
1.(2023高三上·贵阳月考) What does the woman want to know
A.When to take the bus.
B.Where to meet Shelley.
C.Where to meet the man.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'm meeting Shelley at her house tomorrow morning. Should we meet there or at the bus stop
M: The bus stop. My mom is dropping me off there at 8: 20. You guys have to hurry if you want to make the 8: 30 bus, though.
【分析】问题:女士想知道什么?根据"I'm meeting Shelley at her house tomorrow morning. Should we meet there or at the bus stop "明天早上我要去Shelley家见她。我们应该在那里见面还是在公共汽车站见面?故选C。
2.(2023高三上·贵阳月考) What did Paul do last Friday
A.He played volleyball.
B.He did golf.
C.He rode a horse.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Did you go to the sports afternoon last Friday, Tom I couldn't go.
M: Yes, we had a great afternoon. We all did a new sport. I did golf. Jane played volleyball and Paul had some horse-riding lessons.
W: Great! I hope I can go next time.
【分析】问题: Paul 上周五做了什么?根据"and Paul had some horse-riding lessons." Paul 上了一些骑马课。故选C。
3. What are the speakers talking about
A.A holiday for students.
B.An educational day for teachers.
C.A day off for students and teachers.
【解析】【听力原文】W: How come there is no school tomorrow It's not a holiday, and my cousin still has to go to school.
M: It's called a professional development day. All the teachers get together to discuss the school's progress. They also learn new teaching methods.
【分析】问题:谈话人在说什么?根据"How come there is no school tomorrow It's not a holiday, and my cousin still has to go to school."为什么明天不上学?这不是假期,我的表弟还得去上学;以及"It's called a professional development day. All the teachers get together to discuss the school's progress. They also learn new teaching methods."这被称为职业发展日。所有的老师聚在一起讨论学校的进展。他们还学习新的教学方法。故选B。
4. What is the woman doing
A.Preparing supper.
B.Washing her hands.
C.Working in the yard.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Come on inside and get ready for supper. I'm just washing the last of the vegetables.
M: Great. I'm just going to wash my hands before I sit down. I was just outside working in the yard.
【分析】问题:女士在做什么?根据"Come on inside and get ready for supper. I'm just washing the last of the vegetables."进来,准备晚饭。我只是在洗最后一份蔬菜可知她在准备饭。故选A。
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Professor and student.
B.Husband and wife.
C.Brother and sister.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Isn't this your wife's best scarf
M: Yes, but we want you to have it. Mom told us how cold the winter gets in Spain. You'll need something while you study with your professor there.
【分析】问题:谈话人之间可能存在什么关系?根据"Mom told us how cold the winter gets in Spain."妈妈告诉我们西班牙的冬天有多冷。可推知他们是兄妹,故选C。
6.How does the woman feel about applying for jobs
A.Excited. B.Ashamed. C.Nervous.
7.Where did the man fill out a job application
A.At a toy store.
B.At a gas station.
C.At a car rental agency.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Where were you today, Jack I was wondering if you wanted to go looking for jobs together with me.
M: What a shame! That's exactly what I was doing. I went to a car rental agency, a gas station, and a toy store.
W: How was it I've never applied for a job before, so I'm a little nervous about going myself.
M: It's super easy. All I did was ask to speak to a manager.
W: Did you talk to one
M: Yeah, at the car rental place and the toy store. I filled out a job application at the other place. It was so exciting!
W: Maybe I'll go to the same places as you did. That way, we could work together.
6.问题:这位女士对申请工作有何感想?根据"I've never applied for a job before, so I'm a little nervous about going myself."我以前从来没有申请过工作,所以我对自己去有点紧张。故选C。
7.问题:男士在哪里填写工作申请表的?根据"I went to a car rental agency, a gas station, and a toy store."我去了一家汽车租赁公司、一家加油站和一家玩具店;" All I did was ask to speak to a manager. "我所做的只是要求与一位经理交谈;"Did you talk to one "你和一个人谈过了吗?;以及" Yeah, at the car rental place and the toy store. I filled out a job application at the other place."是的,在汽车租赁处和玩具店。我在另一个地方填写了工作申请表。故选B。
8.What is the good news for the students
A.They won't take a test.
B.They won't get flu shots.
C.They won't go to the gym.
9.Who will take the students to the cafetcria
A.The nurse. B.The teacher. C.The headmaster.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Good morning, Leah. I have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first
W: Good news!
M: The good news is that there is no test today. The bad news is that all the Grade Eight students are getting their flu shots today.
W: No! I hate needles. I'm nervous. I don't want to go.
M: Don't be foolish. I promise you won't feel a thing.
W: When do we have to go
M: First, the school head teacher will make an announcement. Then the gym teacher will take us to the cafeteria.
W: Every time I get a shot, it makes me feel funny. I lose my balance, and I have to sit down.
M: The teachers said that might happen. If it does, just sit down and drink some orange juice.
8.问题:对学生们来说有什么好消息?根据" The good news is that there is no test today. "好消息是今天没有考试。故选A。
9.问题:谁将带学生去自助餐厅?根据"Then the gym teacher will take us to the cafeteria."然后体育老师会带我们去自助餐厅。故选B。
10.What is included in the first plan
A.Unlimited texts from anywhere.
B.Unlimited calls from anywhere.
C.Unlimited local calls and texts.
11.How much does the woman have to pay for the second plan
A.$30. B.$40. C.$60.
12.Which plan did the woman choose in the end
A.The Basic Plan.
B.The Basic Plus Plan.
C.The Premium Basic Data Plan.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'd like to buy an iPhone, and I heard you guys are selling it for half its normal price.
M: Yes, but you have to sign a one-year agreement. That way, you'll only pay $500 today.
W: That's not a problem. How much do I have to pay per month
M: Our Basic Plan is $30 per month, and that gives you unlimited local calls and texting.
W: Hmm. I do a lot of traveling across the country, though. What else have you got
M: That would be our Basic Plus Plan. Unlimited calls and texts from anywhere. Ten more dollars a month for that one. You also get call display and voicemail with all our plans.
W: Can I use the Internet with it
M: As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you're fine. Otherwise, you need to use our Premium Basic Data Plan. $60 per month.
W: That seems a little unnecessary. Most places have an Internet connection. I'll take the second one.
M: Great! I just need you to fill this out.
10.问题:第一个计划包括什么?根据"Our Basic Plan is $30 per month, and that gives you unlimited local calls and texting."我们的基本计划是每月30美元,可以给你无限的本地电话和短信。故选C。
11.问题:女士要为第二个计划付多少钱?根据"Our Basic Plan is $30 per month"我们的基本计划是每月30美元;以及"Ten more dollars a month for that one."那个一个月多挣十美元。故选B。
12.问题:女士最终选择了哪个计划?根据"That would be our Basic Plus Plan. "这将是我们的基本Plus计划;以及"I'll take the second one."我选第二个。故选B。
13.What is unique about the food service
A.The food is delivered uncooked.
B.You can make your own recipe.
C.It arrives quicker than other food deliveries.
14.How much clean-up work is required
A.Less than usual.
C.The same as usual.
15.What does the woman dislike about cooking
A.Washing the dishes.
B.Cutting up vegetables.
C.Choosing the materials.
16.Where do the materials for the dinner come from
A.A farm. B.A restaurant. C.A grocery store.
【解析】【听力原文】M: This dinner is amazing, Jenny. You are quite the cook!
W: It's actually from a food delivery service I found on the Internet.
M: Oh. I would never have guessed you ordered this from a restaurant.
W: Oh, no. It's a food service that provides you with fresh ingredients and the recipe. You cook it yourself.
M: That's a really good idea.
W: Yeah, and it's much quicker than planning a meal on your own. This way, you have all the ingredients, so all you have to do is follow the recipe.
M: That sounds easy enough. There is probably not much clean-up work involved, either.
W: Very little. And it's not just the clean-up. It's easier to prepare, too. I hate spending a lot of time washing and cutting up all the vegetables.
M: So, what is this meal called It seems like a combination of Mexican and Asian food.
W: That's exactly what it is.
M: Wouldn't it be cheaper to just look online at the recipe and buy all the ingredients from the grocery store
W: Yeah, but it's worth the extra money. All the ingredients come fresh directly from the farm, so it's much healthier.
M: Well, I'm convinced. I think I'll order a meal tomorrow night!
13.问题:餐饮服务有什么独特之处?根据" It's a food service that provides you with fresh ingredients and the recipe. You cook it yourself. "这是一项为您提供新鲜食材和食谱的食品服务。你自己做。可知食物是生的。故选A。
14.问题:需要多少清理工作?根据" There is probably not much clean-up work involved, either. "可能也没有太多的清理工作。故选A。
15.问题:女士不喜欢烹饪什么?根据"I hate spending a lot of time washing and cutting up all the vegetables."我讨厌花很多时间洗和切所有的蔬菜。故选B。
16.问题:晚餐的材料从哪里来?根据"All the ingredients come fresh directly from the farm,"所有的原料都直接来自农场,故选A。
17.Who is giving the speech
A.Angela's father. B.Angela's friend. C.Angela's brother.
18.What does the speaker think of Dan
A.Smart. B.Lucky. C.Generous.
19.Where did Angela meet Dan
A.In school.
B.On the road.
C.At Thanksgiving dinner.
20.When does the wedding probably take place
A.In July. B.In November. C.In December.
【解析】【听力原文】 Ever since we were little, Angela always looked after me. If I did something wrong, she wouldn't tell our mom or dad. I promised her that one day I would do the same for her. As I got older, and married, I saw her less and less. I was starting to worry. Then one November, when I was driving home for Thanksgiving, my car got a flat tire. I didn't have a spare tire, or the tools to change it. That's when Dan-a complete stranger to me-stopped and gave me his own spare tire.
Of course, I invited him to dinner. I found out he already knew Angela. They went to high school together! After that Dan and I became best friends. Three years later, on New Year's Day, he asked Angela to marry him. It was a relief. I knew he would take care of her, just like she took care of me. So here we are, on this beautiful summer day. I can think of no other place I'd rather be. I am so lucky to have these two people in my life, and I wish them a long, happy life together.
