.
It’s really not that difficult to make books and literature apart of your life. Start with something manageable and work your way up. If you never read “War and Peace” or “Moby Dick”, that’s fine too.
8. What is the excuse given by people in Paragraph 3
A. It’s hard to find books. B. Forming a reading habit is difficult.
C. Books are expensive. D. Reading books is time-consuming.
9. Which of the following agrees with the author’s advice
A. People should read books while working to relieve the pressure.
B. People should try to understand the books though some are difficult.
C. People should read the book Harry Potter before they watch the movie.
D. People should read books thoroughly even though they are not interested.
10. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. You should always avoid serious books. B. You can choose whatever books suit you.
C. You have the right to choose not to read. D. You can benefit a lot from classic literature.
11. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Is it necessary to read B. What should you read
C. Read or watch D. Why don’t you read
【答案】8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D
细节理解题。根据第三段“While it may be true that owning books was once considered a luxury, these days there are numerous sources for inexpensive literature. The Internet has opened a whole new arena for readers. Of course, the most time-honored method for getting books of pretty much every description at little or no cost is your local public library. Another great resource for inexpensive books is your local used bookstore.(虽然拥有书籍曾经被认为是一种奢侈品,但现在有许多廉价文学作品的来源。互联网为读者打开了一个全新的舞台。当然,最古老的方法就是去当地的公共图书馆,用很少的钱或者不用钱就能买到各种各样的书。另一个很好的廉价书籍资源是你当地的二手书店)”可知,可知,第三段中人们给出的理由是书很昂贵。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“You can watch a movie instead of reading the book on which it’s based, but quite often, they have very little in common case in point: “The Wizard of Oz.” Almost everyone has seen 1939’s classic musical, but it’s a far cry from the original series of books on which it’s based. So you should know the real story first. (你可以看一部电影而不去读它所改编的书,但很多时候,它们之间的共同点却很少,《绿野仙踪》就是一个很好的例子。几乎每个人都看过 1939 年的经典音乐剧,但它与改编自原著的系列丛书相去甚远。所以,你应该先了解真实的故事)”可知,C选项“人们在看电影之前应该先读哈利波特这本书”符合作者的建议。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“It’s really not that difficult to make books and literature apart of your life. Start with something manageable and work your way up. If you never read “War and Peace” or “Moby Dick”, that’s fine too.(让书籍和文学成为你生活的一部分并不难。从一些可控制的事情开始,然后逐步提高。如果你从未读过《战争与和平》或《白鲸记》,也没关系)”可推知,你可以选择任何适合你的书。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Studies conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts show that Americans, in general, don’t read much literature. The question is, “Why not ” There are lots of excuses people give as the reasons why they haven’t picked up a good book in months or even years Fortunately, for every one of them, there’s often a solution.(美国国家艺术基金会进行的研究表明,总体而言,美国人不怎么阅读文学作品。问题是,“为什么不呢?”对于为什么几个月甚至几年都没有拿起一本好书,人们给出了很多借口。幸运的是,对于每一个人来说,通常都有一个解决办法)”结合文章主要说明了研究表明,总体而言,美国人不怎么阅读文学作品。对于不阅读人们给出了各种各样的理由,但作者都一一给出了解决方法。可知,D选项“你为什么不读书?”最符合文章标题。故选D。
Camouflage(伪装) is a type of coloration or pattern that helps an animal blend in with its surroundings. Camouflage is often used by prey as a way to disguise themselves from predators. It is also used by predators to conceal themselves as they follow their prey.
Concealing coloration allows an animal to blend into its environment hiding it from predators. Some animals have fixed camouflage, such as polar bears, whose white coloration helps them blend in with the Arctic snow. Other animals can change their camouflage at will based on where they are. For example, some marine creatures can alter their coloration to blend in with surrounding sand and rock formations. Some other animals have a type of seasonal camouflage. This includes the snowshoe hare, whose fur turns white in winter but brown during summer.
Disruptive coloration includes spots, stripes, and other patterns that breakup the outline of an animal’s shape and sometimes conceal particular body parts. The stripes of a zebra’s coat, for example, create a disruptive pattern to flies, whose compound eyes have trouble processing the pattern. Some animals have a particular type of camouflage called a disruptive eye mask. This is a band of color found on the bodies of birds, fish, and other creatures whose eye is usually easy to spot because of its distinctive shape. The mask makes the eye nearly invisible to avoid being seen by predators.
Disguise is a type of camouflage where an animal takes on the appearance of something else in its environment. Some insects, for example, disguise themselves as leaves by changing their shading. Other creatures also disguise themselves, like the walking stick or stick-bug, which resembles a slim branch.
Mimicry is away for animals to make themselves look like related animals that are more dangerous or otherwise less appealing to predators. This type of camouflage is seen in snakes, butterflies, and moths. For example, the scarlet kingsnake, a type of harmless snake found in the eastern United States, has evolved to look like the coral snake, which is highly poisonous. In this case, the animals’ deceptive coloration helps ward off other creatures that might be looking for a meal.
12. What’s the relationship between prey and predators
A. They are competitors for food. B. Prey is the food source for predators.
C. They rely on each other to find food. D. Prey is the natural enemy of predators.
13. If a fish can alter its color to lie on the seabed without being seen, which type of camouflage does it use
A. Concealing coloration. B. Disruptive coloration.
C. Disguise. D. Mimicry.
14. What does the underlined word“disruptive”mean in Paragraph 3
A. Fading. B. Annoying. C. Confusing. D. Surprising.
15. What do the four types of camouflage have in common
A. Hiding by looking less attractive in the environment.
B. Changing colors according to the living environment.
C. Forming certain appearances to fit into the environment.
D. Evolving into a permanent color or shape to avoid danger.
【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. C
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Camouflage is often used by prey as a way to disguise themselves from predators. (伪装通常是猎物用来躲避捕食者的一种方式。)”可知,猎物是掠食者的食物来源。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Concealing coloration allows an animal to blend into its environment hiding it from predators.(隐藏颜色可以让动物融入环境,躲避捕食者。)”及“Other animals can change their camouflage at will based on where they are. For example, some marine creatures can alter their coloration to blend in with surrounding sand and rock formations.(其他动物可以根据它们所处的位置随意改变伪装。例如,一些海洋生物可以改变自己的颜色,以融入周围的沙子和岩层。)”可知,如果一条鱼可以改变自己的颜色,躺在海底而不被发现,它使用的是隐匿色伪装。故选A项。
词义猜测题。根据文章第三段“includes spots, stripes, and other patterns that breakup the outline of an animal’s shape and sometimes conceal particular body parts(包括斑点、条纹和其他图案,这些图案打破了动物形状的轮廓,有时隐藏了特定的身体部位)”及下文描述的几种例子可知,Disruptive coloration指代的是使一种生物体表面的颜色和图案,用于打破其轮廓,使其在自然环境中更难被发现,disruptive与confusing意思相近,意思为:扰乱性的,引起破坏的。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Concealing coloration allows an animal to blend into its environment hiding it from predators.(隐藏颜色可以让动物融入环境,躲避捕食者。)”,第三段“Disruptive coloration includes spots, stripes, and other patterns that breakup the outline of an animal’s shape and sometimes conceal particular body parts.(破坏性的颜色包括斑点、条纹和其他图案,它们破坏了动物形状的轮廓,有时掩盖了特定的身体部位。)”,第四段“Disguise is a type of camouflage where an animal takes on the appearance of something else in its environment.(假扮是一种伪装,动物在其环境中呈现出其他事物的外观)”及第五段“Mimicry is away for animals to make themselves look like related animals that are more dangerous or otherwise less appealing to predators.(对动物来说,模仿是为了使自己看起来更危险,或者对捕食者的吸引力更小)”可推知,这四种伪装方式都形成特定的外观以适应环境。故选C项。
Rising costs mean many of us are having to cut back on our spending. ____16____However, like any food diet, it’s easy to fall back into the previous condition. Then all that work and sacrifice may go down the drain. So how do you avoid messing up all your good work
●Plan for some treats
The less you have of something, the more you’re likely to desire it, give in and layout a large fortune. And often these treats can be costly. ____17____Say it could be a piece of cake rather than a coat, or an off-peak cinema trip rather than a big meal out.
We often spend in isolation. What I mean here is that we look at the cost of something and compare it with prices of similar products on the shopping list. For example, 3 on a coffee each day might seem insignificant. But if you work out what the money spent could provide elsewhere, you might rethink your choices. Let’s say you need 300 for a holiday, and six months of not buying a coffee could save you the money for your trip. Will you change your mind
●Take away the temptation
____19____A takeaway is the perfect example. All you need to do is switch on your cellphone and tapa few buttons. But it is so expensive. Yet the opposite of this isn’t necessarily cooking from scratch. You can prepare for those lazy evenings by cooking in advance and freezing the leftovers. You only need to defrost a few portions when it’s time to eat.
●Cancel your Amazon Prime (付费会员)
Many think of Amazon’s membership scheme as a money saver—and it does sometimes offer extra discounts. But don’t forget you have paid for this already with the 79 annual fee and the “free” delivery can actually remove an important barrier when shopping ____20____.