17.问题:谁在作报告?根据"If I did something wrong, she wouldn't tell our mom or dad. "如果我做错了什么,她不会告诉我们的父母。故选C。
18.问题:发言人认为 Dan 怎么样?根据"Then one November, when I was driving home for Thanksgiving, my car got a flat tire. I didn't have a spare tire, or the tools to change it. That's when Dan-a complete stranger to me-stopped and gave me his own spare tire."然后有一年11月,当我开车回家过感恩节时,我的车爆胎了。我没有备用轮胎,也没有换轮胎的工具。就在这时, Dan ——一个对我来说完全陌生的人——停下来给了我他自己的备胎。可知他认为 Dan 很慷慨,故选C。
19.问题: Angela 在哪里认识 Dan 的?根据"Of course, I invited him to dinner. I found out he already knew Angela. They went to high school together! "当然,我邀请他吃饭。我发现他已经认识Angela了。他们一起上高中!故选A。
20.问题:婚礼可能什么时候举行?根据"So here we are, on this beautiful summer day. I can think of no other place I'd rather be. I am so lucky to have these two people in my life, and I wish them a long, happy life together."在这个美丽的夏日,我们来了。我想不出我更愿意去的其他地方了。我很幸运有这两个人在我的生活中,我祝愿他们在一起生活得长久快乐。可推知现在是夏季,结合选项,故选A。
Xi'an, as the longest-running capital in ancient China, has shaped the country's culture and history. With a history of over 3, 000 years, it has given birth to many dynasties. If planning a short tour, be sure to visit the recommended attractions that truly capture the spirit of this ancient city.
The Terracotta Army
The Terracotta Army is a remarkable archaeological find and a popular tourist destinationin China. Constructed by Emperor Qinshihuang in the 3rd century BC, it features life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots arranged in battle formation. The museum houses three vaults (墓穴) and an exhibition hall, with Vault One being the largest, displaying over 6, 000 figures. These sculptures offer insights of high value into ancient China's history, military, and culture.
Ancient City Wall
Xi'an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system. Now it is one of the oldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is now a landmark, dividing the city into inner and outer areas. When you take a stroll or cycle on the massive wall, you can enjoy a good view of the city, the moat (护城河) and the watchtowers.
Giant WildGoose Pagoda
The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in China was built during the Tang Dynasty as a study place for Buddhist texts. It stored sutras (佛经) and sculptures brought from India by monk Xuan Zang, who translated scriptures here for 19 years. Situated in Da Ci'en Temple, the pagoda's impressive brick structure reflects traditional Chinese architecture, creating a solemn and magnificent atmosphere.
Shaanxi History Museum
The Shaanxi History Museum displays 370, 000 relics found in Shaanxi, China, including bronze wares (青铜器) , pottery figures, gold and silverwares, and Tang Dynasty murals. 18 pieces are national treasures. Xi'an, the former capital, has many historical sites. The museum is divided into three sections, exhibiting artifacts from primitive eras to the late Qing Dynasty.
21.Which of the following attractions was built as a military defence system
A.The Terracotta Army. B.Ancient City Wall.
C.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. D.Shannxi History Museum.
22.What do Terracotta Army and Ancient City Wall have in common
A.They were built at the same period.
B.They both divide the city into two areas.
C.They were built by their own Emperors.
D.They both offer a good view of the city.
23.What can we know about Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
A.It was built during the Tang Dynasty.
B.It was brought from India by Xuan Zang.
C.It was written in the Buddhist texts.
D.It was used as a study place for goose.
21.考查细节理解。根据 Ancient City Wall 部分中的"Xi'an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system."西安城墙始建于14世纪,由明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋修建,作为军事防御系统。可知,古城墙是作为军事防御系统建造的。故选B。
22.考查细节理解。根据 The Terracotta Army 部分中的"Constructed by Emperor Qinshihuang in the 3rd century BC, it features life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots arranged in battle formation."它由秦始皇于公元前3世纪建造,以真人大小的兵马俑为特色,排列成战斗队形;以及 Ancient City Wall 部分中的"Xi'an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system."西安城墙始建于14世纪,由明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋修建,作为军事防御系统。可知,兵马俑和古城墙的共同之处是都是由当时的皇帝建造的。故选C。
23.考查细节理解。根据 Giant WildGoose Pagoda 部分中的"The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in China was built during the Tang Dynasty as a study place for Buddhist texts."中国的大雁塔建于唐代,是佛教典籍的学习场所。可知,大雁塔建于唐朝。故选A。
Mu Sa, a live stream host of the Hui ethnic group from Zhongning, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, is atypical example of how the Internet has turned many young unemployed people into useful talents contributing to society.
After graduating from the Lanzhou-based Northwest Minzu University majoring in sociology, Mu worked as an office clerk in Shanghai, a marketing assistant in Beijing and a data analyst in Hangzhou. After struggling to realize his dream in big cities, Mu at last found that what touched him most was the "feathery tenderness" of homesickness.
Mu returned home at 25 after losing his job during the COVID-19 pandemic in November 2021. Depressed, Mu thought of himself a "failure" at first. However, he was not discouraged and quickly lifted himself up. Mu decided to pick up his cell phone and begin creating short videos about local people's daily lives at home and uploading them online.
A video clip showing his mother cooking local food turned out to be a surprise hit. So many viewers commented that the video brought back memories of their own moms and hometowns. Even Mu's mother was shocked that a daily routine should arouse so many people's interests.
Mu said it was the success of this video clip that inspired him to carry on. He gradually found that village-related content was popular among his followers. "The more local the content, the more universal its appeal is." he said.
Since then, his father, mother, elder sister, classmates, friends and neighbors, their small courtyards, chickens, sheep, and vast fields have all become the subjects of Mu's camera lens. Many fans know about his hometown Dazhanchang and the lives of local residents in Northwest China through Mu's work.
24.What made Mu Sa start to create short videos
A.Being unemployed. B.Being homesick.
C.Living at home. D.Getting infected.
25.Why was the video clip successful
A.It inspired many viewers.
B.It reminded people of their hometowns.
C.It was about big cities.
D.It brought back memories of Mu's mother
26.What can we learn from Mu's story
A.Only making clips can make money.
B.The Internet can change people's lives.
C.Returning to hometown is the best.
D.Many fans love Mu's hometown.
27.Which of the following can best describe Mu Sa
A.Educated and polite. B.Depressed and indifferent.
C.Hesitated and unconfident. D.Creative and determined.
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Mu Sa, a live stream host of the Hui ethnic group from Zhongning, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, is atypical example of how the Internet has turned many young unemployed people into useful talents contributing to society."来自宁夏中宁的回族直播主播穆萨是一个典型的例子,互联网将许多失业的年轻人变成了对社会有用的人才。可知,穆萨因为失业而开始制作短视频。故选A。
25.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"A video clip showing his mother cooking local food turned out to be a surprise hit. So many viewers commented that the video brought back memories of their own moms and hometowns."一段他母亲烹饪当地食物的视频片段出人意料地大受欢迎。很多观众评论说,这段视频让他们想起了自己的妈妈和家乡。可知,这个视频成功的原因是它让人们想起了他们的家乡。故选B。
26.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Mu Sa, a live stream host of the Hui ethnic group from Zhongning, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, is atypical example of how the Internet has turned many young unemployed people into useful talents contributing to society."来自宁夏中宁的回族直播主播穆萨是一个典型的例子,互联网将许多失业的年轻人变成了对社会有用的人才。可知,穆萨的故事表明互联网可以改变人们的生活。故选B。
27.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"Mu decided to pick up his cell phone and begin creating short videos about local people's daily lives at home and uploading them online."穆决定拿起他的手机,开始制作关于当地人日常生活的短视频,并将其上传到网上;以及第五段中的"Mu said it was the success of this video clip that inspired him to carry on."穆说,正是这段视频的成功激励了他坚持下去。可知,穆萨很有创造力且有决心。故选D。
It all started with a simple question: "Can I paint your portrait "
In the summer of 2015, Brian Peterson and his wife, Vanessa, had just moved to Santa Ana, California. Outside the couple's fourth-floor apartment, a messy homeless man was often shouting on the street corner, sometimes keeping them awake at night. Peterson, 28, would pass the guy on his way to his job as a car designer at Kia Motors. but they never spoke.
One day, Peterson was relaxing in his living room, reading the book Love Does, about the power of love in action, when his quiet was disturbed by the homeless man. Inspired by the book's sympathetic message. Peterson made an unexpected decision: He was going to go outside and introduce himself.
In that first conversation, Peterson learned that the man's name was Matt Faris. He'd moved to Southern California from Kentucky to pursue a career in music, but he soon fell on hard times and ended up living on the street for more than a decade.
"It was the weirdest thing to me," Peterson recalled later on the podcast (播客) Top Artist. "I saw beauty on the face of a man who hadn't shaved in probably a year, had overgrown fingernails, and probably hadn't had a shower in close to a year. But his story, the life inside of him, inspired me." And even though Peterson, a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art, hadn't picked up a paintbrush in about eight years, be found himself asking if he could paint Faris's portrait. Faris said yes.
Peterson's connection with Faris led to the creation of Faces of Santa Ana, a nonprofit organization that befriends and paints portraits of unhoused community members. Using a black-and-white photo taken with his phone, Peterson selects colors based on the subject's personality and story, resulting in powerful portraits. He sells the large paintings, signed by both the subject and artist, for a few thousand dollars. Half of the profits go into a "love account" for the models. helping them start again. Faris used his portrait funds to fulfill his musical dreams by recording an album.
28.What is the purpose of the first paragraphr
A.To explain the portrait. B.To express a request.
C.To ask a question. D.To introduce the topic.
29.How did Peterson feel when just arriving at his new home
A.Messy. B.Bothered. C.Delighted. D.Relaxed.
30.What does the underlined word "weirdest" in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A.Strangest. B.Hardest.
C.Well known. D.Most beautiful.
31.What caused the foundation of Faces of Santa Ana
A.Peterson's relation to Faris.
B.Profits from selling paintings.
C.Colors based on the personality.
D.Peterson's powerful portraits.
28.考查推理判断。根据第一段"It all started with a simple question: ‘Can I paint your portrait '" 一切都始于一个简单的问题:"我可以给你画肖像吗?"可知,第一段的目的是引出本文的主题,即通过这个问题,引出布莱恩·彼得森在认识流浪汉马特·法里斯后,问了这个问题,从而创建了一个助人组织的故事。故选D。
29.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Outside the couple's fourth-floor apartment, a messy homeless man was often shouting on the street corner, sometimes keeping them awake at night. "在这对夫妇位于四楼的公寓外,一个邋遢的流浪汉经常在街角大喊大叫,有时会让他们彻夜难眠。可知,彼得森刚到他的新家时,经常被打扰,感觉烦恼。故选B。
30.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"I saw beauty on the face of a man who hadn't shaved in probably a year, had overgrown fingernails, and probably hadn't had a shower in close to a year."我在一个大概一年没刮胡子、指甲长得太长、可能将近一年没洗澡的男人脸上看到了美。可知,从这位邋遢的流浪汉身上看到了美,这很奇怪,可推知划线词 weirdest 的意思为"最奇怪的"。故选A。
31.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Peterson's connection with Faris led to the creation of Faces of Santa Ana, a nonprofit organization that befriends and paints portraits of unhoused community members."彼得森与法里斯的联系促成了"圣安娜之脸"的成立,这是一个非营利组织,旨在结交无家可归的社区成员,并为他们画肖像。可知,彼得森与法里斯的关系导致了"圣安娜之脸"的诞生。故选A。
Biodegradable (可生物降解的) food packaging could remind people of spoiling (腐烂的) food by its changing color.