A. Compare your priorities
B. Keep an account of small items
C. Many people find it hard to change consumption habits.
D. Some of our favorite treats are the ones that require little effort.
E. Travelling less or shipping down a brand seems relatively painless.
F. The extra step of choosing shipping could be enough to make you think twice.
G. But choosing alternative rewards costing less can give you the same spending pleasure.
【答案】16. E 17. G 18. A 19. D 20. F
根据前文“Rising costs mean many of us are having to cut back on our spending.(成本上涨意味着我们中的许多人不得不削减开支)”以及后文“However, like any food diet, it’s easy to fall back into the previous condition. Then all that work and sacrifice may go down the drain.(然而,像任何食物饮食一样,它很容易回到以前的状态)”可知,E项“Travelling less or shipping down a brand seems relatively painless.(减少旅行或者干脆放弃某个品牌似乎相对没有什么痛苦)”是对前文的进一步说明,并和后文构成转折关系。故选E项
根据前文“The less you have of something, the more you’re likely to desire it, give in and layout a large fortune. And often these treats can be costly.(你拥有东西越少,你就越有可能渴望得到它,然后放弃,然后花费一大笔财富。而且这些乐事往往很昂贵)”以及后文“Say it could be a piece of cake rather than a coat, or an off-peak cinema trip rather than a big meal out.(比如说,它可以是一块蛋糕,而不是一件外套,或者是一次非高峰的电影之旅,而不是一顿大餐)”可知,空处应是提出解决方法,后文举例说明,所以G项“But choosing alternative rewards costing less can give you the same spending pleasure.(但是选择花费更少的其他奖励可以给你带来同样的消费乐趣)”和前文构成转折关系,提出针对前文情况的解决方法,后文是对本句的举例说明。故选G项。
分析设空,空处是本段的小标题,根据后文“We often spend in isolation. What I mean here is that we look at the cost of something and compare it with prices of similar products on the shopping list. For example, 3 on a coffee each day might seem insignificant. But if you work out what the money spent could provide elsewhere, you might rethink your choices. Let’s say you need 300 for a holiday, and six months of not buying a coffee could save you the money for your trip. Will you change your mind (我们经常在隔离中花钱。我的意思是,我们看某物的价格,并将其与购物清单上类似产品的价格进行比较。例如,每天在咖啡上花3英镑可能看起来微不足道。但是,如果你算出这笔钱在其他地方可以提供什么,你可能会重新考虑你的选择。假设你需要300英镑去度假,六个月不买咖啡可以为你节省旅行的钱。你会改变主意吗 )”可知,本段主要讲述了,把自己想要的买的东西作比较,看那个才是自己真正需要的,所以A项“Compare your priorities(比较你的优先事项)”是本段小标题。故选A项。
设空位于本段段首,应总领下文,根据下文“A takeaway is the perfect example. All you need to do is switch on your cellphone and tapa few buttons. But it is so expensive. Yet the opposite of this isn’t necessarily cooking from scratch. You can prepare for those lazy evenings by cooking in advance and freezing the leftovers. You only need to defrost a few portions when it’s time to eat.(外卖就是一个很好的例子。你所需要做的就是打开手机,点击几个按钮。但是太贵了。然而,与此相反的并不一定是从头开始烹饪。你可以提前做好准备,把剩菜冷冻起来。你只需要在吃的时候解冻一小部分)”可知,后文用外卖举例子,所以D项“Some of our favorite treats are the ones that require little effort.(我们最喜欢的一些食物是不需要太多努力的)”符合文意,是本段中心句,引领下文。故选D项。
根据前文“Many think of Amazon’s membership scheme as a money saver—and it does sometimes offer extra discounts. But don’t forget you have paid for this already with the 79 annual fee and the “free” delivery can actually remove an important barrier when shopping.(许多人认为亚马逊的会员制度可以省钱——它有时确实会提供额外的折扣。但别忘了,你已经支付了79英镑的年费,而“免费”送货实际上可以消除购物时的一个重要障碍)”可知,F项“The extra step of choosing shipping could be enough to make you think twice.(选择运输的额外步骤可能足以让你三思而后行)”是对前文陈述的事的总结,符合文意。故选F项。
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
The caller said she was in trouble and that he could help. Mom____21____it and lost thousands of dollars. It took us months to recover her money and her____22____.
One April morning, my mother’s phone rang. The man that greeted her sounded____23____“Someone has___24___to your bank accounts and can take all your money.” The warm voice was exactly what she badly____25____during her isolation from the community due to COVID-19. The man said he needed information to ensure the money was safe and she tried to follow his____26____though her brain injury made it rather hard.
He explained slowly what to do and hours later, she said she had to relieve herself. “OK, but Stay on the line____27____we will lose our progress.” Then she____28____the phone on the shelf in the bathroom. Suddenly the phone buzzed with a text-it was my father, checking in. She typed back there was a problem, but she was ____29____it. Then she____30____out her worn, printed-out packet of passwords from a pile of books and entered them.
My Mom thoughts he had labored for hours protecting her family. ____31____, the scammer (诈骗犯) had taken away her personal information and money. After learning the truth, my mother sought to____32____the conversations with the scammer but just said, “I can’t remember. I don’t know what to do. This was so stupid.”
I tried different means and____33____got the money back. We didn’t blame her as the internal shame my mom felt could turn into something more____34____depression and even suicide.
The other day my dad mentioned, “You know, another scammer called your mama. She did the right thing, though. She hung upon him and called me.” My mom was smiling at me and I knew she was____35____.
A. broke off B. took in C. referred to D. fell for
A. guilt B. dignity C. awareness D. memory
A. angry B. concerned C. incredible D. doubtful
A. access B. relation C. approaches D. entrances
A. denied B. requested C. missed D. ignored