Bst-before labels (保质期标签) are often poor predictors of when food becomes dangerous to eat, which can lead to waste and food poisoning, says Benedetto Marelli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. So, he and his colleagues tried to create wrap that can react to changes in food.
They made four films (膜) similar to plastic wrap, each consisting of two layers (层) . One layer was made from a protein obtained from silkworm silk, while the other was made of one of four so-called covalent (共价的) organic frameworks (COFs) . These materials contain carbon and hydrogen, as well as atoms like oxygen or nitrogen, all arranged in a grid (网格状) that makes the material porous (透气的) .
After checking the films were strong, the researchers tried to compost (堆肥) them. For the best-performing film, 50% of it degraded after being placed in soil for 30 days, which is comparable to existing biodegradable plastics.
The material also changed color when put in liquid with different pH values, due to the COF layer's interaction with the liquid. Because the pH of food increases as it spoils, the researchers tried to use a piece of the film as a color-changing label attached to a packet of raw chicken. The label started off orange but turned yellow and got 17% lighter after 20 hours at 30℃, indicating that the meat had begun to spoil.
The researchers also loaded the COF layer with an antimicrobial (杀菌的) chemical. After 15 days, soya beans packaged in the film and left in high heat had about a third as much mould (霉菌) as beans wrapped in traditional plastic.
To make a real impact, the material will need to be affordable and easy to produce. "The bar for competing with plastic products is very high," says Marelli.
32.How did the new wrap begin
A.From best-before label. B.From making four films.
C.From weighing the waste. D.From measuring temperature.
33.What is the advantage for the new packaging
A.It can tell food state. B.It won't be spoiled.
C.It can be easily made. D.It is not porous.
34.What can we learn about the new packaging in the passage
A.There is a long way to go.
B.It becomes heavier when heated.
C.It has been available now.
D.More mould appears in the film.
35.What would be the best title for this passage
A.Best-Before Labels on Goods. B.Biodegradable Food Packaging.
C.Covalent Organic Frameworks. D.Antimicrobial Chemicals
32.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"They made four films (膜) similar to plastic wrap, each consisting of two layers (层)."他们制作了四层类似于保鲜膜的薄膜,每层膜由两层组成。可知,新的包装从四层膜开始。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。根据第五段"The material also changed color when put in liquid with different pH values, due to the COF layer's interaction with the liquid. Because the pH of food increases as it spoils, the researchers tried to use a piece of the film as a color-changing label attached to a packet of raw chicken. The label started off orange but turned yellow and got 17% lighter after 20 hours at 30℃, indicating that the meat had begun to spoil."由于COF层与液体的相互作用,材料在不同pH值的液体中也会发生颜色变化。由于食物变质后pH值会增加,研究人员尝试用一片薄膜作为变色标签贴在一包生鸡肉上。标签开始是橙色的,但在30℃下加热20小时后变成黄色,颜色变浅了17%,这表明肉已经开始变质。可知,新包装的优点是能显示食物状态。故选A。
34.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"To make a real impact, the material will need to be affordable and easy to produce. ‘The bar for competing with plastic products is very high,' says Marelli."为了产生真正的影响,这种材料需要价格合理,易于生产。"与塑料产品竞争的门槛非常高,"Marelli说。可知,要与塑料产品竞争,又要价格合理,易于生产,可得出新包装还有很长的路要走。故选A。
35.考查标题归纳。根据第一段"Biodegradable (可生物降解的) food packaging could remind people of spoiling (腐烂的) food by its changing color."可生物降解的食品包装可以通过改变颜色来提醒人们食物正在变质。结合文章主要介绍了一种新的食品包装,可以对食物变化做出反应,解释了其原理以及未来的前景。"可生物降解食品包装"适合做文章标题。故选B。
How to keep your house cool in the heat
As staying cool in the summer can be expensive, here are some energy efficiency tips to help keep your house comfortable without breaking the bank.
Plant for shade. You can place climbing plants or tall-growing bushes on outside walls.  36.   . Besides, although south-facing windows can absorb heat, strategically-placed plants or trees can also regulate the sun's rays.
 37.   . Double-glazed window is known for its ability to keep homes comfortable in winter, but it can also be beneficial during warmer months. Such energy-efficient windows combine insulated vinyl frames (隔热乙烯泡膜) with low-emissivity coatings. This not only reduces heat loss in winter but also deflects the heat from the sun, preventing your home from becoming too hot and creating a comfortable indoor environment.
Go with the airflow.  38.   . When installing new windows, consider window design and layout for natural ventilation (通风) . Awning windows, positioned high on a building, can provide ventilation even during rain and force warm air out.
 39.   . Using an ordinary fan can enhance airflow at a low cost by forcing out warmth and drawing in cooler air. Identify cool pockets in your home, like a basement, and use fans to distribute the cool air evenly. To live comfortably in winter and summer, install an air-source heat pump.  40.  
A. Close the windows
B. Invest in quality windows
C. Go back to basics and use a fan
D. This increase heat and make you warm
E. This can create shading and reduce heat
F. It's helpful to be mindful of how your home interacts with the environment
G. It provides heating in winter and functions as an air-conditioning unit in summer
36.根据空前"Plant for shade. You can place climbing plants or tall-growing bushes on outside walls."种植遮荫。你可以在外墙上种植攀缘植物或高大的灌木。可知,上文提到了在外墙上种植攀缘植物或高大的灌木,此处承接上文说明这么做的用途:产生阴影,减少热量。E. This can create shading and reduce heat"这可以产生阴影,减少热量"符合语境,故选E。
37.根据空后"Double-glazed window is known for its ability to keep homes comfortable in winter, but it can also be beneficial during warmer months. Such energy-efficient windows combine insulated vinyl frames (隔热乙烯泡膜) with low-emissivity coatings. This not only reduces heat loss in winter but also deflects the heat from the sun, preventing your home from becoming too hot and creating a comfortable indoor environment."双层玻璃窗以其在冬季保持室内舒适的能力而闻名,但在温暖的月份它也有益。这种节能窗户结合了绝缘乙烯基框架和低辐射涂层。这不仅可以减少冬季的热量损失,还可以转移来自太阳的热量,防止你的家变得太热,创造一个舒适的室内环境。可知,本段主要介绍了双层玻璃窗,window对应B选项windows。B. Invest in quality windows"购买优质窗户"符合语境,故选B。
38.根据空后"When installing new windows, consider window design and layout for natural ventilation (通风). Awning windows, positioned high on a building, can provide ventilation even during rain and force warm air out."安装新窗时,应考虑窗的设计和布局,以保证自然通风。位于建筑物高处的遮阳篷窗户,即使在下雨时也能提供通风,并将热空气排出。可知,后文主要举例说明了家里的布局要注意和环境的互相作用关系,F. It's helpful to be mindful of how your home interacts with the environment"注意你的家与环境的相互作用是很有帮助的"符合语境,故选F。
39.根据空后"Using an ordinary fan can enhance airflow at a low cost by forcing out warmth and drawing in cooler air."使用普通风扇可以通过排出热量和吸入冷空气来以低成本增加气流。可知,本段主要是在说明使用风扇,C选项use a fan对应后文fan。C. Go back to basics and use a fan"回归基本,使用风扇"符合语境,故选C。
40.根据空前"To live comfortably in winter and summer, install an air-source heat pump."为了在冬季和夏季生活舒适,安装空气源热泵。可知,上文提到了安装空气源热泵,本句为本段最后一句,故说明其作用,G选项中It指代上文an air-source heat pump。G. It provides heating in winter and functions as an air-conditioning unit in summer"它在冬季提供供暖,在夏季作为空调机组使用"符合语境,故选G。
When I went away to university, my mom used to cook food and send it back with me with strict instructions to wash the lunch-boxes and bring them home. She was proud of it, but I was 41. by my lunch-boxes-why did we need to save these things I 42. the options: if I didn't recycle the lunch-boxes, would she still send me 43. I knew the answer was yes, 44. it was not a risk I was prepared to take. So, I washed the 45. lunch-boxes very carefully.
After I formed a 46. of my own, like my mother before me, I'm also the 47. owner of a large number of lunch-box collections, which I guard 48. . No matter how many glass microwave and oven-safe containers I have, no matter how beautiful and functional they may be, I cannot help 49. yogourt containers. They truly are the most 50. objects, with uses ranging from food storage to toys for my 51. : at the beach, in the bath, for endless Lego (乐高) creations.
I still remember when I married my husband, an American from Boston, my mother was 52. , "You know, you come from very 53. backgrounds," she said. Managing cultural differences is undoubtedly an 54. .
The other night, I heard my husband yelling in the kitchen, and the next morning, I found my 55. in the recycling bin. I narrowed my eyes a little as I fished them out, washed them up and replaced them in their drawer with my death stare at my husband.