A. movements B. footsteps C. inquiries D. instructions
A. so B. and C. while D. or
A. passed B. parked C. posed D. paused
A. following B. challenging C. fixing D. finishing
A. dug B. figured C. worked D. left
A. Hence B. Instead C. Moreover D. Afterwards
A. recall B. remind C. memorize D. maintain
A. initially B. particularly C. eventually D. obviously
A. common B. reasonable C. tolerable D. damaging
A. off B. down C. back D. away
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. C
考查动词短语辨析。句意:妈妈上当了,损失了几千美元。A. broke off折断;B. took in吸收;C. referred to提到;D. fell for上……的当。根据前文“The caller said she was in trouble and that he could help.”以及后文“lost thousands of dollars”可知,有人打电话给妈妈说可以帮助她,结果损失几千美元,所以是上当受骗了。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们花了几个月的时间才恢复了她的财产和尊严。A. guilt内疚;B. dignity尊严;C. awareness意识;D. memory记忆。根据前文“Mom    1    it and lost thousands of dollars.”可知,妈妈是被骗了,结合选项,应是找回钱和尊严符合语境。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:跟她通话的那个人听起来很担心:“有人可以进入你的银行账户,拿走你所有的钱。”A. angry生气的;B. concerned担心的;C. incredible难以置信的;D. doubtful可疑的。根据后文“The warm voice”可知,男人的声音很温暖,以及“Someone has  4  to your bank accounts and can take all your money.”可知是和钱有关,所以男人的声音应是听起来很为母亲担心。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:跟她通话的那个人听起来很担心:“有人可以进入你的银行账户,拿走你所有的钱。”A. access有权进入;B. relation关系;C. approaches方法;D. entrances入口。根据后文“your bank accounts”可知,应是固定搭配:access to意为“访问、有权进入”,即“有人可以访问你的银行账户”符合语境。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:温暖的声音正是她在因新冠肺炎被隔离期间所怀念的。A. denied否认;B. requested请求;C. missed思念;D. ignored忽视。根据后文“during her isolation from the community due to COVID-19”可知,妈妈因为新冠被隔离,应该很久没和人交流,所以温暖的声音正是她怀念的。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这名男子说他需要信息来确保财产的安全,她试图按照他的指示去做,尽管她的脑部受伤让她很难做到。A. movements运动;B. footsteps足迹;C. inquiries调查;D. instructions指示。根据后文“He explained slowly what to do”可知,男人在告诉妈妈怎么做,所以是给她指示。故选D项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:好的,但是不要挂断,否则我们会失去进展。A. so所以;B. and和;C. while与……同时;D. or否则。根据前文“OK, but Stay on the line”以及后文“we will lose our progress.”可知,后文描述的是一种假设的结果,应用or连接,表示导致一种坏的结果,故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后她把手机放在浴室的架子上。A. passed通过;B. parked把……搁置;C. posed摆好姿势;D. paused暂停。根据前文“she said she had to relieve herself.”可知,母亲要上厕所,所以是把手机放在浴室的架子上。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她回复说有个问题,但她正在解决。A. following跟随;B. challenging挑战;C. fixing解决;D. finishing完成。根据前文“She typed back there was a problem”结合前文内容可知,男人骗妈妈有人会盗取她银行里的钱,指示她怎么避免,所以妈妈认为自己正在解决问题。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,她从一堆书中找出她那套破旧的、打印出来的密码,输入了密码。A. dug搜寻;B. figured认为;C. worked工作;D. left离开。根据后文“her worn, printed-out packet of passwords from a pile of books”可知,妈妈应是在一堆书中找出密码,所以此处应是固定搭配:dig out意为“找出”符合语境。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,骗子拿走了她的个人信息和钱。A. Hence因此;B. Instead相反;C. Moreover此外;D. Afterwards后来。根据前文“My Mom thoughts he had labored for hours protecting her family.”以及后文“the scammer (诈骗犯) had taken away her personal information and money.”可知,妈妈以为在保护她的家人,结果却是被骗了,所以应用B项Instead表转折。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:得知真相后,母亲试图回忆与骗子对话,但只是说:“我不记得了。我不知道该怎么办。这太愚蠢了。”A. recall回忆;B. remind提醒;C. memorize记住;D. maintain保持。根据后文“I can’t remember.”可知,母亲在回忆与骗子的对话,但是什么也不记得了。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我尝试了不同的方法,最终把钱拿回来了。A. initially开始;B. particularly尤其;C. eventually最后;D. obviously显然。根据前文“It took us months to recover her money”可知,最后作者把钱拿回来了。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们没有责怪她,因为我妈妈内心的羞耻感可能会变成更具破坏性的抑郁甚至自杀。A. common常见的;B. reasonable合理的;C. tolerable可接受的;D. damaging有害的。根据后文“depression and even suicide”可知,抑郁和自杀是更具破坏性的。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:妈妈对我微笑,我知道她回来了。A. off停止;B. down向下;C. back回来;D. away离开。根据前文“My mom was smiling at me”结合前文内容可知,妈妈被骗了很多钱,她应该是很不开心的,现在她对作者微笑,说明她放下了这件事,原来的她回来了。故选C项。
Seeing these “gardens” is like looking at a universe in a plant pot. The miniature(微型的)branches spread and twist,____36____(demonstrate) the beauty of nature, so as to allow viewers to stop and reflect on the circle of life. The potted landscape of penjing____37____(be) a representative of top-ranking garden art ever since its existence.
Expectedly, the Suzhou-style penjing cultivation technique was listed____38____a nation a-level intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) in 2011.____39____penjing, Suzhou gardens wouldn’t be as charming as they are today. Once the construction of a garden is completed, its buildings are set, but planting can grow and change, which makes gardens ____40____(live).
The history of penjing ____41____(date) back to the Tang Dynasty when the great poet Bai Juyi used some stones ____42____(create) miniature landscapes in pots. And the Ming Dynasty marked a boom in the economy of Suzhou, the very period____43____turned the city into a major cultural center. Because of that long history, Suzhou-style penjing is often seen as____44____fundamental school of Chinese planting art.
Penjing works are beautiful, but people think that they were owned by the rich. However, only when they are enjoyed by general____45____(consume) can they benefit from being part of people’s wider modern artistic taste.