41.A. satisfied B. puzzled C. moved D. depressed
42.A. created B. denied C. needed D. weighed
43.A. food B. clothes C. money D. toys
44.A. and B. but C. even if D. as if
45.A. clean B. expensive C. dirty D. pretty
46.A. family B. community C. team D. school
47.A. impatient B. selfish C. curious D. proud
48.A. angrily B. enthusiastically
C. calmly D. anxiously
49.A. repairing B. opening C. collecting D. making
50.A. useful B. familiar C. available D. confusing
51.A. brothers B. fellows C. classmates D. children
52.A. surprised B. excited C. concerned D. determined
53.A. ordinary B. remote C. different D. troublesome
54.A. innovation B. adventure C. expectation D. opportunity
55.A. wallets B. bags C. parcels D. lunch-boxes
41.句意:她为此感到自豪,但我对我的午餐盒感到困惑——为什么我们需要保存这些东西?A. satisfied "使满意";B. puzzled"使困惑";C. moved"感动";D. depressed"使沮丧"。根据空后"why did we need to save these things "可知,作者对保存午餐盒感到困惑。故选B。
42.句意:我权衡了一下:如果我不回收午餐盒,她还会给我寄食物吗?A. created"创造";B. denied "否认";C. needed"需要";D. weighed"称重,权衡"。根据空后"the options"可知,作者在内心权衡了一下两种选择,故选D。
43.句意:我权衡了一下:如果我不回收午餐盒,她还会给我寄食物吗?A. food"食物";B. clothes "衣服";C. money"钱";D. toys"玩具"。根据上文"my mom used to cook food and send it back with me"可知,此处指妈妈给作者邮寄食物。故选A。
44.句意:我知道答案是肯定的,但是我没有准备好去冒这个险。A. and"并且";B. but"但是";C. even if"即使";D. as if"好像"。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用连词but。故选B。
45.句意:所以,我非常小心地洗了脏的午餐盒。A. clean"干净的";B. expensive"昂贵的";C. dirty"脏的";D. pretty"美丽的"。根据空前"I washed the"可知,清洗午餐盒是因为脏了。故选C。
46.句意:在我组建了自己的家庭之后,就像我的母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,我热情地保护着它们。A. family"家庭";B. community"社区";C. team"团队";D. school"学校"。根据空后"of my own, like my mother before me"和下文"I still remember when I married my husband"可知,此处指作者也组建了自己的家庭,故选A。
47.句意:在我组建了自己的家庭之后,就像我的母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,我热情地保护着它们。A. impatient"不耐烦的";B. selfish"自私的";C. curious"好奇的";D. proud"骄傲的"。呼应上文"She was proud of it"指作者也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,故选D。
48.句意:在我组建了自己的家庭之后,就像我的母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,我热情地保护着它们。A. angrily"生气地";B. enthusiastically"热情地";C. calmly"平静地";D. anxiously"焦急地"。根据空前"owner of a large number of lunch-box collections, which I guard"并结合母亲要求作者吃完食物后一定要清洗午餐盒可知,作者像母亲一样,拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,也热情地保护着它们。故选B。
49.句意:无论我有多少微波炉和烤箱安全的玻璃容器,无论它们多么漂亮和实用,我都忍不住收集酸奶容器。A. repairing"修理";B. opening"打开";C. collecting"收集";D. making"制作"。根据上文"owner of a large number of lunch-box collections"可知,作者喜欢收集酸奶瓶。故选C。
50.句意:它们确实是最有用的东西,从储存食物到给我的孩子们当玩具:在海滩上,在浴室里,用于无尽的乐高创作。A. useful"有用的";B. familiar"熟悉的";C. available"可用的";D. confusing "令人困惑的"。根据空后"with uses ranging from food storage to toys for my 11 : at the beach, in the bath, for endless Lego (乐高) creations."可知,酸奶容器可以储存食物,当玩具,可见很有用。故选A。
51.句意:它们确实是最有用的东西,从储存食物到给我的孩子们当玩具:在海滩上,在浴室里,用于无尽的乐高创作。A. brothers"兄弟";B. fellows"伙伴";C. classmates"学生";D. children "孩子"。根据空前"toys for my"可知,给孩子玩玩具。故选D。
52.句意:我还记得当我嫁给我丈夫的时候,我的母亲很担心,"你知道,你们来自非常不同的背景,"她说。A. surprised"惊讶的";B. excited"激动的";C. concerned"担心的";D. determined"坚定的"。根据下文作者和丈夫来自不同的背景,所以母亲对此很担心。故选C。
53.句意:我还记得当我嫁给我丈夫的时候,我的母亲很担心,"你知道,你们来自非常不同的背景,"她说。A. ordinary"普通的";B. remote"遥远的";C. different"不同的";D. troublesome"麻烦的"。根据下文"Managing cultural differences"可知,作者和丈夫来自不同的背景。故选C。
54.句意:应对文化差异无疑是一项冒险。A. innovation"创新";B. adventure"冒险";C. expectation"期待";D. opportunity"机会"。根据下文丈夫丢掉了作者的午餐盒,可推测应对文化差异无疑是一项冒险。故选B。
55.句意:前几天晚上,我听到我丈夫在厨房里大喊大叫,第二天早上,我在回收箱里发现了我的午餐盒。A. wallets"钱包";B. bags"包";C. parcels"包裹";D. lunch-boxes"午餐盒"。根据上文"owner of a large number of lunch-box collections"可知丈夫丢掉的是作者收藏的午餐盒。故选D。
Smooth yet tensile. Versatile (用途广泛的) and durable. With these qualities, Xuan paper  56.   (know) as the "Paper of Ages".
The term Xuan paper first appeared in On Famous Paintings through the Ages, a book  57.   (write) by Tang Dynasty (618-907) scholar Zhang Yanyuan, in  58.   he described Xuan paper as an ideal carrier for calligraphy and painting. Handmade Xuan paper from Jingxian county, East China's Anhui province, was listed as  59.   gift served to the imperial court for its supreme quality during the period.
The traditional craft of making Xuan paper is  60.   (extreme) demanding. Sandalwood bark, a plant native to southern China, goes through 108 procedures together with rice straw over the course of three years before it can transform  61.   a bunch of fine Xuan paper. The entire procedure is so complex that even the most skilled craftsman can only master limited number of  62.   (step) .
The flow of ink, both guided and resisted by water, determines the output of Chinese art, and Xuan paper outshines others with its excellent  63.   (able) to give full play to ink.
Xuan paper  64.   (accompany) the passionate brushstrokes of the Chinese literati for thousands of years. Unlike other forms of paper, it is very resistant to damage brought by time. It is this durability that has made the preservations of many  65.   (value) works from ancient China possible.
Paper-making is a crystallization of wisdom of the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the top of paper-making.
【答案】56.is known;57.written;58.which;59.a;60.extremely;61.into;62.steps;63.ability;64.has accompanied;65.valuable/ invaluable
56.句意:宣纸以其优良的品质,被誉为"千古之纸"。be known as固定短语,"被称为……",是谓语动词,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为Xuan paper,谓语用单数。故填is known。
58.句意:"宣纸"一词最早出现在唐代(618-907)学者张彦元所著的《历代名画记》中,他在书中将宣纸描述为书画的理想载体。此处为介词+关系代词结构非限制性定语从句,先行词为"On Famous Paintings through the Ages"指物,关系词替代先行词作介词in的宾语,故用关系代词which。故填which。
61.句意:檀香树皮是一种原产于中国南方的植物,它与稻草一起经过108道工序,经过三年的时间,才能变成一捆精美的宣纸。transform into固定短语,"变成"。故填into。
62.句意:整个过程是如此复杂,即使是最熟练的工匠也只能掌握有限的步骤。step为可数名词,a number of后接复数名词,故填steps。
64.句意:宣纸几千年来一直伴随着中国文人的激情笔触。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语for thousands of years可知,谓语动词accompany为现在完成时,主语为Xuan paper,助动词用has。故填has accompanied。
66. 假如你是李华,前不久学校举行了校运会。你将按照以下要点,以My School Sports Meet为题用英文写一篇稿件,向校报英语角栏目投稿。1. 你在运动会期间的表现;2. 你的感想。
注意:1. 可以增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 词数80词左右;3. 文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
My School Sports Meet
The sports meet started on Sep. 27th, which lasted for three days and included races, jumps, throws, etc.
【答案】My School Sports Meet
The sports meet started on Sep. 27th, which lasted for three days and included races, jumps, throws, etc.
During the sports meet, I was very busy. I participated in the 100-meter dash, the long jump, and the discus throw. I was feeling pretty nervous before each event, but I managed to perform well. In the 100-meter dash, I finished in the top 5, and in the long jump, I placed third. However, I didn't do very well in the discus throw and only managed to throw it about 20 meters.
Overall, I think the sports meet was a great success. It was very well organized and everyone had a great time.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以李华的身份,以My School Sports Meet为题用英文写一篇稿件,向校报英语角栏目投稿。写作背景:前不久学校举行了校运会。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 你在运动会期间的表现;2. 你的感想。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: I was feeling pretty nervous before each event, but I managed to perform well.运用了转折并列句; In the 100-meter dash, I finished in the top 5, and in the long jump, I placed third.运用了并列句;
Overall, I think the sports meet was a great success. 运用了宾语从句;It was very well organized and everyone had a great time.运用了被动语态,并列句。
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
At a neighbor's pool the summer after sixth grade, Charley shouted out those famous last words, "Hey, watch this!" As he dove into the pool, Tad froze. It wasn't the deep end!
Charley was hurt bad when he hit the bottom of the swimming pool. The doctor said he might have broken his back and could lose the use of his legs. His life would change forever. Tad didn't see Charley for over a month after he was carried away in the screaming ambulance.
When Tad went to visit Charley in the hospital, his "Hey, dude, how's it going " was greeted by an annoyed grunt (嘟哝声) . Looking small and pale, Charley cried, "I can't walk-how do you think I feel I wish I was dead! '
"Bro, you'll get well! You're tough."
"No, the doctor said I won't."
"Aw, man. That's horrible!" And the conversation died right there.
Tad didn't go back after that. He just didn't know what to say. When Charley got out of the hospital, Tad went over to his house a few times and played video games, but it just wasn't the same. Not only was his friend's body damaged, so was his spirit. Tad had made friends with other boys who enjoyed all the things he and Charley used to do. Even if he felt sad and guilty, he wasn't spending more time at Charley's. Tad wanted to help and be a good friend but didn't know how now.
Charley just became sadder and sadder, and Tad spent less and less time with him as the school year passed.
When summer break started again, Tad didn't see much of Charley. He had made the baseball team and didn't have time for video games. At least he told himself that was the reason. He was shocked right before eighth grade started when he saw Charley sailing down the sidewalk with a big black dog by his wheelchair. "Wow, what's this " Said Tad, running over to his friend.
"This is Rowdy! He helps me."
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。
"Wow, what does he do " Tad was interested.
After that, Tad could sense something had changed.
【答案】"Wow, what does he do " Tad was interested. "Anything I tell him!" "Cool!" "Watch this!" "Pull!" With Rowdy pulling and Charley guiding, Tad had to run to keep up with them. At the gym, Rowdy opened the door for Charley to wheel on through. In class, Rowdy handed Charley his dropped pen and carried his books in his backpack. As Charley rolled to his next class, he drove Rowdy on and they went flying down the hallway. Tad was looking on and laughed happily, just like old times!
After that, Tad could sense something had changed. Charley was grinning at school for the first time since the accident. Yeah, the old Charley was back! Tad and Charley got to be besties again. Tad didn't feel he had to watch what he said or be on guard to help his friend all the time. It wasn't long before the dog was just one more guy included in everything that went on! More important, so was Charley, wheelchair and all.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:With Rowdy pulling and Charley guiding, Tad had to run to keep up with them. 运用了with的复合结构;As Charley rolled to his next class, he drove Rowdy on and they went flying down the hallway. 运用了时间状语从句,并列句;Tad didn't feel he had to watch what he said or be on guard to help his friend all the time.运用了宾语从句; It wasn't long before the dog was just one more guy included in everything that went on! More important, so was Charley, wheelchair and all.运用了时间状语从句,限制性定语从句,倒装句。
1.(2023高三上·贵阳月考) What does the woman want to know
A.When to take the bus.