【答案】36. demonstrating
37. has been 38. as
39. Without
40. lively##alive
41. dates 42. to create
43. that 44. a
45. consumers
考查非谓语动词。句意:微缩的树枝展开、扭曲,展现自然之美,让观者驻足,反思生命的轮回。分析句子可知,spread and twist为谓语,空处为非谓语动词,空处表示主动展示之意,用现在分词作状语。故填demonstrating。
考查动词时态。句意:盆景自诞生以来,一直是顶级园林艺术的代表。根据since its existence可知,句子为现在完成时,主语为landscape,谓语用has been。故填has been。
考查介词。句意:不出所料,2011年苏式盆景栽培技术被列为国家级a级非物质文化遗产。be listed as意思为:被列为,空处缺少as。故填as。
考查动词时态。句意:盆景的历史可以追溯到唐代,当时伟大的诗人白居易用一些石头在壶中创造微型景观。分析句子可知,空处为谓语,表示“追溯到”用date back to,用一般现在时,主语history为单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式dates。故填dates。
考查非谓语动词。句意:盆景的历史可以追溯到唐代,当时伟大的诗人白居易用一些石头在壶中创造微型景观。根据句意可知,白居易使用石头创造景观,表示目的,用不定式to create。故填to create。
考查名词。句意:然而,只有当它们被普通消费者们所欣赏时,它们才能成为人们更广泛的现代艺术品味的一部分。根据are enjoyed by可知,空处用名词作宾语,此处表示“消费者们”用consumers。故填consumers。
第三节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
46. The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous f________ (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. The town is now turning its attention to making the sea-front more v________attractive. (根据首字母单词拼写)
48. Regular repeating actions such as sound waves, light waves, or radio waves have a certain f________, or number of waves per second. (根据首字母单词拼写)
49. He is always l________me about the way I dress. (根据首字母单词拼写)
50. Some species use their sense of hearing more than their eyes as a matter of a________to a particular lifestyle, but their eyes are still functional. (根据首字母单词拼写)
51. The committee made________(建议)to the board on teachers' pay and conditions. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
52. She was good at physics_____________ the fact that she found it boring.(尽管)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查介词。句意:尽管她觉得物理很无聊,但她很擅长。设空处后面为名词the fact,再结合中文提示可推断,设空处需要填写介词despite。故填despite。
53. Goods, once they have been made, are ________(假定) to move instantly and at no cost from place to place. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词。句意:商品一旦被生产出来,就假定立即免费从一个地方运到另一个地方。根据句意及汉语提示可知,此处应用及物动词assume。Goods和assume之间是动宾关系,且空前有are,应用过去分词,构成一般现在时的被动语态。sth./sb. be assumed to do sth.意为“某人/某物被假定做某事”。故填assumed。
54. The drugs were found in their car during a ________(例行的) check by police. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
55. Only do these more difficult ________(伸展动作) when you are warmed up. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第四节 完成句子(共5题;每小题2分,满分10分)
56. 无论你的答案是什么,它都远比你最初看到的更为复杂。
Whatever your answer is, there’s always a lot more to it________ ________ ________the eye.
【答案】 ①. than ②. first ③. meets
【详解】考查介词短语。根据中文和英文提示可知,空处缺少“比你最初看到的”,应用介词短语than first meets the eye。故填①than;②first;③meets。
57. 今天,我将就电影制作中你们可能不太熟悉的一些方面做一个简单的介绍。
Today, I’ll give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film making you might not______、______、______.
【答案】 ①. be ②. familiar ③. with
【详解】考查固定搭配。根据中文提示可知,表示“熟悉的”可用be familiar with,为固定搭配,且might not后面应填动词原形。故填be familiar with。
58. 学校应该重视个人诚信的教育,个人诚信是一个人人生中最重要的财产之一。
Schools should________ ________ ________the teaching of personal integrity, which is one of the most important assets in a person’s life.
【答案】 ①. attach ②. importance ③. to
【详解】考查动词短语。根据中文和英文提示可知,空处缺少“重视”,应用动词短语attach importance to,should后用动词原形。故填①attach;②importance;③to。
59. 上海计划建设一个由购物中心、餐厅和停车场组成的庞大地下网络,以弥补地面空间的不足。
Shanghai plans to build a vast underground network of malls, restaurants, and parking lots to________ ________ ________a lack of space aboveground.
【答案】 ①. make ②. up ③. for
【详解】考查动词短语。分析句子可知,空处缺少“弥补”,应用动词短语make up for,空前to是不定式符号,应用动词原形。故填①make;②up;③for。
60. 他们已经是多年的朋友,相处融洽,形影不离。
They have been friends for years and get along________ ________ _________ _________
【答案】 ①. like ②. peas ③. and ④. carrots
【详解】考查介词短语。分析中文和英文句子可知,空处缺少“相处融洽,形影不离”,应用介词短语like peas and carrots。故填①like;②peas;③and;④carrots。
第四部分 写作(满分20分)
61. 你校即将举行新年音乐会。请你以学生会的名义向你校国际交换生发布一则观看通知,内容包括:
The Students’ Union
In order to celebrate the new year and enrich students’ school life, our school will hold a new year concert.
The concert is scheduled to be held in the lecture hall of our school at 3 p.m. next Friday. To be a polite audience, first of all, you should not be late. Secondly, you are supposed to respect all the performers and applaud appropriately. Last but not least, please take away your trash and help clean up after the concert.
All the teachers and students are welcome. Looking forward to your presence.
The Students’ Union
【详解】1. 词汇积累
首先:first of all→firstly
2. 句式拓展
原句:In order to celebrate the new year and enrich students’ school life, our school will hold a new year concert.
拓展句:Our school will hold a new year concert, which aims to celebrate the new year and enrich students’ school life.
【点睛】[高分句型1]To be a polite audience, first of all, you should not be late.(不定式作目的状语)
[高分句型2]Last but not least, please take away your trash and help clean up after the concert.(祈使句型)2023-2024学年第一学期12月质量检测
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When did the girl arrive at school
A. At 9: 00 a.m. B. At 9: 15 a.m. C. At 9: 30 a.m.
2. Where are the speakers probably
A. In a lighting store. B. In a classroom. C. At the crossing.
3. What is the conversation mainly a boy it
A The weather. B. A sports game. C. Fans’ behaviour.
4. What does the woman think of the jacket
A. It’s out of fashion. B. It’s of good quality. C. It needs mending.
5. Who might the man be
A. A special guest. B. An experienced chef. C. A restaurant owner.
6. Why does the woman have to go home early today
A. She has to learn to drive.
B. She has to pick up the man.
C. She has to go over the lesson.
7. How long will the woman stay at Laura’s party
A. About an hour. B. About two hours. C. About one and a half hours.
8. Where is the woman now
A. In London. B. In Manchester. C. In Birmingham.
9. What will the man do next
A. Contact the technician. B. Book the ticket. C. Pick the woman up.
10. Why is the woman going out
A. To go to work. B. To go to the dentist’s. C. To do some shopping.
11. Where will the parcel most probably be left
A. In the garage. B. Outside the door. C. At their neighbor’s.
12. What is the man expecting
A. Some food. B. A phone. C. A lap top
13. Where did the woman use to work
A. In China. B. In America. C. In England.
14. What’s the biggest difference between Chinese and American companies in the man’s opinion
A. Attitude towards risk.
B. Attitude towards authority.
C. Attitude towards friendship.
15. How can the woman fit in according to the man
A. By reading a book.
B. By using her own sense.
C. By being in different to her boss.
16. How does the woman feel about Geert Hofstede’s theory
A. Surprised. B. Puzzled. C. Convinced.
17. What are the students upset about
A. Studying online. B. Paying extra fees. C. Delaying courses.
18. What can the students probably do on the new online playform
A. Download books.
B. Do the experiments.
C. Communicate with professors.
19. When was the regular deadline for switching classes
A. One week from the start of class.
B Two weeks from the start of class
C. Three weeks from the start of class.
20. Who will probably have to study on the weekends next semester
A. English students. B. Chemistry students. C. Computer science students.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
New Rules for Delayed or Canceled Flights
DOT Proposes New Rules
On Aug. 3, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a briefing regarding airline consumer protections related to flight cancellation and travel delays.
While there are already DOT rules regarding airline refunds in case of a canceled or significantly delayed flight, the definition of “significant delay” was not clearly defined, and its meaning is left to the interpretation of the airline, The vagueness of old rules often did not benefit travelers.
How New Rules Help Passengers
DOT’s new proposal seeks to outline a more precise definition of what constitutes a significant change in flight schedule
●Domestic flights: A change in departure or arrival time of three hours or more
●International flights: An arrival or departure delay of six hours or more
●Airport changes: A change in departure or arrival airport
●Experience: A significant downgrade in comforts or conditions onboard the flight
Laying down these guidelines would allow DOT to enforce the fair practices regarding consumer refunds when flights are changed.
Taking public health concerns into consideration, the rules propose that passengers who cannot fly due to specific pandemic-related reasons should be protected. The new rules would require ticket agents and airlines to provide passengers with travel credits.
Limitation on Airline Responsibility
There are limitations to the airline’s responsibility, just as the DOT’s current refund rules state. An airline is not required to give are fund due to a passenger’s personal issue or unsatisfactory travel experience. The airline is also not responsible for hotel room costs or other incidentals associated with passengers needing to wait for a new flight or alternative mode of transportation.
1. What’s the main aim of the DOT new rules
A. To introduce DOT. B. To advertise airlines.
C. To protect consumers. D. To benefit transport.
2. What is the function of the underlined part
A. Providing the reason. B. Making a comparison.
C. Giving an example. D. Offering the detail.
3. When can a passenger get are fund
A. When his flight is delayed for two hours.
B. When he finds the food unsatisfactory.
C. When his departure airport is changed.
D. When he misses his flight for being late.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently granted Microsoft a patent for software capable of creating a chatbot, or online conversational application, based on the characteristics of a particular dead person. The chatbot would use all of the dead’s social data and create a sort of virtual version of the dead, managed by artificial intelligence.
According to the new Microsoft patent, it is possible to use images, voice memos, social media posts, instant messages and emails to create an avatar (化身) or profile of the dead’s personality. With the digital profile, engineers can “train” a chatbot to speak like the dead. More worryingly, the application could also take the form of a dead love done with a 2D or 3D “model” and use their voice while talking to the person.
The creation of such a chatbot, apart from the moral, ethical and religious aspects, opens a complicated scenario (设想) regarding the data and privacy rights of the dead.
Faheem Hussain, a clinical assistant professor at Arizona State University, told Reuters “In most countries around the world, the data of dead people is not protected. Therefore, nothing in the laws would prevent the creation of an avatar or android that looks like the dead.”
“This could be done without the dead’s permission and the data used could violate the privacy of others if, for example, it included conversations the dead had with friends, relatives and others who were involved in their lives at various levels,” he added.
In February, one channel aired a tearful reunion between a mother and her dead 7-year-old daughter, recreated through virtual reality as a digital avatar using the mother’s photos and memories. But that’s not all. Some are thinking far ahead. ETER9 is a social network from a Portuguese developer Henrique Jorge, which has the feature of paring each user with an AI “counterpart” that learns to copy the user’s online behaviour to be able to post comment and share autonomously, even after the account owner has passed away.
4. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A research paper. B. A sales brochure.
C. A product presentation. D. A scientific magazine.
5. What can we do according to the patent
A. Talk to the dead. B. Protect the dead’s privacy.
C. Live after our death. D. Post the dead’s memories.
6. What is Faheem Hussain’s attitude towards the patent
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Unclear. D. Objective.
7. What does ETER9 do
A. It helps people with Portuguese. B. It opens a complicated seenario.
C. It airs tearful family reunions. D. It creates a real second virtual life.
Studies conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts show that Americans, in general, don’t read much literature. The question is, “Why not ” There are lots of excuses people give as the reasons why they haven’t picked up a good book in months or even years Fortunately, for every one of them, there’s often a solution.
Think you just don’t have the time to pick up a classic Take a book with you everywhere and instead of picking up your cellphone, open the book or e-reader. It’s all about feeding your mind even if it’s only one bit at a time.