B.Where to meet Shelley.
C.Where to meet the man.
2.(2023高三上·贵阳月考) What did Paul do last Friday
A.He played volleyball.
B.He did golf.
C.He rode a horse.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A.A holiday for students.
B.An educational day for teachers.
C.A day off for students and teachers.
4. What is the woman doing
A.Preparing supper.
B.Washing her hands.
C.Working in the yard.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Professor and student.
B.Husband and wife.
C.Brother and sister.
6.How does the woman feel about applying for jobs
A.Excited. B.Ashamed. C.Nervous.
7.Where did the man fill out a job application
A.At a toy store.
B.At a gas station.
C.At a car rental agency.
8.What is the good news for the students
A.They won't take a test.
B.They won't get flu shots.
C.They won't go to the gym.
9.Who will take the students to the cafetcria
A.The nurse. B.The teacher. C.The headmaster.
10.What is included in the first plan
A.Unlimited texts from anywhere.
B.Unlimited calls from anywhere.
C.Unlimited local calls and texts.
11.How much does the woman have to pay for the second plan
A.$30. B.$40. C.$60.
12.Which plan did the woman choose in the end
A.The Basic Plan.
B.The Basic Plus Plan.
C.The Premium Basic Data Plan.
13.What is unique about the food service
A.The food is delivered uncooked.
B.You can make your own recipe.
C.It arrives quicker than other food deliveries.
14.How much clean-up work is required
A.Less than usual.
C.The same as usual.
15.What does the woman dislike about cooking
A.Washing the dishes.
B.Cutting up vegetables.
C.Choosing the materials.
16.Where do the materials for the dinner come from
A.A farm. B.A restaurant. C.A grocery store.
17.Who is giving the speech
A.Angela's father. B.Angela's friend. C.Angela's brother.
18.What does the speaker think of Dan
A.Smart. B.Lucky. C.Generous.
19.Where did Angela meet Dan
A.In school.
B.On the road.
C.At Thanksgiving dinner.
20.When does the wedding probably take place
A.In July. B.In November. C.In December.
Xi'an, as the longest-running capital in ancient China, has shaped the country's culture and history. With a history of over 3, 000 years, it has given birth to many dynasties. If planning a short tour, be sure to visit the recommended attractions that truly capture the spirit of this ancient city.
The Terracotta Army
The Terracotta Army is a remarkable archaeological find and a popular tourist destinationin China. Constructed by Emperor Qinshihuang in the 3rd century BC, it features life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots arranged in battle formation. The museum houses three vaults (墓穴) and an exhibition hall, with Vault One being the largest, displaying over 6, 000 figures. These sculptures offer insights of high value into ancient China's history, military, and culture.
Ancient City Wall
Xi'an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system. Now it is one of the oldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is now a landmark, dividing the city into inner and outer areas. When you take a stroll or cycle on the massive wall, you can enjoy a good view of the city, the moat (护城河) and the watchtowers.
Giant WildGoose Pagoda
The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in China was built during the Tang Dynasty as a study place for Buddhist texts. It stored sutras (佛经) and sculptures brought from India by monk Xuan Zang, who translated scriptures here for 19 years. Situated in Da Ci'en Temple, the pagoda's impressive brick structure reflects traditional Chinese architecture, creating a solemn and magnificent atmosphere.
Shaanxi History Museum
The Shaanxi History Museum displays 370, 000 relics found in Shaanxi, China, including bronze wares (青铜器) , pottery figures, gold and silverwares, and Tang Dynasty murals. 18 pieces are national treasures. Xi'an, the former capital, has many historical sites. The museum is divided into three sections, exhibiting artifacts from primitive eras to the late Qing Dynasty.
21.Which of the following attractions was built as a military defence system
A.The Terracotta Army. B.Ancient City Wall.
C.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. D.Shannxi History Museum.
22.What do Terracotta Army and Ancient City Wall have in common
A.They were built at the same period.
B.They both divide the city into two areas.
C.They were built by their own Emperors.
D.They both offer a good view of the city.
23.What can we know about Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
A.It was built during the Tang Dynasty.
B.It was brought from India by Xuan Zang.
C.It was written in the Buddhist texts.
D.It was used as a study place for goose.
Mu Sa, a live stream host of the Hui ethnic group from Zhongning, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, is atypical example of how the Internet has turned many young unemployed people into useful talents contributing to society.
After graduating from the Lanzhou-based Northwest Minzu University majoring in sociology, Mu worked as an office clerk in Shanghai, a marketing assistant in Beijing and a data analyst in Hangzhou. After struggling to realize his dream in big cities, Mu at last found that what touched him most was the "feathery tenderness" of homesickness.
Mu returned home at 25 after losing his job during the COVID-19 pandemic in November 2021. Depressed, Mu thought of himself a "failure" at first. However, he was not discouraged and quickly lifted himself up. Mu decided to pick up his cell phone and begin creating short videos about local people's daily lives at home and uploading them online.
A video clip showing his mother cooking local food turned out to be a surprise hit. So many viewers commented that the video brought back memories of their own moms and hometowns. Even Mu's mother was shocked that a daily routine should arouse so many people's interests.
Mu said it was the success of this video clip that inspired him to carry on. He gradually found that village-related content was popular among his followers. "The more local the content, the more universal its appeal is." he said.
Since then, his father, mother, elder sister, classmates, friends and neighbors, their small courtyards, chickens, sheep, and vast fields have all become the subjects of Mu's camera lens. Many fans know about his hometown Dazhanchang and the lives of local residents in Northwest China through Mu's work.
24.What made Mu Sa start to create short videos
A.Being unemployed. B.Being homesick.
C.Living at home. D.Getting infected.
25.Why was the video clip successful
A.It inspired many viewers.
B.It reminded people of their hometowns.
C.It was about big cities.
D.It brought back memories of Mu's mother
26.What can we learn from Mu's story
A.Only making clips can make money.
B.The Internet can change people's lives.
C.Returning to hometown is the best.
D.Many fans love Mu's hometown.
27.Which of the following can best describe Mu Sa
A.Educated and polite. B.Depressed and indifferent.
C.Hesitated and unconfident. D.Creative and determined.
It all started with a simple question: "Can I paint your portrait "
In the summer of 2015, Brian Peterson and his wife, Vanessa, had just moved to Santa Ana, California. Outside the couple's fourth-floor apartment, a messy homeless man was often shouting on the street corner, sometimes keeping them awake at night. Peterson, 28, would pass the guy on his way to his job as a car designer at Kia Motors. but they never spoke.
One day, Peterson was relaxing in his living room, reading the book Love Does, about the power of love in action, when his quiet was disturbed by the homeless man. Inspired by the book's sympathetic message. Peterson made an unexpected decision: He was going to go outside and introduce himself.
In that first conversation, Peterson learned that the man's name was Matt Faris. He'd moved to Southern California from Kentucky to pursue a career in music, but he soon fell on hard times and ended up living on the street for more than a decade.
"It was the weirdest thing to me," Peterson recalled later on the podcast (播客) Top Artist. "I saw beauty on the face of a man who hadn't shaved in probably a year, had overgrown fingernails, and probably hadn't had a shower in close to a year. But his story, the life inside of him, inspired me." And even though Peterson, a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art, hadn't picked up a paintbrush in about eight years, be found himself asking if he could paint Faris's portrait. Faris said yes.
Peterson's connection with Faris led to the creation of Faces of Santa Ana, a nonprofit organization that befriends and paints portraits of unhoused community members. Using a black-and-white photo taken with his phone, Peterson selects colors based on the subject's personality and story, resulting in powerful portraits. He sells the large paintings, signed by both the subject and artist, for a few thousand dollars. Half of the profits go into a "love account" for the models. helping them start again. Faris used his portrait funds to fulfill his musical dreams by recording an album.
28.What is the purpose of the first paragraphr
A.To explain the portrait. B.To express a request.
C.To ask a question. D.To introduce the topic.
29.How did Peterson feel when just arriving at his new home
A.Messy. B.Bothered. C.Delighted. D.Relaxed.
30.What does the underlined word "weirdest" in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A.Strangest. B.Hardest.
C.Well known. D.Most beautiful.
31.What caused the foundation of Faces of Santa Ana
A.Peterson's relation to Faris.
B.Profits from selling paintings.
C.Colors based on the personality.
D.Peterson's powerful portraits.
Biodegradable (可生物降解的) food packaging could remind people of spoiling (腐烂的) food by its changing color.
Bst-before labels (保质期标签) are often poor predictors of when food becomes dangerous to eat, which can lead to waste and food poisoning, says Benedetto Marelli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. So, he and his colleagues tried to create wrap that can react to changes in food.
They made four films (膜) similar to plastic wrap, each consisting of two layers (层) . One layer was made from a protein obtained from silkworm silk, while the other was made of one of four so-called covalent (共价的) organic frameworks (COFs) . These materials contain carbon and hydrogen, as well as atoms like oxygen or nitrogen, all arranged in a grid (网格状) that makes the material porous (透气的) .
After checking the films were strong, the researchers tried to compost (堆肥) them. For the best-performing film, 50% of it degraded after being placed in soil for 30 days, which is comparable to existing biodegradable plastics.
The material also changed color when put in liquid with different pH values, due to the COF layer's interaction with the liquid. Because the pH of food increases as it spoils, the researchers tried to use a piece of the film as a color-changing label attached to a packet of raw chicken. The label started off orange but turned yellow and got 17% lighter after 20 hours at 30℃, indicating that the meat had begun to spoil.
The researchers also loaded the COF layer with an antimicrobial (杀菌的) chemical. After 15 days, soya beans packaged in the film and left in high heat had about a third as much mould (霉菌) as beans wrapped in traditional plastic.
To make a real impact, the material will need to be affordable and easy to produce. "The bar for competing with plastic products is very high," says Marelli.
32.How did the new wrap begin
A.From best-before label. B.From making four films.
C.From weighing the waste. D.From measuring temperature.
33.What is the advantage for the new packaging
A.It can tell food state. B.It won't be spoiled.
C.It can be easily made. D.It is not porous.
34.What can we learn about the new packaging in the passage
A.There is a long way to go.
B.It becomes heavier when heated.
C.It has been available now.
D.More mould appears in the film.
35.What would be the best title for this passage
A.Best-Before Labels on Goods. B.Biodegradable Food Packaging.
C.Covalent Organic Frameworks. D.Antimicrobial Chemicals
How to keep your house cool in the heat
As staying cool in the summer can be expensive, here are some energy efficiency tips to help keep your house comfortable without breaking the bank.