While it may be true that owning books was once considered a luxury, these days there are numerous sources for inexpensive literature. The Internet has opened a whole new arena for readers. Of course, the most time-honored method for getting books of pretty much every description at little or no cost is your local public library. Another great resource for inexpensive books is your local used bookstore.
If you don’t know what to read, the best way is by reading everything you can get your hands on. You’ll gradually learn which genres you enjoy reading, and you’ll begin to make connections between books. If you don’t know where to start, find someone who enjoys reading books and ask for recommendations.
Some people say, “Can’t I just watch the movie ” Yes and no. You can watch a movie instead of reading the book on which it’s based, but quite often, they have very little in common case in point: “The Wizard of Oz.” Almost everyone has seen 1939’s classic musical, but it’s a far cry from the original series of books on which it’s based. So you should know the real story first.
A book-even a classic-doesn’t have to bed it f cult to be a great read. It’s true that many famous authors wrote books that are tough to get through for common people. However, lots of them also wrote things that are much more accessible. In fact, many books written for young audiences are great places to start your reading experience. A. A. Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” are books beloved by kids and adults alike.
It’s really not that difficult to make books and literature apart of your life. Start with something manageable and work your way up. If you never read “War and Peace” or “Moby Dick”, that’s fine too.
8 What is the excuse given by people in Paragraph 3
A. It’s hard to find books. B. Forming a reading habit is difficult.
C. Books are expensive. D. Reading books is time-consuming.
9. Which of the following agrees with the author’s advice
A. People should read books while working to relieve the pressure.
B. People should try to understand the books though some are difficult.
C. People should read the book Harry Potter before they watch the movie.
D. People should read books thoroughly even though they are not interested.
10. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. You should always avoid serious books. B. You can choose whatever books suit you.
C. You have the right to choose not to read. D. You can benefit a lot from classic literature.
11. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Is it necessary to read B. What should you read
C. Read or watch D. Why don’t you read
Camouflage(伪装) is a type of coloration or pattern that helps an animal blend in with its surroundings. Camouflage is often used by prey as a way to disguise themselves from predators. It is also used by predators to conceal themselves as they follow their prey.
Concealing coloration allows an animal to blend into its environment hiding it from predators. Some animals have fixed camouflage, such as polar bears, whose white coloration helps them blend in with the Arctic snow. Other animals can change their camouflage at will based on where they are. For example, some marine creatures can alter their coloration to blend in with surrounding sand and rock formations. Some other animals have a type of seasonal camouflage. This includes the snowshoe hare, whose fur turns white in winter but brown during summer.
Disruptive coloration includes spots, stripes, and other patterns that breakup the outline of an animal’s shape and sometimes conceal particular body parts. The stripes of a zebra’s coat, for example, create a disruptive pattern to flies, whose compound eyes have trouble processing the pattern. Some animals have a particular type of camouflage called a disruptive eye mask. This is a band of color found on the bodies of birds, fish, and other creatures whose eye is usually easy to spot because of its distinctive shape. The mask makes the eye nearly invisible to avoid being seen by predators.
Disguise is a type of camouflage where an animal takes on the appearance of something else in its environment. Some insects, for example, disguise themselves as leaves by changing their shading. Other creatures also disguise themselves, like the walking stick or stick-bug, which resembles a slim branch.
Mimicry is away for animals to make themselves look like related animals that are more dangerous or otherwise less appealing to predators. This type of camouflage is seen in snakes, butterflies, and moths. For example, the scarlet kingsnake, a type of harmless snake found in the eastern United States, has evolved to look like the coral snake, which is highly poisonous. In this case, the animals’ deceptive coloration helps ward off other creatures that might be looking for a meal.
12. What’s the relationship between prey and predators
A. They are competitors for food. B. Prey is the food source for predators.
C. They rely on each other to find food. D. Prey is the natural enemy of predators.
13. If a fish can alter its color to lie on the seabed without being seen, which type of camouflage does it use
A. Concealing coloration. B. Disruptive coloration.
C. Disguise. D. Mimicry.
14. What does the underlined word“disruptive”mean in Paragraph 3
A. Fading. B. Annoying. C. Confusing. D. Surprising.
15. What do the four types of camouflage have in common
A. Hiding by looking less attractive in the environment.
B. Changing colors according to the living environment.
C. Forming certain appearances to fit into the environment.
D. Evolving into a permanent color or shape to avoid danger.
Rising costs mean many of us are having to cut back on our spending. ____16____However, like any food diet, it’s easy to fall back into the previous condition. Then all that work and sacrifice may go down the drain. So how do you avoid messing up all your good work
●Plan for some treats
The less you have of something, the more you’re likely to desire it, give in and layout a large fortune. And often these treats can be costly. ____17____Say it could be a piece of cake rather than a coat, or an off-peak cinema trip rather than a big meal out.
We often spend in isolation. What I mean here is that we look at the cost of something and compare it with prices of similar products on the shopping list. For example, 3 on a coffee each day might seem insignificant. But if you work out what the money spent could provide elsewhere, you might rethink your choices. Let’s say you need 300 for a holiday, and six months of not buying a coffee could save you the money for your trip. Will you change your mind
●Take away the temptation
____19____A takeaway is the perfect example. All you need to do is switch on your cellphone and tapa few buttons. But it is so expensive. Yet the opposite of this isn’t necessarily cooking from scratch. You can prepare for those lazy evenings by cooking in advance and freezing the leftovers. You only need to defrost a few portions when it’s time to eat.
●Cancel your Amazon Prime (付费会员)
Many think of Amazon’s membership scheme as a money saver—and it does sometimes offer extra discounts. But don’t forget you have paid for this already with the 79 annual fee and the “free” delivery can actually remove an important barrier when shopping ____20____.