Plant for shade. You can place climbing plants or tall-growing bushes on outside walls.  36.   . Besides, although south-facing windows can absorb heat, strategically-placed plants or trees can also regulate the sun's rays.
 37.   . Double-glazed window is known for its ability to keep homes comfortable in winter, but it can also be beneficial during warmer months. Such energy-efficient windows combine insulated vinyl frames (隔热乙烯泡膜) with low-emissivity coatings. This not only reduces heat loss in winter but also deflects the heat from the sun, preventing your home from becoming too hot and creating a comfortable indoor environment.
Go with the airflow.  38.   . When installing new windows, consider window design and layout for natural ventilation (通风) . Awning windows, positioned high on a building, can provide ventilation even during rain and force warm air out.
 39.   . Using an ordinary fan can enhance airflow at a low cost by forcing out warmth and drawing in cooler air. Identify cool pockets in your home, like a basement, and use fans to distribute the cool air evenly. To live comfortably in winter and summer, install an air-source heat pump.  40.  
A. Close the windows
B. Invest in quality windows
C. Go back to basics and use a fan
D. This increase heat and make you warm
E. This can create shading and reduce heat
F. It's helpful to be mindful of how your home interacts with the environment
G. It provides heating in winter and functions as an air-conditioning unit in summer
When I went away to university, my mom used to cook food and send it back with me with strict instructions to wash the lunch-boxes and bring them home. She was proud of it, but I was 41. by my lunch-boxes-why did we need to save these things I 42. the options: if I didn't recycle the lunch-boxes, would she still send me 43. I knew the answer was yes, 44. it was not a risk I was prepared to take. So, I washed the 45. lunch-boxes very carefully.
After I formed a 46. of my own, like my mother before me, I'm also the 47. owner of a large number of lunch-box collections, which I guard 48. . No matter how many glass microwave and oven-safe containers I have, no matter how beautiful and functional they may be, I cannot help 49. yogourt containers. They truly are the most 50. objects, with uses ranging from food storage to toys for my 51. : at the beach, in the bath, for endless Lego (乐高) creations.
I still remember when I married my husband, an American from Boston, my mother was 52. , "You know, you come from very 53. backgrounds," she said. Managing cultural differences is undoubtedly an 54. .
The other night, I heard my husband yelling in the kitchen, and the next morning, I found my 55. in the recycling bin. I narrowed my eyes a little as I fished them out, washed them up and replaced them in their drawer with my death stare at my husband.
41.A. satisfied B. puzzled C. moved D. depressed
42.A. created B. denied C. needed D. weighed
43.A. food B. clothes C. money D. toys
44.A. and B. but C. even if D. as if
45.A. clean B. expensive C. dirty D. pretty
46.A. family B. community C. team D. school
47.A. impatient B. selfish C. curious D. proud
48.A. angrily B. enthusiastically
C. calmly D. anxiously
49.A. repairing B. opening C. collecting D. making
50.A. useful B. familiar C. available D. confusing
51.A. brothers B. fellows C. classmates D. children
52.A. surprised B. excited C. concerned D. determined
53.A. ordinary B. remote C. different D. troublesome
54.A. innovation B. adventure C. expectation D. opportunity
55.A. wallets B. bags C. parcels D. lunch-boxes
Smooth yet tensile. Versatile (用途广泛的) and durable. With these qualities, Xuan paper  56.   (know) as the "Paper of Ages".
The term Xuan paper first appeared in On Famous Paintings through the Ages, a book  57.   (write) by Tang Dynasty (618-907) scholar Zhang Yanyuan, in  58.   he described Xuan paper as an ideal carrier for calligraphy and painting. Handmade Xuan paper from Jingxian county, East China's Anhui province, was listed as  59.   gift served to the imperial court for its supreme quality during the period.
The traditional craft of making Xuan paper is  60.   (extreme) demanding. Sandalwood bark, a plant native to southern China, goes through 108 procedures together with rice straw over the course of three years before it can transform  61.   a bunch of fine Xuan paper. The entire procedure is so complex that even the most skilled craftsman can only master limited number of  62.   (step) .
The flow of ink, both guided and resisted by water, determines the output of Chinese art, and Xuan paper outshines others with its excellent  63.   (able) to give full play to ink.
Xuan paper  64.   (accompany) the passionate brushstrokes of the Chinese literati for thousands of years. Unlike other forms of paper, it is very resistant to damage brought by time. It is this durability that has made the preservations of many  65.   (value) works from ancient China possible.
Paper-making is a crystallization of wisdom of the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the top of paper-making.
66. 假如你是李华,前不久学校举行了校运会。你将按照以下要点,以My School Sports Meet为题用英文写一篇稿件,向校报英语角栏目投稿。1. 你在运动会期间的表现;2. 你的感想。
注意:1. 可以增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 词数80词左右;3. 文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
My School Sports Meet
The sports meet started on Sep. 27th, which lasted for three days and included races, jumps, throws, etc.
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
At a neighbor's pool the summer after sixth grade, Charley shouted out those famous last words, "Hey, watch this!" As he dove into the pool, Tad froze. It wasn't the deep end!
Charley was hurt bad when he hit the bottom of the swimming pool. The doctor said he might have broken his back and could lose the use of his legs. His life would change forever. Tad didn't see Charley for over a month after he was carried away in the screaming ambulance.
When Tad went to visit Charley in the hospital, his "Hey, dude, how's it going " was greeted by an annoyed grunt (嘟哝声) . Looking small and pale, Charley cried, "I can't walk-how do you think I feel I wish I was dead! '
"Bro, you'll get well! You're tough."
"No, the doctor said I won't."
"Aw, man. That's horrible!" And the conversation died right there.
Tad didn't go back after that. He just didn't know what to say. When Charley got out of the hospital, Tad went over to his house a few times and played video games, but it just wasn't the same. Not only was his friend's body damaged, so was his spirit. Tad had made friends with other boys who enjoyed all the things he and Charley used to do. Even if he felt sad and guilty, he wasn't spending more time at Charley's. Tad wanted to help and be a good friend but didn't know how now.
Charley just became sadder and sadder, and Tad spent less and less time with him as the school year passed.
When summer break started again, Tad didn't see much of Charley. He had made the baseball team and didn't have time for video games. At least he told himself that was the reason. He was shocked right before eighth grade started when he saw Charley sailing down the sidewalk with a big black dog by his wheelchair. "Wow, what's this " Said Tad, running over to his friend.
"This is Rowdy! He helps me."
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。
"Wow, what does he do " Tad was interested.
After that, Tad could sense something had changed.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'm meeting Shelley at her house tomorrow morning. Should we meet there or at the bus stop
M: The bus stop. My mom is dropping me off there at 8: 20. You guys have to hurry if you want to make the 8: 30 bus, though.
【分析】问题:女士想知道什么?根据"I'm meeting Shelley at her house tomorrow morning. Should we meet there or at the bus stop "明天早上我要去Shelley家见她。我们应该在那里见面还是在公共汽车站见面?故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Did you go to the sports afternoon last Friday, Tom I couldn't go.
M: Yes, we had a great afternoon. We all did a new sport. I did golf. Jane played volleyball and Paul had some horse-riding lessons.
W: Great! I hope I can go next time.
【分析】问题: Paul 上周五做了什么?根据"and Paul had some horse-riding lessons." Paul 上了一些骑马课。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: How come there is no school tomorrow It's not a holiday, and my cousin still has to go to school.
M: It's called a professional development day. All the teachers get together to discuss the school's progress. They also learn new teaching methods.
【分析】问题:谈话人在说什么?根据"How come there is no school tomorrow It's not a holiday, and my cousin still has to go to school."为什么明天不上学?这不是假期,我的表弟还得去上学;以及"It's called a professional development day. All the teachers get together to discuss the school's progress. They also learn new teaching methods."这被称为职业发展日。所有的老师聚在一起讨论学校的进展。他们还学习新的教学方法。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Come on inside and get ready for supper. I'm just washing the last of the vegetables.
M: Great. I'm just going to wash my hands before I sit down. I was just outside working in the yard.
【分析】问题:女士在做什么?根据"Come on inside and get ready for supper. I'm just washing the last of the vegetables."进来,准备晚饭。我只是在洗最后一份蔬菜可知她在准备饭。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Isn't this your wife's best scarf
M: Yes, but we want you to have it. Mom told us how cold the winter gets in Spain. You'll need something while you study with your professor there.
【分析】问题:谈话人之间可能存在什么关系?根据"Mom told us how cold the winter gets in Spain."妈妈告诉我们西班牙的冬天有多冷。可推知他们是兄妹,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Where were you today, Jack I was wondering if you wanted to go looking for jobs together with me.
M: What a shame! That's exactly what I was doing. I went to a car rental agency, a gas station, and a toy store.
W: How was it I've never applied for a job before, so I'm a little nervous about going myself.
M: It's super easy. All I did was ask to speak to a manager.
W: Did you talk to one
M: Yeah, at the car rental place and the toy store. I filled out a job application at the other place. It was so exciting!
W: Maybe I'll go to the same places as you did. That way, we could work together.
6.问题:这位女士对申请工作有何感想?根据"I've never applied for a job before, so I'm a little nervous about going myself."我以前从来没有申请过工作,所以我对自己去有点紧张。故选C。
7.问题:男士在哪里填写工作申请表的?根据"I went to a car rental agency, a gas station, and a toy store."我去了一家汽车租赁公司、一家加油站和一家玩具店;" All I did was ask to speak to a manager. "我所做的只是要求与一位经理交谈;"Did you talk to one "你和一个人谈过了吗?;以及" Yeah, at the car rental place and the toy store. I filled out a job application at the other place."是的,在汽车租赁处和玩具店。我在另一个地方填写了工作申请表。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Good morning, Leah. I have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first
W: Good news!
M: The good news is that there is no test today. The bad news is that all the Grade Eight students are getting their flu shots today.
W: No! I hate needles. I'm nervous. I don't want to go.
M: Don't be foolish. I promise you won't feel a thing.
W: When do we have to go
M: First, the school head teacher will make an announcement. Then the gym teacher will take us to the cafeteria.
W: Every time I get a shot, it makes me feel funny. I lose my balance, and I have to sit down.
M: The teachers said that might happen. If it does, just sit down and drink some orange juice.
8.问题:对学生们来说有什么好消息?根据" The good news is that there is no test today. "好消息是今天没有考试。故选A。
9.问题:谁将带学生去自助餐厅?根据"Then the gym teacher will take us to the cafeteria."然后体育老师会带我们去自助餐厅。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'd like to buy an iPhone, and I heard you guys are selling it for half its normal price.
M: Yes, but you have to sign a one-year agreement. That way, you'll only pay $500 today.