A. Compare your priorities
B. Keep an account of small items
C. Many people find it hard to change consumption habits.
D. Some of our favorite treats are the ones that require little effort.
E. Travelling less or shipping down a brand seems relatively painless.
F. The extra step of choosing shipping could be enough to make you think twice.
G. But choosing alternative rewards costing less can give you the same spending pleasure.
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
The caller said she was in trouble and that he could help. Mom____21____it and lost thousands of dollars. It took us months to recover her money and her____22____.
One April morning, my mother’s phone rang. The man that greeted her sounded____23____“Someone has___24___to your bank accounts and can take all your money.” The warm voice was exactly what she badly____25____during her isolation from the community due to COVID-19. The man said he needed information to ensure the money was safe and she tried to follow his____26____though her brain injury made it rather hard.
He explained slowly what to do and hours later, she said she had to relieve herself. “OK, but Stay on the line____27____we will lose our progress.” Then she____28____the phone on the shelf in the bathroom. Suddenly the phone buzzed with a text-it was my father, checking in. She typed back there was a problem, but she was ____29____it. Then she____30____out her worn, printed-out packet of passwords from a pile of books and entered them.
My Mom thoughts he had labored for hours protecting her family. ____31____, the scammer (诈骗犯) had taken away her personal information and money. After learning the truth, my mother sought to____32____the conversations with the scammer but just said, “I can’t remember. I don’t know what to do. This was so stupid.”
I tried different means and____33____got the money back. We didn’t blame her as the internal shame my mom felt could turn into something more____34____depression and even suicide.
The other day my dad mentioned, “You know, another scammer called your mama. She did the right thing, though. She hung upon him and called me.” My mom was smiling at me and I knew she was____35____.
A. broke off B. took in C. referred to D. fell for
A. guilt B. dignity C. awareness D. memory
A. angry B. concerned C. incredible D. doubtful
A. access B. relation C. approaches D. entrances
A. denied B. requested C. missed D. ignored
A. movements B. footsteps C. inquiries D. instructions
A. so B. and C. while D. or
A. passed B. parked C. posed D. paused
A. following B. challenging C. fixing D. finishing
A. dug B. figured C. worked D. left
A. Hence B. Instead C. Moreover D. Afterwards
A. recall B. remind C. memorize D. maintain
A. initially B. particularly C. eventually D. obviously
A. common B. reasonable C. tolerable D. damaging
A. off B. down C. back D. away
Seeing these “gardens” is like looking at a universe in a plant pot. The miniature(微型的)branches spread and twist,____36____(demonstrate) the beauty of nature, so as to allow viewers to stop and reflect on the circle of life. The potted landscape of penjing____37____(be) a representative of top-ranking garden art ever since its existence.
Expectedly, the Suzhou-style penjing cultivation technique was listed____38____a nation a-level intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) in 2011.____39____penjing, Suzhou gardens wouldn’t be as charming as they are today. Once the construction of a garden is completed, its buildings are set, but planting can grow and change, which makes gardens ____40____(live).
The history of penjing ____41____(date) back to the Tang Dynasty when the great poet Bai Juyi used some stones ____42____(create) miniature landscapes in pots. And the Ming Dynasty marked a boom in the economy of Suzhou, the very period____43____turned the city into a major cultural center. Because of that long history, Suzhou-style penjing is often seen as____44____fundamental school of Chinese planting art.
Penjing works are beautiful, but people think that they were owned by the rich. However, only when they are enjoyed by general____45____(consume) can they benefit from being part of people’s wider modern artistic taste.
第三节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
46. The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous f________ (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. The town is now turning its attention to making the sea-front more v________attractive. (根据首字母单词拼写)
48. Regular repeating actions such as sound waves, light waves, or radio waves have a certain f________, or number of waves per second. (根据首字母单词拼写)
49. He is always l________me about the way I dress. (根据首字母单词拼写)
50. Some species use their sense of hearing more than their eyes as a matter of a________to a particular lifestyle, but their eyes are still functional. (根据首字母单词拼写)
51. The committee made________(建议)to the board on teachers' pay and conditions. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
52. She was good at physics_____________ the fact that she found it boring.(尽管)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
53. Goods, once they have been made, are ________(假定) to move instantly and at no cost from place to place. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
54. The drugs were found in their car during a ________(例行的) check by police. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
55. Only do these more difficult ________(伸展动作) when you are warmed up. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第四节 完成句子(共5题;每小题2分,满分10分)
56. 无论你的答案是什么,它都远比你最初看到的更为复杂。
Whatever your answer is, there’s always a lot more to it________ ________ ________the eye.
57. 今天,我将就电影制作中你们可能不太熟悉的一些方面做一个简单的介绍。
Today, I’ll give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film making you might not______、______、______.
58. 学校应该重视个人诚信的教育,个人诚信是一个人人生中最重要的财产之一。
Schools should________ ________ ________the teaching of personal integrity, which is one of the most important assets in a person’s life.
59. 上海计划建设一个由购物中心、餐厅和停车场组成庞大地下网络,以弥补地面空间的不足。
Shanghai plans to build a vast underground network of malls, restaurants, and parking lots to________ ________ ________a lack of space aboveground.
60. 他们已经是多年的朋友,相处融洽,形影不离。
They have been friends for years and get along________ ________ _________ _________
第四部分 写作(满分20分)
61. 你校即将举行新年音乐会。请你以学生会名义向你校国际交换生发布一则观看通知,内容包括:
The Students’ Union




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