W: That's not a problem. How much do I have to pay per month
M: Our Basic Plan is $30 per month, and that gives you unlimited local calls and texting.
W: Hmm. I do a lot of traveling across the country, though. What else have you got
M: That would be our Basic Plus Plan. Unlimited calls and texts from anywhere. Ten more dollars a month for that one. You also get call display and voicemail with all our plans.
W: Can I use the Internet with it
M: As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you're fine. Otherwise, you need to use our Premium Basic Data Plan. $60 per month.
W: That seems a little unnecessary. Most places have an Internet connection. I'll take the second one.
M: Great! I just need you to fill this out.
10.问题:第一个计划包括什么?根据"Our Basic Plan is $30 per month, and that gives you unlimited local calls and texting."我们的基本计划是每月30美元,可以给你无限的本地电话和短信。故选C。
11.问题:女士要为第二个计划付多少钱?根据"Our Basic Plan is $30 per month"我们的基本计划是每月30美元;以及"Ten more dollars a month for that one."那个一个月多挣十美元。故选B。
12.问题:女士最终选择了哪个计划?根据"That would be our Basic Plus Plan. "这将是我们的基本Plus计划;以及"I'll take the second one."我选第二个。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: This dinner is amazing, Jenny. You are quite the cook!
W: It's actually from a food delivery service I found on the Internet.
M: Oh. I would never have guessed you ordered this from a restaurant.
W: Oh, no. It's a food service that provides you with fresh ingredients and the recipe. You cook it yourself.
M: That's a really good idea.
W: Yeah, and it's much quicker than planning a meal on your own. This way, you have all the ingredients, so all you have to do is follow the recipe.
M: That sounds easy enough. There is probably not much clean-up work involved, either.
W: Very little. And it's not just the clean-up. It's easier to prepare, too. I hate spending a lot of time washing and cutting up all the vegetables.
M: So, what is this meal called It seems like a combination of Mexican and Asian food.
W: That's exactly what it is.
M: Wouldn't it be cheaper to just look online at the recipe and buy all the ingredients from the grocery store
W: Yeah, but it's worth the extra money. All the ingredients come fresh directly from the farm, so it's much healthier.
M: Well, I'm convinced. I think I'll order a meal tomorrow night!
13.问题:餐饮服务有什么独特之处?根据" It's a food service that provides you with fresh ingredients and the recipe. You cook it yourself. "这是一项为您提供新鲜食材和食谱的食品服务。你自己做。可知食物是生的。故选A。
14.问题:需要多少清理工作?根据" There is probably not much clean-up work involved, either. "可能也没有太多的清理工作。故选A。
15.问题:女士不喜欢烹饪什么?根据"I hate spending a lot of time washing and cutting up all the vegetables."我讨厌花很多时间洗和切所有的蔬菜。故选B。
16.问题:晚餐的材料从哪里来?根据"All the ingredients come fresh directly from the farm,"所有的原料都直接来自农场,故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】 Ever since we were little, Angela always looked after me. If I did something wrong, she wouldn't tell our mom or dad. I promised her that one day I would do the same for her. As I got older, and married, I saw her less and less. I was starting to worry. Then one November, when I was driving home for Thanksgiving, my car got a flat tire. I didn't have a spare tire, or the tools to change it. That's when Dan-a complete stranger to me-stopped and gave me his own spare tire.
Of course, I invited him to dinner. I found out he already knew Angela. They went to high school together! After that Dan and I became best friends. Three years later, on New Year's Day, he asked Angela to marry him. It was a relief. I knew he would take care of her, just like she took care of me. So here we are, on this beautiful summer day. I can think of no other place I'd rather be. I am so lucky to have these two people in my life, and I wish them a long, happy life together.
17.问题:谁在作报告?根据"If I did something wrong, she wouldn't tell our mom or dad. "如果我做错了什么,她不会告诉我们的父母。故选C。
18.问题:发言人认为 Dan 怎么样?根据"Then one November, when I was driving home for Thanksgiving, my car got a flat tire. I didn't have a spare tire, or the tools to change it. That's when Dan-a complete stranger to me-stopped and gave me his own spare tire."然后有一年11月,当我开车回家过感恩节时,我的车爆胎了。我没有备用轮胎,也没有换轮胎的工具。就在这时, Dan ——一个对我来说完全陌生的人——停下来给了我他自己的备胎。可知他认为 Dan 很慷慨,故选C。
19.问题: Angela 在哪里认识 Dan 的?根据"Of course, I invited him to dinner. I found out he already knew Angela. They went to high school together! "当然,我邀请他吃饭。我发现他已经认识Angela了。他们一起上高中!故选A。
20.问题:婚礼可能什么时候举行?根据"So here we are, on this beautiful summer day. I can think of no other place I'd rather be. I am so lucky to have these two people in my life, and I wish them a long, happy life together."在这个美丽的夏日,我们来了。我想不出我更愿意去的其他地方了。我很幸运有这两个人在我的生活中,我祝愿他们在一起生活得长久快乐。可推知现在是夏季,结合选项,故选A。
21.考查细节理解。根据 Ancient City Wall 部分中的"Xi'an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system."西安城墙始建于14世纪,由明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋修建,作为军事防御系统。可知,古城墙是作为军事防御系统建造的。故选B。
22.考查细节理解。根据 The Terracotta Army 部分中的"Constructed by Emperor Qinshihuang in the 3rd century BC, it features life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots arranged in battle formation."它由秦始皇于公元前3世纪建造,以真人大小的兵马俑为特色,排列成战斗队形;以及 Ancient City Wall 部分中的"Xi'an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system."西安城墙始建于14世纪,由明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋修建,作为军事防御系统。可知,兵马俑和古城墙的共同之处是都是由当时的皇帝建造的。故选C。
23.考查细节理解。根据 Giant WildGoose Pagoda 部分中的"The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in China was built during the Tang Dynasty as a study place for Buddhist texts."中国的大雁塔建于唐代,是佛教典籍的学习场所。可知,大雁塔建于唐朝。故选A。
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Mu Sa, a live stream host of the Hui ethnic group from Zhongning, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, is atypical example of how the Internet has turned many young unemployed people into useful talents contributing to society."来自宁夏中宁的回族直播主播穆萨是一个典型的例子,互联网将许多失业的年轻人变成了对社会有用的人才。可知,穆萨因为失业而开始制作短视频。故选A。
25.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"A video clip showing his mother cooking local food turned out to be a surprise hit. So many viewers commented that the video brought back memories of their own moms and hometowns."一段他母亲烹饪当地食物的视频片段出人意料地大受欢迎。很多观众评论说,这段视频让他们想起了自己的妈妈和家乡。可知,这个视频成功的原因是它让人们想起了他们的家乡。故选B。
26.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Mu Sa, a live stream host of the Hui ethnic group from Zhongning, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, is atypical example of how the Internet has turned many young unemployed people into useful talents contributing to society."来自宁夏中宁的回族直播主播穆萨是一个典型的例子,互联网将许多失业的年轻人变成了对社会有用的人才。可知,穆萨的故事表明互联网可以改变人们的生活。故选B。
27.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"Mu decided to pick up his cell phone and begin creating short videos about local people's daily lives at home and uploading them online."穆决定拿起他的手机,开始制作关于当地人日常生活的短视频,并将其上传到网上;以及第五段中的"Mu said it was the success of this video clip that inspired him to carry on."穆说,正是这段视频的成功激励了他坚持下去。可知,穆萨很有创造力且有决心。故选D。
28.考查推理判断。根据第一段"It all started with a simple question: ‘Can I paint your portrait '" 一切都始于一个简单的问题:"我可以给你画肖像吗?"可知,第一段的目的是引出本文的主题,即通过这个问题,引出布莱恩·彼得森在认识流浪汉马特·法里斯后,问了这个问题,从而创建了一个助人组织的故事。故选D。
29.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Outside the couple's fourth-floor apartment, a messy homeless man was often shouting on the street corner, sometimes keeping them awake at night. "在这对夫妇位于四楼的公寓外,一个邋遢的流浪汉经常在街角大喊大叫,有时会让他们彻夜难眠。可知,彼得森刚到他的新家时,经常被打扰,感觉烦恼。故选B。
30.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"I saw beauty on the face of a man who hadn't shaved in probably a year, had overgrown fingernails, and probably hadn't had a shower in close to a year."我在一个大概一年没刮胡子、指甲长得太长、可能将近一年没洗澡的男人脸上看到了美。可知,从这位邋遢的流浪汉身上看到了美,这很奇怪,可推知划线词 weirdest 的意思为"最奇怪的"。故选A。
31.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Peterson's connection with Faris led to the creation of Faces of Santa Ana, a nonprofit organization that befriends and paints portraits of unhoused community members."彼得森与法里斯的联系促成了"圣安娜之脸"的成立,这是一个非营利组织,旨在结交无家可归的社区成员,并为他们画肖像。可知,彼得森与法里斯的关系导致了"圣安娜之脸"的诞生。故选A。
32.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"They made four films (膜) similar to plastic wrap, each consisting of two layers (层)."他们制作了四层类似于保鲜膜的薄膜,每层膜由两层组成。可知,新的包装从四层膜开始。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。根据第五段"The material also changed color when put in liquid with different pH values, due to the COF layer's interaction with the liquid. Because the pH of food increases as it spoils, the researchers tried to use a piece of the film as a color-changing label attached to a packet of raw chicken. The label started off orange but turned yellow and got 17% lighter after 20 hours at 30℃, indicating that the meat had begun to spoil."由于COF层与液体的相互作用,材料在不同pH值的液体中也会发生颜色变化。由于食物变质后pH值会增加,研究人员尝试用一片薄膜作为变色标签贴在一包生鸡肉上。标签开始是橙色的,但在30℃下加热20小时后变成黄色,颜色变浅了17%,这表明肉已经开始变质。可知,新包装的优点是能显示食物状态。故选A。
34.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"To make a real impact, the material will need to be affordable and easy to produce. ‘The bar for competing with plastic products is very high,' says Marelli."为了产生真正的影响,这种材料需要价格合理,易于生产。"与塑料产品竞争的门槛非常高,"Marelli说。可知,要与塑料产品竞争,又要价格合理,易于生产,可得出新包装还有很长的路要走。故选A。
35.考查标题归纳。根据第一段"Biodegradable (可生物降解的) food packaging could remind people of spoiling (腐烂的) food by its changing color."可生物降解的食品包装可以通过改变颜色来提醒人们食物正在变质。结合文章主要介绍了一种新的食品包装,可以对食物变化做出反应,解释了其原理以及未来的前景。"可生物降解食品包装"适合做文章标题。故选B。
36.根据空前"Plant for shade. You can place climbing plants or tall-growing bushes on outside walls."种植遮荫。你可以在外墙上种植攀缘植物或高大的灌木。可知,上文提到了在外墙上种植攀缘植物或高大的灌木,此处承接上文说明这么做的用途:产生阴影,减少热量。E. This can create shading and reduce heat"这可以产生阴影,减少热量"符合语境,故选E。
37.根据空后"Double-glazed window is known for its ability to keep homes comfortable in winter, but it can also be beneficial during warmer months. Such energy-efficient windows combine insulated vinyl frames (隔热乙烯泡膜) with low-emissivity coatings. This not only reduces heat loss in winter but also deflects the heat from the sun, preventing your home from becoming too hot and creating a comfortable indoor environment."双层玻璃窗以其在冬季保持室内舒适的能力而闻名,但在温暖的月份它也有益。这种节能窗户结合了绝缘乙烯基框架和低辐射涂层。这不仅可以减少冬季的热量损失,还可以转移来自太阳的热量,防止你的家变得太热,创造一个舒适的室内环境。可知,本段主要介绍了双层玻璃窗,window对应B选项windows。B. Invest in quality windows"购买优质窗户"符合语境,故选B。
38.根据空后"When installing new windows, consider window design and layout for natural ventilation (通风). Awning windows, positioned high on a building, can provide ventilation even during rain and force warm air out."安装新窗时,应考虑窗的设计和布局,以保证自然通风。位于建筑物高处的遮阳篷窗户,即使在下雨时也能提供通风,并将热空气排出。可知,后文主要举例说明了家里的布局要注意和环境的互相作用关系,F. It's helpful to be mindful of how your home interacts with the environment"注意你的家与环境的相互作用是很有帮助的"符合语境,故选F。
39.根据空后"Using an ordinary fan can enhance airflow at a low cost by forcing out warmth and drawing in cooler air."使用普通风扇可以通过排出热量和吸入冷空气来以低成本增加气流。可知,本段主要是在说明使用风扇,C选项use a fan对应后文fan。C. Go back to basics and use a fan"回归基本,使用风扇"符合语境,故选C。
40.根据空前"To live comfortably in winter and summer, install an air-source heat pump."为了在冬季和夏季生活舒适,安装空气源热泵。可知,上文提到了安装空气源热泵,本句为本段最后一句,故说明其作用,G选项中It指代上文an air-source heat pump。G. It provides heating in winter and functions as an air-conditioning unit in summer"它在冬季提供供暖,在夏季作为空调机组使用"符合语境,故选G。
41.句意:她为此感到自豪,但我对我的午餐盒感到困惑——为什么我们需要保存这些东西?A. satisfied "使满意";B. puzzled"使困惑";C. moved"感动";D. depressed"使沮丧"。根据空后"why did we need to save these things "可知,作者对保存午餐盒感到困惑。故选B。
42.句意:我权衡了一下:如果我不回收午餐盒,她还会给我寄食物吗?A. created"创造";B. denied "否认";C. needed"需要";D. weighed"称重,权衡"。根据空后"the options"可知,作者在内心权衡了一下两种选择,故选D。
43.句意:我权衡了一下:如果我不回收午餐盒,她还会给我寄食物吗?A. food"食物";B. clothes "衣服";C. money"钱";D. toys"玩具"。根据上文"my mom used to cook food and send it back with me"可知,此处指妈妈给作者邮寄食物。故选A。
44.句意:我知道答案是肯定的,但是我没有准备好去冒这个险。A. and"并且";B. but"但是";C. even if"即使";D. as if"好像"。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用连词but。故选B。
45.句意:所以,我非常小心地洗了脏的午餐盒。A. clean"干净的";B. expensive"昂贵的";C. dirty"脏的";D. pretty"美丽的"。根据空前"I washed the"可知,清洗午餐盒是因为脏了。故选C。
46.句意:在我组建了自己的家庭之后,就像我的母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,我热情地保护着它们。A. family"家庭";B. community"社区";C. team"团队";D. school"学校"。根据空后"of my own, like my mother before me"和下文"I still remember when I married my husband"可知,此处指作者也组建了自己的家庭,故选A。
47.句意:在我组建了自己的家庭之后,就像我的母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,我热情地保护着它们。A. impatient"不耐烦的";B. selfish"自私的";C. curious"好奇的";D. proud"骄傲的"。呼应上文"She was proud of it"指作者也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,故选D。
48.句意:在我组建了自己的家庭之后,就像我的母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,我热情地保护着它们。A. angrily"生气地";B. enthusiastically"热情地";C. calmly"平静地";D. anxiously"焦急地"。根据空前"owner of a large number of lunch-box collections, which I guard"并结合母亲要求作者吃完食物后一定要清洗午餐盒可知,作者像母亲一样,拥有了大量的午餐盒收藏,也热情地保护着它们。故选B。
49.句意:无论我有多少微波炉和烤箱安全的玻璃容器,无论它们多么漂亮和实用,我都忍不住收集酸奶容器。A. repairing"修理";B. opening"打开";C. collecting"收集";D. making"制作"。根据上文"owner of a large number of lunch-box collections"可知,作者喜欢收集酸奶瓶。故选C。
50.句意:它们确实是最有用的东西,从储存食物到给我的孩子们当玩具:在海滩上,在浴室里,用于无尽的乐高创作。A. useful"有用的";B. familiar"熟悉的";C. available"可用的";D. confusing "令人困惑的"。根据空后"with uses ranging from food storage to toys for my 11 : at the beach, in the bath, for endless Lego (乐高) creations."可知,酸奶容器可以储存食物,当玩具,可见很有用。故选A。
51.句意:它们确实是最有用的东西,从储存食物到给我的孩子们当玩具:在海滩上,在浴室里,用于无尽的乐高创作。A. brothers"兄弟";B. fellows"伙伴";C. classmates"学生";D. children "孩子"。根据空前"toys for my"可知,给孩子玩玩具。故选D。
52.句意:我还记得当我嫁给我丈夫的时候,我的母亲很担心,"你知道,你们来自非常不同的背景,"她说。A. surprised"惊讶的";B. excited"激动的";C. concerned"担心的";D. determined"坚定的"。根据下文作者和丈夫来自不同的背景,所以母亲对此很担心。故选C。
53.句意:我还记得当我嫁给我丈夫的时候,我的母亲很担心,"你知道,你们来自非常不同的背景,"她说。A. ordinary"普通的";B. remote"遥远的";C. different"不同的";D. troublesome"麻烦的"。根据下文"Managing cultural differences"可知,作者和丈夫来自不同的背景。故选C。
54.句意:应对文化差异无疑是一项冒险。A. innovation"创新";B. adventure"冒险";C. expectation"期待";D. opportunity"机会"。根据下文丈夫丢掉了作者的午餐盒,可推测应对文化差异无疑是一项冒险。故选B。
55.句意:前几天晚上,我听到我丈夫在厨房里大喊大叫,第二天早上,我在回收箱里发现了我的午餐盒。A. wallets"钱包";B. bags"包";C. parcels"包裹";D. lunch-boxes"午餐盒"。根据上文"owner of a large number of lunch-box collections"可知丈夫丢掉的是作者收藏的午餐盒。故选D。
【答案】56.is known;57.written;58.which;59.a;60.extremely;61.into;62.steps;63.ability;64.has accompanied;65.valuable/ invaluable
56.句意:宣纸以其优良的品质,被誉为"千古之纸"。be known as固定短语,"被称为……",是谓语动词,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为Xuan paper,谓语用单数。故填is known。
58.句意:"宣纸"一词最早出现在唐代(618-907)学者张彦元所著的《历代名画记》中,他在书中将宣纸描述为书画的理想载体。此处为介词+关系代词结构非限制性定语从句,先行词为"On Famous Paintings through the Ages"指物,关系词替代先行词作介词in的宾语,故用关系代词which。故填which。
61.句意:檀香树皮是一种原产于中国南方的植物,它与稻草一起经过108道工序,经过三年的时间,才能变成一捆精美的宣纸。transform into固定短语,"变成"。故填into。
62.句意:整个过程是如此复杂,即使是最熟练的工匠也只能掌握有限的步骤。step为可数名词,a number of后接复数名词,故填steps。
64.句意:宣纸几千年来一直伴随着中国文人的激情笔触。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语for thousands of years可知,谓语动词accompany为现在完成时,主语为Xuan paper,助动词用has。故填has accompanied。
66.【答案】My School Sports Meet
The sports meet started on Sep. 27th, which lasted for three days and included races, jumps, throws, etc.
During the sports meet, I was very busy. I participated in the 100-meter dash, the long jump, and the discus throw. I was feeling pretty nervous before each event, but I managed to perform well. In the 100-meter dash, I finished in the top 5, and in the long jump, I placed third. However, I didn't do very well in the discus throw and only managed to throw it about 20 meters.
Overall, I think the sports meet was a great success. It was very well organized and everyone had a great time.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以李华的身份,以My School Sports Meet为题用英文写一篇稿件,向校报英语角栏目投稿。写作背景:前不久学校举行了校运会。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 你在运动会期间的表现;2. 你的感想。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: I was feeling pretty nervous before each event, but I managed to perform well.运用了转折并列句; In the 100-meter dash, I finished in the top 5, and in the long jump, I placed third.运用了并列句;
Overall, I think the sports meet was a great success. 运用了宾语从句;It was very well organized and everyone had a great time.运用了被动语态,并列句。
67.【答案】"Wow, what does he do " Tad was interested. "Anything I tell him!" "Cool!" "Watch this!" "Pull!" With Rowdy pulling and Charley guiding, Tad had to run to keep up with them. At the gym, Rowdy opened the door for Charley to wheel on through. In class, Rowdy handed Charley his dropped pen and carried his books in his backpack. As Charley rolled to his next class, he drove Rowdy on and they went flying down the hallway. Tad was looking on and laughed happily, just like old times!
After that, Tad could sense something had changed. Charley was grinning at school for the first time since the accident. Yeah, the old Charley was back! Tad and Charley got to be besties again. Tad didn't feel he had to watch what he said or be on guard to help his friend all the time. It wasn't long before the dog was just one more guy included in everything that went on! More important, so was Charley, wheelchair and all.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:With Rowdy pulling and Charley guiding, Tad had to run to keep up with them. 运用了with的复合结构;As Charley rolled to his next class, he drove Rowdy on and they went flying down the hallway. 运用了时间状语从句,并列句;Tad didn't feel he had to watch what he said or be on guard to help his friend all the time.运用了宾语从句; It wasn't long before the dog was just one more guy included in everything that went on! More important, so was Charley, wheelchair and all.运用了时间状语从句,限制性定语从句,倒装句。



